Open Thread #784

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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Hi UK, Ireland and Europe based Beanies
We would like to host an in person meet up in Spring 2023, if you are interested in joining us please click on @dramadillo to go to dramadillo’s fan wall for more info.

We are also hoping to fill a gap of wanting to discuss Korean dramas with other fans in real life. We would like to host a monthly live video chat to discuss our thoughts on a no longer airing drama.

We will collate a list of dramas and allocate them to a month so you can plan your watch schedule. In order to cater to the various interests of the drama watch club members there may be some months that the drama is not of interest to some members but we hope that we can build up regular attendance so we can get to know each other outside of the limitations of the Dramabeans word count. We want to create something like the book club shown in the drama - I will come to you when the weather is fine.

Please click on my name to see more details on my fan wall.


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@mellowarmadillo click on this link for the fan wall


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Hurrah! Thanks for these great ideas and for organising, @reply1988! Can’t wait!🥳


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What a cool idea! I'm envious of the Beanies who get to attend this gathering! Have fun on my behalf!



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We will 😊 maybe there can be an international beanie link up soon


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If you decide to have one, let me know! I think I’d be glad to try.


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Are you in a time zone that would make zoom very difficult, @mmmmm?😔


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I think the answer might be yes. I think I’m 7 hours before the London time.


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According to the Japanese media report, anime producers fear that Netflix will continue to reduce the number of animated productions in Japan after this year. Others have suggested that Netflix seems to be focusing on feature production, especially features based on already popular IPs. This is part of Netflix’s recent reorganization and cost-cutting plans.

There is also an ongoing debate among producers as to whether or not Netflix is even the right place to pitch a new series. “There are anime that are exclusively distributed by Netflix that do not get much attention at the time of distribution, but they get a good response when they are released on TV a few years later,” an unnamed executive said. Recently, Netflix killed many projects in pre-production which leaves studio creators in a financial lurch.

That distinction is not only important for the relative popularity of a show, but to all the ancillary revenue streams that can stem from an IP as well. So, while some companies are receiving a higher initial investment to produce for Netflix, there are several that believe their content is getting buried and that the larger payments to just make Netflix owned IP does not offset potential revenues from physical media releases and merchandise sales for their shows that are licensed to broadcast TV first. If Netflix produces the show, it owns all its rights including secondary revenue and licensing fees. If Netflix merely licenses a show, the original creator owns all the secondary revenue which for a hit can generate great profits, spin-offs, merchandise sales, etc.

Some companies are sending their more challenging or experimental works to Netflix, hoping it will offer up a guaranteed investment, while saving their safer, more broadly appealing ideas for broadcasters. This, the sources argue, has created a system in which the kind of titles going exclusively to Netflix often struggle to catch on with audiences.

These concerns may also impact other productions such as k-dramas and films. The trade off for a guaranteed amount to produce a series vs. a license fee post-production is a real risk-reward calculation for most foreign studios. And creators are worried about what future investment amounts will be because Netflix is again changing its “ratings” system to an “hours” viewed metric to determine popular shows. So content producers never really get a good understanding how well any show is really doing on the platform to have an informed basis for future contract negotiations.


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This means I need to forget about season 3 of Great Pretender, right? 🥲


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If Netflix owns the series, it may push sequels.
The rush by all international platforms to pay top dollar for new content that may not translate well seems to be a bad business model.


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What happened to The Law Cafe beanie review?


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You may tag @db-staff to get replies


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Thank you


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It will be posted in a few.


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Rain - rainy days - for how long - 2 matches washed up - let's expect week won't go the clouds.

2022 - good rain - more than usual in uneven season.
2023 - would do better with less rain - uneven the better.

Climate breakdown who cares. well, later no one can cry. Time to enjoy the present because future isn't beautiful.

Need to bring a few more changes - tried fruits after 19 months. needs to get back to this path for the enjoyment of present. Later won't have much in hands to gain anything. Now is the time.


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Boris - I was sure he gonna win no-confidence which he did, but inner party fighting was much more that i expected and he's not a politician material - Lettuce won and now we have sunak. They have to rally behind him, no other option, better enjoy 20+ months than going n losing the elections. And this guy surely looks like that sly mind that can do fight as a politician.

XI - well, i thought he lost some but at the last day he made the homerun back to 85% - i gave 65% but XI did whatever he could.
He's a politician - a rare politician who fights and very smart, using all those tricks. Very few politicians world across have this much consolidation of power and control gain - One such can be India's PM - he's same vile n have taken control over all things.

XI fought hard and has achieved much - The best is yet to come - +ve or -ve actions - who cares - goals are a must and this is how this guy is playing - win at all cost. at such age this ambition and hunger and the way he batted in such a difficult battlefield - deserves many claps - He's living for himself and rest are just a small part. Greedy yes, selfish yes, cruel yes - but that's what every human being is.


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Consistency is really important to completing a drama watch. It's really hard to go back to much loved shows that I missed by just one week. 1 week has become 3 for The Empire. I managed to complete Gaus before it came 3 weeks. I don't know why Empire is feeling like a chore.


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I know what you mean. I stopped watching a few dramas for a week and now they're all on hold.
I haven't finished On the Verge of Insanity either. And I don't know if it is because of the stress it caused me or the one week rule. 😂


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It's both for me. However the one week rule takes the highest blame. I've had free time for a while up till this week so I definitely know One Week Rule is to blame.


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What hurts more? Dramas with lots of potential based on their descriptions/theme/synopsis but that didn't know how to put it on scene, dramas that where great until the second half of the show happened or dramas that got extended for a couple episodes and there was an unnecessary mess/drag near the finale (or just a crappy finale)?

Sometimes I feel like I can handle a couple of messy episodes, but other times I just hate my drama for getting good ratings. 😂
It's better if they're crappy from the start or at least half way.

Buuuut is also sad when I see good potential going nowhere. I hate getting excited for nothing.

...Yep, I don't know what's worse.
I'm trying to figure out which show disappointed me more, "Fates and Furies" or "Tempted". 😖

Dear beanies, hope you had a nice week! Have a nice day/night! 😊💚


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The worst for me has to be the false hope of a good first half because it feels like the writer went on holiday basking in the glory of high ratings and left it for the assistant’s assistant to wrap up the second half. This means I accept the first couple of bad episodes thinking it will turn around and then realise 4 episodes later it is not returning to its former glory. Then I need to weigh up staying for the duration or cutting my loses with loose ends that may or may not be tied up if a I stay.
I feel your pain either way.

Hope the weekend is a relaxing one.


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"I accept the first couple of bad episodes thinking it will turn around and then realise 4 episodes later it is not returning to its former glory" I think that's one of the most painful things we experience as viewers.


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Dramas with a lot of potential based on description/theme/synopsis hurt more when they go south, be it at the beginning of the drama, in transit, or at the tail end. A good number of such shows comes to mind.
This ones piss me highly because while I know I can't possibly weave a story out of the potential, I know in many ways than 10 how the show could have run way much better. And the more downhill it goes, the more l feel at loss.
Basically, those dramas should all learn from On The Verge of Insanity.


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Oh yes.
I always think "they could've done this or that" and get all stressed out or disappointed.
Sometimes the right answer was so obvious it hurts.


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For me, it's way more disappointing when a drama's second half or finale (or final episodes) flop compared to the beginning. At that point, I've already invested a lot of time into it, and kind of want to know how things work out, but don't get the same joy/interest out of it. So sad.

This is why it took me so long to start live-watching anything. I prize consistency in quality over a lot of other things in a drama, and I always wanted to make sure the writer stuck the landing before I committed.


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So how has it been now that you live watch some shows? Do you regret that decision?
You still prefer to binge-watch?


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I don't regret my decision to watch some things live. The conversation that sometimes happens in the comments is enough to make up for the times when a drama might work better within a shorter span of time. But I think there are shows that are just more enjoyable (at least for me) with binge-watching.

If a drama has major weaknesses, I think it often works better all at once, so that you don't have as much time to dwell on them, and you can just move on with the story. But I like the anticipation and the community that build week-by-week as we all watch on the same schedule. I'm still trying to figure out the qualities that make a good binge-watch drama for me, and the ones that make a good live-watch. Glitch, for example, I wish had been released more slowly so I could have had more of a conversation about it with other Beanies. But I think I enjoyed Thirty-nine more than a lot of people did because I watched straight through it after it was all out. Maybe someday I'll have a working theory, but right now I'm still figuring it out!


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It's nice that you're enjoying both. ^^
I think you're right about how the flaws or weakness of a drama are little more difficult to notice when you binge watch. Maybe it's because it's a lot of information all at once and your brain can't process it all, who knows. But I think we chance of focus when we binge-watch.

In my case, I think I get more invested with the characters when I live-watch a show. But while binge watching I focus more on the story and I just want to know how things turn out. I still care about the characters, yeah, but it's not the same (there are exceptions obviously).


To reword your dilemma:
1. High viewer expectations from show premise/description: you usually can tell after a few episodes whether the execution is on point and the story is unfolding in a proper pace. It is the ones that give you a few good early moments that meet expectations but fail in consistency or get overburdened by tangential elements that fail to get the original premise to the finish line. For some, Alchemy of Souls could fit this category as part one ended with so many questions.

2. Great sprinters who can't cross the finish line probably is the biggest group of dramas. There are many shows that start off great, especially rom-coms, where everything is working until it get serious and you get a different show at the end. For many, SITR is a prime example, but even Business Proposal or Today's Webtoon strayed too far from their initial course.

3. Dramas that get extended in order to finish main story. It is a problem in live shooting method where the scripts are still being written while the show is being shown and filmed. It is producers overreacting to viewer/network comments, usually to get a forced happy ending.

4. Then there is another category, where you have no expectations going in, all the elements are in place for a good show, but it is a train wreck that you watch to see if it can redeem itself. Oh My Landlord was one those shows.


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I think #3 is the one that annoys me the most because I always wonder what could've happened if the show didn't get those ratings/comments and we got the original development of the story/ending.

I think the best example of #1 is DDSSLLS... It still hurts. 🥺


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For me it's a good first half that goes south after the midway point. So much sunk cost at that point, one always hopes things pick up again even though you suspect it won't.


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Things never go back on track 😞 that's the sad reality. But even if we know that, we still hope things get better. Aigoo.


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I can think of one drama in particular this year that I loved all the way through... right up until 10 minutes into the final episode, then the drama drove over a cliff into a ravine and exploded (how does an alcoholic whose barely moved in three years fight off an entire room full of mobsters?) I think I would have preferred the drama to have been consistently mediocre all the way through.


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I feel you.

I don't have a problem watching bad dramas if I KNOW they're bad. Maybe I just want some white noise? Or have a good laugh? I don't care, it's my choice. But watching something "good" only to end disappointed and thinking it was all a waste of time... That's different.


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I hope everyone’s had a nice week! I’m awake at 4.30 am because I’m away from home and the neighbours here have a red and blue pulsing light (I think it’s a security light) that shines directly on my window and the curtains are doing nothing 😠

On a brighter note I’m away for my high school reunion which is an interesting experience- it’s funny who looks the same and who you’re like “who on earth are you?” Lol. Mostly we are all older and fatter 😄 and friendlier than we were at high school.


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If only I could have had the older, fatter and friendlier versions of everyone during high school - I would have enjoyed it a lot more!😂 Glad to hear you’ve been able to have some time away, although that pulsing light sounds awful!😖 Hope you can use an eye mask if you’re there for more nights!


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I might have to try and get one for night because it was absolutely driving me crazy!


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Aww so nice.
Glad you're having a nice time with your friends. Hope you get some sleep. 😊


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4.30 am here too but because of a different reason. I happened to click play for a Norwegian series named Home for Christmas and it brought me much joy to hear Norwegian once again so I watched until there were 2 eps left. Now I’m in my bed though. 😝


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@beffels an eye mask will change your sleep forever!


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Now this just gave a good idea for k-drama. High school reunion kinda theme. I think if script written well and good casting, this drama can do well.


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Definitely doable as they could do the reunion as modern day and then do most of the drama flashback style with younger actors playing them in school/college days whichever has the better feel. I was convinced the battle between the rival towns in Once upon a small town was an unresolved crush on a boy battle from school days🤣 Let’s eat 3, twenty five, twenty one and Go back couple all did this well.


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Need to see a full fledged reunion drama. Like they meet at a reunion and then we see how major characters changes how they were in school and how they are now. At the end, maybe the starcrossed lovers meet again and they complete the love story. Me a hopeless romantic in such cases .haha


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I’d watch a reunion drama! One of my high school friends who I’d lost touch with was there - she married after university and but they divorced a few years ago and she’s now reconnected with her old high school boyfriend (a year or so ago) and they are expecting a child together soon. Could be straight from a drama!


@beffels wow that sounds like a drama definitely. What a story to tell the grandchildren. I always wonder about new relationships where children arrive within the first couple of years as raising children is such hard work. It’s such a privilege to have some quality time as a couple first to cement the relationship, have fun, save and sort career and life goals so I feel it is a shame that a lot of people miss out on this phase.


Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Recently we had a drama chat about hot Ajusshis, also known as Ahjuicy😉 To continue this topic I would like to share my fangirl moment when I met one of my many celebrity crushes on a convention last Sunday. The Scottish Ahjuicy goes by the name Billy Boyd and played hobbit Pippin in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I discovered him and the movies back in college and spent many hours staring at a particular picture of him that would make his beautiful light green eyes pop.👀

As luck would have it, said picture was available for signing!🥳I quickly grabbed one and handed it over to the crew, along with a paper name tag and the money for the signature. He verified if I were “Turrrtie” with his Scottish brogue, and that was only strike one. I had barely slept and could only watch and stare as he took his time to sign. He did ask me whether I was having fun and I answered that I was, but still in the process of waking up. He looked at his phone and seemed to be confused by that “because it is nearly eleven, almost time for Elevensies!”😆I did thank him and told him he was blessed before I left. He smiled warmly and thanked me for that.

The photoshoot followed right after and my friend and I awkwardly shuffled in line until it suddenly was our turn. We both went to stand beside him and linked our hands together behind his back while he slid his arms around our backs. All very proper with manner hands from the three of us! The final strike for me came as my friend and I left for the exit after the photo. I was still standing pretty close to him as he turned towards us to thank and greet us…and suddenly those breathtaking green orbs were gazing into mine for a split second!😍

I am glad to tell you all that I am back to normal now, well mostly.😊


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Wow what a claim to fame👏 well done


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What a lovely memory!


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I watched the Netflix series 'Glitch', which I loved, but why did they include all the smoking and cursing? Just because you're free from network standards & practices doesn't mean you're obliged to randomly insert the 'taboo' stuff. Did I need to watch Nana puffing away on one coffin nail after another? No, I didn't.


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it was her character, a gangsta gurl from middle school who smoked and did drugs...


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Since smoking, drinking and cursing are extremely common in Korea among both sexes - and I have first-hand experience of this - I don't think those were so much random insertions as realistic depictions.


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Hi Ho Open Thread Beanies! Long time since I’ve been here to post something! I’m in a lull—have several kdramas to watch, no motivation to do so! So what do I do? I sing! Or listen to music. With that said, I’ve been listening to our fellow beanies who sing and I wanted to share this gem of a song that several of us did together a few months ago! It’s too good not to share! And also a duet I did with @ayaan that’s just relaxing! And if any new Beanies want to join us, just give me a shout! I’ll get you started. It’s free to join! (And an encore.) @astrojoy @carlybisek

Time after Time (Cyndi Lauper) https://www.smule.com/sing-recording/2654356309_4471505865

Don’t Know Why (Nora Jones) https://www.smule.com/c/2673041752_4472298759

Can’t Take That Away From Me (Frank Sinatra)


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What a fantastic way to bring and share joy. What beautiful voices. I can’t sing so really appreciate hearing others who can. Thank you for sharing.❤️


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Hi beanies, Gosh, I watched a lot this week. Love in Contract got better, Love is for Suckers got worse. The Law Cafe is wrapping up and honestly, it could have been 12 eps. Mental Coach Jegal has painful parts to watch, but I do like actress Park Se-young (she was the queen in Faith and I adored her in that role). Finished the 7 eps ofTake 1 and they are all impressive performances. 20th Century Girl was sad and nostalgic. There is a new documentary style show, Our Kid Has Changed, Returns that might better be titled Teaching Parents Much Needed Parenting Skills. I have to admit there were scenes of the children that were difficult to watch, but the experts offered help. I Am Solo season 10 with divorced participants, observation: only the ones who did not have children ended as couples. Unified Fathers, Radio Star, King of Masked Singer, I Live Alone, The Manager, and Immortal Songs 2 are weekly variety favorites of mine. Someone mentioned Welcome to Wakikki as a favorite rewatch and when I checked my kdrama list, it appears I’d never watched it before. So, I’ve marathoned the first five episodes so far, it’s entertaining enough with laugh-out-loud moments, but whiny guys (aka immature guys ) can be grating. The three of them remind me of Koo Dae Young’s roommates in Let’s Eat 3. Funny, I’ve watched Welcome To Wakikki 2 already though! I think I need someBad Prosecutor to balance things out and Cheer (me) Up! Happy weekend, all!


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Talking about reality tv made the Youth MT hole I was ignoring suddenly come back into focus.🥺


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That’s a LOT! Wow!


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