We are only 15 from the start of our #2023RoundUp and here is the list. You know it’s not definitive and you can add, erase, or change any. Open to your comments!!!

1- Female lead you will never forget (for better or worse).
2- Male lead you will never forget (for better or worse).
3- Side character that stole the drama.
4- The drama you loved and Beanies hated / The drama you hated and Beanies loved.
5- OTP you didn’t think you would adore.
6- The character that deserves a kimchi slap.
7- The drama Beanies convinced you to watch and you can’t be grateful enough.
8- The character who most screams for mental health care.
9- Best quote / one liner.
10- Your non k-drama recommendation.
11- Your 2023 crush.
12- Best suit wearer.
13- Most fashionable drama.
14- Best bromance / womance.
15- Special Kimchi slap edition: worst parent.
16- Your guilty pleasure.
17- Oldie (non 2023) you loved the most.
18- Favorite villain.
19- Best used trope / Best subverted trope.
20- Favorite kiss.
21- The OST you are obsessed with.
22- Best cameo
23- Nam Da Reum prize: best child actor.
24- Favourite drama.
25- Show how you learned from your mistakes: let’s talk about drops.