Open Thread #788

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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cold nights - that's how November should be - not so low day temperature. It reminds you of early years when November used to broadcast the new season and december you would see the beauty of cold and by Mid march new season used to fly right into you life.

In these recent years it had become - dry December - cold January and slight Feb with March - much on nights. Recently even April nights were cold - reminded you of March - Day temperature turning 35 and cool cool nights.

Trouble is - no blanket, no quilt, no mattress , no bedsheet - night time is quite cold - you get into a position like you are in womb. The change - can bring +ve impact and that is for January 2023 - So i've to somehow face December cold when i'm hardly able to face November. With the health of 2017-18 i was able to do so many of the antics but with this one i am getting beaten hard - can't even raise white flag - let's see what next month unfolds.

Someone used the word in one of my 2020 food posts - self harm and suffering - self punishment is also an ally - antics surely are.


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So we have a show when boyfriend breaks up with heroine because she works as - yeah.
Then a female comes and not wish to get touched by our heroine -

You can call it discrimination and being quite rude but similar thing i had mentioned in one of my own posts -

Hygiene - again logic and does have merit.
There can be discrimination - low class, low caste, untouchability
there can be mental state too - phobia n even OCD
The contamination logic has good value( it made homerun in 2020) but not practical in real life

And it is everywhere - surely - In Asia you will be able to see it quite clearly - you can then touch racism and what not.
Western world - you can get class system.

Then it can be spiritual - +ve and -ve energy.

Why am i talking about it - because i try as much possible to stay away from those places - rule is minimum 100 square meter distance from such places - Now you can assume why 2020 tried best to put me in a corner.

That's where my resources are being wasted and that's what lead to decline in my health. And this is the reason i want more automation in food sector(talked about once in open posts)


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The HOOK entertainment scandal brings to mind the long lost fact that in the 1960s and 1970s, most of Korean entertainment agencies were run by organized crime syndicates. It was on par with American gangsters creating Las Vegas. Entertainment and clubs was a cash business prime for skimming money. It was also fueled by the government policy in 1975 to ban rock n roll music called “decadent” by the new culture police. Anytime there is a prohibition or goes underground, criminal elements find a way to profit.

Once the acceptance of globalization took hold, major organized crime left entertainment enterprises to split up into local street gangs while the last remaining family crime units headed to Busan with the nation's busy ports since the new profit centers were drug trafficking, financial fraud, weapons smuggling, and human trafficking.

The Burning Sun scandal re-opened the seedy side of Seoul club and entertainment scene. If you were rich, connected, and bought protection, the law did not apply to your operation. That attitude is still deeply rooted in Korean politics and business leadership.

K-dramas often glamorize gangs and criminal activities, but ironically they never really show the criminal roots of their entertainment history.


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So interesting. Do you have any good sources (books, etc.) where I could read/listen to more about the history/politics of the entertainment industry?


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About 10 years ago I saw a documentary series about Korean underground music scene narrated by a famous guitarist. It was wild to hear that you could be arrested for performing a song. The only legal way to play RnR was to be a cover band at US military bases. Since then I read various articles about the parallels to Korean and entertainment models (with some of the worst aspects embedded into Korean companies such as trainee charge backs, slave contracts, royalty scams, etc.) Sorry, off the top of my head, I don't have a specific reference book.


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Thanks anyway! If you ever think of anything to read, listen or watch, let me know!


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I found two links:

The history of Korean gangsters:

Korea Herald 2010 editorial:


Thanks for the links!!!


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Similarly in Hong Kong. Actors were persuaded to star in films at gun point. Sounded like this lasted well into the 1990's.


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Beanies, last chance to tell me if you want to modify our #RoundUp2022 themes.

Latest list is this one. Please feel free to make any suggestions:

1- FL you will never forget.
2- ML you will never forget.
3- Favourite womance / bromance.
4- Greatest disappointment.
5- The drama that will always live in your memory.
6- Your favorite OST/BGM.
7- The OTP you didn’t think you would adore.
8- The drama beanies convinced you to watch and you can’t be grateful enough.
9- The oldie (not 2022) you loved the most.
10- Favourite villain.
11- Favourite bestie.
12- Drama beanies loved but you didn’t / Drama you loved but beanies didn’t.
13- Favourite kiss.
14- Most unnecessary subplot.
15- Best cameo.
16- Your 2022 crush.
17- Favourite directing.
18- Non k-drama recommendation.
19- Your guilty pleasure.
20- The drama that could have been but wasn’t.
21- Most stylish drama
22-31 – Freestyle


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@eazal I suggest we reward ourselves with one Leonidas box for every entry we complete.😋


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As I said some weeks ago, I have been less than a year in k-dramaland, but I have watched more than 60 series. Sincerely, very few of them are from 2022. So I would have to fill the themes with older dramas 😅


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How about these --

Best age-reversal (for actors who pulled off playing younger versions of their characters)

Actors playing younger version of characters who most resemble the adult version (sorry, can't think of a way to shorten this)

Successful lovers-to-friends couples

Toxic first love obsessions


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These are good!! I will try to fit them in the list or change some!! Thank you!!!


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What about the best subverted trope? Like something you normally expected in a drama but then that drama subverted that trope and it’s so good to see.


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And the best scene! It can be any type of scene that you find so good it’s so memorable for whatever reason.


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Episode 13 for you, I know, I know.

I had it and then deleted, but I think I can rewrite.


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Hi Eazal, great to see you here! I've been MIA for a while, but came back to the Beanie playground for the yearly roundup 😊


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I have been missing as well, not as often here during this year, but nice can be all now for the RoundUp :)


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Do we need #4? We all know is LifS.


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Okay, now being serious, I have a question about #21. Stylish in what way?


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In any way: from cinematography to costume design. You decide.


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Got it, thanks! ^^


You can even do the reverse, I did it one year I couldn't find one, haha.


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Oh I have so many more contenders than just LifS 😂


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I think possibly it might be My Liberation Diary. I didn't have any expectations of LiFS for them to disappoint, It's just the biggest trainwreck airing.


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Yeah- greatest CURRENT disappointment, not greatest of the entire year ;) 😂


Maybe is because I don't go into dramas with high expectations most of the time, just usual excitment.
But with LifS I had really high expectations (I was desperate for a romcom).


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Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Long time no see, I actually had to login and check when I last posted something. The answer would be the first weekend of November.😅Open Thread and What We Are Watching are always uploaded in the afternoon over here, so in case of Friday and/or Saturday plans I have to squeeze in the writing and posting whenever I can. On busier occasions I have to mercilessly shelve my posts, but that usually means some healthy time spent away from technology with loved ones instead, so I win either way.😇

The past two weekends were filled with some more sleepovers with my friend in order to be able to meet up with local friends and participate in local activities. Our weekends will now remain sleepover free until the Holidays to recharge our introvert batteries.🔋

The charging might take a while though, because there are delays caused by the sleepovers to deal with. I also do not want to be that person, but December is upon us! 😱 Holiday preparations, 2023 deadlines, Roundup 2022 participation, pick your horrors of choosing and good luck!💪🏻


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Sometimes, being able to shop something that is personally satisfying to us means a lot. That's why I'm happy to confess that

I just bought 2 body sunscreens, 2 moisturizing lotions, about to buy 1 vitamin C serum, 1 retinal, 1+ 1 refill cleansing water, and I feel so so good.

When I work more and gain more money, I'd love to buy Dyson Air Wrap, 1 Chanel foundation cream, 1 Chanel highlighting powder, 1 highlighting brush and 1 blush brush, an inner-eye liner, and Bobbi Brown lip plump serum.



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While @mmmmm has a sweet tribute to the rewards of shopping and she certainly deserves these very small indulgences, I’m watching Gauss electronics, and my Black Friday shopping thoughts went (as usual) to the sleazy side. The fake ads on Gauss hilariously capture the vibe I associate with 1970s U.S. late-night T.V.

I am the only one here with vivid memories of the 1970s, but I assume every nation had at least one station pre-cable that replayed old B-movies and had numerous cheap-production ads. In the 1970s’ U.S. some of the most common late night ads were for compilation rock and roll albums (pre-cd) or obscure country-western artists. I also remember one for an “international” star, the “master of the pan flute,” but I don’t think he was international nor a star.

But back to products promising emotional payoffs, 3 stood out for their sleaziness. One, the Mr. Microphone from Ronco. A portable mic playing through the radio mostly innocently anticipated the later Karaoke craze, but what everyone who saw the ad remembers is the guy using the mic to shout from the back of the car “Hey Good looking, we’ll be back for you later.” (The URLs are the original commercials as I saw them as a teenager—they are safe and from youtube, so I include them if you are curious.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqIrzkPDtrk Although this mic also promised family and friends fun, the idea that it would be appealing to use it to threaten a woman with sexual harassment and abduction was strange, even back then.

The second product is more ridiculous, the mood ring, which supposedly changed colors according to what “mood” you are in. Of course, as you can see by the commercial it was obvious what “mood” they were talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0LGvo6M96E I got one of these as a joke party gift, and it never changed color, either because 1) I was ALWAYS in the mood or 2) I was such a cold fish that the ring couldn’t register my mood. Probably both were true.

Finally, there was the sleaziest 1970s late night product of all, the waterbed. The funny thing about waterbed ads is that they always stressed health or comfort benefits, but the wink, wink understanding was that the undulations of the mattress would enhance the motion of other activities—hence the mirrored headboard. You can see the image of the couple in the background behind this otherwise straightforward ad which appeared in my local area. https://archive.org/details/la-bries-1978-480-test I have never slept on a waterbed, let alone engage in the other activities upon it, but the idea of sloshing around with a partner, accidently knocking heads while getting seasick, does not strike me as particularly sexy.

Thinking of these ads thanks to Gauss Electronics made me curious about Korea and other countries. Did local t.v. stations there have ads for Mr. Microphone, mood rings, and waterbeds? Or was this just my privileged upbringing in a cultured U.S.?


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Oh my gosh, this brings back so many funny memories! That pan flute guy, whaaaaat the heck was that about? I recall a long running commercial for disco compilation sets. Mostly I remember sleazy, low-quality production commercials for local liquor stores and rug and flooring stores, used car dealers. They often had terrible jingles that became ear worms you couldn’t get rid of!


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The question I have about the pan flute, is who would want to listen to it for more than a couple of minutes, let alone a 45 minute compilation of pan flute greatest hits? (Sorry if I am offending all you pan flute aficionados out there.)


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These were pre-QVC and home shopping networks. Inventors would hawk products like carnival barkers.
There was the Pocket Fisherman, Veg-O-Matic and probably the worst product every sold (even for a fad) The Pet Rock. I must say MOVING a waterbed from one friend's apartment to another city was a pain: the frame and liner were extremely heavy. It took hours to refill. And if it ever leaked, there was no way to stop a disaster.


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Ron Popeil! He was the man!


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I am the only one here with vivid memories of the 1970s

Don't give yourself so much credit. I also grew up in Southern California in the 70s. Despite the liberalization of Western culture in a lot of ways (gay rights, anti-discrimination movements) since then, it was a much freer and more open era regarding sex and sexuality - kind of a golden age for sex, and waterbeds and mood rings were among the sillier manifestations of that. Like you, I'm often frustrated by the juvenile, unrealistic treatment of physical relations between consenting adults in kdramas, but I realize that reflects both my cultural background and my personal progressivism (for lack of a better word).

My cousins all had waterbeds when they were a fad, so I slept on them a few times during visits. I don't remember sloshiness so much as that they had to be kept at exactly the right temperature (they had heaters) - too cold or too warm, and you were in for an uncomfortable night because all that water wasn't much affected by body temperature. I've also personally been yelled at through a Mr. Microphone more than once.

I've tried to block those ads from my memory but our local PBS station sometimes plays them as "remember-when" fillers between shows and then I find myself singing the Pup'n'Taco jingle all day.


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@elinor I wasn't giving myself credit for remembering the seventies so much as taking blame for it! I am impressed with your personal experience of waterbeds and Mr. Microphones, and sorry to hear about the latter. My brothers and I did occasionally say, when passing a pretty girl, "We'll be back to pick you up later!" but that was just to ourselves, as a joke about the ad, long after the girl had passed. We would have no more said this to a girl through a Mr. Microphone than we would have wolf whistled after her. (Are men still wolf-whistling? I sure hope not!)

Since I spent my childhood mostly in Northern California, the Pup n' Taco jingle never lodged itself in my memory. I believe, however, we shared the Cal Worthington used car dealership
song "Go See Cal" and the ad's attempt at humor "and his dog Spot" where the "dog" was a llama, ostrich or some other exotic animal.

While I do think it was something of a cultural lowpoint, in some ways, in terms of U.S. society, the decade was moving in the right direction. After all, "Wonder Woman" with Linda Carter ran for a couple of years in prime time! Unfortunately, over the next few decades, some of those trends got waylaid.


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Cal Worthington! 🤣 Those ads were so hilariously cheesy and awful and low-rent even for the time - except that it must have cost a lot for him to rent a tiger or an elephant. The cars on the lot all looked like junkers, too. Beanies, if want a taste of the true flavor of the 70s in the US there are lots of Cal Worthington ads on YouTube.

Street harassment of women in the US is far less common and acceptable than it was then, thank goodness, but it's still something that shapes women's daily life and experience of the public realm.


Cal Worthington ads sound hilarious! I will go look for them!


@bbstl You know, with all due respect to @elinor, and I really do have a lot of respect for her, you should not bother to look up Cal Worthington commercials. It does show a certain perspective on California in the 1970s-80s, but not one I'm proud of!


@hacja😂😂😂 I will consider your wise advice although I am in the habit of taking @elinor’s words very seriously indeed in most cases 😉


Again this is so much fun to read. I don't think we had any ads promoting a waterbed though. It has never been a thing here (as much as I know of) and the only time I saw someone used it that someone was from the US. So is this something that is closely related to people in the US? I'm not sure about that.

Watching the YouTube videos you gave us the links were very funny. I have to say that they look very old and I probably was born after these ads. I think I might have sees some ads selling the Mood Ring thing, but if my memory serves me right, I think it was advertised like the ring that can show your moods (anger, happy, chill, and some other moods) but nothing more than that. I also don't think people believed that so the ad for it was taken down quite soon. I don't think I've seen Mr Microphone advertised here either. Seeing the ads I wonder if people in the US liked singing that much so there was such ad there? I think SK is another country that people love singing/ going to a karaoke but I think in SK they have their own brands for cordless microphones.


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But here there is a number of embarrassing deodorant ads *deep sighs*. I always feel secondhand-embarrassed whenever I see these ads on TV and foreigners are watching them. I don’t understand why we have so many deodorant ads. And most of them look.. embarrassing. 😥


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Thanks, @mmmmm for the outside of the U.S. info! I am such a California provincial, I know very little about popular culture in other countries, except, of course, Korea, where kdramas have made me an expert. At times, I find it strange that every night after work Koreans drink too much soju and then go sing karaoke, but I'm not going to judge because I waste a lot of time surfing, talking with movie stars, and calling everyone "dude."

As far as deodorant ads, we have plenty of those, of course. But for a while, what was funny about them is that because they thankfully had the decency not to show actors applying the deodorant under their arms, they instead had the actors spraying or spreading it on their forearms, as if forearm odor was the source of personal embarrassment.

About the mood ring--its really funny, but my son was visiting yesterday and I noticed he had a ring on, and he said it was a ring that recorded heart rate, stress, sleep and calories and sent these stats to his phone. In other words, a mood ring!


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I’m always kind amused by how different countries are represented/represent themselves in popular culture. In New Zealand we are all extremely outdoorsy, all know each other (fairly accurate 😅) and also so relaxed we’re practically horizontal…and if it’s overseas media we have Australian accents 👀😄


When I was first in Korea in approx 1985, after a company dinner (at a gisaeng house, no less) a large contraption was brought out and hooked up. They explained it was a recent thing from Japan called karaoke, and then the singing commenced. I’m not sure my jaw un-dropped for the rest of the night, but apparently we have Japan to thank for it.


I bought shoes and crampons to go to Iceland between Christmas and New Years \o/


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Can you pack me in your suitcase?


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Isn't it a little bit too far from your home?


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It actually is.


I'm glad your purchases are making you happy. I'm going to try a low spend/high save year in 2023 because of some goals I have. But I think it's also important to enjoy the money you work so hard for. I recently bought a new sweater I'd had my eye on for months and then some Deciem products during their November sale.


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Thank you for introducing me to Deceim! I have never heard of it before, but price-wise their products look really good! In the future, I might want to try some of their products; if they work, this will be another way to get good products and save some money!


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I’m a big fan of Deceim. Their Buffet serum is amazing.


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Buying stuff makes me happy. Having money in the bank makes me even happier so the latter wins out.


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I'm waiting for the day that I think like you.


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So much depends on where you are in life. I did a "buy nothing" year four years ago - I allowed myself a few basics like underwear and tights, and a couple of visits to thrift shops and fabric stores, but for all of 2018 I bought no new clothes, furnishings, books, toys, jewelry, or any of the other myriad objects I would normally accumulate without a lot of thought. Of course I had the luxury of doing that because I already own what I need for daily life so I recognize that's a privilege lots of people don't have. It really reset my spending habits and I still shop far less than I did before. @bcampbell1662 is so right that it's important to enjoy hard-earned money when you can; I'm saving mine for more travel because that year taught me that I enjoy that more than anything except food.


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I'm seeing more and more coverage of South Korea in the NYTimes. Just this week there was a really interesting article about robots in the Naver offices. Brings the idea of casting office dramas to an entirely different level!


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I don't know why, but I have to log in in DramaBeans every two or three minutes, even though I keep clicking the Remember me button in Chrome navigator (mobile phone) 🤷🏻‍♀️


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I don't have issue and I use chrome too.


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I don't know why it keeps happening everyday. It's really annoying 😅


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I have never had this issue, but it's Safari I'm using.


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I had that problem a few weeks ago on my mobile Chrome as well. I also had to log in every time I sent a comment even though I was previously logged in. But the issue seemed to have disappeared on its own.


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That's good to know! Thank you!
I hope the issue disappeares for me too :)


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I use DuckDuckGo and I always have to enter my credentials every time I login in. But o love DDG.


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Please use the following email and they will look into it for you: hello@dramabeans.com


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Regretting my decision to check out korean dating reality shows. This has triggered a burn-out. Same was the case with the family dramas.


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Here after a long time! Life and work was busy. But it was going good.
Wong Kar Wai films, books, comic cons, hotpot and board games with friends kept me away from the Forum.

But good to be back! I am still watching a few K-Dramas and started a C-Drama (Unexpected Falling) and finished Somebody. More style (and it was great style indeed) than substance. Will go through the Forum and post more on the rest of the weekend.

PS : @reply1988 Missed chatting with you!


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Yay, she’s back🥰


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I just saw a report that one of the members of mega-group BTS is enlisting in December. This is on par with Elvis going into the army in 1958. I'm not particularly up on BTS, I can maybe name four of the seven members if you were to press me on the subject.


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