Open Thread #126


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@99 supah

You know...I couldn't handle all of the episodes when I first started watching Bad Love....it was so darn stressful...especially after she split up from that married guy! Maybe her sense of guilt wouldn't have escalated if the witchy wife hadn't been so evil cause she didn't see that she was the cause of his playing around.

I also liked that house scene....my fav part was where she is on the porch after he pushes her out and she starts having the stomach pains and he gets worried when she stops crying! What a roller coaster ride for both of them! Oh, and taking a step back....the office scene where they are in his office and she admits she loves him and is jealous.....and sister comes into the office! I know that all of sisters mental state from the time she got wind about the "affair" is she's jealous.

Darn....I'm anxious to see OBGYN 13 and 14 now!!! :-) I totally agree about Wang and the head nurse....and I'm anxious to see Lee return and meet up with Seo!!!! Wonder when that first "kiss" scene will happen? IF it ever happens!

You know...like with WUAS....episode 19 was first kiss scene! I loved 20 where KH made up for lost time with some really nice hold face and kiss and hugs!!

This certainly has been fun!


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@ epyc

I am thoroughly enjoying Chuno, it hasn't dropped in intensity and the story seems poised for any variety of epic endings. I would probably recommend this saguek when all is said and done. Would I love it as much or more than my other three sageuk faves: Tamra, Damo and HGD, I don't know? each are very different in its own way, but captivating nonetheless. Chuno is quite emotional and stylish.

@ rambutan

AMCG - don't let my fervor fool you, I'm not saying AMCG is "good" in any drama-quality sense of the word, only that it portrays a very unique approach to transposing a comic book vibe to the drama medium, and is very entertaining for me personally to watch. I'm not bored, and when I snigger at its farcical-ways, its with a good natured snark bc I think its totally adorable and silly and charming. Of course, I always enjoy SIK, HCY is hit or miss and she's a hit here bc she's not playing the perfect dolled up mannequin, and the other side characters are goofy but not yet annoying to me. I'm totally looking forward to this weekend, moar AMCG please!


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@98 epyc I know! I have cried in Every. Single. Episode! (Apart from the first one.)
Off to watch 14 now.

BL was pretty much all ''drama'', and it was at its most intense in the opening 2 or 3 episodes. Yes, shameless and extortionate but totally indulgent.
Omo!! The sister was FIERCE (Tyra Banks-stylee) and, violent and everything but it wasn't here that I hated as much, it was the cheating husband. Urgh! I know he was meant to be some kind of a tortured hero and he gets his comeuppance and eventually LYW's forgiveness, but oh God! How I hated him.
I also loved the female second-lead! That actress (Cha Ye Ryun) was amazing-- I love her!
Not amazing enough for her to have stolen KSW away but I loved both the characters she played. Can't even describe why I liked her, but I did/do. I loved the cute and funny moments between the two leads too, so it wasn't all misery.

About OBGYN, Seo has a lot of thawing out to do, still. Not that it's her fault, it's just the awkwardness of her situation, so we'll probably only see a kiss riiight at the very end or something, if of course, her and Lee end up together AT ALL. *fingers crossed*


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@3 supah

You know...I agree with you about that husband in BL....kinda wonder about it though cause one never knows what came first...chicken or the egg. The daughter was adopted too.

The female second lead is mentioned in an interview with Jang Geun Suk....he keeps her phone number in his cell....he has 3 females he stays in touch with and that's her and Park Shin Hye and another actress.

I think that's why I like watching OBGYN....because of the medical stuff but also because the interaction between the people are pretty iffy much of the time. So far there was only 1 kiss and that was in the first part with that married guy who pounced on her in front of her apartment and Lee saw it. That older guy gave me the creeps cause he had such a lecherous air about him. He was in BBF....Gu Jun Pyo's help in keeping the 2 connected.

So do people just jump into thread #127 tomorrow?


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@ Supah.....yeah...I'd like to see Seo and Lee end up together cause I feel he can handle her and seems mature for his age. Besides....he's had some interesting experiences with going to Africa and who knows what other places. She seemed surprised at what he's done.

I also like his "brother" and sister in law when he and Seo "happened" to be by their house that one time? I got the impression that they liked Seo as a match for him.



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chuno worth seeing? I'd say so. It is not perfect n may not make ur top ten. But one compelling reason to watch - jang hyuk. Chuno is a showcase for his animal charisma

If self-consciousness of LDH annoys, just enjoy the beautiful cinematography, or read the crazy bitching abt her being "too clean" & feel the schadenfreude. Anyway she redeems herself wn the episodes hit the teens.

It's well paced, so even if its aggressive coolness doesn't hit the spot (I btw am a just a hopeless sucker for the gratuitous eye-candy (& I don't just mean the abs) & pounding soundtrack) u won't hv to dwell long before u r swept into the next angst vortex.


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@ serendipity

I agree with you about Chuno and Jang Hyuk! I've been following javabeans and they do a great job....I believe samsooki is doing that one. I always love reading what he does on dramas....he's expressive and great commentary.

Another good one to follow is Jeejoongwon.....great acting in that. Might be kinda slow moving for some people,...but interesting.

By the way....I love your "u won't hv to dwell long before u r swept into the next angst vortex"! :-)


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episode 14 of OBGYN!

This is the best kdrama, ever!

wait till you watch this episode, just wait!

Yes, we'll continue this chat over at #127!

(OMG, OMG, OMG!!!)


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@ serendipity

Watching Chuno - I find myself doing the two-step along the continuum of feelings, and have found inner feel once I realized its all about managing expectations (which I have applied to my AMCG watch and boy does it work!).

LDH and her affectations (partly her character as written, and partly her ultra-feminine mannerisms as she acted it out) annoyed the bejesus out of me for way too many episodes. I love LDH, and just couldn't stand UN, which made for an uncomfortable love/hate inner struggle when I watched her on screen.

Then I adjusted my expectations, and voila, Chuno becomes wonderful. I not only adjusted expectations about LDH, but about OJH and TH's character, which is woefully woodenly acted and written like a Superman without Clark Kent, i.e. one-dimensional.

Suddenly, Chuno is and always was, about DG, and JH's performance is nothing sort of a revelation, breathtaking, gutwrenching - if he doesn't win the Baeksang, I'll be livid, but won't change what I feel, his is the best performance of any lead actor in any drama I have watched last year. I'm even tempted to finish Robbers! now bc of JH in Chuno. Yes, my langdon and hjkomo unnies will be giddy with glee.

Anyways, Chuno's script weaknesses and large brush strokes of history in a snapshot may not stand the test of time and as a drama perhaps is the herald of a new style of saguek and not necessarily its apex, but it surely is a water-cooler type of drama that creates opinions and shipdoms. In that, its a success.

As lame as this wish is, at this point, I rather be on the side of lame, some other drama can do the epic - but I want a Pearl Harbor ending.


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@8 supah

OH NOOOOOO!!!!!! I haven't even watched 13 and you're howling about 14???!!!

Come on now....darn...you can't whisper in my ear??!!!!! You really got me going now....where in the world are you watching it so soon??????

LOL LOL..... :-)


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@Ockoala and Serendipity

Thanks for your feedback! I was concerned that the initial steam had let off now it's in the later and final episodes and I had noticed people had stopped discussing Chuno on the OT and I was wondering if it went the way of WUAS or Will it Snow in Christmas.

Knowing a bit of both your taste and hearing what you guys have to say about it I would say I'm probably going to enjoy this. Also when JH is on I totally enjoy his acting and it sounds like he is totally on in Chuno.

The only downfall with marathon watching is everyone else would have moved on to the next IT drama when I want to discuss the details. Perhaps Samsookie will be super behind with the recaps so I can discuss in those individual threads. This way I can have my cake and eat it too. Yay to cake and eating.


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@ ockoala

"Yes, my langdon and hjkomo unnies will be giddy with glee."

Oh, how you tease. ;-)


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@ langdon-unni

See, to prove I'm not just a tease (at least with respect to this issue), I shall unequivocally state in OT that I will in fact finish Robbers, and provide a second half review to complete my first half review.

And then........I have already made up my mind to watch Thank You (hey there nycgrl and serendipity, I'm onboard that as well).

JH - pretty much you've got eternal goodwill from me. If you want to spend the rest of your acting career doing nothing but stand around and smirk, I will watch that.


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@ ockoala

YAY! It's like Christmas and my birthday all of a sudden. :-D

LOL about Thank You; I just posted in the new GHJ thread that I wanted to kick her in Thank You but loved her in Pasta. But Jang Hyuk was so great in Thank You, I think I finished the whole thing in under three days.

You'll be wanting some choco-pie soon! ;-)


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@ langdon

I love choco-pie. I can send you some anytime, just holler when you think the itch for it may arise in the near future. I can't teleport anything yet.

I'm going to finish Tazza first bf starting Thank You, since I watched 2 eps of Tazza and got sidetracked by a whole host of dramas left & right. Not to say Tazza isn't interesting thus far, but I can already kinda tell it's at most a "good" and most likely an "okay" drama when all is said and done. But I love to be proved wrong and turn out to love Tazza.

Btw, I'm restarting my Robbers watch not on the next ep I left off (which would be ep. 11), but on ep. 9 when the story really began to gel, and then rewatch your beloved ep. 10.

Not a lot of dramas can change a viewers mind on rewatch - probably cuz if you didn't really feel it the first time around, you're not going to bother rewatching it. The only drama I've ever went from okay/meh to LOVE LOVE LOVE was TODAW, and I don't even remember the impetus for me to decide to rewatch it - oh, I remember now, it was a random NSM moment when I wanted to see again whether she was annoying in TODAW or not (and I am on the side of NOT annoying, but slightly wallflowerish compared to Junki).

Anyways, no guarantee on Robbers, just cuz I lurve JH's mad hotness and acting skillz doesn't mean I'll put blinders on. I love my SSH and I still found EoE the biggest pile of bad bad drama writing this side of StH.


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@11 nycgrl, you've got company. I like marathons, too, and I'm missing out on the chatter and banter here as the dramas progress. Now I'm avoiding Chuno spoilers like the plague. Haven't started ep. 1, not one bit. Will try to catch the last train, ie. start the marathon a few days before the last subtitles are estimated to be released.


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@ langdon @ ockoala
Whenever I loaned my copy of Thank You out, I always gave it with a box of choco pies
You guys are going kill me but there is something about JH's mouth and teeth that kind of turns me off.
However, that shower scene in Thank You...shall I say...yuuuuuuummmmmm!


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"Also when JH is on I totally enjoy his acting and it sounds like he is totally on in Chuno."

Oh, JH is on in Chuno. He is on fire, he is so on, so on that one wonders how he stays sane in real life.

IMO Chuno is more form than substance. It's not very deep. I enjoy it, but I don't think about it in my quieter moments (unlike "Thank You", which I'm *still* pondering at times, though less obsessively than before). I am emotionally uninvested. The only character I really care about is Dae Gil and I think that's largely thanks to Jang Hyuk, who is a One-Man Epic. I don't care all that much about the rest of the people or the story. Which is interesting, because the whole thing has been carefully, artfuly, and expensively crafted with the aim of making me care.

Lois McMaster Bujold says that when she writes a novel, she creates a fictional character, and then she puts that character through the worst thing she can think of for that character, to see what happens. Character development drives her plots. Much, I think, like Thank You. With Chuno, character development (feeble) doesn't drive the plot. I'm not even sure that plot drives. I think it's driven by effect, followed by plot, followed by character development. I find that once I understand that my role is to enjoy the effect, and not to analyse the plot or be moved by the characters, I'm very well entertained indeed.

@ ockoala

Thank You -- Yay! Though, speaking of expectation management, I worry a little now that I've raved about it so much. I came to it with near-zero expectation, so was very much taken. Thank You has flaws, many of them, but it gets me at some level, and I don't know if that's a universal effect. Oh well, it'll be interesting to see.

@ 2cents

Oh, I totally agree Jang Hyuk is no oil painting. His teeth are terrible, particularly in Thank You. And there he even has a bit of an over-muscled gorilla walk (which I abhor). But I hardly notice and forgive it all, because he brings such depth to his portrayal.

I like both Gong Hyo Jin and JH in Thank You. But it's JH's Dr Min I identify with and think about and journey with. I'm sure I'm not supposed to -- as a woman I'm probably supposed to identify with the long-suffering Young Shin. But I identify with Dr Min, who is flawed, who is fundamentally self-centred, for whom self-esteem and self-worth are not straight-forward even though he is outwardly successful, who has trouble being kind and patient with clueless people, and who struggles with his inner humanity.


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