A Good Day to Be a Dog: Episodes 1-2

Problematic in many ways, but light-hearted and silly enough to be totally enjoyable, A Good Day to Be a Dog is here! So don your suspension of disbelief helmet, and get ready for transmogrification, tons of wacky characters, and some unabashed hilarity.


The premiere week of A Good Day to Be a Dog gives us just what we needed: an introduction to our wacky fantasy setup, and a story world that’s over-saturated in every sense of the word. But what it’s primarily over-saturated with is color, which makes for a vibrant setting. This was actually a clever decision, because it gives the entire drama this twinge of offbeatness, and makes the craziness of the story always feel like a madcap fairytale instead of a drama that we have to take too seriously. And that theme of “not taking too seriously” is essential if you’re going to hop on and enjoy this particular ride.

We’re thrown right into the mix with our heroine HAN HAE-NA (Park Kyu-young, who is totally in her element). She hasn’t had much success with her dating because when it’s time for that first kiss, she ducks and runs. Like, literally runs.

A Good Day to Be a Dog: Episodes 1-2

It’s not that she doesn’t want to kiss — it’s just the pesky family curse that means once anyone in her family does kiss, they turn into a dog straight away. The nightly transmogrification continues unless the same kiss-planter will kiss them in their dog form, and we see the curse play out via hilarious flashback, when Hae-na’s uncle transforms into a golden retriever.

We see the curse play out again with her unni HAN YOO-NA (Ryu Abel). Their childhood friend once gave her a peck on the lips, she turned into a dog, and then he quickly – on command — kissed her back to her human form, thus breaking the curse. Now, one wonders why they couldn’t just repeat this process for Hae-na and have her pesky curse dealt with in the space of five minutes as well, but I suppose there’d be no story if it were that easy. Still, am I the only one who wondered about this for the entire two episodes? Or is there just a stipulation on the curse that I’m missing.

A Good Day to Be a Dog: Episodes 1-2

In the present, our kiss-less Hae-na is a teacher at Garam High School, and she’s swooning over history teacher LEE BO-GYEOM (Lee Hyun-woo) right alongside her smitten students. And Bo-gyeom seems pretty perfect: affable, handsome, and a dog-lover. Once Hae-na sees how much he loves dogs (and is apt to smooch them), her mind is made up, and her crush becomes iron-clad.

While we’re at the high school learning about Hae-na’s work life, and her crush, the drama does a great job of pulling us into the setting, with a really good handle on secondary characters, the supporting cast of the students and the vibe they bring, and the physical setting. Most importantly, though, we meet the other heartthrob teacher of the school, and that’s the math-and-face-genius JIN SEO-WON (Cha Eun-woo). The man is cold as ice, but as beautiful as an ice castle, and very easy for everyone (students and teachers alike) to crush on.

A Good Day to Be a Dog: Episodes 1-2

But there’s one person who’s not crushing on him, and that’s our Hae-na. She doesn’t get along with Seo-won at all, and without understanding it, she’s been responding to his avoidance of her by matching his avoidance level. I mean, makes sense. The setup is strong, too, so that when we finally meet all these young teachers gathering for an after-work dinner, the character dynamics are all neatly in place.

Propelled into a soju-haze of misery by the news that her first love is getting married, Hae-na decides this sh!t isn’t going to last another day. Kissable Bo-gyeom steps away from the table, as does Seo-won, and out back in the dimly-lit alley, Hae-na makes her move and kisses Bo-gyeom. Except it’s not Bo-gyeom. ‘Tis Seo-won, in Bo-gyeom’s coat. And kids, this is why soju and kissing don’t mix.

Hae-na’s horror-filled reaction is priceless. Before anyone can fully process what’s just happened, she gives Seo-won a repentant 90-degree bow and runs for the hills. This scene had me rolling! From Bo-gyeom’s bemused “I guess she has a curfew” to Hae-na’s desperate runs set to circus music and the use of shadows to handle her transformation — everything about this scene lands the drama’s tone perfectly.

Hae-na makes it home in her new and adorable scruffy terrier form, and her sister realizes what’s up. She makes sure dog Hae-na is dressed (otherwise she’ll wake up naked — an important fact we need to know), and then helps her attack the problem at hand the next morning.

Unfortunately, the only option the two sisters see for getting Hae-na’s curse broken is to get Seo-won drunk to the point of passing out. This way, they reason, when the clock strikes midnight and she turns into a dog again, he won’t have a problem kissing her. Okay, logic terribly flawed in multiple ways here, but again, this is where we have to take the story in its madcap fairytale logic, and proceed.

What ensues next is Hae-na’s desperate advances on Seo-won to meet him for alcohol, which, again, are a bit much, if not for the story taking such a light and comedic approach. The drama is forgiving of our heroine, and so is Seo-won (and by extension, we can be too). He not only graciously lets the accidental kiss slide, but he is willing to help set her up with Bo-gyeom, and after a bit of friction the two actually come to an understanding.

Now, something the drama does quite well is setting up a lot of layers for the benefit of our future hijinks. For one, after Hae-na’s first encounter with Seo-won in her dog form has him stumbling in sheer terror, she, her sister, and their vet pal quickly realize he has a dog trauma. This, by extension, clears up the misunderstanding around why Seo-won has long avoided Hae-na (namely, because dogs gravitate to her, hah).

Another layer neatly set up is that Seo-won is helping Hae-na get together with Bo-gyeom, when in reality it’s Seo-won himself she needs a kiss from. Additionally, there’s a little lurking je ne sais quoi in how Seo-won truly feels about Hae-na. His behavior originally looked like dislike, but now with a bit of insight we see there is more beneath the surface…

But that’s not enough chaos for two episodes, and there’s a budding storyline with our high school students too. Hae-na acted as guardian for the good-hearted student CHOI YUL (Yoon Hyun-soo from Seasons of Blossom, yay!) and met him at the police station after a fight with some bullies that tormented her earlier in the day. Unfortunately for Hae-na this event takes place right before midnight. Rather than make sure her student gets home safely, she frantically runs away, hoping to transform secretly. That, of course, is impossible, and Yul sees it happen irl. Then, like the sweetie pie he is, he collects her clothes, purse, and phone, and takes her home in her dog form.

Now, why is this a problem? Because Choi Yul lives with his guardian… none other than Mr. Perfect Jin Seo-won. You know, the guy that broods in his shower reliving his past traumas, who quickly solves escape room critical reasoning puzzles, and who also secretly delivers your favorite dessert to your desk at work. That guy.

A Good Day to Be a Dog: Episodes 1-2

The ending of Episode 2 sees Hae-na waking up the next morning back to her human form, quickly dressing, and trying to escape this high school boy’s bedroom without him waking up. So when Seo-won opens the door, it looks just as bad as it sounds. And this, friends, is the Kilimanjaro of hijinks that this drama is ready to summit.

In any other drama I might think it was a bit too much overall, but A Good Day to Be a Dog saves itself by being unabashedly ridiculous. I laughed so much, from the one-liners to the CGI dog moments to the overall treatment of the plot. But hands down, the best scene for me was when Yul was taking dog Hae-na home in a taxi, and she sits there all ladylike, opens the window with her paw, and gazes out moodily. The taxi driver comments what a well-behaved dog she is, and I just about died laughing with the pseudo-gravity of this scene. More crazy next week, please!


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Have been reluctant to watch but I will read the recap and give it a shot.


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Park Kyu-young is such a versatile actress! She's perfect for this role. I will watch it for her.

For the story itself, yeah, I wondered why they didn't break the curse with someone in the know when she was young.

They both shared a sad past story. So I guess, it's connected.

Mr. Perfect Jin Seo-won didn't stop the kiss, so clearly, he's not indifferent. But I wonder how he will react to see a teach waking up in a student's room, student he shared a relationship with...


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the way I got it, the transformation cycle would still be set in motion every time. I thought you couldn't break the curse for good, just for this particular cycle?


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Yes, it's this. When you go through the curse cycle, it's just with that particular person. So the next time you kiss someone new, it starts over again. But once broken, you're good to kiss that person as much as you (and they) want without the transformation being triggered again!


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This was my understanding as well


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No way SW is NOT crushing on HN, all signs are there. Actually I'd even bet that it's a part of their big misunderstanding - he's shy thus acts too guarded/jumpy around her and she took it wrongly...


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Absolutely, that was my first thought. He is avoiding, because he is crushing on her, but she has feelings for SML.


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What a terribly uncomfortable situation to be in, honestly, I feel for the guy.


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A few random thoughts that I had after the first two episodes:

Cha Eun-woo doesn't convince me as a teacher. He looks like a student at most.

The little dog is really incredibly cute. My cat sat in front of the TV completely fascinated as soon as the dog appeared.

I found it disturbing that the uncle has to live and die as a dog.

The first two episodes were very enjoyable. I am curious to see how big Cha Eun-woo's repertoire of facial expressions will be. So far I have seen two.


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@Nefret: I hear you about the uncle’s predicament but given the state of the world and our planet, living and dying as a dog doesn’t sound half bad to me.


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Being a human in the body of a dog, it's not really the same....

But I wonder at what point you tell yourself that it's more important to keep the secret of the curse rather than saving a member of your family?


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I honestly don't think the problem is Cha Eunwoo, I think the ones who look similar to him are the students and that was a casting flaw since they are people who are 24-23 years old, they should have been more careful there and got younger actors (since there are). Eunwoo is 26 and he's portraying a young 28 year old teacher so he's fine


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Yeah the actor playing his nephew is also only 2 years younger than CEW and has a mature vibe. I think he can pull off the teacher look as long as the drama doesn't try too hard to give him that "look how cool and gorgeous CEW is!" glow that makes him seem like an idol in a music video. The scene of him in the glasses makes him look like he's cosplaying.


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Your cat has good taste.

I hope you watch all episodes with your cat and keep us updated about her reactions.


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I second this! Cat reaction please.


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The two hours were largely fun and I the leads were likedable. PKY is such a good actor that she must lift her co-stars games. CEW did well too as I found him calming despite the fact that his character has its own grief and trauma to deal with. The fact that CEW isn’t normally a passionate and resonant presence on screen really helped with this role.
A qn: Where is Haena’s mum? Is she alive?

When she turned into a dog for the second time, I kept thinking what about her underwear and bra? Her student picking them up too? Yes, I’ve a low threshold of embarrassment. Furthermore, when she was lying on her student’s bed as a doggie, I also kept thinking, “Get under the covers!” That must have happened off screen at some point.

Bring on the remaining eps! (however, it will be painful to have only one ep a week until January 2024!).


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The schedule: ugh, yes. I can't believe how slowly all my dramas are coming out lately.

Her clothes: I know! I think I have a low threshold for embarrassment too. I wasn't sure how they were going to handle the clothes situation, but this makes the logistics even more difficult than they would be otherwise.

My understanding with the mom is that the two sisters (and maybe their childhood friend-turned-vet) just moved to Seoul together at some point. So mom is elsewhere, but no indication that she is anything but alive and well.


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Me too. I was thinking why don’t the clothes just stay on and be too large? Why do they have to fall off?


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Wasn't the mom there to pick up the uncle from the vet after he got the xray confirming he has cancer?


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Ah! I was multitasking for a bit so I missed it. Thanks!


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Omg, I was too thinking of her underwear when his was showing her the bag with the clothes.


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Whether you have him drunk or not, just grab on to him at 11:59 pm, plant one on him, and hold on tight. She might take dog form for a millisecond or two, but then the curse will be over and she'll be back in human form before he notices.

Now that the Butt Show is over, can I call this the B!tch Show?


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Oof. That is rough. Maybe don’t.


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I believe it's that she has to kiss him as a dog and given his fear of dogs it's unlikely to happen easily. Also to get him to agree she would have to explain her dog turning curse to someone who has been pretty cold/mean to her (true feelings well hidden).


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I just call this the doggy drama, but I guess… that’s also an option?


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I've been holding off on watching this because it's uncomfortably close to the long misogynistic tradition of comparing women to dogs and especially of using that ugly epithet, and waiting to see if the show can avoid sexist jokes about b!tches. We get enough of that from drama (and life) already; we don't need it in the comments here, too.


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@elinor: Thank you elinor. I completely agree and appreciate your comment.
I will drop this drama the second I feel it is going down that road. Naively, I am hoping it would just confine its implied and stated canine references to little cute dogs.


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My comment was being sarcastic bc I don't think OP was being appropriate for the reasons you mention. As for the drama itself, the original story, which was written by a female author, never once makes that kinda "joke" or indulges in humour that's at the expense of marginalized groups. And it's the MC's entire family which suffers from the curse, regardless of the gender. I hope that's reflected in the drama as well, but kdramas don't have the best track record in these matters so we'll see...


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Thanks - that was a nesting fail on my part, as I meant to reply to the OP. If I watch this, I'm going to mostly stay out of the recap threads to avoid spoilers, but I'm relieved to hear that at least the source material doesn't have that issue.


@Dylan: Thank you for the reassurance re the Webtoon’s plot . I hope the drama stays true to the source material but as you said, there is no guarantee that it won’t become sexist or at worst misogynistic.


This is the first time I'm watching a show based on a webtoon where I've already read the webtoon. Overall I thought it was a pretty cute and heartwarming story, and I don't think the b**ch word came up at all. While the webtoon did include a couple of the issues often featured in k-dramas (school bullying, a few nosy and judgmental people, and a pesky curse - all of which came up to some extent in the first two episodes), I don't remember misogyny being at all prominent in the webtoon.


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Personally I think that sexist jokes and comparing women to dogs and even that b**c word is in English language for example it isn't in my language
In my language sexist jokes referring to women as maids or fruits
I think in Korean language the sexist jokes comparing women to flowers, I remember some celebs getting in scandals for using flower emojis for ther female colleagues


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The drama is really cute because of the real dog, CGI and the actors (though in some scenes Park Kyu Young looks tired, maybe from busy shooting schedule). Despite the reincarnation/curse nonsense, the story does not have high stakes as it is devoid of crime and should be a breezy and pleasant watch.

If I were a kid, I would totally enjoy this, but as a grown adult I do not see the purpose of it being made into a drama. This would totally work as a cool short movie/cartoon for parents to enjoy with kids. Thanks for the recap @missvictrix


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Well, the webtoon (yes, I will not cease talking about it) was a really fluffy and cute read, perfect for people, adults or otherwise, to unwind after a rough day at work or just to pick-me-up. I think the drama’s just very anime-turned-into-LA coded. (Tho based on the comments of each chapter of the webtoon, yeah, the core demographic might be very young)


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This drama is so much fun..I loved it to T. I was bored with same stupid bullying, action, thriller or dark cr@p. I really needed my good dose of a romcom & this drama was breath of fresh air. I loved the dog, Cha Eunwoo as Seowon & Gyuyoung as Haena. Seowon getting bullied was so sad & I even was sad to know about dog uncle. I can't wait for the next episode.


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100% character and webtoon adaptation synchro so far, and with the webtoon being so popular and much loved, this feel good romcom is poised to be a big hit and a classic. Manjitnam Cha Eunwoo is excellent with this Jin Seowon tsundere role, as expected, with his eye-acting always on point. His chemistry with Park Gyuyoung is also something to speak about. I certainly loved the 2 episodes, and am looking forward to the next ones!


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This was fun, that still of BoGyeom casually watching them makeout is hilarious, sir turn away. Lol


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It’s cute. PKY is in a tie with the dog over who is the cutest. Woof. Woof.

Do I need to think any more about this? Nope. Just more pls.


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Looks like A Good Day is pulling in a few new/dormant/less active Beanies. Good. Good. Must be PKY. Or maybe the dog? 😉


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I wondered if it was folks who read the webtoon? Either way, it's exciting!


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Ooh. Not the answer I was thinking of. But may be, may be...


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Love the first 2 episodes of this drama which showed some historical, sad, traumatic and fun scenes at a good pace. Gyuyoung and Cha Eunwoo were great as Haena and Seowon and of course the dog was so cute! It was sad that the curse was passed down for many generations in Haena's family & what Seowon had to endure at school that still traumatizes him.


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The only thing I did not like about the show so far was the forced trope that somehow in their past lives, the main leads are connected so in the present there is an element of fate. It is totally unnecessary for the premise and plot of the show.


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Yeah, I didn’t like what they showed of the past lives so far. I don’t want to spoil the webtoon, but the backstory there was very pedestrian, a bit more down to earth. Here it seems they pulled a My Dearest and have him save her during the Imjin War or something?


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Agreed. I was guessing that they will use this as a way to get rid of the curse for good and stop the uncle staying as a dog forever. i.e. similar to destined with you, a past-lives thing where they have the power to end the curse for good as they are reincarnated versions of the people who started the curse off. But I haven't read the webtoon. In any case it would be strange to make the uncle stay as a dog forever and the fact he is at death's door suggests they are trying to add some tension to that so they can ultimately resolve it.


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Sorry, did I read escape room puzzles in the recap?

*feverishly makes note to watch this drama*


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Thank you for the recap. Your prose really set the tone enough to entice even a dog traumatized person to give the drama a try.


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@seeker: Oh, am sorry to hear that.


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Emma, you read between the lines!
No worries ... all's good.


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I did, didn’t I? Sorry about that too!


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It just makes you an exceptionally sensitive person. ❤

Please don't be sorry, I love you enough to scroll through the pages to find your comment and reply!


I loved the first 2 episodes! I always gauge my interest in a show that if i don't feel like pausing it for a minute or two, to take a break or something, then the show must be really good lol! Kidding aside, this kdrama has all the right elements of a real enjoyable and sustainable series. There's romance, fantasy, historical connection, plus harsh reality of traumatic past on the part of ML all of which would certainly keep the viewers glued to their screens. Most of all, the humor is really what would get people to tune in every Wednesday night for the guaranteed fun episode every week. The amazing acting of the 3 leads, Park Gyu Young, Cha Eunwoo and Lee Hyun Woo are worth mentioning as well. They totally fit their roles imo. Eunwoo is a young professor who's a math genius and seems younger than the other guy as he calls him hyung so i don't see why others would say he doesn't fit the role. PGY was hilarious and so is his sister and their male friend. LHW's character is pretty wholesome on the surface but seemed to be hiding something. Finally, the dog is so cute! I honestly felt sad the 1st time PGY turned into a dog and it was rushing to get home (sigh). The way the director sets the tone with the music played during pivotal scenes (joseon era, dog going home, etc.) i thought it was perfect. All in all, this show didn't dissapoint at all. I love it and i'm so looking forward to what's coming up next with this show👍


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I loved it when Seo-won was solving the math problem in the escape room and everyone else was like, "That's not it, come and help us over here!" He was just so focused on it hahaha!


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I had to really convince myself to watch ep 1. I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. I may even watch ep 2.


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LOL. We just got done with DWY. The bar is really low. Or maybe our tolerance levels are. Hmm...


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Hahaha true! I might just go and rewatch the scenes where Roowon acts like a puppy.


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Ooh, right. Mr Puppy himself. Or was it a Great Dane we settled on @ceciliedk ?


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To me, he is like a St Bernard with a little brandy cask strapped to him.
Btw, a painter created the brandy-carrying part about St. Bernards as they actually were never used in the Alps. Apparently very dangerous to give alcohol to stranded hikers on a snowy mountain.


Poor Seowon... Cha Eunwoo simply amazing, his acting really is so good here. I can't wait for more


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In a spate of actresses in series acting extremely cute, Park Gyu-Young pours it on in a delightful way. The fantasy premise is simple and the “rules” are crystal clear. It sets up for straight forward rom-com. This is a show where you can put your brain in neutral and enjoy the ride. The second episode puts her secret "in play" through Jin’s nephew and a scandalous reveal. I don't think the chemistry is fully aligned in this teacher love triangle, but clearly Hae-na is the center of attention. However, the star of the show may be the puppy (even with some marginal CGI moments).


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I really loved that Hae-na came out at the end of ep 1 and taught you the "rules" of the curse! I thought it was a cute way of making sure everyone was on the same page.


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I loved it so much! It's everything that I hoped it would be. I was especially thrilled to see the webcomic characters in the opening! It was comforting. I wish I had more than one ep per week.

I'm not sure if I'm sold yet on Cha Eun-woo, but I'll continue to give him a chance.

Also, see my fanwall for thoughts on it as an adaptation of the webcomic, and changes that the drama made to the story and characters.


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I like Cha Eun-woo for this, but I understand your hesitancy. Still, Seo-won is supposed to be pretty reserved, which tends not to be a hugely heavy lift. I've enjoyed CEW in other things I've seen him in, so I'm fully expecting him to be able to pull this off too.


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Yeah, I think I'm almost sold on him, but I'm holding off my full judgment until I see him portray all the different aspects of Seo-won. Like you said, he's very reserved so there isn't much to do (aside from him showing fear around dogs, which he did a decent job of I thought). I DO think that my perception of him is probably prejudiced by knowing that, historically, his acting has been criticized. I was thinking earlier, if I had no preconceptions of him would I be paying as close attention to his acting?


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I read the webtoon a few months ago at the recommendation of @ so I’ve been really excited for this drama. At first I thought the story sounded too ridiculous to make sense, but as happens so often in the webtoon/kdrama space, I ended up loving it anyway! And I promise this is the last time I’ll mention the comic in these comments ;)

I don’t really buy that she could have solved her curse problem easily, just like her sister did when they were kids. Even if you explained the situation to Seo-won, would he believe it and actually kiss a dog, which he’s terrified of? I doubt it. And avoiding detection would also be a top priority, since you don’t want everyone you know (and work with) to find out and presumably think you’re a freak/torment you/lock you up in a lab/put it all over social media/etc. I imagine hiding it was much easier in the Joseon past than in the CCTV present, so I can understand her panic.
I’ve never seen Park Kyu-young as a lead, but I think she’s really nailing this! Her pushiness can be really grating, but on the other hand, I get her urgency and desperation, so I’m more forgiving than I might be otherwise. And I find all of our characters so likable, and I like them together so much, that it makes the whole thing better.

Sometimes kdrama characters find themselves in awkward or compromising situations and I think, “Ok, this doesn’t look good, but there are a number of reasonable explanations for this that a normal human could understand.” The character inevitably chooses none of these, and attempts to explain in the most awkward way possible, because kdrama. In this whole caught-quickly-dressing-in-your-student’s-bedroom situation though, I don’t think there is a reasonable explanation. I’m just waiting for someone to cry out, wake Yul up, and for him to make the whole thing so much worse hahaha!


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Even Yul, who literally saw her transform, had trouble believing it!


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Ah! Sorry, first line should read "at the recommendation of @vienibenmio "! Sorry! My placeholder really failed me.


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first of all i want to say thank you to the casting team. To actors cha eunwoo, park gyuyoung and all thank you for bringing the characters to life well. doggie is so cute damn.
the episode is so cute, the color looks good and talented actor cha eunwoo is doing so well as the silent and distant hero who's already in love with a goofy girl park gyuyoung talented actress.
loving this show so much.


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This might be the drama to balance out MY DEAREST. The three leads and the dog are adorable! MBC found a way to connect the 2 shows, the 1592 Imjin War, Gwanghae, Qing, and so on.
I laughed so hard at myself for pausing to try and figure out how Seo-won cracked the code for the escape room. When I see history stuff, I get excited.😍
King (Sejong's portrait) + dragon + reverse. Twenty minutes later, I felt defeated, and to make it worse, he explained the whole thing a couple of minutes later. 😀😆 I expected the history teacher to solve it since this wasn't a math problem, but whatever.


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I am pretty convinced that Cha Eun-woo just took this role because he loves math, and that scene just provided more evidence for that


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Randomly decided to give it a go last night and perhaps my sleep deprivation was the reason I mostly enjoyed it but - gasp! - don't think I like FL much yet. Sure, PKY is doing great job and both HN's forms - human and dog - are very cure, but girl's personality, hmm... There's something highly aggravating about her despite so many things that I would've probably find relatable on paper. Is it her hardcore crush on history teacher that I can't quite understand? Fine, he's handsome, sweet and likes dogs, but is that all to it? Or her tendency to assume things, get even more riled up over those assumptions and interrupt other people's speeches? Or maybe aggressively (often literally - her poor ex got that cake in the face for what? and was likely dumped with zero explanation afterwards... I can't even hold against him moving on with her friend of all people) excessive aegyo? Really, when a character keeps repeating in her head how cute she is ALL THE TIME, it gets old fast. Author adores her FL to a ridiculous degree, we get it, thankyouverymuch.

On the contrary, stoic tsundere ML was nowhere near as bad as I expected him to be. Super obvious misunderstanding between him and FL aside, there is nothing about him to label the guy as a caricature cold jerk so far. He's your typical awkward introvert that speaks and relaxes way too little to provide a comfortable company for the most people, but he actually tries tho? He's a supportive colleague, seems to be a decent teacher, friend and person, plus apparently busy rising the kid that's not his own... Also it's quite clear that he likes FL - maybe he didn't fully realize that before she hit him in the face with that drunken confession-and-kiss combo, but now he surely does. Hence him reciprocating the kiss (see those hands? they don't lie), being all uncomfortable and even grumpy over the fact that she aimed at another guy, accepting drinking date invitation (and being all nervous there) instead of telling her off for not taking MANY "no" as an answer, visibly struggling with matchmaking task... I think I've even caught him literally melting over her aegyo attack at some point. Boy may not like puppies as a whole, but puppy eyes from a pretty girl undo him fast lol.

Sister and vet bestie are cute, hope it works out for them. But damn, poor uncle! Talk about first love going wrong... Clingy teacher girl sucks. History teacher IS playing the matchmaker here, right? Or just trolling everyone for evulz. Plot likely gonna drag for ages, esp with that disaster of an airing schedule, so hope it'll keeps being sweet enough to ignore that. And pls, no love triangle with teen nephew! Ep2's ending scene was already "ouch" enough.


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Webtoon Haena was so sweet, understanding and pacific, she was almost a Mary Sue lol. She didn’t think of him as rude or a jerk, she was genuinely sad that something she might have did had offended him. Here, they made her character a bit more human and caustic, which make it more realistic but perhaps a lil bit more unlikable.

And as a bit of awkward person for whom social interaction isn’t the easiest but still tries, I also don’t find the ML as much of a prick she seems to?


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Oh, so that's adaptation characterization problem, it seems. Thanks for explaining. Here she DID thought that she offended him, apologized right away (plus her sis literally labelled that kiss harassment, which it could've easily been under slightly different circumstances) and HN even sorta agreed with that... only to proceed harassing him WAY more to get what she wants. I can understand her desperation, but he knows nothing of it, so from his POV it must look totally awful. "What did I do to deserve this?" must be the question that lives 24/7 in his mind these days.

I'd say that misunderstanding alone is realistic - she accidentally overheard some out of context convo and he's not the best when it comes to wording overall, so combined with his weird behavior around her it makes sense she thought he actively dislikes her. What does NOT make much sense, however, is her increasing anger at him post-kiss and everything that followed, since he's been nothing but a polite pushover during their interactions. Like there was one scene when he tried to get angry at her too because she was way over the line again... and crumbled midway since he's too far gone for that lol. It looks like she subconsciously blames him for the whole situation and that's the main reason of her outbursts, but this is just unfair, he has zero blame in her impulsive decision to risk it all and kiss someone when she was too drunk to see who exactly she makes move at. Hope she gets over this phase soon.


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I look forward to seeing a lot more of the baker guy from MLL! Also, I could watch the dog all day.
Park gyu young has such good comic sense. Reminds me a little of Kim Se Jeong.
Episode 2 cliffhanger was pretty good. I can’t even imagine being caught in my students room getting dressed while he slept. But from the trailer it looks like that is easily explained away.


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Justice for our unappreciated king, the baker from MLL. May he finally find love at least in this drama (and hopefully less shaming of his looks)


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As cute as expected, but only one episode per week from now on? That might not be enough to balance out all the tragic love stories coming down the drama pipe.

I thought Cha Eun-Woo did well in “Rookie Historian” portraying an introverted ML nursing a secret crush/fascination with the FL, so I think he can pull this role off. The drama isn’t wasting any time upping the stakes with that second-episode cliffhanger. The setup reminds me a bit of “30 But 17” with nephew and uncle entangled with FL in different ways. If this show can similarly avoid introducing any murders and steer clear of gratuitous sexual violence (ahem, DWY), that’ll be a win in my book. As for plot holes? I’m willing to drive over them in search of a HE that feels properly earned.


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"And kids, this is why soju and kissing don’t mix"had me cracking up 🤣🤣🤣🤣, and I don't like the way they are using the past life troupe that has been common in drama land this year 😕,in my own view it seems unnecessary or is it only me?


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In my opinion, the drama and the webtoon have completely different energies. The webtoon was slower paced, chill, almost slice of life, and I’d say leaned harder on the rom part of romcom. The drama is almost frenetic in comparison, with lots of OTT comedy, and a bit too much in many regards - the lighting, the humour, the pacing, the characterization, etc. I enjoyed myself but I wasn’t instantly sold as with the webtoon, which has to be one the best stories I’ve come across.

That being said, I’ll stick around. Hopefully, the drama will have all the fluff, healing and cute moments the webtoon had.


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And yes, one episode per week for the next few months is a CRIME


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That's a good point in that it's more frenetic, but the story beats are pretty much the same so far. But I share your love of the webtoon and it's gonna be hard for the drama to come close to it, let alone match it.


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Ah, so I'm not the only one who couldn't wait to watch it. I am absolutely cracking up at it. I really do love this drama. Seo-won does drive me nuts a bit, but that's probably because I'm trying to rush the story of Hae-na kissing him in her dog form. Such a hilariously good drama though so far.


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I really like the wackiness of the show, but I'm going to struggle with ML. Cha Eun-woo is beautiful to look at, but to me at least not as convincing as an actor. Especially coming fresh off of Destined with You where Rowoon was so good in both his comedic and dramatic scenes, the lack of depth to me is very clear.


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It's ok. I find Rowoon a bad actor and prefer Eunwoo over him anyday. People have different taste I guess. I dropped destined with you because of him and the story. Didn't like creepy hands and that weird expressions on his face. Dog drama is so good and GyuYoung and Cha Eunwoo's acting is awesome. This is how I imagined Haena and Seowon when I was reading the webtoon. I am glad Eunwoo rejected Destined with you for A Good Day to be a Dog drama.


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That's great broski


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Eunwoo is doing a good job of playing the cold reserved teacher. he put in a really good performance showing his dog trauma. i guess tastes do differ. some of y'all love the overactors.


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I love the actors who don't keep playing the cold reserved character and can do more than one expression, but that is my opinion and they indeed differ, we don't have to argue or even talk.


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"I just about died laughing with the pseudo-gravity of this scene. More crazy next week, please!"
Yes, yes, yes please!!!


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Thanks for the weecap @missvictrix I enjoyed the start and look forward to seeing the story develop. I felt so bad for the Uncle being able to think as a human but not being able to communicate must be so frustrating. It would be good if they could have found a way to use his nose or paws to spell the words out like people with disabilities who use an iPad with text to speech. If the small dog could open the window then surely the kind vet could have developed a solution over the years.

Being a binge watcher at heart two episodes a week is hard enough for me to deal with. I would much rather a two episode per week short run time than once a week for twice as long.


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'Meow the Secret Boy' is looking better in retrospect.


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See, I was NOT into that one at all and dropped it very early on, whereas I'm inexplicably all-in for this one so far, LOL.

And I am more of a cat person than a dog person (but I love both)!


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Me too! I'm not sure why but I'm enjoying this one a lot more, despite being more of a cat person and liking the other lead actors more


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I thought I was the only one that didn't like this one.


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I don't like dogs that much and I get scared when they start barking and chasing you, so I really felt bad for the male lead. Dude, I feel your pain. Did they really had to make his fear about trauma? Idk, but ok.

Anyway, this show isn't for me. I don't like the FL's attitude, I hated the whole kiss situation and how she handled it later (she actually had the audacity to say "why do you wear someone else's clothes?!"?), and I definitely hate how she has been forcing Jin to have drinks with her (putting soju on his beer??).

I'm pretty sure she could've handle this situation better. A hundred days it's enough time to came up with a better plan, or Idk, just get to know the guy SLOWLY and ask him the favor (wild suggestion). But she couldn't even wait a hundred hours to attack the man.

Maybe she'll try to calm down now that teacher Jin apologized to her (even tho he didn't do anything wrong), and she knows he's scared of dogs. But I don't think her "do first, think later (or never)" attitude is gonna change anytime soon (can she start calling her sister and her friend BEFORE going out at night?? Or is this another wild suggestion?).

Now that I think about it, I think that for a family that has had this curse for generations, they really don't know how to handle it. They have zero practical plans.
A collar? Tracking the cellphone? An emergency signal? Going places together???

PS. If this show is going to have another "besties in love with the same girl/boy" then this drama definitely isn't for me. Not to mention that I feel zero chemistry between her and the boys.


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Thank you @missvictrix ! I learn more new words from you! It took me a full minute just to type transmogrification just to get the definition but now I'm a pro! I am not really into this drama so far but the old 4 episode trial will tell.


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I learned transmogrification from Harry Potter but verklempt I learned 100% from missvictrix.


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I didnt have time to finish ep1 so I am thankful for the recaps. This drama sounds fun and I did like Mr Lee a lot since he just seems to be such a sunshine to everyone around him. I will try to catch up and actually watch the episodes at a later time.


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Coming from this webtoon reader, I loved it! The drama captured the webtoon vibe really well- chilled, cute, otherworldly. I’ll keep watching this space.


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I watched this because I really enjoyed Park Kyu-young in Dali and Cocky Prince. (a gem) I am totally hooked and can´t believe they are going to torture us with only one episode a week. This is so laugh out loud funny and the little dog is precious whether it is a real dog or CGI. The music absolutely fits and adds to the hilarity. Can´t wait for the next episode.


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I really enjoyed it, a fun 2 hours and it made me want to read the webtoon (possibly a coping mechanism for the 1 episode a week schedule).


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Sooooo freaking cute! The only thing that could make this drama better for me right now is if it was twice a week the entire run. But it had me cracking up and feeling good - and I even shed a tear when dog uncle got sick, which I thought really helped up the stakes. I think Gyuyoung and Eunwoo have a very sweet chemistry together, and I know they can turn it up later on thanks to their MV from a few years back. Hyunwoo and Hyunsoo are having a blast in their respective roles, and I genuinely adore the addition of the Woo Taek character and his friendship with Haena.

Someone probably explained this already, but I believe the curse restarts with every new person you kiss. So, technically Haena could have kissed Woo Taek and then ended her curse, but it still wouldn't help her the next time she kissed someone. I am basing this on the fact that Woo Taek assumed dog-Haena was Yoona after kissing a different man, lol.


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I liked these episodes! There were some changes (the tone seems a touch colder than the webtoon), but nothing distracting. I did find it sad that they have an uncle that was stuck as a dog for 2 decades and now has cancer. I hope he gets some sort of happy ending. I'm only 2/3rds of the way through the webtoon, so I'm not sure if the uncle shows up.

In the webtoon, I think she transforms with the clothes....which I guess doesn't make sense, but it's a heck more convenient than leaving your clothes behind and coming back naked. And they don't transform 1 minute after the kiss. After the kiss, they still get to stay human until midnight. And I don't remember anything about being stuck in dog form forever. I guess since it's a drama, they gotta make the rules more difficult to give it more urgency!


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I’m in love with this! Also, I am glad it’s only 14 episodes, as I feel like they cut out the boring or annoyingly dramatic school scenes that would usually be in a teacher’s drama.


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Well I was looking forward to this one too much but I didn't enjoy it as much tbh
I thought it'll be another "gangnam beauty" with one of my favourite actresses and a more experienced CEW, but when I watch it I don't know what was off but ....
Now that I think ab it I preferred:
1- that rule ab staying a dog and live the rest of your life as a dog wasn't there
2- PKY character is sometimes annoying and I give teacher Jin all the rights to not be comfortable around her ( if we ignore his trauma)
Writer could easily ommit the "100 days rule" and let the leads become close little by little and the FL change her heart slowly and make a perfect rom_com but rushed everything by this rule
3- CEW's acting is really better but I hope he just BREATH. WHY HE HOLDS HIS BREATH ALL THE TIME? it's suffocating to watch 😅


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Okay interesting take on CEW's acting. Didn't realise it but perhaps it is one of those if you see once you can't un-see! 🤣


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Exactly! 😅 I keep noticing it all the time


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It's great to see Ryu Abel as the sister, I really liked her in Run On.


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While suspension of disbelief works on a much higher level in fantastical, supernatural, or mystical dramas - the practicality of clothing items during transmogrification, particularly at the time of becoming human again, rudely jerk one's disbelief.

Seriously, there appear to be zero preparation and no SOPs for this "known thing", where are their defense mechanisms?


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That taxi scene was great, I was laughing. I found this to be super cute and fun start. Can not wait for the next episodes.


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The long awaited adaptation is finally here!! I've been SO excited for this and so far it didn't disappoint. All i can do now is just pray HARD it doesn't end up like SYIM19L.

This week's eps were so fun & hilarious albeit stressful seeing that they changed where Hae-na loses her clothes when she turns into a dog instead of retaining it in the webtoon so now I have added worry.
I wonder how their gonna pull off the confession scene with this new change.


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I'm late to the party but overall thoughts: it’s highkey cute! I’m not sure how I’ll cope with only one ep each week 😭 And great observation about the colour palette @missvictrix, I thought the change ups in the aspect ratio and also the softness of the CGI doggo also lent it a bit more of that whimsical feel. It kind of reminded me of those fun kids movies where there’s talking animals and stuff but it’s set in the real world, like Stuart Little! I can’t seem to construct any more proper sentences today so here’s a list of the things I liked:

- FL is super adorable, she reminds me a tad of Jess from New Girl (maybe also because she’s a teacher). Both the writing of the character and the way that PGY is playing her keeps her on the right side of cutesy & quirky, I like her a lot!

- Glad ML isn’t a cold, unapproachable jerk but just more on the reserved side. Especially happy that we had him opening up a little this week already and establishing a rapport with the FL.

- I also am a fan of the fact that the ML and FL already have an established connection and shared ‘professional’ history, it makes the building of a friendship into something else seem more believable and seamless.

- Ngl it’s going to take me a while to get used to seeing CEW as a teacher because he looks so young, like a college student at most.

- I know it could be considered jarring but I kind of vibed with the way that the Joseon scenes have been interspersed through both episodes and they’ve already hinted at the SML’s family history also being tied to whatever happened back then (I’m assuming this story is going to tell us how the curse came into place).


- I like the ‘low stakes’ feel this fantasy has with the curse not involving death or giving rise to copious amounts of melodrama. Hopefully this also means no random psycho killer subplots?

Question though about the mechanics of this curse - is it a one and done thing or does it reset with each new person you kiss? As in, do you just have to kiss someone once and have them kiss you back (while you’re in dog form) for the curse to be lifted forever? Or does it start up again if you kiss someone else? And if someone has already kissed you to lift the curse, are they then an exception to the rule and you’re immune to their kisses now?


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Really enjoyed this so far! Especially the escape room scene and the scene where HN gives SW so much empathy saying he doesn't have to explain because it's clearly too painful and she believes him anyway. Also I don't often like it when there is a woman feeling threatened scene like the one with the school bullies in episode 2 but they did this one really well and it advanced the storyline very successfully.


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