Announcement: Level 7 Civil Servant recaps now with less Joo-won

Okay, I have to get serious for a moment to address an issue that has just come to our attention. Dramabeans has had its very first DCMA takedown notice delivered, and sadly this is not a “Baby’s first milestone” sort of celebratory event. The notice came with scary legal lingo and accompanying threats to discontinue our hosting service if we don’t comply with the demands to take down our Level 7 Civil Service recaps.

I know, I know, the show is crap, but I confess to being really flummoxed and upset and maybe a little shaking in rage right now about it all. Korea is pretty welcoming of screencap usage and often encourages the practice, so while I am not going to argue the point about copyright, I have to say that I feel a little sucker-punched.

We’d offer more details if we understood them, but at this point all we know is that the complaint was made about the Level 7 recaps specifically, that our infringement is regarding the photos, and that the agent filing the complaint represents Dramafever, which is cited as the owner of intellectual property rights.

Yeah, we’re confused. We don’t understand. But we don’t want our site poofed either, so we’re taking down all Level 7 recap images. Sorry to everyone who loves to gaze upon Joo-won’s beautiful face without having to sit through the drudgery of actually watching the show. We’re super bummed too. We hope you understand, but please don’t worry that recaps will die because of this! Girlfriday and I will still be recapping through the bitter end, and yes, I’m pretty sure it’ll be bitter.

On the other hand: FEEL FREE (we actively encourage it, in fact) to submit hand-drawn images! Stick figures just as welcome as abstract interpretation and hand-placed Mediterranean tiled mosaic art. We’re not picky, and we’re not discriminating!


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Why do I have the feeling that perhaps Dramafeve is just butthurt that you guys didn't really like this show because of the crappy writing about some of the characters/

I am equally confused about Dramafever being the owner of intellectual property rights to this drama. Did they produced this drama, invested it in some way or what?

Oh well....let's see


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This, very much this.

There's definitely a chance that DF is a silent backer of the show which would explain why Viki never picked it up. Dramafever simply ownes a stake in this production. The lackluster reception may very well be what caused this.

If that's the case I have one thing to say to anyone at Dramafever who may be reading this (and believe me, they are following this thread very closely).

"Take that stick out of your ass. Your website is called Dramafever, not Dramaqueen!"


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Yeah this is weird... and why JUST Level 7?? Why not any of the other gazillion recaps on this site?
And i'm wondering too if DF is planning on opening a recap site to compete with you guys! (As if... )


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So, I'm confused. Dramafever is the one filing the complaint? Because they have distribution rights, or something? I haven't been watching Level 7 Civil Servant, so I don't mind all that much about the screencaps, but this is just ridiculous. Can they really do that? I'm not going to boycott Dramafever, but they better not do anything like this again!


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I usually just read and dont comment. But got to drop in to support dramabeans here. Will write to dramafever too.

All the best!


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Aw, man, that's too bad. ):

Since I live in Norway, DramaFever has never been an option for me for watching anything due to airing restriction for certain areas. I always came here to read recaps. I though it was great that Dramabeans could offer recaps for fans not living in those areas so that we at least could follow the plot of each new episode to some extent without subtitles.

I really appreciate what you here at Dramabeans are doing for the fans. A huge thanks for recapping episodes until this point! :)


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Have you tried seeing if you can watch them on http://www.viki.com?


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oh honestly. so ridiculously unfair. wouldn't your screencaps fall under fair use or something like that? it's not like you're out to make profit from the recaps. people reading them and looking at the screencaps wouldn't even discourage the majority of people from actually watching the show, whether they choose to do so at dramafever or through their own means. you have every right to be furious! i say, if you can, get legal advice/counsel and don't take this lying down.


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I actually appreciate Dramafever because of the quality subs they usually provide (whereas dramacrazy and viki sometimes fail to provide accurate, quality subs) but I am startled by their legal action against Dramabeans. I feel like Dramabeans has been vital to the growth of the korean drama fanbase in the US and elsewhere and Dramafever has profited off the success of dramabeans (also, didn't they promote here on this site? like..woah, backstabbery). I also hope they don't take down certain subbers on the internet, particularly those who sub variety shows, because I have to say, those who are subbing the Running Man variety shows are doing it MUCH, AESTHETICALLY, MUCH BETTER! than Dramafever.


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Dramacrazy does not sub, they just upload eps. that others have subbed. Viki's subs aren't always great, especially the ones that are initially released-- however, most do get edited and overall, I've found Viki's edited subs to be much better that Dramafever's. I used to subscribe to Dramafever, but they pissed me off too many times and I decided I didn't want to support a bully-- especially one who couldn't even sub properly.


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Dramacrazy essentially steals subs, usually from Viki or DF actually.

I used to think DF did a better job with subs too, because their translations seemed to flow better. But I do think Viki subs are pretty good once finalized. (Maybe I'm biased because I've started helping on there.) And sometimes I think Viki's translations are more true to the meaning than DF. Or at least, DF tends to glide over the cultural differences and fit the translations to Americans - which you may or may not prefer.

And hands down, RMSub is one of the best variety show sub teams. It's like a wonderful work of art o3o


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Ok - the dramacrazy taking subs on KOREAN dramas may be true. But, since mysoju has disappeared, Dramacrazy is the leader in Japanese and Mandarin drama, as far as I know. I'm still pissed that mysoju was taken down. They had 15 years of Asian drama history and the rating system. I can hardly ever find Mandarin dramas anymore. And although I like some Japanese drama, I have very specific actors I like to watch. I miss being able to go into mysoju's list of actors and see everything they had acted in, read the synopsis and pick a show. Viki and DramaFever lack the history that mysoju had and dramacrazy doesn't have it organized well enough!


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Wow what the everloving $#*$(*@! is DF thinking? I wrote them a nice email to respectfully complain.

"Dear Drama Fever,

I am surprised and a little irritated that your organization recently threatened the Dramabeans website with legal action due to the inclusion of photos in the summaries of "Level 7 Civil Servant".

As an avid K-drama fan and frequent visitor to the Drama Fever website, I usually use the DramaBeans recaps as a way to gauge my interest and potential enjoyment of a show before I begin watching. IN NO WAY does reading a recap ever compare to actually watching and appreciating the craft of actors. Having a few images in the summary merely crystallizes the moments captured in the writing, and is no competition to your website.

Please reconsider your alienating response to Dramabeans' image usage. Thank you.


I love your website so much and have been introduced to countless fascinating dramas thanks to your delightful recaps! You're the reason I ever went to Drama Fever in the first place!!!! >:( What jerks


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This blog content definitely fall under fair use for critique and reviews. They may claim the IP for the screen stills, but for a site that does not encourage or associate with fansubs and illegal streaming, this is pure bs and a dumb move for PR by Dramafever.


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Also, confusing. Why is it okay to screencap things in Korea, but suddenly terrible for this site? Why not go after individual tumblrers and those who distribute screencaps as well?
what the hell.
(second post!)


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IF YOU ARE UPSET ABOUT THIS, please send a well-worded comment to DF and then boycott the site. Please also spread the word around to other DB fans and urge them to do the same.

There have been several good messages already posted. Seeing that they have already taken the first strike, I see no need to be overtly courteous.

Sample message:
Drama Fever,

In light of your recent actions, I will not visit your website or use your services. I will urge others to do the same.

I feel that episode recaps and watching episodes in person are two very distinct activities. One cannot substitute the other.

Please reconsider your views and actions on alienating audiences and imposing restrictions on others for no other gain than advancing your financials.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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I'm pretty sure I heard about DF here too.

New version of the graphic that I posted earlier:


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Fuck Dramafever. Fuck their ~exclusive~ shit. I can't even access freaking Dramafever AND Viki here in my country. Most of the time I just rely on Dramabeans recaps THEN marathon the drama after all the subbing is done. It's ridiculous how they're ~claiming~ freaking screencaps, from a site that helped them out a lot over time!


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UGH! DF is a big bully in this situation. They KNOW fansubbers and fan forums exists, and they should be supportive of these sites since their main clientele are the same people who discovered kdrama watching these fan sites. They have to know that we supplement DF drama watching with Dramabeans because it gives so much more insight into dramas that otherwise we wouldn't have watched.

I understand that US copyright law is stringent, but Dramabeans has been doing doing recaps for a while so does that mean ALL their screencaps are going to be taken down as well?! WTF.


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WTH?!?! At least you guys are doing the right thing and are trying to make the best out of the situation, but I am super ticked on your behalf!!!!! I have been following you guys for years and thanks to your recaps, I have watched (and purchased) dramas that I more than likely wouldn't have without your posts.
I am normally pretty lazy when it comes to filing complaints, but I am so mad I have tweeted, retweeted, and emailed Dramafever. I am also letting my friends know and we are all going to boycott them from now on. I wonder if they have anything to do with Viki still waiting for licensing permission?
Now I am going to bust out some markers and paper and start working on my crappy drawing skills for you guys.
Fighting!!!!!!! \^-^/


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Oh.... I will miss my Joo Won, :(


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I emailed them. grrrrr

Dear Drama Fever

I'm one of your paying clients and have been with DF for about 2 years. I'm not currently using my account, but I'm still fine with paying the fees, because I have been happy with your service, hoping that maybe in a year, when my newborn infant grows up and life becomes a little bit less hectic, I can pick up watching Korean Drama again. Thing is, I would not have enjoyed K-drama had it not been for Dramabeans.com. When I don't have time to watch the shows, I still read up on their recaps, and make note of which show I should watch, which show I can skip. For people like me, dramabeans.com is bringing you great business in my opinion, because afterall, I don't watch drama right now, but I'm still paying you. Dramabeans helps me keep track of all the new k-drama shows season after season, so that when I have free time, I can finally go back and watch the shows myself.

I feel very angry when people at Dramabeans get slammed like this, because they are great avocates for k-drama who have introduced me to your site. Why not let them work to your advantage on friendly terms?


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Wow, how ridiculous. There are a lot of people that wouldn't even know about their site or some of these other dramas without DB. DB was my gateway to kdramas way back in the day with MNIKSS and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of other people.

They were already on my shit list for all the crazy ads and their partnership with Hulu. I absolutely REFUSE to pay for membership to avoid the ads, but they are officially done. The vengeful part of me thinks you should remove the link to their site and let them generate their own business. The part that wants to rise above it thinks Karma a b*tch and DF is going to get theirs in the end.


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I'm addicted to Dramabeans and kdrama so really not comfortable with the way DF is bullying everyone. I mean didn't they do this last year?


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This reminds me of the whole The Oatmeal debacle with FunkyJunk, in the sense of a sketchy site (FunkyJunk) trying to break out the legal jargon and starting a giant waste-of-time, pretentious, assholery fight against a decent website that did nothing wrong.

I've heard rumors of DF starting to become more and more horn-toting and cocky with their licensing rights, and this just confirms it. I'm officially out - not watching any of their dramas, not even stepping close to their site. Seriously DF, way to ruin something that's simply meant to be fun entertainment.


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Oatmeal vs FunkyJunk was epic


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People lets rant here but also send an e-mail to Dramafever using the link provide above by mandelbrotr. Here's what I just send them:

Hi Drama Fever,

I have been a Premium Member of your website because of my love of asian dramas. I am also a regular visitor of DramaBeans.com because not only enjoy their drama recaps but also use them to see if a new drama will be of my likehood. I am kind of disappointed with the DCMA takedown notice regarding Level 7 Civil Service images used in episode recaps on Dramabeans.com.

I am not asian so I really find these recaps so useful in understanding the culture or references made on an episode, and that's why I strongly believe episode recaps and watching episodes are complementary activities. Regarding the images they are useful to get a feeling of the cinematography use on that particular drama, letting judge by ourselves if the visuals are good or not, for example, I am currently watching THAT WINTER, THE WIND BLOWS and it wasn't on my viewing list because I really don't do Melo. But what sold the drama for me was reading the first two episodes recaps and seeing the images posted with it make me get the feeling of the wonderful richness of the drama. Truly, the reason I am a member of your website is because of recaps increasing my interest in watching dramas.

I think that as a company that rely a lot on word of mouth marketing, you should re-examine how this move picture your company in a really negative way. If you want to take a survey just make your marketing staff reads the comments that the DramaBeans audience are leaving on that website. I understand Dramafever is a business but when a decision is making your company look like a bitchy whiny money grabber that wants to stomp over a small website that we asian drama fans has come to really enjoy and love, maybe is time to reconsider it, because there's always fan friendly Viki.



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Oh, don't mention Viki. What if they target Viki because people keep mentioning Viki. I know Viki is legal but I don't know what Dramafever will do...


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I have a free account at DF. Got it over 3 years ago after I discovered Kdrama. I hardly ever sign in but have used the site in conjunction with DB. That is until the most recent major rotation of shows when I couldn't find the shows I wanted on hulu or DF. Then I switched to Viki. Also I rarely notice the screen caps since I read recaps at work on my smart phone.
As someone who once had images stolen I support legislation that protects even light hearted entertainment copyright, but seriously DF. Seriously?! Do you have any idea the number of shows that are in my mental queue of a weekend of flu or ibs see no one time that I would have watched on your site while watching the commercials that generate your funds and all because DB did recaps that made me curious. You nearly have a monopoly on the US market should we be looking at your robber baron tendencies or should you embrace a complementary site which could bring you more visits.
Official letter to follow.


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The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when Dramafever, who used Mr. X's freely shared subs, got Mr. X's blog taken down last year because of his subs. I believe Mr. X said that he won't sub again until DF goes bust, which is a crying shame because he's one of the best subbers out there and he was subbing stuff like a Wife's Credentials that no one else was. Just like what's happening now with dramabeans, it proves that DF doesn't understand that it's part of an interdependent ecosystem. How can they think it's okay to invite db's gummimochi as a guest to promote their podcasts, and then turn around and file this DCMA against db? I read that they recently ran a poll on their site asking viewers to vote on whether or not PSH really raped Miss A. There are obviously some very sleazy bastards running DF. If you are a DF subscriber, I hope you will cancel your subscription.

힘내요, jb!


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Woah. I had no idea.


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they ran a poll about rape OMG!!


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wtf?! i didn't know they did that to Mr. X! and another wtf to that poll. i stopped subscribing to their posts because they try to be like buzzfeed too much --- but much lamer.


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OMO! how crazy....anyway, I hope this issue gets solved soon! If I had enough artistic talent, I would TOTALLY submit some awesome drawings for me but unfortunately I'm not. Hopefully this issue will be able to blow over quickly. We love you DB!


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Here's what I messaged them on their Facebook page:

Hi DramaFever,
I have already submitted a complaint on to your website, but I felt a need to send in another one on the facebook page. My goal is to promote awareness of how upset many of us are about the DCMA takedown notice that you have delivered to Dramabeans. I can understand you sending one to website that allow people to 'illegally' watch Korean dramas but they are using SCREEN CAPS, which in my opinion, is a whole separate issue. Please read this article from their website as well as some of comments below the article that are related to the issue. I hope that will give a good insight to how many of us feel. Some of us may be a little bit aggressive at expressing our feelings about this but overall, we feel that by giving DramaBeans this DCMA notice, you are being unfair. Dramabeans and her team are making a unique and creative work to express their feelings about Korean Dramas. Although they have used screencaps, their work is their own and it should not be considered copy right infringement. If you read some of the people's comments below in this section, you can clearly see our arguments and reasoning behind it. Please reconsider taking back the DCMA notice. I hope that this issue would be resolved quickly because I support DramaBeans and I do not want to boycott DramaFever because of this issue. You have provided a lot of good quality content on your website, but my support for DramaBeans outweigh my support for DramaFever.


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This is SO SICK. Wtf is dramafever anyway? Never even heard of it!! Pfft what a way to drive people off you greedy bastards.
They even shut down mysoju.com!! How dare they!! When I used to live in new zealand mysoju was my saviour so I always felt really grateful...and I can't imagine the same grief that people would have had to feel for other closed-down-sites all over the world!! T^T

All I hope for is that MBC realizes what shitty work df is doing in driving away viewers and cancel their contract or whatever so df can go shrivel and burn in shame and go home and cry for all they're worth!!!

Sorry..got a bit worked up..hehe~ anyways I'd like you to know I really really love your recaps and other posts~!! Hang in there~!! If they df do anything to you we will all rise up and fight for you~!!! DM FIGHTING~!!♥♥♥♥♥


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How dare mysoju for stealing shows and subtitles that don't belong to them and making money off of it while the hard working people who made the show don't make a dime while people watch stolen content.

That other illegal streaming site still around is making money while Korean Drama actors, subtitlers are not getting paid for their work.

MySoju NOT Fighting!


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You might also want to consider that those sites are what exposes tons of the world to these dramas.
Sure, in the Americas and some parts of the world, you have things like DF and Viki - where shows are licensed and payed for and what not.
But what about everywhere else? If there are fans there, what are they supposed to do?

On that hand, I really liked Mysoju - they were essentially my connect to asian dramas before DF came about and Viki grew up. It's not like they claimed ownership; they were simply sharing.


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It's all well and good to decry Mysoju now - but in reality, four years ago they were the only game in town unless you went through the difficult process of locating streaming sites, downloading video, getting the subs from somewhere (ALSO illegal!), and stitching them together yourself. Many, many people (myself included) were introduced to kdrama through their site, which was user-friendly and amazingly comprehensive for the time. And while they have been struck down, they have NOT been replaced. There is a customer need that is not being met because it is not cost-effective, and the law is being used to make sure that no one - at least in this hemisphere - meets that need and infringes on what is an attempt at monopoly.


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I agree. I first got introduced to Japanese and Korean media (dramas/movies) through mysoju, and was watching through Viikii's starting days, before it dropped the extra 'i's and stopped letting me watch certain shows because of region licensing. Mysoju may not have been legal, but it sure as hell was the only way to access dramas in places that weren't the States. I watched all of Coffee Prince and MNKSS on MySoju before buying the DVDs.

Mysoju were filling a gap for a lot of people, don't be so quick to decry it.


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I've been watching asian dramas for years. Before Viki and DramaFever existed - it was just a fan subbing world. Mysoju was the main site to watch asian dramas, unless you liked downloading the torrents with hard sub files. Before you vilify mysoju - you should also understand that it was the only site that had a rating system, so you could look at how many stars the drama or movie had and know whether it was worth watching or not. It also had 15 years of Asian drama history - not just Korean. It was the largest repository of Mandarin drama that I know of. And the easiest to use of the Japanese sites. Even if the streaming part of mysoju had to be taken down, it is said that the other services it provided were lost. It provided several services to the drama world that have not been replaced yet. And even if Dramafever creates those pieces, I will not be using them.


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Have never liked dramafever. Thier subbing is slow as molasses, thier free subsciptions video quality sucks balls, and the ads are annoying as hell. Viki, all the way baby! Plus, the community there is way more fun. Boycotting them from here on out. Mean fodgey sharks! I'll get my fix somewhere thank you. There's always a way if your determined enough. Boo DF! :P


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Considering I can't even watch half of what they have on DF(because I live in Europe), I feel like throwing stones. If they're gonna glose other sites down, they could at least make their shit available in all regions.


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This is disgusting. Isn't that pretty much biting the hand that feeds you?

I have an account with DF but after this and hearing all the stories, I'll certainly never use their site again. Is there any way to delete my account?


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I just asked them to cancel it. I couldn't find a way to do it for a free account. Of course, I also gave them a piece of my mind (politely) while I was at it.

I've had my issues with them before and found them very condescending, so it's been a while since I've actively used DF, but I didn't consider canceling my acct because I had hopes the issues with the player would be resolved eventually. Forget that. Not waiting. I'm out and getting others to boycott.


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I've had issues with them as well but I've gone back from time to time because of familiarity more than anything else.

They keep sending me emails so I'll have to check the fine print at the bottom of the email to see if there's a way to get rid of my account.


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Really? This is so free advertising for the show. Not to mention DB posting a link to DF on the site. It's a little overboard.

Yet, somewhere as we speak a fangurl is photoshopping screen caps of Han Gil-ro and Gong Do-ha into suggestive at best slashy smoochie boochies for the header of their latest fan fic...and that will probably be floating around on the web for years, unmolested.

Knowing how things go on the net, I guess I should put in a disclaimer here to say I have nothing against fangurls, fan fic in whatever flavor, photoshop, or smoochie boochies for that matter.


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Speaking of photoshopping, it would be hysterical to mash up Protect the Boss and Gakistal screencaps for the L7 recaps.


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my house is overflowing with masterpieces from my schooler, they are very postmodernistic and "moody" so maybe I can scan the in and contribute some, after all, it befits the sensibility the show....


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*preschooler* i meant


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I live in France i can't even go on DramaFever, they're litteraly useless and they dare to mess with you guys #DramafeverSucks


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Dramabeans needs to let us know if DF withdraws the notice or resolves this because the loyal readers should most certainly do an organized boycott of the site if they continue to go after this site. I have no problem not using dramafever or hulu if this continues and I hope others feel the same.


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I think they're incredibly naive to think that they're the end all and be all for Asian dramas. DF has increasingly become the last place I head to if I'm looking for a show and it certainly will be boycotted from now on. It's no loss.


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Heh, if there one "good thing" we can get from this, it's probably the bonding of fans and the boom of creativity we'll have to overcome the tyranny :P


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Agreed. I've already canceled my sub which was due to renew in April. I haven't used Hulu in over a year.


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There's nothing that I want to say that hasn't been said by others already, but I still want to show my support.

You girls know how crazy fandom can get (like..seriously, no shit LOL), and you are the source and origin of k-drama addiction for many, many of us. Be sure that we will all back you up, even if we are just small time fans against the big company. I think that it's just fitting to go back to an old Gaksital and quote one passage translated by girlfriday herself :

Damsari: It may appear reckless. One layer of an egg’s shell, cast against a stone will surely break. But no matter how strong a stone, it is dead. And no matter how weak an egg, it is alive. When time passes a stone will crumble into dirt. But someday there is a chick who will hatch from that egg and walk upon that dirt. The day will come when the Japanese empire’s murderous tyranny and oppression cannot defeat that egg.

Just replace the egg by us fans and the cold and dead stone by DF

Dramabeans FIGHTING!


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My advice? Submit a story on the matter here https://www.techdirt.com/submitstory.php

Let them know what's going on.


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dramafever needs to check out the intellectual property doctrine, fair use.



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Trying to create a polite e-mail, this is what I sent this morning. Keep us in the know, Dramabeans crew. We support you.


I want to take this opportunity to let you know I love Drama Fever. You opened the world of Korean entertainment to me and I thank you for that. Your videos are always clear. Your subtitles, except for the rare instance, understandable. I enjoy your information links about the actors in dramas. Kudos to you for a great site. I browse through your streaming possibilities often. However, I have to let you know that the tiny paragraph you provide about each video to entice me into watching the movie/drama does not often do the trick. I'm busy and don't have a lot of time to watch drama, so I am selective. If I find a drama I might be interested in watching, I always check out another site to see a little more information about the drama.

I was disappointed to hear that you are filing a complaint against Dramabeans involving picture infringement rights. I understand that this is often done and there are legal reasons and you have a right to stop them from using the pictures. However, from a practical viewpoint, it seems Dramabeans and sites similar to them direct customers to you.(I know they are often the catalyst that sends me your way)

I'm not an attorney and don't understand the details of Intellectual Property Law. But, if you own the rights to the property, don't you have the right to allow a company to use the property without paying you for it? And wouldn't you want to... if they are increasing your customer base without charging you for it?

I hope you won't consider this hate mail....but, more 'puzzled' mail. I don't like to see these type of actions. And in the future, when I can't find any site giving me more information about one of your drama possibilities, I will wonder if you are blocking the information.

Thank you for your time.

A Concerned Viewer


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For the record, I read the Level 7 recaps as I still watch the show and I think it would be kind of hysterical if you guys used screencaps from Joo Won's other dramas in the recaps. Hwang Chan Sung is in a boy band right? You can use images from videos or something, which again would make me laugh.

This might actually spice up the drama. ;)


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As other have stated, it's really hard to write something politely on this, but I tried and here's what I ended up sending. Apologies for any mistakes. I'm sort of a grammar nitpicker but make a lot of mistakes when I write angry or upset.

Like the subject said, you officially lost me as a user. A longtime user, at that. Since your beta days in 2009.

I don't have to clarify myself. You know what I'm talking about and I'm sure you've been recieving (and will keep recieving) a lot of complaint emails about it. Expect more. I understand and even defend a fight against illegal streaming and stealing of your subtitles. However, the site in question does neither. They just recap (with use of screencaps as visual aides) and talk about dramas.

Seriously, c'mon, not being able to use a screencap? Surely you must be joking.

I am not a lawyer, nor do I ever want to be one, but as a regular and decent human, I beg you to reconsider. Many people use the site's recaps (and the screencaps) to consider whether or not to come over to DF and watch the show. I used to include myself in there until other issues (which I've voiced my concerns about before) precluded me from returning as often as I wanted.

I seriously think DF has shot itself on the foot this time. I wish you well and hope you don't loose as many usesrs as I think you will because of this.

A pity. A real pity.

I'm disappointed. I didn't realize DF would resort to what seems like bullying a site that even promotes and directs people to DF.


I tried and I hope it helps. dramabeans, don't be discouraged and keep up the good work. I'm truly grateful for what you do.


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i think you wrote a solid e-mail and i liked the way you did not actually mention dramabeans.com

my only complaint is "I am not a lawyer, nor do I ever want to be one . . . " as a lawyer, i'm like, hey, what's wrong with me!!? lol


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LOL Thank you. I almost mentioned the site, but changed my mind. I'm glad I did.

Oh, the lawyer thing is not 100% true. Law is a hobby of sorts for me. I love it, but not enough to study it properly and get more in school loan debts.

Soooo, don't be offended, there's nothing wrong with you. ^__^


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*whew* i was a bit down . . . but you're so right about the loan debts. i really REALLY enjoyed law school & like practicing but it hurts my feelings each month making that loan payment.


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Glad we cleared that up. No hard feelings? OK. Ah, this is what I got in response:

Thank you for writing. We have updates about this issue here for you: http://bit.ly/Wx8JLz

We truly value having you as a member of the DramaFever community and we appreciate the work of our friends at Dramabeans.

If there's anything I can help you with related to your account or using our site, please don't hesitate to respond to this email and let me know.
And to my request to cancel my account:

Please let us know if you would still like to cancel your subscription. We would be sad to see you go!

The apology to dramabeans doesn't seem sincere enough to me, but it's in writing and I'll take it.

I still asked they delete my account. Just on principle. It won't affect them in any way. It was a free account to begin with. Plus, I can't use it properly anyway, that stupid hulu player they use now. That was my original beef with them earlier this year. I even posted about it on their Facebook page (got a few likes there from people so I know I'm not alone).

Had a back & forth with the same dude who answered today about that player issue. I got the same feeling then as I did today. They don't take what users have to say seriously. I think that today they just got scared because there was such a fast, overwhelming and outraged response to it.

My personal player issues aside, messing with the beans just killed DF for me.


So this probably has nothing to do with it either?

1.1.1 nyss January 11th, 2013 at 11:37 pm
you can watch it here but the sub is not out yet.

1.1.2 kelinci biru January 12th, 2013 at 12:33 am
I download torrent. Here’s the link : https://www.box.net/shared/j8v58t64rdwk06b3me1i

You say you provide pirate steals here too:

pot call kettle ?


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I don't think the comments here are moderated, so technically you can post anything you want. I'm not sure if they're legally required to police their comment sections/forums either, the only time I've really seen websites step in is when things get offensive, like porn etc.

So no i don't think the comments of the readers had anything to do with it. I think DF wants to control what they consider their content at all costs, which technically they can do.

I think most people are stunned by how all this is going down though, since this "community" bringing kdramas to the masses was supposed to be on the same team.


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The links in the comments were provided by other users like you and me, it's not as if any of the recappers were encouraging us to go watch on those illegal streaming site. They even provide a link to dramafever, which is a very good visibility opportunity for the latter considering how popular this blog is.

And that Goong S project was from 6 freaking years ago. DF wasn't even around yet... so it's not as if providing subs for that series was a threat in any form to DF... If you want to gather "evidences" for your argumentation, at least get it right.


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not your fault that to have a GOOD QUALITY drama we have to download to watch instead of watchign Dramafever BAD quality videos that are so slow to work.

I don't support dramacrazy but torrents I do. Or else I would never watch kdramas with good quality.

Plus to watch good kdramas with good quality on DF you have to pay...


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they provide link to withs2.com, suggest you read subs copyright law since they violate. Not only illegal in US but in Europe too. Get your fact right

...changing a film by inserting subtitles into it is, technically, a violation of several points of copyright law.

Read more: Copyright Laws for Adding Subtitles to Movies | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6799201_copyright-laws-adding-subtitles-movies.html#ixzz2Mt10mO2X


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It is a violation if it's hardsubbed, since the video would be modified. Which is why subbing teams will kindly ask you to NOT hardsub and distribute their work elsewhere.

If you use softsubs, the video is not altered, and if you do not distribute it (i.e. post them online on streaming sites for instance), then you're using it for personal use, and it's ok.


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Irina, who do you work for, anyway? With your "reasoning", if you aren't working for Dramafever than you should be, because your thinking seems to match theirs just fine:
1. Let's dig around for something that Dramabeans may have done that's like the subbers we just eliminated last year. That worked so well! (and as a matter of fact, pulling up that entry from 2007 was a little stalkerish/creepy, you know?)
2. Let's accuse them of copyright infringement and supporting illegal sites. Screenshots must be eliminated! Posters must be eliminated! The actual legality is a minor point.


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Genius, DF used withs2.com's subtitles until a few years ago. So they're a rogue corporation now, too?


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Those Goong subs were from another time and place, before DF existed and long before any crackdowns, and are long gone. Back then, there was NOTHING out there, but what a few helpful subbers would provide, and no business agreements to infringe upon.

How dare you compare ONE subbing project from six years ago and some comments from posters (NOT from the site itself) to the long-term and extensive stealing, intimidation, and back-stabbery of Dramafever?

You are seriously stretching the truth to make some sort of point, but it is a LOGIC FAIL.


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Uh...Yes! I'm totally sure it was subbing a show 6 years ago (how in the world did you find that??? and why?) that caused all the problem and not DF desperate need to own and control everything regardless if they actually have the legal right to. Silly us. BTW, DF didn't have issues with fansubs when they stole them to use on their site and then shut down the people who did the original subs.

And DF doesn't even have the rights to Sirius or exclusive rights to GOONG. Not sure your point.... Though people should obviously not post torrent links. I thought that would be common sense. Guess not.


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to add, without people like Javabeans who started this site and helped sub shows most of us wouldn't be here. Dramafever wouldn't be here either. It's disgusting how they are treating the people who are basically responsible for bringing dramas to ifans in the first place.


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those were comments from OTHER people and that article is from 2007...that's 3 years before DF even existed


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One of the key things in the DMCA is the safe harbor provision, which means that sites with user generated content are not held liable for what their users post (only the person who posted it is liable). If Dramafever really did take into account the comments you mentioned when sending their DMCA takedown notice, that would mean they were knowingly abusing the DMCA.


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Back in the good 'ol days before DF hired some WITHs2 subbers, they USED the subs from WITHs2.

Plus if you were actually a DB fan from long ago, JB used to sub there as well.
So have no idea what you're on about. And @Mawiie is correct about the softsubs. I would suggest you reading US case laws about the unsuccessful prosecution of softsubbing site/ people. There are a lot of people on DB who know their facts before posting it. Because someone would point it out.


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WUD. the hell. that is just beyond ridiculous. MBC is burning their bridges to the international audiences aren't they?


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I don't see the relevance the Toyota Prius has to Dramafever... becoming a big company must have changed their values, I dislike all the ads that have taken over the site. When their page loaded, I had thought I went to the wrong site as the ad takes up 75% of the screen...


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Oh My GAH! friggin hilarious poster head you guys put up. muahaha! :'D!!! but yeah, dang that sucks. maybe they caught wind of us all being appreciative that we didn't have to watch it with you guys recapping it for us and wanted you to stop. hahaha. thanks for the heads up. ~


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I was set to renew my dramafever subscription but not anymore.


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Ok so effing mad right now.....I stopped watching anything on Dramafever about a year ago when I found out the crap they were pulling with subbing teams that were giving free soft subs especially when theirs are so terrible and all the utter bull shit with viki... but THIS....this pretty much takes the cake....I though this was the one place they could NOT put their dirty hands on.I'm writing a strongly worded email to them right now....I can't draw or make graphic images or I'd be making stuff right now


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OMG! this is the umpteen times I've heard dramafever sending websites DCMA notices! this is insane.. i can't believe they make it illegal to use posters! I hope nothing else got taken away... I really love to read this blog! it's like my daily dose of kdrama since I don't usually have time to watch it myself! keep it up! love you guys!


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Well, chances are, if I'm not watching the show and only relying on DB's recaps then I'm not going to start watching the show if the pictures are taken down.

I hate Dramafever. They are bullies. Viki streams sites legally right? They also work hard to make sure everyone can watch their shows, not just those in the US.

Viki is faster at subbing, and more fun since you can comment and converse with others while watching the video.
If a show is being subbed on Viki, I don't think much of anyone is watching it on an illegal site.

If every Kdrama site gets shut down but Dramafever, then my Kdrama addiction will end. I am not watching even one show on that site.


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DF just issued this. I guess they've contacted you already. I wonder if it was really a mistake or they saw the sh*tstorm approaching.


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total BS about third party.....totally unsubscribing from them for good


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I hear they have a history of bullying so yes, this might be just trying to clean up their mess.


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What a ridiculous story! Go, Girls! We'll still stick around because this is the best site! <3


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Dramafever have put up a blog post about this all! We're being noticed!

"It has come to our attention that one of the third parties we use to protect our licensed content inadvertently caused problems for our friends at Dramabeans. We’re very sorry for the any inconvenience this might have caused…"


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They've probably realised that they have poked a wasps nest and it's best to back down about this.


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I love the careful dance around taking any responsibility. Obviously a face-saving move. I doubt they expected the smackdown they got, but beaners are nothing if not contentious and vocal. The little kid in me wants to do a high-five.


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*HIGH FIVE* Can we still keep on doodle and stick figures? That would be a fun reminder


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I think so, too - I think JB should still go through with this - we could all have fun with it


*High Fives* with you -- I just got the response email from DramaFever with the link to the --- 'almost apology' note.

Don't mess with our DramaBeans Gals ! ..you make them upset...WE make you upset...hahaha! (dances ~)


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WOOT /Hive Five.


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I am loving all the indignant replies of "too late suckers" to their blog post. Made my day.


Great, the community has a voice. Real voice, real influence.


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Good job JB! Genius of you to actually mention Dramafever in this article....looks like they realized they were chewing off their own damn feet...lol.....but I'm going to continue emailing them about their crappy subtitles


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lmao... XDDD

I think I should email them about the subtitles too, because have some dramas that the subtitles are poor and don't make sense...


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