Today’s Webtoon: Episodes 3-4

The life of a webtoon producer isn’t an easy one, but through its rollercoaster ups and downs, our protagonists inspire growth in both themselves and others. They may stumble, but it won’t faze them; they’ll get back up and keep running ahead.




Joon-young’s revelation about the webtoon team’s future (or lack thereof) weighs heavily on Ma-eum, but she doesn’t let it get her down. Instead, she resolves to work even harder, treating this job as a valuable opportunity.

Thankfully her day gets better from there — the webtoon artist she’s assigned to is none other than Kang-nam! Ma-eum is over the moon, and Ji-hyung has to remind her to keep a cool head, haha.


The entire office is endeared by Ma-eum’s excited enthusiasm, except for Joon-young. To his chagrin, he’s been assigned to the last person he wants to work with — the stuck-up writer Pomme (real name Kim Ji-seon).

Fed up, Joon-young requests for Man-cheol to transfer him to another department. Man-cheol agrees to look into it, but he leaves Joon-young with a word of wisdom from a famous manga — “There’s no paradise for you to escape to.” In other words, if Joon-young keeps running away, none of his destinations will ever be a paradise.

“Today’s “Today’s

Before his transfer gets approved, Joon-young still has to carry out his duties, so he ends up at Pomme’s house yet again. After roping him into carrying her mountain of delivery packages inside for her, she admits that she specifically requested to have him be assigned to her.

Joon-young assumes she just wants to boss him around some more, but in an unexpected moment of honesty, Pomme confesses that she’s lonely. People jump at every chance to spew hate at her, so she has no choice but to close herself off and stay cooped up in her house. All she wants is someone to talk to. (Well, maybe you’d have more friends if you were more considerate.)


Several days pass, and Man-cheol invites Joon-young out for drinks after work. Having heard from HR that he could turn down Joon-young’s transfer request, he intends to do just that — he wants Joon-young to learn and grow in his team.

Frustrated, Joon-young confronts Man-cheol about the webtoon team’s impending dissolution, but Man-cheol chuckles at his naivete. That’s exactly why the higher-ups assigned an elite employee like Joon-young to the webtoon team — so he could learn the tricks of the trade. If Neon forms a new webtoon team after the current one is fired, Joon-young’s poised to lead it.


Meanwhile, Ma-eum’s facing troubles with her assigned writer. Kang-nam still hasn’t submitted his draft despite only a few hours remaining till the deadline, leaving Ma-eum with no choice but to pay him a visit at his studio.

It turns out Kang-nam’s girlfriend JI HAN-SEUL (Jin Ye-sol) is upset at him for not answering her calls while he was busy working on his webtoon, so she packed her things and walked out on him in yet another temper tantrum. Kang-nam’s preoccupied with finding her, so in a last-ditch effort to get him to focus on finishing his draft instead, Ma-eum ends up promising to find her in his stead.


Racing through the streets on her scooter, Ma-eum arrives just in time to save Han-seul from a pair of drunk men with her signature judo throws. Han-seul helps out by knocking one of them unconscious with Ma-eum’s helmet, and before long, the two are on their way to being friends. Aw, Han-seul pouts that she’s just jealous, since Kang-nam seems to pay more attention to his webtoon protagonist than her.

Reassuring Han-seul that Kang-nam treasures her to the point of almost missing his deadline out of worry, Ma-eum takes her on a stress-relieving ride. They return to Kang-nam’s house in good spirits, and Ma-eum even gets Han-seul to promise that she won’t leave home like that again.


All this is witnessed by Joon-young, who was sent over to Kang-nam’s studio by an anxious Ji-hyung. Seeing Ma-eum’s sincere diligence first-hand seems to move Joon-young, and he recalls her words from before.

In response to his pessimism about the webtoon team’s future, Ma-eum had declared her determination to work even harder. The future isn’t fixed, and they have the power to change it — so rather than worry about what hasn’t even happened yet, she’s going to keep trying her best.

“Today’s “Today’s

That sparks a shift in Joon-young’s mindset, and the next day, Ma-eum returns home to find Joon-young in her family’s comic book cafe. He’s here to borrow the manga series that Man-cheol quoted from (Berserk by Miura Kentaro), though he’s still considering quitting the company.

Ma-eum’s perceptive as always, and she says that she doesn’t think Joon-young’s running away, just like she isn’t running away from judo. Still, she hopes that he’ll stay on the team — she doesn’t want to lose her fellow newbie! Aww.

Embarrassed by her own forthrightness, Ma-eum laughs it off as a bit of a selfish request, but it makes Joon-young smile. Out of all the reasons people have tried to convince him with, most of which sound like unfounded optimism, hers is the most sensible and sincere one.


Joon-young winds up reading the manga series all the way till the next morning, and when he meets Man-cheol at work, he’s filled with a renewed resolve. Admitting that he was arrogant, Joon-young asserts that he’s never once tried to run away — and so, he’ll do his best to change the team’s fate. Aww, Man-cheol has the proudest dad smile on his face.

One hurdle has been conquered, but another soon pops up to take its place. Ma-eum receives a harsh wake-up call when Kang-nam’s webtoon views take a sharp nosedive; readers aren’t happy with the extended flashback chapters. Ji-hyung dishes out some tough love, chastising her for allowing such a decline to happen under her watch.


Realizing she needs to work together with Kang-nam to revive the webtoon’s declining quality, Ma-eum heads to his studio and insists that he revise his latest draft — as his loyal reader, she knows he’s capable of much better. Her earnest faith in Kang-nam reinvigorates him, and after a long all-nighter, Kang-nam delivers a vastly improved chapter.

Aw, Ma-eum stayed up all night too, in solidarity. When Ji-hyung comes into work the next morning, he sees the pages of brainstorming that Ma-eum wrote in an effort to improve Kang-nam’s webtoon, and he beams with pride.


On a rainy day, an elderly uncle trudges along with his cart of scrap cardboard, followed by a young man with a frenzied look in his eyes. Sketchbook in hand, the young man ends up blocking the elderly uncle’s way in a desperate attempt to recreate his features on paper.

Ma-eum comes across the pair, and she pulls the young man aside so she can help the elderly uncle wheel his cart away. We’ll come to know the young man as SHIN DAE-RYUK (Kim Do-hoon), a hospital orderly who draws webtoons as an escape from his bleak reality.


It’s time for the team’s annual Webtoon Camp, where aspiring webtoon authors gather for an overnight retreat to hone their skills. Dae-ryuk is amongst the selected hopefuls, and he continues drawing late into the night, long after the other campers have gone to bed. Recognizing him from their encounter, Ma-eum strikes up a conversation with him.

Oh, my heart — the reason he goes around observing people and drawing their faces is because he’s a hospital orderly, constantly surrounded by the dead and dying. At a loss as to how to depict the facial expressions of those who are alive, he ends up trying to capture them in real time through his sketches.


Dae-ryuk’s webtoon story is intriguing, but his current art skills aren’t up to par. It earns him a round of mockery from two arrogant campers, who accidentally-on-purpose knock over a bottle of water onto Dae-ryuk’s tablet.

It escalates to a physical fight, and one of the guys raises a fist to strike Dae-ryuk. Joon-young intervenes, but the guy smacks him away and shoves Dae-ryuk to the floor. He advances menacingly upon Ma-eum, and that seems to trigger something in Dae-ryuk; his vision clouds over, and dark tendrils begin curling their way around him, just like the monster in his webtoon.


Oh nooooo. We’ve barely met Dae-ryuk, but I already feel for him and his silent perseverance. Life has dealt him a tough hand, and judging by the way he flinched from Ma-eum’s touch coupled with the brief flashback of a frightened child, Dae-ryuk seems to be struggling with childhood trauma as well. Drawing his webtoon is a cathartic outlet for him, and I hope Neon will be a safe and supportive environment for him to heal.

I’m glad Ma-eum recognized Dae-ryuk’s potential, since he appears to have a burgeoning talent for storyboarding; he just never had the right resources to hone his skills. Hopefully, Ma-eum and the rest of the team can inspire Dae-ryuk to have a brighter outlook on life and pursue his passion.


On the flip side, though, trouble seems to be brewing on the horizon. There’s JANG HYE-MI (Nam Bo-ra) from a rival webtoon company, who seems to be Ji-hyung’s… friend? Frenemy? Ex? It’s not clear what exactly their relationship is yet, but there’s definitely history there.

Then there’s Neon content head CHIEF HEO (Ha Do-kwon), who disparages the webtoon team at any chance he gets. Not content to wait till the webtoon team’s eventual disbandment, he insinuates to Joon-young that he ought to “dispose of the bomb” himself — i.e. sabotage the team from within. Ugh.


I’m relieved that the seeds of hope seem to be blooming in Joon-young, though. Ever since Man-cheol and Ma-eum nudged him towards the right track, he’s been willing to eat humble pie, and it’s been such a breath of fresh air for him.

Joon-young may not see it yet, given how disillusioned the unforgiving corporate world has made him, but he’s a lot more capable than he thinks. Not only was he able to convince Pomme to participate in the webtoon camp as a mentor, allowing her to realize just how many people look up to her, but his tentative advice also gave a nervous writer some much-needed courage.

The way Joon-young lights up whenever he receives recognition for his hard work is such a delight to see, and I’m looking forward to watching him build a healthier sense of accomplishment and self-worth in the webtoon team.



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I’m enjoying the workplace in this show; kdramas sometimes miss the mark entirely but I like that the team lead is balancing team survival with mentoring, that the rookies are being left to sink or swim but have support, and honestly that guy on the team who loaded Joon Young with work and skipped out to spend time with his family... That guy is interesting, since he’s not just being lazy at work, he’s now being actively abusive to the rookies. Which the team lead is not ignoring, given the “Hey, you?!!” follow-up. The jerk is a sour note in the team (realistic!) and I want to know why they’re keeping him around. Also if Joon Young won’t set off the bomb, I’ll bet that guy is next in line.

By the way - is Joon Young’s silent girlfriend/wife dead? Totally mystified (as I’m supposed to be) by her brief appearances and his living situation.


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I think they keep the jerk because his webtoon artists do the best. They briefly mention it in the 3rd episode.

I too thought the Joon Young's wife/girlfriend was a sister before he juxtaposed her face with Ma Eum with that particular romantic music.


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If they follow the original story he'll also have his arc and why he is like that now


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I don't know that they are quite hitting the mark here either. Joon Young asked to be transferred for a number of reason including mistreatment by a superior and client. The response of his team leader is to guilt him and imply that he is prideful for wanting to be treated with decency. All while telling him he doesn't work hard enough, has not tried hard enough. All lies. Maeum is an optimistic darling, but what has been expected and required of her is also indicative of a toxic work environment. I feel like this show is a walking advertisement for capitalism. Everyone's toxic work habits/behaviors will be glorified in this show and anyone against that culture will be made to see the "error of their ways" and change to love it.


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Maeum reminds me a little of someone and it just clicked that I’m thinking of School 2017’s Eunho! Not because it's the same actress - though of course it plays a part - but Maeum has a little of the same brand of optimism, determination and unwavering passion that Eunho had (plus the webtoon related dreams). I say ‘a little’ because her flavour of the above are distinct in their own ways too, but it’s reminiscent. In general she’s been quickly shaping up to become my new inspiration of sorts, the way she throws all of her being into what she does and also how she’s able to balance being ‘sunshine is me’ with taking valid criticism with her chin up, sympathising and attempting to understand other people’s perspectives and also being firm and speaking up for herself we needed - like when she told Junyoung to not decide what her future was going to be for her. With the exception of JY’s mentor (who’s not the best but I appreciate his dedication to his daughter and family), I really love the whole editorial team too. Jihyun and Mancheol are supportive and protective as always but highlight was me was the tiny scene where Yoomi took Maeum aside to go over the basics with her once she realised that Maeum was struggling.

It also takes talent and a special kind of clownery to start getting conflicted over which ML I like better with the FL when they haven’t even hinted at romance at all. I’m writing my own spinoff webtoon in my head it seems, but honestly I’m swinging back and forth like a pendulum between the two because they’re both lovely in different ways 🤡 To really level up the clown status, I’ve even sort of added the student nurse artist into the mix even though I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with him at this point. His whole angle (borderline fantasy?) is one I didn’t expect to see in this kind of drama, I’m not against it right now but just curious to see how it’ll play out. Then again though, the woman in Junyoung’s apartment might be a ghost, at least in the metaphorical sense, so I guess that’s another instance where this drama has a touch of fantasy in it already.

A BONUS: this week on ‘omg I can’t believe I didn’t recognise you’, I JUST realised that the hot webtoon artist (the one with a lot of fans) is Dongwoon from Highlight!


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rife with typos today - *when needed, *but the highlight for me was


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Can I just say that one of my favorite things about Kim Se Jong as an actress, it is that she knows how to wake up. Most actors no matter how well they act are actually good at pretending to wake up, most of them just pop up. My other thing is that she actually eats, most actresses pretend or literally pick at their food, she eats and with gusto. Random thoughts.

Now onto the episodes Ma Eum serving Rock Lee realness in their race made me happy. This was a very interesting way of depicting depression.


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Yes! I love to see the cast actually eating the food! Better if it's with gusto! Not just salad, but carbo, sugar, and all! Haha. And usually the food at Japanese and Western restaurants are barely touched - probably they're more expensive??

Ooh, I'll try to notice the waking up bit! Another thing that I notice is the perfect sitting posture that most actresses have and some actors' catwalk way of walking.


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All of the young actors do the cat walk walk because stylistically it looks better when filming them I also think the men sit differently when sitting in chairs, like the forces training has been embedded so it’s now their way of sitting.


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Who is the woman always drinking coffee when Joon-young is at home? At first I thought it was his older sister (like a real person) but then she was in the same spot after his manhwa reading all-nighter. He also never acknowledges her presence and then there was that flicker of a woman (who I thought was her) when Joon-young told Ma-eum she reminded him of someone. Hmmm….


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Yep, at the moment I'm betting on a memory. Who, not yet sure.


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Pomme’s cat walkway looked like a great way to entertain indoor cats. I was just thinking how subtle the water machine PPL was done through lingering as she made a drink so we could get the make and how it works and literally two sentences later she was talking about the machine 🫢 so unnecessary.

Pomme is getting on my last nerve. I think even our happy girl Maeum would have to say something to her. It’s no wonder she has no friends if she is so rude and unappreciative, her social skills won’t improve if people allow her to behave in that way with no consequences. Most of the boxes were light and even if she struggled to take them in she has all day so could carry them in batches. I carry 12 litre boxes of water up a flight of stairs each week and see it as free gym workout. She needs to get over herself. I can’t stand seeing women play weak to guilt trip random men into helping them out. If a male friend/relative/partner is around and offers or wants to have that on their watch as something they do to care then it makes sense.

I am glad that Pomme went to the event and responded appropriately to the attendees so their spirit wasn’t crushed and I was pleased that she could see her perception of the world as a unsafe place for her was inaccurate. However, it doesn’t make sense to treat her PD so rudely when the sole reason for her imposed isolation is her dislike of being treated badly by others.


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Bullying being filmed by others rather than stepping in or going to find help from the appropriate sources, is something that I find really hard to tolerate. I hope that whatever games those two bullies were playing is called out and defeated. If they are so superior in their talents why do they care whether someone else’s drawing is up to their standard or not, the judges will deal with that side of things.

I think it’s interesting that the person who wants to close down the webtoon department has given the game away so easily in his discussion with the rookie. He must be very confident that he can control the situation and does not see Junyeong as a threat even if he decides to reject the offer. He clearly doesn’t suspect that he could become a double agent.

I am loving the ghost theory re the woman in the house as I did wonder at the lack of acknowledgment too. My backstory theory: The woman Maeum reminds Junyeong of is his older sister. They are orphans as their parents died when she was a young adult and she raised him through his teens in the large house they inherited when their parents died. That’s why we see her around him and looking out for him but no skinship. It’s also why despite the large house he uses public transport and does not act entitled. He worked hard to achieve academically had little time for frivolous activities and wants to earn a decent wage to treat his sister who sacrificed her carefree youth, a love life, and her own career to care for him.


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Your ghost theory is good! I would buy this. Well played!


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It’s Miranda’s ghost theory. (See first comment).

I am still thinking she is a real person but thought the lack of conversation was odd especially as he points out the rudeness in Pomme so the ghost theory would explain it. Although it would have been good if they had gone the Be melodramatic route and have him talk out loud with her in the room rather than the ghost observer route of Hi bye, Mama! I just rewatched the first episode as I wondered why he smiled at the bed that morning. I am now wondering if that was his sister’s bedroom and that was the window where she waved from. He did acknowledge the staff as he left the house but ignored the wave and if he is acknowledging them he definitely would have said something to his sister.


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Important question: How does Kim se jeong have chemistry with everyone?
I noticed this in business proposal and school 2017 too. She's so cute with both Joon young and Jihyung, HOW?

Joon Young's wake up call was the highlight of this episode. He finally got rid of that chip on his shoulder. He looks different when he's told that he's doing well. His face when he realized that Ma eum was running with weights. 🤣🤣. He had to accept that he got his ass handed to him.

Jihyung's Nagging and calling them full of energy was so relatable. He kept asking if she was checking on Na Gang nam and Ma eum wasn't even worried. The anxiety is real. And I wish I had their energy.


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How Ma-Eum can't recognize the awful cute voice of her own sister? I really have issue with this actress since Nevertheless and Bloody Heart. The sister could have discussed with Ma-Eun instead to make a video about it...

It was nice to see Joon-young opening himself and to be ready to work hard. If Ma-Eun has an unique relationship with Ji-Hyung, he's not alone, Man-Cheol is taking care of him.


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OMG, I thought it was just me. Her voice drives me BANANAs. It causes me to dislike the actress through no fault of her own. However, them pretending she doesn't recognize her sister is nonsense. It is so obviously her, anyone who casually knows her would recognize her immediately.


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I'm kinda feeling bad when I don't like an actor/actress for petty reasons. But in Nevertheless, her characters was really childish and her way to speak was really exhausting. It frustrated me than the badass sculptor would fall in love with her when they were other girls! In Bloody Heart, her character wasn't better... neither her way to speak...

So I think I just can't with her...


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Yup, to all of this.


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Ma-eum is really endearing as a character, and I love her brand of optimism. She's not naive -- the type that thinks the whole world is perfect and everything will fall into place. She knows that life's not a bed of roses, but she chooses to be positive regardless. And she doesn't even have to try too hard to spread that positivity around! I like that. I really do.


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Well, Soltices, your excellent review was the front door closing for good; I am now totally engaged with this drama and will not be leaving until I've seen it all. I love ALL the characters, and find it interesting how the sulky young man becomes more charismatic and attractive with every smile - I'm good to go with him as the male romantic lead. I think the attention to detail is excellent. I loved this girl in BProposal and I love her in this one too. Please continue your brilliant reviewing as it answers questions I didn't even know I needed to ask.


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Well, Soltices, your excellent review was the front door closing for good; I am now totally engaged with this drama and will not be leaving until I've seen it all.
I love that visual description thanks for joining the chat so we can all smile 😊 So glad you will be part of the group sharing the journey. I think earning this bean will be a joy despite the rocky road ahead for the webtoon department.


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The show continues with its runner’s pace. Ma-Eum’s problem solving learning curve is at superhero levels. Ma-Eum conquers another crisis while Jun-Yeong gets caught up in company power politics. The concept of the webtoon camp brings in new characters with background and confidence issues. The darkness surrounding Shin’s life as an orderly and a glimpses of a bad childhood makes him an outsider whose traditional standards of artistry do not match the norm. He is a good choice for Ma-Eum to champion as she can channel her own judo adversity to give confidence to others.

The story of the failure of Gingertoons seems to be a major foreshadowing event. With negative executive Gwan-Young being revealed as part of that failed platform, it begs the question why he is so against Man-Cheol as his webtoon department.

I am not really into any the seeds or threads of romantic story lines. I would rather see the progression of all the characters reaching their potential than forced love lines.


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Binge watched 4 episodes last weekend. Amazing cast . I loved all of them but somehow the drama seems little lost ! I hope next week will be better :)


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I am enjoying the drama so far. One cringey moment for me however. When JH took Ma Eum to task in front of the entire office I wanted to FF. It's such a no no for leaders to deal with reports in that way, is this a cultural thing can anyone tell me?
Also, JYs mentor, is he supporting the teams rivals by any chance?


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Aww, I'm really liking this show. I like seeing Ma Eum AND Joon Young brighten after getting praise for their efforts.

The camp was a neat idea. What a motivational and cool thing to experience, especially for the aspiring webtoon authors.
There were feel-good moments when I saw people genuinely giving advice and trying to be helpful. I thought Oh Yoon was a bit of a snob initially, but he was nice to Goo Seul Ah.

Mysterious, stoic Dae Ryuk had me wary at first, but can't judge a book by its cover. I'm glad he brought his own unique style to his comic. His pitch was admittedly awkward, but it's great that he was committed to his drawings and story. He didn't let the bullies make him want to quit too.

Enjoyed the friendly moments between just Ma Eum and Joon Young. Chuckled when he saw that she had weights on during their race, hee.

I wish Ma Eum had better fitting office outfits!! They keep putting her in baggy or boxy clothes and trying to make her look bulky??? One of her tucked-in buttoned shirts had a noticeable puff on her back... It was distracting.

All this webtoon stuff is making me want to check it out! Not like I don't have a bajillion dramas/books waitlist. LOL I've only read comics and manga years ago.


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You could try out Daily JoJo it’s by the artist who did Yumi’s cells and is based in Woong’s office although he has very rare cameos.


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Is it complete? I'll look it up.

I haven't watched Yumi's cells. ^^"


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No its ongoing


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Viki Rakuten decided to re-air the 2016 Japanese version of this manga adaptation at the same time as they are showing this Korean version at the same time. Many viewers commented on the Japanese show that they prefer the Korean one! I think this is funny, because they are so different. It's not merely the lower production values of Japanese TV, where even viewed on a small screen the Korean show seems more cinematic. Everything is bigger and more dramatic, and motivations are deeper and more complex. It reminds me of back when I was obsessed with reading fan fiction. I loved reading versions of the same story from different authors. If it were not for my previous experience with the Korean cast, I would probably like the Japanese series a little better, because it's lower key and makes more sense. As it is, I want to see Kim Se-Jung bringing Ma-eum to life. Even though her character in Business Proposal was also cheerful, energetic and hard-working, Ma-eum is a different person! It's not only her vocal qualities, though I think Se-Jung is using her voice to create the character. I would like to see Kim Se-Jung in everything. She's great! She makes the whole show.


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I am also watching the Japanese version and can’t understand why the have decided to slow burn the release when it’s been out for so long and as you say they are quite different. Someone mentioned there was a backstory to Youngbae’s behaviour so I was looking to read the webtoon but couldn’t find an English version and came across the link to the Japanese version and thankfully it was on Viki. I was expecting to be able to binge watch it.


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Korean TV is just generally better produced, with simultaneously less realistic scripts but better, more nuanced acting. I think one thing that keeps me hooked on Kdramas is that sense of "imaginary gardens with real toads in them." The situations are absurd and unbelievable, but the rendering of human emotion feels sincere and authentic. But it's still fun to watch them both, because the social problems the TV writers explore aren't the same ones.


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Agreed, re the emotional family background element that the Korean version of the story has gone in for. Apart from the PD with his family and the newbie female artist we see very little of the characters outside of work or the female lead meeting with her athlete friends. The food of course usually traditional is showcased in all dramas as a matter of course.

I am also interested in the cultural differences. The normally dressed women of all ages so only the ex model girlfriend was shown in ridiculous clothes which suited her personality and the type of woman he was interested in. The very male environment the female lead is working in the Japanese version compared to the Korean version which is more mixed.


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