Open Thread #103



The Pains of Being Pure at Heart – “Higher than the Stars” [ Download ]

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so all the city hallers will be throwing tomatoes and eggs at me for this..

i feel asleep while watching ep 20 and woke up to lights and dancing and tears. i'm like "WTF? weren't they just outside the police station?"

sorry. i didn't mean to... but i had just spent the previous 12 hrs at a funeral for a 19 yr old girl who never smoked a day in her life, who passed because of lung cancer. i skipped staying up all nite at the funeral home to watch the last 3 eps of City Hall, and fell asleep.

i'm now off to go back to the funeral. see you on Tuesday!

oh, as if to show either the approval or disapproval, the CH banner of said scene mentioned above is on this page.. until i hit send, that is.


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@epyc, you couldn't imagine how excited i was the first i watch that clip. rita of soompi provided the clip, she's one of the hardcore fans of WB from HK.

could someone confirm the guy at the end of the clip, is that Go Soo?


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@to my fellow Cal "sisters"- I think we can just try really hard and erase this weekend's game from our mind. To make matters worse, hubby and his fellow condommen(Trojans) were teaming up and gave me dirt(I will not write the profane version of such word) on how poorly Cal played...sigh****

On the note of MNIKSS, are any of you going to watch Daniel Henney's Three Rivers tonight? His character is supposedly a womanizer doc...ummm, I guess the fact that it's good that we finally have a HOT asian man on tv. But is that all asian actors can do...I mean can we , Asians, be portrayed as something else besides the stereotypical roles like doctors/scientists/gangsters/kung fu fighters??? I think we need a reality show , too. ( but who?)

@Ib_tmi as I was reading your posting...my eyes tear up...I hope I will not post here about going to the funeral "of a young woman who died of lung cancer ...never smoked in her life...". My cousin is still fighting hard, one day at a time.

@To all who is suffering/who know someone who is in one of too many natural disasters right now: I am truly sorry about how the horrible ordeals , and I am once again humbled by Mother Nature, and what could happened in a blink of eye. I think this should remind us to treasure our family and friends even more.


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@ cingdoc
"condommen" - LOL!

Yes, I am in the Pit of Despair. :(
It's always a nightmare when the SC fans come into town. Luckily, it's only once every two years. On the way to the game, hubby reiterated his sentiment - "I'm so glad SC's in Southern California." (i.e. not here)
The man sitting behind us at the game said - "I only root for two teams. Cal...and whoever's playing USC." :P

Yes, it's no secret how much USC is disliked. The students up on Cheapskate Hill had a sign that said -> UC not U$C
Haha! :P

And how ironic is it that Stanford is leading the Pac-10? o_O The world must be off its axis or something. But hubby's happy, of course.

" Please correct me if I’m wrong, but do you think JIW in ROI reminded you of Prince Shin of Goong?"

Please erase all thoughts of that from your mind!!!!


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So I watched Rough Cut last night. So Ji-sub and Kang Ji-hwan, alternately beating the crap out of each other and gazing at each other intensely. NOT a bad way to spend an evening. Not at all.

Note to belleza; I so agree with what you said about Rough Cut in the previous OT. We get to see why Gang-pae (SJS) is the way he is, but virtually no insight into Soo-ta (KJW) at all. At some point it just turns into SJS's movie, which is a shame, because (I think) the original concept of the film seemed to be that these men are like two sides of the same coin. That said, the final scene is absolutely brilliant. And haunting.

It's been a KJW weekend for me. I briefly toyed with the idea of watching I Love Lucy all day...but the weather was nasty here, so I decided that curling up with Hong Gil Dong was the way to go.

Good decision. :-)


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I watched Three Rivers. In a nutshell, the hospital has blown their entire budget on some uber power point presentations. The newbie!guy is such a newbie, yawn.

Daniel Henneys character: foodfoodfoodfood.
I will give it another go next week.


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Three Rivers -

1. The show is .... quite slick. Hospital of the future, decent acting, decent plots.

2. The writing is... extremely poor. The one thing that I cannot stand is poor dialogue.

This is the pilot for heaven sakes - and omg give me a break, the dialogue is just terrible. Nobody nobody nobody nobody talks like people do on this show. It reminds me of an ESL video - people talking slowly and in full sentences and in complete thoughts... soooo messed up..

3. Daniel Henney did not screw up! He was absolutely fine, in a completely useless role.

Bottom line - the show kinda blows but it is not Daniel's fault!!!

I give the show 4 weeks, before the pwer cord is pulled. Mrs. Samsooki gives it longer but declares the show will be devoid of brain function by midseason, and will have its organs replaced.


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Re: my above post...abbreviations obviously are not my thing. I kept typing KJW when clearly I should have been saying KJH. What a goob.

I'm taking a break from HGD and watching Episode 1 of Smile, You. Anyone else? I'm not quite feeling it yet, but I think that's because I just finished MiSa (and hated Yoon with the heat of a thousand suns), so I'm finding it hard to warm up to Jung Kyung-ho's character. Lee Min-jung is a cutie though. I'm going to stick with it, just curious to see what everyone else thinks.

Sigh...I just want to go back to Inju City with a side trip to Tamra. :-(


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i watched Three Rivers and just LOVED it.. wish DH had more screen time.
i thought the story was intense.. whatta way to reel ppl in. i liked the "no love interest" crap.



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@lb_tmi - i'm really sorry for your loss :( on a happier note - i also got the same CH banner as you did. and i didn't even have to try for it this time! you liked three rivers? i'm only 30 min in and i like it so far, but i'm not sure how much. daniel henney is really hot, but i really can't stand his hair.

@Islanders - i finally decided to watch the last 2 episodes (i have been putting them off because i couldn't stand for this wonderful series to end) and man i loved it. i really do wonder about all the edits now and am looking forward to the 20-ep dvd set.

@206 janna - "In a nutshell, the hospital has blown their entire budget on some uber power point presentations" - HAHA!! when i first saw that futuristic presentation i was like WOW!!! that is some fancy stuff...

random note: i went to my local korean market and finally bought me some shin ramyun and was very tempted to buy one of those copper colored ramyun pots so i could eat off the lid as well haha. i refrained from the pot as i already have a perfectly good pot at home, but i did buy me a bunch of ramyun and it's really good hehe.... even w/o eating it the kdrama way :)


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I've fallen asleep before the opening creds were up for 3 Rivers. It's yawnfest.
All the slick is such a mistake, beyond silly.
CSI Miami, at least is funnn with all the winkwink. This is a dud that doesnt even start to know how seriously bad it is to poke fun at itself.

And Belleza totally got me rewatching Bali for real, it's so long ago and I watched it as background noise back then, didnt rem I even glanced at any of the subs at all. I just rem JIS' cryfest... GLORIOUS.

But wow, not just it's addictive, it's awesome and mad juicy. It's almost like watching some Thai guilty pleasures... whenever JIS was on (or his dad, or his mominlaw) my head started spinning...so will it be golf clubs? chairs? tables?! HJW's head?! that got thrown across the screen in this scene?!?! I was at the edge of my seat. It must be how it felt watching a great boxing game IF I'm into WWE. Further down the line, I even went if I' would witness clothes tearing and rape and all that in the next scene even when HJW's character is given the chance of a breather to have a bit of a happy time and allow to grin.

AND hubby is a newly converted JIS fanboy. He's never sit thro any kdrama marathon with me, but he'll stare in awe whenever JIS was on screen and grasped 'Wow, he can act!, Wow, look at that crying...WOW!' fascinating.' while ROFL-ing. He's never laughed as hard since Hangover...

A big big thank you to Belleza. ;)


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@ 208 langdon-unni

I......really didn't like the first two episodes of Smile, You. I watched because I liked Lee Ming-jung and Jung Kyung-ho (from both his TBDAW and Jamyunggo days), but I found the story just poorly executed, in additionl to LMJ seriously overacting and JKH not engaging me with his character.

I'm gonna skip unless I hear from other DBers that it's ironed out the kinks or the first two episodes was an aberration.

I thought you permanently lived in Inju City, and just recently went on vacation to Tamra? =-)

@ belleza

I second langdon813, you are a tease! And I'm just the glutton for punishment - will be awaiting your live journal entries....

@ lovenyc52

Did you buy our Shin at H-Mart at Diamond Jamboree? I love that stuff, but Hoo Roo Rook is better for you, the noodles are not fried. But Shin is still the best, when in doubt, fried is the answer.

I went insane at BCD in Garden Grove tonight, and my stomach is saying there is hell to pay with choosing the spiciest tofu.

So I spent the weekend free time re-watching WHIB, can't help it., the discussion with belleza and djes got me thinking about the drama and realizing its been a good while since I watched it.

I powered through it (kinda fastforwarded through the non-critical exposition parts), and really focused on the "narrative" this time around. I no longer felt the need to overanalyze either male lead, but was fascinated and flabbergasted at how the structure of the story continues to devolve into a gordian knot even when one or multiple of the players seek an escape. At every critical juncture, one of the key players (usually Park Ye-jin, blast her jealous and scorned soul) just pulls our other three players right back into the foursome. Until suddenly, someone has fallen in love who shouldn't be, and once a real emotion is bestowed, the wheels of fate have been set in motion.

Yowza, WHIB is like riding the monster coaster at Six Flags when you know you've got a weak constitution, you crave the thrill but know you'll feel bad afterwards. That why my favorite drama can only be City Hall - it's only good! But on the days I crave naughty with a side of explosive passion, only WHIB will do.

And for anyone wanting to watch a k-drama male lead cry, cry some more, cry until you can't cry no more - please watch WHIB and see how Jo In Sung won himself a Baeksang, baby! Btw, after three watches, I am all SJS's character all the way (when initially I was rather sorry for JIS and mesmerized by his torment). SJS is really the only sane person in the drama - and yet, his is the "villian" who is only villianous because he bucks the status quo first, like belleza said. And woe is those who defy convention, especially k-drama Cinderalla convention.

Yup, WHIB is a masterfully crafted dark side of the fairy tale, and its in the dark side that human beings real and deepest desires, fears, and love can be re-examined and given a new perspective. I'm glad WHIB has all four characters be around the same age, it works incredibly well to picture the power and lust struggles when each character has something the other three want, and all of them are just missing a fourth leg to make their personal position secure.

I have watched ZERO US shows since the fall season kicked off. I'm only waiting for Lost to resume, but I find even my fave shows like House, Heroes (lost cause 2 seasons ago actually), Bones, have all lost their luster, with nary a new show urging me to make a date with it.

@ mookie

Ha, like minds, baby! Glad you're enjoying it with your hubby. As I was re-watching WHIB, my hubby would pause and look up from his Kindle every once in awhile and go - what IS that man DOING?????


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^ Hi5 ockoala! ;)

Man, the power of JIS.. got my boy to do all the tech stuff to play rmvb on the TV screen....which I was buggin him to do forever.

I had soo soo sooo much fun though, cant take my eyes of JIS, then cant help but steal a smirk at hubby staring at JIS, totally mesmerized when his mouth wide open,THEN bursting in a laughing fit. He really did roll on the floor. entertaining indeed.
What is great for Bali is it really go all the way mad crazy...convincingly. Even for a Kdrama virgin dude, who doesnt really know any of the normal shenanigans of kdramaland, last 2 eps, he's going ' DARN, my fav (aka his guy1...ie JIS) is really flipped, he's going to kill them all!.. hey, tell me if he killed them all. No, don't tell me, but he should....' *biggrin*

WOW....even jokingly asked if that Tigress collar dreamcoat will be a good look for Halloween for him. kekeke...
So he's asking me next thing he should go for for his JIS lovefest. digging out FrozenFlower atm...


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Oh lucky me just got the KJH banner previously and then the City Hall one............wahhh it is a good DB day!

I really thought I was recovering from my CH addiction....until a friend queried why I loved it. Well....that resulted in none of the planned work done, but a lively rant about CH. Then I get the banner as well!

FYI the CH DVDs are once more permanent residents in my DVD player. :P

Really going to have to come back read this OT properly - I glimpsed mentions of Banners, Rough Cut (KJH and SJS) and other good stuff (as always).....


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Had a dream about Kim Bum last night.

He was a guest on a talk show and they held a competition, sort of like the Newlywed Game, where he and a panel of girls had to answer questions. The girl who matched his answers the closest got to wash his hair on live TV.

Lamest dream ever? Pretty much. ;-)


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@ockoala - i sure did buy the shin ramyun at H Mart at Diamond Jamboree!! i actually met up with some friends and we raided 85C and i got enough bread to last me a week, along with a large sea salt coffee (YUM), then hit up H Mart for some essentials (read: ramyun and ginormous shinko pears lol) ... and then i went to koba for some superb soon tofu (i paid for that as well!!). it was a very asian weekend.

@langdon813 - any dream involving kim bum and his beyond adorable dimples is a WIN. i went to a noraebong this weekend and the videos that play along with the songs have ZERO to do with the songs actually chosen... so not only did i get old schook baby vox and a young, heavily make-uped YEH, but i also got an MC Boom music video featuring none other than a 15 year old Kim Bum... it was the highlight of my night.

@samsooki - you'll be happy to know that i finally started MNIKSS. i'll let ya know what i think when i'm further into it, but it's cute so far :)


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re: Friend: Our Legend.

It's getting better and better. But before going any further, lemme give a scattered backstory on the time period in question:

Friend: Our Legend is a story about 4 guys who were best of friends (2 of whom were bestest of best friends) throughout childhood, and finding themselves caught in an extremely tumultuous period of Korean history.

You gotta understand, Korea in the 70s - 90s could be an extremely... unfair(?? i don't have the right adjective...) place. Korea was moving from a controlled economy to a free-market economy, trying to compete in mulitple industries at once (heavy industry (steel)) and commercial exports (automobiles, tankers) among others, and at the same time, rebuilding a catatonic mindset that was absolutely obliterated from the Korean war (1950-53), the scare of communism, and the division of North and South by the Great Powers. The push to modernize created a massive upheaval in how Korea was developing - the workforce had to become industrial, and this meant that the people that controlled the labor forces were the most powerful people in Korea... (just like it was in America when they were modernizing, etc.)

And human rights, civil rights, democracy... all those things were subverted to some degree in the name of progress, which was the push for Korea to modernize. And sometimes, if you were smart, that didn't mean you got ahead. Sometimes, if you were strong, that didn't mean you were respected or rewarded. Sometimes, the corrupt got their way... Politicians were corrupt, depending on how you defined corrupt, police were corrupt, and oddly, the gangsters often were the only ones who couldn't be bought and had a code of their own that people could respect.

During this time, the two bestest of friends seem to see their relationship torn asunder by fate, as they found themselves in opposing gangster warfare over money, power and respect.

The scenes in the latter of this drama are really really good. Some are funny and ironic, some scenes are really touching and interesting to watch.

Binnie doesn't have complete control over his accent yet, but he is close. But you know what? The scene stealers of this drama so far are the women! They are great, and really fun to watch.

Min Ji Hye as Jin Sook, Jung Yoo Mi as Eun Ji, and Bae Geu Rin as Sung Ae... just awesome.

I thought I wouldn't watch this, but I've been watching it on and off on MBC America now, and it's good! Never thought I'd say that, but it's true.


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@216 lovenyc52 -


Please keep us in the loop!

I would LOVE to hear what you think of the characters, etc. If you do talk about specific plot or episodes though, just put a "SPOILER ALERT" in the section so that you give fair warning (even though I would think that most everyone on dramabeans has seen MNIKSS).

MNIKSS is still my fav drama of all time. =)


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i just read a comment over at Popseoul regaring 2 ppl that got busted for drug use from back in 2007. a 30 yr old male, last name Park and a 26 yr old female last name Kim. i know, simple to figure out who it is, rite? but the commenter said that it's Park Yong Ha.

can anyone confirm or deny this? i'm curious what this article says.



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A special treat for everyone still here at OT.


I won't spoil it, but suffice to say, I guarantee there will be a nugget of goodness for everyone, plus, it's in English!

Samsooki: * cough* *hyun bin* *cough*

My fave line from the video: Jung Woo-sung's perfect nose, I am jealous of that."


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@samsooki - i will definately keep you posted :) i literally am 1.5 episodes in and am sans laptop today as my coworker attempts to replace a part for me tonight. sucks cuz once i get into a drama i tend to want to marathon them as much as i can, even if i want to savor it (like CH!! totally watched as many eps as i could in a day, and then afterwards wished i had taken it slower and enjoyed the ride more, ya know??) it's the impatience in me, always wanting to know what happens next. but this could be a blessing in disguise. no laptop = no drama watching = sleep earlier = recover from being sicky faster = fully enjoying MNIKSS when i feel better AND have my laptop back. hooray!


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ockoala-dongsaeng, such goodies on a Monday afternoon! How I do love you, little sis! And I want one of those t-shirts!

That is all. :-D


Found the website! And I don't understand a word of it...but that doesn't matter one little bit.



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@ 222 langdon-unni

Oooh, why oh why is it not also in English. I'm a good downloader - can I please have the t-shirt with Jung Woo-sung in it, pretty please?

Witness how Ha Ji-won is the only celebrity lady wearing jean shorts, and we're talking almost Daisy Duke length ones at that. She's got lovely gams, I grant you that. And when Kim Tae-hee smiles, sigh, she's so so pretty.

So we've got The Good and The Weird - I wonder if Lee Byung-hun was like, "what, Hyun Bin is gonna be there? awkward......I'll send KTH in my stead. IRIS, representing!! peace out, bros."

These gooddownloader folks are just brain-washing me......what was I doing today, memory a little fuzzy......I see pretty people.....


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I seriously am sitting here grinning like a fool. I mean, Jung Woo-sung! AND Hyun Bin! In the same room! Being all adorable! And Shin Mina! And Kim Han-eul! And...lots of other beautiful people!

LOL at Ha Ji-won and her Daisy Dukes...a little obvious in the group photo, huh?

Yeah...it's a shame The Bad couldn't have been there too. But then we probably would have spontaneously combusted. Or gone blind. ;-)


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@ langdon-unni

The gooddownloader campaign is actually very adorably done and tasteful in spreading a message without clobbering everyone over the head with a big stick. I like it, it's cute and the message is clear.

The A-list celebrity quotient was so high at that CF shoot, they should've sold tickets to lurk in the corner and watched all that amazing celebrity firepower in one room.

"Yeah…it’s a shame The Bad couldn’t have been there too. But then we probably would have spontaneously combusted. Or gone blind."

Let's not forget the most beloved Jang Dong-gun was also present, so if you consider the heavy-weight elder hotties like JDG and JWS, adding LBH would.....it makes my head spin with the ramifications...... (I count Binnie as a next gen-hottie, oh, he's so hot and talented it makes my eyes and head hurt, no doubt, but he's still earning his movie star credentials, so he's gotta give his hyungs some respect, yo!).

Seriously, that CF, plus the JWS article this morning, what a glorious Monday for me. ;-) I'm actually coming down with something, my throat is killing me, but this makes me forget the hurt.


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@ockoala: With Smile, You I think the overacting is on purpose. In episode 3 Lee Kyu Han flashes a "is-she-really-going-out-with-him" gape that well...I don't think he'd do that unless he was told to play it up.

**spoiler up to end of episode 4**
By the end of episode 4, Hyun Soo has already been "gently let go" by his dream girl Jung Kyung. But now she's moving into his house. I'm going to stick around to see how fast she starts looking for her own apartment (immediately? two hours?) Hopefully Hyun Soo won't be stealing articles of her clothing to hold preciously at night.


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@ 222 langdon813

Thanks for the Good Downloader website. I noticed that there is a mini Smiley face icon that follows my cursor around....that's just soooo coool!!
On a separate note...I've was playing a little roulette game with that CH header that some of you talked about. For the last 3 days, I only saw it once. Today, I clicked on JWS's directorial thread twice and both times that same CH header appears. Then, I opened another tab to write this post, I get the other CH header. OK, now I have the third tab opened to submit my post so that I can admire the 2 CH headers and count myself lucky. Thanks to chajye for doing the headers and DB for using them.

The problem? Keeping tabs on all my tabs.


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My husband is going to divorce me, probably sooner rather than later.

I just finished Episode 7 of Hong Gil Dong and SCREAMED. If I had been watching this show live I'd be dead right now. DEAD I SAY!


Episode 8 awaits...

@227, omo

I feel ya! I've gotten the CH banners several time over the last day or so...but Lee Min-ki eludes me, for some reason. But once I get him, that tab will be open FOREVER. :-D


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@langdon813, I totally screamed too. (Didja read my long rambling rant??) That was one of the best moments of the show, I thought. Really well done.


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JB, I just finished your rant and every word (hell, every syllable!) seems like it was ripped from my heart. I have NEVER despised a fictional character like I do Chang Whe right this minute. If I could kill him with my bare hands, I would do it with a smile on my face and joy in my heart...HATE is too small a word for this emotion.

What a BASTARD! Oh, he has to die. HAS. TO. DIE!!!


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@ langdon-unni

On a light note - I get Lee Min-ki at least once a day, makes me think of you even more!

On a heavy note - holy heck, you've pretty much passed the eternal point of no return for HGD, kiss sleep good night, unless tomorrow is the day before 2012 and the end of earth is nigh and you need to spend it with your loved ones.

Hong Gil Dong/Kang Ji-hwan - he's so, so, so heartwrenching.....calling sister now to demand DVD set back for immediate re-watch!


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@ langdon813

HGD episode 3 question. Was it #1 or #2?


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Sorry I don't remember who but someone here recommended Smile, You and just wanted to say Thank You. OMG luving it so far and only on ep 1. ROFL too hilarious.


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@232, anon

# 2.

Definitely # 2.



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@ langdon813

Welcome to the HGD world of lub / lurrrve! :D
I did watch it live...pre-dawn, with hubby sleeping in the next room....and I was a blubbering mess after watching ep.7. BLUBBERING, SOBBING MESS, I tell ya!

ockoala's right - kiss sleep goodbye. KJH shines some more in ep.8.
Damn, a re-watch is so tempting right now!!!


Biggest laugh of the day -

Hubby's Kdrama Observation #2: (Remember - #1 was female lead running a lot)
People yell. A LOT.
Hubby: Why is everyone always yelling??? Korean is such an angry culture. (barely able to contain his laughter)
Me: HELL YEAH, *bleep*....*bleep*....#$%^!*@^#%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Just finished Dal Ja's Spring episode 8. Anybody watching/watched that? I like the part when DJ shouts "I missed you, you jerk!". That's the moment of revelation, a sudden strong and punctuated feeling. That's what kdramas are all about!

Just a couple things I wanted to point out:
1) Lee Min-ki's eyes always seem bloodshot. That guy has got to get some sleep!
2) LMK's mom, grandfather both seem to be wearing wigs.

Onward to episode 9!


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@everyone You guys keep talking about HGD...I'm tempting to leave the Island(Tamna) and rewatch HGD...I lub it very much, too

@lovenyc52 Next time when you are at H mart, you should really get the brass ramen pot. I fell in love with the idea when (my) Gong Yoo ate ramen with YEH in Coffee Prince. When my hubby watch BOF with me( the one and only time that he watched a whole kdrama with me) and saw Gu Jun Pyo had Jandi made the ramen for him and had to have it in the brass pot, hubby saw that I thought that it was cute.As a gag gift, he got the pot for me for my B'day and wrote "To Jandi, with love". I love the pot even more now because of the sentimental reason ( and the fact that hubby actually shared a kdrama with me AND REMEMBERED a scene)- and yes, the noodle tastes good from it (esp. on a cold kdrama marathon all-nighter =)


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Finished Episode 8...silly me, thinking I'd feel better. Well, I did, for about a minute. Have to go to bed now, I'm holding my eyes open with my fingers! My poor, red, weepy, sleepy eyeballs just can't take anymore tonight.

ockoala-dongsaeng, hjkomo, cingdoc...oh, please rewatch HGD. I'm going to need some hand-holding along the way.

Sleep well, y'all!

Oh, just one more little thing.

@236, kdxmel

Isn't Dal Ja's Spring great? It just gets better and better. Plus...Lee Min-ki is MINE. MINE. MINE. Our bloodshot eyes were meant for each other. It's destiny. :-)

Now I'm really going to bed. G'nite!


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@ockoala and mookie (aka "The Jo In Sung Emotional Meltdown Fanclub")

Choi Ji Woo is impressive, but Jo In Sung is truly the Queen of Tears. :D

This is actually why I enjoy Spring Day so much. In Spring Day, you get to once again Jo In Sung's dramatic interpretation of "Love Hurts." (The "what about Jack?" queenie drama, the diamond-like tears, the 4-year old screaming, the on-his-knees begging, the vague sense that he may uhhh kill everybody before episode 20) But you do get a HAPPY ending. (Also, you get to see Jo Jin Hee play a 5-year old kid, which is adorable.)

That said, you don't get the greatest thing Jo In Sung ever did. Don't remember what that is? That's okay, let Andy of Shinhwa show it to ya . . .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X94T4VPkTdc (starting at 6:50)

(Andy kept on doing "this" for the next year that it became a running joke on variety shows.)

"LOL at Ha Ji-won and her Daisy Dukes…a little obvious in the group photo, huh? "

Yeah, Ha Ji-won is the queen of "oops I did it again!" sexuality. She pouts; she pouts some more; then what do ya know, she's making out with the guy. Oops I did it again.


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I'm back in Hawai and loving the weather but miss my parents.

In response to all the wonderful postings above, I agree that the kiss in the car is the best and finally showed me that there are some Koreans actors out there that can really kiss.

My husband is a BSU and USC fan (his alma maters) and cannot understand why I root against USC everytime regardless of opponents. I told him it's because they (the coach, team, press and fans) think USC can do no wrong. How can a team that loses to an unranked team only drops several notches on the rankings? If it was another team, hmm....they would be dropped!

the job of a serious journalist can be so challenging and sometimes emotionally draining. I salute you for your courage and determination.

I start my new job tomorrow. Very different from what I have been doing for the last 8 years. A little nervous so keep telling myself 'fighting'!


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1. When I saw HGD ep 7, I totally knew he wasn't dead.

2. Everybody seems to be like, oh, poor Gil Dong. But nobody says, oh, poor Yinok! I was saying poor Yinok! I mean, I have sympathy for Gil Dong for shizzle, but I have empathy for Yinok!

3. Here's the thing. KJH plays a guy who is modern in thinking, extremely intelligent, very strong and martially gifted, and in an ironic sort of way, free of any burdens because he has absolutely no expectations at all for the future from anyone. While his half-brother has the weight of the world on his shoulders, which has crushed him utterlly, Gil Dong is free to do whatever he wants - he can date anyone, he can fight anyone, he can laze around all day, he can go fight tigers, he can go to China and come back, whenever he feels like it. Join up with a band of thieves? No problems.

4. But Yinok has nothing but her grandpop and that's it. She gave her I Lub You to Gil Dong, and now that is gone, her life is destroyed and she has to rebuild on a shattered heart.

Y'all say poor Gil Dong, he got pierced in the heart. But i say, poor Yinok, who lost her heart.

Anyhoo. HGD = one of my fav dramas. HGD Ep 7 = one of my fav eps of my my dramas. I would say that the ending of Ep 7 is the dramatic equivalent of say, when Samsoon climbs the mountain and finds.... samshik already there. Well, maybe not to that degree... hmm, maybe? I guess that's a debate for another time...


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@241 Samsooki

Oh, I knew he wasn't dead-dead. Only mostly dead! ;-)

But I didn't expect it to really happen, and the sound effects were a little TOO realistic (I think I'll hear the dull thud of that arrow for the rest of my life).

But yes, at this point I do feel way sorrier for Yinok, especially at the end of Episode 8. She was wailing, I was wailing, HGD just stood there like "AW HELL" but still thinking he's all noble for doing that to her. Stupid man. I sincerely hope that one day someone explains to him what "I LUB YOU" really means and he realizes exactly what he did to her.

Ugh...I guess this means Chang Whe (DIE!!) is going to fall for Yinok and realize she's his long lost child bride. And Eun-hye (HATE!!) is going to keep blackmailing HGD. Well, okay, maybe I can't blame her there. Hee!

Sigh...it's so great. Please let work be slow today! :-D


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@ langdon813

Didn't that scene in ep.8 rip your heart out? I was wailing.
BUT didn't you see the way Gil Dong's heart was being ripped out, too?! He was torn. He was hurting, just as much as Yinok. KJH nailed that scene...the way his body and heart was wanted SO BADLY to go to her...the slightest movement towards this could be detected...and then the mind winning over body & heart, and he had to turn away. KJH, KJH, KJH!!!!! He NAILED it.

And don't you worry.... GILNOK LUB, FTW!!! :D


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@ hjkomo

I did see it, I really did! I know he was hurting too, but in that moment I felt so much worse for Yinok, because he took all her hope away. At least he knows she's alive and safe. So yeah, I felt for him, but not nearly as much as Yinok.

Ah, but I'm sure there's something else coming down the pike for our hero that will rip me apart, it's just a matter of time. :-(

KJH is made of win, there is no doubt about it.


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Interesting evolution in this thread.

nominations for best / fav k-drama moments

1. MNIKSS - the part where Samsoon heads up the mountain, and guess who is there.

2. HGD - End of Eps 7, 12, 14, 19, 20. Middle of Ep 23. With respect to the last, the middle of ep 23 with the mad king by the apple tree....monologue-ing, one of the best scenes I've ever seen in a drama.

3. City Hall - Eps 6-20. All of it. :)

4. My Girl - Last ep, elevator scene. Also, I forget which episode, but where LDH and her dad are at the airport, going wherever, and the dad asks LDH where do they want to go, and LDH starts to cry as she remembers the moment where she and LDW were at that airport... the dad instinctively starts saying "i'm sorry, i'm sorry" even though he has no idea why she is crying, but habitually it is always his fault... along with SYR in HGD, I think it is towards the end of Ep 12 of HGD, the best cry by a leading actress.

5. Dalja's Spring - Lee Minki and Chae Rim... the part on the couch which then leads to Lee Minki storming off into his own room, which then leads him to barge into Chae-Rim's room....


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Some Favorite K-drama scenes that pop up . . .

1. Alone in Love -- the wedding reception scene when Son Yeh Jin sings to her ex-husband. I already decided AIL was my favorite Korean trendy of all time, but that scene really, really hurt in a very personal way. First time I saw that scene, I actually turned away because it was too horrifying to watch.

2. Fashion 70s -- the helicopter scene when Joo Jin Mo (F70s worked hard to turn JJM into a Roman God . . . and the show succeeded :D ) meets Lee Yo Won for the first time. It's shot as if it were old film stock with a choppy frame rate, which gives it a "we were there" reminisce that enhances the fact that A ROMAN GOD is meeting you from his helicopter.

3. Full House -- Three Bears. Esp. when Rain does the "American" accent and when Song Hye Kyo is sobbing. :D

4. Stairway to Heaven -- The Piano on the Beach. This is when the show officially jumped the shark. Fortunately the show ended right there, and so it haunts my dreams to this day.

5. Jumong -- The Archery Contest. Actually, the best part isn't when Jumong hits the bulleye blindfolded, while the awesome Jumong theme kicks in. No, the best part is when Jun Kwang Yul rises from his seat and utters that magical word "Haemosu." Since then, I'm kinda obsessed with calling my future kid Haemosu, because when you utter this word, you too will able to hit bullseye and own 50 Buyo grunts without a scratch. Say it with me -- Hae Mo Su. Feel invincible now? Exactly. :D

6. Dae Wong Sejong -- Missile Defense Episode. There was this one episode of Sejong where apparently the Chosun Dynasty what looks like an aircraft missile system. It was essentially flaming arrows rounded up on a swivel machine thingie, and it took out a bunch of dudes with an efficiency not since trench warfare in WW2 Germany. After laughing my mom and I laughed our heads off, I concluded that the descendants of Chosun Dynasty must have built the pyramids, invented dinosaurs, and invented the Wu Tang Clan.

7. Sam Soon -- Mountain scene. Because everybody can relate to what she says.

8. MiSa -- the argument in the car.

9. All In -- when Lee Byung Hun teaches cholos tae-kwon-do, thus fulfilling the hope of a million Korean Americans living in SoCal.

10. Style -- whenever Ambigously Gay dude dances . . OMG . . so . . .ambigiously . . . gay :D


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5. Dalja’s Spring – Lee Minki and Chae Rim… the part on the couch which then leads to Lee Minki storming off into his own room, which then leads him to barge into Chae-Rim’s room….

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This show is just getting juicer and juicer, and so is LMK! But don't worry, you can have LMK (not that he's ever mine) because my heart is still set on CSW and in Inju City!


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3. Full House — Three Bears. Esp. when Rain does the “American” accent and when Song Hye Kyo is sobbing.

9. All In — when Lee Byung Hun teaches cholos tae-kwon-do, thus fulfilling the hope of a million Korean Americans living in SoCal.

10. Style — whenever Ambigously Gay dude dances . . OMG . . so . . .ambigiously . . . gay

Lolz! Belleza makes my day so merry. belleza posts are like drinking shirley temples spiked with a bit of grey goose.


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@ Samsooki and belleza

Preface - I can only comment on what I have seen, but I know the rest are bullseye accurate, so thanks for giving me two more dramas on my will-see list: Dalja's Spring and Alone in Love. Also, thanks for the laughter in my life.

Samsooki - MNIKSS, City Hall, HGD and My Girl - agree, agree, agree, agree!

Belleza - Fashion 70's (that scene singlehandedly made my jaw drop over Joo Jin Mo - OMMF*****IDYSUYFSI***** - and that scene plus Chung Jung-myung made Fashion 70's worth watching in the end - one word: BIN!)

Just a few of my faves, in addition to the above (take it with a grain of salt):

1. What Happened in Bali - the ending. (first runner up - anytime Jo In Sung has a complete drunken or spazztastic meltdown) (second runner up - anytime JIS gets the crap beaten out of him or thrown at him, or HJW gets bitch-slapped).

2. Beautiful Days - since it's LBH, I get to pick 3 faves, so there - the beach running scene with CJW, the kiss at Tower Records with CJW, and the crowing glory: the cherry blossom scene with CJW (damn that CJW!).

The cherry blossom scene starts when wet napkin stepbrother RSW calls LBH to tell him to get his ass to X location by 8 p.m., since LBH and CJW have sorta broken up, and if LBH doesn't show up, the RSW's gonna move in on the girl (um, RSW, you tool, the girl has NO feelings for you, so shut your yapping). Then LBH turns his desk clock around to avoid looking at the time, he's typing and typing, and his fingers slow, and stop, and then next thing you know, the music is swelling, LBH is hiking his tight ass to the cherry blossoms, and he runs and runs looking for CJW, passing her twice!! (oh, the irony, the foreshadowing, the dragging out of the reunion), until finally they see other, and cue the trumpets and fireworks, and the panoramic camera shot circling the erstwhile lovers reuniting. Best part of the scene - RSW dejectly walking away!

I can watch this scene over and over again - because it comes with the best reunion music in the history of reunion music.

@ belleza

I'll check out Spring Days for more JIS crying!


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Ooh, I'll play!

1) The door kiss in Coffee Prince ("Take your foot out!") :-D

2) This is tough, but I think the sidewalk scene is my favorite City Hall moment. ("If I hold on to her, she'll die! And If I let go, I'll die!")

3) The ramen scene in MiSa. I will never get over that. Never.

4) Episode 11 of Tamra. If you've seen it, then you know. I'll never get over that either. (PARK KYU!)

5) Chae Do-woo's smile at the end of Story of a Man. Still gives me goosebumps.

6) Let's Go to School, Sang-doo - when Sang-doo cuts Bori's hair.

7) MNIKSS - I love the mountain scene but I think my favorite is the dual-nosebleeds-in-bed. ("What if I'm not pregnant?" Blink....blink. O_o )


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