Beans of Wisdom: Killer pilots and modernization

This week in Beans of Wisdom…

Sue writes in “Beans of Wisdom: Reformed trucks and sassy titles” comment #16:

After reading all these posts about KDrama addiction (it’s real!) I’m wondering if we should start a KDrama anonymous. Hello, my name is Sue and in the past I’ve been know to watch up to 12 dramas at a time. I’m down to six, would prefer to be down to 3-4 dramas. I knew I had a serious problem when I went to my daughter’s PTCs and ended up spending an hour talking about Kdramas with her Spanish teacher. My daughter had told her about our Japan-Korea summer trip and she had waited to talk to me about it. She told me she has no one to talk to about dramas and I could feel her pain. Thank God my daughter was doing well in Spanish and talking about her school work only took five minutes of our time. At least I’m not as bad as a lady my mother met at her doctor’s. She told the receptionist that she was watching a Korean drama on our local PBS channel and she was adamant that she HAD to be done by a certain time because she HAD to watch her drama. Of course I would never do that, but then again I watch my dramas on the Internet. Will I ever be really free? Who knows, maybe a white truck of doom will hit me or amnesia will strike before that happens.


In “Fantasy romance Goblin secures main cast and PD,” JC talks about prickly reapers (#39 ):

Of course reapers are all grumpy. Their job requires them to do something nobody wants them to do, except for suicides and those are probably even more depressing. They are like the IRS for the soul. You try doing a job for multiple centuries where all of your clients hate you and see if you don’t end up just a smidge grumpy and cynical.

Plus they have really hectic schedules.


seehorce writes in “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 1” comment #2:

*jumps in pool. waits for eclipse* *crosses fingers, bring on the water man brothel…*

Yoyo replies:

It was a good way to drown.

Chiisan adds:

Children, do not try this at home.


No wonder she thought she was dead when she emerged. Looking at all those shirtless guys she probably thought she was in heaven. XD


While Zoe writes about the heroine in “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 2” comment #17.1:

Honestly, I think less than lack of smarts, it’s mostly that she hasn’t adjusted to the situation or understood the whole idea of royal status, which is understandable imo. I would imagine she’d, especially in her anger, would view the situation as the equivalent of a high school boy spying on the girls’ changing room or something and confronts him in the same manner (especially when you think that Ha Jin is probably older than them.) Like she knows they’re princes, sure, but I’m not sure she truly gets the idea of consequences till that talk with her cousin. I found it v. realistic that she realizes at that moment that her actions have consequences because she kind of feels like she’s in a dream world, which isn’t really reality per se or as she knows it, and is treating it as such. That’s what came across for me, that her headiness has something to do with how she’s sort of convinced she’s invincible. And that’s what changes when she sees those men getting killed and gets captured herself and has a sword to her throat and realizes “I’ll really die,” as if it’s something she hadn’t realized till now.


And Ren writes about the hero in “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 3” comment #28.1:

LJK’s character is actually a pretty uncommon romantic lead as far a kdramas go. I mean he just massacred a bunch of people at this point he is seriously unhinged and damaged. Like he’s way beyond the angst of a typical kdrama hero with issues at this point.

On the other hand they’ve also made him comically emo, with the black clothes, the hair covering half his face and the ugly phantom mask. I laughed at the scenes where all the princes sit around and moan about how much of a downer 4th Prince is and LJK enters to room dragging his feet being all like ‘eugh no one understands my pain..’


In the same post, Okdramas asks (#31):

Am I the only one concerned about the real Su? What happened to her? Where did she go?
Is she in her own rom-com drama about a Goryeo girl who travels forwards in time and must adjust to the 21st century ways of life while navigating the waters of modern dating with the present-day Lee Jun Ki?

Maybe she’s also decided to live out her life in the future because hello, electricity and cars and better make-up and lack of assassins.

pogo replies:

And indoor plumbing and easy access to painkillers (for period cramps), and if you catch the attention of the wrong boy at least you don’t risk dying.

(assuming she managed to avoid Ha-jin’s creditors and hasn’t been loan-sharked to death)


Let’s not forget the difficulties of modern day life.

Maybe she’s struggling to tie her shoelaces and confused about how to open a zipper.

Also the whole get a job, make money, and no more slave girls thing has got to be confusing.

Poor real Su.


Nutini’s comment starts a discussion on the pros and cons of Goryeo life. In #77, Nutini asks:

I wonder how would a person feel suddenly being in different time, like no tooth paste, no running water and who knows what toilets looked like, at least people usually go back in time to be princes or nobles, so ay least get the best lifestyle available at those times

Hye Mi:

Ikr, what I appreciate most out of watching historical drama is that I am born into this era.

JoyBells replies:

Lol yeah. Better to land up in a nobles house as opposed to a slave i guess. I was thinking about how i would feel if i was transported back in time and my first and foremost concern would be non-availability of feminine hygiene products. Time of the month and i’m assuming they used clothes. Sigh….nope.


My uterus is contracting in sympathetic horror at the thought of going through menstruation without the things we have now to get us through it.

I could handle the wonky family relationships, polygamy, and cumbersome clothes all right, but not even for Lee Jun-ki would I go back to a time before OTC painkillers and flush toilets.

loophole adds:

Honey, no number of Lee jun Ki can get me to choose that life. Because that’s saying no laptop, no feminine products, no wc, hanbok all the time. Thinking about it is even making me dizzy.

IvoryLight disagrees:

Oh I don’t know. LJK could be worth all that hehehe, he’d just have to convince me-and by that I mean probably breathe in my direction, say two words to me in that lovely melodic voice and stare at me for two seconds before I’d pack my bags and move to Goryeo.


Zoe has another point for Team 21st Century in comment #33:

I absolutely loved that scene when Su asked Wook to also sleep with the metaphorical lights on, because he may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. And how sorry she is that he had to kill for her, and he’s so startled that anyone would ask or care. I like it when elements of modern sensibility creep in so unnoticed in scenes like that. Especially because Wook deflects initially, and there’s the realization that just because they didn’t have a definitive name for it back then, doesn’t mean that people didn’t suffer or feel the same way even a thousand years ago, that killing or love or attraction or rejection didn’t affect them the same way. The scene with Eun, as comedic as it was, drove home the same point. I like the idea of human emotion as the unchanging constant.


CC101 reacts to Shin Sung-rok’s casting in “Liar Game rivals reunite in a love triangle in On the Way to the Airport” comment #1:

Once I find out who is going to be flying the plane I would return my ticket, leave all my luggage and try to get away from that airport as fast as I can without making any contact.
You know a actor is amazing when a character he played years ago, still has such a strong impact.

drivebyknitting has similar sentiments in #7

That last picture should be captioned “So many people to murder, so little time.”


While HeadsNo2 asks everyone’s question (in #6):

Why is this not news for Liar Game 2. WHY.


Because we didn’t save the country in a past life. \(;_;)/


mk says goodbye to a great show in “Age of Youth: Episode 12 (Final)” comment #11:

Age of Youth is about the hurts that haunt us. Wounds don’t magically get better because we stitch them up, it takes a lot of time. Sometimes they leave scars. We might forget what those scars are from but we know we went through something painful to get them.
Age of Youth leaves us with that sharp, cruel reminder that traumas aren’t overcome in days. It can take years, it can take lifetimes. But we’ve seen how healing comes with love and the people around us. We leave Yeeun on a terribly bitter note but we know from the other girls’ stories that eventually we can overcome. After all, Yeeun isn’t the same as she was in the beginning of the show. She isn’t alone. None of us are.

Amy adds:

I completely agree! The ending was perfect for me because of how (some might say painfully) realistic it was. Life isn’t going to be perfect for these girls just because the hidden drama cameras stopped running, it simply goes on with all its ups and downs. I just want to add on to your comment as well that this is exactly why the ending with the landlady and the song “Je ne regrette rien (I regret nothing)” was so perfect. The landlady reminds us that the girls will continue to live, grow, experience happy times and sad times, but will ultimately be okay. Whether times are happy or sad, life goes on. We can only move forward.


neener writes in “W–Two Worlds: Episode 12” comment #39:

Every epsiode really feels like an ending. That’s why I’ve stopped speculating what the ending would look like.


siesta points something out in “W–Two Worlds: Episode 13” comment #32:

face off. thank God for seat belts. but apparently the PPL does not include airbags

Michykdrama replies:

Because airbags would have gotten in the way of the acting and they would be shooting at the airbags rather than each other

Sancheezy adds:

I assume the airbag sacrifice itself for the good shot and action
“it’s not my time” whispered the airbag softly


maybe it should join hands with Truck of Doom and they could like, build their own agency for rehabilitated plot tools

You mean this Truck of Doom?


In the same post, beanie writes (#56):

Am I the only one who thought that gun showdown between KC and the Killer was actually heartbreaking?

Like, he just murdered someone. He had killed that guy after a few shots, but he just kept on firing… even after the gun chamber was empty, he kept hitting the trigger. And then, after the gun was empty, he realized that he just killed a man.

There’s been such an emphasis this whole show on how he’s not a murderer — both dad’s plan and his involves someone else killing the Killer. He kills himself the first time he thinks he’s killed someone. And now in this episode, in his rage and grief, he just slaughters this guy in a raining hail of bullets.

That seemed like such a tragic moment to me. And with the music that was playing, it didn’t seem triumphant at all. It felt like he just lost.


Feel free to share the beans of wisdom you found in the past week in the comments below!




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I can answer Ren ... LJK's character is not wearing black because he is emo. Its actually because he is very kind and considerate - Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood stains out of pastels ?


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Just like what Blind Al said to Deadpool: "Use seltzer water and lemon juice for blood. Or wear read... d*mba*s!"


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And really the mask is enough of a statement piece on its own, you wouldn't want to be making any more bold fashion choices.


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I hope the scar is big cause a small unidentified one would make it comically emo, who would think of a scar when you havr a face like LJK?
think of the genetic pool?
even Zuko didn't use a mask and I think in other places, scar can be consider a victory or the manliness ala Khal Drogo long hair.


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Maybe So needs to get transported forward in time to Europe... Dueling scars = street cred in places like Prussia. ;-)


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It's a cultural thing. If Wang So wasn't royal, he could have been turned out to the streets for being disfigured.


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I feel like KDrama anonymous could have the potential to develop into KDrama Appreciation Club where we meet weekly to discuss dramas - I can totally see how our stories of what extremes we went to for a drama would quickly turn into discussions of why a said drama was totally worth it.

On another note, having LJK's character in Scarlet Heart described as 'comically emo' just made my day.


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Agreed. I think some of us feel dejected because few people around us "get" why we like kdramas. It would be nice it we could have a kdrama club in our communities. That is why we all love Dramabeans! It is the one place we can communicate and receive support. No one makes fun of us here.

It is so hard to like something that is not mainstream. My daughter goes through that because she likes Japanese anime. So even though I'm not an anime fan (well, I did enjoy Black Butler, Ouran HS Host Club, Kamisama Kiss, and Fruits Basket) I've been to many cons and participated actively in designing her cosplays. I go with her, hold her bags, and take pictures. I couldn't tell you how many kids tell her how lucky she is that her mom supports her. But some parents would rather just shut down something they don't understand than make the effort to understand it. At least I know enough about anime to know what to avoid (some of the content, yikes!). But she has friends that are just not allowed to watch any of it and just feel misunderstood and upset with their parents. We actually had a problem because of another mom in a summer art camp because my daughter drew anime characters during free time and her daughter was not allowed to do so. Since my daughter and the girl became instant friends, the teachers at the camp thought it was easier to forbid BOTH my daughter and her friend from drawing anime characters at free time. Needless to say I put a stop to that.

So in the end, even though my daughter and I don't like exactly the same things, we get each other. I feel bad for people that feel misunderstood just for their taste in entertainment.


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I heart you sue.

You're such a sweet mom. =)


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My little girl was totally into anime when she was 9 (23 years ago!) and she found a friend at school who shared the same passion. I used to order the videos for them and have parties. Then my little Jenny became obsessed with costumes. She learned how to make kimonos and started designing anime cosplay costumes when she was 12. When she was 14 I let her go with two friends to Comic Con when SDCC was still in its infancy. She followed that up by designing a costume that won a competition and she went to Japan by herself when she was 16! She became a famous cosplayer at Cons all over the country and then a judge. She is now 33 and a costume designer in Hollywood. Her boyfriend of 5 years is Japanese-American Grant Imahara of Mythbusters. She LOVES the fact that her mom was cool enough to encourage her kid's crazy nerdy passion when she was young and her mom is now a k-drama addict at 64 years young with over 400 k-pop songs on her iPhone. There is HUGE value to supporting and encouraging your child's fantasies and interests. Please do it!! My daughter and I are living proof!


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THIS!! ???


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You rock! People doesn't have to like what we like, but at least understand and tolerate. Just like movies, and songs, anime also has lots of genre and age-restriction.


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Thanks for sharing @sue and @lunatic4kd

Your kids are really lucky! I'm inspired and touched and hope I can do the same for my kid(s) next time. ?


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What Okdrama wrote was exactly what I was thinking. And i think the real Hae su's life journey in the 21st century would be more interesting than Go Ha Jin's though very atypical kdrama. Dealing with creditors, betrayer boyfriend and friend and Hae su trying to find herself and her reality.


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Hahaha! Thanks for highlighting the comment by Drivebyknitting - perfect quip!

I loved beanie's comment on the shootout showdown in W. The close up of LJS's face during that scene gave me shivers and really brought in how amazing of an actor he is. I saw desperation, frustration, fear, and anger, all at once.

As if, even as he was shooting, he knew this wasn't the way he wanted it to turn out, but because of fate - the events have played out beyond his control no matter his best attempts (fatally), "Ah, so it's come to this, is this the only way to end it?" And so many more emotions.

A different kind of character suicide than KC 1.0, but one all the same.


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Yeah, Lee Jong-seok does anguish and being caught between a rock and a hard place really, really well - it's like you can SEE the thoughts running through his mind all at once. And that scene was a classic example.

That said, I've noticed that no kdrama car accident ever activates an airbag, even in a full-speed head-on crash. Weird.


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well, air-bags are extra equipment for some cars, so maybe main actors dont get them. get it?


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I find it weird when the airbag can save their character life in a realistic way but they probably don't use it because it doesn't look good for a dramatic scene in their observation.


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That said, I’ve noticed that no kdrama car accident ever activates an airbag, even in a full-speed head-on crash. Weird.

I noticed that, too, when I started branching out from sageuks. I could only conclude that deployment of the airbag from the steering wheel (let alone side-curtains) would obscure the shot.

Or, there's actually no impact in the way the scene is staged. Maybe they film while the vehicle is moving very slowly and then speed it up...


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Well there's that airbag scene in DOTS, but that was at the will of SJK rather than in an accident.


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Omg girls. I'm sitting here laughing to myself at all these awesome LKJ and scarlet heart comments ??
I guess I need to sign up For kdrama anonymous ???


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I am relatively new to this site and I used to be just content reading posts, recaps and other people's comments. But, this past week I started commenting and its getting addictive. I should change my name to 'the addictive beanie' or something. Because that's what I am. Everytime I come online I check this site. Even if there are no new posts, I ll just read the previous posts and new comments.
Even though I started loving dramas, my love for words never really diminished. What I find fascinating about this site is, it lets me watch dramas through words and I get to have two things I love the most at once. For someone like me, that's a dream come true! So, kummavo DB team. Happy to be a part of this community.
And all the above comments were wonderful, some made me think, some made me laugh and I am amazed at how each one of us are unique that we react to different things in oh, so many different ways.


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It is beyond addictive. My classes are starting this week. I have no idea how i'm going to keep up. I'm more worried about keeping up with DB rather than be excited about my campus years ahead.

I need to go cold turkey and detox.


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Going cold turkey is intense. I've done it -- I got super fidgety and ate so much more and spent my life wandering around wondering how to fill the extra 20 hours per week that had just opened up in my life. It was more stressful than just watching the dramas. It might work for you, though?


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Cold turkey to dramas and dramabeans?!?

That's... Equivalent to Torture. The kind with creepy crawly insects and pins shoved under fingernails... It won't kill you but it will make you prefer death.


I'm sure there is a way to ration the addiction slowly... Like a nicotine patch equivalent? ? Cold turkey sounds... Unnecessarily brutal.


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@The_Reluctant_Writer ...welcome to the wonderful world of DramaBeans!! The greatest thing about DB is the level of intelligence pervading the site in the recaps and the comments. DramaBeanies are a lovely lot of people who show respect for each other and for the art of dramas. You will find wonderful discussions here - some incredibly deep, some hilariously funny - so funny you will laugh out loud. It's true when they say that a company can only be as good as the guy at the top because we owe a huge debt of allegiance and admiration to our fearless leaders, the incomparable JavaBeans and Girlfriday. THEY are why DramaBeans is so wonderful. We are just following in their slipstream and having a marvelous time.


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Thank you lunatic4kd. What you said about dramabeans is 100% true. My foremost complaint and hesitation about watching other asian dramas is that they don't have a dramabeans.


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I'm also new to kdramas (8 months?) and dramabeans. I also hop here and there for review, news, etc and finally bookmarked dramabeans coz not only for the most updated but also sassy and smart comments. It is addictive but in a pleasant and satisfying way for me to have lots of people around the world share their 2 cents and squee together!!


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I can so relate! The only difference is that I've been a DB lurker for years and I was content with just reading the articles and the comments since I never watched dramas live.

Reply88 and Signal brought me out. And now it's like a floodgate opened and I find myself having quite a lot to say when I never used to. lol


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I've been followig this site for almost six (?) years but never commented and getting in to discussion ._. But everytime I read this beans of wisdom, I really think that I should leave comment once in a while. I just too afraid to do so >,< and never knew how to start


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Now you've started. Welcome! :D


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Thank you!


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Oh my GOD that team Lee Jun-ki vs Modern Facilities thread, I'm dying. The things we'll put up with for him.... also Zoe's comments about the PTSD and Hae Su behaving seemingly stupidly because she feels borderline indestructible, were spot-on and made a lot of sense of something I hadn't even considered re: WHY she might be behaving that way.

Also dead @the Shin Sung-rok picture caption (and since dead is how he likes people, that should suit him just fine).


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Queen In-hyun's (Wo)Man ????


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Or Rooftop prince(ss)


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"back to the future" of "forward to the past" ?


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"My Love from Another Time"


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"Descended from Goryeo"


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Like Okdramas, I also wondered about the real Su. At first I also thought maybe she and Ha-jin had switched places but then I thought, if her maid said she'd been underwater for two hours, maybe the real Su died. Which could mean that, in modern times, Ha-jin is dead too. Her body anyway. And since they look alike, Ha-jin's soul was pulled across time to take Su's place. I don't know, just a theory.


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I agree with this theory. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's what happened judging by the dozens of novels I've read that have the same exact setting.


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I agree with your theory too! Most likely, real Su is dead from drowning.

But I like to hope that she's alive and trying to navigate life in the 21st century.

She's like a kindred spirit you know. I would totally not mind dying if it happened while I was being a peeping Tom at a bath full of flower boy princes. Makes me feel like I understand the real Su!

Thanks for featuring my comment here Dramabeans <3


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Does anyone know how much drama ost has to do with the plot? Because by the lyrics of the songs I would say that Ha-jin's soul was summoned to Goryeo era and Su's body was just a convenient container - since the real Su was already dead. It would not explain why Ha-jin and Su look alike, thought... Anyway the songs give the impression about somebody that was lost but now regained again. As if 4th prince had a lover who died and somehow he managed to summon her soul back to his life. He just has not her recognized yet... hehe I am writing my own drama here... does Chinese version has anything like that?


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As far as I knew (and I didn't wacth it, I just read some fanacc), the Chinese ver didn't hav anything like that. They did the second season though, about 21st century where hajin back and met someone look like So. The cast actually married in a real life!


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the only connection I can think is she is dead when she is drown, and her body took her reincarnation (another soul that alive from her) because she didn't supposed to die at that time.


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cause of death: drowning in the royal bath palace while peeping on His Highness(es)' Royal Bodies

tombstone: Here lieths the Real Su. She might have died young, but happy.


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Season 2 of Scarlet should be about Su's life in the future. Of course, she is already screwed because as soon as she got to modern Korea she was in debt, and if she thought been chased by assassins was bad, she would soon figure out that creditors are even scarier. However, in typical kdrama fashion she could become a Candy character working for a company full of chaebol princes fighting for the coveted CEO crown. And the evil queen becoming an evil MIL would not be a stretch. Honestly, I am thinking she would fit right in.


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Go Hajin has already got that job covered at what seemed a high end cosmetic company. Ans since Hae-soo sounds a lot more smarter than Hajin, it won't take her long before she figures her way in the modern world.
I'm betting this would get much higher ratings.


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China already did that sequel of Bu Bu Jing Xin called Bu Bu Jing Qing minus the Candy role for Rouxi and instead gave her a double role. I want to forget it ever happened, yes it was that bad. that 35 hours of my life lost that I will never get back.
If you think about it, since the sequel was such a disaster that if they remake or adapt it, the expectation will not be so high and it might turn out to be surprise hit. Plus, I think Su stuck in future would be much more fun that Su stuck in Goryeo. Not for the actual character as she is a total candy but for us viewers.


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to loophole and pogo and the thing about
no laptop, no feminine products, no wc, hanbok constantly, no, painkillers:

I dont have to go to Goryeo, i just go south to Viljandi. In our house there we have no internet, no flush toilet (we are not even connected to city drainage), no hot water, no bathroom (well, there is the outdoor shower, useless in winter); I certainly dont have anything feminine in the closet there, closest thing being my grannies old PINK sweat pants so I would welcome a hanbok with glee; I am allergic to most common painkiller substances, I will contantly be covered with soil, fluff and thorns, and in summer, I am surrounded by half naked neighbors from all sides of our garden. even though they are all over 70 and no mane of glory except on their backs.

actually, I think I could offer our place as the next location for Law of the Jungle.


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"No mane of glory except on their backs". Lol


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LOL!! I die laughing in this beans of wisdom series. Over and over again.


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"no mane of glory except on their backs" Lmao!!!!


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Oooh I like Zoe's Team 21st Century comment! I would have missed it if it hadn't been highlighted here.


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@pogo and loophole
Your comments reminded me of how I get paranoid whenever I'm traveling somewhere far. Did I pack enough feminine hygiene products? Will my body wash last? I need towels.
Transporting to an ancient time period seems horrible.
What if people contact a disease that plague a whole village? By then, no Dr. Jin will come save the day.
I'm not sure about Korea, but doesn't China have foot binding?
Plus ancient etiquettes seem complex and what are the chances of traveling into a noble household?
Clothes would be poorly designed for most of the folks and lead to hypothermia from the cold. Also the dreaded rainfall.

No wonder my friend call me a worry-wart lol. I'm so fussy. LJK multiple 10x would not convince me at all. Not even a revived version of Bidam, my sageuk crush xD

I kinda wish ancient kdrama address the monthly period cycle. I'm always curious to how they deal with the pain and red clothing.


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As far as pain, I remember my mom told me they'd have natural herbs and such that would be boiled for women's health (this is in Indonesia). And clothing..well, apart from using wet cloth as a replacement for feminine product, I remember my mom was the one who taught me to "always wash blood with cold water, not hot!" Still useful now, since sometimes accidents still happen for me.


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I wonder if they had calendula and chaga mushroom, cause they help me. Plants do have an effect.


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I think around the world BMP (before maxi pads) it was rags, rags, and more rags. Or a menstrual hut (still available in some cultures today). Actually, I think that as long as they were comfortable, menstrual huts were not a bad idea. Four to five days of no cooking, cleaning, or annoying husband. Just rest.


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I need to know what shampoo So uses


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Rice water? I heard it was used in some Asian countries. Mmmm, now I'm curious.


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Rice water, hot water, and lime/ lemon juice freshly squeezed from a lime/lemon and directly onto the scalp. Plus some certain herbs for fragrance. If you want really healthy and shiny hair, infused sesame leaves do the job well. Those were the things my family used in the early 90s because we didn't have shampoo in our country then.

They did their job just as shampoo does. They were more time-consuming though, albeit very healthy b/c they're all organic :)


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also keep nettles and / or thistle roots in water and wash your hair, mix pine tar + honey, rub in and soak in warm water to wash out; you can use birch tree female blossoms to make a solution and wash your hair. many plants are very good depends on hair type though. Tar is not suitable for very dry hair. it will stick too much.


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Can we just go back and replace HaeSoo? Like, there are 7 princes. So it means 7 of us could go on that time-travelling bandwagon... =))


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Well, on second thought, I want to replace Ra On actually.


I'm new here but I just loved the LJK comments. "Comically emo" indeed. XD

But maaaybe I would go to that time period for LJK. Maybe. I do like him. I just don't know if it's enough.


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I love all the comments above! It makes my Monday morning bright once again :)

Regarding W, this is one of the best drama this year. I can't stop repeating every episodes every week. I think the most attractive point is that we can't predict what's gonna happen next, just like life..


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Wow a lowly beanie like me made it. Hihihi. Thank you! Honestly, every time I watch W I just stop thinking altogether.


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Just an idea, can we give suggestions on beans of wisdom for older posts?
Sometimes I go back reading old news posts, drama recaps and constantly find awesome comments.
Could we have a history edition sometimes ?? We have got a huge collection of wisdome beans in the archives! ?
We could add it as and when someone points it out!


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Oooh, I remember a certain faux recap the benie, mary did for Goodbye,Mister Black and it still cracks me up!!


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i guess now i can put 'featured on DB's Beans of Wisdom' on my street cred XD thanks!


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Hey, my first Beans of Wisdom! So cool! ^^

(That scene still breaks my heart.)


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Liiiiiiittle late to party but HOT DAMN I made it to Beans of Wisdom!!!

I love the DB comments sections, particularly on the recaps...Scarlet Heart is the first drama that's seriously made me participate and I love it to bits and pieces!! Fighting MLSHR!!


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