Apologies if this is non-drama related, but I’m curious…

For Beanies who practice yoga, is there a difference between sighing and loud exhaling?

Even if you don’t practice yoga, I also welcome your thoughts 😊

Thank you! ❤


    Do you mean a regular sigh? That’s very different from a loud exhale. Unless there’s a yoga way of sighing I don’t know.

    **does not practice yoga, but stereotypically, most Indian people would be able to tell you a thing or two. Considering how many many schools make us to yoga in the mornings. *rolls eyes*


      I don’t even know a regular sigh. I’m sorry, I’m even more confused now 😅 I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this


        Um, hahaha okay. I guess you’ve been given this primer already so it’ll probably be a repeat of what you know. [Please tag me if another beanie answers, I’m curious too]

        There are many different techniques of yoga (depending on what you want to achieve), but “breath” is life itself (pran). Therefore most/all yoga techniques will tell you how to regulate your breathing (according to that technique) – it is the most basic element.

        To be honest different techniques of yoga will teach different ways of breathing. I’m not familiar with the technique you’re being taught, so I can only help conceptually and explain why, even if it seems like its similar to a sigh, its actually not.

        The difference lies in the intention & the control. This is more important than you’d think: Yoga is about a physically fit body, or a healthy mind, or spiritual enlightenment & you won’t achieve the goal without that intention. I’m assuming you’re taught how to regulate your breathing so that you’re able to main a steady breath during certain asanas/positions. Sighing – often merely a sign of tiredness, and done without thought – won’t get you there. Focus, concentration, control beginning with your breathing – these are the base of any yogic technique.

        For starters, I’d (with my limited understanding) recommend maybe focusing on your own breath – not that of the student next to you, not on the teacher, not on the noise from outside, not even the thoughts drifting idly in your head.

        ^^; *that was long – sorry*


          Oh no worries, it’s fine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! I appreciate it! 😊 I understand now that with yoga, breathing is more regulated, unlike in sighing which is really not. I thought I was exhaling loudly, but based from your definition, I guess I was indeed sighing. 😆


    @greenfields are you suuuuure you don’t practice or even TEACH yoga? because that was a reeeeaally good explanation right there!! ha ha ha.

    @WaterHyacinth I do practice yoga, and I could not have said it more eloquently than Greenfields. It’s all about intention and regulation of the breath. Through the nose or through the mouth. Is the throat constricted to create an oceanic breath (ujjayi breathing)? There is so much power in how you breathe while practicing — it’s the fire that fuels your body through your movement and/or meditation.

    and what a delightful question! I love love loooove when Beanies post about non-drama related things. Never apologize for it. We should be able to talk about anything !
    *Beanie Hand Heart sign*


      😂😂😂 glad I wasn’t off the mark. I only have elementary knowledge as someone who has grown up with yoga.


    Like Greenie said, it’s about control of the breath – so it’s not just a loud exhale of breath like a sigh. However, it is also about actively engaging your muscles especially in your core. When I first learned yoga my teacher would tell us to make sure that when you breathe out you make sure your stomach is contracting and when you breathe in to make sure it fills up. Part of the reason for this is because it helps the body to physically warm up. If you’re ever in cold weather or shivering, try yoga breathing and you can actually feel yourself warm up a bit. Very useful when you live in a city which is regularly blanketed by snow.

    There are some breathing techniques which are more like sighs, but they are still controlled and still about active engagement of your body.


    In Yoga the exhaling is also controlled and you are more aware of each breath. Even when your exhake loudly there is a deeper level of consciousness in that exhale.
    Sighing is just a quick burst of air being expelled.


    I do practice Yoga for 2 years now but I still beginner :D. It’s so different. I practices Yoga to cure my anxiety , and like what @KethySK said that It’s all about intention and regulation of the breath, through the nose or through the mouth.


    Thanks everyone for answering!! That was very elucidating!!


    No apologies necessary for posting something that is non-drama related. The beanie wall functions in much the same way the Open Thread does.
