Heirs: Episode 4

We go back to Korea! Huzzah. Pack your bags, pop the champagne, and do as our heroine does, and consider the last three episodes a hazy midsummer night’s dream. A return to Seoul also means a return to reality, which for most of our characters means facing some harsh truths. I’d be sympathetic, save for the fact that it’s the first episode that doesn’t move completely like molasses on a cold winter’s day, so hell, bring on the drama, Drama.


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Eun-sang walks into the airport just in time to witness Tan and Rachel hugging. Well, Rachel’s the one hugging while Tan stands there, but the effect is the same. She turns around to avert her gaze, which is when Tan sees her and calls out her name to stop right there.

Eun-sang freezes, and Tan hurriedly gives Rachel her send-off before walking up to Eun-sang with that jilted boyfriend tone in his voice, wondering why she didn’t return any of his calls.

He sticks his phone out for her to give him her number, but she looks over at Rachel and says she’s said her thank-yous and goodbyes, so that leaves nothing else left to say. She adds that he shouldn’t leave his fiancée standing there, and walks past him without looking back, leaving him still holding out his phone.

For once Rachel is deservedly pissed, though of course she goes overboard and decides to harass Eun-sang since they’re on the same flight. She gets up from first class to go find Eun-sang in coach, and steals her customs form to get her address.

She says it’s because she has the sinking feeling that this won’t be the last time they see each other, and she gets the sense that Tan will go looking for her the second something bad happens in his life. So… then why are you helping him along? I don’t know. She makes little sense to me, but I like her trench coat. Moving on.

Rachel arrives at the airport to a combative Young-do, who’s come to pick her up after all. He’s holding up a seemingly innocuous “Welcome, my stepsister!” banner but we know better than to trust his smiley faces.

He still blames her for this stupid errand, while she naturally thinks it’s his own fault for losing to his father in the first place, and shoves her cart at him like a luggage boy. Ha. I do enjoy that each of these assy characters knows someone assier than them. It’s a delicate system of checks and balances, if you will.

They have this petty fight in the car over the stereo (I did actually laugh to discover that after all that complaining, he didn’t even drive to the airport to pick her up) and Rachel is the first to mention that he’s probably dying of curiosity to know about Tan.

She says he’s doing well, and that he asked about Young-do. She assures him that she said he was living well without him, and then adds with a bite to her voice: “like a fox playing king while the tiger is away.”

Young-do orders the car to stop and turns to her: “Did you ever stop to ask why the tiger isn’t in his cave? Could it be that he was just playing a tiger? And that he ran away so he wouldn’t be found out?” He gets out and stands in the street with a long sigh.

Eun-sang, meanwhile, makes her own way home only to find it completely emptied out. There’s no sign of Mom or any of their stuff, though thankfully the landlady comes by to tell her that Mom recently moved because she became a live-in housekeeper.

She borrows the ajumma’s phone to call Mom, who tells her to stay at a jjimjilbang for the night because the chairman is sick and the mood in the house is bad. Eun-sang huddles by her suitcase in her old room for the night. And in LA, Tan sits poolside, still mooning over Eun-sang and staring at her photo all day.

Prosecutor’s son Hyo-shin arrives home and overhears his mother giving the tutor a lecture on her overly revealing skirt. It’s knee-length, but given that she asks her not to come here without socks on, I think reason isn’t really her game. The tutor, JEON HYUN-JOO (Im Joo-eun), agrees readily to all her demands.

She’s on good terms with her student Hyo-shin, who asks if she doesn’t dislike all of his mother’s strict rules, adding a little flirtatiously that he likes all the things Mom hates. But Hyun-joo says none of it matters because she pays a lot, and the person who pays is always right.

As they get started on his lesson, she conspicuously ignores a call from Won. Hyo-shin asks if it’s her boyfriend, but doesn’t get a reply. Won is calling from a jewelry store, and decides on a necklace instead of a ring. Hm.

Eun-sang goes to see Mom in the morning as requested, and Mom tells her the bad news that the money unni took was their apartment deposit. What in the what? MOooooooom. She says unni called to apologize, and despite everything, still chastens Eun-sang when she calls her sister a bitch.

Eun-sang asks if they’re living in the street now, and Mom asks her to wait here and leaves her at the gate. Madam Jung arrives at the house, stopping to give Eun-sang the disapproving once-over before walking in.

Mom goes straight to Madam Han and mentions that she didn’t tell Madam Jung about her spying on her… yet. Ha. I love the incongruity of threatening someone sentence by sentence in polite note form. Mom says this hurts her too, but yes, she is threatening her. Madam Han is quicker on the uptake than she looks, and asks what she wants.

So that’s how Eun-sang gains entry into the House of Many Wives, aka Tan’s Many Mothers, who are currently going at it with Round 2. Madam Jung storms in and asks why she wasn’t informed that the chairman is sick again, while Madam Han thinks it’s hardly news since he’s sick every other day. And besides, is she hoping he dies or lives?

Madam Jung has the family registry on her side, and calls her the outsider playing house with her husband. Madam Han gets her where it hurts and calls her barren. Madam Jung spits back that having children sure did her a lot of good: “Is that child in your arms now? That’s what family registry is.” It ends with Madam Jung slapping the mistress across the face to make her point.

As Eun-sang’s first introduction to this household, it’s a pretty good one. Won’s arrival is announced, and the ladies turn on a dime and smooth their hair. It’s not quite Austen but it’s pretty damn funny. My favorite bit is that Madam Han didn’t even know he left the country and came back.

He notes Eun-sang without a word, but then when Mom asks her to take the chairman his medicine, it’s Won who finds her aimlessly wandering the house, not knowing where to take the tray. He points her in the right direction and she introduces herself to the chairman.

Won makes excuses for having to go right back to work, but Dad tells him it’s time he let Tan back in. Dad says he understands Won’s hurt and that’s why he turned a blind eye to the pain that he’s been inflicting on his younger brother till now, but it’s gone on long enough.

Dad says he doesn’t have one memory of hugging Tan because he was so concerned with Won’s feelings, and doesn’t want to have any more regrets. Won says bitterly that the statement makes it sound like he raised Won with warmth and love, which is obviously not the case.

Madam Han realizes that Won’s trip to LA means he must’ve seen Tan, and rushes up to ask about her son. Won isn’t very compliant, unsurprisingly, despite her earnest pleas. A photograph of Tan on the beach fades into him doing the same now, watching the sunset all alone as he thinks back to his brother’s harsh words back at the orchard.

As Eun-sang eats with Mom in the kitchen, she asks which of the wives has more power, and Madam Han interrupts to finally greet Eun-sang. She’s terrible towards Mom as usual, but also hilariously forthright about their household being gauche. Eun-sang tamps down her pride and thanks her for letting her stay here.

Eun-sang sees how hard Mom works and helps out that night, and in the morning she unpacks her things and apologizes through tears for running away and leaving Mom behind. Mom just hugs her reassuringly.

It’s back to multiple part-time jobs for Eun-sang, who works around the clock. Tan spends his days haunting the places he went with her, while she gazes at their couple shirt, now tucked away in a drawer.

After working all through vacation, she calls Chan-young with the news that she’s ready to pay him back for the plane ticket, but he announces that he’s on his way back since school is about to start.

Madam Han is still as anxious as ever for Tan to come back, while Dad is more about the tough love—if he’s too afraid of his hyung to come back, maybe he should stay away. Mom calls anyway, but Tan ignores the call as always.

He sits on a bench at school and thinks, “I always imagine, that the people who are lonely because I exist… will be lonely because I am gone.”

And then we watch as imaginary Tan looks in on his family members one by one, each so alone. “I want to come home, father. I miss you, mom. After sending me away so hurtfully, I want to believe that it pained you just once, hyung.”

He comes out of his reverie with a decision, and makes a call. He stops in to see his professor, and hands in his journal. The last entry reads: “One who wants to wear the crown, bears the crown.”

With that, he returns to Korea, where a happy Manager Yoon welcomes him back. He says that his parents are eager to see him, but Tan says grimly that Won comes first.

It’s as frosty a greeting as you could imagine, as Won asks how many days he’s staying. Tan says he’s here for good, and assures hyung that what he’s fearing might happen, won’t happen. Won snaps back, calling him the son of a concubine, and says it isn’t his place to decide what will or won’t happen. Yeeeouch.

He makes it clear there’s no such thing as peaceful coexistence between them, and announces that Tan has just thrown away the one chance he was given. Won storms out and tells Manager Yoon to book him a hotel for the time being, not wanting to be at home for Tan’s return.

Madam Han is on cloud nine, though Tan is clearly more focused on his father, who greets him in his usual terse, not-cold-but-not-warm indifferent manner, giving him about two seconds of his time before sending him upstairs.

Mom follows him up, buzzing like a doting bee, and has to be ushered out for some breathing room. The housekeeper takes away his laundry, including the pair of Eun-sang’s socks that she left behind at his beach house.

Tan takes out the dreamcatcher to hang in his window, while Eun-sang sits in the courtyard down below. She snaps a photo of her plane ticket and posts online: “I have no way to prove that I was in my dream last night. That place is like that to me. Was I… really there?”

And in the ensuing days, they continue to live in the same house without crossing paths. It’s pretty funny.

He pauses at the pair of red sneakers hanging on the clothesline, and sees a figure leaving rooms as he enters them. During dinner one night he gets up with a start, either because he hears a horror movie playing from somewhere in the house, or his spidey sense is tingling and the soundtrack is getting cheeky. He basically chases her around corners like a ghost…

But they never run into each other, partly because Eun-sang is purposely taking pains to be as invisible as possible while living there.

All she knows is that Second Son is back in the house, and Mom stirs her awake at the crack of dawn one morning to tell her to stay out of the house till late that night, because the mood in the house is bad. First Son hasn’t been home since Second Son’s arrival, which is making tempers flare.

So Eun-sang gets ousted out of her own bed, and walks out just as Young-do and his friend (fine you get a name) JO MYUNG-SOO (Park Hyung-shik) split up after being out all night. Myung-soo jumps out of his skin to see a stranger walking out of Tan’s house, and wonders if they moved.

She basically sleepwalks over to the convenience store, where Young-do is waiting for his morning ramyun to cook, and he watches as she buys a drink, downs it in one shot, and plops down for a nap, all without opening her eyes. He chuckles and sits down next to her, curious.

When two little kids come by making a bunch of noise, he shushes them because she’s sleeping, but that only makes them cry, and she gets up and leaves without a word.

Bo-na makes her way around Idol Central looking for her entertainment CEO dad, where she runs into Heechul and is friendly enough with him to call him elderly. She’s just in the middle of telling oppa about her boyfriend, when Chan-young asks in a text what she’s doing talking to another man.

He’s in the stands, having sprung his return on her. She wants to celebrate, though he reminds her that she was looking for her dad not two minutes ago. She says he’s unimportant now, and Chan-young jokes that he’s not having a daughter. Bo-na: “Who says I’m going to give you one, you perv?” Ha.

They eat at home instead, where Chan-young and his dad cook up a meal like a pair of expert chefs. She freezes when Dad mentions that Chan-young met Tan while in LA, and lies through her teeth that she doesn’t know who Tan is.

At school, she sighs to Myung-soo that she might get dumped, because Chan-young might know about her past with Tan, and might have beat Tan up because Tan obviously hasn’t gotten over her. Haha. I’d like to spend a day in her head, this one.

Meanwhile, Tan sees Eun-sang’s latest post online, and answers that she was there (in LA)—he’ll be her proof. Only he’s leaving the messages still logged in as her, which she realizes when she sees herself posting things she didn’t write. She tells him to log out, which he naturally refuses to do since it’s their only link.

As they argue back and forth online, she’s about to walk into the house as he’s about to walk out… but they turn out to be at different doors, missing each other again by a split second. But as he passes by Eun-sang’s mom, her I ♥ California t-shirt stops him in his tracks.

Madam Han happens to be wearing Eun-sang’s socks too, which Eun-sang notes curiously. There are more pressing concerns though, namely Madam Han thoughtlessly shuttling Mom back and forth to get the proper wine, and Eun-sang yanks the bottle out of hands to go run the errand herself. Madam Han agrees it’s a good idea that she earns her keep around here. Ugh.

Tan is busy staring at his phone, so annoyed that Eun-sang isn’t responding that he misses entirely the fact that she walks right past him in the background. He keeps seeing her just as she disappears around corners, and he goes in to ask Mom if their house is haunted or something because he keeps seeing a girl.

She says that’s just the housekeeper’s daughter, who’s his age… named Cha… Eun…sung. It’s close enough that he freezes and asks why she’s living here. Mom says the housekeeper spent her apartment deposit on the older sister’s wedding.

Another piece of the puzzle falls into place, and Tan paces in his room, wondering if it could really be Eun-sang. He shuffles through her old messages and re-reads the one about hating Jeguk group, which makes a whole lot of sense if Mom is the housekeeper.

He leaves another message asking what she’s doing right now, and nearly has a breakdown waiting for her reply. She finally leaves a message that she’s drinking water, and he runs through the house toward the kitchen.

He stops outside the kitchen door and hesitates, and braces himself before sliding it open just a crack…

And there inside is Cha Eun-sang, drinking a glass of water in his kitchen.


That was a nice build. I enjoyed the hide and seek, if only for the ridiculous fact that his house is so big that you could actually live in it and never see someone else who lives there. Him finding out first is the best part, because that hesitation outside the door feels so real. It’s yet another reason for Tan to hate his wealth and privilege because it keeps him from the things he wants most in the world—to be loved by his hyung, to be thought of as a son and not an heir. And now with Eun-sang living there, the daughter of the housekeeper… I mean, you know exactly how she’s going to respond to that. I actually want him to keep playing hide and seek and get her to fall for him first before outing himself as Second Son. Would that be so wrong?

It’s a nice twist on the usual chaebol character that he feels weighed down and trapped by his position (again, more like royalty than just a guy loaded with money), and I like that along with him falling for Eun-sang first, comes him sizing up just how far apart they really are. They both guess as much when they first meet, but damn if real life isn’t so much worse than they ever imagined. It’s the first time that the meaning of them being under the same roof—so clearly separated by the upstairs-downstairs divide—actually overtakes any joy I’d feel about cohabitation hijinks. Okay, I’ll probably come around in about two minutes (think of all the shirtless run-ins, woman!) but for now the oh-crap-no impact is greater.

You know, I really didn’t care for the LA portion of the drama, but once everyone else is back in Korea (thank ye) while Tan remains there, California really does start to feel like exile, like Tan is suspended in time, without home or family. That loneliness and isolation really hit home today, and I enjoyed how out of place he felt. To Eun-sang it would remain a dreamlike place, but for Tan it was his prison, and I like that he called the house dark (when he arrived home and Dad asked how he liked the beach house). Visually that place is the opposite of dark, but that’s what it was to him, and the sentiment really lands in this episode.

Tan’s relationship with his hyung continues to be the most interesting one in the drama, though I suspect once school starts his past with Young-do will be as engaging. It sure looks to be just as antagonistic, that’s for sure. And I already like the hint that Young-do will like Eun-sang on his own, not just as a way to get under Tan’s skin (still a probable way the love triangle will go down, though I prefer the earnest version, naturally). Can I just say, I cannot WAIT for school to start. I feel like that’s where all the drama is going to happen, and we’ve been in limbo waiting for things to rev up. Vacation’s over, guys. Let’s go back to school!


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Still watching it, but I gotta say, Cha Eun Sang really bogs down the drama. I know she's the pivotal female lead but just about every other female in the drama (Bo Na, the mistress, Hyun Joo, even her mom) are more interesting than her. I chalk it up to the dispassionate writing of her character (so flat) but also how PSH plays her, which I feel lacks energy. Girl, stop getting misty-eyed over the littlest thing OMG. Even Rachel, who I loathe to the hilt, feels more alive (if that makes sense) because her portrayer injects all the right feeling into her performance.

But anyway, there's a lot to like on this one. Tan and his longing for familial connection is heart tugging. Bo Na is a HOOT! She and all the guys she's been interacting so far have such crackling dynamic it's like she's one of the boys. And then she goes to play the adorable daughter-in-law in the Yoon household and it's just SO cute! Hyun Joo only appears for a few minutes but I already like her. Wonder what her and Won's relationship is like?


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Yup - for me the supposed heroine is what is bogging down this series for me also. About the only other female I have less interest in at this point is the secretary in the office. In ep1 and 2 I thought that maybe PSH's acting had gotten better, but last couple episodes it seems like she just flatlined.


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If u see PSH photo in soompi forum in every scene u just see a girl who play cute with sad big eyed n duck mouth.. Sorry but that only my opinion.. Did mean to say something bad but she just lack. N her caracter not special.


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:D "Duck mouth..."


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Sorry my english is bad..


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Don't be sorry - it actually fits her pretty good.


Lol. "I like her trenchcoat" haha n loving my now current fave word "coinkidinks" @missa ;)

Hahaha and Gu Jun Pyo's jacket.

It's all about the jackets this episode.


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Those wu watch secrets it is like watching memories in bali wd a slight mix of nice guy...the writer is only copying the plot of other drama. No originality at al

I only watch secrets its bcuz of lee da hee(the other female lead)

I can't wait for ep.5 & 6 of the heirs, bck to korea means bck to.school babyyyyy..This is the real story starts..


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Please ...as if Heirs has originality! Let's not go there.


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Agreed - there is little originality in Heirs. Some of the dialogue such as the references to horror movies is funny, but the basic plot so far seems like a dozen other dramas.

And I don't think anyone here claimed that Secret was super original either - the reason that most people seem to like it better than Heirs is because of the acting and the fact that most of the characters in Secret seem a whole lot more real than in Heirs.


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My First "Heirs" Comment.
Let Me Say That This Drama Is GOOD As A Beginning, it is Promising.
But Just Then, The Same Old Story : The Alfa Males Fight For The Poor Girl! WTF! Nevertheless, Tan Is The Most Interesting Chracter
For Me From The 1st Ep. I Find That He Is Very Lonely And No One Realises That Even His Family And What A Family To Be Raised In.Sthng Happened In The US Between Tan And YD That Changed Everything.Tan Has Changed Since He Was 15 And I'm Waiting For EveryOne To Realize That esp YD At School. School Is On Baby And There Is A New Lucifer In The House.
ES Still Didn't Not Show Her Strength Yet. That Girl Still Have Sthng To Say. Rachel And Lee Bo Na Also Did Not Say Everything Yet Too.
Tan Still Did Not Express All Of His Feelings (Or RAGE)
Thanks For The Recap.
Just Remember, YD Is Not The Only One Who Is On The Verge Of Explosion (I Mean Tan).


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ONCE I read somewhere that "Miss Kim Eun-sook" PUTS all her effort for the lead character and that her male character is great and tailor made 4 that actor!!
I can see that!! :))
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu miss kim eun sook
love youuuuuuuuu


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I haven't watched it yet, but I really hope that this is the episode that Shin Hye falls asleep at the random table and Woo Bin oppa watches her. Because I really curious as to how that happens, and what happens after that bc feels. I really hope that Eun Sang, Tan and Young Do will be in a love triangle oh. c;


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Thank God for Dramabeans.. Can't wait for next weeks recap.. I think i'll just wait till the whole series is completed before watching it.. I hope Tan and Won make up, and Tan hook up with Eun-sung


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anybody know the name of the two children woo bin 'bullied'? they look so familiar and i can't remember !


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They acted so natural. Enjoyed watching them and the whole scene too. :)


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You mean, the two children who 'bullied' Woo Bin ... LOL!


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Ratings are out and are not looking good. Around a 11% share for the first 4 episodes. For a Kim Eun Sook drama. Worst of all, the numbers don't seem to move. The people at SBS must be getting worried. Heirs is starting to look like a failure.


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Numbers for ep4 were actually up a tad, but Secret also moved up, and is still hitting about 50% better ratings. Somewhat surprising is that Mi Rae is already at 9.2 - only a point or two behind Heirs.


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The Nielsen national numbers are 11.6, 10.5, 10.6, and 11.5, so maybe you are right. It could be moving up a little bit. Still, episode 4 of Secret Garden had a 20% share, and ep. 4 of A Gentleman's Dignity had a 14.8% share. So, for a KES drama Heirs is really under performing. I have a feeling they are going to make some changes to push it upwards.


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Do you know that both SG and AGD are weekend drama right? and it'd make a difference. Not to mention this is a teen drama which hardly get high ratings in Korea as well


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Yes, that is why I try to mostly compare only Heirs and Secret in the ratings - they both air on same days, so are pretty close to being direct competitors. What I find unexpected is that Mi Rae is nipping so close to Heir's ratings.


While your points are well taken, I still suspect that SBS are underwhelmed by Heirs' number - weekday drama or not. A drama written by Korea's preeminent drama writer, filled to the brink with hot stars, and assisted by the most aggressive promotional campaign seen in recent years ought to do better.


It's not a failure financially speaking (there was a waiting list for the sponsors): Drama was made for the International market and given the number of comments on the blogs for English speakers, the hits must be impressive. Also, it's a HS drama: Those never have spectacular ratings & I'm sure SBS didn't expect 20%.
What is true is that the first episodes with all that American setting were not satisfying (which explains the average/low ratings). I blame the famous "coproducer" for that: They are beginners at the job & obviously not competent enough for the task. For example, you can see that the dialogues of the American characters have NOT been written by KES (cringe, cringe). Also, they didn't anticipate that shooting in L.A takes MUCH more time than in Seoul. That explains the slow pace and the reused scenes...
All in all, ep 4 was better and things can only improve from now on: Quality of the show and ratings. Wait and see.


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You might well be right about the sponsors - although I wonder if they will stay if the numbers doesn't improve? Also, Heirs is likely a very expensive show to produce. I personally lack the insight to comment on what foreign sales mean for a Korean network. In the states, even though a show stands to sell well overseas, local ratings would still mean a lot because ad income plays such a big role for a network's finances. Maybe it's different in Korea. I am sure, though, that SBS hope that you are right and ratings start to go up!


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Financially wise, it might be harder to breakeven or make profits compared to other shows like Mi Rae or Secret, simply because of the higher production costs arising from the overseas shoots (imagine all the extra travel and hotel costs of cast and crew), the payroll of the huge and star-studded cast, the intensive promotional efforts etc.

Not sure how much the sponsors can contribute to the bottom line, but revenue-wise, I understand that premium advertising rates can only be charged by the broadcaster if ratings are at least 15%.


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I couldn't help but comment about the ratings issue for this drama. Being one of the international market watchers I can't get why everyone is judging this a failure. It's only the fourth episode of twenty.

Everyone has commented that they hated that the beginning was based in the States and can't wait to get back to Korea, so why not sit back, get the popcorn out and just enjoy.

As for it being a HS drama and them not doing so well, as an "elder" I have to tell you I enjoy these the most as they bring up happy memories for me.

I started watching Heirs because I guess I'm in the minority and LOVED Heartstrings, even though apparently it bombed when it aired in Korea. I agree that the first portion of that drama was BADDDDDD but after ep 7 it picked up I know there was a ton of things wrong with it BUT it was fun and enjoyable to watch the two leads develop their relationship and the songs weren't bad.

According to all the blogs I read, HEARTSTRINGS was well received by international markets, it's always on the "favorites' list of top dramas, so maybe some of the readers comments are correct, this drama is not catering to Korean market tastes but to the more international one.

Why doesn't everybody chill and just WATCH and smile at what develops in these relationships. It's too early in the series to get this bent out of shape. I could understand if it's episode 15 but come on, we're going on 5!


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Heartstrings is nowhere near when it comes to how overhyped this drama is. Heirs was a sure international hit, the moment it was announced Lee Min Ho and Park Shinhye will star on it. It is underperforming in Korea, that is a fact considering the screenwriter's reputation and again the OVERHYPE.

Hope the drama gains momentum in the next episode.


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I would not call it a "failure". I would say that it has underperformed expectations, on more than one level. I am not sure how sponsorship works in Korea - if they pay a flat fee or if it is based on ratings, but either way that only applies in Korea. Regardless of how hot the international reception is, the show gets a LOT less from sponsors. While it is a FanGurl Frenzy on the Drama Fever site - I doubt if much of that translates into actual cash flow, and 95% or more of the gushing comes from non-premium viewers, so not sure that DF has gained much either.


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Well said! It's too early for coming to any conclusions. With so many multidimensional characters and their relationships yet to unfold but so promising and interesting that I for one am totally absorbed in the drama. KES has to be given credit for creating them and making me just go with what she has in mind for them instead of making my own predictions. It is so much more enjoyable because of that.

I loved HS too! I stopped trying to analyze why it had dismal ratings in Korea but so popular internationally. I only know one thing that I loved the feelings and emotions experienced when watching it and still remember with fondness. The brilliant evergreen songs, beautiful cinematography and the memorable pair of Lee Shin and Lee Gyun.

Both dramas involving the youth but totally different with HS breezing through their lives and The Heirs showing their darker sides, the trials and tribulations too. I do feel that ratings will go up as the story unfolds and the relationships defined


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I raised the ratings issue because I find the commercial side of the tv industry to be interesting. Its related to the content side, sure, but can also be treated separately. (In the US there are websites like tvbythenumbers where this is all that people discuss.) Indeed, when I said Heirs is looking like a possible failure that was not an observation about the quality of the show - in fact, as it so happens I have yet to watch it so I have really no opinion about how good or bad it is. But Heirs is this year's most promoted show so I think it is of some interest whether or not it connects with viewers. I also find such questions as whether or not KES can continue her winning streak, or if the ascendency of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye has finally hit a roadblock, to be of interest, but many others will obviously not care. Different people, different interests I guess.


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I am not so sure the ratings will go up once back in Korea. As noted by others, high school dramas often don't do that well, and in this case the whole high school scene previews make it look like it might just be a warmed over version of Flower Guys F4 Gang Light.

I am not especially looking forward to it - I am sure we will get all the usual high school clichés mixed in with a bunch of dysfunctional family infighting but with teens involved.


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Ratings have never stopped me from enjoying any drama but I seriously believe that as the story unfolds the ratings for Heirs will continue to rise. We have not seen the peak as yet


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I agree. In the States, the new season for the year 2013/14 has started, and if a show is good, momentum is built over time and the show becomes a "hit" and therefore, commercial time bought to air during the show becomes more expensive.

I can understand about OVERHYPE & I guess given I was unaware of this drama until about a day or two before it started airing & I don't live in Korea and get bombarded with all the promotions for this show, I got lucky. I can just tune in and watch the STORY, not the actors reputation shine through.

I have to confess, I get easily confused when it comes to Korean actors/actress' names as they are so similar. I find I usually have to click on the actor's picture once I've enjoyed them in a drama to see what else they're in and then decide whether or not to watch.

I'm not sure how prime time Korean TV operates. Do you have a solid hour of programming or is it interrupted like here with commercials throughout?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's caught up in all the k-dramas for one simple reason. The show has a beginning, a middle and most importantly an ENDING!! (Even if I hate how it ends, or who's paired up with who.)

In the states, soap operas which air 5 days a week during the day have a never ending storyline and go on for YEARS!!! So you end up having someone married for the 15th time (aka Erika Kane from All My Children) or ridiculous situations, let a dead twin reappearing....

K-dramas give me a story, and I know it will end at some point. Although I do gravitate towards the 16-25 episode ones as I don't want to invest in the 100+ in terms of time.

If some of the above comments about sponsorship being so critical in Korea, then shame on the producers and other money men for not figuring out a way to make money from the International viewers.

With the internet nowadays, the whole world is your audience not just your country's citizens.

K-dramas to me are a unique source of viewing. You get two new episodes a week which is aired during prime time (8-11PM). In the States you get one show, and you have to contend with repeats during the year.

The TV season here is long. It starts in September and doesn't end until May and if you miss a couple of episodes, depending on the show it can really throw you and you lose the thread of the show.

I have to repeat, Sit back, get out the popcorn and enjoy where the STORY takes you. A good story always rises like cream to the top.


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Haha plot twist if chan eun sang is related to the kim family haha i troll....
But its surprising to me that the father (kim won and kim tans father) knows the maid's name. I feel as if that has something to do with a later plot? I might be thinking too much though


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i thought of that too! ^_^


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Nice build-up at the episode ending. Finally the show is making me eagerly anticipate the next ep! Can't wait to see the sch hijinks!

Not a WooBin fan girl yet, but I've got a good feeling that I'll be on the Woobin bandwagon by end of this drama! Dude's got swag. Can't wait to see Young Do bust some slick moves to woo Eun Sang!

Finally a love triangle that sizzles! Both attractions r effing hot. Both seem brimming with chemistry. Let the courtship begin!!!


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Woo bin has definitely got swag. I don't use this word for anyone. He pulls off the character and has a certain charm even though I have yet to warm up to his character. This is my first show of his.
Plus, who knew he's been working out? That body!
his girlfriend is lucky.


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i love this drama. i cant wait to watch ep5.


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I Can't Wait For "The SCHOOL SHOWDOWN". A Lot Will Be Revealed I Think. KT, ES And YD Are In The Spotlight. But Remember What Was Said In Ep05 Preview: LUCIFER In A Place Full Of Demons.
I'm All In With KT Baby. Everyone You Better Stay And Watch. I Think That No One Knows How Much KT Changed In Those 3 Years.


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I like this drama because I am a big fan of the writer and I think she puts an interesting spin on familiar storytelling situations. The one thing that strikes me above all is how deeply sad most of these characters are and how they are acting that sadness out in different ways. They live in isolated bubbles and seem to be most alienated from the people who should be loving and supporting them the most during the difficult teen years, namely their parents, siblings and other close family members. Instead they are burdened by the weight of a rigid class system which puts them at the top with all the family expectations, family rivalries, bitterness and, especially, too much money that goes along with it. The real heartache for most of them is they don't own their own futures and their lives will never belong to them. The higher up the social scale you go the more old-fashioned it becomes to the point of arranged engagements between 17 year olds.

It's interesting that the two "lower" ranking members of Heirs are the happiest or at least have the most potential for happiness. Eun Sang might not be mad with glee over the fact that her mother's a maid and she has to work multiple jobs to contribute but she's free to pursue her own interests and make her own friends. Chan-young has a great relationship with his father, moves easily through all ranks of society, and lives a comfortable, but not luxurious, lifestyle with chores. The most important thing for both of them is that they do own their own futures. Their lives belong to them, no one else. I think for Tan and for Young-do this freedom is going to make Eun Chan irresistible for both of them.


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Love your insight, which makes perfect sense imo. Thanks for sharing. :-)


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Thanks. The reason I stopped watching BoF was not because it was a mess (which it was but an entertaining mess which I kind of enjoy) but because of Jan-di's parents and younger brother. The way they fawned over Jun-pyo and allowed their materialism to overlook his arrogant, bullying nature really disturbed me. She keeps trying to tell them "look, he's a jerk" and they keep saying "so what? he's rich". I just couldn't get passed it so I had to stop watching. I also had to stop watching a drama I really was enjoying, Thank You, because the way the Jang Hyuk's character treated the family dog disturbed me as well.

So it's nice to see Eun Sang's mother and Chan-young's father seem to be the type of parents who will put their children first instead of regarding them as vehicles to transmit status, money, position, and power into the next generation.


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I think the parents lack if integrity and pride in BOF was for the comedic factor. But like you, I found little humor in it. Honestly, the only reason I persevered through it, after a few tries and after many years later is because of Lee Min Ho. He was worth the gazillion cringe worthy scenes I had to suffer. haha. As for most of the parents on Heirs, I'm relieved as you are that they appear normal and genuinely care for their children's well being.

You have me thinking here....I watched Thank You so long ago but I don't recall Jang Hyuk and the dog incident(s) that you're inferring. :-)


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BoF and Thank You were two of my early attempts at watching Korean drama. I did get the fact that Jan-di's family was being played for laughs even then but, coming from a North American perspective, it just seemed weird and not funny at all. Maybe I should give BoF another try because, having watched multiple dramas since and learned a bit about Korean culture, I might now find them hysterically funny!

The dog thing in Thank You and the general treatment of dogs in drama land still bugs me no end. In Thank You, the dog is kept on a tight leash all the time and the Jang Hyuk character is constantly tormenting it. I kept screaming at my monitor, "Take that @#$%# dog off his leash and take him for a walk!!!" but I don't think they ever did. That's part of the reason I loved Padam Padam so much. Tenngie was so sweet and well cared for and his presence contributed to the plot even if he was a little smarter than the average Golden Retriever.


oh I completely agree the way Jan-di's parents allowed Jun-pyo to sleep over in their house and didn't get angry at her for being out all night because she was with super rich Jun-pyo was completely inappropriate. They were high schoolers and her parents put money above Jan-di's safety.


*Sigh*. That damn crown: I wouldn't want it for all the money in the world. Freedom is number 1 in my book even if I have only 1 meal a day.


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yes! freedom is everything in the world no matter how stifling life may be sometimes.


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well said and am with you for the bullet points.. how i wish all can pathom the depth of the writer story line and am one... :) thanks for your insight...


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Now that you mention it, you are right. This is not a "fun" or "funny" rom-com. In some ways it is almost as dark as "Secret", but without the murders. I don't see a lot of happy people here. While some of the lines are funny, overall it seems a bit depressing.


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hell ya, everyone said it was comedy but really it is not at all. I believe it is similar to GG and even KES mentioned along those lines.


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Loved reading you comment and totally agree with it. Very interesting fact that you pointed out and had not occurred to me was the contrast in how much freedom less privileged characters had over others as far as their future is concerned but that still does not make them happy. But, yes there has to be satisfaction in that.......hmmmmm...come to think of it, ES 's cannot really be considered to having that freedom because of her circumstances. Only Chan-young seems to be in the best place in that regard.
Love the train of thoughts that you triggered inside my head from a new perspective....... :)


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It nice to know that I have the same thoughts with you. I guess, one reason for Won and Tan to be okay would be when the reality truck that they both fell in love with the girls that they can't have.


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OMG!what have I done to myself? I should have wait till the drama finish. Now, how am I going to live well until the next wednesday?!

Kim tan is soooo cute! he is falling hard and next episode he is making grand confession!( but u choose to wear that on that particular day?)
I think now I get the idea why CY likes Bo na. she has this ageyo thing.
Tan is not going to suddenly trying to get close to CY at school now that he fall for CY best friend , is he? that would be hilarious and Bo Na will think ' Is he doing this becoz of me???haha


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lol Bo Na already worried about the prospect of Chan Young and Tan fighting over her


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LOL, that is so cute :)


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Can someone tell me the title of the english song played during Eun Sang and Young Do's scene at the convenient store.


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ohmygod I love this drama like CAKE. With its brooding, and twisted bromances, and sassy heroines, and sassy moms. I just... I can't. It's too cheesily, fantastically amazing. And it has enough under the surface to continue watching! I'm so giddy. I agree that those first few episodes could have moved a bit faster, but I think it was important to establish Tan's identity as being apart from the family, and I still found them very entertaining, terrible surfer dude bros and all.

Kim Tan breaks my heart. His brother's all like "The company is MINE! Daddy only loves ME!" and poor Tan's just like "Dude, I miss my family! I don't want your stinkin' company! Can't we just throw the baseball around? *puppy dog eyes*" And yet... that shot on the beach. Can't you feel his PAIN, y'all? Can you? I laughed my head off, and yet Lee Min-ho sells the shit outta that stuff.

Kim Tan thinking Eun-sang was a ghost cracked me up. And when he finally saw her at the end...! He's too adorable. I love so much that he's not a jerk chaebol. He found a genuine connection with Eun-sang and is a bit nervous about it, like any normal teenage boy would be. I like that he's crushing on her first, although you can tell there's some attraction from her end, too. Also, same house hijinks are the best hijinks, y/y/y? On that note, hey, Kim Won is a real boy after all. Who knew? Excited to see Kim Won interact with Eun-sang.

I agree that there is something a bit heartbreaking about the Eun-sang/Kim Tan divide right now. I bet that first encounter with him will be heartbreaking- she'll probably just bow and be all sarcastic-polite, like "How can I be of service?" And he will be all "Why won't you talk to me?" and he'll be alone, guys. AGAIN. SO ALOOONE with his money. I can't wait.

Eun Sang's "interaction" with Young-do was too funny. I can't wait for them to meet for real. I do want him to like her for real, but I think that extra revenge layer will be an awesome part of the relationship, too. Young-do's interaction with Rachel was pretty awesome, too. I can't wait for the bromance-gone-wrong to come out. I find Rachel compelling, too. Here's hoping they give her more depth than screechy ex. So much potential!

I can't figure out if Chan-young really like Bo-na or is just sort of humoring her, but I hope it's genuine and that they're together forever, because seriously. It's too funny. Bo-na seems like she's acting sillier than she really is, which is kind of cool. I also love love love Chan-young with his dad. There has to be at least one healthy parent-child relationship up in here.

The thing I love best about this drama, maybe, is that all the characters feel like real people, even the nameless sidekicks. All the wealthy people are just as flawed as the normal ones, but they aren't mustache twirlers. Some of them are just sort of ditzy (Kim Tan's mom, I love you.)

Can't wait for everybody to collide next week. Keep it up, Drama!


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"I agree that there is something a bit heartbreaking about the Eun-sang/Kim Tan divide right now. I bet that first encounter with him will be heartbreaking"

Yes, I totally agree and am bracing myself for that.
Gosh, can't believe that Heirs had me sucking up to it so much. LMH is rocking his role pretty darn good but somehow, I think PSH need to step up a teenie weenie bit.

KT's mom, the conniving simpleton is also adorable at the same time. ES's mom's expression had me floored. somehow, I empathised with her.


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I came into this series with low expectations, mainly because of all the over-hype. Basically it is better than I expected, but not near as good as I had hoped.

I am having problems getting up any real interest in any of the characters except Rachel and Eun Sangs mother. I am kind of feeling like I am watching it mainly because everyone else seems to be, rather than because it is particularly good.


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I beg to differ re ES's mom. she seem to be the only one who had me teary at one time or another. that woman CAN act.

it is only ep. 5, let's see how it goes. cheers...:)


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Ah, now this is more like my cuppa tea - a lot more smooth sailing compared to the previous episodes, although, their game of hide and seek was beginning to grate on me by the end. I'm just glad that he got the door open in time!!

I dunno about anyone else, but I was so excited to see Young-Do bump into Eun-Sang again, the guy, no matter how turbulent he is, is actually one of my favourite characters so far. And I'm sure he'll be a strong contender as second lead.

Looking forward to all the feistiness to come!

Thanks for the recap ladies. x


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I like ES. She is candy, but i simply can't resist the charms of PSH. You got to give her credit. When she had to play those sad scenes, she really gave it her all.

She will be one tough cookie to crack as well. Dating the Second Son is the absolute LAST thing she wants to do, so perhaps that will only push her toward the other guy. I mean she refused to even give Tan her number and that was before she finds out who he really is.

I agree, Tan's going to have to get her to fall in love with him before she finds out. Right now he's holding all the cards, so he needs to play this out wisely. I'm also positive that he feels their distance in status as well, but can only assume that he has some other plan up his sleeve with his return to Korea that leaves room for ES.


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Guys does anyone know the name of the background song when eun samg is doing her part time jobs
Please someome tell me! !!


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i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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this drama is great, and more and more interesting, i cant wait for the episode 5, finally all they in korea.
and i am in love with chan young <3


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Maybe it's just me but I really feel the chemistry between woo bin and PSH ... I'm fighting hard to stay neutral but naturally the bad guy is so attractive and Having woo bin play that role makes me super conflicted.


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oh i totally agreeee!!


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Me too. WB has made his presence felt in a big way. The ground is laid for some great interactions. Loved all the scenes between them. But, then also love KT and ES interactions too. Big contrast in both.


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Thanks for the recap! Always looking forward to it.

I keep on saying to myself that I am not a Lee Min Ho fan but always end up watching his drama. He..he.. so ironic of me. For Park Shin Hye, I like her & watches her drama with eagerness.

I did not expect much for this drama though. However, as I continue watching it, I felt warm and anticipation. Really love the weaving of the characters. I'm shipping Eunsang & Kim Tan, they look so adorable.

So excited to watch as the next episodes unfolds.


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OMG like everyone else this particular episode did it... I LOVE the fact that Young do likes her on his own and I cant WaIt on how he goes about it more then anything else hehehe =)


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I kept myself from reading the recaps until I've seen the episodes. How I wish it would be shown faster. Anyway...I'm really warming up to this drama. I like where the story is taking us and how LMH's character has so many layers and he's not acting like the typical chaebol. I can see already that he will be hesitant about letting Eun Sang know who he is but I can get om board with his reasoning. She already made it clear she doesn't like his family so finding out who he is will drive her further away.

Sigh...I should have waited until the series was completed before I started watching. Now I'm like a crack addict going on withdrawal symptoms every week.


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I just found out the school portion of this show is being shot at my son's school, Teajeon Christian International School in Daejeon. The extras started arriving this morning at 7am. I didn't know they were part of the drama, I just thought the kids from their school were all super good looking. The main leads filmed throughout the day. Some of our high school kids were able to take some candid snap shots as they walked through the hallways. They have been secretly filming at the school for the last 3 weeks. I plan to camp out in the lobby next Saturday until I snap their pictures.


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Good for you. :) You should look forward to some great time doing that


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Hmm... The hide-and-seek parts kind of reminded me of the movie "Turn Left, Turn Right". Only, the chemistry between the two has yet build up to such levels that would stir up enough impulse in me to knock at the screen to alert them of the other's proximity...


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Ahhh... so glad that they are back in Korea in this episode. As much as I enjoyed seeing very familiar places, I was really disappointed with the inaccuracies. As some who lives in (and love) West Hollywood, the geographic inconsistency and inaccuracy bugged me... a lot. How they were able to run from Malibu to Hollywood was beyond me... And why couldn't they just the say the exact location of Lou and Mickey's (located in San Diego) instead of saying that it is located in Melrose? Ughhh...

Nevertheless, the show's entertaining ... now that they have moved back to Korea...


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I really enjoy this drama cos of the recap, this episode is so interesting, cant wait for the next one......


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I really enjoy this drama cos of the recap, this episode is so interesting, cant wait for the next one......,


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Oh my! Dying for the next episode. Watching every bit of it.


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Even though I'm yet to see episode 1, I look forward to the recaps and everyone's comments (especially loveit and pogo) than watching the real the deal.


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new preview!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!



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previews combined


wait is going to be loooong


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thanks, you're a dear.. that will do for now. can't wait for Wed.


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thanks for the preview though (:


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yeap.. you can say that again.:)


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preview looks great. The Chan-young/Bo-na/Tan scene will be hilarious. And we finally get to see Young-do and Eun-sang have a conversation, I want to see how he will approach.


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KES definitely has created interesting characters that I look forward to in every episode. All the cast is playing their parts well including Shinhye.

ES has depth, spunk, courage, values along with weaknesses and flaws like any other human being. I feel that Shinhye is portraying all the emotions felt by ES extremely well. One can see myriad of them flit through her face at any particular point.......ranging from the most subtle to the most expressive. Her tone when speaking her dialogues in itself is alive and not in the dreaded monotones.

In any great scene of a drama, the actors involved feed of each other's acting thus raising the bar of their performance. This also leads to the audience's enjoyment. LMH and Shinhye are doing a wonderful job along with others. I am loving this drama for its unpredictability, flawed characters and their relationships .........not to mention the dialogues,situations and humour. In short, .....everything! :)

And how could I forget......the OST's. Love all but favorite being......Love is....


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yes, i agree with shinhye doing a wonderful job! when i watch the drama i personally find that i don't see her as a park shinhye the actress but completely as cha eunsang.

her doing a great job in toeing the line between vulnerability and 'toughing up'. she's complex in the sense that she's not straight-out "make a comment about my social status and imma angst on you" but instead picks her fights wisely. she's someone who has a firm grip on reality and doesn't let her emotions get the better of her. i def like the consistency of her character and don't find that she necessarily has to have so much shit going on like the other heirs to achieve a "layered character". i wish i could hear more of her thoughts though - is this a writing problem?

i love the instrumental/beat track to lee hongki's im saying. such a great layup to the epic revelatory moment.

and omg i srsly cannot decide between the brooding hot mess that is LMH and the smothering hot mess that is KWB. haha. my heart needs to stay intact.


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Actually Shin hye is convincing me with her Role I feels and enjoys the character with her , I want to see ES and Rachel bromance as KT & YD I wonder what will happen to that square .
I want to see episode 5 please waiting next wednesday :D


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I love your recaps and I read them after I finish each episode because seriously I feel like someone understands exactly what I'm thinking at each point. I really hope Tan doesn't out himself but really does work for her to fall for him before being outed, but it would be hard cause school maybe? I don't know but I'm so excited for school to start!


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cute casts , less cosmetic interventions ?better acting ,
very cute


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This was my deciding episode too.Till now I just bore with it for Lee Min Ho.This was a good episode.I hope it continues in this vein.Bo Na is so transparent..lol.I liked Eun Sang and Young Do's part.Somehow it was very cute.My heart broke a lil bit when he yelled at the kids saying he had a mom at their age too.Aah,please make him meaner.I don't wanna fall for him


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Can someone post a run down on Tan's family? Those connections are crazy complicated.


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okay, I'll give it a shot but, as is usual with subtitles a lot of the nuances might be missing.

Kim Won and Kim Tan are half brothers (duh!). Won's mother was Big Daddy Kim's first wife. I get the sense that it was a love match as Won's mother was not wealthy but a poor Korean-American woman who Kim Senior met in California. The marriage didn't work out, probably because of the difference in rank and social status and interfering mother-in-law syndrome but I'm just guessing here. She leaves Won with his father, returns to America and promptly dies. This wouldn't be at all unusual as in most cultures that stress lineage any children of a marriage "belong" to the father and his family.

Kim senior then marries a woman of equal rank and wealth and this is undoubtedly an arranged marriage like the family is trying to engineer for Tan. She however is barren and a bit of a cold, conniving bitch. Kim senior takes a "mistress" or "concubine" and moves her into the marital home. Mrs Kim leaves but refuses to grant a divorce which I think Mr Kim really doesn't care about one way or the other. All the while little Won is a witness to this dysfunction. The mistress bears a son, Tan, who is registered as the child of Mrs Kim instead of his actual mother for dynastic reasons. Everyone in the family is aware of this but how much of it is known to the outside world is open to question.


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Begin to watch The Heirs this week, ep 3 & 4 starting to set the mood for me, thou i'm still on the stage of liking - yet to fall in love with the show.
The tone is very nice, and the OST is okay too other than the opening song, but so far i find myself not crazily re-watching ep 1 to 4 while waiting for the new ep to air. (i did that with TMS, the replay button did suffer a lot)
LMH (as always) is hawt! Those staring...my...i wonder how PSH is able to act beside him, and those monologuing he does...noona like it! I only wish Tan is at least in his 20s, because i feel a bit guilty squeeing over an 18 y/o boy.
For me the best part so far was actually db's comment LOL : “What a shame, I should’ve looked.” Yes you should have, honey. I looked, and it was great.


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The ratings are lower than even her normal show(which get a 20%,even before four episodes) and considering all the hype SBS probably expected more than that.

But I think it's because the show has been slow and hence the ratings have been slow to rise. Instead of jumping right into all the drama and glitz and ya-bamn-in-your-face , they spent 4 episodes letting us know just how lonely Kim Tan is and his dynamics with his brother. They focused on how Cha Eun sang wants a fairy tale life, how she and Kim Tan are imprisoned in their own ways.

The Heirs already feels less shallow then all the other dramas of this type.

But considering the precap for episode 5, with a love confession and the ostentatious clothing, I think the ratings will go up just fine. Especially considering we're back to Korea .


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I find there's a difference. This actually has a few practical interactions. The humor is really cool. It was like watching an episode of One Tree Hill or something. Quite different that the girl didn't fall for Tall White and handsome already.. The songs are really awesome too...
Has anyone else noticed that the guys are almost wearing the same shade of lipstick that the girls in their scenes are wearing??


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High five on that bit about the lipstick!


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I am reading this recap and comments in earnest to fill up the gap between the waiting time of episodes 5 and 6.


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Hi! Would anyone here know which role was supposed to go to Yonghwa during the planning stage/"original" casting of this drama? I was just wondering...

Not much to say yet, but so far, I'm liking the story.

Thanks! :)


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Since he was originally cast as the second lead, it's assumed he would have played the character of Young-do, now being played to great effect by Kim Woo-bin. Honestly, I'm glad Yong-hwa turned down the part and ended up in Mirae's Choice, instead. It's hard for me to picture him as the spoiled, rich bully with issues and attitude that we're seeing in Woo-bin. Yong-hwa is just too likable (plus he doesn't have the dramatic eyebrows for the part that Woo-bin has :P )


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Hi. Thank you that you do this to most of the kdrama I watch. I would like to know whats the song at the very beginning of ep 4 when eun sung sees them at the airport? If you know thank you.


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just how many times do I have to rewatch ep 1 to ep 4 and ep 5 preview until t hursday is coming...


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Tan seems a little cruel and insensitive towards Rachel and his mother, although they r the only people (aside from the secretary) who r showing their caring for him. i wonder if he is a little masochist. it was interesting when his brother threaten him of unfriendly relationship with him if he decided to stay. it shows that he knew that is the biggest punishment he can conflict on Tan, as if he treated him otherwise when he saw him in CA. he seams more cruel knowing who much Tan loves him and using that against him. But i like his character very much and i would like to see him love or at least befriend with Eun-sang, they seem more suitable looks, character and circumstances wise in a twisted kind of way. and he doesn't seem to have social class issues.


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