Flower Boy Next Door: Episode 11

Time for the moment of truth, and it’s a good one. Sometimes it takes a figurative smack to the head to realize how you feel, and sometimes a literal one provides the kick-start. What’s even more gratifying than watching Dok-mi emerge from her shell, though, is the way she’s reaching out and reciprocating, lending a hand of support when once it was everyone else’s mission to get her to take theirs.


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EPISODE 11: “Can I return to the me of the past?”

Backing up a bit, we revisit Enrique’s book-signing event, where he offers hugs to his adoring fans. A glimpse of a poster for the Van Gogh exhibit reminds him of Dok-mi going to see it with Jin-rak, which wipes the smile from his face. He forces the smile back on.

Jin-rak is ridiculously pleased about Dok-mi’s invitation and spends all his pre-date time chuckling to himself. Dong-hoon even styles him up for the big occasion, though he ends up giving him a sharp pointy hairdo that has Jin-rak growling. Hee. On to the museum he goes.

It turns out that Enrique’s follower isn’t Seo-young after all, but the cutesy fan-stalker who’s styled herself to copy Seo-young. She’s there when the skulking ajumma darts out to shove him into traffic. Screeeech!

Slammed to the asphalt, Enrique imagines Dok-mi standing there and realizes he must be in love after all.

At the museum, Jin-rak adorably hovers at a respectful distance from Dok-mi while she takes her time looking at the artwork, and shoos other visitors away so they won’t interrupt her viewing. He barely registers on her radar, though, because she’s imagining Enrique standing next to her instead, chattering on about how he likes Van Gogh, sharing info about younger brother Theo who wrote his brother lots of letters and supported his career.

But it’s Jin-rak who appears at her side in real life, knocking her from her reverie. Hilariously, he steals a glimpse of Dok-mi’s hand down at her side, and starts shaking as he tries to make the move to hold it. He’s so fixated on that objective that when Dok-mi asks whether he knows about something Van Gogh wrote in a letter to his brother, he blurts, “I want to hold your hand.” Omg. Cringe. I’m so secondhand embarrassed for you.

He gets a reprieve, though, when Dok-mi says he’s right—though the hand-holding Van Gogh referred to was a handshake. Jin-rak heaves a sigh of relief to have escaped the moment, although Dok-mi does belatedly catch on and surreptitiously tucks her hand under her scarf. Ha, and aw.

Enrique is rushed to the hospital, and the glimpse we get of his limp bloody hand is not at all encouraging. Neither are the frantic messages posted online by his worried fans, which is how Do-hwi and Dong-hoon find out about his accident. They wonder whether they should tell Dok-mi and Jin-rak about it, and in Do-hwi’s typically one-track-minded way, she’s more freaked out hearing that the two went on a date than Enrique’s “serious condition.”

At the exhibit, Dok-mi tells Jin-rak about a friend of hers who particularly admires Theo Van Gogh, the younger brother who supported his hyung both emotionally and financially as an artist. That person felt Theo ought to be remembered as well, and Jin-rak guesses he knows who she’s talking about.

Jin-rak tries to put Dok-mi at ease by saying that he hasn’t been out in a long while, and their apartment has a way of keeping you inside: “So what I’m saying is, you’re not strange.” Sweet of him. She says she’s never once found him an uncomfortable neighbor and refers to his daily milk drawings, and he assures her he’s prepared to draw her lots and lots more.

But at that, Dok-mi asks him not to anymore since she’s moving. He tells her he already knows, and explains that when he was younger he used to feel uneasy after receiving a present, because something bad always followed. He had a similar thought this time when she invited him out, thinking she must be doing it as a goodbye gesture, and says that he’s fine as long as she’s fine. Aw, don’t cry, Jin-rak!

Then he asks if she’s moving because of him—if so, then he can revert to the way he was and not bother her a bit. “But perhaps… is it because of the traces?” He refers to that conversation when she spoke of people leaving bits of themselves behind. “Is it because you’re afraid it’ll be painful after he leaves? That you won’t be able to forget him? Are you wanting to hide someplace where he’s never been?”

Now it’s her turn to blink back tears, though she explains saying that it’s her dream to spend a year doing what she wanted—she’s just moved up her plans a bit.

Jin-rak gets a text alerting him to Enrique’s attack, and he lets Dok-mi know that his condition is serious. Aw, he didn’t even struggle with the dilemma, which makes me love him more.

She’s rattled and fumbles for her phone, but he stops her. Instead he accompanies her to the hospital and gets Dok-mi past the doctors by saying they’re from Enrique’s company.

She enters the emergency room to see the doctors calling out to Enrique and tending to his body, and the sight of the blood-stained sheets has her reeling a bit. She flashes back to their last encounter when she’d treated him so coldly, and after he’d turned back from his flight to Spain.

And then, Enrique walks into view—he’s not the patient, but watching from the bedside. He’s half in shock as he asks the injured woman—his ajumma attacker—why she did it, and has to be ushered away to get treated himself. He’s taken past Dok-mi without seeing her, while she staggers in relief and heads back out in a daze.

Jin-rak waits outside and actually encourages her to stay behind. He says this is the only time he’ll back off and push her in the other direction, but that she should be with Enrique now. With that, he trudges off—see, he can be so cool when he’s not trying.

Enrique drops by his attacker’s room, though he decides not to press her to talk today when she turns away from him. But it’s the ajumma who gets worked up as she yells that it’s been five years since she’s had a decent conversation with her son, who’s so obsessed with him and his games that it’s all he does. She grabs him by the jacket and starts cursing him, calling him the devil, only to be stopped by the arrival of her teenage son.

Enrique pulls the son aside, who apologizes for his mom and tells him to go ahead and press charges. But Enrique asks, almost angrily, whether the son spends all his hours gaming, playing in secret and neglecting all else. The son insists he’s not an addict, explaining that he wants to design games like Enrique, and that it’s his way of studying them.

Enrique informs the kid that he has no business making games if he can’t make his loved ones happy: “You have to love to make games.” Do I detect a touch of self-loathing in his speech? Or perhaps it’s merely wisdom gleaned from hard-learned lessons.

Dok-mi arrives and stays with Mom during this conversation, which the ladies can hear from her bedside, and she encourages Mom to find “it” from herself: “I don’t think it’s something you can’t look for in others. Reasons to hurt, to be angry, to be sad—find them with your son.”

She says that Enrique’s a good person who wants to make people happy, but he steps inside to contradict her, saying that he doesn’t really care to be a good person to Mom, who is welcome to keep hating him. As for himself, he stands strong behind his work.

However, he challenges Mom to try playing his games if she truly has a desire to seek happiness—not because she’ll find them in the games, but because she should understand her son’s feelings in liking them. He advises, “Love is knowing that person.” Again, spoken from experience.

The rest of the posse has reconvened in Ryu’s apartment, where Do-hwi prepares a boxed lunch for Jin-rak despite being told that there’s no point in trying to win his favor that way. But reasoning with Do-hwi is a futile exercise, and she primps to hear that Jin-rak is headed over.

Dong-hoon gets a text from his mother, and he heaves a big ol’ sigh to read what seems like a familiar message: a request for money, for hospital bills and rent. Poor kid, working himself to the bone all the time.

Jin-rak arrives, spots Do-hwi present, and turns right back around. Ha. Serves you right.

She chases him into the hallway, though he really is in no mood to hear her excuses for inviting her old teacher to the party, expecting that she’ll feign innocence and claim good intentions. But there are things a person can’t conceal, he says, his voice getting angrier and louder: “Cha Do-hwi is, from the front and back and in every way—”

Here he pauses to calm down, and says tiredly, “—not my type.” That was definitely a nice way to put it.

She pulls him back, crying now to say he’s being harsh. Said the pot and the kettle rolled into one big blob of blackness. Jin-rak seems to have seen her nature, though (hooray for that) and says he’s ready to listen to her when she can speak completely honestly, without excuses and lies.

Dok-mi and Enrique take a cab home, and he admits to feeling bad over the whole ugly incident. In particular, he remembers how the ajumma leapt in front of him to take the brunt of the car’s impact, seemingly regretting her actions right after shoving him into the street.

Enrique thanks her for staying with him today and heads off toward his building, head hanging and mood low. But he ends up in her hallway anyway, and Dok-mi invites him inside.

He sits there dumbly, lost in a funk, and Dok-mi tells him reassuringly that there are many more people who have been made happy by his games. She says, “When people are overwhelmed with their troubles, they look for reasons in other people. That’s easier, but it never solves anything. People are weak.”

Enrique spots Dok-mi’s piles of books, tied together and ready for moving. She says she’s just reorganizing them, then changes the subject to say that she feels his accident was her fault. If he hadn’t come back, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt.

He asks if she really thinks he’s a good person, as she told the ajumma, and sighs that he understands how she feels. Perhaps he ought to become a shut-in too, to prevent more of these things from happening.

Dong-hoon pushes Do-hwi’s lunchbox at Jin-rak, telling him to consider her feelings. It’s more than Do-hwi deserves, but he does have a point about everybody just stuck staring at someone else’s back.

Dong-hoon tells Jin-rak he’ll have to quit working on the webtoon, wistfully saying that it would be nice if he really were a runaway rich kid out pursuing his dream. Instead, he’s decided he’ll devote the next three years of his life to making money.

Jin-rak doesn’t know what’s prompted this decision but his expression hardens and he grabs his jacket, ordering Dong-hoon to follow him outside. Dong-hoon shrinks back—is he intending to beat him for leaving?

Enrique eats the dinner Dok-mi cooked, giving it a thumbs-up, and she continues offering him encouragement, suggesting that he hold one of his talks for that ajumma and her son. He says that the ajumma won’t want to listen to him since she hates him so much, but Dok-mi surprises him by admitting that they helped her.

She’d read his lectures while working on his book, and felt a rapport with his words. His life was entirely different from hers, yet she felt his words applied to her: “Living must all be similar. He understands. He’s talking for us. They’ll feel that.”

Enrique pushes a finger to her forehead to chide her to eat slower, but the moment of connection brings a pleased smile to her face. It’s adorable.

That night, Dok-mi works on a new passage:

“Because people aren’t machines or toys built in factories, we’re special and complicated. Our uses, the colors of our hearts, our scents, our pressure points or weaknesses that hurt even when something grazes it—everyone is different. One must look for a long while just to make out their outlines. That’s why that woman doesn’t believe in fateful loves. She didn’t believe.”

As she writes (and Enrique watches TV nearby), we see glimpses of the other characters, showing the truth of her insights. The ajumma and son sit in the hospital together, awkward but perhaps seeking a line of communication; Do-hwi mulls over the day’s events; Enrique’s fangirl studies photos of Seo-young to mimic her more closely; Enrique lectures to eager listeners.

It turns out that Jin-rak takes Dong-hoon not for a beating but to the PD’s office. Dong-hoon slips out while Jin-rak goes first, armed with something “really important” to tell her. The PD has a bit of positive news in that women are starting to respond to the show (despite the still-dismal star ratings); in fact, they’re bombarding her with tons of questions about love. “Do I look like I know anything about love?!” the PD shouts. (Jin-rak shakes his head no.)

Jin-rak offers her one dating tip and tells her to speak softly. That’ll force the other guy to lean in close, at which point he can notice her sweet fragrance. (Jin-rak sniffs: “You haven’t washed your hair, have you?” Heh.)

Just in time to test this out, Dong-hoon pops back, bearing a gift. The PD tries out the whisper tactic, and crows to herself when it works. Ha. Showering also helps.

On to the matter at hand: Jin-rak has come today to request changing the name on the webtoon’s credits to Dong-hoon’s. He declares that Dong-hoon drew more of it than he did, and says he’s no longer an assistant. Aw, he’s just rising to the occasion all over the place today, isn’t he?

The PD holds Dong-hoon back to ask him about his debt repayment, because she’s starting to have nightmares that the loan sharks are going to come after her, as his guarantor. Dong-hoon assures her that he’s not going to skip out on the debt, and takes her hand and offers her a compromise—then how about she give him a call whenever she has nightmares? She gulps, totally smitten, and whispers, “Okay.”

That night as Enrique sleeps, Dok-mi answers a call from her realtor and assures him that distance is no problem. All she’s worried about is the deposit. She hangs up quietly… and sees Enrique glaring at her, not sleeping after all.

He’s fuming with hurt and disappointment, and accuses Dok-mi of treating people’s hearts like debts to be repaid and put away—it’s why she visited Enrique for a final goodbye, and why she took Jin-rak to the gallery.

He reminds her of her own words to the ajumma about not trying to attribute reasons to other people: “You think you’re not like that because you keep yourself hidden away, don’t you? But you’re just like them. Other people hurt you, other people give you a hard time, so you run from them. Don’t lie and say my lectures helped. Nothing has changed.”

He scoffs at himself, like he’s sorry he let himself hope, continuing:

Enrique: “When I got into the accident, you were standing there. I thought you liked me too, just a little. I was wrong. I’ll stop here. I’ll disappear. So don’t hide, and don’t run. I guess I’m just leaving you with unhappiness. I don’t know if I can return to the me of the past. I’m sorry. And be well.”

All the while, Dok-mi looks stricken. He’s got it all wrong, and as he turns to leave she bursts out, “No! Go back to the way you were.”

Dok-mi: “Go back to being the nonstop-talking, easily smiling, honest, warm Ke-geum who hears my inner thoughts. I felt so hurt when you said you were returning to Spain all of a sudden. I was hurting too, though I thought my heart wouldn’t get hurt again. I hid my feelings away, wanting you to stop bothering me and to leave me alone… but I liked you. I liked you a lot.”

He turns to face her, staring intently. She adds, “Return to the Ke-geum of the past, and go on your way. Forget everything that happened here—you can just open that door and leave.” Dok-mi musters a smile and says she’ll do the same: “I’ll open that door and leave. I’ll take care.”

But he approaches her instead, tears flooding his eyes, and says, “I hear it again. Your inner thoughts.”


Yay for honesty! And transparency! And communication! What’s interesting to me about these two is that they’ve always been on the same wavelength, but it’s the communication part that gets in the way, making them feel more distant than they are. It’s somewhat the reverse for Jin-rak, who thinks he has Dok-mi figured out a lot better than he does.

I don’t think Jin-rak’s got it completely off-base, and these boys aren’t perfect opposites where one’s always right and the other’s always wrong. (Thankfully. I hate when our choices are diametric opposites, as though that’s the only way to depict a difference.) But it’s the difference between seeing somebody and really knowing them. As Enrique says, to love someone is to know them. Really and truly, not just in the way of seeing a person every day and thinking you’ve got them pegged.

That was the crucial missing link for the ajumma, who is also not entirely unfounded in her worries but who also had a skewed impression of her son (assuming he was an addict and not an aspiring designer). I think it’s significant that ajumma was right about how the son was spending his time but was in the dark about how he felt all the while.

That said, I really love Jin-rak’s quietly honorable actions in this episode. When he’s trying to be the cool guy he just manages to be a big dork, but the decency of his character is what makes him a good guy. And you’ve got to give him props for putting himself out there honestly; he’s a big ol’ grumpypants but his heart is in the right place. The world could use more guys like him.

I’m just left wondering (worrying) that with feelings confirmed here, with three weeks still left on the calendar, where do we go now? I suppose it’s too much to hope for five episodes of rosy cheery happiness and fanservicey romance, huh? Sigh. *prepares for angst* *also prepares to rewatch smoochies a dozen times to soothe that angst*


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I'm drowning in a sea of tears, and just from reading the recap. Guess when I finally watch the episode I'll die. Jin-rak keeps on winning my heart and making me wish there existed an alternate universe in which he ended up with Dok-mi or with someone that makes him happy. I don't care who (except Do-hwi) I ship Jin-rak/happiness, boy deserves to be happy and needs to smile more often.

Aaaaand Dok-mi's right, Enrique has to get back to his happy self, he's damaging himself with this negative attitude. By the way, I loved seeing Do-hwi get rejected, girl needs to learn a lesson or two about kindness and basically, how to be a decent person.


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This episode made my day!Thanks for the update!


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Wonderful episode with character development and great messages :D I just loooove this drama and Enrique!


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i lub lub lub this show... & Jin Rak...
I think in ep 2 i commented this would be top 3 at least of my fav K-shows of this year (and certainly made the top few on my fav list ever) & now we're in ep 11 & i'm still feeling it more than ever!!!


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Jin-rak reminds me of a painfully shy, bumbling schoolboy inching his way towards his first love and debilitated by his own fears and insecurities. it's very touching, and had he fallen for a different sort of girl, it would have worked differently. in this case though, it's clear he's just headed for a heartbreak. still i'm glad he's giving Do-hwi the smackdown (figuratively speaking) she so badly needs.

despite the seeming predictability of things, this drama has also its own share of red herrings -- just when you're bracing yourself for what's about to come, it goes off in a different direction, throwing you off kilter (in a good way).

the PD is definitely one of FBND's bright spots. the few seconds she's onscreen you just can't help but turn the volume wayyyyy up so you could savor the hilarious pearls of wisdom dripping from her lips. the PD & Dong-hoon as a couple is a RIOT.


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thankd jb,

Oh Jin Rak ! I would definitely give you a big big hug

man !!. Scriptwriter don't you dare easily give him to

timbuctu dok hwi . Surely I hope jin rak will get the

most lasting kiss from dok mi !!.


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고맙슴니다 JB


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tq jb,

Oh Jin Rak you are the perfect guy in my heart !!.

Dong Hoon and PD --- YAH HOO !!.

AND don't easily switch jin rak's heart okay !!


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Love PSH! She has such an expressive face!


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Reading this recap seriously helped me form a better understanding of today's episode. Jinrak's thoughtfulness and his moments of selflessness made me liked him again, for a while, his childness has been ticking me off but he redeemed himself in my book. I am pleasantly surprised that DK went out of her way to comfort Enrique. There was a lot of character growth in ep11, for one people can no longer say Enrique is just an over-energetic bunny that never shuts up, shallow, loud etc. In my opinion, Enrique and Dokmi are very lonely, they have no friends that truly care about them. Seoyoung is only there when she needs him, Taejoon is such a passive brother, and E has antis. YSY acted so so well in ths ep. Cant wait to next ep!!!


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Thanks for the recap. I love love this ep!


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What if Yoon Shi kisses her like the one we've seen in Me to Flower ?


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Don't expect much, we're talking about Park Shin Hye here...She is an awesome actress but kissing wise, she is a bit awkward...No offense.


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I doubt it'll happen, the Park Shin-hye factor probably trumps the cable/Yoon Shi-yoon/other factors.

(I get the feeling that when he first moved in for the kiss, it was a lot more passionate - is that why the shot is cut off weirdly just there?)


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If the kiss scenes in MTF were anything to go by, it wouldn't surprise me.

Is PSH 'not allowed' to kiss properly?


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I felt that the stalker/ajhumma-arc of this episode was a bit awkward. I think that the theme of miscommunication and misunderstanding (and the issue of social isolation that has become a part of the digital world, where many people become lost in virtual reality or find it difficult to interact with the outside world) could have been expressed in some different way. I am also worried that the stalker girl may be thrown into the latter portion of the story to create unnecessary conflict and aggravation. Please show, don't do it! There are still other aspects of the story to be explored. And I hope that Jin-rak does not become even more of a stumbling block in the burgeoning romantic relationship between Enrique and Dokmi. For some reason, because I have been displeased with the characterization and backstory of Dohwi, I want the show to explore it a bit more. Unless she is just completely vile, there can be hints to something else (perhaps a bit more to her as a person). While I am not a fan of kdrama-redemption of villains, I think that there is room for Dohwi and Dokmi to have a long conversation and for the former to realize what a terrible person she has been.

Regarding the kiss, I like Koala's (from A Koala's Playground) interpretation. That does not mean, however, that I was pleased with the execution. I think some people are misunderstanding the frustration some fan's have regarding the kiss. No one is expecting an extremely passionate and risqué kiss. Personally, I would have preferred something more than Park Shinhye's tight lipped-kiss. I have heard enough excuses for bad kdrama kisses (the actress is married, the actress is not yet twenty, etc., etc.) and in this case I am wondering if there just may be something with the actress herself (perhaps she has reservations when it comes to kiss scenes). But I won't say any more about the kiss! (I can only hope for something better in the future!)

I think that this show's weak point rests with its secondary characters. I understand that in real life we do not get to know all the people we meet equally and I also understand that a show limited in time and by its number of episodes can not devote equal time to all of its characters. A lot of people have talked about the character of Ryu (is he more of a tertiary than secondary character? lol). What is his point? Other characters such as Donghoon have received more development. Is he just to remain the smiling foreigner? Why was this actor cast in the first place. As another reviewer suggested, is he just some foreign eye-candy? Is this show a way for Mizuta Kouki to introduce himself to a Korean audience?

I don't know.

I think that the remaining episodes can still have plot development. I just hope that stalker-girl does not get unnecessary air time and that the show does not bog us down with angst, angst, and more angst. Let actual plot drive the show, not filler to fit each episode's 40-45 minute time slot.


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For me, all the publicity about the flower boys gave a misleading view of the importance of their role as far as the story is concerned.


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That is true. One could remain hopeful that some of these characters will be given a tiny bit of development before the show is over (and that time is not wasted on stalker lady and other annoyances).


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I feel that the ahjumma and the stalker girl have been used to set up scenarios in which basically DM's issues can be thrashed out so that she can truly erase or at least put her past behind. The scandal arising from the pictures taken by the girl on the sly will mimic the one with the teacher from school days. Unlike the past when she seemed to have been alone, DM will have E and rest in varying degrees to help and show her an alternate path to take instead of becoming a recluse. This will also give DH an opportunity to redeem herself. Just my intake on the importance of stalker girl's presence.
Btw what happened to DM's family. It's not just JR we don't have the background info


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re: ajumma and all that, it makes more sense the way you say it - pretty much their only function was as a setup for Dok-mi and Enrique's past issues to take centre stage (him with being hated online, hers with the high school scandalmongering).

But I feel like that should be done by now, even if it makes me nervous that they've confessed (yay, finally!) and we have 5 episodes to go!


You make good points but I wish that the plot would move along seamlessly without the writers using side characters as mere devices to force the main characters into facing their issues. I wish that character growth and inner realizations could be actualized in other ways.

In regards to Dokmi's family...it would be interesting to learn about them. When she retreated from society, what did they do? Do they care about her? The same goes for Enrique.


Yes, I agree that other ways to make it happen were not only possible but preferable specially with so many characters remaining under utilized or developed. I am hoping too that stalker fan girl would be kept to the minimum for the story to keep flowing without deviating from the main plot and characters.....after all only 4 episodes remain. That too shortened ones.


I get why people wanted a little more from the kiss - it looked better in the preview.

And while Dok-mi does lean in and close her eyes and I'm NOT expecting Tiptoe Kiss mk. II or even SUFBB's Rooftop Kiss, it's not as if a heroine who's suffering from past trauma cannot be allowed to kiss back - Yoon Eun-hye's character in I Miss You is proof of that (and that was on network tv).
At this point, I'm just going to accept that Park Shin-hye either has really rotten luck with PDs who choose to film her kiss scenes a certain way, or has inhibitions about doing kissing scenes in dramas. It doesn't really affect my appreciation of their performance, because kiss or no, she and Yoon Shi-yoon did an amazing job with that last scene.

(I also agree that the tertiary characters should get some development - ditch Do-hwi and stalker ajummas and bring on more Ryu, please!)


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So we have a good actress who just can't seem to do passion - I'd say she's a perfect candidate for villain roles. Five - ten years down the road, when the sweetness factor gets a little stale, that's a probable direction.


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Or slapstick comedy, although Koreans only seem to let older females be moms or victims or baddies - or, in the case of the ahjumma on this show, all three.


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oh I don't know, there are a fair few leading ladies in their 30s who can't do kiss scenes all that well either and PSH nails literally everything else so unless she does a Chae Rim and gets married+divorced really young, her leading-lady image will probably still be going strong then.

But I wouldn't mind her as a villainess, if she was anything like Park Shi-yeon in Nice Guy etc. And for all the fuss about the 'Flower Boy' aspect of the cast and its youth-centricism, Dok-mi is a good role for her and a well-judged shift away from playing teenagers (even though her pre-YB career was all over the map in terms of the age of her characters)


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Thanks for the great recap. Dramabeans rocks! Jin Rak has redeemed his character in my eyes. I was starting to get really annoyed with him. But something big is bound to be revealed where his story is concerned. It has to. They've laid the groundwork for a startling revelation. What's he trying to hide with the name change? Why did those guys show up at his door pretending to be with the law? That brief conversation he had with them on the street (when he wearily gave them the oranges and asked them to, in essence, just leave him be) was of such a nature as to suggest that he knew them pretty well. I'm beginning to think the odds are actually pretty good that he's a runaway chaebol. That might be the main reason why Do Hwi, that hideous witch, is so keen to get her mits on him. He's so gloomy and world weary. There's got to be a story there.

I'm team Enrique all the way. There's just something so sweetly vulnerable about his character, and I love when they reveal all aspects of it. I love the 1000 words per minute hyper-bunny, and I love the quietly hurt yet bravely open guy who loves Dok Mi simply and honestly. YSY is such an amazing actor. I became his lifelong fan when I saw him in Baker King Kim Taku. And wooden kiss notwithstanding, I love the chemistry he has with PSH. Such an amazing actress! The two together are awe inspiring. Love this drama.


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Same here, I'm totally on board the SS Enrique ahaha. I never thought he was shallow or just a hyper bunny - that's made clear to us from the start, but it's never been more obvious than it is now. (probably because he spends almost the entire episode with Dok-mi, and he knows the facade won't always stay put around her)

Jin-rak was awesome this episode. Less of the try-hard making decisions on Dok-mi's behalf, and more of the awesome guy that he really is is a good thing.


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GO ENRIQUE :) but it was really sad to see him all down and sad but I can't but think too about what's going to happen in the next few episodes. I have a bad feeling that the young stalker girl is gonna go psycho.


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OMG!!!!!!! Love! Love! Love! I wish the next episodes are pure giddyness and sweetness!


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i was too excited and i had to read the recaps first before watching the ep that i've been waiting for!! cant wait for tonight now!!! :D


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I love that when Dok-mi actually gets what she thought she wanted (Enrique to leave her be), she realizes that it wasn't what she wanted at all. It's nothing like her desires of yesterday, but that's what makes this show awesome. The little pushes and pulls of the characters on each other. He draws her in, she pushes him away, he lets himself be pushed and then she realizes she no longer wants to push. Just like one person made her clam up, another worked his way in.

Me and zgznoona are guessing that the show will go in Enrique's direction now. They mentioned his family for the first time ep 11. They've mentioned his hurts and loneliness but we haven't really seen it.

I don't know how much they're going to milk Do-hwi. Her evilness seems to have (hopefully) run its course. But I'm putting my faith in the quality of the writing thus far. I don't necessarily want to see Do-hwi redeemed as much as I want to see her take a bat to the head.

As for the kiss, love how sweet and gentle it was, part of the denouement of their conversation. I like dramas showing that sweetness. Not everything has to be the tiptoe kiss!


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Thank you! I agree I think the kiss fit them and where they are in their relationship really well. I personally though it was rather good for a PSH kiss. For some reason, it didn't seem like a lip press, there was more emotion in it.


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Oh yeah, thanks JB! You are a household name here...even my cat knows not to bother me when I'm reading!


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Thanks for the recap. Loved the episode to pieces.

I am already looking forward to this crew's next collab.


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Kiss or no kiss, I just love this OTP together - him finding out she was moving might have killed me because of their tears (and his hurt face, oh goodness) but their dinner together just killed me from the cute.


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Will nothing wipe this silly grin from my face?????

I totally am in love with Jin Rak. Oh, i'm still shipping Enrique and Dok Mi but after watching so many dramas (and match-making game shows on VH1 and wherever) I have grown enough to realize that just because a guy is perfect for me. (Oh wonderful Jin Rak!!) doesn't mean he's wonderful for the girl in question.

I keep thinking I feel/sense "something" between the actors who play Jin Rak and Dok Mi and I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be a pair after the show ends. (if they aren't married.) So that only goes to show how madly crazed for Jin Rak I really am.

Am sad that Watanabe doesn't have a larger role. I guess it's necessary to have a character whose house everyone can visit and eat...but really!!!!

I think the philosophizing and wisdom was handled so well here. In fact, I think the whole series handles philosophizing and commentaries about the heart incredibly well. Dok Mi's comments in her WIP. Advice and commentary about love and communication. Heartfelt declarations. All is so nicely woven into the scenes without feeling ultra preachy. (I love j-dramas but dang! when they get preachy, I just cringe.) I so trust the writers in this flower boy series. Their skills are maturing more and more from drama to drama.


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erk... "if they aren't married or with other folks." sorry about that.


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Hey Carole! I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but apparently the rumour in Korea is that Kim Ji-hoon (our Jin-rak) is dating Gu Hye-sun (of Boys Before Flowers)

And you make a good point about how seamlessly the commentary fits into each episode. I've never felt like I was being lectured at or Chicken Soup For The Soul-ed.

I'm sad this is apparently the last Flower Boy series, but good for the writers to go out on a high I suppose - they have a captive audience in me for whatever they do next!


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Oooooh gee. Burst bubble. ::sigh:: Ah me. I figured it was my crush that was making me see things that weren't there. Ah well.

Oh, I never trust authors when they say something is the last in a series. Even if it is the "last" in the series, you're right...they will have a captive audience. Their themes and stories will pop up in other dramas. Got to say though I did like the idea of gathering four or five hotties and dropping a cute angsty girl in their midst. Maybe now it'll only be two hot guys. I think I could handle that.


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I LOVE this show. I've always find PSH work amazing. I think she's a great actress, especially given how young she is. Her eyes are so expressive!

I think I watched this episode about 5 times before I went to bed last night. Can't wait for next episode recap!!


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This episode bored me... What a let down. This drama just keeps growing darker and darker. I know that melodrama is part of this all but I have seen so many Korean dramas with great balance of humor and drama. This is not one of those series. Sadly...

At first all characters were refreshing and fun but now they are just dull and boring. Everyone is depressed and has bunch of problems, boo hoo.

I also think that the whole mother&son side story was weird, didn't really fit in her. It was just plain weird. A mother who's son plays a lot of games decides to harass the game maker. wtf? To make this side story more real they should have used more time on it and made the characters deeper, if they can't then forget about it. Geez.

Now then the confession and kiss scene... They went too far! I personally felt like the timing was wrong, there was no chemistry and it just didn't feel real, nothing of it. I don't mean here the lame still kiss scene, I could have forgiven that but... Suddenly she is in love with Enrique? A woman who has closed herself from world like for years and years, a woman who has forgotten about love. She suddenly realizes she is in love!? After what? After Enrique tells her a bunch of harsh words?

Shouldn't they first grow closer and start understanding each other a bit better? True they did grow closer during the show but in my opinion not enough for love confessions. Jin Rak was totally ready but Enrique and our ahjumma... two characters who have no idea about love...

The whole love thing is a bit, how to say this? From the beginning it wasn't about love and suddenly it is about love after all. Dunno... I will just wait for the next episode and see what's gonna happen.


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Hmm I don't know what you've been watching, but I think they've had feelings for each other from a while back. And his words weren't harsh, but rather words she needed to hear in order for her to come to terms with how she really felt. It felt right to me.


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I don't know how they do it, but this show just keeps getting better and better and I'm sad at the fact that we have just 5 episodes (4 after tomorrow when the subs release) to go!


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Isn't it, though? Better and better!

I think it's hard to hold on to the theme of a very literate drama and these writers are doing a good job of joining the plot and the theme together. And I like it that they're sticking to their guns and not changing anything about the story.

Nice intimate bunch of folks. Keeping the whole possible chaebol prince thing off-screen. It's very human and very realistic. Even if they are talking about a famous game maker and big stuff like star-stalkers. Just really nicely sweetly gently done.


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Does anybody know the name of the piano piece that plays during sad scenes? Like when Jin Rak tells Dok Mi Enrique is in the hospital?


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So disappointed in the kiss! I was really hoping Yoon Shi Yoon could work his magic on Park Shin Hye, because his kiss with Lee Ji Ah in Me Too, Flower! was just awesome and squee-inducing. It's unfortunate to see a great kisser brought down by PSH, because I was really hoping it would be PSH who would be improved by YSY. All in all, PSH's acting in this has been great but this kiss sucked a lot of life out of the physical chemistry between these two. Hopefully next time YSY will be paired with someone more on his level in this department.


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I actually think this type of kiss fit their characters more in this particular moment. And it's still one of the better PSH kisses so kudos to YSY for that.


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I love this show so much. Kachug. Kachug. Kachug. Is there anyone else besides me who would watch a series featuring the PD! I just love all of the peripheral characters they are so well written and acted.


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I agree! Idk if you watched the kdrama Panda and Hedgehog, but I'd love to see Choi Won-Yi and the PD in a show together. That would be so hilarious, imo xD.


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I have not; but now I will!


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I've probably seen honesty after ep 10 tons of times in KDs, but it never gets old, since your investments of hope in the characters have paid off. The rewarding part is nt really getting the kiss or seeing them confess tehir feelings. It's the fact that they've finally decided to come to terms with the beautiful reality they've gotten themselves into.

P.S. No one's been a noble idiot! Just noble! So proud of JinRak! And even Do Hwi may start to change for the better (thistime, please!). I'm still quite curious what's going to be revealed about their pasts, since it seems that the revelation might really affect their relationships.

I'm still on the Jinrak-Dokmi boat, having learned that lesson in Dream High. I;m interested in seeing how the writers would try to pull it off in thsi drama as well. GO writers! How blessed are you that you chose "I steal Peaks at Him Everyday!"


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Oooooh it's getting good, it's getting good! PSH is AMAZING. I've always been a fan of hers and I've never been prouder. She's really improving so much. YSY also has blown me away since the very first time I saw him act in Baker King. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, bless the casting director for being spot-on in the cast!

Thanks as always Javabeans for the recap!!


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why can't we have five episodes of rosy cheery happiness and fanservicey romance??? angst is so unnecessary.


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Wow!! super like this episode..hope for more kissing and sweetness between the couple..
fighting Dokmi shi and Enrique!!


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Thanks. ^__^


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Ah, finally! I'm so happy that this episode is out! I've also learned my lesson (yet again) about the previews. I spent all of the episode looking for the characters to wear the clothes from the kiss scene and then couldn't enjoy the episode as much because I was waiting for that part, haha.


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Did anyone notice the scores in this episode? I think they were done after shooting to especially enhance the facial expressions & the scenes. Imagine a 'theng' to match Dong Hoon's eyebrow tweek!! They are all very good!


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Yay for honesty. Boo for dryest kiss ever. Has never kissed a girl?


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I thought it was sweet. And actually, in the drama, probably not. His first love for TEN years didn't work out and he isn't the type to kiss without feelings. In other dramas, YSY kills it. But I actually prefer this one to some of his hotter ones.


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That kiss was disappointingly tepid. Enrique needs to get a few pointers from Cha Chi Soo!


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UHHH have you seen him in Me Too, Flower?! He doesn't need any help, but often times the actress needs to be down for kisses like that and PSH just isn't. But I actually thought this kiss fit the moment better. It was soft and sweet and one of the better PSH kisses thanks to YSY actually. I think he avoided the typical awkward lip press here that usually happens in PSH's dramas even if the kiss wasn't that strong.


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cant wait to watch this eps in 8 minutes!!!!



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Loved the episode. I knew there was something behind the stalker story. Glad that it is something that brings them closer =) And yes, return Que-geum to the original happy-go-lucky person, but wiser =)


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