Today’s Webtoon: Episodes 9-10

To some, their career is a culmination of their dreams. For others, it’s an affirmation that they’re walking down the right path. And to others still, it may very well have become their identity itself, inseparable from their sense of self.


Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Phew, last week’s cliffhanger ending was a misdirect — Ma-eum and Joon-young are actually rushing to the police station, where Dae-ryuk has been detained. It turns out Dae-ryuk tried to sketch a young lady on the streets and her boyfriend mistook him for a creep, jumping aggressively to her defense and beating Dae-ryuk up.

After the misunderstanding is resolved, Ma-eum and Dae-ryuk leave the station together, and she expresses her disappointment. No matter how much he wants to draw his webtoon well, people should always come first.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10 Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Ma-eum turns to leave, but Dae-ryuk calls out plaintively, pleading for her not to abandon him. He tells her she’s like a god to him — people don’t like him or his webtoon, but she was the only one who accepted him and saw his worth.

Promising that he won’t do anything Ma-eum dislikes, Dae-ryuk begs her not to throw him away, apologizing pitifully.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Man-cheol recruits Ma-eum and Joon-young for a new project; he hopes to produce a remake of a time machine manhwa that was popular back in the day. They go to meet the author MA HAE-GYU, who has since lost all his earnings through gambling and bad stock investments. His room is messy and strewn with rough sketches, even though his hand tremors are so bad he can’t even draw a straight line.

Writer Ma is less than enthused about the remake, asserting that comics should be paperback and demanding a hefty sum if they want him to sign onto the project. He’s grumpy and rude, even going as far as to toss a glass of water in Man-cheol’s face. Yikes.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

As they drive back to the office, Man-cheol advises Ma-eum to keep an eye out for Dae-ryuk — Writer Ma serves as a cautionary tale of artists who pin their entire lives on their craft.

Ma-eum pays a visit to Dae-ryuk’s tiny goshiwon room, and when she realizes he’s been subsisting on convenience store bento boxes, she takes him out for a proper meal, urging him to take better care of himself.

Dae-ryuk’s dedication to practicing his craft is impressive, and it shows in the gradual improvement of his art skills. Still, his one-track mind towards his webtoon is a potential cause for concern, and he seems like he’s already on the path to overworking himself.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Our rookie authors’ works finally get published, and their respective producers wait nervously for the first upload. Joon-young even set a notification for the first chapter of Woo-jin’s baseball webtoon, heh, and he reads it with a wide smile on his face.

Dae-ryuk’s webtoon is finally published too, and it earns rave reviews. Omg, it rises to third place on the webtoon rankings, alongside Woo-jin’s webtoon in fourth place! Reading all the positive comments, Dae-ryuk is moved to tears. Aww, I’m so proud of him. (Also, I want to read his webtoon too, it looks so interesting!)

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Writer Ma’s daughter YOO-NA (Jeon Chae-eun) ends up calling Ma-eum (who previously gave her name card to her) when she gets into trouble at her convenience store part-time job. Ma-eum takes her out to a cafe after the ordeal, where Yoo-na confides in her.

Tragically, Yoo-na’s mom passed away trying to support the family while Writer Ma stubbornly insisted on drawing comics long past his prime. As such, she absolutely detests manhwa, because it reminds her of her father’s obsession and her mother’s sacrifice.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

We finally get an answer as to the identity of the mysterious woman that keeps appearing in Joon-young’s house — she’s his deceased older sister. Joon-young takes the day off to pay his respects at her columbarium, wishing his late noona a happy birthday.

Later that night, Ma-eum returns home to find Joon-young sitting outside her doorstep, lingering grief weighing on him. She invites him in and cooks ramyun for him, and when he thanks her, it’s clearly for more than the meal.

Their conversation turns to Writer Ma’s manhwa, and Joon-young suggests that Ma-eum bring Yoo-na to her manhwa cafe. After all, it was the very place that managed to spark his interest in manhwa.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Ma-eum heeds Joon-young’s suggestion, and over a dinner of kimchi fried rice, she notices Yoo-na’s phone wallpaper. It’s a photo of Yoo-na and her mom, with a quote that her mom used to always say to her.

Reading it aloud, Ma-eum completes the rest of the quote — it’s a line from Writer Ma’s manhwa. Ma-eum’s mom points out that Yoo-na’s mom must have loved her husband’s manhwa books a lot, and that finally convinces Yoo-na to try reading them.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10 Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Writer Ma heads home with a plastic bag full of soju bottles, and he crosses paths with Ma-eum, who walked Yoo-na home. Chiding him politely but firmly, Ma-eum reminds him that his most important priority shouldn’t be his work, but Yoo-na.

When Yoo-na sees the alcohol that her dad has brought home yet again, she finally has enough. Blowing up at him in frustration, Yoo-na confronts him for clinging onto his past glory days and wallowing in despair instead of moving on with his life.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

It’s a harsh wake-up call that finally snaps Writer Ma out of his tough facade, and he shakily admits that he doesn’t know what is left of him without his manhwa. He’s based his entire self-worth on his career, and now that it’s tanked, he feels bereft of purpose.

Except Yoo-na reminds him that he’s still her dad — she doesn’t need him to be famous or a genius, she just wants him to be a father to her. Her words get through to him, and the next morning, a cleaned-up and sharply-dressed Writer Ma walks into the webtoon team’s office. He’s here to sign the contract for the remake, to Man-cheol’s elation.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

After work, Ma-eum enlists Joon-young’s help in picking out a perfume for her father. Joon-young walks Ma-eum to the dojo, and she thanks him for giving her a little more courage. He’s surprised that even she gets afraid, and Ma-eum says that of course she does — but despite the fear, she pushes ahead anyway. Aww, Joon-young’s respect and admiration is written across his face.

Ma-eum initiates a heart-to-heart with her dad, admitting that she knows she was his dream, and that she’s sorry she couldn’t fulfill it for him. She gives the gift to her father, except he abruptly stands up, brusquely declaring that he hasn’t given up on his dream yet. He walks away without accepting his daughter’s gift, and from afar, Joon-young witnesses this scene.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

A despondent Ma-eum ends up drinking by herself, but just when she’s about to stuff the gift bag into her backpack, Joon-young suddenly shows up and asks her to give the gift to him instead. Eeeee!!

Joon-young takes the seat next to Ma-eum, assuming she’s alone — only for her judo friend to show up literally five seconds later. HAHAHA, Joon-young’s flustered expression!

Ma-eum’s friend is the best wingwoman ever; realizing they’re the same age, she speaks casually to Joon-young. That gets Ma-eum and Joon-young to finally drop the honorifics too, and they’re adorably awkward about it at first. Yay, they’re so cute!

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Over drinks at their usual pojangmacha, Ji-hyung comes clean to Man-cheol about Youngtoon’s lucrative offer. Man-cheol’s words of congratulations are a little too enthusiastic to sound natural, and it’s clear that he’ll miss Ji-hyung if he leaves.

Still, Man-cheol urges Ji-hyung to prioritize himself and accept the offer, leaving Ji-hyung even more conflicted than before. Aww, we get a cute flashback to Gingertoon’s early days, and we see that Joon-young’s noona GU AE-RI (Seo Yoon-ah) used to be part of the team too.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10 Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Ji-hyung returns to the office late into the night, and his gaze lingers on the coin he gave Ma-eum, which she called her lucky charm. Then all of a sudden, Ma-eum pops up from behind his office desk, scaring the living daylights out of Ji-hyung, HAHA.

Ma-eum is clearly affected by the rumor that he’s transferring to Youngtoon, and Ji-hyung amusedly points out that he hasn’t accepted the offer yet. Just because others covet the position doesn’t mean that he has to want it too, and Ji-hyung says that he’s still figuring out what his heart truly wants.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Ma-eum emails Ji-hyung her monthly homework assignment; when she first joined Neon, he’d thrown her the question of what a webtoon editor is, and instructed her to answer it every month. Ji-hyung finally reads the backlog of email submissions, and Ma-eum’s answers reflect her journey and growth as a producer.

Her latest answer is that webtoon editors are like gardeners; they care for their webtoon artists just like gardeners nurture their plants. Sometimes they get hurt by thorns, and sometimes they have to make the hard decision of pruning off certain branches. At the end of the day, they take responsibility for the garden till the end, in order for the flowers to bloom.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Joon-young’s nasty uncle pesters him to meet, then demands money from his nephew. He claims that he arranged for Ae-ri’s funeral while Joon-young was studying abroad, arguing that he deserves repayment for taking care of the siblings after their mother passed away.

However, Joon-young confronts his uncle with the ugly truth; he selfishly pocketed their parents’ insurance payouts and Ae-ri’s monthly salary. Joon-young is ready to cut his uncle out of his life, until he delivers a shocking revelation — he accuses Man-cheol of causing Ae-ri’s death.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

The webtoon team gathers at a high-end beef restaurant, courtesy of Man-cheol, who took it upon himself to organize a farewell dinner for Ji-hyung. Everyone’s mood is somber, and poor Ma-eum even breaks out into tears, aww.

Except… Ji-hyung isn’t leaving. HAHAHA! Ma-eum’s homework assignment struck a chord in him, and he realized that above all, he wants to take responsibility for his projects and his colleagues. He’s going to see it through to the end, until the trees he has planted eventually blossom and bear fruit. Yay, Ji-hyung, you’re the best!

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10 Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Later on, Ji-hyung steps outside to take a call, and Joon-young follows after him. Showing Ji-hyung a photo of Ae-ri, Joon-young asks if he knows her, and Ji-hyung’s eyes widen in recognition and shock. At the confirmation that Ji-hyung knows his noona, Joon-young’s hand curls into a fist — and from afar, Ma-eum witnesses this confrontation.

We end on this cliffhanger this week, which leaves me nervous for the subsequent fallout. I have enough faith in Man-cheol and Ji-hyung that I don’t think they directly had a hand in Ae-ri’s death, but given how hard they were working to get Gingertoon up off the ground, I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran herself ragged from overwork. Joon-young’s already facing even more pressure from Chief Heo, who even instructed him to obtain Young-bae’s performance records this week — he doesn’t need any more incentive to tip over to the wrong side.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

This week’s episodes centered on the theme of work-life balance, highlighting the consequences of basing one’s entire identity on one’s creations or achievements. In a world that lauds productivity and rewards accomplishments, it’s easy to end up tying our self-worth to the pursuit of excellence. When we fail, it cuts deep like a personal flaw. It’s something I’m no stranger to myself, and I appreciate that the drama addressed it.

I’m so glad that Ji-hyung chose to stay on the team, and I respect him even more for making the difficult decision to reject Youngtoon’s offer. I never doubted Ji-hyung’s loyalty to the team for one second, but the stakes were high for him, and his conflict was compelling given their team’s uncertain future. His decision to follow his heart instead of chasing material gain was an admirable one; I particularly liked his line about choosing the path he would regret less. Either way, there’s an opportunity cost, but what matters most isn’t the prestige or the wealth — it’s that he stays true to his values and chooses what makes him happier.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

This ties into the side plot with popular comedy writer OH YOON (Son Dong-woon of Highlight) and producer CHOI DOO-HEE (Ahn Tae-hwan). Writer Oh attempted a completely different genre in order to counter the naysayers who accused him of only getting popular off his looks, but his overambitious sci-fi webtoon fell flat and recorded rock-bottom ratings.

Unfortunately, trying to prove yourself to people who already have it out for you from the outset is simply a losing game. Writer Oh lost sight of the forest for the trees, allowing the harsh criticism to chip away at his self-esteem. Hence, I’m glad that Doo-hee encouraged Writer Oh to take pride in his ability to make others laugh; everyone has their weaknesses, as well as their strengths.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

Ma-eum has a knack for helping the people around her to recognize their inherent worth; we’ve seen it with Writer Baek, Kang-nam, and Dong-hee (whom we see reading Dae-ryuk’s webtoon, aww). In the same way, she’s inspiring and empowering Dae-ryuk, guiding him through his fears and advocating for him to others.

Dae-ryuk clearly struggles with abandonment issues as a result of his traumatic past, and I worry that his admiration and idolization of Ma-eum may escalate into an unhealthy attachment. He views her as his savior, and his proclamation that he would do anything to avoid upsetting her was frankly quite worrying. Dae-ryuk deserves to be his own person, instead of bending to the whims of others. Rather than relying solely on external validation for affirmation, I hope Dae-ryuk learns to see how innately precious he is.

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10

On a side note, the gradual development of Ma-eum and Joon-young’s relationship has me so giddy with excitement! The way Joon-young gazes at her with a fond smile on his face is so swoon-worthy, and I love that it comes from a place of genuine admiration. His care and concern for her runs deeper than just superficial attraction, and I love that it’s reciprocal, even if Ma-eum may not have caught feelings yet. Both of them are pillars of support to each other, always there to offer a listening ear or a fistbump of camaraderie.

Also, while the Pomme plot line progresses at a snail’s pace of five minutes per week, we do get an important bit of information. It’s starting to look like her hidden camera stalker is her webtoon assistant, who secretly crumples up Joon-young’s name card upon receiving it. (That doesn’t go unnoticed by Ma-eum, but she doesn’t comment on his rude behavior for now.) Plus, Pomme’s cat hissed aggressively at the creepy assistant, and I’m inclined to trust its instincts. Can we get a heroic kitty to the rescue?

Today’s Webtoon Episodes 9-10


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Feels like I blinked and somehow we're at ep 10 already?! Three weeks left and there's still quite a bit of story that hasn't been unpacked yet but I'm guessing we'll be getting into the thick of the sister thing next week and hopefully Pomme's arc will be developed more in tandem.

I really liked your observations on the theme of work-life balance @solstices - you're so right and I'm also glad it was addressed too. It's also exceptionally difficult to demarcate work-life divisions in the creative industries I feel, where it's really hard to not bring your home work with you, and equally you have to put a bit of yourself into the craft for it to work sometimes which can lead to a dangerous slope if not managed properley. Plus the stakes are a bit higher because there's a lot of unknowns about what'll be a success and what won't be.

On that note, I'm not sure if it's a PD's place to do so but I wonder why Maeum hasn't suggested therapy or accessing professional support to Shin Daeryuk. He's clearly got quite a bit he's going through, past trauma and all and I too feel like his idolisation of Maeum could lead to disastrous outcomes - for his own wellbeing - and exacerbate existing issues.


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@solstices thanks for a great weecap it was a busy week, so many areas covered so you did well capturing them.

The dead sister storyline being dragged out has annoyed me because I feel played. I am only just hanging in there to watch it live to the end because I would prefer wait and just binge watch.
I think the real culprit will be Chief Heo, so Joonyoung’s going to fall hard when he realises he has been helping the very person who caused his sister distress and feel even worse when he realises he was just a pawn in a long game in the fight for power.
I was disappointed that Maeum’s dad is struggling to accept his daughters decision when he was probably married and raising children at the same age and would not have been happy to have a parent questioning his decision. Maeum is working so hard to find a place for herself he should be feeling proud. He has not been able to let his dream go since he failed as a youth to reach his gold and planted a seed in his daughter to achieve on his behalf. His wife is level headed so I am wondering what has stopped her pointing this out to him over the years.
I loved the family approach to helping Yoona especially as she is lacking a female presence in her life.
This show has so many positives so I want to be able to focus on those rather than questioning the purpose of the silent observer approach to introduce the sister plot line.


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Agree with you regarding Chief Heo.


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Oh no. Poor Joonyoung. He didn't even get to attend his sister's funeral. I am about 98% sure that the assistant is Pomme's stalker. I really want to be wrong because I would hate that the attempt to bring more people into her life would backfire so horribly. Pomme teasing Joonyoung that he only cares about deadlines is so funny. Maeum refusing to back him up is just GOLD.

As for Dae Lyug, his obsession with ma eum is getting unhealthy and while I know he's not even a little bit violent, He needs other people in his life. And LOTS of therapy. He can't exist for only two things.

Jihyung's ex needs to back off.

Joonyoung and Ma eum are so cute, I want to put them in my pocket and take them everywhere. Where can I get a friend like that?


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same. I was like oh no! don't make her assistant the stalker! Not when she finally lets people in.


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Something fell flat for me in this weeks episodes. I think the writers are trying to cover a lot of ground and not going into fewer things at a depth I would prefer. There is probably enough going on in the longer arcs without introducing additional stories each week.
As Ma Eum and JYs relationship is so cute, it's keeping me engaged, I love how he looks at her! Without that, I'm not sure it would keep me engaged.


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This week I almost didn’t want to write anything due to my disappointment but I did not want to add to the significantly reduced number of comments in certain topic areas. I am hoping it’s just because it’s holiday season and people are too busy to watch or comment and not because so many are experiencing drama slumps at the moment. I think a lot of people are abandoning live watching and going through the archives to binge watch an old series.


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I like this drama. It's pretty simple but it works.

There are a lot of plot to follow...

For Joon-Young’s sister, I found the ghost didn't make any sense. I mean he's the one who can't let her go but they always made us see her but not him interacting with her. You don't need to be a genius to know that Jang Man-Cheol and Seok Ji-Hyung respect people and won't hurt an employee wittingly.

I couldn't see Seok Ji-Hyung leaving and I was right!

Ma-Eum's father was pretty disapointing. He just follows what people said around him but his daughter.

Ma-Eum should ask for help with Sin Dae-Lyug, she can't manage him alone. His trauma is too important and his need of her not healthy.


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Do real-life webtoon writers have so many assistants? Or are they just shoved into the show to create problems?


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I don't know for weboon writers but mangakas have them to make research, to draw the background, etc. The rythm of release is pretty fast and they need help to make it.


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I am also still liking this show , and the weekly lessons that it tries to talk about , which is applicable to any other type of workplace setting. I also hope that they are able to tie up the threads of the other plots , with 6 more episodes left, and not leave it to the last 2 episodes.


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Yes I am sick of those dramas, usually romance, where they don't get properly settled into the happily ever after until ten minutes from the end of episode 16 and then they do a time jump to show the wedding or the children.


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I couldn't wait to see the follow up of Joon Young's (half confession)/request to Ma Eum to give the present to him on the ending of ep 9, so I decided to live watch ep 10 with South Korea's audiences (through *dark side* streaming link) lol
aww, I too love how their friendship/relationship developed, and making me really hard to choose on who between Joon Young and Ji Hyung I like more :D
Joon Young is smart and cute, and Ji Hyung is the brain of the team and he's so cool, love them both <3

Agree with @solstices on the episodes highlighting work-life balance, it's so relatable to us workers it felt like watching me and my workmates (we complained a lot about the imbalance, and no Joon Young or Ji Hyung look alike in sight to soothe our soul, haha), so I appreciate, again, how this show making me feel that my struggle at work is universal ;)
I'm also at the stage in my career where I could face a dilemma like Ji Hyung (taking "better" offer or staying in the current job) and I would too thinking whether my decision to stay is just me being a coward of avoiding new challenge out there,
so basically everything Ji Hyung said to Hye Mi about his decision, I can picture this happening in real person career life, one of the best things this drama do.

I know (and I feel) that the show is a bit ambitious on covering too many arcs (stories), but so far it didn't irritate me, maybe because I already felt invested on the drama as a whole while people who were still on the fence could be annoyed and decided to drop it.

The noona story will shake the happy place I have in this drama, but I really hope that for the last 6 eps it will bring less on the angst and more of the cuties,,I love you show, so please try your best not to disappoint me! :D


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Pomme's assistant is definitely her stalker and I feel so bad for her. How awful. JY's sister's ghost is super weird and random, but maybe it is just a way of showing his psychosis much like DL's Feeb monster. JY and ME are cute, I like that she genuinely makes him feel better. Even after his horrible conversation with his uncle and the realization about his sister, he still managed a smile for her. Finally, I think Deputy Chief should have taken the job, it would have been a really interesting dynamic.


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I was thinking the same thing; in the new job he would have thwarted the plans of the Chief Heo from the inside however maybe he can do more by staying.

I agree the stalker is definitely the assistant which I called last week re the problem with inviting strangers into her house. How do we know he isn’t planting more cameras or microphones on the pretence of popping to the toilet!


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So there are things I'm less keen on with this drama (Chief Heo being pathetic, and the fact that Joonyoung hasn't figured out that he's toxic - come on, mate, you're bright...) but it is a little gem! It's earnest, cute and full of nice people (imperfect, but nice). Maeum and Joonyoung need to get together soooooon because they have me grinning like a lunatic each time they're on screen together. I genuinely look forward to it each week.

I am wondering why Maeum hasn't talked to Jihyung about Daeryuk's comments. Words like "deity" and "worship" aren't usual parlance, and we can see from her expression that she's unnerved by it. So why hasn't she been to her trusty mentor??? Clearly he's had massive trauma and abuse in his life - I will be *not happy* if they skim over this. I'm pretty confident that they won't, but 6 episodes left...


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Ma-eum did look unnerved, but because she grew up with so much love and support, I don't think she quite understands how deep his issues go. She sees him as someone like Writer Ma who was unhealthily obsessed with his work, but Writer Ma did have a family, people who loved him. Daeryuk has nobody and trauma that someone like Ma-eum can't comprehend.


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I enjoyed this week's episodes and I'm loving the show overall, but the pacing is worrying me a little. I'm hoping next week progresses things quicker and we don't get stuck for too long on JY misunderstanding who's to blame for what happened to his sister.

I'm really enjoying seeing the friendship developing between the Ma Eum and JY - steadily, and slowly changing them both + they're relying on each other more; its so fun to see.

I also really love the recurring songs they're using - I can wait for the full ost to be released, part 3 is my favourite so far.


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The series has gotten more somber. The clues were quick to tell that Jun-yeong’s sister worked at Gingertoons and his family blamed the company for her death. But the meeting with the uncle who took all his parents insurance money and his sister’s pay leads to more questions - - - how does Jun-yeoung afford to stay in his large house. Weekly house parties can pay the bills. The clues were also quick to confirm that Pomme’s stalker was her male assistant. The writer is putting the betrayal bombs on Jun-yeong to explode to hurt the team and its chances for survival.

From the early humor of a happy work family to survivors in a life boat on stormy seas, Neon webtoons seems to be adrift in artist’s tragic lives and situations more than running an entertainment business.


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I watched the 2016 Japanese TV series adapting this same story. Viki Rakuten ran them concurrently, but the Japanese one is much shorter. This one has a lot more family stuff. We never see the protagonist's parents in the 2016 Japanese version and we only have hints that the cute coworker might like her as more than a friend--not a full fledged romance. But the biggest difference in the two versions is how the traumatized genius artist reacts to the care of the protagonist. Their main issue in the Japanese version is that he gets triggered when she tries to take care of him. Somehow, the Korean writers don't get why someone wouldn't want a nice lady to tell them to eat. Doesn't being fed meat in a restaurant cure everything? It made me laugh.T
he main thing I prefer in this version is the way that Ma Eum's family comic cafe makes sense of her immersion in the world of comics. I'm also delighted by the Korean additions of subplots involving mysteriously evil boss, JY's ghost sister, Ma Eum's social media sister, and Pomme's stalker. Even though these things weigh down the drama and might kill it, I appreciate the aesthetic of "more is more" and "why do I have to show and not tell when I could both show AND tell, you stingy bastard." It's what I'm here for, after all. GO FOR BROKE, WRITERS!


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I like the barmaid in the Japanese version and the shop staff. I also liked how they did the daughter story line for the has been artist.
I think both versions have their merits but the way they have been dropping in the dead sister storyline has been annoying for me. As it’s not a fantasy drama it does not make sense to have her random appearances like that.


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I loved the bookshop staff in the Japanese version, and the wonderful publishing CEO who came from extreme poverty. Because I love books! I love other media that is advertising for reading instead. But I also want the Korean version to be a k-drama! I'm kind of delighted by the way the Korean writers make the rich executive in the company where the artists are into a shameless, gross villain. Even though I loved the subplot with the good-guy boss in the other version! I just feel like the writers had a lot of fun with this and I'm definitely along for the ride.


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I also liked your observations on work/life balance. I like this show but I also get frustrated with it. Dae-ryuk clearly needs therapy and I hope this gets addressed. I feel like Ji-hyung maybe should have taken the editor position so that if Neon folds, he can save the team and the artists and thereby avoid a repeat of Gingertoon. But that's part of my frustration - that I wish the two senior guys seemed more strategic about what they were doing to save Neon. I can't believe the stalker is Pomme's assistant although that's what I interpreted as well. But that made me feel terrible for her. Also, I feel like his sister saw Ji-hyung holding hands with the other editor - that the camera cut to that, and so I wonder if that has something to do with her death. I hope not and I hope it's the evil boss instead. But I also agree that JY is supposed to be smart and so he should be able to figure out that the Neon editor is not the type to work someone to death but chief heo is (he's really power tripping with his meetings during his workout). I do wonder how she died. And I didn't understand why Ji-hyung and his girlfriend had to break up if they didn't work at the same place. (Also why was Ma-eum under/behind the deputy editor's desk when she popped up and scared him? That was bizarre.)


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I think the break up was probably about her personality changing when she joined to successful organisation and became more focused on money or power?


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I think you're right. They don't seem like they'd make a good couple now.


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I forgot to say I also thought the random pop up from behind his desk didn’t make sense. You would say I dropped something or was looking for X in your drawer etc.


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So true about the power tripping, that meeting during his work out was just too much *shudders*

And I didn't even realise how strange it for Ma-eum to be behind the desk, apparently I love seeing surprised Choi Daniel enough to distract from/overlook it - I've laughed at every scene she surprises him


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