My first fan wall post, hope I’m doing this right.
I’m over here sitting in shock after ep 15 of The Matchmakers. I take back what I said, I so wish 15 and 16 aired one after another. I need to know!


    Welcome to the fan wall!
    Now I’m afraid to watch 15 … 😬


      Ep 15 was pure fun. Skip the preview if you can and just watch ep 16 directly. I am cautiously optimistic about it.


        Great idea! I’m going to skip the preview! Tbh though, I really do think this is going to have happy endings all around. The general tone of the series just doesn’t lend itself to an unhappy one. (She says with eye twitching, still experiencing ptsd from Heartbeat…)


          Yes, that’s what I am holding on to. The tone doesn’t seem to indicate sad ending. The drama has been extremely consistent all 15 episodes, so hopefully no surprises


    I am right there with you. Still cursing that football match for interrupting the flow, Episode 15 made me laugh so much though


    Yay on your first post!

    I know! Only thing that makes it bearable is posting on DB…




    welcome to the fan wall, and welcome to live watching. it is TORTURE if the drama is good…

    and that is the FUN!!! painful, agonizing… but fun!


      Thank you for the warm welcome. I am embarrassed to admit that I first discovered Drama beans in 2012, when I watched my first K drama, Secret Garden and got so obsessed that I googled about it aggressively until I arrived at this page. However, it took me 11 years to actually open an account and start participating actively.

      I participate in live discussions on reddit, but I am starting to find the average audience there much younger. So while they offer great perspectives, sometimes I just want to see things from older audience’s perspective.

      Agree about live watching. The worst was live watching CLOY, I just cannot explain the torture I underwent waiting for new episodes. And we had 2 breaks where we had to wait 2 weeks for the next set of episodes. In spite of all that, I prefer live watching over binge watching, there is just something sweet about looking forward to a particular day in a week because of a drama that is airing.


        Wow! So, welcome…but also not? You’ve been around for quite some time! We do have quite the contingent of folks who, **ahem**, have been around the block a few times. 😉

        Are you going to stick around and chat about the next drama? If so, what’s that “next drama” going to be for you?


          Thank you. I’ve been active here for 2 months now I think and I really really really love reading all your comments and insights. I feel every single person here is highly intelligent. So, I am definitely planning to stick around. However, I am not very consistent in my drama watching. I watched only 1 drama from summer 2022 to summer 2023. Have watched at least 10 in the second half of 2023 I think. So I’ll definitely come and check out drama beans comments when I am watching a drama.

          I am now watching My Demon (love it), Park’s marriage contract (Ok OK, but will definitely finish), Samdal Ri (I don’t know why I am watching it, but I am up to date with the episodes)


            I’m afraid that live-watching on DB can be a little bit addicting, once you’ve started!! That said, plenty of people just dip in and out when their mood strikes. You’ll find your happy place, I’m confident.

            It’s been great getting to know your takes on MM. I look forward to our future interactions!
