Wish Upon a Star: Episode 14

Could these two be any more adorable? And to think, when the drama first aired, silly Pa-rang was my least favorite sibling. (For shame.)

In keeping with this drama’s pattern, there are so many cute, funny, heartwarming moments that it’s too bad that there are other hateful characters muddying up the plot. On the other hand, I do appreciate having characters I can love to hate — if they’re going to be villains, at least they’re entertaining to disdain.


Mary Jane – “Super-Showman.” I think I’ve listened to this song several dozen times on repeat.
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This time when Kang-ha hugs her, Pal-gang doesn’t push back angrily against him, but asks gently, “Why are you doing this? Is something wrong?”

Turning away, he keeps his (teary) gaze on the wall as he says, “I keep making mistakes with you. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” He heads into the house, ignoring Pal-gang’s concerned calls after him. (And I cry, It’s okay! Make more mistakes!) You know she doesn’t really mind his mistakes either, but it’s better for her to go along with it.

In his room, Kang-ha tells himself, “Let’s stop this. You aren’t someone who ever needed love anyway. You have Jun-ha. Just think of that.”

(The secret SEEMS to be merely that Jun-ha and Kang-ha have different mothers. However, until we are shown the full story, I’ll hold off on judging where this is going. But for the record, if that is ALL there is, I find it totally weak and unconvincing.)

Despite that, Kim Ji-hoon does a nice job conveying Kang-ha’s conflict, that in order to preserve one form of love (and his brother’s happy illusions), he has to give up his hope for a different kind of love.

Pal-gang sees that Kang-ha is drinking and brings him some soup to eat with his alcohol. He asks, “Are you worrying about your landlord’s health, as a housekeeper?” She hesitates a little before agreeing.

The mood grows more serious when he asks, “Why me? Five years ago, why was it me instead of Jun-ha? Shouldn’t it have been Jun-ha, instead of a heartless jerk like me?”

Pal-gang thinks back to the day it started, which was her first day of training at work, when she had been dozing. He had scolded her, saying that she should be embarrassed of going through life half-heartedly. He doesn’t remember, but she adds in a wistful tone, getting lost in the memory:

Pal-gang: “In life, there are those moments. He might be the one. The person I’m supposed to meet in my life. And so, I felt my heart constrict on that day.”

She recounts her feelings with a dreamy look on her face, then shakes herself out of it a little sheepishly. As she turns to go, Kang-ha grabs her hand and says, “It would’ve been better if it wasn’t me. You wouldn’t have wasted your time racking up card debt then.”

Carefully, she removes her hand and tries for an upbeat tone: “That’s why I’m back to my senses and working hard now. Don’t feel too sorry.” Still in his serious voice, he says, with some difficulty picking out his words, “Just… I’m sorry. I’m really… very sorry.”

This time, Pal-gang has difficulty shaking off his words. She keeps her back turned so he doesn’t see her tears, which she lets fall after she has left his room. He turns back to his liquor, a tear falling from his eye, too.

That night, Pal-gang thinks over Kang-ha’s behavior as she feeds Nam.

Pal-gang: “That ajusshi was acting strange today, wasn’t he? You know, I said that I regretted it, that I don’t know why I followed around a guy like him. But that’s not true. I have to live as a mother now, but still, I’m happy that I liked someone for five years. And I’m glad that the person I liked was him.”

Kang-ha and Jae-young sit down with her parents to announce their marriage plans. Or rather, Kang-ha sits with a stony expression while Jae-young beams through all the Botox to present the happy news. While In-gu is pleased to welcome Kang-ha as his son-in-law, Min-kyung isn’t. She’s suspicious about his change of heart and asks her daughter about it with some skepticism.

Jae-young is so wrapped up in “winning” Kang-ha that she isn’t swayed by her mother’s concerns and says that she’ll eventually sway Kang-ha to her emotionally — she has to take it gradually given his tough personality. It’s amazing how much confidence she has in something she has no business being confident about. Take, for instance, his reaction to her news that her mother is preparing a nice lunch at home for him tomorrow. He doesn’t even act like he hears her invitation and says he has work to do.

Jun-ha also can’t believe she pulled it off, not buying her coy explanation that Kang-ha must have changed his mind. He prods her to give up her secret tactic. Did she get him drunk and seduce him?

It might be the teeniest bit sad that nobody — not even her mother — believes that Jae-young actually has the ability to win Kang-ha’s love, and that they suspect her of tricking him or forcing him into agreeing. Only, well, she’s spiteful and horrid so I shed no tears for her.

Case in point: When Pal-gang runs into Jae-young and Jun-ha in the hall, she’s happy over gaining two new contracts. Pal-gang thanks Jae-young for all her help in putting up with her, and Jae-young can’t even be gracious (even though she has already “won” Kang-ha) and says snottily that getting the contracts isn’t as important as retaining them. UGH.

Jang-soo has been doing more investigation into that shady man from the previous day, Kim Do-shik. He had felt so suspicious after the run-in that he had returned to the man’s home the night before in time to see him leaving with his packed bags. He followed him to a motel, then talked to the man’s landlord to confirm that Kim Do-shik gave up his room.

In light of recent events, this looks mighty suspicious, and Jang-soo is certain that Kim Do-shik is involved in the accident. He intends to keep following him to see what else he can find out.

Grandpa Jung shows Pal-gang the photo of the woman he’s searching for, whom she recognizes as one of her mother’s old hometown friends. She doesn’t know where the woman lives because she had only come by once a year, but Grandpa asks her to think hard about any clues she may have into her whereabouts.

Over lunch, Pal-gang again chides Grandpa for spending money. He assures her he has money, and today he actually hands her his bankbook as proof. The balance is 31 million won ($27,000) — which makes Pal-gang’s eyes widen. She asks, “Grandpa, did you rob a bank?”

He brings up her mother’s friend again (they call her either “Jung-yi” or “Jung-ae ajumma”) and confides that she’s his daughter-in-law. She’s also the mother of his grandson, and he has to find her. So if she can think of information that’ll lead him to her, he will give her all that money.

I like that he’s finally being honest, but even so, Pal-gang doesn’t realize that he’s a chaebol group CEO. She merely thinks he’s been scrimping over all the years, and graciously declines the money, telling him to use it to live with his daughter-in-law.

Kang-ha is in an awful mood and drinks alone that night at a pojangmacha. He thinks back to Pal-gang’s dreamy answer of why she liked him, which contrasts sharply with Jae-young’s ugly threat to tell Jun-ha that they have different mothers. In anger, Kang-ha throws his bottle to the ground, splashing soju on the men sitting behind him.

He gives a perfunctory apology, but the thugs take offense to his rudeness.

Kang-ha is in no mood to beg for forgiveness, so he talks back and escalates the situation until one of the guys grabs him and throws a punch. They walk away, but Kang-ha’s feeling self-destructive and lunges after him, throwing a punch of his own.

Not surprisingly, he gets thoroughly beaten up, but he hardly even cares. As he stumbles on after the fight, he thinks back to the day he had offered Pal-gang a ride for the first time — the ride that led to that series of unfortunate events involving car theft, subway vomit, and diaper poo. It’s sorta hilarious to see that miserable “date” portrayed in a semi-romantic light now, as Kang-ha thinks, “I should never have given her a ride.”

Tae-kyu begs Jun-ha to give up on Pal-gang, afraid that he won’t be able to measure up against him. He’s not uneasy about Kang-ha anymore because Pal-gang has seen him at his meanest, but Jun-ha is a different story. Won’t he let go, for Tae-kyu’s sake?

He won’t, which causes Tae-kyu to storm out indignantly. He assures Pal-gang, “One day you’ll realize how strong my love is!” She just tells him to go to bed, and he pouts at not being taken seriously.

Meanwhile, Pa-rang hangs around, not wanting to go to bed until Kang-ha gets home. Pal-gang urges him to go to sleep, but Pa-rang runs upstairs to sleep in Kang-ha’s room anyway.

Kang-ha stumbles in all dirty, bloody, and drunk. He mumbles that he’s okay, but Pal-gang looks at his disheveled appearance in shock and tries to help. He shoves her back and bursts out angrily that he’s fine, heading up to his room.

Pa-rang wakes up, while Pal-gang and Jun-ha follow him up to ask in concern what happened. Kang-ha is not in the mood for explanations and yells at everyone to leave the room, then shoves them away.

(Oh, Kim Ji-hoon has taken some of Shin Dong-wook’s overacty pills! I’m sorry, but I was giggling throughout this scene.)

The adults are puzzled, but it’s Pa-rang who cries, “What if he dies?” Jun-ha assures him that Kang-ha is strong and tough, so he won’t die. He’s a Power Ranger, after all.

Kang-ha collapses on his bed while the others continue to worry. Pal-gang waits outside his bedroom door with a first aid kit, and sees him lurching to the bathroom to vomit.

Pa-rang also lurks around, waiting to check on Kang-ha. Perhaps sensing that her presence would be less than welcome, Pal-gang urges her brother to go in and pound on Kang-ha’s back, which he does.

Kang-ha has been feeling irritable on top of physically ill, but when he catches a glimpse of Pa-rang’s face, he registers that the boy is crying. He asks why, and Pa-rang answers, “Because you’re hurt.”

Kang-ha asks why that would make him cry, and Pa-rang replies, “Because you’re hurt, it feels like I am too.”

Although Kang-ha grumbles that he won’t be able to survive this world with such a weak heart, he’s clearly touched by the boy’s concern.

Now he lets Pal-gang tend to his face (being a wimp all the while). Pal-gang takes him to task for going around fighting, but Pa-rang sticks up for him. Why is she scolding him when he’s sick? Pal-gang: “Because he did something deserving scolding! I’m so upset it’s killing me.”

That doesn’t have such a bad ring to it, and Kang-ha wonders, “Is it really so bad that you feel that upset?” Pal-gang gives the safe answer that they live in the same house, so seeing someone come home bloody is naturally cause for concern. She adds, “You said you work out!” as though turning it back on him. LOL.

Kang-ha can’t let her just mock his physical prowess, so he defends himself, “It was three to one. And they were big thugs!” She scoffs, “Not even seventeen to one, but only three to one?” (“Seventeen-to-one” is a line popularized in the movie Beat.) He complains, “If it was 17 to 1, do you think I would have made it back home?”

They bicker back and forth (Pal-gang: “Why are you raising your voice? You didn’t do anything to be proud about.” Kang-ha: “It’s because you’re treating the three-to-one as nothing!”) so much that the arguing aggravates Kang-ha’s face injuries.

They take a moment to calm down, but no sooner than they resume the conversation do they escalate into bickering again. She points out that his mouth wouldn’t hurt if he keeps it closed; he takes offense to her implication that he’d better shut up.

Pal-gang urges Pa-rang to leave so Kang-ha can get his sleep, but he refuses. This time Kang-ha says that Pa-rang can do whatever he wants (read: stay), although of course he saves face by maintaining his brusque attitude. Still, when Pa-rang says with his little-boy maturity, “Please be understanding, for my sake,” Kang-ha has to burst out laughing.

When Kang-ha wakes in the middle of the night, still feeling queasy, he rushes to the bathroom. Pa-rang leaps after him to pound on his back again as he vomits, then asks, “Next time, just fight one on one, okay?” Kang-ha agrees.

Instead of going back to sleep, Pa-rang watches over Kang-ha, and blows on his wounds. He explains that whenever he had a rash on his face, his mother would blow on his face at night. Touched, a few tears slip from Kang-ha’s eyes as he smiles up at Pa-rang.

And then the tears threaten to fall in earnest so Kang-ha lies that it doesn’t hurt anymore and tells Pa-rang to sleep, turning away quickly. He lies on his side, face turned away, but Pa-rang peers over his shoulder and notices that he’s crying. He assumes it’s because of the (physical) pain, and asks Kang-ha if he’s crying because it hurts. The meaning isn’t lost on him as Kang-ha answers, “Yes, it hurts a lot.”

(Awwww. What a great scene. They keep outdoing themselves with the Kang-ha/Pa-rang scenes, at least.)

In the morning, the other kids look at Kang-ha’s face and wonder what happened. Kang-ha tells Ju-hwang, “I was acting like I had force and it backfired.” (This refers to his previous talk with Ju-hwang when he’d gotten beaten up, and he’d assured Ju-hwang he had force.) Ju-hwang says, trying to be consoling, that Kang-ha doesn’t lack force. Kang-ha says dryly, “Thanks for the comfort, kid.”

Recalling that the kids go back to school in March, Kang-ha asks Pa-rang what kind of gift he wants to receive, as a thank-you for tending to him all night. Does he want a new bag? A bicycle? Pa-rang perks up and translates this into childlike terms: “So this means you’re granting me a wish?”

He bursts downstairs to tell his siblings that Kang-ha is granting them his wish: they’re going to an amusement park today!

Kang-ha urges the kids to hurry and get ready if they want to get there early and make the most of their day. But at the park, he’s cranky with Pal-gang and uses the amusement park as an excuse for his bad temper. This makes Pal-gang point out that it was his idea to come here.

He counters that it wasn’t his idea, he was just fulfilling the kids’ wish. She asks why he had to take care of the wish today, and he retorts, “Because I’m impatient!”

I LOVE how nonsensical their arguments are becoming. They’re so ridiculous I laugh out loud every time. JUST DO IT ALREADY, YOU TWO.

They’re interrupted by the kids, who urge the two adults to join them on a ride. Kang-ha says he doesn’t know how to ride them, since he’s never come to a park like this before. The kids say that they’ve never come to a park before, either, which surprises him. Pal-gang explains that with six children, it’s a pretty big expense.

This segues to a reference to how they used to eat samples at the grocery store, which takes him aback. He knew they weren’t rich, but I don’t suppose that fact translated into real things in his mind, like not being able to afford fun days at theme parks or fancy dinners. The kids don’t talk with any shame, but he feels more for their situation upon hearing it.

He does let Ju-hwang pull him on the ride, from which he emerges swaying and queasy. Granted, he has just had a rough night and is probably still hungover, but his reaction is still pretty amusing, in light of his usual cold exterior.

He has forgotten about Jae-young’s lunch invitation — or perhaps he hasn’t forgotten but doesn’t care to oblige her. (After all, she didn’t ask him or wait for his response, and he didn’t technically say he was coming.) But Jae-young has assumed that he was coming, and has been preparing with excitement.

She calls him repeatedly — and he does see the call on his phone — but he ignores it, choosing not to answer. Likewise, Jun-ha finds the house empty and also tries calling Kang-ha, but his calls go unanswered as well. The Jungs wonder what the matter is, since they have all prepared for Kang-ha’s arrival.

I don’t think Kang-ha’s being a jerk about it; it seems more like he’s enjoying his moment and doesn’t want “reality” to intrude. He buys the kids hot dogs, and in a funny moment, he has trouble remembering how many there are, and counts using the system “Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy…”

Pa-rang wants to go to their old neighborhood grocery store for “dinner” (i.e., samples), saying that their pork is the best. Kang-ha initially thinks he means he wants pork for dinner and offers to buy that, but the kids clarify that they want to eat AT the store.

There’s another super-cute moment when they’re all eating pork samples and the store vendor recognizes them. He assumes that Kang-ha is Pal-gang’s prospective husband, to which Pa-rang pipes up and says yes. Pal-gang shushes him and covers for her embarrassment by ordering the man to keep cooking. The vendor asks, “Why are you shouting at me?” Kang-ha leans in and says dryly, “That’s her hobby.” Misinterpreting Kang-ha’s comment, the man laughs and notes, “You’ve fallen for her charms!”

They go from stand to stand, and even Kang-ha has to comment that at least they’re getting a full course meal. Pal-gang starts to comment on her mother loving this, but that mention wipes the smile from her face.

Kang-ha figures that she must have really loved her mother. She says yes as though that’s an obvious statement: “Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t love his mother?” But seeing his reaction, she guesses that he must not have a good relationship with his own mother.

Jae-young calls Jun-ha to ask where Kang-ha is. Jun-ha doesn’t know so he’s not entirely lying when he says that Kang-ha had been hurt last night, suggesting that he went to the hospital. Worried, Jae-young arrives at the house — but she’s pretty sharp and realizes that the house is empty. If Pal-gang and the kids are also gone, there’s a chance they’re all together.

Jun-ha tries to spin this in a positive light, saying that Pal-gang is only pricking her pride, and that she’s no real danger. She should be cool about this.

Just then, the family returns home, and everyone stops in their tracks to see Jae-young there. They can tell this is not good, even though Jae-young greets them with a smile. (An insincere, stupid, ugly smile.)

Jae-young tries to keep her cool even when hearing that the family had gone to the amusement park. She tells Kang-ha, “Thank you. Are you practicing with kids before you marry?” Mention of marriage grabs everyone’s attention, and Jae-young confirms, “We’ll have to invite Pal-gang and the kids to our wedding.”

This is shocking news for the kids, Tae-kyu — and for Pal-gang. Kang-ha looks at Jae-young in dissatisfaction, but that doesn’t deter her from asking with a not-so-sweet smile, “Pal-gang, would you like to catch my bouquet?” (And shove it up her ass, maybe?)


I’ve stopped separating out the “Other Storylines” section because now the Jungs are more integrated to Pal-gang’s storyline. While that probably makes more sense for the overall drama, as a viewer I think that’s too bad because I think the tedium of the Jung family is being brought into the other threads.

Previously, I would pay attention to the other stories just enough to get the plot, but I shut off my attention and waited for the more fun stuff going on chez Won. That enabled me to think of this as a super-fun drama with occasional boring little blips that I mostly ignored. Now, however, the overdramatic Jung storyline is bleeding into the rest of the characters, so I think the tonal mismatch is becoming more obvious.

This is really a drama that is best when it’s comedic. To that end, witness Wimpy Kang-ha above. I LOVE IT. He can be as cool and mysterious he wants, but I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the drama started getting more interesting after it pushed things up a notch in Episode 7 and then really kicked it up in Episode 8, with his dignity taking a hit. Subsequent episodes have beaten and battered his pride to pieces, but it’s through those bits that Kang-ha went from a pretty face to a lovable dork. (And when he’s being wussy, he is SUCH a dork.)

The love relationship isn’t terribly romantic, but I’m there with Kang-ha and Pal-gang because I enjoy how their characters have developed. Aside from the physical and outward attraction, they’re good for each other on a more fundamental level, so I enjoy seeing them dealing with their developing emotions.

When the drama tries to get too mysterious and/or serious, however, it tends to go over-the-top, resulting in hilariously overemoted scenes like Shin Dong-wook’s yesterday, and Kim Ji-hoon’s today.

Lastly, I don’t think I’ve really noticed this in previous dramas, but does this one have a great lighting director or what? It’s not just that the shots are clear and crisp, but in emotional moments, somehow the camera manages to perfectly capture every glistening tear in the characters’ eyes. It’s really impressive — take a look at the two above, for example.


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Usually I wouldn't read the recap if I'm insaneky addicted afraid that it will make me lost the interest,

But this one drama, I can't resist anymore. To think I have hate/dislike trendy dramas for a looong time. I love this one. Have heart, believable, realistic character development despite its cliche premise.

Can I qawking here!!

Thanks JB


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did anyone noticed Parang blowing on Mr. Lawyer's face while Palgang is treating him? So adorable... Is that part of the script too?

Thanks Javabeans for the recap.

I think Kangha loves Jungha so much because he's guilty of usurping in his family life. That is also maybe partly the reason why when the board of directors are telling him to start campaigning to become the President, he got angry. He doesn't think he deserves it. Anyway, whatever the big secret, i hope Jungha will be understanding enough. But i just find it weird that he wouldn't know being such a very observant person that he is. i'm just wondering...


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this is def getting more interesting..it's still little bit hard for me to feel like two diff sides ( goofy / serious ) of kang ha is convincing ..but hey after all it is a drama..so im buying it..and i love love pa rang..he's just soo cute..and such a great little actor...

im starting to think jae young character is downright crazy...what woman with that kind of success and pride could go low as threaten a guy to marry her...i find that hard to believe..but i sure am hating that Jae young girl..very predictable in her tac tics..and very easy to hate..hehehe..

i hope kang ha being a lawyer and all and being a smart guy here..would figure out a way to get himself out of such a weird threat from jae young..gosh i really hate that girl..but i really hate kang has mom..it was really irritating to what the last episode..with her in it.


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JB. I absolutely LOVE this drama. Getting the RECAP was faster than Speedy Gonzalez.....Kamsamnida! Next week is just too long to wait.


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Eh somehow I think that Jae Young's cast is very good. Her face is very annoying so we can easily 'understand' why we 'should' hate her. :P
Never seen this actress' previous work, but she has the antagonist type of face.

Love the recap! I will watch it tonight, without the sub...just can't wait anymore. Thank you Javabeans for the quick recap!


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Waaa... it's here!!!!
thank you JB for the recap, because i was at home resting i didn't saw it earlier...
but seeing those Parang/Kangha scene totally make my day... cute as hell...


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Your recap was fast. Thank you!

I ready enjoy this drama. Not so much on the story line but the acting skill. This is such a great cast. Hope that more to come in the near future.


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The Pa Rang/ Kang Ha couple is so cute. And Kim Ji Hoon is getting better and better in his solo interiorized dilemma scenes So much that I find Pal Gang's character less interesting for now. Hope we can see some sparks between the two soon.


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Thanks again javaabeans.
I do agree about the lighting director..
another great episode..love the point.."just do it you two already!!".

Love Parang and how cute and mature at the same time to a "old fart like Lawyer ahjusshi".

Loving it!!!!


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It's a date, right? Pal Gang wears two hairpin, not just a rubber band, so she tries to be pretty (doesn't mean she is not pretty before). So, thanks to Pa Rang, right?

And parents should not fight in front of their kid.

Thank you again for your recaps, javabeans.


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It's 2 am here and i'm laughing my head off with you
"And shove it up her ass, maybe?" comment.
I so have to agree with that...if could i just want to give jaeyoung a good slap (maybe two...am i being too greedy?) and tell her to get her head straight...

I so agree with the lighting director...i was thinking the same thing cause in the previous episodes you could so totally see all the emotions, be it dark or bright, so clearly...i guess hats off to the technical crew.


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Thanks for the speedy recap JB! <3

More Pa-Kang cuteness! Yay!

KH was itching for a fight since last episode (hint: that yelling session out by the riverside). It's good he found some idiots to take his anger out on. KH fighting! (Literally!)

Awww... ''my heart constricted that day'' - I like that KH also had a flashback of her saying those words and caught her expression along with it.
I give these two my blessings!

Pa-rang was my least fave too at first, I loved all of them though, they all had their moments where they broke your heart but Pa-rang surprisingly trumped them all.
At first I expected this drama to be a bit like jdorama Engine (with Takuya Kimura) but glad it did its own thing and kept things heartmeltingly cute.

Hahah, yeah, the camera work is pretty sharp alright, it also means you get to see Jae-young and crystal clear at that. (shrieks!)

Ok, Lotte World is officially classier than Disneyland Paris, serious! Does anyone know how big it is?


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ahh.. there goes my week. i'm loving this drama more and more, although i dread the forthcoming episodes (read: jaeyoung and kangha nuptials.. ugh). and wow.. every scene where kangha was teary-eyed really bowled me over. i mean, if he were truly as cold-hearted as the drama makes him out to be, then he must really be going through a helluva tough time for him to be tearing up like that. i was literally crying when he apologized to pal-gang (re making her suffer during the 5 years she chased after him)... and then i wept even more with the parang-kangha "does it hurt?" scene. i love lawyer won!

anyhoo.. thanks thanks for the recaps! keep it up!


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Thank you so much for the recap, Javabeans!!! You're definitely feeding my addiction today. (Viikii is acting stupid and I don't think I will have time to watch the full episode until next week.)

There's still a few big storylines to figure out. It's interesting how they showed the audience early on that Pal-gang was Grandpa Jung's granddaughter, but the characters are following a completely different line of inquiry. Does that mean that Pal-gang isn't actually her mother's biological child? Unlikely given the fact that the rest of her siblings are adopted, it seems unlikely it would be a big dark secret. (But then, I'm not sure if Pal-gang is aware that her dad isn't her biological father.) It'll be interesting to see where they take it.

Speaking of birth secrets, it does seem like there has to be more to the Kang-ha/Jun-ha secret. It's a lot of angst-ing for something that would have been hard to keep a quiet. Kids don't suddenly show up at age 5 without people noticing. I'm wondering if the real secret is that Kang-ha and Jun-ha aren't related at all. That Jun-ha is the son of Kang-ha's stepmom and someone else. That might have been why Kang-ha's dad paid off his mom for his son. The man (who we already know was cruel) didn't want someone who wasn't related to him biologically to inherit. If this is the case, Kang-ha then believe that if Jun-ha knew the truth, he wouldn't feel obligated to stick around. By keeping the secret, Kang-ha gets to keep Jun-ha as a brother and honor his stepmother's memory.

I really hope they don't drag out the forced engagement for too long. It's already getting old. Of course, if the kid's go all Parent Trap and decide to "submarine" Jae-young’s stupid face, then that's a different story! :-)


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I wish they made Jung Jae Young a bit more witty. She's so simple minded and hopelessly shameless that is extremely dull watching her.


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Tae-kyu and Jae-young are really annoying with their one-sided love. It's so delusional, it's irritating.

Another great week of recap, thanks JB.


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thank you so much for getting me hooked on this drama, if you didn't do a recap on this, i wouldn't have paid any attention.

this drama is one of those rare ones where i cry and laugh at the same time (please take note of the difference of crying from laughing too much and crying and laughing at the same time.) this drama always make me laugh, haven't cried yet, just teary. in this episode, i cried and laugh at the same time when pa-rang was tapping kang-ha's back when he was throwing up, and when they did a close-up on pa-rang, he's crying, and then bam! there goes my tears!!!

there's something about this drama that tugs my heart. i don't have siblings, and this drama portrayed how i imagined things if i were given siblings. it would be such an amazing experience to have your siblings rooting for a guy for you, and the most loyal one to your only love (i may be dreaming to having 3 guys fighting for me) but what i'm just saying, it would be nice to know that my family accepts my chosen man.

i just want to say it again and again, that, I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH!!!

as for JUN-HA, i think he's going to do the same 'sacrifice' for pal-gang as he did for jae-young. remember he tried to win over pal-gang so that she doesn't end up with kang-ha and for jae-young to stop feeling insecure, maybe he'll do the same for pal-gang?

as for KANG-HA, i know that he's trying to toughen up and be the mean guy again, but i'm glad he realized in this episode that someone (pa-rang) feels his pain. i'm glad that his soft spot for pa-rang hasn't disappeared.

i'm starting to like jun-ha again, but i just have this thing for the main leads, tae-kyung, jun-pyo, lol!

how come kang-ha sounds like an old man when he speaks? he have this certain diction that i only hear from older men.

are korean bedrooms that huge? or is that because they are rich?


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I am soooo loving Kang-ha & Pa-rang together - they're so adorable they make me melt!!!! That, and yes, the nonsensical arguments between Pal-gang and Kang-ha which are completely lulzy. It's like he can't even be bothered to pretend he's all that much better than her anymore (that whole, "I'M IMPATIENT OKAY?!" thing going on that had me bursting out into laughter).

Also just wondering, in Ep 13 with the flashback thing that Kang-ha had of his young self and another young woman - wasn't that his step-mother and wasn't she basically sort of saying how he would never look at her like a mother?...I was kinda confused cos that's what I thought it was until I read some comments saying that it's the same actress that was in Jun-ha's flashback (not that I recall his flashback).


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Oh and speaking of which, is it just me, or does Jae-young look a little off on camera? I mean, there are certain angles where... I dunno...it looks like she has something on her face or...I keep thinking it's bad lighting but I'm not sure if it's done deliberately since all the other actors and actresses look perfectly normal (and downright goodlooking) in those self-same scenes.

And once again a big thank you Javabeans for the awesome recaps! I love having this thread to chat on about one of my favourite kdramas of the season.


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Thanks for recap Javabean, i watch it last night but i like to read your recap better
have a great day


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I used to think Kim Ji-Hoo's acting was nothing special, he is just handsome
But in this drama, I've changed my mind. His acting really impresses me.
Keep going on, KJH!


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Thank you for your recaps JB! If it wasn't from your recaps, i wouldn't bother to try this drama. But ALAS! now i'm hooked and addicted. Always looking forward for the next episodes. I always love KH / Parang scenes, it's so touching that really made me cry amd laugh. KJH's acting in the scene where PARAng asked him if it hurts, his tears just flowed naturally and that scene seemed so real. BRAVO KH!


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I'm looking forward to watching episode 12 and 13 after reading your recaps, so thanks. For a while there it felt like there was no good drama to watch, but now there seems to be an abundance of good and fun ones. I'm trying really hard to finish one before starting another but I have to admit to having no will power what so ever!


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Kim Ji Hoon's acting is very good in this drama. In this episode, the scense where he is with Parang, his tears just come down natuarally. It makes the audiences cry a lot in the scense.
It is a very good drama. All the casts are good in acting, including the fish-face girl, of course....lolz...God, i hate her...i really really hate her...die...die ...die....fish lips...:)


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Finally got to watch episode 14 and this one really brought tears through the whole episode! Wow...a lot of emotion in this one....can see and feel it between Kang-ha and Pal-gang and then there's Pa-rang.

With a lot more to go....I hope Kang-ha gets rid of that "unworthy" feeling because Pal-gang is back on track falling in love with him. I have to chuckle because their bickering is a sure sign of being a "couple" and they aren't aware of it....not yet. Makes me wonder when that kiss is going to happen when they are bickering...like how it happened between Go Mi Nam and Hwang Tae Kyung in You're Beautiful! They were also bickering and it got intense right to the kiss.

Whew....this is one heck of a drama and the acting is great....it keeps getting better and better.


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Can not express how much I LOVE your writing!!! Your comments are insightful and hilarious, and make my enjoyment of this drama so much richer. Thank you!

I LOVE<LOVE< LOVE Kang-ha and Pa-rang together!


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in real life a Jae young doesn`t exist., right? how could she believe to be happy with a man who hates u..does she have a neurologic problem. she is just living in her world and she think that she is the main heart of this world...anyway i m kind of sick of her madness..please give her a big slap


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Thanks again for the recap javabeans, I read it before watching it. There are a lot of viewers for that show once its completely subbed, so for me its best to watch it 6:00 am prior to going to work, usually makes my day.

After watching episode 14, I feel so sorry for Kangha and what he’s going through. As most people said the reasoning for Kangha’s surrender seem trivial (we’ll excuse it for now in kdrama land) however @32 momosan put a unique spin of it that I think most of us have not thought about. This is Kangha’s feeling of abandonment which holds a lot of weight Kangha though he denies it does not want to be alone especially in terms of family and considering his growing up years it’s very plausible. Junha in Kangha’s eyes is his only family, Tae Kyu does not count as much.

There are certain scenes in this show that comes that brings food for thought.

(1) With the bicker scene between Kangha and Pal Gang in Kang Ha’s room, did anyone notice Junha was listening outside as well as his behaviour to Pal Gang in the kitchen afterwards. It makes me think that Junha envies this aspect of the relationship that Pal Gang has with his brother as well as the need to have someone to bicker or show concern over him if he was hurt like his brother. He wants the true feeling of family as well. Rest assured HE WILL NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS GET IT FROM MISS PUFFY FISH LIPS (oops! I meant Jae Young).

(2) Kangha’s recap of his first ‘date’ with Pal Gang is also worth noting and his statement afterwards “ I should never have given her a ride” to me its like saying “ I should never have let her in my heart”, because of his current circumstances he’s like regretting for starting to care about Pal Gang from that point. In some ways, I compare it to Pal Gang’s reasoning for liking Kang Ha as to the moment she automatically started to do so and still do.

(3) I wonder at the significance of Tae Kyu missing out on the family outings with Pal Gang and crew done by the PDs? It’s like saying to the watchers in other subtle ways that Tae Kyu does not hold much weight, he’s immature and static – his feelings are just limited to the house. He keeps missing out on everything.

(4) The fact that no one truly believes in this upcoming marriage except Puffy fish lips (PFL), mini balls daddy and maybe Tae Kyu (we will see). PFL is desperately trying to convince everyone as to why does Kang ha want to marry her and her reasoning to everyone makes her more pathetic than ever.

For the life of me, I as well as millions of viewers am wondering what does Junha see in PFL? Where is her likable trait, is there any? What is his reason for liking her in the first place? We are still searching and are hoping that before episode 20 that she is gone do not bother with the forgiveness crap. Do not send her to America, no man’s land will do. Please Junha there is so much better out there, don’t punish yourself for all eternity with PFL, we a beg you.

In the approximately 3 years since I have started watching kdrama. PFL has become the most pathetic, delusional and pitiful rich, bit_hy female lead that I have seen. I have to point out the rich part. Kudos for the actress doing a great job, she has achieved that goal with a cherry on top. WE ALL HATE HER WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

We hope all this is resolved by episode 15, do not drag it out because us the fans surely hate this. Its hopeful that we get a “smooch” between our favourite characters by episode 16 taking a new upward turn.

PS – I’m copying most of this to soompi.com


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I HATE velcro fish lips botox plastic face.. !!!!


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@78 Chasen8888: I double checked and there's 20 episodes listed for this drama...which makes it 6 more to go! With the amount of events to clear up...it would need more than 16 to get it finished. And now with Kang-ha threatening to move to the United States? Yikes....

I love the back flashes because it gives us a chance to hear it again....

Darn....a week is just 7 days tooooo long!!!!!


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haha love this drama but i dont think i can wait till next week !!


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I think he already fall for her, i just dont understand why he has to married other girl, i know that she gave his mom money, i just wonder if he is grandfather grand son...............????????????
HMMMMMMMMMMMM what a twist that he is going to married other woman
Junha start to grab the opportunity to made a move on her......LOL
then he will get jealous, the three siblings start to compete each other.
Junha is not that bad


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Every one hates fishlip :P

Well, I thought the fiancee of JoGook in City Hall was the most hated one so far, but the actress who plays JaeYoung tops her. She makes me hate her.

Well, credits to the actress for her performance. She plays this psyho woman JY very vell. She should get the oscar for best villain, gosh she is more dispisable than Darth Vader or like someone said at viikii comments Lord Voldemort.

What I expect, that an smart lawyer or better said man like KangHa should not let him blackmail so easily, even for the sake of his beloved brother. JH definetly will realize what a bad person JY really is, but I hope not only in the Final episode. I want to see this evil woman see a little bit suffering, too (Eeekk am I so evil, too ?)

I loved this episode very very much, so far its topping all previous eps for me.

All scenes with KangHa and PaRang were really great an touching. Like father-son, like elder brother-and baby brother. Someone mentioned they should be awarded as best on screen-couple, well funny but definetly correct. Their chemistry is great, much better some love-couples in other dramas.

And I have to say, Kim JiHoon is impressing me with each new episode more and more. Boy have always been such an good actor, or did you just play in dramas with bad scripts, unadequate to your acting abilities....
I watched his drama Love marriage, where I thought what a pale actor. But in this drama, I am totally positively surprised...I will from now on watch every of his following dramas.

In this drama he captured me. Makes me cry with him, ache with him, wanting the best for hirm. I love the way of how he uses his mimics. But his eyes, goshhhh. He is nearly as good as ChaeSeung Won or like GoSoo, for expressing his feelings with his eyes.

Ahhh, and not to forget Baby Nami, soooo cuuuuteeeee and such lovely baby :)

What I also liked in this episode is PalGangs confessing that she still loves KH
And KangHa's plea for sorry in his room, where both shed tears of sorrow.
Again, Kim Ji Hoon is doing a great job in this drama so far.

Thank you JB for this recap, I was looking forward to it. Thanks to your recap, we can read this great comments, too.


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@48 Rei: "Was KH holding PG’s bag in the amusement park? I seemed to see it in the scene where they were walking away from the hotdog stand and PR was suggesting they should go to the grocery store in their old neighborhood? And you can see it clearly in the grocery store scene where KH and PG were sampling drinks"

This is why I love coming to this site!! Everybody notices nuances that others have missed, which makes the drama-watching experience that much more enjoyable. Rei, I watched the ep. again, and you're right! KH is holding PG's pink bag at the amusement park and the grocery store, as if he were PG's dear hubbie!! And he was holding it as if it were normal for him to be carrying around a big pink bag. That subtle touch made those scenes even funnier! Thanks for pointing it out. I can't believe that I missed that.


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Maybe Junha and Kangha know already but it hasn't been explained on the show that they have different fathers altogether which means they are not brothers at all. But, then again, they have been like brothers all this time. I still don't see what would make him marry someone he doesn't want to marry just because they are not truly brothers. Maybe Junha's real parents are vile people - worse than Kangha's- or really sad in that they died of leprosy.


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@ Javabeans

Where do you get all the great korean indie music? I've been meaning to ask you this for a while and I always forget to. I'm familiar with a few groups but I was wondering where you get/hear the newer groups/bands in the indie scene. Most of the music that you post is compatible to my music taste.


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Agree , this kind of drama only good if it' comedic and not dragging too many epi


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I will really miss this drama once it ends. I hope they keep up the comedic elements throughout the end. My favorite scene would have to be when the hot dog lady thanks Kang-ha for having so many children at such a young age since Korea have such a low birth ratio. He didn't even deny it. LOL!


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64 Quaggy : I agree with you... I was rewatching Ep 13 w/ subtitles, and I noticed that Jae Young doesn't bat an eye when KH's mother says that Jun Ha's mother isn't KH's, as if she already knew that. Of course, JY CAN'T bat her eyes b/c of the all botox, right..., but still, not a flicker. It seems like everyone already knows that. So I was thinking, maybe the secret is, they have different fathers as well. That seems like a bigger deal, b/c then Jun Ha wouldn't have his job, whatever inheritance he got, etc. So yes, as you said, if KH tells JH that they're not brothers at all, then JH would clear out, and KH would lose the one person he's always loved. Well that would be a more satisfying explanation than simply that they're half-brothers.

And yes, KH carrying PG's bag was a very nice touch. I also liked that he was perfectly happy bouncing Baby Nami on his knee while PG was off doing something, but as soon as she came back he put his grumpy face on again and handed the baby back pronto, as if not wanting to be caught.


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Seriously~! I remember that one line when she was talking to her mom (something like this) "KH is having a hard time adjusting from being in a brother and sister relationship to a real relationship."

My reaction: WTF?! Someone needs to bitch slap you a million times~!

phooweee had to get that out of my system

I hope she dies near the end of the series kekekeke that would make me super happy :DDDDDDD

once again thank you javabeans for you recaps~!


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@ Quaggy PS : and telling JH that he's not who thinks he is, KH must be thinking, would also probably screw up the so-far best-adjusted person in KH's life, right? His brother seemed so normal, fairly happy, easy-going, etc, compared to the mightily messed-around and messed-up KH, so KH wouldn't want JH to go off the rails. Of course we know that JH isn't quite so well-adjusted as all that, or else he wouldn't be obsessed with the vile fishlipped wench. KH has protected JH for so long, and he's done it to make sure JH is as happy as KH can't be (or couldn't have been, until PG) so it's not like he could just stop it.


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Ahh one more thing~!
I wish PG will somehow tell JH, KH, and TK that her siblings are actually adopted so maybe KH wouldn't feel so bad about JH being his stepbrother or something else. Even though they may not be connected completely by blood but people can love each other with different blood running inside them :)

hehe writing this after I calmed down :D


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Hahaha.... I love the viewers' comments here nearly as much as I enjoy watching the drama. Thanks again for a great recap, JB!!

@Madita: "Well, credits to the actress for her performance. She plays this psyho woman JY very vell. She should get the oscar for best villain, gosh she is more dispisable than Darth Vader or like someone said at viikii comments Lord Voldemort." I cracked up at your comment and couldn't agree more! She is definitely the most hateful and one dimensional villain in any k-drama plot I've ever seen. At least Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort had grand visions of world domination as a foil for their evilness; Fish Lips is just a total BI-ATCH!!

On another note, Kim Ji-hoon has done such a great job developing KH's character and love the scenes between Parang and him. Now, I'm just waiting for more relationship development between Pal-gang and KH.... they should both get into a heated argument, one that ignites the passion in them to the point of no return!! :)


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I haven't been able to watch eps 13 and 14, yet, due to problems that I'm having between my old laptop(with old Mac OS) and ViiKii. It's been quite frustrating, so at times like this I'm especially grateful to JB for giving us such wonderfully detailed recaps. I appreciate not only JB's insightful comments, but my fellow drama fans' comments as well. Your insight and perspectives really help me to enjoy these dramas on a much higher level. Thank you! =)


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For me, it has always been Fish Lips' make-up that has bothered me. Her foundation is too light and powdery, her eyebrows are too light and fake, and her lipstick is too light as well. It totally washes her out, which only emphasizes the FISHINESS of her face. Is it because she can't use certain colors/makeup due to all the surgery?
Junha's comment that he almost wants to go get into a fight, so that PG will lovingly scold him too, seemed really sincere. He was eerily mucho suave in the last few episodes, but in ep. 14, he semi-redeemed himself.


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@91 reluctantbutaddicted

Yes! Yes! You're absolutely right! And how sad is it that Jun-ha is the most normal and stable person in Kang-ha's life. (Well, except for Grandpa... but he runs around pretending to be poor, so I guess you can't call him well-adjusted either.) I really, really hope that Jun-ha figures out that FishLips is blackmailing his brother and goes after the psycho with the furry of the righteous. (And now I'm imagining Jun-ha literally cutting her down to size, Chuno-style. I'm easily amused.)

No, wait... even better... In the process of explaining IN DETAIL the main ways that FishLips sucks and is less attractive than sludge, Jun-ha laments that he wasted 10? 20? (How long has he been this delusional anyway?) being in love with her. Then FishLips will be all "What's this now? Wait? What do you mean WAS in love with me?" and start chasing Jun-ha instead.

Oh, and fair warning... Viikii's finally letting me watch episode 14, (Yeay!) I'm sure I'll be back with more to say when I'm done.


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“Pal-gang, would you like to catch my bouquet?” (And shove it up her ass, maybe?)

I just died of laughter.


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that is so cute and adorable!


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Pa-rang went from least to most favorite for me too XD


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That picture of that little angel Pa-rang wearing devil ears makes me so happy.


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