Island: Episodes 5-6

Two of our leads reconnect with people from their past, though one reunion is a lot more confrontational than the other. Grief has our protagonists in its grasp, and it’s not about to let go without wringing a good deal of despair out of them.

Editor’s note: Island will resume streaming on February 24, and weecaps will continue.

“Island “Island

We resume where we left off last week — demon-eyed Ban sprints towards Mi-ho, and when his dagger finds its mark, blood splatters onto Mi-ho’s face. Except she’s unharmed. As her shock subsides and Ban’s eyes return to normal, they realize that Ban stabbed his own arm in a last-ditch (and perhaps instinctive?) attempt to avoid hurting Mi-ho.

Despite the danger that Ban’s other side poses, it’s clear to Mi-ho that he isn’t the least bit malicious. Worried about his injury, Mi-ho climbs all the way up to Ban’s stone memorial site with a first-aid kit, since he’s been intentionally staying away. Mi-ho reminds him that he’s protected her multiple times, but Ban still rebuffs her. He’s afraid he might lose control and hurt her again.


Since Ban has decided to remove himself from Mi-ho’s immediate vicinity, Yo-han takes it upon himself to become her new bodyguard (or trailing puppy, really). He follows her to school, where they run into Soo-ryun. Though she’s understandably still traumatized by the incident, she seems to be doing better, to Mi-ho’s relief.

Meanwhile, Goong-tan is up to no good (as usual). This time, he’s chosen to take a more proactive approach, directly inciting a lust demon to go on a rampage. The demon wears a fur-lined parka that obscures his face, but we see him yanking out people’s livers left and right, only to murmur mournfully that the livers aren’t his.


It’s time for the spotlight to shine on the third leg of our main trio, which means we find out about Yo-han’s past. A sudden phone call has Yo-han abruptly leaving the dinner table, uncharacteristically discomposed. As Butler Jang explains to the curious Mi-ho, Yo-han grew up in an orphanage with his older brother KANG CHAN-HEE (cameo by Choi Tae-joon).

Both kids were adopted by a foreign couple, but the blissful times didn’t last long. Their adoptive parents didn’t view them as sons, but as convenient organ donors for their ailing biological child. Forcefully separated from his bedridden brother, Yo-han was drugged and dumped on the side of the road, where he was found by the priest who took him in. Ever since then, Yo-han has been searching for his estranged brother, but to no avail.


Now that she knows about Yo-han’s tragic backstory, Mi-ho can’t simply sit idly by. Leveraging on her extensive connections, she manages to narrow down Chan-hee’s current location — he’s working as a deckhand in Jeju. It’s a tearful reunion for the two brothers, and doubly so when Yo-han discovers Chan-hee’s surgery scar.

Finally realizing why Chan-hee had been in so much pain back then, Yo-han vows to never part from his hyung ever again. Since Chan-hee has nowhere else to go, Yo-han decides to take him back to Mi-ho’s villa — but oh no, the fur-lined parka that Chan-hee’s wearing looks awfully familiar…

Meanwhile, Mi-ho’s in high spirits. She’s just helped two long-lost brothers reunite, and her best friend Soo-jin is about to get married — her day couldn’t possibly get any better, could it? Well, the answer is that it definitely gets a lot worse. Soo-jin’s husband is on his way to deliver a cake and a wedding corsage to Mi-ho, which naturally means that the death flags are at full mast. Goong-tan ambushes him on the road, then holds his dead body out on the villa’s rooftop like a trophy for Mi-ho to witness.

“Island “Island

Ban arrives too, having recognized the postmortem injuries of the fox demon’s victim as Goong-tan’s signature twelve-stab killing method. His dagger led him right to Goong-tan, who drops the corpse and walks off, as if inviting Ban to follow.

That leads him to a deserted clearing, where the two half-demons come face-to-face for the first time in years. Goong-tan seems like he’s spoiling for a fight, but contrary to expectations, he tucks his dagger away. As Ban’s dagger halts a hair’s breadth away from his eye, Goong-tan reminds him that Won-jung deceived them both, using and then discarding them.


Back at the villa, a grieving Mi-ho puts on a brave front, playing the part of a good host to Chan-hee. Except it’s not reciprocated — Chan-hee is indeed the liver-hunting lust demon, and Goong-tan has already sunk his manipulative claws into him. Thankfully, his sneak attack is thwarted by Ban’s force field.

Ban chases after Chan-hee as he escapes, only to be taken out by a fireball — hold up, Goong-tan can wield fire?! He easily overpowers Ban, claiming that Ban’s humanity makes him weak. Goong-tan leaves Ban with an ultimatum — will he join hands with him, or will he die at his hands?

Devastated by the loss of someone so close to her, and tormented over witnessing her best friend’s grief, Mi-ho seeks out Ban at his stone memorials. There, she finds an exhausted Ban, who’s barely recuperating from the previous night’s injuries.

“Island “Island

Ban finally explains it all to Mi-ho — she’s the reincarnation of Won-jung, who had the power to repair the broken barrier between the mortal realm and the demon one. As such, the lust demons are trying to kill Mi-ho before she can awaken her power.

Resolving to take charge of her own fate, Mi-ho reassures Ban that she trusts him, sincerely asking him to stay by her side. But that’s exactly when Ban coughs up blood. Swiftly putting distance between himself and Mi-ho, Ban insists that this is a burden he has to carry alone.

Since Ban is bent on solitude, Mi-ho seeks out Granny Geum, hoping to glean whatever information she can about Won-jung. Luckily, Granny Geum is a lot more forthcoming with her knowledge. According to her, a light will emanate from Mi-ho’s awakened body, enveloping the island and mending the land — just like how she managed to heal Benjulle.


Unwilling to lose his one and only brother again, Yo-han attempts an exorcism on Chan-hee, but the lust demon is too strong. When Chan-hee regains a brief moment of clarity, it’s all he can do to beg his little brother to kill him and end his suffering — but Yo-han can’t bear the thought of killing his brother with his own hands.

Yo-han pleads with Mi-ho to save Chan-hee, just like how she managed to rescue Soo-ryun from Benjulle. Motivated by her sympathy for Yo-han, and her desire to awaken her powers, Mi-ho courageously (or is that recklessly?) decides to give it a try.


Mi-ho takes Chan-hee’s hand, channeling healing intent towards him… and then he transforms into a lust demon and breaks free of his bonds. Yo-han shields Mi-ho, but even as Chan-hee’s claws plunge into his brother, it no longer registers in his demon-controlled mind.

Yet again, Ban arrives to save the day. But he’s clearly less powerful than before, and Chan-hee even manages to get several hits in, eventually tossing him aside. Chan-hee advances upon a terrified Mi-ho, mere seconds away from ripping her liver out — and then a blade stabs him clean through from behind. It’s Yo-han’s sword.


The demon subsides, and Chan-hee plaintively explains that he just wanted the pain to go away. Goong-tan had promised it would, if he took Mi-ho’s liver for himself. Heartbroken, Yo-han bids his brother an anguished farewell, chanting a prayer as Ban destroys the demon with his dagger.

Elsewhere, Goong-tan enters his evil lair, where a horde of followers await his return. And amongst them… is Yeom-ji?! Who calls him Uncle?! Ohmygod. Ohmygod. I suspected that she’d have a bigger role to play, given her close ties to Granny Geum, but I didn’t expect her to have nefarious intentions. This definitely casts her introduction of Benjulle to Soo-ryun in a whole different light…

“Island “Island

That marks the end of Island’s first half, leaving us hanging on tenterhooks until the drama resumes on February 24. This week’s episodes may have floundered somewhat with its choppy editing (so many disparate plot threads, so much jumping around), but I’m still intrigued enough to anticipate the second half.

Sung Joon has such a magnetic aura as the enigmatic Goong-tan, and I can’t wait to find out what turned him against Won-jung and drove a wedge between him and Ban. I’m also impressed by Cha Eun-woo’s acting — he’s really outdone himself this time, and his raw desperation to save his brother brought me to tears.


As Mi-ho pointed out, it isn’t Ban’s promises that are weak (unlike what he claims), but his resolve. Ban has been letting his guilt hold him back, constantly keeping himself under scrutiny to ensure that he doesn’t inflict harm on Mi-ho/Won-jung again. Yet it is also this fear that gives rise to tunnel vision and blind spots — too preoccupied by his remorse, Ban cannot have sufficient faith in himself to fully commit to his purpose.

Ban’s still wilfully trapping himself in the past, as seen in how he still tends to his stone tower memorials, and how he still wears mourning clothes (yes, there’s a reason for all his black suits). Ban wants to do better, and he’s constantly trying to atone for his perceived sins — yet he doesn’t believe that he can do better, and that’s his biggest roadblock. Will he be able to make amends and forgive himself? What schemes lie in wait for him? Is it February yet?



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I frakking hate this show.

First PMO (Patented Minority Opinion) of 2023, apparently. Starting the year out strong, I see.

What a gigantic waste of time. And the colour grading and lighting! Simply atrocious! Pray tell, why does your show look like the washed out remains of a sad, tired, desaturated ash heap? Even the pink? Why is it so draining to watch and leeched of all life and colour??! Hideous.

No, I will not be elaborating any farther on my special distastes towards this disgarceful mess. May it burn with the fire of a thousand righteous suns.

Instant Endosolistration List, this AND Season 2/Part 2, which I will quite emphatically and obviously NOT be watching.

Good riddance!


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I don’t know how they made such a bad show with Kim nam Gil! 🤯


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No one can understand!


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Apparently it’s possible if you stop him from talking, laughing, moving much, or interacting with the vast majority of the cast.

Never saw a charismaectomy before.


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LMAOOOOO i agree. they basically made him a one-note character and no amount of good acting can save it.


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It's the burning with the fire of a thousand righteous suns, for me. I apologize for the violence. 😁


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One of the most frustrating things for me is that the elements for a good show are THERE, but they’ve been so criminally squandered that that it actually makes me angrier. You want to reach through the screen and tweak things and then an okay show light emerge!

Heavy Cafe Minamdang vibes, but without the standalone scenes of humor. The moments of humor in Island are appreciated, but too brief and swamped by… I don’t know, crap.


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Unfortunately I have to disagree with you a bit there. I was thinking last night about how to fix this show, and had to conclude that actually, I think it's entirely unsalvageable 😅😅😅


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Admittedly, you’d have to re-write it… but the actors can do good work! The scenery is pretty! They’ve clearly got a special effects budget!

Also no one can convince me that a takeout container of melted cheese and chicken can hours later be an edible school lunch. Mmmm, congealed cheese with a slick of chickeny oil on top…. You cannot pick that up with chopsticks or ANY utensil, it would just come out of the container as a solid disk.


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I mean at that point it's not even a rewrite, right: just write a whole new/different show!!! 😂 an actual good one lmao.

Anyway. Said more down below, even though I said I wouldn't 😅😅😅🤙


I watched the last two episodes but I do not think I will be watching the second half. This show is simply not grabbing me in the way that I had hoped.


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I thought I was alone in not seeing the appeal of this show! It's not to not feel alone.

I wasn't expecting this level of dislike (to put it nicely) haha


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It's nice* to not feel alone.


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Episode 5 & 6 were my fav episodes. I think I cried in these two episodes. Especially the story of yohan and his bro was heartwrenching. Like you said, Cha Eunwoo acted his pant off. He was fabulous and I ended up crying. His desperation to save his brother, his usual cockiness and composure all gone, he was just a lost younger bro, trying to save his loved one. At the end, when he had to kill his bro, you could see he was a broken man behind all the smiles. Even his crackling voice added to the scene. Another scene which made me sad was when they killed the fiancé of Miho's friend. The ending was shocking. The school girl twist was awesome! I can't wait to see more of Gungtan. Kim Nam Gil, Lee Dahee, Cha Eunwoo & Sung Joon all acted well in their parts but personally, Yohan was my fav character in season 1 and the last two episodes made me love him and sympathies with him more. Eunwoo got a chance to show his range - from fun loving, cocky, happy go lucky bright young fellow to action star to broken man. I want to see how our trio will deal in the next season


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As always, thank you for your recap!

I have to say after completing s1, I find the show underwhelming.
I was surprised that even with a lot of creepy demon-fighting action, the episodes have extended periods that are rather dull and dragged out. It's strange since I was initially fairly excited about Kim Nam Gil and Go Doo Shim. I find both actors phenomenal, but here in The Island, the acting overall seems kind of flat, bland, and all around a bit lackluster. I have a hard time relating to any of the characters.

I'm really hoping that s2 will give me more reason to watch other than just Cha Eun Woo's earrings. I am interested to see what they end up doing with the story as well as the prophecy. Here's hoping for a better season 2.


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I agree - very disappointed cos I was super excited about the drama.

I think the problem is the editing? Or directing? The scene transitions were choppy and abrupt at times. It made it difficult for me to connect with the characters. I think that also didn’t allow for the acting to shine through.


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I agree, it does seem like a problem with the directing. It feels like the characters a fairly one-dimensional...

Additionally, I agree that the editing choices lead to a fairly choppy product.


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CEW earrings are so annoying... am I supposed to believe a Catholic priest changes his earrings everyday?


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Google and you will find many priest don't mind wearing earrings and also, there is a reason for his earrings.


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Oh, is this a detail from the webtoon? I hope the show has time to explain this aspect.


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Yohan in drama has been dressed like how Yohan in webtoon was. There is a story behind him wearing earring in a webtoon so I hope they tell people in drama too


Tough crowd out here lol I actually enjoyed it. I think they’re doing a decent job fitting in all aspects of the story in 12 episodes. I do wish they had just done 16 so they could go further into the story. I think the actors are doing a really good job at portraying the characters. Miho is my fav but I didn’t like how they randomly made her infatuated with Van… it felt unnecessary this early on like they could’ve waited until part 2 for that. Yohan is cute and I think Cha Eunwoo really proved himself with this drama. Gungtan is pure evil and I think sungjoon did an amazing job at portraying that. Okay byeeeee


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Thanks for the great recap and your thoughts @solstices! I am actually baffled by the low ratings and ultra negative reviews. This show started off as a cute, comedy, horror and continues to be dark with a little less humour in its latter episodes, but still retains heartwarming and cute moments. One thing that has remained consistent throughout is that it continues to not take itself too seriously. It’s light and funny but so fast and cool. I am particularly enjoying the musical score. I listened to that ending score on repeat lolll. The overall vibes remind me of early 2000s grunge rock and horror anime/manga…(inuyasha and demon slayer anyone?)…I like it…a lot. And the actors all unsurprisingly deliver. AND the story seems to still be setting premise so i expect more answers next season. Soooo, I am enjoying every bit? Anyway, I’ve already marked my calendar and looking forward to Feb 2023!


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People like to shit all over things that are not to their tastes and loudly proclaim how bad they are. While I understand a few of the complaints about lighting and scene transitions, I am also enjoying it overall. It's campy, but I love campy. And the actors are delivering. Some people think things can't be "good" if they're not serious enough.


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I call them drama snobs/drama nazis .They act like their tastes are so much more superior, but when they fawn over a drama and recommend it to you ,you realise you just found a brand new awesome sleeping pill.


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Same. I love this. And yeah, I was a big fan of action/horror manga when I was younger, which could well be why I'm so into this. To each their own, I suppose. I'm just upset I have to wait over a month to watch the rest!


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I think you are spot on with the manga style comparison. I admit that I have not read the cartoon this story is based on, but once I started to imagine the scenes as cartoon drawings, it started to make sense - the styling, the short and simple sentences for the dialogue and also the abruptness of the scene changes. It is really a cartoon, acted with real people. It also explains why I find Cha Eun-woo's scenes the most watchable, he is the best match for the K-pop priest character.

I am not sure that this is what the director intended to make and whether the original cartoon itself does not offer more in terms of world building and character development. And this is where the problem lies for me. The story as told does not make me curious about what happens in the episodes to come. Will I be back in February? Maybe not.


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I personally expected this from the descriptions and PR before this drama aired. When i copy-pasted the premise into one of my group chats several days before it aired, someone literally responded, “omgsh, the description sounds like a satire”. And it literally is. So if we are critiquing the quality of satire, then sure. Also not sure what level of world-building we’re expecting in a silly comedy-horror within six episodes. But then again, i’ve read that this drama has been in the making for many years so maybe the initial description and premise were different and others has other expectations, idk


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i think overall the reviews are mixed - some really love it and some really don't. but ratings are decent; last i checked, island has been in top 10 on prime videos and the only kdrama to be there for the past 3 weeks. there are no "regular" ratings to judge since it doesn't play on tv.


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Well, I will be watching S2 of the drama, but don't ask em what.

These two episodes have been bad, at least to me. We have so many unanswered questions (why MiHo has her bangs, who dresses her with those bermudas an high boots, why does a Catholic priest change his earrings every day, how is it that there are so many violent deaths in Jeju and we haven't seen a single police officer...).

I have to complain about the writing (and the editing, acting and directing, but let's focus): we don't know why things happen now or why things happened before. Whatever happens on the screen feels random, and you can't tell if it's been an hour, a day, a week or a month between scenes. The pathing is bad, the timing is awful.

Regarding the acting, not even KNG is good here, and this says a lot.

And well, at least we finally got two lines from SJ. It only took six episodes.

This drama is bad but I am still watching. My own 2023 Sisymess.


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Hum.... Our genius priest is trying to save Mi-Ho or to kill her? He put her in danger twice intentionally and thoughtfully...

I don't really care about Mi-Ho and Johan, they're useless.

I'm more curious about our 2 half demons and their past, relationship, etc. But we had to wait for the 6th episode to see them together and now there is a break...

The story, the pacing, the editing, etc are meh. Killing a character we just met doesn't have any impact whether the brother or the future husband.


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I can’t agree with you more. Yo han was willing to kill Van because he thinks he is a menace to MiHo, but he doesn’t see any menace in his Hyung. Really, this drama doesn’t make sense regarding these two characters.

I just hope we have more Van and Gungtan in second part (I refuse to call it season 2). Hope KNG and SJ can save this disaster.


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I dont think Yohan ever intentionally put Mi Ho in danger. The first time, he seemed confident he could easily banish the ghost. It was evident in his first exorcism scene that he's pretty cocky. Pretty sure he was caught off guard when they ended up being teleported to that weird forest illusion/dimension created by possessed-Benjule. The second time, when he was attacking Van, Mi Ho creeped up on them both. The third time, Yohan exposed and then brought Mi Ho to his brother despite knowing he was a demon because he was desperate to protect his brother. Idk but Yohan just seems very consistently human and vulnerable, despite his confidence. He sought Van's help first and Van refused, so Mi Ho was his only option. Eun-woo's portrayal of Yohan's confusion in the last two episodes were very moving to me.


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He wanted to see Van's demon face to prove that he was a danger for Mi-Ho. He did it alone and in Mi-Ho's house. It was completely stupid. He couldn't defeat Benjule, his cockiness already put Mi-Ho in danger at this moment. But he learnt nothing.
He's scared of Van who saved many lifes but thinks it's ok to bring Mi-Ho to his demon of brother...

For Benjule, he didn't know. But the two times after were his own plans that failed.


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Well, nothing worked in the show. The mythology was a mess. Kim Nam gil was wasted - does brooding black clothed persona works? - yes it does , but does it elevates the show to something more than a mess - No. One thing is sure - CEW has improved. He is no longer green and wooden. I feel bad for Lee Da Hee - two back to back shows with atrocious wardrobe and boring characters.
Here again those horrible white boots make multiple appearances- are they sponsored product? She should just throw those things out.


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The white boots are just awful. Please someone find her a stylist that likes her!!!


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Wondering if she owns them. Is this the same white boots from LifS?
They are awful.


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If they are not the same are very similar. And as ugly as the one she used in LIFS.


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The boots are just a visual assault. In a drama with demons, those horrid boots are the scariest thing!


omfg i agree they are doing KNG & LDH so dirty. her wardrobe choices are an occasional jumpscare and its like they got KNG to switch acting skills with CEW (im really surprised CEW is doing a better job in this role)


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100% agree on the shoes and her clothes in general. I don't understand why they don't hire a better stylist. They really do her dirty.


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I am glad people like this show, because on paper it’s right up my alley, but in reality I loathe it. And it’s not the actors, who I think are doing the best they can. It’s not the lush scenery. But how on earth did someone make a show where the writing and the advertising unite into some sort of unholy mess?

None of the characters make a lick of sense. Van is paper-thin. Mi Ho is, I’m sorry, an arrested-development adult with impulse control issues who should never ever ever be in a role of business leadership. Kpop priest is ironically the most consistent on paper, but the weakest actor. The storyline makes NO sense and swings wildly all over the map thematically and tonally, the pace and emphasis are like riding in a car where someone’s constantly playing with the radio stations and volume. And then the absolutely absurd and omnipresent product placement. I never want to see that chicken and cheese monstrosity again, and I’ve never seen a female lead change clothes so frequently. In one 3-min span I swear she changed clothes four times, for no reason. Some of those times she would have had to go home to change.

But I think what turned me against the show so permanently was the treatment of the storyline where the girl was being abused (literal! visible! abuse!) by her boyfriend. A school counselor who doesn’t care and then doesn’t seem to understand ANYTHING about the situation before wading in, a perpetrator who would be let off the hook if he weren’t supernaturally murdered (yay..?) and the absolute rage I felt when the butler casually mentioned that the perpetrator was at the vulnerable coma victim’s hospital room. Unmonitored, seemingly. And then Mi Ho sees him exiting that room and doesn’t immediately blow past him to check that the girl’s okay? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE.

So the show’s got no credit left with me. And I’m baffled that Netflix didn’t have any of these notes during production. Just own-goals at every possible opportunity.


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(My apologies to Netflix - this is Amazon’s fault.)


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I haven't seen these episodes yet nor even read the recap, but the comments perversely tempt me to keep watching just to see the anatomy of a trainwreck laid bare. On the other hand, if I stop now, I won't have to see the bangs-bermuda-shorts-and-boots combo again (at least in this drama; who knows what sartorial horrors will crop up in other shows). Decisions, decisions.


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I spent quite a lot of time thinking about the hair (are those, like… mullet-bangs?) and have concluded that Mi Ho decided to cut her hair into an awesome business bob, and halfway through the appointment a fire alarm went off and they all had to flee the salon and then the salon BURNED DOWN so she just hasn’t had the chance to fix it.

At no point would I entertain that that is a deliberate hairstyle choice.


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Even though I seem to be one off the few enjoying this show, I completely have to agree with you about Mi Ho's hair. It was the first thing I noticed and I spend a lot of time trying NOT to notice it. Same for her wardrobe, but that's not quite as egregious.


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I watched WWW, then Love is For Suckers, and now this. I feel like I’ve been mostly inoculated against LDH’s stylist’s wardrobe choices (please please do not say LDH is doing this to herself).


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Actually in The Beauty Inside (which also starred LDH ha!) there was a scene which showed that actors are responsible for furnishing their own wardrobe. So either LDH just likes these clothes or she trusts a sub-optimal stylist 🤷‍♀️.


Noooooo!!! Please let 'mullet-bangs' not be a real thing, please. I fear that merely using the term is a diabolical invocation that will summon that evil into existence. Hellfire would be an appropriate punishment for any salon that did that on purpose. Although maybe that would give CEW something to exorcise?


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I didn't read webtoon drama is based on, but Miho's hairstyle fits PERFECTLY her role in the story - reincarnation of an ancient demon-sealing priestess who needs a grumpy immortal half-demon protector to save the world. Actually, I see her as a direct ripo... callback to manga/anime Inuyasha and its two female leads who had all those traits AND the very same hime-cut for one of them. Anime hairstyles rarely work well in real life, but if it's indeed what she looked like in webtoon, then production team most likely didn't have a choice. Hardcore fans can be REALLY nasty about even smallest changes of their beloved characters visuals.


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I picked it up solely because the comments made me want to see this trainwreck. And yes it's a mess. Kim Nam-gil being in this mess is like Cho Seung-woo being in Sisymess. Why why why?


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Sisyphus…another show I watched in its entirety just for the actor. What an apt comparison. 😂 I think I like this one better overall though. Don’t ask me why.


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I never lied to you!! I said it was so bad it was bad and it was 2023 Sisymess 😂😂😂😂😢


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I'm really not getting the hate for this drama. At all.

Personally I love the visual style, with its dark muted colors and stark lighting. It really makes the setting of Jeju Island seem like this wild, haunted place that's practically a character itself. I'm really enjoying the atmosphere and the world they've created, even if we've gotten more questions then answers at this point. And I think the characters are awesome and flawed in interesting ways, and the actors are portraying them well and have great onscreen chemistry.

Pus, it's really fun! After 2022 being the year of chronically dropped and disappointing dramas for me, personally, I'm glad my first watch of 2023 turned out to be something I'm enjoying this much! Excited for the next half :)


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Meh, this drama was watchable, but also forgettable.
The first two episodes were campy and sorta fun. But after that, it was less campy. It's like a movie where the writers didn't flesh out the characters and/or stories enough. Don't know if more episodes would have helped.

Unfortunately, I'm not connecting with any of the characters.
It's crazy how the friend's husband and Yo Han's brother were introduced and killed all in one/two episodes. I felt bad for their loved ones, sure. But there was no deep, emotional impact.

I really groaned when it came to the flashback of the young brothers and their ordeal with their adopted parents.

There was one time (last week?), I noticed Yo Han's hand was shaking and he hid it. And with the fact that he put Mi Ho in danger multiple times, I wonder if he is secretly sinister. On the other hand, he did save her this time.

I'll still watch the next season to finish the story. It's only 6 episodes~ But I'm not expecting to be amazed by it.


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woah omg i didn't know people were not enjoying this show at all and wtf was I the only one who found out through this post that it resumes in feb??? wtf is this a new trend? break shows into 2 parts? omfg im so tired of shows doing that.

aside from that i'm enjoying the show so far even tho most of the plot is predictable but I'm confused as to why Kim Nam Gil has so little screen time despite being a main character (where tf does he go 90% of the time??) and i wasnt expecting a plot twist at all till i found out this show only had 12eps.
I wasn't bothered about the side plots in todays eps (sorry I couldn't feel anything between yohan & his brother you just introduced him to me) but CTJ should just stick with villain roles as he does a fantastic job with them & Soojin's husband was sad but cmon did you really expect to be happy when you're best friends with the woman literal demons are trying to kill?


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Reading these comments (as a person who is slowly making her way through this show—still on episode 3) makes me want to keep watching anyway. I know that @sicarius, and @leetennant, and @ezal and I hardly ever agree on dramas. @ezal and I are are more aligned typically. So when @sicarius hates something, I probably will like it. Although, I’ve not ever thought kdramas do a great job integrating Western religions with Eastern and make it make sense, but because it’s fantasy I can look the other way. And in this case I can run faster and get more euphoric and lean into its ridiculousness a little more. I just remembered that I need to watch Into the darkness soon, which this thread reminds me every time I read it. I have nothing earth-shattering to add, but it seems that those who read the webtoon are coming to this show in a completely different place than those that haven’t. And I’m just happy a kdrama is getting some notice on the Western front. And #imhereforthepretty


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Based on this comment I'm nervous about telling you that Through the Darkness is good. I think that means you'll hate it.
But it is good. I recommend it.


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Well, I do agree with your opinion on procedurals typically (I.e. FOS).


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Ally, just wanted to say that I have always appreciated how willing you are to just be unashamedly honest about enjoying the things you enjoy.

I think there are some people who speak about the shows they both dislike and like in such a way that comes across as very judgmental towards the people who disagree with them, and I’ve always hated that even though I’m definitely guilty of it. You are always both honest AND respectful and, frankly, we don’t see enough of that in our world, so thank you.


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FWIW I watched the first two? maybe? episodes of this but somehow have no recollection and don’t have any plans on continuing so I have no horse in this race.


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Lol. 💜
At least we'll always have Lookout.


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With the trend of 2nd seasons so hot, why is nobody thinking of making Lookout season 2 where Father Lee was told by the doctors that DoHan's coma might continue indefinitely, so he changed hospitals and told SooJi he had died, to help her let go and get on with her life,
and then DH miraculously wakes up after a few months or years.
And then, 7 years later... Cue Close Your Eyes It's Time For You Baby...


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I know, right??? That needs to happen!


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This is dumb. Why am I doing this 😂😂😂. Okay.

I said I wouldn’t. But here is that not exhaustive list of reasons why I loathe this show and want to set it on fire anyway:

1. I need you to understand that my issues with the CINEMATOGRAPHY AND DIRECTING (broad, general terms) of this show, as I briefly mention in comment one of this thread, are not purely a personal taste in style thing.
No, this is objectively, badly shot, lit, coloured, paced, edited and styled. At some point the quality of film techniques becomes a fact, and not something to debate subjectives over:
This show is tonally confused, and aesthetically terrible.

- The internal scenes look like noir. The external scenes look like pastoral weekenders with a funeral filter over them. The actions scenes are all standard horror.
- When the audience needs to be able to see what is going on, they can’t. That is BAD lighting. Not a specific kind of lighting technique. Not a stylistic choice. Not a contextual choice. That’s just bad lighting.
- There’s a difference between using a dark colour grading palette (see: Adamas), and desaturating your shots so much, that your characters are the same pallid tone, hue, and shade as your trees, your sky, your mountains, your 56th abandoned warehouse, and your demons, all in one; all a bleak, dreary value of grey.
I have news for you: horror elements in your show do not mean everything needs to look like a bedraggled sock, and everything is washed in darkness.
Compare, if you will: Sell Your Haunted House, where the main character also wore predominantly only black, and the genre was also fantasy horror, but the colour grading was vibrant and pleasing to watch, the horror elements using red and blue lighting, or setting contextual colour cues, to bring them to life, even when they were in the dark and or about dark things.
- The shots are not framed well, or even prettily. There was one shot in the entire 6 episodes I thought actually looked nice. There’s no sense of directing style in this show.
There’s not balance or character to how this show is shot. It’s just darkness, nonsense melo, action, and cgi.
Compare: White Christmas, that has a very limited colour palette, due to the setting, but where every shot counts for building the story, the characters, the themes, and the psychological noir tone.
Or: Adamas, that had a fairly moody urban gothic palette and tone, but built this up with lots of broad shots, symbolic framing and details, parallel narrative arcs and more.
- This is just an objectively bad example of anything it is trying to do visually here.


Costume design is an underrated aspect of television, imo. Costume design is not just “put our pretty actors in pretty branded clothes”. You should not be styling your characters according to the ACTORS or CAST; you should be styling them according to the CHARACTERS, who the characters are, their place in...


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... the story, and then contributing to building and elevating the story through what the characters wear.
This show, does not do this. In my opinion, it very obviously styles to the CAST and not the character, or rather, who the character should be. And no, I’m not just talking about Yohan’s cross earrings:

- Yohan dresses like a Kpop idol. He is styled like a kpop idol, he’s played by a kpop idol, he looks like a kpop idol, and for all intents and purposes, his character acts like one too. Or he might as well.
When he is not in his cassock, he is dressed like a kpop idol.
When he IS in his cassock, he is still styled, through make up etc, to look like a kpop idol. But like. One in a cassock.
Initially, my first impression of this, seeing as how I haven’t read the webtoon, was that the show chose to style Yohan, according to Cha Eun Woo; that is, he looks like a kpop idol, because Cha Eun Woo is a kpop idol.
However, I have read reason to believe, that he is styled like this in the webtoon ALSO.
Which is extremely bizzare, and in some ways even worse, to me.
Because it is weird and off putting, and not fitted for a priest character of any kind at all.
If this is a webtoon thing, then I think the webtoon is at fault for this characterisation:
The “cool, prodigy idol exorcist”, is certainly something Korea WOULD come up with, but it’s not something I think they SHOULD have come up with.
- But it’s not just Yohan/CEW.
Lee Da Hee’s styling is almost exactly the same as her styling in Love is for Suckers, her most recent show. Why? It’s not even remotely the same character. It didn’t fit THAT character, let alone THIS one. Her hair is atrocious, and frustrating and annoying, please cut it all off. Her make up styling makes her look like almost everything else I’ve ever seen her in, whether it’s a promo red carpet, a cf shoot, or at least two of her other shows. It’s exactly the same. There’s not even any attempt to try and style her to be this dominant female lead, this chaebol heiress turned chosen one. There’s no weight or drama or gravitas in how she looks or what she is wearing. There’s nothing to make this character memorable, nothing to make a statement about this character, nothing to make her stand out, from the depressing black forests she keeps getting attacked in.
- These are the two main perpetrators of this stylistic crime. Sung Joon’s white hair could be a really interesting and defining character trait, and KNG’s classic dark suit hero look doesn’t necessarily NOT work, but I find both stylisations of these characters underwhelming, and don’t stand out when and where they should.

3. This leads nicely into point 3 – CHARACTERS and ACTING

3.1. The Character Writing is Abysmal and Effects Everything:

- The characters are weakly laid out, underwritten, and not bold enough for the melodrama of the story.
- The relationships are not believably written. Rather instead, they are rushed...


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- The development and tracking of these characters is inconsistent at best, none of the motivations feel fleshed out or lived in. I know it’s just the first half, but by half way through your show there should be SOMETHING. (Alternatively, this actually shouldn’t have been a 12 ep show split into 2. Big fan of the 12 ep format, but not if doesn’t work for your story or you don’t use it properly.)
- Because of this, it’s really hard for any of the characters to truly be bought to life, or be compelling or interesting, and therefore it’s extremely hard to be invested in any of them in any way at all.

3.2 But on top of this, and I do believe to be a very controversial take, but, I found the all of the acting to be subpar in standard.
I was extremely unimpressed by everyone, and did not think anyone acted even serviceably in this, let along, good, or great, let alone nuanced, engaging, or excellent.

- CEW is miscast. He’s just playing CEW, the kpop idol, and not a priest. He reacts to nothing like a priest would or should, and he doesn’t have the charisma to bring a weak script to life. I’m trying not to drag him too much because that seems unpopular again all of a sudden, and I cbb dealing with it, but I really don’t think he fits this role or does anything for it at all. Ofc, as 3.1 mentions, this is not entirely his fault, because the writing sucks. But he doesn’t help.
- Lee Da Hee is also miscast. Mi Ho/Wonjeong needs to be a lot stronger in writing and portrayal to carry this drama, and she’s just not, in either. LDH acts like Lee Da Hee has acted in everything I at least, have seen her in before. She hasn’t the gravitas or boldness to pull off the chaebol heiress, let alone the Chosen One. She brings nothing new to the character to make it stand out. Like her styling, she fades into the background.
- KNG and Sung Joon have little to do, and are hampered by a boring, hackneyed script. They can neither redeem the script or their roles, or make anything interesting of them to make them enjoyable to watch.

- I don’t think the chemistry between the actors or the characters is compelling either. I think the dialogue is awkward, lacks charm, and is unfunny. Their connections are tenuous at best, and unconvincingly portrayed. I don’t care that any of these characters know each other, hate each other, like each other, or care for each other. Neither writing nor acting redeems itself here.
- To give credit where credit is due, I honestly think that nobody would’ve saved this script, and I think that very few would’ve made the characters anything MORE than their terrible scripts on top of that. Like I’m talking, maybe Ziggy and KDY, maaaaybe. That’s how badly I think these characters are written.


The decision to try and amalgamate a Catholic faith on the side (that is both taken seriously by the story and then also not at all) with a polytheistic mythology creates a set of...


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... contradictions that are not easily salvaged by the narrative’s current approach to either. Arguably, not salvageable at all.
It’s for THIS reason that I can’t see myself through to a way in which this story would work, or be fixed, in any way. (@miranda)
I will not be expanding upon this particular point farther, nor commenting on replies to it, because it will only incite the kind of conversation I go out of my way to avoid online.

TLDR: It’s contradictory and illogical, and means the worldbuilding doesn’t, nay CANNOT, make sense, which inevitably brings down the entire drama, and every other aspect of it is tainted by it.

5. PLOTS AND PLOT DEVICES which should be a subpoint of both DIRECTING and CHARACTER but I can’t be assed:

- the plot is dumb and the pacing and structure is all over the place
- it constantly jumps between times, with no sense of coherent timeline, between day and night, between locations, between weekdays and weekdays.
- Mi Ho’s job has no purpose in the narrative other than to get her to Jeju.
- Mi Ho never even does her job, so there is little point in having it there even as a pretense

- The side characters are just plot devices or emotional fodder fridged for shock value.
None of them have any purpose or carry any weight to the larger story, they’re just chaff to be processed to shock YOU the audience, and the main cast, or rather, specifically, Mi Ho and Yohan.
- Yohan’s brother is not firmly established as a motivation before episode 5, and is then “killed” off, in two episodes. We have no set up for this, why should I care? Oh there’s a backstory? You didn’t even tease that in episode 1. You didn’t hint it or keep us wanting more. You just went “here, a backstory, you have to care now”. That’s not good writing.
- Yohan’s character is pointless.
He’s pointless firstly, because the use of Christianity in this show makes no sense, thus rendering its presence there pointless. When his motivation is grounded in the “mythos” (id est, his faith), it too becomes pointless because of this. And he’s pointless secondly, because he has no defining or consistent motivation other than this. His brother came and went, poorly established, poorly given, and poorly taken, existing only as a plot device, nothing more. So Yohan is there for what? He does nothing. He can be nothing, and no motivation you give him at this point is going to make him have any more impact on the narrative, because you’ve already screwed up your two chances at this. He has no proper connection to anyone else in the show. He has no use in the worldbuilding or mythology. He has not personal weight or significance in the story. He writing is not compelling in any other way to alleviate some of this. WHY IS HE THERE. I can’t even say it’s because Cha Eun Woo could sell a rock painted as a washing machine, whilst dressed in a rags, because this character existed before CEW is cast.

- The framework of the...


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... the demon power is assumed to be contained to Jeju, but there is no explanation for this, and so why the Villain’s plot plays out the way it does makes no sense at all either.
- He also has no clear motivation or goal through which we can justify any of his actions, or attempt to engage with and understand his character
- And, he is currently, the strongest character on the Island, and since Won Jeong hasn’t been awakened yet, so there is literally no reason for him to just not Kill Everyone, and Reign Demon Lord supreme, if that’s what he wants… (except we don’t know what he wants…)
- But all this just contributes to the fact that therefore, the Benjulle arc and the Liver Eating arc, HAVE NO INTERNAL REASON to BE THERE, (other than shock value for the latter), so that’s 4/6 of your entire first half of your show, that has NO GREATER POINT, to exist. Neither forwards the overall plot or the overarching conflict in any way. Neither develops any character in any significant way either. These aren’t larger pieces of a whole, they’re random, purposeless, action beats.
- Nobody is helping Wonjeong Awaken, nobody is telling her anything till the last minute, Van is pathetic, and yet is supposed to be our Hero. Mi Ho spends most of the show in the dark, and then doesn’t do anything herself anyway, except get herself into trouble. Yohan is pointless, and we don’t even know what the Villain’s deal is.
- The show doesn’t seem interested in doing anything about this either, which means it doesn’t care enough to.
- Therefore, this show is not, and cannot be coherent.

This show is not ACTUALLY campy. It’s not. Camp is a deliberate exaggeration of style, for ironic or humorous effect.
This show doesn’t even HAVE a style, it cannot exaggerate it. It is intensely unstylish actually, in every sense of the word, as I have argued above.
But I’ve also seen this show been called both campy, and also a technically serious attempt and good example of whatever it is trying to be genrewise, and I think the show tried (and grossly failed) to do both at times too.
But it cannot be both. It cannot be both actually sophisticated, and perversely sophisticated. Either it is camp, or it is a serious example of its genre. Pick a lane, but you can’t have both.

In my opinion it is neither.
It is neither stylish enough nor technically proficient enough to be a good example of any of its multiple genres, and it is neither cracky, ironic, funny, or indeed creepy, enough to be camp.

And so, because it is NOT this, and probably can’t be this, whilst it remains confused, about everything, which seems to be a fundamental component of its nature, so it will always be confused, it cannot be enjoying in any way to overcome it shortcomings.
For me this show was not even a “so bad it was funny” show.

It was just consistently bland and annoying.

Gosh, why on earth did I write 2634 words on this, tHE eND


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I still maintain this show isn't even rant worthy but good job nonetheless

"- The internal scenes look like noir. The external scenes look like pastoral weekenders with a funeral filter over them. The actions scenes are all standard horror."

Such a good point. Genius even.

Honestly I could probably handwave a lot of this but the clash between Catholicism and the other (also conflicting) mythologies here is probably the main one (I mean other than the fact that the show just looks bad).

Why is the Catholic Church even here? Everything that's happening contradicts church dogma. Priests should be having severe existential crises over this not dancing around being Idol Priest.

I mean CEW can't act but it's not like the role requires acting. I keep waiting for him to start a song and dance routine, The Idol Priest. Coming soon to Amazon Prime.


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Some things, are easier to rant about in long form on a recap thread, than others, though they may be worthy of the most criticism. If you know what I mean. 👀


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Crap, now I HAVE TO watch 5/6 just to make sense of these comments. Obsessive must-close-loop brain is engaged and will not be denied.

The one other thing this has going for it (selfishly, for me) is that I am vaguely aware of but indifferent to the dogmatic/mythological aspects. Maybe that puts me in the target audience for this quasi-religious farrago? But I am also deeply grateful once again that kdramaworld is unaware that my own religious tradition and many others even exist, and I do feel empathy for the viewers whose belief system/religious background/cultural values/knowledge base much greater than mine (I'm grasping for a respectful, neutral description here) is being trampled utterly without self-aware intent because it's repulsive to see your beliefs and identity being mocked and distorted in a way that's not ironic or intentional or cynical or anti-, just ignorant and stupid.


Pick a lane, but you can’t have both.



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Yes, this. And thank you.


I have finally understood the meaning of camp. Thank you.


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just curious. Are you a director/producer/writer yourself? Or a film student perhaps?


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I'm a writer and artist, of multiple mediums, with a particular interest in everything film.


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I'm trying to wrap my brains around how this production managed to convince THE Kim Nam Gil to come on board. The dialogues are comical and I'm really fed up with the number of times I have to witness the very dark and handsome Van rescue Miho, as much as I am fed up watching her flip her hair. I am going back to TTD for a second rewatch to erase this out of whatever remaining braincells I have left after ep 6.


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The pacing on this show is so awful. There are the elements of a good show, but we need so much more time to get to know and care about these characters. There are tragedies and backstory and backstabbing all over the place, but they haven't given us the room to get attached to these people, so that we really feel the impact. I wish there were like two more episodes of monster of the week to allow for team building and attachment (including time with Mi-ho's friend) and then about four episodes to cover all the stuff that happened in the last two episodes.


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The comments are hilarious. i didn't think it was that bad. It is a little stilted, but I really don't hate it as much as some do. I do not think it comes even close to Sisyphus in terms of nonsense, so that comment really made me laugh. I'll watch season 2.


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Damn, I missed all the fun((( It seems that at this point we just have to accept this drama as yet another failed webtoon adaptation and either drop it or hate-watch for evulz till the end. Granted, it's not so BAD to require real hate - from me, at least - but the strong disappointment is enough too.

This week's episodes went under the motto of "info dump" - almost all the questions that drove me insane before were answered, followed by tons of answers I don't recall asking))) Yohan's brother storyline was as tragic as it was sudden - pretty sure we'd care more if it was introduced earlier (no, Italian demon blabbering vaguely about our Father Hallyu's dark past doesn't count!), just like we'd probably care more about Miho's friend and her husband-to-never-be. I did laugh when Van suddenly got hit with "I'll tell you everything" mood after denying poor girl (and us) ANY info for so long, but it got even funnier when granny gave EVEN MORE info... The only thing she forgot to tell is how to awake Miho's powers - how convenient to add more drama and drag the story till the Season 2))) At least now we know the desired endgame - Miho awakens, seals all the demons and purifies Van in process. One thing that Gungtan mentioned had me suspicious - he said that being around Miho weakens him (his demon half, I suppose). Does that mean that even without her awakening and other grand exorcisms she can "cure" Can just by being close? That would've explain why his powers started to decline drastically since Ep1. Poor Yohan's hyung if so, he literally died for no reason then (they could've keep him locked nearby and wait for her "good vibes" to work). Or her presence affects Van more since he wasn't possessed in a natural way (by demon corrupting his soul) so it's easier to separate his human and non-human sides?

Miho herself continues to be... just there. She reacts to things and usually does it in a convincing way that makes logical sense, but that's it. Her being a walking plot device doesn't help. I wish show was longer (and better) so we can flesh out the dramatically juicy dilemma of her trying to use her powers when she just doesn't know how. Or her complicated feelings to Van despite not remembering a thing about whatever relationship he and Wonjung had back then. Or how it feels to be THE chosen one. Ok, maybe without the last one, we've seen enough of that)))

Yohan, while still being fleshed out the most, went the dumb route this week. Multiple times. Not that shocking considering his age and how close to home things hit (CEW did well here, imo), but wow, Miho has not 1, but 2 supernatural bodyguards - and both suck at their job, poor girl! How did Gungtan know about hyung's identity before everyone else though? Or how everyone in this drama knows things they didn't witness and no one had time to tell them about?

Yeomji's dark alliances didn't shock me - she was sus since the beginning, esp her bipolar...


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... esp her bipolar reactions to Van. She's not granny's real blood relative, right? Then what is her deal in all this?

I'm still sticking for Season2 - mainly because who knows when we'll get more of KNG, and I'm kinda interested too see whether Yohan gets some positive character development after all he went through. I don't really have hopes for anyone else, sadly...


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LOL at the comments here. And yes, I am also the type to get peevish and actually watch this show more because I do not share the opinion of the majority. LoI! I do not find this show that bad though sure, it is also not that compelling so I watch it while doing my chores.

On the introduction of new characters to explain some back stories, then killing them off - did not find that strange as episodic shows/serial do this all the time. 'Supernatural' comes to mind as an example. So I am surprised it was a sore point for some. Maybe the trick that worked for me is that I did not take this very seriously in the first place, the premise is already ludicrous so no high expectations.


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Thank goodness the Sicario account wrote that rant so I didn’t have to! Lol. It was well written and boy, do I know how much of a commitment it took to get all that out. Point is, I agree with most of the interpretation.

The first two episodes completely deceived me into thinking this would be a dark, moody, but captivating story. Nope. It’s a dark, moody mess.

There’s a couple serious miscasts here, but to be fair some of the actors are irretrievably hamstrung by the writing, the lighting, (or more precisely the lack of it), and the choppy editing.

I caught on to Lee Da Hee and her dang hair nonsense in episode one and the fact that the director didn’t see it as a major distracting issue baffles me. Also, her constant and non-sensical wardrobe changes were ridiculous because there was zero logic to most of them. Sadly, I didn’t feel she brought any diversity of expression or sincere emotion to her role. To me, LDH may lack the acting experience necessary for this role.

Next, CEW’s characterization as a K-pop priest (though I think the webtoon character was probably drawn like this). CEW improves in each subsequent production he’s in and I see real growth here, especially in the scenes with his brother. That was another serious problem for me. Write in his long-lost brother and kill him off 10 minutes later. It’s almost as if the director and writer couldn’t decide if they wanted an episodic TV show or the gradual reveal of a centuries old saga and we got a congealed mix of the two.

Lastly, Kim Nam-Gil’s potential contributions being squandered into heavy sighs and CGI-exaggerated runs and jumps and flips pains me. Even though I found the action scenes the best part of this show, KNG deserves more. Shame on the writer (again!) for not tweaking the script to allow for more definition of the lead’s personalities/motivations. I think it would have helped and made for a better transition from webtoon to the small screen. None of the personalities have any depth. They’re all two dimensional.

It’s okay, it’s watchable I guess, but it’s certainly not memorable because even a lay person can easily see the potential this story had and how sad it is that this is the translation we got.

What a tragic waste of talent and budget. Who knows, they could absolutely redeem themselves in part two, but I think the stage has been set.


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Binged and enjoyed from start to finish. Not great but engaging with good looking leads. Just my kind of easy campy horror with random LOL moments. Kim Nam Gil's acting skills sort of wasted here though. Lee Da Hee's fashion drool worthy as always in all her shows. Cha Eun Woo oh so good looking eye candy. Wishing Choi Tae Joon didn't die and continues to show up in S2.


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