My Unfamiliar Family: Episode 12

Is it possible for two people to start anew when there’s a boatload of baggage between you? Our recently enlightened father plans to find out. Nothing can erase the hurt his actions have caused, but his brief return to his youth gave him some much needed clarity and a desire to right some wrongs. Our friend duo also has their share of baggage and stands at a relationship crossroads. The question of the hour: when is a relationship beyond saving?


Chan-hyuk tells Eun-hee he’s done, and she responds coolly he needn’t have come in person. She gets the message. They’re interrupted by Geon-joo, and after some polite chitchat, both men leave. Alone, Eun-hee contemplates both men’s accusations and opinions of her.

At Eun-joo’s, Sang-shik apologizes for not fulfilling the promise he made before she was born to be the best father and give her the best life. Eun-joo can’t bring herself to say anything, so Tae-hyung offers that Sang-shik raised her well.

Sang-shik makes them uncomfortable when he innocently asks how much Tae-hyung treasures Eun-joo. He thinks the awkwardness is due to Tae-hyung finding those sorts of questions uncomfortable. Sang-shik smiles proudly as he reminisces about how pretty Eun-joo was as a baby and how brightly she shined in college.

His smile drops, and both he and Eun-joo fight to hold back their tears. For such a daughter to have to support the family, he blames his own incompetence. Sang-shik returns the bankbook to her.

Eun-joo finally breaks her silence and admits she was flustered when he first gave her the bankbook. He spent a decade saving to repay something that can’t be calculated. Did he consider how the money could’ve helped Jin-sook live more comfortably?

She breaks down as she asks whether he would’ve felt so compelled to repay the money if it were Eun-hee’s. Tae-hyung jumps in to say she just doesn’t want to accept the money, but Eun-joo contradicts him. She’ll accept it since it makes her dad so uncomfortable to be indebted to her. Sang-shik helplessly watches his daughter sob.

Chan-hyuk goes to catch a cab, but Eun-hee grabs his arm and asks him to stay. She wants a reason; when she cut him out, she at least gave a solid reason. Chan-hyuk scoffs at her so-called reason, asking if she’s still under the mistaken impression that he would’ve hung out with Jong-min and that woman.

Eun-hee clarifies she believes the woman misinterpreted things and brings the conversation back to the topic at hand. Chan-hyuk always hated the expression that the closer you are to someone, the more polite you should be. He’d rather be comfortable. But now he realizes there’s truth in it, and she’s been too impolite.

Eun-hee asks how he can say he’s always been polite towards her when he told Seo-young everything. Chan-hyuk can’t believe she’d think he’d do something like that, and they both take a breath to calm down. What was she supposed to think when he was the only person she told, yet somehow Seo-young even knew Eun-hee’s exact wording?

Chan-hyuk thinks it’s useless to explain since she still sees him as the idiot who told all his friends about their “secret” walk that night. “Let’s end it,” he says and walks away. This time, she doesn’t follow.

Sang-shik sits with Tae-hyung and marvels at their spacious place. His and Jin-sook’s first apartment was half the size of the living room. He suddenly asks if Tae-hyung and Eun-joo are getting along well. Tae-hyung pauses before he says they are.

Eun-hee calls Eun-joo, but Tae-hyung answers. Thinking of Eun-joo’s claim that things will be different, she’s worried her sister is avoiding her calls, although Tae-hyung assures her she’s not. She hangs up, and a tear rolls down as she thinks that Eun-joo is the only person she wants to see.

Sang-shik finds Jin-sook waiting anxiously outside Eun-joo’s. He explains that he mistakenly tried to return the bankbook and made Eun-joo cry. Jin-sook realizes Eun-joo didn’t tell him and reveals that the kids all know Sang-shik isn’t Eun-joo’s birth father.

Not realizing it was his own slip ups that outed it, he accuses Jin-sook of telling them and trying to turn the kids against him. He walks in a daze, now understanding Eun-joo’s comments and behavior of late, and wanders into the street.

Jin-sook pulls him back, saving him from a potential Vehicle of Doom. He punches a tree and cries that he’s pathetic while Jin-sook hugs him. They sit and cry together on the sidewalk.

Seo-young is waiting for Chan-hyuk when he returns. She knows he went to see Eun-hee and asks how things went. Chan-hyuk comments that seeing Eun-hee holding herself back, afraid to make the same mistake as before, is stifling.

Chan-hyuk (who’s remarkably calm about this) wants to know why Seo-young snooped through his phone. She says that right after the assault, she happened to see her mom’s phone. She was texting her assaulter’s mother to smooth things over, saying Seo-young was being “too sensitive.” WHAT.

What did she wish her parents had done? Seo-young just wanted them to acknowledge it. Chan-hyuk doesn’t understand, so she explains that they smile and carry on like nothing happened. He observes that family sometimes ignores things in a way that looks cowardly for fear that addressing it will tear them apart.

Tae-hyung informs Eun-joo her dad took the bankbook back. She accuses him of stopping her from telling her dad the truth, but Tae-hyung saw how hard it was for her. He hasn’t spoken to his own father in 10 years. What’s the big deal about blood ties at their age?

Eun-joo doesn’t see what age has to do with anything. Is nothing a big deal after a certain age? Tae-hyung lets her know Eun-hee called and thinks Eun-joo is avoiding her. Eun-joo complains up a storm but next thing we know, Eun-hee is walking in with a beer stash.

She invites herself to stay the night and tells Eun-joo someone cut her out like she once did, and it hurt. Eun-joo thinks it’s good she learned firsthand the pain of hearing those words and speculates she must like that person. But Eun-joo denies being hurt when Eun-hee cut her out, naturally.

Eun-hee also shares her annoyance at what Geon-joo said about her not having desire or ambition. Eun-joo points out Eun-hee likes being perceived that way. The person who confronted her about it must like her.

Eun-joo is suddenly reminded of her dad sitting in that same chair, apologizing to her. She finds Eun-hee’s problems trivial, which Eun-hee acknowledges. Even though Eun-joo has never once comforted her, Eun-hee still finds herself running to her whenever she has a problem.

Comforting words provide momentary relief, but Eun-joo’s harsh words give her the strength to resolve her issues. Eun-joo is tired of being the villain and says she’ll no longer dispense advice. Regardless, Eun-hee doesn’t want to hear her comments about how things are different now or that they’ll grow apart.

Eun-hee confesses she came over because she suddenly really wanted to see her sister. She wipes her tears and drinks her beer while Eun-joo pretends to be unaffected.

Sang-shik sits on the bus, a handkerchief around his bleeding knuckles, while his daughters bunk together. Eun-joo admits she didn’t tell their dad. (She pushes Eun-hee off when she tries to snuggle with her.) Eun-hee slips up and mentions Sang-shik doesn’t have a place yet, but she pretends not to know details.

They start reminiscing, and the contrasting ways they recall their childhood showcases their personalities. Eun-joo complains about the hardships while Eun-hee recalls the warm aspects. Eun-hee finally wins and snuggles up to Eun-joo’s back, asking if she’s ever passionately dated. Of course, Eun-joo won’t answer. They fall asleep with Eun-joo curled in Eun-hee’s arms, and it’s adorable.

Things are awkward at the office the following day, so Chan-hyuk sends Seo-young and Ji-woo out to take photos. When Ji-woo mentions seeing pictures on her social media, she assumes he must’ve read the vicious comments about her pretending to be a sexual assault victim after being dumped. (People are awful.)

Ji-woo brings up all the supportive comments and encourages her not to live recklessly and hurt the people who like her. She smiles when he says he plans to treat her the same as ever and won’t let her off easily just because of her past. Seo-young admits he’s not as bad as most guys his age which she attributes to his sisters, although Ji-woo argues it’s all him.

Eun-hee drives Geon-joo and a colleague on a business outing and gets a call from Ji-woo. Seo-young impatiently snatches Ji-woo’s phone and tells Eun-hee that she read their text messages, and Chan-hyuk absolutely didn’t tell her anything. Eun-hee starts to get angry but hangs up, conscious of her colleagues in the car.

Sang-shik goes to Jin-sook’s to return the scarf (freshly handwashed) she lent him. Jin-sook asks if he’s okay; he was a mess that night. Sang-shik decided that it’s better to pretend he didn’t hear anything since Eun-joo doesn’t seem to want him to know.

Jin-sook thinks he’d have been better off pretending to still be the 22-year old, fondly remembering only the good times. It’s what she would have done. “Let’s do that,” he suggests. It was boring alone, so they should go there together.

He grabs her hand and leads her to his car. Sang-shik explains he no longer finds the one-sided love of a parent unfair. How is loving with all your might, even if it’s one-sided, a bad thing? He isn’t indebted to the kids and vice versa. “I’m only indebted to you.” He does the seatbelt lean-in and buckles her in.

Geon-joo still hasn’t given up on Eun-hee and claims he was trying to get across how things could change if they dated when he made that ambition comment. Eun-hee thinks saying to her face that she lives without desires or ambition while acting like it’s strictly good-intentioned advice is out of line.

He announces that unless she dislikes him or likes someone else, he isn’t going to give up. Eun-hee stays silent as Geon-joo exits the car. She calls Ji-woo – Chan-hyuk perks up at his desk – to ask for details of the phone snooping, but Ji-woo doesn’t know anything.

Eun-hee rants about Seo-young having access to Chan-hyuk’s phone, but Ji-woo doesn’t get why she’s getting so worked up when it wasn’t even her phone. Chan-hyuk overhears and snaps at Seo-young, demanding to know what they did.

Sang-shik and Jin-sook sip coffee and stare at the night skyline. He shares that their poorest times were his happiest. He can pinpoint the exact moment he began feeling rage toward Jin-sook. It all started with the book “The Bridges of Madison County” by Robert James Waller.

She’d underlined a part about only feeling such a definite emotion once in life, and he took that to mean she longed for Eun-joo’s father. (In a family of assumers, he wins gold for Least Supported Assumptions.) At home, Jin-sook sighs at his misunderstanding.

Eun-hee texts Chan-hyuk, asking if she can call. Meanwhile, Eun-joo and Hyo-seok meet at a nice bar. He explains that he’s lived working day and night without rest and never had time to even consider running away. That’s why he got so upset and behaved poorly when Tae-hyung fled.

Eun-joo points out that Tae-hyung’s comfortable life isn’t easy to leave behind. Hyo-seok plans to go to New Zealand to try and work things out with his ex. She balks when he asks her to pass the info along to Tae-hyung. Hyo-seok calls it a parting gift, advising her to let Tae-hyung figure out his feelings.

At home, Eun-hee opens a folder on her computer with what looks like several books she’s been writing. “I have ambition, too,” she voices to the empty room.

At the bar, Tae-hyung joins Eun-joo and stills when she tells him about Hyo-seok going to New Zealand. He shakily downs a glass of wine, barely holding it together.

No one’s favorite mother-in-law is waiting for them at their place when Eun-joo and Tae-hyung return. Tae-hyung is in no mood to fight with her about the alimony and locks himself in his room. They hear crashes coming from inside.

His mother is shaken and wonders what made him drink so much and act like this. Eun-joo shares that he got dumped by a guy he really liked. Her mother-in-law acts all affronted, so Eun-joo asks if she loves her son. Is it really that hard to acknowledge who he is? Eun-joo is starting to accept him; shouldn’t it be easier for his own mother?

Eun-hee sends Chan-hyuk another text that he ignores. Meanwhile, Sang-shik starts coming daily to see Jin-sook with a different household chore-related question each time. He gives her flowers and takes her for meals.

The night he drops her home after their arcade non-date, he asks “Miss Sook” if he can take her on a real date. Ji-woo soon starts noticing the oddities around the house like fresh flowers, his mom’s new clothes and some cute plushies from a claw machine.

Eun-hee doesn’t give up easily and texts Chan-hyuk that she’s delivering dishes he likes to his place. He comes outside where she presents him with an apple (“apple” and “apology” are homonyms in Korean) and a tote full of food.

She understands his anger and admits she was holding things in, afraid she’d mess up like last time. Chan-hyuk thinks she just has a low opinion of him, but Eun-hee confesses there were “other feelings” involved.

She was madder because it was the pretty, dazzling and honest Seo-young who likes Chan-hyuk. Eun-hee assumed they must be close enough to talk about stuff like this and wished them well. Chan-hyuk concedes she did pretty well considering how she let her thoughts run wild.

Eun-hee exuberantly agrees and congratulates herself, claiming the least he could do after that embarrassing confession is let her in. As she unpacks the food, Chan-hyuk complains that her apology gesture is lacking, but he can tell she’s genuinely sorry.

Geon-joo gets an email from Ha-ra gloating that she told Eun-hee they slept together, but it doesn’t seem like Eun-hee cares. Elsewhere, Eun-hee tells Chan-hyuk she’s had a reason for everything she’s done since reconnecting with him. She was so happy to see him again and didn’t want to complicate their comfortable friendship.

Even going to him about her one-night stand with Geon-joo was done to try to friendzone him. Chan-hyuk takes that to mean she sees him as a narrow-minded guy who’d never want to be romantically involved with her after knowing she had a one-night stand.

Eun-hee clarifies that she wouldn’t be able to get involved with him after admitting all that stuff to him. He says he gets it and asks if his comments about stealing glances and taking mental pictures of her were that burdensome. His tone is light, but his eyes are sad.

Ji-woo calls a sibling meeting at the café where he shares evidence of their mom’s possible new relationship. He thinks she’s got something going on with Seon-il. Both sisters ask simultaneously, “So what?” Ha.

Everyone, including the three of them, has secrets. Eun-joo maintains that family doesn’t need to know everything, and they should set boundaries. Eun-hee is all boundaries, schmoundaries and tries to get Ji-woo to spill his secrets as his leg bounces.

Tae-hyung stops by and once they leave, Ji-woo comments that Tae-hyung and Eun-joo seem to be much more comfortable now. Eun-hee questions his powers of deduction but encourages him to support their parents in their new lives no matter what. Ji-woo is onboard and admits he used the dating thing as an excuse to see Eun-joo. Aw.

Eun-hee brings up Seo-young and notes Ji-woo’s defense of her with interest. Ji-woo changes the subject and asks if she has any idea why Chan-hyuk has never gotten his driver’s license.

Sang-shik buys a flower while he anxiously waits for Jin-sook to arrive for their date. She steps off the bus looking lovely, dressed up with her hair styled, and they smile to see each other across the street. As he crosses to her, Sang-shik thinks, “Miss Sook, it’s not too late, is it? You’re smiling.”

But, naturally, that’s when he has another episode and collapses in the street. His last thought before losing consciousness is, “May I love you again?” Jin-sook yells his name in horror.


I knew they’d go for the dramatic collapse right when he learns to be happy again. Honestly, I’m not loving the idea of Sang-shik and Jin-sook continuing their relationship, even though it is cute to see them getting all the tropey romance stuff – the makeover, shy smiles and glances, seatbelt moments, even arcade trips – that’s usually reserved for younger on-screen couples. I find the snippets we’ve seen of Sang-shik’s prior fits of anger disturbing and seemingly abusive, which is hard for me to get past. I do believe his improving mental health and new lease on life has genuinely changed him for the better, and I’m glad they’re resolving their past issues and letting go of the bitterness. Maybe they could have a healthy relationship now that benefits them both, but I’m not confident enough to fully root for it. It is nice to see Jin-sook smiling, though.

I’m disappointed Chan-hyuk and Eun-hee still skipped right past their fallout. I never thought Chan-hyuk would’ve willingly hung out with Jong-min and his other girlfriend, but I find it hard to believe he didn’t know anything about the cheating. He lived with the guy, so how could he fail to notice he had two long-term girlfriends simultaneously? Whether he knew or not, I still think it’s ridiculous that he never explicitly clarified it with Eun-hee. Chan-hyuk seems like the type who asks, “Why do you think I’m mad?” and gets madder when you don’t know. Just be an adult and tell someone when they’ve done something to offend you. Don’t expect people to be telepathic. It helps no one to refuse to explain something because you think the other person should already know. Obviously, they don’t, and now nothing gets resolved because you find their intuition lacking. Additionally, with everything going on in Eun-hee’s family, it’s natural that she’d doubt the people around her. How could learning about so much deception and secrecy within your own family not affect your trust in people?

One thing I do really appreciate about Chan-hyuk, though, is how respectful of people’s wishes he is. He clearly wants a romantic relationship with Eun-hee, but he respects her desire to stay friends even while knowing she liked him in the past and maybe still does. He’s sad about her decision, but he doesn’t push or blatantly express his feelings in a way that would make her uncomfortable. Geon-joo could learn a thing or two from him. Eun-hee has clearly said she’s not interested in pursuing a relationship with him, but he just keeps pushing. You don’t get to decide which reasons for rejecting you are valid. He needs to stop with this entitlement nonsense and accept that she has turned him down.

Onto less annoying fare, I really enjoy the scenes between Eun-hee and Eun-joo. They agree on practically nothing and can barely get through a conversation without arguing, yet they truly get each other. Despite Eun-joo’s frequent comments that she doesn’t like Eun-hee and can’t relate to her, Eun-hee’s earnestness and warmth seem to reach her. Eun-hee is one of the only people who isn’t cowed or put off by Eun-joo’s prickliness. Maybe that’s why she gets under Eun-joo’s skin so much. Her distancing tactics don’t work on Eun-hee who has a “yeah, whatever” response to her spiky armor. And no amount of grumpy declarations can convince me Eun-joo doesn’t love her annoyingly sunny little sister who is just dying to hug her.


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It is to my understanding that Taehyung likes Hyo-seuk's ex...so why is he so affected with the info the HS is going to NZ to work things out with his ex?
I was half hoping HS would turn out to be straight and have a lil romance with Eunjoo just for some rebound but I guess not.
Eunjoo is just so frickin frank like your own conscience talking to you.
Then you see the contrast in personalities with the way them sisters remember a certain memory.
Gaaah, I was hoping for something to happen with CS AND eunhee but girl is trying so hard to friendzone the boy. Why do I get the feeling that with all that confession they just might really end up as friends cos if they cross the line and later break up, they cant be friends anymore.
Eunhee, girl, instead of wondering the rest of your life how his lips would feel like , just go cross the line... Whatever happens, you won't regret that kiss.


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I really don't understand the reason for Hyo Seok's (I use AsianWiki's spelling of characters names, because the names are spelled differently everywhere you look) character in this drama. He could have just been someone in the background without a speaking part. Maybe there is more to come on this guy.


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I really love the development in the relationship between Eun Hee and Eun Joo. Also the father decision not to confront Eun Joo about the parental matter does not make sense to me. Until such matter is discussed, they won’t be able to move forward.

Also allowing both the father and mother reconcile after being unhappy in a marriage does not work for me. The problem in the marriage is misunderstanding on the part of the husband. As once pointed out, his root of anger started when he saw the line Jin sook marked in a book, instead of confronting her about it, he bottled it up and started a one sided hatred on his wife. As previously seen, he even blamed his wife on making his kids be against him without even asking questions. I am beginning to see him as someone who feels his assumption is always right and doesn’t like confrontation.


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. . . and misunderstand on part of the wife too.


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I'm really hoping and expecting that there was more to that conversation on the park bench, and the show is saving the best part for next episode. The way it cut from sad CH to EH bouncing into the coffee shop, I just feel there's some significant end to the conversation that we didn't see. I hope that EH followed up her confession about deliberately friendzoning CH with another confession: that she did it because she's afraid of her feelings for him, and always has been. Otherwise, where was that conversation going?

I hope SS's seizures are related to his accident on the mountain. (Or maybe caused his accident on the mountain?) I hope their role in the show is to add urgency to SS finding happiness, and I'm fine with him and JS putting the past behind them and learning to love each other again. I think that's healing in a way that moving on to other people would not be. They way they smiled at each other from across the street was so sweet. They're like shy teenagers in senior bodies.

@quirkycase, I laughed so hard at "nobody's favorite mother-in-law". I think, and hope, that part of EJ's divorce strategy is to ensure her cowardly husband gets his own life, out of the shadow of his bullying mother.

I'm looking forward to finding out more of CH's backstory. Why is he afraid of driving, and what exactly is his family like. Maybe Seo-young is going to cross some more boundaries and tell us.


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Personaly, I like to see the parents together. They had feelings for each other but both of them let misunderstandings insinuate between them. For me, both of them are guilty for the failing of their marriage. The father always expressed his feelings, first his love and then his anger and bitterness when the mother always was silent about it until she left twice.

I don't undestand how the whole family kept secret the fact they all knew about EJ's father without telling to their father. The poor man, he couldn't understand all the double sens in EJ's words.

EJ and EH's scene was lovely. EH cut her sister from her life once and now she's holding her stronly even if her sister is testing her everytime they talk to each other. It was cute to see the maknae to find an excuse to see EJ.

For EH and CH, I wonder the order of the events in the past. I don't think he knew for a long time and JM said he would tell her. It looks like CH didn't know how to tell her, because they didn't often see each other and since he had feelings for her, his role or his intentions could have been misinterpreted. EH should stop to be afraid and embrass her feelings for him! They're loosing time for nothing :p


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The sister's relationship is sooo good, also the way that is healing. I am proud of them!
But in general, I like all these characters. I feel they are real people, and the way they behave seems to be also very relatable.
In regard to the parents, I also wouldn't like a reconciliation in the romantic sense, but I agree it is good they reconcile their differences because they are family anyway.
Now, I feel sang shik will die and it's going to be sad... very tragic, indeed, but I feel he won't live much longer... poor family, they don't catch a break....


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I don't want him to die, and I hope he won't. But if he did, it would be like bookending. The story began with him almost dying, and may end with him dying. Only in the beginning, his death would have been miserable, and his family never would have come together. In the end, if he does die, hopefully they can all recognize their love for him and for each other, and stick together once he's gone. I would like to see Mom taking the little kid into her heart -- I think she would really like to be a grandma to him.


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Yes, this family needs a kid to fuss over! It was so sweet how Miss Sook and EH started caring for him from minute 1: EH preparing the colouring book, and Mom sending food through Dad. Even EJ will melt down and become a nice Auntie, I can see it!


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I also have the feeling SS is seriously ill.
It will be tragic if he passes away, but at least he's finding his place back in his family.


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I hope EJ will be able to talk to him before... Otherwise she will have a lot of regrets.


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I second your comment. If he dies, it would be sweet if they all can say good bye, although, sticking to reality... And this drama feels really very real, maybe no, maybe they won't be able to say goodbye, and it will be devastating.
Death always brings along feelings of regret and guilt, and I am sorry, dear @kurama, but maybe EJ will have to live with an amount of regret and again.... it will be heartbreaking.
She has been so unhappy! 😭😭😭😭


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The sister's scenes were the best thing in the episode. The way EH approached and hugged Ej, who systematically rejected and cut her, but finally felt in her sister's arms... awwwwww. Another big awwwwww to JiWoo missing his big sis and looking for an excuse for a sibling's council.

I really don't want SS and JS back together. I'm happy SS has realized he has been living poorly, making himself and his family miserable, and now decides to change. That's good. The healing is good. But in the flashbacks we've seen he was abusive, I can't define it other way, and JS needs to be free and enjoy her life (not that she's not partially guilty of the situation, though).

Regarding EH and CH, I'm on CH side. I know EH is the girl we all like, but I'm tired of the way she's behaving: she assumed CH knew all along about her boyfriend cheating on her (assuming it the Kim's favourite sport), she stopped talking to him, she retook their friendship when she wanted, she friendzoned him, she didn't respect him when he asked her not to contact him, she demanded an explanation of why she was out, and when she heard it she didn't accept it... You said GJ needs to learn respect from CH... well, so does EH!!

And please, can we have more maknae???


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Yes to more Maknae!!!!


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I second the maknae motion!


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Yes more maknae.. Is always welcome!!!! 😁😁


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CH has always been catering to EH's needs, granted with everything that's happening in her family, however, I think it's her turn to be a friend to CH.


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"You said GJ needs to learn respect from CH... well, so does EH!!", very well observed!, but I wouldn't put EH and GJ on the same footing, because EH oversteps but they were friends for a long time, so there's a basis of mutual feelings there, whereas GJ has been spying on EH and his using his position in all posible ways to sneak into her life - by now I'm detesting him, which is no small feat considering how hot I find him!
On the other hand, EH and CH seem to me to have one of THOSE friendships. Everybody has this one old friend who shows up unannounced, makes plans for both without consulting, hogs your time and uses your couch as their own, but is so charming and you like them so much that you let them get their own way. I see EH is THAT friend, she's been leading this relationship, but it's only because CH likes her and their dynamic to bits. Anyway, she's good at making amends, and their relationship is basically founded on her not respecting his feeble boundaries - liked her food delivery move when he wouldn't budge was cute- so I'm sure we'll be seeing them kissy-kissy in no time (yes, please!)


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I have my own EH and I adore her. But even so, I sometimes get mad at her.
So I totally get CH being mad and angry and wanting to cut with EH in this moment. I know they will work it out, but I cannot be on EH side just right now.
And yes to the kissy kissy.
Please, show, get this tension solved at once!


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May the kissy kissy happen soon because we only have a few eps left and that imagination from ep11 was such a tease.


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It’s pretty horrific to think that he lived in such anger because of a line in a book and later because she smiled at a random person he thought was her first love. For mom, she was miserable and bitter thinking the husband cheated on her. And despite learning the truths and how much harm keeping secrets have been for their family, they’re still planning to have more secrets!


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Thank you @quirkycase for the recap! And you nailed it - Eun-joo is a cup half-empty while Eun-hee is a cup half-full. Tho they are so different, including the maknae, they still long to be with and miss each other.


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The pestering resentment that has boiled over between Sang-shik and Jin-sook threatening their marriage... seems to be rooted on the indiscretion (or misjudgement resulting in unwanted pregnancy) that bore EJ. The heavy burden in hiding a disgraceful family secret... finally tore him down and ultimately turned into an all-consuming doubt. Perhaps, JS has not fully convinced or assured SS enough....fueling his insecurities and self-doubt which he bottled up over the years.

Here are some signs he (Sang-Shik) was living under that cloud...
1. The first words Sang-shik uttered (from out of the blue) when he
woke up from a coma, at the hospital. "I am not EJ's dad".
2. The lingering image of smiling JS and an unidentified man he
thought was EJ's bio-dad at the wedding.
3. His assumptions (and conclusion?) regarding the fruit ajusshi
where he stalked or followed her to the care-home.
4. His uncontrolled outburst at home (on a flashback) from years
past when he broke a pane glass by his fist.
5. And now, her (JS) desire (intent) to graduate from that marriage.

Even the dongsaeng (JW) got disgruntled upon learning the truth about EJ's birth. He has struggled accepting his mother's misdeed. Any wonder he was appalled at his sisters... "so what" attitude about premarital relationships? .... and why he even brought that up?

Knowingly or not... EH is flirting with the same disaster that their mother caused with EJ.... at her seeming "easy" attitude (or vulnerability) about relationships, where she gets bedded at the drop of a hat... by her sweet-talking boss.... (who btw has not given up on her yet). I hope CH does not turn up like SS... who will raise a child by another man.


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Eun Joo got the hug she needed. I said this is in the last recap, sometimes you need a hug. Real hugs show you care and that you are there, no words necessary. As for this will they or won't they for Chan Hyuk and Eun Hee, hmmmm.


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Hugs are the best medicine.
Just remembering A piece of your mind, and those wonderful hugs.


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The highlight for this episode for me is definitely the siblings! (again).
It hurts so bad when Eunhee called Eunjoo just to have Taehyung answering that she HAD to ask if Eunjoo avoids her call. Given the situation that she might just lost one of her closest friend forever, she was probably so scared that she will lose Eunjoo too. I really wonder how did Eunhee survived all those year without both Chanhyuk AND Eunjoo.....

But sad things aside, it's so cute that it does feel like the amount of cute annoyance Eunjoo has for Eunhee is comparable to the amount of love that she has for her. In this episode there were too many times where Eunjoo masks her feeling with a frown and/or annoyance. I'm so relieved that Eunhee sees through Eunjoo and just doesn't care. I do hope this doesn't exhaust Eunhee one day, and create another explosive fight in a wrong time and situation like it did before. And I do hope somehow Eunjoo manage to let herself loose, so that both of them can actually lean on each other. I guess letting Eunhee snuggles to her is a step closer? (that was so cute!!!). Well I was actually suprised that Eunjoo complied to Eunhee blurting out she'd sleep over tonight lol

That being said, JIWOO!!!! Honestly, with the first frame showing Jiwoo and Eunjoo in that cafe, I thought we were finally getting to see his girlfriend with how smiley and giddy he was, but then the camera panned and it was Eunjoo equally smiling(!!?) to her baby brother awwwwwww. He's just SOO happy that Eunjoo didn't end up distancing herself like she said she would. It seems like Eunjoo had always feel like with the fall out their parent has, she had to be the parent and adult to her siblings. While it was true, her siblings have grown up and maybe what they need is only her presence to give them reassurance that they are not alone. And that she could also lean on them, now that they are both adults. Also perhaps Jiwoo IS telling the truth when he says Taehyung and Eunjoo seems the most comfortable now. I mean with Taehyung no longer harboring a guilt and Eunjoo no longer stressing herself to get pregnant AND to get Taehyung attention, maybe they are much more comfortable now.

Ah the Makjang..... Idk with this drama, they snatched my love for the siblings well-being right from the start that the only thing I care about is them being happy. So all these making plots happening around their family, if that's for their development instead of disturbing their happiness, then I am weirdly fine with it.
Just like how I don't mind everything happening around their parents and Eunhee's love triangle. There are a lot of problems, but those problem will definitely make their life better once they resolved it. So here's to the happiness of this family, no matter what childish behaviour or Makjang plot the writer give us 🥂


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I also think JW is right: EJ and TH look more comfortable now!


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Sang-shik sshi can’t take a break, can he? What does he have now? But, Miss Sook looks really beautiful!!

Eun-hee and Eun-joo’s scenes!! Wonderfully acted by Ye-ri, those subtle changes in her tone and facial expressions tugged my heart while she was telling EJ her feelings. And to EJ, go get that money! You deserve that and more! Also, dearest maknae, your eldest sister will probably melt if you tell her you miss her, she won’t say it in front of you but she’ll be there.

I was glad that CH did not give in this time. He shouldn’t always be the one adjusting. Though I thought we’d get to know more about him by now but I guess we’ll have to wait another week.


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So Hyo-seok's ex-boyfriend cheated on him and ran away with his money... and yet Hyo-seok wants to drop everything and fly to New Zealand to, and I quote, "try and live well with him"? He doesn't seem like someone who would intentionally lie about that, knowing it would hurt not just Tae-hyung, but Eun-joo too. Like he said in an earlier episode, he came to this area to find out who his ex dumped him for, and to intimidate Tae-hyung into coming clean, not to seek revenge. And if he lied about going to New Zealand, wouldn't it take way too much effort to keep up the lie? Which makes me inclined to believe Hyo-seok was telling the truth, but that begs the question of why... It's clear Hyo-seok loved his ex-boyfriend a lot, enough to move to a new place entirely and yet not even seek revenge or compensation. But to still love his ex even after how badly he's been hurt by him? To still want to work things out with him despite the risk of being cheated on again? My heart hurts for Hyo-seok. :-(

Also, I can't stop thinking of that scene in which Hyo-seok gets treated for his wound, and when Tae-hyung points out that it looks intentional, Hyo-seok says it was a "lovers' quarrel"... If that's the truth, does that mean that Hyo-seok's ex was abusive? (This would mean that his ex came back from New Zealand, which would line up with Tae-hyung supposedly wanting to live with him in that house in Goheung.) But if his ex didn't came back to Korea, does that mean Hyo-seok had a new boyfriend at that time? (Unlikely, since he still seems to be in love with his ex.) Which leads me to the last possibility… If his goal in moving here was to get close to Tae-hyung in order to intimidate him, yet he ended up only meeting Eun-joo through the cafe and not Tae-hyung… Did he self-inflict the wound in order to meet Tae-hyung? (I sure hope not, but it seems like the simplest explanation… Occam’s razor, and all that…)


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On a side note — I can't quite understand Eun-joo's harsh reaction towards Hyo-seok. Yes, he hid the truth from her. But he's already apologised and explained himself to her; he told her that he thought it'd be better for Tae-hyung to confess to her himself. (Which I agree with; Hyo-seok likely didn't think it was his place to tell her.) He'd also been pressurising Tae-hyung into coming clean to Eun-joo, so that she wouldn’t be hurt any longer. (I recall the confrontation at the Sorokdo house, where Hyo-seok tells Tae-hyung to “stop using an innocent person as a shield”.) He’s also been a caring and sincere friend towards her - remember their comfortable friendship and him brewing coffee for her? And yet she throws all that away over an act of betrayal that was more Tae-hyung's than Hyo-seok's?

Maybe it’s because I tend to lean more towards the emotional than the rational, but to me, Eun-joo comes off as ungrateful and unempathetic. Hyo-seok opened up to her and talked about his suffering, yet instead of trying to understand his perspective, she jumps immediately to Tae-hyung’s defense and essentially dismisses Hyo-seok’s hurt. Ever since the truth came out, she’s unilaterally cut off their friendship and behaved coldly towards him. (Rudely, too — that scene where she bought coffee from him and didn’t even bother to look him in the eye or acknowledge him!)

I sympathise with Eun-joo and the pain she’s been going through because of all the revelations that have come crashing down upon her, but I honestly think that her callousness towards the people around her — who treat her with sincerity and love — is uncalled for. (This includes the siblings' scene in Chan-hyuk’s office last episode; while Ji-woo needed to be called out for his behaviour, she didn’t have to hurt him and Eun-hee by saying it in such vicious words.)


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I agree. I also have been upset with Eun-joo many times for always playing the victim card. Yes, it is true that she has been dealt some nasty blows along the way, but the people she is treating so harshly have plenty of wounds of their own. I just wish Eun-joo would realize that and have a drop of compassion for them.


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All your thoughts are interesting.
I like the Hyo-seok character from the beginning, although I feel it lacks development (of course, he is a secondary character, I know😒).
We are left out of information that could help us to understand why he would act like that, and yet, somehow... we "understand"?🙄🙄
Because hey! Take into consideration it is a relationship between a man and a woman, being Hyo-seok the woman, LOL😂! Would we be surprised that she comes back to her ex boyfriend who took all her money and cheated on her? No, not really. We would say she is dumb, but there is something stupid about women, and please don't take offense, I blame Eve, the first woman, for everything, that makes her believe again in a man that cheated on her. What exactly? I don't know. 😑
Coming back to Hyo-seok, if he played the feminine role in the relationship, being more "vulnerable" that the partner and mentally he is younger or more naive... if he has traumas or past experiences through his family members where he had believe love overcomes everything and forgiveness is a way, then there you go. He forgives and comes back into that relationship because he thinks they can make it work.

Personally, I wouldn't trust in a cheater, but human relationships when it comes to people in loving complicating relationships are all complex. I cannot judge them, for I can't read their hearts.


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" I blame Eve, the first woman, for everything, that makes her believe again in a man that cheated on her. What exactly? " @javinne, personally Inblame patriarchy 😋


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That too.... no doubt about it. At the beginning, both man a woman sinned against their creator, but after that definitively patriarchy has been horrible and horrendous


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And patriarchy has used the Garden of Eden tale to justify itself--women are weak and not to be trusted--they are temptresses that can get men to do their bidding.


@kdnomore, the garden of Eden is not a tale. Although I understand why some people wouldn't believe it.
Anyway... historically there are lots of things wrong in the relationships of women and men, and interestingly I think many of these issues are repeated in other type of relationships.
It doesn't matter what connections are between those in the relationship, toxic behavior should not be tolerated.


I think it was his bf that hurt him and after that the lover went to NZ. I feel like the conversation between EJ and HS was just to hurt TH. HS said he will try to get back but EJ relayed the message to TH that they’re back together. This was the writer’s way to get that reaction from TH. That’s the only reason I could think of to make sense of that scene. Which is a little sad that we didn’t get to explore HS as a character and it felt like he was only used to move the plot.


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You have a point, that scene does seem like it was used primarily to drive plot development between Eun-joo and Tae-hyung. I was trying to have more faith in the writer's scriptwriting, but it really does seem like Hyo-seok's character and backstory weren't fully fleshed out, and he was instead used as a plot device. Sigh. I agree, there was so much potential in his story, and I wish the show explored the fallout and reconciliation between Hyo-seok and Eun-joo more. For someone that played such a big role in her life (he seemed like her only friend, and vice versa), the way the writer resolved his arc really ended up shortchanging his character.


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Yes, I was actually hoping the writer would explore their friendship. Because it looked like HS understood EJ in some ways.


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I got really mad at the drama sending HS to New Zealand with Cheater Exboyfriend! Anyway, we still have 4 episodes left, so I hope we'll get more backstory about this mysterious guy


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And, yes, Barista Ahn has been totally a plot-device until now (hope this guy gets a bigger role in his next break)


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He is cute, isn't he?????!!!!!


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WDH dopplehanger!!!


Same! Hyo-seok deserves so much better. I just want him to be happy ;__;

I too wish that we can see more of his backstory, but unfortunately I don't think that'll be very likely... Lee Jong-won (the actor that plays Hyo-seok) uploaded a photo of Hyo-seok on his Instagram with a caption that says "Hyo-seokie, goodbye" :-(


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Oh no. No more glasses Hyo-seok? T_T


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LJW looks like a taller Woo Dohwan. He has a bigger role in the webdrama XX (also a gay character, hope he doesn't get typecast)... I only watched the first couple of episodes, but he was ok as witty flatmate to the FL!


"In a family of assumers, he wins gold for Least Supported Assumptions.", @quirkycase, you crack me up! 🤣🤣


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In the same spirit, TH's and SY's moms deserve both silver and gold (can't decide which for whom) for Least Supportive Mom


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This drama makes us question what we know about those closest to us - the ones we think we know. Every character has discovered major things about those closest to them. They have also discovered that what they thought they knew was an incorrect assumption, and has been destructive to the relationship.
It makes us wonder if we can ever know those closest to us. Are we just filtering them through scenarios that we want to see, that are borne out of our own insecurities? It makes me think that it's a huge act of arrogance to think I "know" someone, especially those closest to me.
The father, Sang-shik, is a profoundly moving depiction of a man overloaded with guilt and low esteem, and yet with his own sense of honor. He is so isolated emotionally (so far). I can't remember a similar portrayal of an older married man from humble origins in such depth. It's rare IMO.
(I always hated Bridges of Madison County - it has clearly sown a bad seed here too.)


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