A Poem A Day: I’ve never had a show where I was genuinely undecided between the two male leads who are (evidently) opponents in a love triangle. I probably should’ve expected this — I love Jang Dong-yoon and Lee Joon-hyuk (some days I feel like I love 95% of all Korean actors, but I realy genuinely do love these two!). I also love the humour in this show and its positivity. It’s a relaxing watch.


    This was why The Island of Neutrality came to be


    Also if you’d like some libation let me introduce you to a special APAD drink I invented: a gin and soju martini with a slice of apple, called a Duct Tape.

    While on the Island of Neutrality, some people keep trying to leave to board a passing ship. They asked to be tied down by Duct Tape. And so when I invented this island drink I called it a Duct Tape because if you had one you wouldn’t be going anywhere.


      Haha! That’s fun. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I don’t drink alcohol.


      I forgot about the drink! I do remember the need for duct tape, though.

      (I don’t drink either – just have a fruity mocktail and hold tight to your palm tree. Or possibly eat one of the insane PPL pizzas – pretty sure you’d be staying put with one of those in you too.)


    This show caused a big shipping war on DB, and lots of us were undecided as well. The poetry is lovely and those scenes are utterly relaxing. Enjoy!
