Open Thread #138



Emiliana Torrini- “Heard It All Before” [ Download ]

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My fav scene has to be the scene in ep 3 where KH is hiding in the dark and he tells EJ how hungry he is. That scene just broke my heart and it was also visually arresting.

The 2nd fave is the end of ep 18. The acceptance and opening up of EJ was truly beautiful and was better than the kiss in my book due to what it symbolized.

Ep 19 did have the vouyer aspect going for it since the entire time I'm watching the kiss scene I kept thinking, "OMG its MGY's first kiss scene. The nation's sister is about to become a woman in front of our eyes".


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Angelina Jolie, Rain Battle For Biggest Badass Star At MTV Movie Awards!!

lol! this needs to be checked out! rain beating out jolie by being a bad ass! really what is the world coming to?


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@ 101 nycgrl "Ep 19 did have the vouyer aspect going for it"

That is also why I usually don't like explicit kissing scenes. The last scene for ep 19 works for me more because of the heartfelt hug and the comforting words she said to him. That is also why I don't like the scene in ep 20. The conversation is bleh...then they kiss?

That scene in ep 3 is also one of my favorite scene. The visual scene, lighting, acting, song/music and voice over by MGY made the scene haunting and mesmerizing for me. MGY voice did haunt me a few days after that. I found myself looping that sound and scene in my mind for a few days after that. If you ask me to rank my favorite scene, I wouldn't be able to do it. There are lots of scene I like. But which one I like the most? Don't know :)


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@ 95 mookie

Mystery solved - I read somewhere that Sexy Bastard was in MNIKSS and have been scratching my head as to when and where.... Thanks!!


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**CU spoilerS**

u know I'm totally with you and share the same journey watching CU. :) I know most of the complaints were too draggy and too much angst, I did not feel that way w/ this drama, it's the inconsistencies that's disheartening at times, but once they treat us a terrific scene, I'm back to madloving. I do see a continuous, evolving growth in all the characters even if we're dealing w/ the same situations and relationships over and over again, and y shouldnt they be doing through a great deal of the same angst?! It's necessary and realistic. I have no problem w/ that. I do enjoy all the relationships, but wished they would trust Taec more and give him an act-able role. I understand it's all business w/ casting him as the token Kpopstar to lock in some fangirl ratings, but his JW was totally irrelevant in the later half, it also made his character's exit ineffective.

Most memorable to me is end of ep18 (the hug), end of 19 was magical and climatic as well, but I really really loved ep18's progression and the episode was almost perfect! That is the very first time I saw EJ letting go of every bit of her baggage, her exoskeleton and just be a simple young woman in love, it's written as clear and as pure on MGY's face and that on top of CJM's perfect and subtle acting when his KH saw EJ running towards him... it's too precious for words and no turning back!!(literally and figuratively) I'm so very glad CJM suggested this alteration, if they just did it as the script has written, or per direction of PD... it'll totally deflate it and we would miss such a perfect timely transformation we saw in EJ. (and that's another dent in my already bad opinion on BOTH writer and PD)/ After that I was suspecting sth along end of 19 is coming our way! :) It was satisfying and every bit perfect but I just treasure that very first step more.

o gosh I was blushing bright RED looping the bts of end of 19, totally like a peeping tom watching such intense intimate moments btn them and it's not just EJ/KH it's also MGY + CJM and I feel very WRONG and I want us all to leave those 2 kids alone...but of coz that's not stopping me lol

I'm slightly disappointed w/ the middle section of 19 already, it started out great and promising, we got a bit of the whimsy back w/ that sweet 80 min/ 8 yr fantasy. If handled by less competent actors, the lines can easily come off as cheesy. but done by C!J!M! we got ' I'm a boy!' *squeee*...but then it's 'back to reality' for us, for the drama w/ that JunSu plot (total waste of time). I know we have to resolve 'Mom', but that's just really child's play dressed up w/ a bit of DS fantasy to give it fake depth. It'll make perfect sense to me for Mom to make the decision on her own, she's not the same KS afterall, she can feel GUILT now, and seeing the suffering of the little girl is much more potent than any other point in her life even if inflicted on her own children. I can buy that.

I also dont care for how flat they made KJ. I didnt lose all hope in him even w/ all his deeds in 18, I interpreted him letting KH go more than just in fear of EJ's threat. I thought I saw a bit of brotherly concern/pity there w/ that look he threw at KH. But, alas I was wrong. It's a slight letdown, the Hongs can be so much more interesting.


CU is worth it just for the acting alone. MGY is worth every praise. I was sworn her fangirl for life since PotW, but please GY-shi, do not work w/ this writer ever again! I do see the rust in CJM, but he also surprised me in how terrific and improved he is in many scenes...a better script next time!

I understand what u mean by finding KH 'ineffective' as a draw. I enjoy how the growth of EJ (and HS) has nth much to do w/ falling in love w/ a prince charming (in this drama, not TOO charming)...but coming fr a deeper understanding of love...towards their own family, their parents, themselves. And again, how I love ep18 when KH was the damsel and we had EJ saving the DAY!

@ ep20: o SAME here. *sigh* ep20 made me weep inside and this will be the only ep where I find boring AND draggy apt descriptives. I do not have a scene I care, as dreamy as C!J!M! looked in the first scene, that paper and doodling scene... *cringe* IF we had that whimsical luggage scene in ep3, production, u really can do WAYY better\. everything is clearly done w/ a calculation of ratings in mind. I read the production fiasco as juicy gossips, nth more, but the whole EJ twist was only there to give another 'meaty' HS/KH scene (hello! we've SEEN that, even HS has moved on long ago!) and it's almost proof to me since the big sponsor of drama is affiliated w/ SW's management (I read), they tried to squeeze in as many screen time for HS as possible.

If they r going to focus on breaking the KH involvement to HS, please do it w/ way better lines. HS' lines have never been bad, but this episode, her lines were either pointless, or straining for significance. IF they r going to hone on Cinderella the fairytale w/ all that jade/glass talk, and made HS fall for the nth time to force a skinship and made us care, do it at that BEACH and give us blood w/ HS hurt by that glass hairpin. That will be worth some attention of mine no matter how wrought.

I'm w/ u concerning that kiss.... it take so much away fr the19 kiss!! EJ lost me in 20, the character can't behave as such after all the dev in 18 and 19, writer and PD!!! MGY and CJM had palpitating chemistry in EVERY scene they shared thro out the drama, yet come the ending we have to insert this. This was done purely for the ratings. I can totally see the writer/PD brainstorming, but cant come up w/ anything brilliant to up 18, 19 and go the 'safe' route and insert that kiss and fr bts that's the last scene of the drama. Lets exercise some common sense, if they've been thro so much, finally they acknowledged their mutual love in 18, 19 and they havent seen each other for months till that point in 20, and we have a convo of them 3 ft fr each other?! After KH's 'brush of death' (o HOW I hate that twist... @#!5$) they should be madly hugging AT THE CROSSROAD! where's the leisure to move scene to a pretty park?! touching lips like that was totally inappropriate in feel and context. That 4th point! ARGH! They r soo past the saying 'I love u' point. Did writer totally forget what he/she's written for KH to say ALL THESE EPS?!?! what's 'cant live w/o u', 'I'd rot in hell to have u'... then?!

lolz, I tried to control myself, u chided yourself to brave on; for me, OT is my CU therapy. :) ohmmmm


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@ 105 mookie.
Oh.. so it's really end of ep 18? I don't have favorite at the moment. It's like asking me to choose who among my children is my favorite :) Can't choose. And another contributing factor is my internet connection is so lagging that I can't watch clearly that epi. Get the storyline but need to re watch it clearly after I finished downloading it. I didn't see CJM expression clearly.

"After KH’s ‘brush of death’ (o HOW I hate that twist… @#!5$) they should be madly hugging AT THE CROSSROAD!" They missed that big time there. No need for a kissing scene there for me. Just say the right things with the right emotion! We know that if they were given the right lines, both MGY and CJM can burn and blaze the screen with their intensity.

"o gosh I was blushing bright RED looping the bts of end of 19, totally like a peeping tom watching such intense intimate moments btn them and it’s not just EJ/KH it’s also MGY + CJM and I feel very WRONG and I want us all to leave those 2 kids alone…but of coz that’s not stopping me lol" ----> You said it all and better. LOL


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You totally centered on my gripe abut CU 20. I hated the EJ twist. I was all like WTF and both of them looking for her and the dumb name switch with her co-worker. It was totally like the JunSu scene in ep 19--a complete throwaway scene. Also I hated hated that kiss scene it felt so manufactured and the lead into it also felt so contrived. How dumb is that ploy of making EJ and us thinking KH got hurt in a car accident. I was so freaking annoyed and totally insulted by that like come on! I stuck by you for 20 freaking episodes and your going to do that to me!

I finally now understand the inconsistency in the story since I read very little of CU outside the recap. I mean SW got amazing amount of screen time to the point of OTP who? I wasn't sure where the writer was going with that at the time but I was just willing to go for the ride to see what would develop but in hind sight (just now) it just felt like a lot of political mumbo jumbo to the detriment of the storytelling since it served no purpose except perhaps to show more HS character study and to show off SW's crying skills, which I got sick of.


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*CU spoilers!! *


o I have some caps of end18 (too bad I cant put them in order)
I loved that shocked and in absolute awe ' I can't believe my eyes!!" hence totally drawing blank face of CJM. I bet my face was like that watching that scene!


*sigh* your pain is my pain. I read the gossip, but o the heck w/ it, I didnt mind SW and I do enjoy the sister arc, the HS/KS interactions, but ep20 was JUST PLAIN WRONG!! What's infuriating me more as it's settled in was how sly they(writer/pd/production) covered their asses. They did not kill off anybody, everybody is at a better place...to shut us up. Can we let that silly little note of EJ to KH slide?! WTF was that asking him to take care of HS?!?!??! And her plan was to VANISH and that's ALL u have to say to your love of your life?!?!? I liked KH's letter to EJ, it's not OMFG amazing but at least that's a proper love letter. and KH r u frelling out of your mind?! u read it as she's asking u to BE w/ HS and start all over again MAYBE and since u've lost your mind u r just going to lead HS on?!??!?!

It's nice to have an EJ/HS resolution and all coz of Dad. but I would prioritize a EJ/Mom scene WAYY higher. The ending was CREEPY! :X How can u do this to me and make me ever seeing DS as CREEPY!!! ARGH


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@ mookie. TQ. Wow. He does look, " I can’t believe my eyes!!" :)


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@mookie sama

I still haven't watched CU20. With all the discussions going here, I'm feeling like I'm missing out. For a better or worse, I need to have a closure.

Having my brain gone to heaven, I'm not comprehending to much of anything right now meaning I can hardly read anything here and understand them. All because I just got home(my sis's home) from Jae/Chun/Su concert(lasted for over 3 hours) And OMG! They can sing as individuals,duo or trio. they can also joke in Japanese, no problems. Oh, and they are hot, cute and adorable. I'm so totally swept away. They even didn't sing any of DBSK's songs. Might it be because of the on going lawsuit with SM or the missing two parts? It didn't matter at all especially because I was really hoping for my favorite song "Shelter" composed by Jae/Su sung live and sure enough, it was the second song Jae/Chun sang, that did for me right away. Anyhow. all I can hope is that everything would eventually work out for everybody involved and all of DBSK members will be able to move on to share their gifts with many more millions of people.


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I'm watching FOL and WAY at the same time, it's making me bi-polar. Seriously, one episode of FOL, followed by one episode of WAY (Who Are You?) is like jumping from a burning volcano into a icy pond. Not complaining, just kinda mentally toggling between genres.

For those of who've heard me rave about enjoying Tamra the Island, I'm backing up my claims with some substantive thoughts. Ta-da, the Tamra review.



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I just did a quick marathon of 1% of anything over the weekend. I say quick cos I skipped a lot of it because after the OTP got together, I was so not interested in the repeat story line for all the other pairings. Like seriously, how many 'oppositions' to the marriage can there be in one kdrama?

Although the drama aired in 2004, it feels and looks and sounds very old. It must have been the year for contract marriages/relationships in Korea cos I remember Full House was aired during that time too, no? :D

I think this kdrama may have paved the way for Korean men to pull the girls by the wrist/arm, causing bodily harm, and men yelling unnecessarily at girls. Or was it another kdrama? Jae-in seemed to be pulling Da-da by the arm everywhere and just yelling at her/raising his voice at her constantly. It got very annoying and his trying to put on a cute aegyo face didn't work for me.

Btw, whatever happened to the actor who played Jae-in? Hmm... will need to wiki him up.

Hope everyone else's weekend was fab. It was so hot and humid in London this weekend. Felt like I was in Asia.


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Omo! Where've you been all this time? Glad to see you back here! :)

Just came on to post a cute BTS vid with four of THE most amazing child actors I've ever seen.
The scene at 2.50 with the dog is hilarious.


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OMG!!! OMG!! OMG!!!

Rain/Bi just WON the MTV awards for Badass star!!!!!!!
I'm SO happy for him! not only because i like him but because it's a sign that Asians are (really) slowly getting known in the US!!! asians have to start somewhere and i'm so proud of Rain and the wonder girls and boa and seven and all for trying!!


thanks for the vid of Giant!! i agree! the child-actors are awesome!!!
and i'm having summer school now so i won't have much free time TT
but i'll hang around to read the comments and comment from time to time! ^^


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@ v
ye gawds!! he actually WON! now i've seen everything!! rain 'the bad ass' bi.....looooool kick ass....


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As usual, I am several years behind in my drama watching; chugged through How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor this week and despite some WTF moments enjoyed it very much. Even with the 2 handsome lead men, it was Son Hyun Joo that I was happiest to see. Having him pop up in a drama is like having Yachigusa Kaoru show up in a J drama (such as Antique which finally is completely subbed in English). They don't have a big enough name to get top billing, but they raise the viewing pleasure all on their own.
But really, DNA tests come back in a day or two? Alzheimer patients with it enough to pack the suicide potion when going to the hospital and carry it around to use in a dramatic moment? I imagine that the filial loyalty that makes someone willing to give up happiness for the sake of said Alzheimer patient is a Korean thing, like the attitude toward drug use -- no use saying, well she won't be any less happy in prison than in the Alzheimer unit of the hospital, so think of yourself.
BON funsubs did such a nice job on it; have they folded their tent and gone away? Is the OT Mookie the same one who subbed with BON? Didn't recognise any other names.


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@12 crzycpl

Excuse me while I quietly snicker over here. 1% of Anything's Jae In? That would be Kang Dong Won. The reason I'm laughing is that I got both Woochi and Duelist DVDs from YesAsia last week, and Kang Dong Won would be the star of both of same.

Duelist is a movie I love to watch (beautifully shot, hardly any dialogue - pretty kickass sword fighting by the handsome KDW in lovely fighting robes as Sad Eyes) Woochi was pretty funny- but not as good.

And no, I didn't wiki that - I knew exactly who you were talking about, although I'm not a big fan of 1%, I have watched it.


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@momosan, o KDW's char in 1% anything is called JaeIn, I think that's what crzycpl is referring

@ isabelh, that's long time ago, I did help out very few of their projects. The fansubbers at BON r a small group of friends, the coordinator is a sweetie still in college, life obligations do hit and fansubbing really is a labor of love, and tediously time consuming. I bow to them.

@celestialorigin-san, so glad u had a WONDERFUL time at the concert! They r talent overload even if we r not counting the good looks!

@ockoalatwin I'm savoring Tamra, what a wkend of exceptional good reads! First the sublime Thank You review @Serendipity then yours! Life's good!

@supah, o I'm still in shock w/ sexy bastard in MNIKSS!!! I must've ffd his scene during rewatch I'm afraid, but I had an impression of seeing a good looking but forgettable doc. What was he drinking last couple years?!?!?


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@18 mookie

Yup, that's why I was laughing at myself. Cause I knew right away who she meant. 8-) Fan=me 8-)

KNG is actually in a couple of scenes of MNIKSS - first when she goes back to the hospital to chat with her doc friends and then again when they are going over her records, and then he sits outside and chats with Binnie....um...not that I rewatched or anything..nooooo. I'm actually a victim of the same problem I have with KDW as KNG. Put a hot guy in black fighting robes and do some sword fighting and I'm a goner. 8-) There is the related problem of LBH as The Bad. 8-) No sword fighting, although a bit of knife fighting and some good gun play. I'm such an easy target, aren't I!


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^ ooo, NOW I got what u r saying Momosan... lolz... too much sun, pain and exhaustion in limbs r spreading to other body parts!

I really did not make the connection, o yes he has quite a slur of lines and maybe JRW's HaeJin spit some pop at him (in hindsight, MNIKSS is obsessed w/ spitting and other unsavory bodily functions)... I mean he looked the same in MNIKSS and Goodbye Solo and STILL I couldn't till my friend sent me the caps... WOW! *still in shock*

and in contrast to his cameo in PT, where we cant even focus on the lines the leads r saying in the foregd.. WOW WOW WOW


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THIS is Kim Nam-gil BEFORE Goodbye Solo or MNIKSS.

This is not anyone we know as Bidam. I could barely focus on the first few eps of BSGS because of him, it was as weird as Alice falling through the Rabbit Hole.



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I started to watch "Massugu na Otoko" and I really like it.
I think Rom/com are my favorite genre whether J or K Drama, I highly recommended!!!!


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@ mookie

The EJ letter was pure BS and the characters were the indentured servants forced to temporary insanity to stretch the plot out and the DS scene in the end was cheesy. I'm going to purge ep 20 straight out of my head.

That said I did find all the EJ and HS scenes touching since I consider sibling conflicts more crucial to resolve than a parent/child maybe because I think siblings need to be there for each other especially long after everyone else dies out and I think sometimes a toxic relationship with a parent is just unchangeable due to the long history of the deep rooted resentments.

Which leads me to something I wanted to discuss which is KS's arc. One reason KS had the sea change is probably due to the 8 years she has lived in a more gentile normal environment. She might have felt suffocated by living the role of a housewife but I can't see how the drastic change in her life situation could leave her completely unchanged. As much as she likes to talk about how tough she is and beating all the fates, she probably isn't the same lady she used to be when she entered the house 8 years ago when she needed all her wits about her for constant survival. Her running into her old friend at the train station was like meeting the ghost of christmas past since it gave her the opportunity to go back and see how far she has come from her prev life and she got to observe what she couldn't see back then which is to see first hand how damaged EJ was by her and her lifestyle. Sadly real-life does not give you the opportunity to build this kind of awareness. I think it was sondheim's mother who wrote to him as she was about to be operated on that giving birth to him was her biggest regret . I don't think you can resolve that type of thing easily and without a lot of therapy.

I remember seeing that most forgetable of kdramas. I fast forwarded through a lot of it and the drama wasn't even that old when I watched it but yet, it felt pretty old school even back then. You do see a chubby, shorter looking Han Hye Jin and she was heaps more interesting than Kim Jung Hwa's character DaDa. I do remember that whenever I saw "DaDa" in the subs my brain would automatically switch to Dadaism and my mind would wander to Marcel Duchamp, toilets and Max Ernst.

@ isabelh

I really loved How to meet a perfect neighbor and not because it was perfect by any means. I loved it for being a bit strange, for not being like a typical kdrama, for Bae Doona, for Son Hyun Joo, I loved the friendship chemistry between Bae Doona and Kim Seung Woo and I loved that the female lead saves the guy and that she wounds up falling for the 2nd lead. Yes people this does occasionally happen to keep us drama watchers on our toes.

Of course there were moments where it was corny as hell. I had a total LOL moment when they played "Give Thanks" (yes the freaking christian song!) during the magic performance date, the mystery angle totally does not work for me as a plot device and the angst hit my saturation level and PSH can't do any emotional crying scenes without me laughing or fast forwarding but despite all this I was thoroughly amused. Just the goofy Bae DooNa moments and her family scenes were worth the price of admission. I mean the scene where the big sis eats the facial cucumber right off her face is priceless. I must have replayed that scene like 20 times.


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@rayum (58)


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Funny that you mentioned Woochi. I just watched it on my way here from SFO. I didn't even know MY KDW was in it. Imagine my surprise... It was not the best movie or anything. still its ending reminded me of One hundred year's of solitude by Gabriel García Márquez and 紅楼夢(Chinese classic, don't know the English name...) by 曹雪芹. Those two books I couldn't put them down once I picked them up, They were like drugs to me during certain periods in my life. May be mookie sama or ockoala knows more about it in English. On top of that, it had some personally profound Deja vu moments(WTF? Is this for real? moment). What am I mumbling??? Ultimately it's all about my KDW! He's the hottie! I just love watching him flying through the sky, running through time and space, totally limitless and unrestricted.


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@25 celestialorigin

That would probably be "Dream of the Red Chamber" by Hung Lou Meng. Yeah, it did end a little like those. Woochi is what I think of as a holiday movie - it's pretty, silly, fun, and not taxing on the brain. Like taking a romance novel to the beach. But with KDW in it. 8-) LOVED the scene of him at the royal court. Just loved it. Now, Duelist I can watch again and again. Woochi, I'll have to be in the right mood for. 8-)


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dadgon editor....OR Hung Lou Meng. Not BY .....geez.


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Joining OT really late this week hehe. Not-so-happy Monday... ? haha. well, when are Monday's ever happy??

But just had to jump in to say I am so utterly in love with Yankee-kun. I watched ep 7 only semi-subbed and still totally enjoyed it. Will be anxiously waiting for subs when they come out. Shinagawa & Hana are so freakin cute. Shinagawa's little fantasy scenes each ep slay me. Heh.

Question to anyone who knows: Does anyone know if Yankee-kun is being subbed and by who? I have been DLing the raws while they're still being seeded so that i'm ready for softsubs if they are released later on. This is one for the collection for sure :)


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@ twin

joining OT late this week too.. so much work for me to do on this first Monday of the month. :(

unexpectedly had Friday off w/ a migraine, then headed to a funeral outta town.. working today, then off for the next two days so i can take my daughter and niece and attend the Wondergirls/2PM concert in Chicago. i totally want to do the fangirl stalker thing, but don't have a clue how to get any of the info to stalk the boys of 2PM. BOO!


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@28 lovenyc52

Timelessubs is subbing Yankee-kun. They normally put out hardsubbed files, and are about to release ep 1. I'm hoping someone will put out softsubs, as I prefer them, but I haven't seen that any. Other than that it looks like Viikii. Maybe when the subs fill out and settle down the manager will flip them out to an srt file.

They've gotten to ep 7 and are still unicorns and rainbows as far as I'm concerned. 8-)


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@ momosan

wow you really are a fairy godmother of all things jdorama and mac :) maybe you can help me figure out why my bitorrent isn't working for my mbpro lol. thanks - i'll be on the lookout for timeless's subs. but watching it raw is fun cuz i really do pay more attention to their expressions then. :) hiroki is crazy cute teeheehee


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@nycgrl -- I forgot about the Give Thanks musical moments (once for each gift; they must have stopped listening after the first couple of words). The other things that bothered me was why, except for plot reasons, would you forget to mention that you had seen a car go off a cliff? And that suitcase full of cash! I'm pretty sure my husband would notice such a thing stashed away even if I died unexpectedly. But still and all a most satisfying drama.


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@momosan @celestialorigin-san

Woochi and Dream of Red Chamber ?!?! it is the womanizing? and is it the time jumping/metaphors that reminded you of One hundred years of solitude? Both masterpieces r tragic for all the characters involved. I wanna check Woochi out now. (I cant have enough KDW as well ;))


*sigh* I thought MGY+ CJM + KGS + LMS r household names and earned enough respect in the industry so we will never have to use 'indentured servants' and their names in same sentence. I thought established thespians (and even those who cant act *coughEoEcough* will have artistic reign or at least can ad lib more when scenes r down the drains. I guess CJM did try w/ that end18 hug scene, but the strain on them was too obvious for that ep20 whatever...maybe they were at the point of just want to get it over w/ and too worn out to bargain.

I'm in unison w/ you on the EJ/KS analysis, but the writer and/or PD are not. (gosh did Sondheim’s Mom really said that?!?!?!? that must be the cruelest, most hurtful thing. Good that he can divert/pour the trauma to expressions in his art). Totally nodding at KS is a changed woman, and that's exactly y I find the 19 JunSu arc soooooooo silly and contrived. One of the key uplifting themes of the drama is time and love (or tears haha) do heal. Every time I saw SW and her tsunami of tears, I actually was hopeful and (I was tweeting exactly the same thing atm) wander off wondering if that the healing power of water/tears they r hinting on? How soft, yielding and fluid water(tears) fundamentally is, but it can wear down the hardest, most rigid stubborn mountains (of hate).

But we got that WTF happy family holding hands scene after EJ got some scientific recognition/award. That on top of a deleted I saw, they cut out a phone call btn KS and EJ while EJ was in her silly exile in furiated me!!!! That was bloody awful editing... and that's what I was saying. I do not want a happy cheery resolution of KS/EJ but after all they've been thro, but they beg for a GOOD speech btn the 2, we wont have a drama if these 2 share this intense love/hate entangled mess of a mother/daughter relationship!! and I'd prefer that over an ending sisterly whatever waste of time btn EJ/HS. Those 2 had their issues ironed out for EPISODES already and we collectively MOVED on!! I, for one, have never brought the whole HS madly in love w/ KH plot, esp in the light of what EJ and KH had/have.


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@31 lovenyc52

Yup, I'm saving the raws as well for Yankee-kun. 8-) I really hope someone rips the subs to files. The scene at the waterfall - priceless - the fight at the end is adorable. The fantasy sequences just lift it into the giggles category. I have a terrible feeling that I'll be getting up at the crack of dawn for the last episode to watch it live. 8-) I haven't done that since YB, although I caught Bad Guy live last week just by chance.

What is your MBPro torrenting software up to? I use Vuze, but over the years I've tried practically every available piece of software. Most of them have a bazillion settings, but mostly you just need to make sure you have it allowed to talk to the outside world (on my computers I set the security to have each individual piece of software ask permission) and have the ports set nicely. My settings tend to be a bit exotic, but I'm pretty familiar with most of the settings.

Actually right now I'm alpha testing software for one group and beta testing for another, so I've got all sorts of stuff on my machines. Yikes! I just looked at one of the statistics file that I have to send off to one of the groups tomorrow and despite being off line most of the weekend, I really pounded the heck out the webz this week.

I really have to bless the folks doing the Shinzanmono subs. My Japanese got me through the first bit of ep 1 about the cat, but after that I have to back up alot and relisten, so the subs are a real treat, and are really well done.


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@33 mookie

It's the last couple of scenes at the end of Woochi where they jump scenes and go all deja vu. It's just weirdly surreal and metaphorical after what is basically a comedy/action movie. It's a cute/funny sequence but also surreal.

You know - on the whole, so far I'm having a fairly decent drama year. Coffee House and Bad Guy are in the win column right now on the k-drama side (please drama gods, make it stay that way!!); Yankee-kun and Shinzanmono on the jdorama side. The only US shows I watch are Glee and Warehouse 13; the UK has TopGear and Dr Who. And those are staggered out so that Glee will finish before W13 starts, same with TG and Dr Who.

Chuno was a fun ride, despite it's many flaws it had high points that were a good as some of the best stuff around; Dong Yi is my biggest dissappointment so far. AMCG was also a fun ride, despite a huge lull in the middle, it was unique in it's own crazy way. I've got Harvest Villa banked and an old saguek waiting to be marathoned PLUS Tamra's DC for when momochan gets here next week.

Okay, back to pounding the keyboard. 8-) Meh, beautiful late Monday afternoon and I'm doping off in OT!


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I have so much to say about Giant 10, but will restrain myself and use only one word to best describe my reaction to today's episode:



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@ momosan

well, i'm still getting used to the mbpro so it could just be my initial set-up that's faulty. i figured out how to get the torrent file into the program, but it seems to be firewalled or something. i can't figure out how to get to the properties settings to change my access though. i've just been DLing things onto my PC and then transferring it to my mbpro. an extra few steps, but it's how i gotta do right now until i figure out this torrent business. should i try vuze instead?

I just looked up Shinzamono and now I have to watch that. how did i not know that mukai was in a new show?!?!? at least it's almost done airing so i can probably just marathon it :) thanks for yet another jdorama to add to my list!! hehe.


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Well, first under System Preferences, Security, Firewall (and at this point you'll probably have to enter the password), then Advanced - make sure the torrent software to the list of software allowed to have incoming connections.

Then save all that stuff. Then fire up the torrent software. In Vuze's preferences, I have it listening on port 46784, but when I have a proxy running, the proxy is usually running on another port specified by the particular proxy.

Which software are you running exactly, I probably have it on this machine and can see what the settings are.


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**warning CS/CU SPOILERS**

am in a particular mood to rant, esp seeing everyone else talk about the CS finale. i have soooo many problems with the ending. one, the resolution to the conflict felt really bleh and boring. b/c after dragging through the second half of the series, by the end stuff didn't feel important anymore. but my biggest issue is the twist in the middle of the episode with eunjo leaving. like wtfasdfkjkl why would she do such a thing? at that point, i pounded my chest and pulled my hair out, wanting to throw something at my computer screen. like really, you just decided to reconcile with your one true lurve and now you want to ditch it all? i really completely lost my sympathy for her character and decided she's just crazy. i could not think of one valid reason why the character would do such a thing in the context of the story. i mean, she didn't even leave when daesung died. why, of all the chances she had of leaving, would she do it now? my conclusion was the writers either 1. had to fill up the 60 minutes and couldn't think of anything, so they threw in that twist 2. they wanted to make eunjo and kihoon's happiness that much more difficult to achieve and make the viewers frustrated til the end 3. they were high on smth

and then when she decided to leave, she half-assed it. she didn't bother leaving the country, or going by a different name? and then when kihoon finds her: i totally expected him to die in a car crash and have the drama end there. i wouldnt be surprised.

and the conversation they had after kihoon found her: she asked for him to tell her the fourth thing in the note, since he never told her and now she's afraid he'll die any second. dude, remember you left him? how was he supposed to tell you?? and no explanation whatsoever for why you left, and of course kihoon forgave her anyway. i love the two of them, but i lost a bit of that love when the writers threw in that extra plot contrivance of her leaving. i no longer understood what eunjo was thinking. and was really mad about that.

the only thing that was redeeming about the finale was the last scene with the two sisters hugging each other and both feeling daesung's presence. that brought tears to my eyes and was beautifully done. otherwise, i will pretend that middle part with eunjo leaving never happened, and instead, there was an awesome epilogue of everyone getting married and living happily ever after!


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So, the great FOL watch of 2010 (which only had three participants, LOL) has suddenly been hijacked by the Supreme Goodbye Solo watch/re-watch of 2010. You don't hear me complaining, I'm tabling WAY and getting on the bandwagon. Not often do you have so many folks all watching an oldie together.

I promise not to abscond with PIE.

An update on my FOL watch - I finished ep. 5. That means I am 1/4 way done. I don't imagine wanting to watch more than 1 ep. a day, and I completely understand why this drama tanked. Like, tanked like Heading to the Ground tanked.

It's filmed like a movie (I feel like I am watching a movie), the acting is exquisite, intense but never overblown, restrained yet simmering with unspoken frustrations.

And some scenes are so beautiful you want to CRY because you are watching it, the moment just flows over you with the understanding of what the moment means, either then or in the future for these kids.

My favorite would have to be that race from the school to the movie theater. The way the camera follows the four of them, the snapshots of a moment where childhood is about to end and adulthood begins, the realization that this friendship is so pure yet so tainted, making you smile for the beauty of that lazy afternoon, and want to cry for what will be and what will come.

I love every directorial decision made PD, I can't explain without going into the nitty gritty.

Hyun Bin......I just want to hug him. Hug him and never let him go, never let this world hurt him again. When will I ever see Binnie again? Probably never, but we'll always have Ireland and MNIKSS.


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I'm in! Goodbye Solo queuing up for a rewatch, since most of my ongoing dramas seem to be laying off for a week or so for the World Cup. BTW, watched the Korean 8 oclock news this AM - since I was up at the crack of dawn anyway - gotta love that they had 2 news stories and then 10 minutes of World Cup news. Although the insertion of Tubthumping as one of the pieces of background music was odder than odd.

Oh, and Shinagawa-kun....is adorable. If it keeps up at this level of greatness, it's going to beat out even Kimi wa Petto at the top of my jdoramas. It's just cotton candy for the soul. If it stays this good, when that baby comes out on DVD, even at the redonkulous Japan prices, I'll get it even if I have to enlist a friend in Tokyo to bring it over for me.


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What I love most about FOL (both drama and movie) is there's never a second of iff I'm not watching cinematic gold w/ heart, blood, tears, sweats, dedication written all over it. It's engaging, at times complex but I do not need to pull out everything cognitive to feel it. The narrative is just so effective.

What I appreciate most aside from the human drama is I'm pretty certain I got an authentic taste of Busan w/o any selling out. I'm grateful for that alone (and many things else)

and I'll repeat for the nth time. my binnieboy (it's sheer acting powess his Dong Su...he's still that dorky shy cutie pie esp in that Kona Barista thing he gigilo'd himself in for the obasans!) is ROBBED of one serious nomination!!

@momosan, AHHH I cant wait for Yankeekun7!! It's soo precious that even the usual machine-like efficiency of Chinsubs r usu a week long wait. (I'm so not complaining! fansubbers can have my soul, I love them so!!)


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"So, the great FOL watch of 2010 (which only had three participants, LOL) has suddenly been hijacked by the Supreme Goodbye Solo watch/re-watch of 2010"

No f*cking way!! i'm watching Goodbye Solo right now!!! And I mean literally right now. I'm on ep 4 and loving it. I started before CU and then laid off and now back on and loving every minute of it and loving PIE liked I never ever did before.


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@ nycgrl

girlfriend, you needs to get on Twitter to get the summons. You know who's on the Supreme Goodbye Solo watch of 2010?

Dahee Fanel
thunderbolt aka thundie

only serendipity whose off to Europe for a trip can't join in.

Most everyone is btw ep 1-3.


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I think the Sondheim story was even worse. Apparently she thought she was going to die under the operating table and that is why she wrote him that note/letter. Can you imagine thats the last thing your mom says to you before she dies?

@ annieee

Welcome to the club. On day two I'm learning to let go after I've let all the poison out in the OT rants. I'm ready to move on to something more promising and that is onto Goodbye Solo with the rest of the OTers apparently. Talk about Serendipity!


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Great OTer minds think alike. Geez thats like everyone and I'm AHEAD for once (very pleased with self).

I'm afraid to twitter since I'm a twitter virgin. Will it hurt?


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@ nycgrl

Twitter is intuitve and I only use it with other drama kindred spirirts. All other subject matters and real life friends, to the left! Or to rant about the occasional randomness.

A few of us have the same user name here and over there, ask to follow us, we'll then follow you, and the rest goes with whatever flow is the topic of the day. Today we dissed the lame, patronizing, ickiness of forehead kisses in drama. Since you love PIE, there is lots of PIE loving going on all the time. :-)


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OK I'm registered and now a disciple of OT handles. If I get addicted to twitter you will be officially be labled my crack siren for luring me to rewatch kdramas I had no intention of watching and trying new medium of expression. Damn your siren song.


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@ nycgrl

I have no idea what you are talking about? *whistles*. Do you see any jagged rocks nearby. If not, it's no Siren song but a lullaby to help you find your way home. ;-)

Btw, I answered your question at Thundie's but I'll repeat quickly. If you didn't love WHIB the first time, no need to rewatch, it's just not your cup of tea. Damo, on the otherhand, a rewatch there is a high probability you'll increase your esteem of the drama. Or maybe not. It all depends on time and mood, right? See you on the other side of the Rabbit Hole


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@ momosan

thanks - it seems to be working now..kinda. verrrrrry slowly. i added BitTorrent to my list of accepted programs on my firewall list, but the comment on the lower right side of torrent box still says 'Online, maybe firewalled'. Le sigh. mac hates me.


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