#2021 Drama RoundupDay 13: Drama beanies loved that you didn’t/ drama you loved that Beanies didn’t

Last year was a big year for me hating everything you loved and loving everything you were indifferent to. This year my Patented Minority Opinions (PMOs) are mostly around dramas you loved that I didn’t. I’ll just stick to two and in the process no doubt shock and horrify some people. You asked so here it comes…

1. Imitation. The plot was basically Boys Over Flowers and I increasingly disliked how the drama was pretending to critique the music industry while secretly romanticising it. So while most Beanies loved it, I did not and in fact dropped it

2. Move to Heaven. This is a little unfair since I did like this show, it was nice. But with its heavy-handed Very Special Episode tone, it felt emotionally manipulative. This sense got worse over its run until it lost me completely. By the time our male lead was rescuing his Uncle from an underground Fight Club using his Very Special Autism Powers, I had stepped off the Move to Heaven train. So while I liked it, I didn’t love it like others and this is probably my biggest PMO.


    “Patented Minority Opinions” is brilliant.


    I am so happy that someone felt the same way about Move To Heaven. I couldn’t get to the second episode because it seemed that the show badly wanted to make me cry but didn’t exactly know how.


    I liked Move to Heaven quite a lot but it was manipulative, after a few eps I just decided to ignore that and go with it. I like weirdos too much to let some heavy hand at sentimentality bother me.


    Move to heaven: didn´t hate it, just have no feelings for it. It is not even like dating when you are bored, it is like going on a date with someone I wish I had just stood up.


      or not even wish… you just forget your date is there. and only thinking of eating ice cream at home.
