Today’s K-Drama Treasure Hunt is a really good ‘un about getting locked into storage closets. I simply had to make these gifs in response–it was like a primal call to my computer. 💻♥🥰

Here’s the scene from Hyena, episode 5, around the 55-minute mark.

Here’s the scene from Brain Works, also episode 3 around the 55-minute mark.


    Maybe this catapults Hyena to the top of my watchlist. 🤔 I’m still searching for something to fill my mid-week evenings 😅

    (Though I must admit, that I find the FL’s hair style most distracting. 👀)


      Sonai, yeah. Her haircut is actually sort of part of her character, too. For reasons that become clear in the first few episodes, she changes her hair to suit her needs, and so this unbecoming style feels to me somewhat intentional. All this to say–you’re likely to get used to it 🤗


        Oh, now I’m intrigued!! And yes, considering the many unfortunate bowl cuts I have laid eyes on in my kdrama watching career, I’m sure I’ll manage this, too. 😆


    Omg LOL 😆
    Really like these scenes thank you for reminding


    Two of my top favorite shows!!


      Ya know. The Drama Hangout for Brain Works was sort of lackluster:

      This was all while I was lurking (ahem) and not posting or I probably would have been all over that thing.

      I see @darkcc and @abalyn and @britney there along with some folks who don’t comment as frequently…I wonder if, when it’s time for a rewatch…if that sad page might could use a little amusing enlivening 🙂


        I was thinking about Brain Works today. There’s the DB question on K dramas where the main leads get stuck in a storage room and I was wondering if the cold room they get locked in would count as a storage room…


          Ah I forgot to close my B tag lol haha
          All bold. This is the longest K drama title you’ll ever see 🤣


        I never watch live so I don’t comment on Hangout threads, but I remember checking WWW threads for comments on it and discovering only 3 people having watched it.

        I have watched and rewatched it in one month and it was even better the second time. I absolutely love it.


          I think I talked about it more on the WWW posts than on the hangout because that was semi more convenient; I could say what I thought about that week’s episodes rather than searching for the hangout (I didn’t think or remember about just going to the tag each week haha)

          I don’t understand why people don’t use the hangout if they like the shows so much. Taxi Driver 2 was one of the most watched shows, yet people didn’t comment on it it much. Brain Works was a successful show that apparently people like and again, no new comments on it.


            The Hangouts aren’t easily noticeable. They fall off the front page quickly unless they have tons of comments.

            I wish there was a central link to all the Hangouts on the front page or something to make the Hangouts more known.

            I usually go back to my comments to find the Hangout thread. Or just now, I noticed that you can click on the drama title in the sidebar and see if it has a hangout or recap thread~ It takes a couple of more steps to reach the hangouts compared to the recaps.


            Hmm. I don’t even see a Beanie Review page for it! Should we ask for one? In “Discussion” are only all the posts for the Hangout. Don’t the shows nowadays that only get a Hangout also get a Beanie Review? Am I wrong about that?

            @loveblossom in this thread too…


          @loveblossom WWW threads are also very hard to find once the last one leaves the front page. When I want to check on beanie opinions on a show I have to google Dramabeans tag index, find the www tag, and then go back to the date the show was airing. It is indeed a labour of love.


            Dang that’s a lot of work. I haven’t been using the hashtags much. >_<

            I'm usually behind on WWW threads too I miss out on Beanies' opinions, especially on the less active shows. 😔


        I actually never finished Brainworks. I got a little bored. Is it worth finishing? I need SOMeTHiNg to get me through the weeks wait for AGDTBAD


          Ha. Well, do you want lots of twists and turns? Or do you want a show that ends, satisfyingly, just exactly as you thought it would?


            AH! Is that why I have loved Brain Works and King the Land so much?? Thank you for decoding me!

            Joking aside, I loved Brain Works from the first minute, so I’m probably not the best person to answer @abalyn ‘s question.


    I often forget about this trope, but it’s one of my favorites!!! (*I know I say that about a lot of tropes, but it’s truuuuue*) 🙃 Great gif-ing!!👍
