Yumi’s Cells: Episodes 7-8 Open Thread

Our couple continues to date quite happily, but that doesn’t mean that every day is smooth sailing. While one disaster brings them closer together, and wakes up some dreams for the future, another set of circumstances (and people) just might put a wedge between them.


Things are better than ever between our couple after their Sokcho trip — so good, in fact, that Yumi has a dream nightmare that her relationship with Woong thus far was all a dream. Luckily she wakes up and everything is as it should be. But here in the real world Yumi has a friend’s wedding looming on the horizon, and like many (all?) young women of marrying age, it puts all sorts of pressure on her. Soon, Yumi is desperate to bring Woong along and show him off.

To make the pressure on Yumi a little bit worse, she runs into her dreaded ex-boyfriend JI WOO-KI (a cameo by Lee Sang-yi who took a respite from Gongjin to turn up in Ilsan). He is the infamous character that caused the great flood in Yumi’s cell village and wreaked so much havoc in her heart.

Much like the wedding storyline, none of this is really new. But what is new, and even a little genius, is the constant dialogue going on in Yumi’s head/cells about Woo-ki’s reappearance. She reads his interest in her as romantic interest, and while her cells do their best to hold back her angry retorts, what winds up happening is even more panicky need to appear with Woong at the wedding (to which Woo-ki has also been invited).

The entire wedding scene is great, and painfully realistic — from Yumi’s self-consciousness and assumptions about Woo-ki’s attentions to her, to her nervousness about Woong’s arrival at the wedding and how he’ll be perceived by her friends.

What makes it so great, though, is the build-up. Yumi wants so much to show off her happy relationship, especially to the man that broke her heart and seems to be interested in a relationship with her again. The tension builds up to their conversion outside the chapel, when Yumi’s expectations (and ours) are entirely inverted: Woo-ki has been seeking her out merely to tell her he’s getting married.

In her embarrassment, hurt, and confusion, instead of excusing herself, Yumi (thanks to her Emotion Cell) goes into Automatic Reaction mode. Pretty soon she’s rattling off to Woo-ki all the details of her impending marriage to Woong… who of course has just arrived and is standing shocked right behind her.

It’s awkward and awful, but rather than explode into a full-fledged disaster, it’s yet another example of the gem that is Woong. The boy doesn’t look like much, but he got a read on the entire situation, played along with Yumi’s tall tale, and even understood why she did it. I don’t think I’ve ever loved him as much as during this whole exchange.

Here the drama takes a fun turn, and Episode 8 starts in Yumi’s future, where a bunch of young cells are learning about her history. They’re told that this wedding, in addition to being her Most Embarrassing Moment, is also pinned to a lot of other events in her life. Marriage became hard to talk about for both Yumi and Woong, after that event and the rumors that followed. This is especially sad because we learned that buried deep in Woong’s sea is a discarded desire: the desire to get married. He abandoned it long ago, but his cells are now aware of where it sits on the sea floor.

At first the little cells learning about Yumi’s history seemed pointless, but actually, it’s a great narrative turn: instead of experiencing life in the moment with Yumi and her cells, we see the gravity of each scenario, and where it fits into Yumi’s life story. It’s the kind of perspective that everyone wishes they could have as they go through their daily life, but of course, cannot see the true cause and effect until much later.

After the wedding mess, there’s a new bit of challenge on the horizon for Yumi and Woong. Sae-yi continues to needle her way closer to Woong, whether through manipulative commentary on his life and choices, or by moving into his apartment building and appearing regularly at his front door.

As Yumi and her cells struggle to deal with Sae-yi and ask whether men and women can really just be friends, Yumi has the occasion to experience this first-hand as well. Previously, she’s been so caught up on Woong that her Male Recon cells (who once worked very hard to identify any male that was Yumi’s type) were given a holiday, and instead the guard cells took over.

The guard cells are responsible for keeping Yumi’s heart safe, and they take their job very seriously. Their job is easy when Yumi doesn’t notice the men around her (this is wonderfully portrayed by the men being cartoon-drawn and almost featureless). But when a new cutie shows up in her neighborhood, and is incidentally a coworker, the guard cells go quickly into red alert mode. This newbie is YOO BOBBY (yay Jinyoung!), and he’s here to rock the boat.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: what this story does really well is take these everyday circumstances, or even circumstances we’ve seen in dramaland a hundred times, and turn them into something full of new life thanks to Yumi’s cells. Yumi’s cells and their reaction to Bobby basically make this whole thing wonderful.

With her guard cells in overdrive, Yumi automatically thinks Bobby is hitting on her, can’t take a compliment from him, is relieved when he mentions a girlfriend, is concerned when they meet up in the neighborhood, and so on. Yumi herself knows she’s reacting quite strongly, and asks Woong about it — he tells her she’s old-fashioned when it comes to men, so she tries to stop reading into everything quite so much.

Indeed, Bobby seems like a harmless neighborhood oppa for now… but that is also the point of the situation, methinks. A guy who’s bored while his girlfriend is MIA can start hanging around with a girl from his neighborhood and job. It’s nothing at first, but the next thing you know, everything is complicated.

Each week I think I’ve seen the best commentary that Yumi’s Cells can offer, and expect there won’t be anything else to impress me — and then every week I’m wrong. Each episode offers us some new kind of insight on Yumi’s character thanks to the subtext and story offered by her cells. It is hands-down the best depiction of the overthinking introverted female psyche that I’ve seen in a long time (and it takes one to know one).

In addition to the insightful commentary on Yumi and how she ticks, the cells (and the drama) also continue to offer a lot of laughs. I particularly loved that gotcha moment when the supposedly huuuge volume of Men Yumi Knows actually turned out to be this teeny tiny book with hardly any entries. This is the beauty of the everywoman character — that as you follow her story, you can find bits of yourself in her, maybe some wisdom, and maybe a reason to laugh, too.


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i died watching the latest eps of Yumi's Cells. I loved the playfulness of the two. I also enjoyed more shirtless scenes, and the mole as the doorbell..lol... but did anyone else catch the love/lust live together? I thought that was really clever. Also I loved Woong's reaction to the wedding debacle. The fact he know that the guy was her ex and had cheated on her and went along. He has shown himself to be very intuitive of what is going on around him in regards to these type of situation. He is not as oblivious as he looks. That said even tho i love his character he showing avoidance when it comes to dealing with Sae Yi
He really messed up big time by not telling Yumi that the girl who has a crush on him ( whom he is well aware of as shown in the early eps of bear mode) and is trying to sabotage his relationship and moved into his building. Woong is not dumb and knows exactly what Sae yi is doing as evidence on his expressions when they both showed up at his door. i don't think he quite grasps how yumi can see the situation as a repeat of her past. Also that new neighbor is most certainly gonna cause trouble for our couple!


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Forgot to mention the when yumi was reacting to her ex,..i loved how we saw her other cells, like rational chasing emotion to try to get her to stop. its the personification of knowing you need to stop but cant.


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I still think Reason and sensitive are the second OTP in this . They sure spend a lot of time together

I would think dead cells would come back if the persons interest in reignited.Or maybe one of those baby cells takes on that trait?


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Ep 8 is hilarious. LOL moments to me are - 1) stick figure depiction of other men as the Guy Radar Squad went on holiday (to Hawaii), 2) re imagined encounters with neigbor oppa as a girl instead (girl Jinyoung is very pretty).


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This drama does so many little things so well, whether in the live action or in the animated world. But I'm really loving the insight the cells provide into the intricate inner workings of the characters' minds.

I'm not a big fan of Sae-yi (indeed I may even hate her a little), but her empty cell scape and her neglected thoughts board really bother me. I hope we get to live in her head a little too, if only so we can see things from her perspective.

Finally, kudos for writing this, which reflected pretty much my exact thoughts on this drama:

"It is hands-down the best depiction of the overthinking introverted female psyche that I’ve seen in a long time (and it takes one to know one)."


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While I can understand and relate to Yumi overthinking every situation, I can't condone her lying. First with the hotel room and now with the wedding. It doesn't even count as a little white lie anymore. If the roles were reversed the guy would have been immediately red-flagged.
That being said, Woong is a gem and a definite keeper!


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seriously, both lies are not in the webtoon.. and i'm very bummed when it happens. Kinda hate how Yumi is characterized that way. Hopefully it won't continue to be like this in the future hhh


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How can anyone not be totally charmed by this series? It is delightfully fun and cringey and creative! I already know how much I will miss it when the 14th episode airs. I have loved so many of this screenwriters dramas. "Memories of the Alhambra" is her most recent production.


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Hmm, we see Yumi puts Woong as her first priority, and Woong puts himself as his first. However, her prioritizing Woong is not unconditional, and subject to the expectation that he does the same too. In a way that's selfish too, so whoever's calling out Woong (I know, not a lot...but still)... should see Yumi's double-standards too.

That said, ep 1-7, I was pretty solidly camped on Team-Woong. But one look at Yoo Bobby (Jinyoung), and I am reconsidering my membership on Team-Woong? [Yes, I'm shallow, lol!] Why Jinyoung and his beautiful face, aiyah? Also, Jinyoung makes such a pretty girl, and makes me feel like a hobo in comparison. I wish God would have spent half the time and effort on me as him T_T

That said, I LOVE Yumi's zen-cell.. her meditating& deep-breathing calms me down as well! :') Also, can we have season2 asap? I'm not ready for a year-long wait after ep 14!!!! T____T


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I actually love that Woongs top priority is himself. I was cheering when I saw that because we rarely see that in K drama land. Yumis top priority should be herself too.


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Yumi's panicking and lying become an issue. Woong was pretty nice to play with it. But she needs a cell who can cool to calm down Emotion cell. She could say that after 3 years, she didn't care about him anymore and he didn't have to tell her the big news. Emotion Cell deserved her punishment!

I think Woong is sensitive but he prefers to avoid conflict, so by saying nothing there is no issue. Except Snake-yi is an issue! She won't vanish of his life...

It's nice to see a drama that adresses different love relationships for the main character. Woong is maybe not the one but it doesn't matter, life goes on!


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why is the ratings for this amazing drama so mediocre? I mean this drama is funny and very very relatable. Her cells have me cracking up. Especially the Guard cell this episode. I love how JY character Yoo Babi was a stick figure until Yumi found out he had a GF..

I was disappointed in Woong for not telling Yumi right away about Sae Yi moving into his building. I still love Woong and think they have such a great relationship but I see the coming storm.

I love JY and was cheering for him even before the drama started BUT BUT BUT.. his character is giving me player vibes right now. I mean Yumi Guard cell wasnt wrong.. him telling her his schedule and saying her hairstyle was pretty and then switching it around to just seem like a compliment was all pretty slick.. but I still love him because he is JY.. I am looking forward to seeing how his character develops but he is definitely flirting with Yumi while he has a GF and she has a BF.. so it does give me a bit of pause.

As for Sae Yi.. GRR.. that snake did not want Woong but now that his is in a relationship she is playing these dirty games and making Yumi feel insecure. SMH..


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I also got player vibes the moment Yoo Babi appeared not as a stick-man. I think the casual complements and the frequent run-ins makes me wonder if he isn't jogging around the neighbourhood park and habitually hitting on girls.


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I was firmly on the Yu-mi and Woong ship, the characters are great and Kim Go-Eun and Ahn Bo-hyun have amazing on-screen chemistry! That said, episode 8 "Yumi at 72" was brilliant and did help change my perspective to root for whoever would be best for Yu-mi in the long term. Woong is great in many ways but some alarming aspects are unravelling: no desire to get married vs. Yumi wanting to get married, clingy Snake-Yi muddling boundaries, habitually concealing things from Yu-mi so as not to hurt her feelings.

I got confused for a moment when my two drama worlds collided and Hye-jin's lovely Sunbae appeared as Yumi's horrible ex!

Unlike most other posters, I've never seen Jin-young previously and he's had so little screen-time this episode, so I guess I'll have to wait for next week to see how I like his performance and the character he's playing.


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Jin-young is really a great idol actor. He’s Paychometric and Beyond Evil are great with him in them.


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He didn’t do beyond evil haha the one he did was The Devil Judge.


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Geez, I knew that. 🤪


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I agree with Missvictrix, this show just gets better every week. I’m stuck with a stupid smile on my face at least half the time. The rest of the time I’m cringing (or, this episode, heartbroken) but it’s all because it’s so relatable and real.

I’m a little confused how Woong can be so perceptive about some things and make such bad choices when it comes to See-yi. I was totally in love with him in the wedding scene, and then felt like I got hit in the gut in the last scene with Yumi at his door. It looks like things might be wrapping up for these two in the next episode, which is sad, on one hand, because I really like Woong as a ML. But on the other hand, I’m excited to see a drama that has more than one good relationship, where not everything is fated or about ‘the one’.


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I would be so annoyed with Yumi's character of being insecured and immature with her relationship with Woong but the cells are doing a great job for keeping me entertained and understanding of the struggles Yumi is going through. I always crack up when I see Lust cell, especially this episode with the his bottom being censored.


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Half the problem is emotion running around manically. She deserved her jail time LOL.


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i just wish kdrama romcoms wouldn't feature so much petty jealousy, especially by the women... and the finagling by the SL. so high school. grow up.


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I know. I would not go as far as to say romance centered K dramas are misogynistic but sometimes think the PTB don’t think much of women by making so many of the female characters petty , jealous, insecure, sniping cats.Or else have all their emotional, behavioral troubles magically cured by The Hero.


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This show has worked its way into my heart. From ff the cells’ scenes at the beginning to now actually enjoying them, and KGE being just as lovely as ever. I’m a new fan of the actor that plays Woong (I’ll have to learn his name now), but with Jinyoung showing up, I have to tell you, I’m hoping that goes somewhere too. Gah! I do love that this show shows 3-dimensional characters (even the second leads). It helps to see their cells working! Please tell me Jinyoung has cells too! Something I thought was clever was how the 2-d drawings were used. I said it on my wall, so will just post it here.

I thought it was so well done, the juxtaposition of the 2-D character that he was personified as with the stick character on his shirt! Also, the symbolism of the 2-D in her mind—he’s just something that takes up space without feelings, emotions, or what you would find in a 3-dimensional character. Then (literally) when she puts her guard (cell) down, he becomes more.


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My question is: why didn't Woong tell YM about SY? Especially when he knows SY is a big mouth snake.
I just don't get it... I guess I'm a little disappointed.


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I'm still puzzling about how to translate Yumi's Love Cell's adventure in Woong's cells village into real-life occurrence. I wonder if it's probably resembled a situation where deep down, a part of your heart (and brain) has arrived at certain alarming conclusion, and yet the rest of you are so adamant to ignore the obvious. Because it's something you don't want to think about too soon. Or maybe you just believe that things would eventually change for the better if given enough time.

Some part of Yu-mi probably has made the connection about her and Woong's different future hope for their relationship from their interaction in the past several months. But they are at their happiest and I don't think she wanted to acknowledge the existence of that fundamental problem. This would be a very interesting (and difficult to find) conflict to explore in romance drama.

And now, we have to talk about Sae-yi. Sigh... The thing about Sae-yi is that this is not a simple problem about whether a friendship between man and woman is possible. It's not even about jealousy, no matter how petty she sometimes made Yumi feels. It's about how much Sae-yi wants to steer Woong's life, butting into his life with or without his permission. How she has perfected the art of hiding her toxicity under a veneer of caring and concerned best friend. I hate the fact that it's so hard for Yumi (and us) to pinpoint which part of Sae-yi's words and actions that is so wrong.

I was angry and frustrated by the end of eps 8, but somehow it also felt sadly inevitable. And to think that only one eps before I was about ready to explode in sheer frustration over the self-absorbed jerk that is Yumi's ex. At least there's still that parade of paper men to lighten up this eps (and Jinyoung being very very pretty as a woman 😉).


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I'm so glad you made this point at the beginning about Yumi's Love Cell going into Woong's cell village. I was trying to figure out how this related to real life too. Everything we have seen until this point in the cell villages is a literal manifestation of an emotional state. But in this case, I was thinking, it requires mind-reading! Your assessment makes sense to me though. It's the only way I can see it making sense.


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I don't think that Yumi is introverted or that she particularly overthink a things


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I don’t like where this is going. I was really happy with just the two of them together but now we have saeyi and bobby yoo gettig in between their relationship. I understand that they needed tension to make it more dramatic but I still wanted the happy and silly moments of the main leads 😭😭😭


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