Open Thread #116

I can’t believe the last year passed as quickly as it did. It felt like a blur. And yet, sometimes it also felt like forever.

Happy New Year!!


Jamie Cullum – “I Only Have Eyes For You” [ Download ]

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^ seriously 'gobbled on sh*t*' is beyond lame, I rem she literally said 'your吃糞face' , so very HR, so so so kickassawesome.

u know there's a fanvid of epic proportion: IF this team got on HanaDan (yeah I know there's one Cdrama version out, but those boys r way fugly (and talentless..) :X)
this cute fan had Ady An (of coz I'll sub Ariel) as Makino, YuanHong as DMJ, HuGe as Rui (and who cares bout 3, 4)... actually HuGe ranks one league higher than HXM/louis Koo in my book IF he stopped taking on boring goody2shoes leadroles. His face is made for angsty k melo.

and funfact, I read all the crazy fangirling that YuanHong is very ChiLam in looks. I see the resemblance, but Chilam has a much softer fuzzier vibe, while this loverboy of ours has a jagged sharp predatorial edge to his aura.

Oh u r already worriying about YK @ PlumBlossomIsland?! o there r still plenty of falling boulders coming ur way gf.


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@ mookie

"u know there’s a fanvid of epic proportion: IF this team got on HanaDan (yeah I know there’s one Cdrama version out, but those boys r way fugly (and talentless)"

keep the love coming, twin-sis! Awesome fan-vid concept. Really, I totally see Hu Ge with a melancholy side. I also like him better than Huang Xiao-min/Louis Koo. But his Guo Jing in LoCH 2008 is getting his thunder stolen by not ONE, but TWO other guys. It's disconcerting on his behalf, because he's objectively the best looking guy in the group. Goes to show that acting is not about looks isasmuch is about that ineffable combination of looks, talent and charisma.

"I read all the crazy fangirling that YuanHong is very ChiLam in looks."

Really, really, really???? Chilam (Julian) Cheung is my fave HK actor of the 90s. I guess I *really* do have a type? No surprise, but I don't make that connection. I just know that a few hours spent with either guy and I was toast. I adored Julian's version of Guo Jing, he was dumb but never stupid, slow but never dull, loyal but understanding. In short, maybe my fave GJ, but half is because I love Julian, or else Felix really was more the honest type.

And I'll take your warning to heart about what's coming - it's crazy, I know the LoCH story backwards and forwards, I can recite the 9 Yin Mantra if you like. But what they've done in LoCH2008 is make me completely like a newb, I have no clue what scene is coming next, and when it comes, what the heck is going to happen. Edge of my seat is where I've been at, I watch with held breathe half the time (like a momma worried about her baby boy).

And I have nothing more to add than to quote you again and end with this:

"jagged sharp predatorial edge to his aura." - sigh, Yuan Hong, you, if the Chinese production companies truly understood the international market like the k-drama folks do, you are their golden ticket. Not HXM. Not in a million years.


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@ yenchan and @ ockoala

thanks for the AC update! at least i'll have stuff to watch when i get back home (assuming my computer decides to last just a little bit longer)

@ ockoala

i'd love to go to hokkaido, but too bad it's far from tokyo.. we had to make it a quick overnight trip since i only had such a short time to do everything in. my friend and i took an extra day in seoul and cut one day out of japan since we both had never been in seoul.... next time though... in another like 5 years HA!

i'm having drama-watching withdrawls.


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Hope you're having oodles of fun over there! Did you happen to catch nodame cantabile in the theatres yet? How was the movie? Was there plenty of swooning over Hiroshi Tamaki going on?


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@ 368 cingdoc : wow, that's quite an itinerary... but Singapore Air is wonderful, and if you can't sleep, usually has a pretty good line-up of Asian films. That's where I watched My Little Bride, my first ever Korean film/drama/anything. Thank you SQ! I hope you do get some sleep, though, b/c it sounds as if your time in HKG will be pretty stressful. Take care of yourself, too.

I was sorting through my video library and discovered a VCD of The Jailbreakers, starring... Cha Seung Won. I haven't watched it yet. Bought it on a trip to Singapore, I guess, where my policy is if it's really cheap and it looks potentially entertaining/has Takeshi Kaneshiro in it, buy it. I'd never heard of CSW before, but it looked funny and was S$10, so met both criteria. I also found two copies of Brothers, and *several* other films/dramas ... well, it's embarrassing to confess how many duplicates there are.


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375 lovenyc52 : I'm envious of your HYD pilgrimage!


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u know u've watched too much wuxia when ur instinct is telling u an obese stray klutzy kitten was practicing some kungfu moves on my roof instead of EARTHQUAKE!!... my defense, saw her once trying to catwalk on top of fence and fall embarrassingly onto the gd instead ,,,she's morbidly obese esp for a stray.


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Thought this was cool. Footage of the movie Cell Phone, starring Uhm Tae Woong, Park Yong Woo (currently in Jejoongwon), and Park Sol Mi, plus cameo from Kim Nam Gil

W&Whale -- "Too Young To Die"


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Hi guys,
I was again running around, doing errands, doing 6 loads of laundry ( so that the 3 of them have clean clothes to wear while I'm gone, and no "pink" clothes while I'm gone- also, this way I feel less "guilty" "abandoning" them), packing and repacking my suitcase ( for every 1 thing my Mom wanted, I took one of my stuff out ;)
I never knew how much I do as a Mom. I started to write a to do list for Hubby , and it grew into 3 pages long- he read it and turned to me and told me " Honey, I know you will call at least once a day, so remind me then."...he knows me soooo well ;)
My usually "tough" cookie 12 yo suddenly told me when I picked her up from school that she doesn't me to go. She even says that since she's a straight A's student, if it would be ok to skip school for 3 weeks (so that she can come with me)..awwww...I have to hold back my tears and told her that I will be busy taking care of Grandma /Pwa Pwa ( who's not getting better with 3 sessions of physical therapy :( She then asks to sleep in my bed so that she can "smell" Mommy's pillow. I was so glad that I was driving, and she was in the backseat because I had a tear running down my cheek :(
It didn't get better when my older one told me that I ( the parent who goes to ALL meetings) need to attend a parent info nite for her Junior year (2011) European trip ( she takes Spanish). Of course I couldn't make it, so I have to "delegate" such duty to Hubby...I keep telling myself "it's ok...need to let go...they will survive..." I think the butterflies feeling that I'm having is just as bad as it was when the older one went to first day of Kindergarten ( @ockoala?? @ Samsooki in a couple of year ).
Again, thanks everyone for your kind words/conerns. I'm really touched...***virtual Hugs to all of you....see you guys soon (wish me luck that I won't be snowbound in Beijing when I return...PLEASE GOD....PLEASE ><


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Ok...I have watched my 2 versions of "Duty Free" songs, got my fill of eye candies (thanks @Belleza)...got my 2 winks from KJH ( sorry, @Samsooki)...I can go to sleep now ;)


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Just got here(hotel) a couple of hours ago. been busy catching up, more appointments and so on. My Skype is not working properly (low volume) sigh, I have a phone session with my client tomorrow morning... Anyway. my head is spinning better go to sleep. But before that

@391 belleza - Jan 7, 2010 at 11:00 am

“belleza now has quadruplets in addition to her twins, or did the twins turn out to be quads that missed detection in utero?”

No no; Samsooki has me confused with that massive family paraded around by a wack-a$$ guy. Who were they again? Oh that’s right — JYP and his “Wondergirls.” ;)

“and the last who was born to walk Andre Kim’s runway with a noona.”

My sons will be born noona killers. They’ll learn to sing Noona is My Woman and recite The Book of Kim Sun Ah and they’ll all dress in tuxedos when going to preschool.

OMG! LMAO! You are really like an oasis.

And WISFC's recap... didn't even have a time read the whole thing. It sound promising with JB's thumb's up. May be after I get out of this work mode... Once I get to my sisters in 3 days, than I'll be able to sit back and relax.


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@410 cingdoc

Oh yes, All of them became my favorite things to watch before I go to sleep every night for me, too. My new ritual for now. Those ones and Bibang's live concert ones.


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@ 408 belleza

Dayum. That wasn't just cool...it was hot!
(and was that Yushin opening a can of whoop@ss on Bidam?! keke)


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