Sunbae Don’t Put on That Lipstick: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread

As our heroine deals with some hardships at home, and the complicated relationship with her mother, she’s pushed closer to the hoobae that always seems to be there for her. Her feelings are clearly turning a corner — and it’s hard to blame her when she has someone like our hero waiting patiently at her side.


Though this week we focused mostly on Song-ah and her complex relationship with her mother, I can’t help but open with a thought on Hyun-seung. He’s had an interesting trajectory, hasn’t he? He started off forceful and aggressive, but we’ve learned that that was really just his fierce protectiveness of Song-ah (and his own past hurt from the same scenario coming out).

He’s been nothing short of wonderful to her, he’s got no lack of wonderful character traits, and basically after this week, I feel like he’s too perfect to be real. I mean that in the best sense, of course; I love a hero that exemplifies heroic traits, especially the ones that aren’t highlighted too frequently, like patience, gentleness, and the courage to make the right decisions (like bowing out of a slimy hostess bar situation).

After Song-ah asked him not to distance himself from her, Hyun-seung has all of his hopes renewed tenfold. Just like that, he’s back in cute puppy mode, happy not to have to hide his feelings. As for Song-ah, her feelings for him continue to develop, not only through this proven devotion, but when she realizes how much she cares about him too. And for that, we need a convenient drama fever.

I do love fevers in dramaland. They’re absent of any ugliness whatsoever, and strictly involve only a good night’s sleep, a possible fever reducer, and a loving someone to dab your forehead all night long. And that’s exactly what happens here. I might have seen it a few dozen times, but I can still enjoy it as a storytelling mechanism.

It’s also fun in this capacity because Song-ah is in Hyun-seung’s world/home here for a change — and after his swift recovery, we see how quickly he again switches to caring for her. He tucks her in on his couch, and promises her a beautiful, unending love. How do they make a moment (and line) like this so tender, and so free of schmaltz? I’m not sure, but there’s something about Sunbae’s tone that makes it possible.

As I mentioned earlier, we get a good peek into Song-ah and her mother’s relationship this week, and it was definitely time to unpack this part of the story. The drama made the friction and complexity of this mother/daughter dynamic all too clear, but it was good to get more insight on what is getting between them.

I knew I didn’t really care for her mother, but I didn’t know exactly why, outside of it just being a knee jerk reaction. But now, as we learn more about her husband’s infidelity and untimely death, it makes a lot more sense. Song-ah’s mother is clingy and full of self-pity; rather than face what happened to her marriage, she went into deep denial and held her daughter responsible for her unhappiness. It’s so toxic and sad, but we needed to see it so we can understand Song-ah’s harsh reaction to her.

Her mother’s surgery and cancer scare serve to bring them together geographically, but also emotionally. It’s messy, but it’s also good — communication and a bit of confrontation are clearly necessary here.

It adds a lot of depth to Song-ah’s inner life for us to see more about her relationship with her mother, but of course it also plays out in her romance. Because when you’re troubled and hurt, it makes a lot of sense to seek out the man that’s been promising to stay by your side, and cares about your happiness and comfort above all else. And I’m not being facetious — I do love that Song-ah actively seeks out Hyun-seung. His hug is everything. She disappears into it and has the cry she needs. And when she calms, she confesses to Hyun-seung that she likes him.

And now the cuteness can begin full swing! And it does. The official-but-secret office dating is off to an enthusiastic start, and draws a nice contrast with Song-ah’s previous secret office romance with Jae-shin.

Jae-shin is clever, careful, and I might even say he’s sometimes calculating. Hyun-seung is basically none of those things. He’s got a huge heart and it’s right there on his sleeve for all to see — it’s hard for him to hide his happiness, and his love of her. They’re adorable. And the character of Hyun-seung is swiftly heading to my list of Best Boyfriends of Dramaland.

As for Jae-shin, the loss of his father complicates things for him, and I do like how the drama doesn’t shy away from showing his mix of relief, grief, and guilt. Jae-shin’s tragic trajectory continues, and though he has a devoted woman at his side, I’m not sure how long he’ll be able to continue living this way.

For some closing thoughts on the drama as a whole, I’m really enjoying the slower pace of the plot and its pivotal moments. But, in a way it’s also been a bit of a trick, because I can’t believe there are only three weeks left! I love our couple and have every confidence they are solid (and welcome all the future cuteness, and some more/better kisses, please). But, there’s also quite a bit that looms in the drama’s final weeks — though interestingly, it’s not so much about our couple, but the people around them (viz., Hyun-seung’s sisters).

There are a lot of dotted lines to be connected, and I’m not even sure I know how the story will handle them yet. But I kind of like it that way. Sunbae hasn’t been the drama I expected — it’s far more even-keeled and simple — but I really like it for that fact. And here’s hoping things stay that way as we get further into the drama.


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I'm getting weird vibes from sister no. 2 with her husband and the chef. Like husband-is-secretly-in-love-with-best-friend vibes. But then again, chef did mention to her that her husband thinks the world of her. So who knows how that story is going to pan out? (Sorry don't remember their names, I'm too focused on our main couple. I'm definitely a Rowoon fan now!)


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I really don’t know what to make of it. Initially I thought the friends could be gay. But now I am not sure.
A totally makjang thought came to my head - what if they are gay and the chef is seducing the wife so she will divorce the husband on her own accord. And then he can get together with the divorced husband.
Lol. Sorry. This sounds crazy!!


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LOL. Love your imagination! I was left wondering too. Not sure what is going to happen there and I am afraid it will be rushed through with only 3 weeks to go. Perhaps it should be a separate drama if they want to fully cover the impact a gay husband would have on his family when he comes out of the closet cause 3 weeks is too short to recover.


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Lol....in a makjang that would definitely be normal. But I don't think this show will go there.


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Thanks for making me laugh so hard on a very tiring day!! This was pure makjang gold!


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I am wondering if maybe they had a relationship in the past, before he got married, and he is afraid that this past is going to be revealed at some point. It is not an unlikely possibility, certainly not in real life.


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I thought something similar! Their conversation at the bar where the husband asked the chef about his restaurant made me even think that husband was maybe even blackmailed into supporting it...

But I'm really hoping it's not something as nefarious as that because i really adore the fact that sister has a friend.


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I really liked how they brought our OTP together. I am happy that Song Ah sees the bright side of things and chooses to take a chance with love. I am glad she took the final step and spoke up.

I was quite surprised with his fathers death. But now that his father is gone, he has nothing to hold him back. His only risk and liability is gone. He is actually free. this is going to be interesting.
Also, in the funeral we got a glimpse of what kind of relationship Jae Shin and Song Ah had. I appreciated that talk between them and felt like may be, he did like her.

The mother - glad we got the background but still can’t stand her.

I am ready for the dating phase!! is it going to be a secret or are they going to date loudly and proudly!

I liked the office atmosphere and don’t appreciate this new BM and politics.


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I can't stand the mother, either; I've known mothers like her, women who use guilt as a weapon to get others to do as they wish, who use their past pain as a reason for all future manipulation...they give me the chills. I fully understand why Song Ah ends nearly every conversation angry or in tears. It is hard to fight against weaponized victimhood.


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That mother brought such a strong reaction from me. I have a very close friend who has suffered at the hands of such parents an abusive father first and then after the divorce of his parents, a very clingy and manipulative mother. I have seen his struggle in that situation and could not feel an ounce of sympathy for Song has mother.


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I, again, really enjoyed the weecap!!

I am also concerned that there are a lot of threads surrounding other characters that need to be covered and there is so little time left to cover them. I hope the drama does not rush over this because it would take away from the richness of the drama. This is why I was kind of surprised that the slimy situation surrounding BM Seo who is eyeing JS’s position was added. What could possibly be the purpose of adding this? What qualities or information is this supposed to reveal about our characters and is it really necessary when there are other areas that need to be addressed (for example, JS’s past, Yeon Seung’s husband and his friendship with Han Seo, Hyo-Joo’s insecurity, Ji-Seung’s past failed relationship).

Again, for me, there was an unexpected plot twist: JS’s dad’s death. When it happened, I thought “and now the s**t is going to hit the fan.” Because the driving force behind marrying Hyo-Joo and being Jae-Woon’s dog seems to have fallen away. For me, at this point, he is a wildcard and I am not sure what he is going to do. I find it sad that the writers just killed the dad. He was disgusting but he had a story and I wanted to know it. I wanted to better understand the relationship with the dad and understand why he walked down the path he did. Now he just dies as a two-dimensional “disgusting dad” instead of someone who could have provided interesting life lessons and it takes away some of the richness of the drama. He only served to be the driving force behind JS’s actions.

I don’t understand JS’s reactions towards Hyo-Joo. She, naturally, wants to support him and be a part of his grief. He does not let her be a part of it. SA is allowed to share his grief but HJ isn’t. Why? Does this forebode that he is not going to give her a chance? I am a bit scared for their future and hope I am overthinking this.

SA and her mother are something else. I found her mother to act as a child who was deeply dependent on her husband and next her daughter. I do love that she is self-reflective and realized where she made an error and how it affected her relationship with her daughter. I love that the confrontation allowed her to finally let go of her late husband. It’s sad to watch but it is what happens in real life and not everyone is as reflective as SA’s mother. On the other hand, it shows why SA does not want to be dependent on her lover. She has not yet healed from the trauma. To make things worse, it happened again with JS. Although HS wants to be the one who fills this, I am not sure this is healthy.

And HS has definitely made my list of Best Boyfriends in Dramaland!


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My only thought for why Jae-Shin wouldn't allow Hyo-Joo be a part of his grief is that his relationship with her is still performative. He doesn't have feelings for her, he pretends to. He performs the role of her (not-so) doting fiancée. He needed the space to feel the guilt, relief, sadness, anger and every other emotion his fathers untimely death roused. She didnt understand it because she's not faking anything. She genuinely loves him and wanted to do what people who love each other do: support him. He allowed Song-Ah in because for better or worse she's the only person/thing he's chosen for himself. So she could see him without that mask. But even then--he was so alone in his grief. She was on the other side of the table, saying careful, appropriate remarks before she left. There was nothing but empty space between them. I wonder if thats why he flipped out on Hyo-Joo? She was doing what he wanted Song-Ah to do but Song-Ah doesn't fill that role in his life anymore.

I agree that he's going to be a wildcard. He wanted that family to get him away from his crappy parent. Without needing that layer of protection is he going to toss Hyo-Joo aside and go after Song-Ah?


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I think you hit the nail on the head. I agree with your analysis. I think we both agree he is a wildcard and at this point, I can't read him. What you said about him flipping out on Hyo-Joo could very well be the reason but I just can't read him now. I have no clue if he is going to pursue Song-Ah but I fear he will. It would be the worst-case scenario. The best-case scenario would be he realizes he doesn't love Hyo-Joo, they break up and find each other again when there is love from both sides [and he can truly appreciate her + she gets over her insecurities].


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Thanks for the recap!

These episodes felt flat, in my opinion, and while I gladly bid adieu to Jae Shin’s father, I was sorely disappointed to see his negative contribution to the show be replaced with the uber-sleezy BM Seo. He’s awful, cringey and makes my skin crawl. Good on Hyun Seung for making a quick exit! I laughed when he reminded him not to put the balance of that excursion on the work card, a slight that will surely be repaid next week.

Truthfully, I was expecting sizzling romance, but the storyline seemed to plod along. Song-Ah’s confession to Hyun Seung was abrupt in light of the situation, as though it were forced from her, even though I know the moment was a long time coming. It was unsatisfying, awkward and felt off. Maybe because of the sudden tonal shift. One minute she’s upset and crying and the next, she’s telling him she likes him.

Maybe it was intentionally awkward because this is relatively new territory for them both, but I wanted more from the moment. Ultimately, I pictured the confession going differently, but this is what we were given. Along with that stiff-armed ‘nobody is stealing my cup’ kiss, which didn't deliver. The energy between them seems to have shifted to that of comradery, which isn’t necessarily bad, but is different from the romance we were leading up to. They feel like older sister and younger brother now? Weird, I know, but that’s how it came across at times to me.

Although, Hyun Seung seems to be having a fantastic time and is giddy from all of the feels, Song Ah was less telling. Perhaps this is just her character, or a product of all she dealt with this week. She did take care of him and slept over long enough to ensure he was okay, buying him medicine and tending to the fever. Ultimately, I think they’re opposites in the way that they show affection. While Hyun Seung is gong-ho to proclaim his feelings to anyone that will hear, Song Ah is a lot more cautious.

Most likely because of her adulterous father. That kind of history would do a number on anyone. With that said, I believe their personalities are complimentary. I just need more from them, especially as the story draws to an end. Don’t let me down, Writer-nim!

🎀Stray Observations🎀

🎀I like the chef and sister working together, they make a great team and have relative chemistry! However, something is definitely off with the husband and his BFF, but I think he cares about his family, regardless of the probable buried bodies secrets.

🎀Speaking of excellent teamwork, the KLAR team are so near and dear to my heart that I will send that little dog from episode 8 to chew BM Seo's toupee if he messes with them. The nerve!

🎀I wish Song Ah were nicer to her mother? I get that she’s clingy and delusional, but she’s still her mom. It pained me to see her be so short with her.

🎀Props to Jae Shin for making the grandfather acknowledge him. If anything, this week was further proof that he really is...


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I agree that the confession and start of the romance was...odd. Song-ah seems to give in to her feelings, but for a forceful person her behavior suddenly does a 180 and she becomes passive and docile. That kiss - ugh! Hyun Seung was giving it his all, but as far as Song Ah her participation was a Park Shin Hye-worthy dead-fish kiss. Don't just stand there, do something! Their glamping excursion was so bizarrely sluggish and passionless - what happened to the two people in the first few episodes? I want them back pls.


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@skelly THANK YOU!


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I don't agree. Song-A always acted strong but in fact she just hided her pain relative to her mother and put all her energy in her job. The fact she was finally able to confront her mother and started to move on showed her strength. She went to Hyun-Seung and had the courage to tell him how she's feeling : she has feelings for him but she doesn't know to love like he does.

Their trip wasn't a sexy gateaway becaus it wasn't she needed at this moment but a healing one, to help her to clear her mind.


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...best suited with Hyo Joo. She initiated that meeting and the grandfather listens to her, inadvertently paying Jae Shin notice, blatant snobbery notwithstanding. I want these two to make it down the alter!

🎀Ha Eun is the best of us. Somebody give this girl a counselling degree, she knows it all.


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I agree with some of this.
First, Ha Eun IS the best of all of us. I want to sit in that little children's bookstore and learn at her feet. Teach me stuff, kiddo. Im a mess!
As for Song-Ah and Hyun-Seung and her confession. I really loved it, actually. For me, this entire time she's seemed like she's been holding all of her cards close to the chest, had her back up. With her crappy father, her two year secret boyfriend and her awful mother she's learned that the only person that she can depend on is herself. People that she's supposed to be able to depend on (her parents, her long term boyfriend) have only shown that they can't be trusted and continuously let her down. Shes found herself drawn to Hyun-Seung almost against her will, but here she is. After that fight with her mother she found herself going to Hyun-Seung. I think the confession was awkward because she wasn't necessarily meaning to confess. I think she was wanting some of that happy and unconditional love that he promised her that she has NEVER gotten from anyone else--even if all she was asking for was ice cream. But, he took one look at her and did what no one in her life has ever done: he took care of her. He didnt wait, he didnt ignore what was written all over her face (something you have to assume Lee Jae Shin did repeatedly in their relationship as they were dating secretly in the same office. If he saw her upset he couldnt swoop her up and comfort her) he pulled her into himself and told her that she was SAFE with him. To a person who has never felt safe? Yoooo that's amazing. And Im assuming after seeing her background--she never felt safe with her mom after her father died. I would say even before. More on that in a moment. He pulled her in and told her that no matter what she did next if she didnt want him to listen--then he wouldnt hear a word. And she broke down.
She felt safe. She felt vulnerable. And all of those emotions she was feeling for him came spilling out.
I wish that there was a time jump, though. I felt like it was too soon for her to dive into a relationship. Its only been a few months since she broke up with Lee Jae Shin and her relationship with her mom is THE WORST. It felt to me like she wanted to hide a bit? Like she was unsure of herself.

As for the Song-Ah and her mom. Oh, my friend, I could not disagree with you more! The mom is more than clingy and delusional! She's passive aggressive, manipulative and emotionally abusive.
Ok. When the dad dies there are how many? 3? People holding the mom back as she screams and carries on that she doesn't want to live without him. Meanwhile, Song-Ah is over in the corner crying alone. She's lost both of her parents now. The mom is clawing at the memorial screaming, "take me with you! take me with you! I cant be alone!' So Song-Ah hears 1. That she's nothing to her mom. and 2. Not to be shocked if she comes home and moms dead. She'd rather be dead than be a mother to her daughter. Its...


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Ah man! I kept saying to myself, you're typing too much. You need to copy and paste or you're going to loose it. And I didnt listen and half my comment is lost to the ether.
I'll see if I can remember some of it, anyway.

Ok. I fully believe that the mom was emotionally abusive and emotionally manipulative to Song-Ah after the father died. Maybe even before (I keep thinking of her running to stop her mom from delivering the sandwiches. I think most people would want to prevent their parent/loved one from seeing/enduring that kind of pain but there was something more than desperate there. I dunno.).
For me the scene that drove home the point was when Song-Ah came home from school and the mom had been drinking and confronts her at the door. "where have you been! I cant be alone! dont leave me! Never leave me!" And Song-Ah just stares at her with tears dripping down her face and agrees. Song-Ah studying with friends after school is something that I think is safe to assume she had always done before dad died. My memory is always faulty but I think its what she had finished doing before she went to go meet dad and learned that he was cheating. She had no reason to assume that mom wouldn't be ok with this--its what she always did. But now, mom is incapable of being alone. Which had to make her think of mom flipping out at the funeral "take me with you!" So...she now gets to worry when she's at school, if she takes too long coming back that she's going to come home to mom having killed herself because she took too long.
I would be willing to bet money that Song-Ah counted the seconds until she could move away from her mom. And when the time came she did: she ran hard and fast and only looked back when she had to. Its a testament to what a good daughter she IS that she checked on her at all.
My thought that the mom hasn't changed AT ALL since the father died (and its a good thing that Song-Ah stays away from her toxicity) is like Song-Ah said. Mom knows that Song-Ah has a roommate and she closes her shop and what? Moves in with them without telling Song-Ah that shes coming and then makes her feel badly when Song-Ah says that she already had plans for the evening. She pouts and cajoles and pushes until Song-Ah gives in and comes home for dinner. She clearly isn't pleased but how Song Ah feels doesnt matter to mom. Mom cheerfully keeps reading from the script that she has for how she wants this evening to go and when Song-Ah gets up to leave, determined not to play this game with her thats when mom announces, "Im dying. I have Cancer and Im dying."
Except. Thats not true, strictly speaking. Song-Ah calls the doctor and the doctor says that theres a VERY SMALL chance that its cancer and that they have to do surgery to find out. Mom pouts on the couch that she doesn't want to. But now she has exactly what she wanted: all of Song-Ahs attention focused on her.
Oh! And it all ties into Lee Jae Shin and his relationship with his...


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YES. you are saying everything I have thought about this emotionally abusive, toxic character. You have mom nailed.


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I like Song-ah and HS together. He is exactly what SA needs.
I am not sure about SA’s mother, she came across as immature, possessive and clingy. Was she always like this or her husband’s infidelity and subsequent death pushed her into deep denial?
I still cannot find sympathy for her. She put enormous emotional burden on her daughter, forced her became her to become adult one in their relationship. I am hoping they can improve their relationship and get closure for their past which Jae-shin never got from his dad.
I still think Song-ah and Jae-shin are better written character than Hyun-seung. Hyun-seung comes as too perfect, he has everything together. He is the white knight. Compared to him Jae-Shin is very flawed. He is opportunistic, manipulative but he is quite interesting to watch.


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I found myself thinking that this ep, as well. They are making our puppy a little TOO perfect. They went in strong and hard with the over-protectiveness in the first eps and now its like they are pulling away from giving him any further flaws. But...flaws are interesting.
Im hoping that since the only thing keeping Lee Jae Shin in line was his fear of his father (it certainly isnt love for Jae Woo, Hyo-Joo, Song-Ah or himself) he's going to go off the rails in the next weeks and our puppy will be interesting.
I thought he was more interesting last week with his ex briefly back in the picture. Boy can freeze someone out but good.


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Thank heavens he CAN freeze her out. We don't want our nice boy to be a complete doormat.


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I really like the character of Hyun-seung in part because he is not really perfect. What I love is how carefully the writer has shown us that his very strengths - his capacity for love and the fierce protectiveness that comes with it- is also his flaw, as was so well demonstrated in his ruthless actions in episode 2. He was not going to be stopped from getting that most effective- and brutal- reveal of Jae-shin's two timing.

When he feels it necessary that man will act with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. This is not an unmitigated good. It can be a serious character flaw with real consequences, even tragic ones.


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This reading of him--plus how carefully it seems the writers have been crafting this drama--have me anxious for the next eps. With his father out of the way Jae Woo is going to be a total wild card. He's already slipping a little: letting Song-Ah stay to comfort him after kicking Hyo-Joo out and then full out yelling at Hyo-Joo. She's already warned him about the way he treats her. This week Jae Woo warned him: the only thing he's asking before Jae Shin joins the family is dont let Hyo-Joo feel lonely.


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You are so right about Hyun-Seung's strength also being his flaw. The protectiveness part at least. As we were shown in ep. 1 when he was staring down Jae Shin at the elevator and in their meeting. I was literally screaming at my screen telling him to calm down. I was so scared for him because his actions could very well land him in trouble! Jae Shin doesn't know where his animosity is coming from and those actions could be perceived as "disrespect". Being the boss, Jae Shin can surely inflict him some terrible consequences (we already saw that with his reassignment). Subtlety of a sledgehammer indeed!


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Can I get I duplicate of Hyun Seung for me? People hate him TOO much in the beginning but maybe it's his protectiveness to Song Ah mixed with his jealously and anger toward Jae Shin. After SA breakup with JS, he's actually caring, lovable, mature enough but still fun to be with, and didn't rush SA to love him back. SA confession to him maybe looked awkward, but I think she hold her feeling and in denial phase before so when HS (for uncountable times) gave his comfort to her, she abruptly confessed.

About HS 2nd sister, I feel bad for her, idk my interpretation is right or not, but when the flashback showed the first time she and his husband met, she said his husband is always look and listen to her, but didn't he just want to drink his tea? Something feels off with him.

The KLAR team! Uh I like them all, SA and HS try to hide their dating relationship but ofc the others know it all (beside the guy) :))) esp when HS cannot hide his happiness and love for SA. Too bad the new BM will ruin this team, hopefully it can be solved soon before the ending


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That new BM is so sleazy and gross! I really hope he doesnt come in and ruin things.


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But you know he will. Like Jessica Rabbit, he was drawn that way.


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I think he will, even though Jae Won not aware of this, maybe Jae Shin will help? *or maybe he busy to resolve his own problems*


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I don't think the BM will ruin something. I think he entered in order to have something happen. Just like HS's ex entered, made him reflect on his one-sided love, caused him to pull away from SA only so she could finally admit to him that she didn't want him to pull away. After fulfilling her purpose, the ex disappeared.

I think the same will happen for the BM. I think he is there to help the story along. He will probably be a flat character. But until I see what he does, he is an unnecessary character for me and I feel more attention should have been given to the other threads.


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I really liked how the ex's plot was way more interesting than other dramas.


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We absolutely love this show and this week we saw a lot happen. Seeing Song-ah accepting Hyun-seung’s heart was the absolute highlight but there was a lot more.

Lee Jae woon is making real progress in his pursuit of Ji-eung. Seeing her niece give him a ‘Pass” was really cute- but also significant. Ha-eun is very bright- and very perceptive and above all just as protective of those she loves as her handsome uncle. She is already formidable as a very young lady- imagine what she will be like when she grows up.

I too loved how Hyun-seung bowed out of the hostess bar. He does not need such nonsense and he knows it. He is not just honest with others but, most importantly he is honest with himself, which is in direct contrast with Song-ah’s mom. But maybe mom is finally coming to grips with things.

Which leads me to the tragic timing of the death of Jae-shin’s father. I actually wish Jae-shin was more calculating than he is. If he had been he would have ended his relationship with Song-ah as soon as he knew that Hyo-joo wanted o marry him. Song-ah gave him the momentary appearance of a temporary safe harbor from his problems, but Hyo-joo offered him a real safe harbor that is permanent and an abundant life on top of that. But then his father went and got himself killed: Now Jae-shin may be tempted to try to leave Hyo-joo and pursue Song-ah instead. You would think that someone who has been struggling to just survive for years would be truly calculating and banish such thoughts immediately- but we have six episodes left, leaving plenty of time for him to screw things up for everyone. Let us hope that he can pull himself out of that trap and accept his good fortune even as the greatest curse of his life has already been lifted from him.


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I am thinking that perhaps Jae-Shin is not calculating because he is not driven by greed or the longing for a luxurious life. He is driven by something else. Perhaps a need for acceptance, or a need to atone for his father's sins, or a need to pay off debt made a long time ago, or a need for a father figure [in the form of the chairman] or something else [just brainstorming]. Being rich and powerful just for itself is most likely not on his agenda and perhaps that is why Hyo-Joo was attracted to him and thought he was a good man [although she does gush at his potential]. I think the key to this guy lies in his history, his complicated relationship with his father, being left by his mother. He is a complicated character to crack.

I am really crossing my fingers and hoping he will not ruin things for everyone and that he and Hyo-Joo have a happy ending.


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I agree that the one thing not driving Jae-shin is greed- and that may indeed become his saving grace. You are right that most likely acceptance is what he is looking for. It was what he received from Song-ah and indeed Hyo-joo can provide him with that as well, if he can give her the attention that she needs.


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I really liked the progress HyunSeung and SongAh's relationship had this week. Her confession to him was perfect. Some may think it is abrupt but no it wasn't given how SongAh is it would have taken long time for her to confess her feelings to him. Taken an alternative approach where HyunSeung hugged her if he hadn't at that time and would have simply just gone with her for icecream that confession was never going to come soon. But that hug erased all the second thoughts she had about all her feelings about HyunSeung she knew at that time that he was all she needs in her life given how all the people she loved in her life were dependent on her be it her mother or her ex boyfriend where their love for SongAh was selfish while HyunSeung's is selfless and pure. Also that confession rather than to HyunSeung it was i think more to herself. What she thought as an unreasonable love for him that hug made her realise that was actually very much reasonable also her friend Ga Young must be appreciated her for telling her to trust her instincts and get a homerun and she did exactly that without wasting any time.
About their camping date it was supposed to be more about comforting her and connecting in emotional level rather than being swoony and romantic which we often always see many other dramas. I love how the PD is emphasizing more on the emotional aspect of realtionship rather than any physical intimate scenes. The way they communicate what they feel is really spot on and i feel thats how every healthy romantic relationship should start with. The same goes with the kiss scene. I would have preferred a kiss on her foreheard or a simple peck on her lips too because the kiss wasnt supposed to be passionate it was a kiss of reassurance by him to her that no matter what he is with her.


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This drama is really interesting, there isn't big event or action but the story continues to go forward and there are still a lot of questions for the futur episodes.

Song-A : her relationship with her mother explains a lot of things about her dating. She dated Jae-Shin because she didn't want to become like her mother, she didn't want to put her whole self in a relationship, she focused on her job and Jae-Shin was the same as her. But if Jae-Shin could share a pain, he couldn't take her out of it. I guess because their relationship was secret, when they were together, they focused on the happy dating part. Hyun-Seung's ex understood that too late and it's why she came back to Hyun-Seung. His love offered more she thought. It's why it was really nice to see Song-A embrassing this new love and still being honest with herself and Hyun-Seung. The fact he was the one she went to when she was feeling down means a lot. She can feel vulnerable with him when she always was strong with her mom or in her job.

Hyun-Seung : he's really a normal person. It was nice to see him in his job, stressing for the contest, seeing the bad side of the compagny or pass time his niece and friends. The scene with the niece was the cutest! Between their position their feet leaning against each other, their discussion and both of them acting cute. It was nice to see his friend who looked interesting in him acting as a good friend by telling him she knows and she's supportive. I guess his default is he can't hide his feelings and happpiness. He's just shining from happiness making his coworkers working hard to hide his relationship :D

Shin-Jae : He always used his father as an excuse for his life choices. Now his father is not there anymore, he will have to assume his own choices and it will be interesting to see. I was disapointed when Hyo-Joo and Jae-Woon left him alone at his father's mourning. He never had a real family, he doesn't know what is and his fist reflex always to reject people before they will. They should have stayed with him and showed him that they are his family now.

Chae Ji-Seung : the scene with her niece and Jae-Woon was pretty funny. I wonder if Chairman Lee will approve her and overall if she will be able to continue to work if there is a wedding. I still need to see Jae-Woon and Hyun-Seung's reaction about this relationship :p

Chae Yeon-Seung : I really like her. I liked when she told why she fell in love with her husband. It's nice to see her happy to have something to do beside raising her daughter. But her husband is a mystery. He doesn't talk so much, he's just nice... Nobody seems to know what he's thinking.

I really liked the hug and kiss scenes. The kiss was really sweet but full of love. I think he suited very well their relationship and when they are in relation to each other's feelings.


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