I Remember You: Episode 14

Just in case we get too enamored by the bromance, we come down from the high of Hyun’s reconciliation with Little Bro to deal with more pressing matters. Even though our hearts bleed for the misery the brothers had to suffer, we (and Hyun) can no longer look at Min through rose-tinted glasses. Our hero remains the only one capable of getting through to several of our characters, and even at the eleventh hour, the show is still chugging along splendidly with no signs of slowing.

EPISODE 14: “Lee Joon-young’s Room”

Ji-an takes her gun and heads out of her room on a revenge mission, while Joon-ho cooks for Lawyer Jung in the next-door apartment. Thank goodness Hyun stops her in time (in the midst of baking a cake for her), and holds her back. Having thought long and hard about how to deal with Joon-ho, she exclaims that all her choices point to one answer: Kill him. At this point, Ji-an is on the verge of hysteria, and Hyun envelops her in a tight hug to calm her down.

When he lets go, Ji-an forlornly says that this is the only solution she could come up with. And while Hyun empathizes with her, he has faith that Ji-an will eventually find another option.

At police headquarters, the team is in a somber mood as Myung-woo summarizes what we already know: Ji-an’s dad was charged as an accomplice for Lee Joon-young’s escape, causing Ji-an to live her life as the daughter of a criminal. The recent discovery of Dad’s body implies that Dad was innocent, and that Joon-young is still alive and watching Ji-an. From today onwards, the team will focus on capturing Joon-young.

Hyun presents Ji-an with the birthday cake he personally baked, and she’s understandably impressed at his never-ending list of talents. That’s what I’m saying. She expresses her wish to visit Joon-ho and share the cake, her true intention being to see his reaction after he delivered her father’s corpse as a birthday present.

Giving in to her request, Hyun brings the cake and shows up with Ji-an at Joon-ho’s doorstep. Awkward Cake Party commences, as the three of them, along with Lawyer Jung, gather in the living room. Ji-an brings up her father, and explains that the hope she previously had was dashed soon after her talk with Joon-ho.

Joon-ho casually says that it’s a good thing, but clarifies that he’s referring to Ji-an being put out of her misery of endless hoping. Ji-an just adds, “It was a good present in that context. Someday, I should repay it.” Welcome to the Cryptic Club, Ji-an.

In response to Joon-ho’s question about Dad, Ji-an simply says he was the nicest person in the world. Recalling the intimidation tactics that Dad pulled on him in prison, Joon-ho mentions that there are two sides to every person, and people closest to the person rarely see that second side. At this point, Hyun jumps in to say that even if a person has a bad side, the person shouldn’t be framed and killed, which Joon-ho agrees with.

Lawyer Jung and Ji-an are on the same page with Joon-ho’s words about not seeing the second side of people you’re close to. She uses the example of Hyun: She has known him for over 20 years and thought he was a jerk. But now she’s aware that while he’s a little cocky, he’s far from being a jerk. In addition, she’s also known Joon-ho for quite a while (Joon-ho: “Am I also a jerk?”), but doesn’t voice her honest opinions about him. Wrapping up the not-party, Ji-an proposes a toast for her memorable birthday, and she thinks to herself, “And for the day that I throw you [Joon-ho] in prison.”

As Hyun and Ji-an head back to their place, he commends her for keeping her cool. For now, her game plan is to gather evidence that Joon-ho is Joon-young, and remembers that there was a room in Joon-ho’s house that was off-limits to her. Hyun goes along with her hunch, but warns her never to go into that room alone.

Joon-ho is absorbed in his own thoughts, and Lawyer Jung observes that sadness doesn’t suit him. They both noticed that Ji-an looked especially angry today, and Joon-ho’s genuinely puzzled at her reaction. He assumed she wanted closure, so he gave her Dad’s corpse as an answer. But based on her reaction, he wonders if he made a mistake. Lawyer Jung points out that that’s the result when an evil person tries to do good.

In a sweet scene, Hyun and Ji-an take turns watching the other sleep. Hyun rouses from his stupor and they both smile at each other. Aw.

Ji-an plans to return to her own house today, and tells Hyun to bring Lawyer Jung here, away from Joon-ho. He agrees to do so, and she apologizes for eventually having to arrest Lawyer Jung for his crimes. She gives Hyun some time, and hopes that Hyun can convince Lawyer Jung to turn himself in.

Driving her back to her house, Hyun offers to clean her permanently messy apartment, since it’s his hobby and all. She turns him down, but right before he leaves, she asks how many points she stands at, referring to Hyun’s previous comment that he scores her at fifteen points plus alpha. HA, she’s still hung up on that?

Categorizing the alpha as “something extra,” he launches into this complicated explanation about alpha and dividing by zeros. Her eyes glaze over at the technical terminology spouted, but basically his point is, he can’t put a number on how much she means to him. Lol, that’s actually kinda romantic, in a geeky way.

Satisfied with the answer, she thanks him for holding her back from taking revenge on Joon-ho, but he gives her the credit for controlling her impulses. She smiles at that, and they both give each other this cute tentative wave before Hyun finally heads out.

Not wasting any time, Hyun goes over to Joon-ho’s house, and invites Lawyer Jung to move in with him. Joon-ho starts to explain that being with a doctor would be better for Lawyer Jung, but Hyun just cuts in and hands the decision over to Lawyer Jung — whom does he want to stay with?

Choosing to move in with Hyun (yay!), Lawyer Jung thanks Joon-ho for all that he has done. He packs his stuff and follows Hyun out, but something about Joon-ho’s expression creeps me out to no end.

Heading out for a walk, Joon-ho wonders if he’s being seen as the bad guy. He assumed that separating the two brothers was best for both of them, and belatedly realizes that this distasteful emotion rising to the surface is heartache.

Oh, he’s not alone — the woman who helped him escape as a child tells Joon-ho that he tends to cause more problems when he tries to be considerate to others. For example, when Joon-young spared her life after killing everyone else in the household, she ended up suffering from survivor’s guilt. Accurately pointing out that what he feels is jealousy for the brothers’ relationship, she asks what it is that he’s hoping for. Lost in thought, Joon-ho answers wistfully, “For all three of us to live together.”

Chief Hyun digs up Joon-young’s real fingerprints which she kept hidden, and ponders Hyun’s words that Joon-young is someone near to her. She calls up Seung-joo and instructs him to do a background check on all the external parties they work closely with, under the guise of an investigation into an information leak.

Laying out the cards that Lawyer Jung sent, Hyun asks him for the meaning behind the cards. Lawyer Jung is surprised that Hyun doesn’t remember, although he thinks that it’s probably for the best. Hyun probes more, but Lawyer Jung merely says, “I was born like this,” and doesn’t explain further.

Lawyer Jung asks for a hair dryer and Hyun offers to dry his hair for him, which Lawyer Jung is quick to reject multiple times. Cut to: Hyun drying Lawyer Jung’s hair. Hyun’s contentment is plastered all over his face, as he recalls doing the same for little Min.

At a different police station, Ji-an is informed about a fire 20 years ago that destroyed all the local citizen records, which had to be replaced later on. Connecting the dots, Ji-an concludes that Joon-ho must have utilized this opportunity to take over his new identity, and she wonders what happened to the real Lee Joon-ho.

The fingerprint reports are in, and of course, Joon-ho’s fingerprints are a perfect match for Joon-young’s. In shock, Chief Hyun is noticeably squirmy when she bumps into Joon-ho. He notices her cold sweat and discomfort, and she just pretends that she caught a cold. He takes a second glance at her when they part ways, and she’s barely able to hold herself up after their short interaction.

She makes frantic calls to Hyun, but he’s on the phone with Team Leader Kang and Ji-an, and misses the voicemail from Chief Hyun. Flustered, Chief Hyun packs the fingerprint evidence into her bag, and can’t help looking over her shoulder as she heads to her car.

Ji-an makes a trip to Hyun’s house, just as Joon-ho shows up with a ton of food he prepared for Lawyer Jung’s speedy recovery. Just then, Team Leader Kang shows up in time to join the little gathering. Initially surprised at Lawyer Jung’s presence at Hyun’s house, Team Leader Kang remembers that Lawyer Jung ranked higher than Ji-an, and says that they look good together. Um, what is he thinking of?

After parking her car, Chief Hyun senses footsteps behind her. She turns around to confront the guy, and heaves a sigh of relief to see that it’s Eun-bok, his all-black outfit already screaming shade. She asks what he’s doing here, and he responds with a sudden knife stab to her gut.

Apologizing for his deed, he explains that he has to repay his debt “to that person.” Chief Hyun drops to the floor, her wound bleeding out, and Eun-bok takes off with her handbag after ensuring that it contains the fingerprint document.

Over a meal, Team Leader Kang bluntly asks who Lee Joon-young might be, earning him four long stares from the table. He takes it as a sign that everyone knows about Joon-young, and that he seems to be someone of the present rather than the past. Joon-ho says he doesn’t know who Joon-young is, and the two brothers smirk at his blatant lie. Ji-an steps in to explain that Joon-young killed her father, Hyun’s father, and kidnapped Hyun’s brother.

Lawyer Jung ahhs in understanding, and lightly comments that Joon-young must be a very bad person. Taken aback by Hyun’s backstory, Team Leader Kang adds that it’s possible he has a connection with Joon-young too…

But before he gets to that, all their phones starting ringing off the hook, reporting Chief Hyun’s situation. Ha, Lawyer Jung feels left out that he’s the only one who didn’t get a phone call.

Having changed out of his black attire, Eun-bok washes his hands to get rid of any traces of blood. He gets a call and the entire team, along with Hyun and Joon-ho, gathers at the scene of Chief Hyun’s murder. Gah, she died?

The disappearance of her handbag points to it being a simple robbery case, but since Chief Hyun’s their boss, the team can’t be involved in this case. The CCTV recording shows similarities between Chief Hyun’s murder and a recent string of robberies, and Joon-ho steps up to do his analysis, despite the accusing stares from Hyun and Ji-an.

Stepping away from the crowd, Hyun checks his phone, and we hear the voicemail that Chief Hyun left. She admits to his earlier accusations that she was scared of the career that she had painstakingly built crumbling around her. But she’s determined to do things right from now on, even if it’s too late. She admits to having kept Joon-young’s fingerprints, and asks him to wait for her to reveal his identity. Her last words to Hyun are especially touching: “I didn’t raise you out of a sense of guilt. To me, you really are my son.”

The next day, the team turns up in their full police uniforms, after Chief Hyun’s funeral. They return to their desks in a somber mood, and Ji-an thinks back to her conversation with Hyun. They put together bits of information to conclude that Joon-ho must have found out about Chief Hyun finding the fingerprints, and hence, is the most likely suspect behind her death. But Joon-ho was with them during the murder, which means that there must be an accomplice. The question is, who?

Judging from the wounds on her body, Chief Hyun didn’t defend herself, implying that the murderer must be somebody she’s familiar with. Considering that the murder was disguised as part of a recent string of serial robberies, the culprit must have access to inside information from the police. Which narrows down Joon-ho’s accomplice to someone in the police station.

Hyun details Chief Hyun’s case to Lawyer Jung, and her participation in Joon-young’s escape. Just as Hyun’s about to ask him for help, Lawyer Jung interrupts and asks why he would help when she deserved to die. Because of Chief Hyun, Joon-young escaped from prison and started this whole chain of unfortunate events. Her death is well-deserved, and in fact, Lawyer Jung feels that she died too comfortably, considering all the wrongs she has committed.

Slightly stunned by the hidden venom in his words, Hyun looks at Lawyer Jung in a new light. But Lawyer Jung’s next statement sends a further chill down our bones: “If it were me, I don’t think I would have sent her so easily. What a waste.” He asks if he’s wrong to think like that, but Hyun just ruffles his brother’s hair, making an internal promise to change Little Bro for the better.

Unable to hold in his curiosity anymore, Team Leader Kang broaches the topic of Joon-young with his father. He throws all sorts of questions that hint at his father’s corruption, especially Dad’s hand in closing Chief Hyun’s murder as a mere robbery.

Finally coming clean with the truth, Deputy Chief Kang reveals that he was merely covering for Chief Hyun. Right after Joon-young’s escape, Chief Hyun had confessed her arrangement with Joon-young, but Deputy Chief Kang chose to sweep it under the rug and instructed her to continue extracting information from Joon-young. During a press conference, he engineered the rumor to throw Ji-an’s dad under the bus as an accomplice, effectively diverting the public’s attention away from her in Joon-young’s disappearance.

Furious at his father, Team Leader Kang is speechless that his father would pin the blame on an innocent person, just to protect the image of the police. Deputy Chief Kang sighs at the coincidence of Ji-an joining the police force, and Team Leader Kang just explodes that Dad is still unrepentant. Dad tells Team Leader Kang to forget about it, but Team Leader Kang solemnly says that even if he feigned ignorance, he would eventually inherit all of Dad’s sins.

Lawyer Jung approaches Hyun and requests for him not to expose Joon-ho’s identity, since doing so would incriminate Lawyer Jung as well. He asks if that’s the result Hyun wants, although the lack of evidence would make it impossible to do so anyway. Holding onto Lawyer Jung’s hand, Hyun proposes dissecting Lawyer Jung’s motive for his murders.

If Lawyer Jung was killing Hyun repeatedly in his mind through murdering others, Hyun’s question is, does Joon-ho go through a similar experience? Lawyer Jung sheds some light on the issue, that Joon-ho has taken in other kids aside from him. In Joon-ho’s mind, he is repeatedly killing his family members who abused him, and also saving his own kid self many times over. Interesting.

Eun-bok meets up with Joon-ho, and lets him know that Chief Hyun’s murder was his repayment for Joon-ho rescuing him from his hellish life.

Indebted Friend initially runs away at the sight of Hyun, but Hyun talks in circles around him and successfully gets him to conduct a more detailed background check on Eun-bok (who was found to be an orphan previously). Ha, just before Hyun leaves, he hangs back to tell Friend that his score is above 20, which is considerably high, although Friend has no idea what he’s referring to.

Joon-ho and Hyun meet up for drinks, and Joon-ho asks if Hyun had a purpose for this meeting. Hyun just thinks to himself that even if he can’t forgive Joon-ho, he wants to try and understand Joon-ho before throwing him behind bars.

Joon-ho expounds on a Scottish legend about a man who can see into people’s deepest souls, and all he could see was the evil in people. His eyes became wounded, and he had to live the rest of his life handicapped. Hyun replies that not all souls are evil, and Joon-ho just says that some are nevertheless evil, like Lawyer Jung’s.

He asks if Hyun can handle Lawyer Jung by himself, and Hyun replies in the affirmative. He receives a call from Ji-an, and she finds out that he’s currently with Joon-ho. That means that Joon-ho’s house is currently empty, and she gets the idea to break in and check out the off-limits room.

On the way back to their houses, Ji-an rings Hyun again to let him know that she’s currently trespassing in Joon-ho’s house, and asks him to delay Joon-ho for a bit. And while he has to bite back a reprimand to her for defying his earlier warning, Hyun accedes and buys her some time by asking Joon-ho how he would like to be addressed.

Joon-ho tells Hyun to decide that on his own, and muses that he will be expecting more visitors for the night. All of a sudden, Hyun drops the bomb: “I know who you are. And you are aware that I know.” Joon-ho asks Hyun why he didn’t call him out earlier, but Hyun states that he’s still missing part of the evidence required to prove that Joon-ho is Joon-young.

Having entered the room of interest, Ji-an finds a photo album full of children’s photographs. Hearing someone enter the house, she grabs a couple of the photos to keep. She doesn’t do a great job of sneaking out of the room, since Lawyer Jung is standing right there to catch her in the act.

Joon-ho slowly brings Hyun’s hand to his neck. And just like how he demonstrated in the past, Joon-ho’s pulse is still undetectable, forming the last bit of proof that Hyun needed. Hyun finally addresses Joon-ho as Joon-young, and Joon-ho looks delighted that Hyun finally remembers.


It’s such a pity that we have to say goodbye to this gem of a show next week, because every episode is consistently fascinating and eye-opening. What stood out for me today was the extra glimpse into a psychopath’s mind, something we haven’t been explicitly privy to in the earlier episodes. I really like the reveal, that honest to God, Joon-ho did what he thought was for the other characters’ own good. It totally makes sense that as a psychopath, he wouldn’t factor in Ji-an’s grief over the confirmation of her father’s death, and even expected her to be thankful for his initiative to give her closure. He was actually disappointed in Ji-an’s lack of gratitude for the “birthday present,” and I find this additional insight into his character a fantastic addition by the writer.

On a similar note, he interpreted young Hyun’s comment about Dad as a signal to get rid of Dad, assuming that it was the only way the two brothers could get a better life. It truly never crossed Joon-ho’s mind that Hyun and Ji-an treasured their fathers’ (living) presence, even if they were the respective source of lonely hardship and endless waiting. Joon-ho probably never had such a person in his life, but given that he showed very minor signs of emotion over Lawyer Jung’s departure, maybe his protege will be the first person to affect Joon-ho.

I like the running theme about how psychopathic killers have this one person in their lives, who becomes their driving force to commit repeated “virtual” murders. Does that mean that having this specific target is what causes a psychopath to cross the line? It’s pretty intriguing to paint Joon-ho as a vigilante, saving children from their abusive parents. Many a times, as Lawyer Jung mentioned, Joon-ho’s intention is pure and good, except that his misaligned moral compass causes him to act on this intention in the totally wrong way.

Speaking of Lawyer Jung, I love love love how he puts up all this resistance against hyung’s “advances,” but totally basks in hyung’s affections at the same time. He has this need to put on a tough boy act to pretend that he hasn’t been yearning for Hyun all this time, but Hyun just knows it and patiently chips away at his facade. And as much as I want to just spend the remaining two episodes watching these two brothers spoon feed each other and dry each other’s hair, the reality of Lawyer Jung’s deeds can’t be denied.

We can guess how much Hyun wants to take the easy way out and see Lawyer Jung as Little Bro, without all the additional emotional and criminal baggage. But Ji-an is there to ground him back to reality, and Lawyer Jung’s response to Chief Hyun’s death was also a wake-up call for Hyun, that their reunion is not the end, but the means to an end, to change Lawyer Jung for the better. At least we get a few episodes of them being cute with each other, before all hell breaks loose. Hyun’s desire to change Lawyer Jung was his motivation to understand Joon-ho, because as much as he wants to deny it, the two are pretty much one and the same. But yunno, hopefully his criminology degree had a course on Dealing With Your Psychopathic Brother, because something tells me there’s going to be tears and heartbreak waiting for us.

For me, I’m way more invested in the brothers’ relationship than the romance angle. There’s just so much more pathos and dynamic progression to wring out of it, so I’m not one bit upset if Ji-an takes a backseat. Yeah she’s a great heroine, but her current supportive relationship with Hyun is perhaps as much development as we are going to get. Their little interactions are adorable and I completely appreciate that they are not afraid to break the hard truths to the other. It’s gonna be a doozy to watch when Hyun hands Little Bro over to Ji-an, but if anything, I’m glad that Ji-an will probably be the one to put on those handcuffs.

It’s amazing how much depth we get out of all of the characters, even those with limited screen time. Most shows suffer from terribly one-dimensional side characters, but thankfully, we don’t see much of that here. Even though Eun-bok only got a few throwaway lines and one scene with Joon-ho, it was already enough for the viewers’ imagination to churn and patch together a plausible backstory for him. Even for Chief Hyun who’s not outrightly a bad person — to a certain extent, we relate to her ambitious nature causing her morals to get blurred along the way. Her death was unfortunate, but I’m so glad that Hyun got to hear her turnaround and her final comforting words to him.


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I'm still waiting for the kissing scene of NARAGUK. Please Pdnim I wanted to see how seo in guk can kiss Narassi passionately. ~


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yes don't mind a Naraguk kiss. :)


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15+Alpha for the kiss.


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IRY has many moments that are as great as any kissing scenes, yes, it makes us crave for that moment to come. Love this confession scene alot!
Alpha means it is undefined…. Dividing something by zero…“your score is impossible to calculate. You are incalculable, that’s what you means to me.”
“you’re so….” Hyeon couldn’t find the words to describe, smile instead…. This girl continue to warm his heart with her genuine shows of her affections, and leaks of her cares thru her words… pleased that this “score” meant so much to her, pleased that she bothered to ask, to demand to know… mmm…"you're so 'precious'", Hyeon, you should say that!
“thanks regarding the scores, and for stopping me, so that I couldn’t go until the end.”“you stopped yourself”.
and both smiled again, we actually lost count of the times and do not know exactly when, did Hyeon started to smile that frequently and easily, and naturally… and that “junior school good-bye waving”, sweet!


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15+alpha points of love for every bit of this drama!!! Everything is so well executed - from writing, directing, acting. Really in love with every aspect - the suspense, the romance, the bromance, the comedy, the many questions raised about the monsters and the rights vs wrongs. Can't wait for two final episodes, yet don't want the drama to end.


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and the editing, music, and cinematography.

(Perfect balanced drama like this makes me thirsty about every person who contributes behind the scene.)


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So turns out that Eun-bok wasn't a red herring after all! Although I have to admit that I was hoping he's not another killer! So are we done revealing all the murderers now, Show? I have a feeling that the answer is no, lol...from my kdrama experience, anything could happen in the last two episodes. I'm hoping for some kind of twist, a good one I hope.

PBG is scaring me, in a good way. His facial expressions alone is a whole rollercoaster ride for me. From hatred to sympathy, back to creeped out and then hilarity. I don't really know how I feel and should feel for this character! The writer probably wrote him that way, but I don't know if viewers could feel the same way if he was played by a different actor. The cliffhanger smile in this episode!

And speaking of smiles, it's something that I kinda misses from Joon-ho. I really like how D.O's innocent yet creepy smile pictured the psycho inside of him. I was looking for that unique smile from Joon-ho before it was revealed that he's Joon-young, but couldn't find it. Joon-young as Joon-ho is also creepy, but I wish Choi Won-young could conjure an eery smile similar to D.O's. Well, I guess plastic surgery changes your facial expression also, lol!

One more thing, I would love to see the BTS of the hairdrying scene and the awkward dinner! Must be a lot of fun for the actors! :-D


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Hi @pastmidnite!

BTS??? Yes, so would I LOL! It will be a hoot!


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lol! Plastic surger - good points


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Considering the development of Joon-ho's character, I think it's not suitable for him to keep that creepy smile. Since we know that all things he did was for someone's happiness (at least he thinks that way). He's not that bad after all.

(I remember when he said to Min that all he wants was to give a nice gift to Jian, so that the girl can stop wasting time by waiting for her father. And his heart broke seeing how much Jian hates him for that present. That moment broke my heart.)


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Ditto on PBG's facial expressions. I think D.O's creepy smile got transferred to him.


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Was I the only one who felt personally victimised by Eun Bok's betrayal? I was legit screaming at the screen the whole time, "I LIKE YOU DUDE, I GENUINELY LIKED YOU!"

Sighs, I should've put more stock in the orphan comment but thought it was just a random detail...


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I hope they can justify the mystery behind hyun's mother. And I'm still expecting for a sad ending from the two brothers. I'm still hoping for hyun and jian passionate kiss! ~


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Maybe I say maybe
Min end up hurting JiAn and Hyun saw it in person and
-boom clap- Hyun remembers Min killing mom.


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Oh NOOOOO....... it's enough for me to know Min had killed nine persons, don't add it to be inning.


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Mom's death... purple flowers... Hyun having forgotten this part of his life... blocking memories that he can't handle. You might be right.

I also think Min will hurt Jian but hadn't thought this far.


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It saddens me how this great show is getting such disappointing ratings.. It's a real gem.
This episode was awesome and I can't wait to see how the last few unfold XD


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Thank you, rejoycie-nim. I thought what I had for Joon-ho was a sympathy and that's all. But then I read your recaps and your deep reviews, I cried for him and the sympathy becomes an empathy.

It's so heartbreaking to know that I have to say goodbye to this drama next week.


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The cake talk was this episode? My apologies for mentioning contents of their conversation in the last episode's recap post. I get confused which episode which scene happened in.

This is such a lovely episode. Usually we get filler episodes around this time in a drama but this show keeps on delivering every week.

I love LJY's response to Jian, that there are two sides to each person. It's just a matter of which side they show you. To Jian, her father was a good father but to LJY, her father was an abusive security guard who abused his power and position to beat LJY up in prison, the very same way he was abused by his family while being locked up in the attic. In LJY's mind, it was only natural to kill Jian's father but in the eyes of the law, there is always a choice not to kill.

Lawyer Jung's reaction to Chief Hyun's death was done so well. Thank goodness the writers are keeping these characters in character all the time. It's the perfect way to demonstrate how differently Lawyer Jung thinks from the rest of us and how similarly he is with LJY and isn't that part of why LJY thought it was better that Min came with him? Min wouldn't have been understood by the world but LJY understands him.

Lawyer Jung's assessment of the worth of Chief Hyun's death also ties in nicely with the show's constant tipping of scales between good and evil. Lawyer Jung weighed Chief Hyun's life based on her choices and how it affected him. The same way Team Leader Kang's father framed Jian's father for the ultimate good of the task force. The father is missing anyway and it would help them catch more criminals this way. Like the old prosecutor Min killed did who traded an innocent man's life to bust the underground crime scene and evidently helped a lot of people. Or how they planted evidence to catch LJY. They made choices which they thought were for the better of more people but those choices doesn't mean they were right nor lawful.

It's been a long time since I've seen characters so well written like Min and LJY. They're both broken because that's the only way they know how to operate. They don't fit in to our rules. I understand Jian and Hyun's anger towards him but I understand him more and that's good writing.

Will Lawyer Jung harm Jian? And would that ultimately be what shows Hyun that Min's different and he can't just ignore it like he's been doing since they were kids?


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+100 on what you say about Min's different way of accessing who gets to live or be killed, on keeping everyone in character and how characters assessed what is for the greater good... all the choices made and justified that are actually not morally good choices although they led to good ends sometimes... and now we see how these come back to bite the decision makers.

I'm afraid that since some of these decision makers have already been killed, that the one remaining one we know of ie Chief Kang, can possibly be a victim as well.


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It was close for awhile. Chief Kang and the tall thin, always asking questions before he follows directions dective were neck and neck, but this episode the actor who plays Chief Kang proved that he is in fact the worst actor in this drama. That his extended scene performance was so bad really speaks to how well acted, directed, and written this drama has been.

I fully expect Min and Joon-yeung to die. The bad guys have all gotten their comeuppance at some point, and jail wouldn't fit the bill for either of those, too.

On another note, if I were an abused kid I would greatly appreciate anyone who saved me from my abusers; and depending on the level of abuse I had suffered, I'd likely appreciate the person who made Joon-yeung style guarantees that it wouldn't happen again. I'd like to think that my moral compass is sound enough that my loyalty would lean more towards the girl who let him out the room, maybe a court appearance at his trial, and not Eun-bok's; but, if you save my life, I'd probably be willing to give at least half as much of a pass as Min/Lawyer Jung's murderous self has been getting around here just for being cute.

Min's murderous tendencies actually creep me out far more than Joon-yeung. I think it's because he was making and blaming his brother for the creepy drawings, and killing before the abandonment thing came into play. That and his creepiness superseded all other characteristics from day one. I feel like all evidence suggests that he still would've been a monster.

I remember this kid in a summer program I worked. I remember him shoving down the little girl with down syndrome when he thought no one was looking and just staring at her when she started to cry. I remember him lying and saying that she had fell and he was trying to help her. I also remember him smashing another kid's fingers between the chairs, sitting there like he didn't know why the other kid was screaming.; and then feigning surprise when we finally pulled the seats apart. He had just turned 4.


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Reading your comments was reminding me of the time Hyun asked (maybe he had heard Min ask it first and was trying to get the answer for Min), "Why do people hurt others? But then, why can’t people hurt others?"

I guess actually it is a reasonable question for a young child. It behooves the care givers to help the child understand what is acceptable when interacting with others. Min probably did not get much help in this area, both from his father and from Joon Yeong and poor Hyun who was 'bringing up' his little brother was too young to know how to help him, other than to hide his crimes. :(

Even older children (6-9) will come to adults to tell us that so-and-so did such a thing... it is less to carry tales than it is to find out what is morally acceptable by seeing how the adult reacts or responds.

I feel the father of Min and Hyun really failed his sons and he was a psychologist at that!!!


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I definitely think their dad failed. When it was clear that Hyun had taken on the "mother" role in the house--cooking cleaning, paying the bills, taking care of Min--I knew he was a sh*** father.

I don't think empathy is explicitly taught. Babies show signs of empathy. I think what we teach children is how and when to put other people's needs ahead of their own. In that sense, Min doesn't seem to have ever learned why other people's needs matter; and Joon-ho seems to understand how to respond to other people's needs within the confines of societal rules. Someone hurts you, what do you do? In civilized society the answer is never supposed to be, "Kill him."


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How did you come to the conclusion that people are giving Lawyer Jung a pass for being cute?

Psychopathic tendencies in children manifest young because it is the time when id is the dominant force - impulses, instinct, desire. Nothing to curve it, no morals, no rules, no societal boxes to fit in to. During these years, you'll see a person in his most basic form. Little Min was born with the predisposition to be a monster. He was different from a very young age. Even with the proper guidance, he would learn to bend to rules but he wouldn't be "cured", the tendency won't go away. His psychopathic tendencies would only have manifested differently.


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"How did you come to the conclusion that people are giving Lawyer Jung a pass for being cute?"

I've been reading the comments on this since Episode 1.


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Thanks for recapping this! I love the story progression and can't say anything off about the actors; Seo Inguk, Jang Nara and Park Bogum are awesome. Even Chunderella in his heodang role is awesome.:)) This is really one of the best shows I've seen this year (since Healer), and ironically Eunbok is in both of them. That kid should get some steady roles...not killing people lol. This is just an idea, but Eunbok seems like he's not a psychopath, but a guy who had developed a warped sense of bias towards 'family', aka Joonyoung. I don't know exactly if you can call that psychopathy or a complete lack of empathy, as it seemed like Eunbok is able act sociably save for 'defending' what he thinks was the person who got him out of a bad life. As for Min 'paying back' what he owed to JY like Eunbok, it seems unlikely. Min has family in Hyun, and it seemed like he never thought completely of JY as his family, which obviously pisses JY off. Then again, I could be wrong.

Psychopathy is real confusing, as it is a real brain condition and not just some social glitch. A prosocial psychopath is one that can be 'trained' to think of others and why things can be considered socially and morally unacceptable, which does not cancel out psychopathy, it just makes them ready to act accordingly (kids who experienced a loving supportive environment) A sociopath/anti social psychopath, however, are those who weren't as lucky. I guess this is why this drama is interesting, because like what we're being shown so far, even if Min had been born a psychopath, there had been a 'push' needed for him to continue on the cruelty train; but if he had had an anchor like Hyun, it (probably) wouldn'tve turned out that way. So technically, if monsters are 'made', then they can also be 'unmade' (is that even a word lol)


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Drama is very intellectually challenging and so point on about psychopaths.
However, the question remains...whether those psychopaths would behave reasonably when nurtured in loving & caring environment, and would get rid of their psychotics tendencies...

What I have noted here is that Joon Young is not a born monster or psychopath for that matter....situation made him one, if he had recieved enough love he would have stayed sane, as shown in drama he's capable of feeling deeply and shows empathy as well.


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My comment got cut off...
Min on the other hand is a born psychopath....albeit an intelligent one, hes incapable of feeling and empathy unlike Joon young except for his beloved brother...but at same time very aware of right or wrong.

Then again both of them would have stayed sane, if given the right environment, nurturing and care while growing up. Everyones has a monster within...psychopath just have genetically altered brain which tends to aligh toward wrong more than right...therefore right environment is of absolute importance for such people...but then again deducing them among normal people is not as easy as they keep their feeling n thoughts bottled up...


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It's already pass a few week after this drama finished, but i come back often just to read again the recaps and comments.
And i can't hold my self to reply even i know maybe nobody read this anymore.

But i think some peoples miss something when thinking about Min incapable of feeling and empathy. It's shown in Prosecutor Shin's dissappear that Min kill him because the prosecutor throwed an innocent man behind a bar for killing his wife and daughter, and make the son a sole survival but also a son of criminal.
We just not shown Min expression when he feel that empathy to other peoples.
And then in episode 12, the child who died being abused and ignored by his parents, and in the morgue, Min said this to the child corpse, that nobody care or remember him, not his parents, not his sibling or his friends, so he will remember him, and he also almost kill the parents, but canceled it because he feel down without any reason.
Turn up that night Hyun find him and recognised him as Min.
So, Min is have feeling and empathy to other peoples, the 9 peoples he killed is someone who has abandoned someone.


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Can I just say the guy who plays as Min is so cute? ? Okay going back to my comment.. This episode is just asdjfdfndkl! It made me happy to see the brothers together! I've been praying for them to finally be together and all and to uncover all the mysteries as well. It's the first time I wasn't interested with the couple in here. Too focused on the mysteries itself. But I'm glad that he finally knows Lee Joon Yeong. Like F I N A L L Y! Since it's the last week this Monday and Tuesday, I hope they don't squeeze in the finale. For goodness sake they have two episodes left with an hour each. I hope they make it good!


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Finally the preview for ep 15...


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Thanks @LarryMimosa!

I'm just impatiently waiting for tonight!!! :)


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For me it's going to be tomorrow. Korea is a few hours ahead of us but needing subtitles, I need to be patient, until tomorrow after work. :(


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So this is how it feels to be late in joining the wagon for the comments. Mostly everybody has said everything.

I came here fresh from EP15. Without spoilers, I'll say this drama is now only one episode away from becoming my most favorite Korean drama of all time. It has officially bumped off Misaeng for me in terms of execution, theme, and consistency...

But in Korean Dramas, I've noticed a lot of PDs go lazy around the finale... But not for this one, the heart-racing motions are very consistent and the pace of my heart beat is just steadily rising.

I love this drama so far. Despite the micro-flaws, it has not YET disappointed me at all.


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Right, I've been thinking about this for a few days...is this the best drama I've seen? I've have been so blown away by the quality--clever writing, acting, direction, cinematography, really pretty much everything. Frankly I can't remember all the dramas I've seen, so would this really rank at the top?

Then you mentioned Misaeng and yes, that was the last Great Drama I've seen... awesome acting and such a compelling, heartfelt script and characters focused around, let's face it, a lot of mundane workforce elements But what a great drama... my husband and I both loved it. But overall IRY beats it... so if the quality follows through tomorrow, I too would have to say it is the best I've seen, and I've watched A Lot of dramas the last few years.

More like this, please.


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Sorry for the consecutive posts. I feel like a dog chasing its tail. This drama is messing with my head.

It's asking us to hate the sin of killing,
But also asking us to forgive the sinners.

It's asking us to understand LJY,
To view Min's plight from his perspective,
and now Hyun...

Everything is so thematically consistent in all its details. And it shoots out so many morality-related questions.

I LOVE THE PHILOSOPHY! I love the way they attacked it.


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Poor Hyun having to own up the fact that he will at least try to understand Joon Ho/LJY reasoning before throwing him in jail


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This drama is one of the best investigation drama I've ever watched. I wonder why in Korea the rating is so low..
The characters,the plot and the story line is just perfect.
Completely in love with naraguk chemistry and also the bromance in this drama ^^

I am hoping for an extend but it will end this week.But i am sure i will never get tired to watch this drama again and again :D


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I just watch episode 15 fresh online, and i just will not spoil every thing, just one thing.
OMG, the writer is so so clever, what i already guess is maybe true, but i still shock.... if it is true.
How can that be?


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I just watched this episode last night. Wow.

Simply brilliant.


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Okay, I kind of found it funny that Joon-ho was totally confused as to why Ji-an was upset. It's like a guy who gets his wife an iron for a present and doesn't get why she's insulted. Except that instead of an iron, this is the dead body of her father, who he killed, and he's all, "But I thought she'd like it!" It's incredibly twisted...yet weirdly sweet that it was his attempt at a thoughtful gift.


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Because Ji-An has been feeding the good wolf all along, when the bad wolf emerged she can controlled herself, in fact growing up as a criminal daughter, very easily will end up fed the bad wolf until it took over the host, so should everyone considered Hyeon as “hosting”the bad wolf already. “… what I should do with LJY… I’ll kill him” (x6 times)… that’s the only conclusion I have.”H. “I understand fully, but, there is another answer inside you.” (H knows his Ji-An well, and trusted her well)
Next scene facing the baked birthday cake, we found how fast Ji-An recomposed herself, and how much Hyeon has grown to let go and relax until he bothered to joke like any ordinary lad, and not just smirk and mock.
“You held back, good job… You’ve endured it well.” Proven again how Hyeon knew his Ji-An, and how glad was he that Ji-An did delivered a A Grade score, she is always his motivation to feed the good wolf within to curb that bad one, she has proven it can be done! She did it alone!


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He wakened in her gazes, Both looked away embarrassed, actually Hyeon seems more awkward and annoyed, as he obviously disliked “gotten caught in the act, being forced to revealed any sign of inner feels”… he blinked his eyes looking awkward, but Ji-An broke into a genuine smile look gently straight at him, a knowing smile, as Hyeon saw her sun beam smile, everything is fine suddenly.
Still in a comfortable silent, both smiled again shyly, blushed, and both acknowledged with a “yes, we both did That for each of us…” smile. Do not know since when, they are so comfortable with the swift silent between them….
then, Ji-An broke the silent, “I’m going home today”.
“you really don’t need too.” (he never say things for the sake of politeness…. He meant it.)
“Take your brother out of that house.” (oh, I see…. Sgghhh.)
“…I’m sorry for saying this, but someday for the things your brother did, I’ve have to catch him, l’ll give you time… I wish to catch him because he turns himself in....” doing what she needs to do, what she know he don’t wish her to do, but he knows both he and herself should be doing…. Afterall, between them both, someone needs to stand up and do that, then let her be the one, if he can’t….
to some Team Min fans, she sound annoying, every times she chided him to "catch" Min, but we all know this IRY is a story about overcoming the Bad Wolf within, and feeding the good wolf.


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I noticed, isn’t it a cross bracket he’s wearing when he holds her hands… the cross was like horizontal along the line of his wrist. Guess the writer could like to portray Hyeon as someone believing in the existence of God, a Creator whom he will seek strength to curb that bad wolf within and bring out more of that good wolf He has created in him, a Creator that will bring justice to pass.


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Min “We cannot expose the evidence that prove who LJY is…. If I do that it means let’s die together... well, even if you want to do that, you won’t be able to, because you have no evidence.” Min sort of threatened.
H: “I’ll look at your crime objectively. Will it be okay with you?... you killed people who abandoned people. That’s means you killed me, who you thought left you, would LJY be like you, commit murders associated with himself.”
“LJY remembered his childhood when he was harassed, repeatedly killed the adults who harassed him, repeatedly saving his youthful self.”
while many has no problem with Hyeon cuffing LJY one day, many would like to plea for Hyeon to forgive Min. No, if Hyeon truly do that, he will be allowing that bad wolf within Min to grow and take over it host one day again, it harm Min even more. Hyeon will never has real peace without allowing Min to face his guilt and answer it, and stand tall and feed the good wolf in Min after that. its not just to answer Ji-An, its Hyeon himself who needs that.


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