Okay so some of you had questions and I was planning to do this anyway.
As it’s my “Final 2019” Shโ˜…tpost as it were, both for Vagabond and the whole year, a lot of it is just random because that’s what a shโ˜…tpost is.
In the comments below, working top to bottom, left to right, is a list of what is happening in this picture. Picture is reposted for your convenience.


    1. “MEANWHILE IN THE GHOST REALM”- because technically magic horse, Cha Dal Geon AND I are all dead in Shโ˜…tpost Lore currently… soโ€ฆ

    2. The Royal Melonia Awards: Something I actually want to do *Sp0iler Alert* but haven’t yet so it’s foreshadowing and could also be a dig at the award ceremonies of last year, both on db and not.

    3. The fish, carrot and lazer unicorn awards: BECAUSE the fish cult (see The Secret Lyfe of My Secretary), carrot boy (see Arthdal shโ˜…tposts), and lazer unicorn (see Vagabond shโ˜…tposts and comments) were three of my best memes this year.

    4. FREE PLATONIC HIGH FIVES – is from Vagabond, Suzy and LSG had these really awkward cringey something tension filled high fives.

    5. WOLF CHILDREN ORGAN DONORS- a reference to Kill It – the forgotten shโ˜…tposted drama, and the weird glowing eyes of the protagonist and organ donor plot.

    6. Honestly maybe my favourite although I can’t pick, is… a Crowned Clown (The Crowned Clown, literally)… strapped to a Molotov cocktail made from a soju bottle.
    The irony is that it has been thrown into the restaurant and will promptly blow me, LSG, the entire picture and Subway to smithereens; I, the artist, am blowing it up but it, TCC, is also blowing me up. An accurate representation of my feelings about that show.
    Honestly I am so much better at meta than anything that came out last year. Extraordinary You WISHES it were me.

    7. It was thrown through a window aka it was… *defenestrated*

    8. Lee Seung Gi is dressed as Ares, aka the Greek god of War (hence the Helenistic helmet and spear)- because his tattoo is the one he had in Vagabond and it says god of War in really bad Chinese and yaknow he was invincible in Vagabondโ€ฆ like a god.
    Ares, not the Chinese god of War, deliberately, because nobody cares about accuracy do they now, especially not the Vagabond writersโ€ฆ

    9. He’s eating chicken because Vagabond Chicken (see VAGABOND).

    10. In a Subway because a) nonsensicalness is a common factor in both Vagabond AND my shโ˜…tposts and b) dramaland meta.

    11. The table is covered in Sake bottles (if you look at the labels and bottle styles closely, they are specifically not Soju) because I said (see this thread: http://www.dramabeans.com/2019/12/theme-of-the-month-your-year-in-dramas/#comment-3569125) that a write up off the past year would have to happen after three (or five) bottles of sake… this picture IS my write up for the last year… and well… there I am, passed out after the sake.
    Also as another dig at TCC- I drink sake, but it is relegated to a mere cheap soju ๐Ÿ˜› (because sake is better than soju)

    12. Magic Horse is there because he’s Magic Horse and he has to be.
    #magichorseforpresident2020 (Aka the best meme of last year, see ARTHDAL but also everywhere)

    13. Magic Horse is drinking a milkshake because he can.
    And because last time he was drinking a coconut cocktail so… keeping with the drinks theme.
    Maybe this one has Baileyโ€™s in it: he deserves it.


    14. The SIMS diamond and GAME OVER reference all the times I’ve made gaming references in my shโ˜…tposts, from Jeffrey (see MOA), to the Vagabond RPG play throughs, and LSG’s lives remaining, also ofc as a metaphor for something ENDING; my game is finished, the simulation and I broken, done, kaput, THE END.

    15. My little shโ˜…tposting skull (see HdlL shโ˜…tpost cover) is in the glowing Game Over sign.

    16. I am the jester assassin pixie queen of melonia ofc with the obligatory pink sunnies from MG, because they’re a shโ˜…tposting must now. (see Pre Melonia Lore for more)

    17. And a crown because bโ˜…tch I’m a queen duh

    18. I am holding a Tachi dripping with blood- which a Japanese sword, and is kind of like a Katana but older, from a previous era, and it’s longer and more curved. This has no reference to any drama… I just like swords and it’s a nod to the assassin part of my alter ego, and my assassin character from whose story the name โ€œSicariusโ€ comes, and who will probably, or possibly, wield a Tachi in the book I wish to write about her. Although, nobody knows that except me. *sp0iler alert?*

    19. It’s five am because I said so.
    (and because I once said I’d fight my most hated dramas in a Denny’s parking lot at 5am with the thigh bone of magic horse (back when he was still a skeleton, see: http://www.dramabeans.com/2019/09/arthdal-chronicles-episode-18-final/#comment-3526404 ) but also itโ€™s just a good meta shโ˜…tposty artsy time I feel.)

    20. A Sci Fi 80s ish movie poster called ENDOSOLISTRATION and the Hotel De La Luna flying into the sun on it โ€ฆ I shouldnโ€™t have to explain that one.
    (because we had to fit all 5 shows I shโ˜…tposted into this somehow )

    21. I ASSASSINATED JEFFREY FINALLY. a) a nod to my assassin title b) there was this joke in a Vagabond shโ˜…tpost I made about how Jeffrey is the cause of all my strife and agony and the cause of all bad dramas over the past year. He is my ultimate nemesis basically, the incarnation of bad writing et al. (Jeffrey is the Game from MOA, and his name comes from the MOA shโ˜…tposts for the newbies)

    22. Jeffrey is both 2019 and Medusa because… Greek mythology continuity jokes and also meta symbolism english essay schmuck

    23. I am sleeping because I am tired from fighting bad writing and Jeffrey all year and from shโ˜…tposting and from all the sake and from everything so now GOODNIGHT.


    24. Bonus
    I donโ€™t know if anyone noticed this (or if anyone cares) but around the time of Arthdal I changed the emoji next to my username on DB to match the thing I was shโ˜…tposting. So a carrot for Arthdal, a ghost for HDLL, and finally a chicken for Vagabond (although we went through a few trials like the lucky clover before the ultimate chicken reveal)
    I also, on the off chance you didnโ€™t know already, itโ€™s not like itโ€™s staring you in the face or anything, often censor swear words, such as sh☠️t, with an emoji. I started this years ago with black hearts, and the shโ˜…tposts opened up the opportunity to censor them with different things sometimes depending on the shโ˜…tpost.
    Thus: The emojis in my shโ˜…tpost write up are all related to dramas I watched this year, shโ˜…tposted this year, or Just Sic Things, and they were also used as much as possible to relate to the surrounding text.

    ☠️- the shโ˜…tposting classic
    ⚔️- The swords and sorcery quest game show that wasnโ€™t (MOA)
    🌸- Yangchaโ€™s flower crown (arthdal)
    🐝- Bees and I go a long way back for many reasons. Save the Bees.
    🧟- Zombie (Kingdom)
    👑- โ€ฆ I simply cannot think of what this one might stand for. At all.
    🖤- the other classic
    💀- I used this for a while before I settled on the skull and crossbones
    🐺- Kill It
    🐎- Oooh a horse…
    🥕- some of these should really be self explanatory
    👻- HDLL, about ghosts, and also I was the Ghost Queen during that show which you would know if you read my shโ˜…tposts and wonโ€™t if you havenโ€™t.
    🏨- itโ€™s a hotel
    🃏- Joker card = jester/joker, again should be self explantorY HOWEVER itโ€™s placement in the text is PARTICULARLY perfect because I am a joke. Yes.
    🍀- LSGโ€™s leprechaun overlord and his designated survivorโ€™s luck at not dying in ofc Vagabond
    🐔- Bok Bok Bโ˜…tch (the Vagabond Chicken)
    🐒- LSG aka the Monkey King because I refuse to let Hwayugi be forgotten.
    🤡- The Drama that Shall Not Be Named also placement is on purpose because again, Iโ€™m a joke or a clown if you will
    🕶️- if I have to explain the sunglasses thing ONE MORE TIME jk, also placement because haha I made a pun, made you look for clues get it GET IT
    🍍- Pineapples are rad
    🍈- I am the Melon Lord


    N.B. (@maybemakne) re. Your โ€œflying saucerโ€ (although hilariously Iโ€™m sure alien abduction came up at least thrice this past year as well)
    It’s… through a window… So the milkshake is on a small table OUTSIDE the Subway, and the window is frosted along the bottom, so you can’t see the table leg/stand (or Magic Horseโ€™s legs); you can only see the top of the table.
    There are like three layers to the drawing. LSG and I at the table with the game over sign hanging suspended in the air above my head. The window. And then outside the window.

    (Also no the lazer unicorn is just a thing I came up with on a whim to make fun of Vagabondโ€™s ridiculous action scenarios. If anything it comes from way back in the day when I played the arcade game Metal Slug and you could get a one off lazer gun in each game to help you get points/beat the boss. Like how else would you break into the Blue House. Duh. see: Vagabond shโ˜…tpost episode 5+6)


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