Top 10 favorite drama OTPs (One True Pairings)

javabeans: Okay, I think we were being punished in this list for saying how easy the last one was (in picking our top 10 drama tropes), because damn if picking our top 10 dramaland couples wasn’t HARD.

girlfriday: Yeah, Past Us really set us up to eat our own words. How can you even pick only TEN?

javabeans: I know we made the rules, but it was a struggle not to curse ourselves and break our own rules, just to sneak in an extra couple or two. Alas, Past Us and Present Us happen to be annoying sticklers for rules.

girlfriday: Maybe Future Us could learn to let loose a little. These lists would get a lot easier, just sayin’.

javabeans: And to make it even trickier, we had all sorts of internal debates about what “favorite couples” even meant—is it best-written love stories? Couples with best onscreen chemistry? Romances that made fans squee the most? These are all big aspects of romances, but they’re not all the same thing, so we had to decide what criteria counted and what didn’t.

girlfriday: And we also had long discussions about how some couples didn’t make the cut because they had lopsided romances, where the romance was more about one of the characters rather than the pairing, which can often be the case.

javabeans: Yes, lopsided romances are so deceptive on the surface! Sometimes one character sells the romance so effectively that you don’t stop to think that you’re rooting for the romance for that one character’s sake, rather than feeling invested in both sides of the love story. We had all these dramas on the shortlist (which was more like a longlist), only to realize that the hero had done all the work in one romance while the heroine was a bland robot, or that another romance was driven by the heroine’s pluckiness and not the hero’s assiness.

girlfriday: That emotional investment is really what it boiled down to for us, because when you’re talking about choosing your favorite couples, all of that stuff we mentioned factors in, like how they’re written and how they’re acted, but you also just have to feel it on a gut level. Did they make us swoon and cry and clutch our hearts?

javabeans: Funny story: We originally had Descended From the Sun on this list, because it seemed like such a gimme: Huge drama, huge romance, huge actors, huge pairing, huge everything. It felt, on paper, like it should belong. And then we started to assign entries to write and nobody wanted to write it. Everyone was all, “I’m not saying we should strike it from the list, but I can’t advocate for this romance.” “Me neither.” “Not it!”

girlfriday: Which said a lot about how we felt about it, and that actually made it easier for us to look at the list again and keep only the couples that really made us root for that happily ever after, as if our lives depended on it.

javabeans: As all the best romances should.


1. Queen In-hyun’s Man (2012)

javabeans: Queen In-hyun’s Man was a great show for a myriad of reasons—a clever time-traveling plot, a cheeky sense of humor, a pressing “How are they going to make this work?” conundrum that propelled the series onward—but it especially shined in the romance, and is a rare example of a love story firing on all cylinders. There was the mysterious fantasy element to give it intrigue, the life-and-death conflict to give it stakes, and chemistry out the wazoo between the leads, which certainly wasn’t hurt by the fact that the actors fell into a real-life romance while filming the show (culminating in a bold public declaration, followed by days of disappearance when the lovebirds went underground and incommunicado).

But the behind-the-scenes excitement was icing, not cake: The drama’s crack factor came from its addictive story, and the way that it built around the romance without feeling empty of everything else. Where the drama excelled was in using all of its elements to drive the romantic storyline—the thrilling plot unfolding around the time-traveler, the mysterious travel-enabling talisman, the eerily changing rules—so that plot and romance were inextricable, driving each other. I’ve watched many a drama purely for the loveline, but the best ones don’t exist in a romance vacuum; they’re capable of holding up an entire world and mythos. All those heart-pounding kisses (so many kisses!) are just gravy.


2. Coffee Prince (2007)

HeadsNo2: There’s a reason Coffee Prince will always have a warm and safe place within our collective consciousness, and that’s thanks to the explosive nature of the romance at its center. What started first as a fun tale of bromance and camaraderie slowly morphed into an exploration of our characters’ deepest feelings and insecurities as our hero had to wrestle with his growing feelings of attraction to someone who he knew he could not and should not like.

While Han-gyul saw heroine Eun-chan as one of the boys and struggled with his growing attraction, she had to bear the weight of the false identity she had created, which both helped to strengthen their bond and to erect an insurmountable wall between them. Despite its light-hearted setup—crossdressing, boys, and hijinks!—Coffee Prince explored their love through a sensitive, thoughtful lens, giving us a love story that was complicated and profound. What more validation can you ask for, than to be loved for who you are, no matter what you are? Their love also served as a validation for every love, teaching us that it’s not about looks, gender, or societal norms, but simply about how you feel. (And how beautiful a message is that?) Han-gyul’s heartfelt struggle to deny his attraction to Eun-chan gave the surrender added poignancy, as he came to the realization that he couldn’t change the way he felt about his sworn brother, and would prefer to love him (her) than not. And though the truth of her real identity hit hard, we couldn’t help but feel for Eun-chan, who so believed she wouldn’t be adequate as a woman to Han-gyul that she would try to stay close to him as a man instead. Their love is the stuff of dreams, and of plain ol’ good TV.


3. Goong (Princess Hours) (2006)

javabeans: Goong was a phenomenon in its day, and while there were a multitude of contributing factors, the popularity and addictiveness of the drama owed a tremendous debt to the magnetism of the central couple—and that wasn’t even so much magnetism to us as it was magnetism to each other.

The plot was dressed in grandeur and palace formalities but was, at its core, really a straightforward opposites-attract, Cinderella-and-Darcy romance: An ordinary high schooler discovers that her grandfather and his friend had pledged, years ago, to marry their grandkids together. Oh, and the grandson happens to be a crown prince. The plot thus sent her into a series of rags-to-riches, fish-out-of-water foibles, replete with cohabitation hijinks once she moved into the palace (there were a lot of tropes involved), and a huge chunk of narrative gratification revolved around the icy hero learning to loosen up around the bubbly heroine and opening himself up to her. High school romances tend to be fairly chaste in their romantic developments, but Goong did flirt with being ever so slightly more suggestive than its pure-hearted counterparts; it wasn’t quite mature on that score, but it did prove that a heroine could kiss her man with whole heart and open mouth without the audience clutching its pearls in shock, but clamoring instead for more.


4. You From Another Star (2013-14)

HeadsNo2: We’ve had dramas where love spans time and/or fate, but You From Another Star proved that love could span galaxies, and time, and fate all at once. Maybe this romance sizzled and popped its way to superstardom because it was the epitome of the things we love in a lead couple: polar opposites, in the form of an alien and a sassy Hallyu star; cohabitation hijinks, with the two of them being neighbors; reincarnation (to prove that they were Fated To Be); and a play on normal gender roles, because while Do Min-joon wasn’t necessarily a beta hero, there were definitely times where he would be out-alpha’d by Chun Song-yi’s enormous, and often hilarious, personality.

Watching these two come to know each other and eventually fall in love was as rewarding and crack-fueled an experience as they come, and not only because it was fun to see a fastidious and crotchety centuries-old alien come around to a woman who was surprisingly normal and resonant at the end of the day, despite her tendency to cry her mascara off over the loss of a shoe, or answer her problems with “But I’m Chun Song-yi!” There was a beautiful everydayness to their gut-bustingly funny courtship, bolstered by an epic backstory that 400 years and millions of light-years will automatically bestow on a story. In short, the best of both worlds.


5. Healer (2014-15)

girlfriday: The Superman-Lois Lane-Clark Kent love triangle is iconic for good reason—when you put a superhero and his own secret identity in direct competition for the woman he loves, you’re guaranteed high-stakes angst and mistaken identity shenanigans when she longs for one and confides in the other. Healer distilled the best of that setup into its romance, between our intrepid reporter Young-shin, the mysterious night errand boy Healer who always came to her rescue, and his daytime persona as her bumbling hoobae reporter Bong-sookie.

With Healer, she got high drama and heart-stopping romance, with death-defying action, blindfolded rooftop kisses, and hands held in the dark, his face always tantalizingly out of reach. With Bong-sookie, she got a best friend, a trusted confidante, and someone she thought of as a sister (much to poor Bong-sookie’s chagrin). The thrill was in seeing the conflict in our hero when he yearned to get close to her, but always fell short in either persona, and the angst was played deliciously every time she’d confess her feelings for one to the other, and he’d feel rejected and delighted all at once. Never has self-jealousy been so entertaining. And the best part was that she was the strong one who held our hero together and brought him out into the light, and she loved him most of all when he was completely himself—neither hero nor ‘fraidy cat, but just a lonely boy withdrawn from the world. Healer may have saved her more often, but she saved him immeasurably more.


6. Master’s Sun (2013)

HeadsNo2: It was pretty clever of Master’s Sun to use its supernatural ghost-seeing premise as both the central conceit and an excuse for all sorts of hilarious skinship. It would’ve been fun enough just to pair a ghost-seeing heroine with an eccentric chaebol, but by having Gong-shil’s specter-spying problems disintegrate upon touching Joong-won (who charged her for every touch, since his body was precious), we ended up with a couple who got to know each other by literally being glued to each other’s sides. What’s not to love?

Along with all the cute antics and loads of bickering, a real love story started to emerge, grounding the emotions in more than just sizzling skinship. What started out as cheeky innuendos (and there were soooo many—this couple could win for their sexual innuendos alone) and excuses for physical contact grew into a bonding of two lonely souls who helped each other heal old wounds and face their futures. It’s this heartfelt bond that makes this romance a winner… although okay, maybe all the touchy-feely stuff doesn’t hurt.


7. The King 2 Hearts (2012)

girlfriday: There have been some epically assy heroes in dramaland, but this spoiled-prince-turned-tenderfooted-king who didn’t seem to have a sincere bone in his body is one of the more memorable ones, because of the delightfully satisfying way he was bested by love. It helped karmically that the heroine, a special forces soldier from North Korea, was better than him at just about everything and was always the one to get him out of scrapes. This hostile couple really put the hate in hate-to-love romance: They were political enemies of two warring countries who never saw eye-to-eye on anything, and he was a manchild whose favorite activity was to taunt her for his petty amusement, forced into a political marriage with the one woman who’d pricked his pride. The best part was that hate was so strong that the denial was even stronger, and I’ll never forget his big revenge plan to make her fall in love with him and believe he loved her for the rest of her life, so that he could say on her deathbed that it was all an act.

Needless to say, it was extremely satisfying to see a guy like that change because of the woman he loved, and become part of a team with her to face their enemies together. Their love had the power to cross the DMZ, stop wars from breaking out, and it literally saved two countries; but the true feat was that it was tenacious enough to overcome the king’s ginormous ego.


8. The Princess’s Man (2011)

javabeans: The Princess’s Man earns its spot as one of my all-time favorite romances, thanks to a rock-solid romantic and emotional match-up that felt grand in scope, epic in spirit, and balanced on both sides. Although these two star-crossed lovers started out betrothed to each other, their circumstances soon embroiled them in a maelstrom of betrayal and conflict, a partial lie spiraling out of control even as their attraction grew. The fact that her father massacred his family might have been enough to crush any other love, but the strength of this drama, and this couple, was that every obstacle only seemed to strengthen resolve and deepen ties. She was particularly admirable as the fierce, principled woman who would not condone her father’s actions, who stood by her man—and sometimes even protectively in front of him—even when he angrily pushed her away, determined to exact his revenge. She fought for him even when it put herself in danger and when it challenged her family ties, but I especially appreciated that fighting for her love was just as much about fighting for herself and her belief in justice; I loved how beautifully those principles coincided, making it so much more than romantic attraction or physical love. And once their commitment was solidified, it was never again shaken—not in the face of treacherous enemies, malicious interlopers, or even death.


9. 1% of Anything (2016)

javabeans: 1% of Anything is the lowest-key romance on this list, and probably in dramaland at large, which makes it a bit of an outlier. There’s very little conflict and barely a plot to speak of, other than the baseline premise needed to throw these two characters together: A meddling grandfather (always those guys!) writes a stipulation into his will that his grandson must marry a specific woman unknown to him in order to inherit, and the couple decides to contract-date to fulfill Grandpa’s basic criteria and then split up.

What ensues is six months of dating in the most ordinary of ways, and the couple realizes they rather like each other after all, and might want to keep dating after the terms of their contract are over. It sounds obvious and unexciting, and yet the magic comes in the very mundaneness of the story, and how the drama found a way to develop this love story with small brush strokes, sweetness, and a naturalness to the couple’s interactions that I’ve never seen in a drama before. It’s enough to make you suspicious of their real-life relationship, because their interactions felt so genuine that I often wondered if we were watching a real couple falling in love while playing a couple falling in love. This is a case where the feedback loop elevated the end result, with the loveline developing into winning chemistry, and that chemistry in turn driving the love story into deeper, more heartfelt emotions. This drama proves that details can add up and spark into something much more than the sum of its parts, and that genuine feeling from the characters can be as gripping as the most twisty kind of plot.


10. Ojakkyo Brothers (2011-12)

girlfriday: Ojakkyo Brothers had the most addictive romance at the center, and part of its magic was a stroke of luck in casting Joo-won and UEE, who happened to have fantastic chemistry together. I was convinced the entire time that Joo-won actually loved her in real life, because he would just give her these looks, like he was struck dumb because she was the purtiest girl he’d ever seen. They’re one of the most conventional couples on this list, but their love story made me sob like a baby and grin like a loon, and I needed their happy ending like I needed air. Sticking with a couple through 58 episodes can do that to you.

The heroine was a spoiled-girl-turned-Candy overnight when her father left her penniless and all alone in the world, and in an attempt to reclaim Dad’s farm she just moved right in with the family living there, putting her in a particularly combative relationship with the family’s third son, a terse, prickly cop. Watching their budding hate-to-love relationship was particularly enjoyable—everything from farm chores to coffee debts become thinly veiled excuses to spend more time together, as she wedged her way into the family’s hearts. Their romance had everything from drunken hijinks to petty jealousy to truly heart-wrenching family opposition, making their happy ending feel genuinely earned, like we’d been through battle together with the tear-soaked tissues to prove it. Sometimes, the obstacles to love don’t have to be time and history and the threat of war—real life is plenty dramatic enough, and a couple who endures and fights to stay together is just as inspiring.


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OMG! As I was reading the exchanges, the first pairing that came into my mind was definitely Uee and Joo Won but I didn't expect them to ACTUALLY be in the list! I blame them for making me ship them in RL so hard because they looked sooo in love with each other in the drama.

And of course, like many others here, Bok Joon Hyung is my ultimate kdrama pairing. Love them to bits!!


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Agree to all except no.4 & 7.
Interesting two of those dramas were Yoon Eun Hye's drama, she really does generate chemistry with her costars.
I would gladly replace no 4 with Weightlifting Fairy and no.7 with Shopping King Louis. Both drmasa guves me warm buzz and reminds me how beautiful love is on its purest simplest selfless form


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Yes, YEH does generate chemistry with her co-stars. No surprise to see her on this list more than once.


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Would love to see her back in dramaland (and preferably a reunion with Gong Yoo).


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*preparing my burnt offerings


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Yay!! Queen In Hyun's Man OTP is number one!! It still is one of the best (if not the best) romance-filled korean drama I've watched and made me see kdrama in a new light. At the time, it was probably the most scandalous kdrama because of their skinskip and their kisses (and oh my gosh, that ONE KISS WITH HER STANDING ON TOP OF HIS FEET IS AN ALL TIME FAVE) and because of their chemistry, it felt right. It felt like they truly loved each other and those hugs and kisses were expression of their emotions rather than fanservice just for the sake of a happy ending.

I haven't seen #7, #8 and #10 but I am VERY satisfied with the list. Healer is here!!! Their kisses are some of my favorites and I've raped the replay button way before I've watched the show. Honestly, I watched the show so I could understand the context of the kisses. Haha. Thank you, DB Staff!! I had fun reminiscing the best romances and pairings in dramaland. ❤❤


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I'm a little saddened that Yoon Eun Hye's best dramas happened way too early in her career and she never really lived all that up again. She had so much potential but she wasn't able to utilize it in her next projects. I wish her all the best and I wish she'd come back with a bang in dramaland. She's our Eun Chan, after all.


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I do hope that she will return to act in a Kdrama as well. It's difficult because of her scandal, since her image took a huge hit. If that never happened, I think she could have revived her career even after that hot mess of a drama. I'll definitely be on the lookout for her upcoming projects though.


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Honestly, what kills me is remembering her tears from the special BTS episode. She was so attached to that drama and character that she didn't want to leave them behind. It breaks my heart that she was never able to find a drama or character as memorable. That's why I'm happy to see her ruling this list!


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"It breaks my heart that she was never able to find a drama or character as memorable. That’s why I’m happy to see her ruling this list!"

I think about this all the time. I want her to find that memorable drama/character too. A character she can for 2 months, 3 months, inhabit as sincerely as she did Go Eun Chan. I also want the same for Kim Sun Ah.. another role that she felt she stepped inside the skin of the character so, it's hard to watch her own self, like how it was with Samsoon.

I want this so much.. i'm writing my own tv script with them in mind. dreaming that it can be that project for them someday..



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here are some of the otp's i particularly liked and which havent been mentioned above (i know its top 10 but my compulsive-ity insists that i mention them):
hogu's love- uee & choi woo- shik
the greatest love- gong hyo-jin & cha seung-won
flowers for my life-cha tae-hyun & Kang Hye-Jung
it's okay, its love- gong hyo- jin and jo in-sung
kill me heal me- ji sung & hwang jung-eum
oh my venus- so ji-sub & shin min-a
scent of a woman- lee dong-wook & kim sun-ah


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So glad someone finally mentioned It's Okay, It's Love. Gong Hyo-Jin and Jo In-Sung OMG.


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Completely agree.


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The Greatest Love!

Always a great one!


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I just thought of the Flowers for my Life couple :) Glad I'm not the only one who holds them dear to my heart! It's rare to see them mentioned, but they were such a lovely pair.

And I honestly do adore The Greatest Love pairing just as much as Master's Sun. While the latter made my heart ache a bit more, I had a little more fun with the former. Each couple had their own strengths.


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Yay ... someone else has mentioned Oh My Venus and Kill Me Heal Me!!


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Wow,I'm kind of relieved to see that I am largely back in sync with javabeans and girl friday, with one big exception.

I know I"m in a small minority, but I've never gotten the appeal of YFAS/MLFAS. That despite loving Queen In Hyun's Man...or maybe because I loved that show and the premise is rather similar. And, I think I had trouble emotionally connecting with either Kim Soo-hyun or his character.


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Everybody had different taste here.. and I only agree with Joogooni Taeyang's couple, because of my favourite drama indeed.
And maybe we could put Bubblegum's couple. I could never put aside such a cuties jungryeowon and dongwook together.
Wifi couple just a briefly official couple yet it stole my heart in a cute way.
Han ye seul and ko soo in will it snow for christmas also soo heartbreakingly and my most favourite couple but who could resist that kind of melodrama (back in that time, it was memorable enough for korean drama for me)


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My head started to hurt when I tried to pick my top ten OTP. It's sooooo impossible. I love almost everyone on the list. I just have to mention that Ojakkyo Brothers' and Goong's were my fave from the list. But picking 10 from toooons from all of my fave otp is an impossible task. Congrats tho, for narrowing your list to ten. ?


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Kim Seul-gi x Yoon Doo-joon. Splish Splash Love. Nuff. Said.


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aaagh now you just reminded me of them and I'm swooning again

This is the superior King/Eunuch romance, no contest.


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Oh, I wish Greatest Love had made this list, their OTP makes me squishy every time I rewatch. *sigh*


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The Greatest Love was awesome!

Years later, it's still one that I remember fondly.


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The simple thought of King2Hearts makes me giddy and brightens my day. Needless to say that Lee Jaeha and Kim Hangah are my all time OTP in Dramaland. I never get tired of watching their relationship blossom. ^^
That proposal scene is still the most swoon worthy scene that I have ever seen.
It brings the romantic out of this old cynic. lol

Some of my other favs are:

Gaein and Junho in Personal Taste
Siwon and Yoonjae in Reply 1997
Joonyoung and Boyoung in MWIHaATW
Junghwan and Deoksun in Reply 1988 (*UGLY CRY*)
Junhyuk and Jinah in Potato Star

And I am currently watching Jealousy Incarnate and I am shipping Hwashin and Nari so much. Jo Jungseok is just too brilliant at playing the "guy who is quietly but crazy in love". I have a stupid grin on my face just thinking about it.

Finally, I need to watch Ojakkyo Brothers. It's been on my to-watch list for so long.


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Yay, another fan of JI in the making! Hwa-shin and Nari are probably my favorite couple of the year and might even be in my top ten.

I rewatched K2H right after for JJS, and also got reminded of just how much I loved that OTP.

Also adored Joonyoung and BoYoung. Love it if there could be a Top Ten secondary pairing list.


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If I didn't remember wrongly, DB said before in a podcast that Joo Won isn't very good at playing someone in love. Maybe my memory is failing me :P

I absolutely adored Uee and Joo Won in Ojakgyo Brothers. They were the first and probably last OTP I shipped.

I am not easily affected by romance in dramas so I'd have trouble filling up 10 names. I often don't see chemistry when others are practically going crazy over the OTP. But there are times when my stone heart melts :D. My favs are(not in any order):

Ojakgyo Brothers
Queen In-Hyun's Man
1% of Anything
WeightLifting Fairy - BokJungHyung! SWAG!


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The funny thing, none of the OTPs here are my favorite OTP.. Though I love Coffee Prince, Princess Hours, Healer, Master's Sun and You From Another Star but none of these are my favorites. Maybe only YFAS because I love Cheon Song Yi and Do Min Joon. Maybe because I'm more drawn to forbidden love and one-sided love (2nd lead syndrome is my weakness). I also love co-habitation OTP and married OTP because marriage and co-habitation hijinks are the best and I feel happy supporting a couple that has been married to each other.

My favorite OTPs are:
1. Ta Hwan-Ki Seung Nyang (Empress Ki)
2. Park Soo Ha-Jang Hye Sung (IHYV)
3. Byun Ji Sook-Choi Min Woo (Mask
4. Young Jae-Ji Eun (Full House)
5. Arang-Eun Oh (Arang & The Magistrate)


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Thanks a lot for the awesome list, DB! Everyone surely has different taste regarding the OTPs. Let me share mine, hihi


;) ;)


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My favorites OTPs (in no particular order):

- Shin Chae-kyeong & Lee Shin (Goong)
- Go Eun-chan & Choi Han-kyul (Coffee Prince)
- Song Eun-chae & Cha Moo-hyuk (I'm Sorry I Love You)
- Seo Eun-gi & Kang Ma-ru (Nice Guy)
- Chae Young-shin & Park Bong-soo/Healer (Healer)


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Shout out to Coffee Prince and, YASSSS, Princess Man! Totally agree with everything Javabeans has said about Princess Man. For those who haven't watched this drama, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The OTP are truly meant for each other, trust me (and I'm not even paid to promote this drama, lol).
Side story: several days ago I stayed up late, browsing articles about So Ji Seob with Gong Hyo Jin. Sadly, I don't find any updated news about their (I wish) relationship. So, another shout out to Master's Sun! And Goong! And, last but not least, uri Bok Ju and Joon Hyung! You guys are SWAG!


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1.Joo Won n Uee (Ojakyo Brother)
2. Lee Seung Gi n Han Hyo Jo (Brilliant legacy/shinning inheritance)
3. Ji Sung n Hwang Jeung eum (secret)
4. Song Jong Ki n Moon Chae Won (nice guy)

Always b my favorite OTPs.. ?


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There's several individual characters I like (Moonlight), but a few where I really love the OTP. Two of them are Healer and Coffee Prince, and the other one is somewhat of an odd choice - CITT's Yoo Jung and Hong Seol. It may not have been a perfect picture like one would want in a kdrama, but it was actually the conflicts that made me appreciate them. They both had their flaws but they had to learn to block out the noise and work through their issues. I loved it when Yoo Jung would say the exact words Hong Seol was needing to hear. It's like that attention to detail, the same that could be used for revenge, could also be used to bring healing to Hong Seol. Well, if it could have played out further. I have incredible fondness for the depth of the 2 characters.

I think I should go back to reading the webtoon. I think I left off around season 3 or so?


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I've just realized that best drama doesn't mean it has the best OTP lol because I invested too much feelings towards the leads in Jang Ok Jung. I just wanted them to have their happily ever after :')


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haven´t seen Princess´s man and I would not put Healer here. Or Goong. Replace with Su Ho, and Lawyer JJang, Gil Ra Im and Kim Joo-Won and Hyun & Min. also, instead of 1% of anything I would choose Dokko Jin and Gu Ae-Jung, and switch Ojakkyo brothers to Gaksital (but with Kang To and Shunji...)


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I have only seen healer from above list and I agree they have amazing chemistry. like majority I love swag couple and would have like to see them in above list. My other favourite otp is song song couple their romance may be cheesy but their have most natural chemistry.


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Well, OK - I've got to throw my opinion onto the pile:

#1 for me - Lee Seo-Jin and Uee in Marriage Contract- WOW!
#2 - My Love Eun Dong
#3 - Healer
#4 - A Love to Kill (Rain and Shin Min-ah)
#5 -La Dolce Vita - Lee Dong Wook!
#6 -On the Way to the Airport
#7 - Romantic Doctor Kim
#8 - It's Ok - That's Love
#9 Scent of a Woman
#10 - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
#11 - Secret Love Affair

Gosh - I'm dating myself as mature in my years here by revealing that (except for Healer and Weightlifting Fairy) I totally prefer older couples who have really gone through the ringer, rather than first love OTP's, as sweet as they may be. I want to see the love really earned from hard experiences and mistakes as OTP's go through tough stuff yet triumph in their hard-won love for each other.


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Kyyaaaaa....... Jaein - Dada is love. I know I can trust you Javabeans.


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My personal Top 5:

1. Sassy Go Go (Yeol/Yeon-doo <3333, who needs jerk heroes and Candy heroines when you can have adorable crinkly-eyed flirts and mellowed sunshine for an OTP?)

2. Master's Sun - guh, I really need So Ji-sub and Gong Hyo-jin to work together again, their chemistry was what lifted the entire drama above being forgettable fluff.

3. Answer Me 1997 - Shi-won and Yoon-jae! <3333

4. Splish Splash Love- 'nuff said

5. Goong - again, I'm kind of amazed Yoon Eun-hye and Joo Ji-hoon's chemistry was so powerful that it actually propels the drama past flawed acting (especially his) and boring political subplots.


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I guess I'm among the very few who've watched all the ten dramas here but my list would be

1.Coffee Prince
2.Delightful Girl Choon Hyang
4.The Greatest love
5.The King 2 Hearts
6.City Hunter
7.All About My Romance
8.Secret Garden
9.Arang and the Magistrate
10.My Love Eun Dong


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Hey, I didn't expect to see #7 All About My Romance on this list but I do remember really liking the OTP there, as well! I also agree with 5, 6, and 9.

I've seen Coffee Prince before but I don't remember liking it as much as everyone here. I guess I'll have to watch it again to see if my opinion will change now.


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I'm really sad they didn't include the marriage not dating couple (gong gi tae and joo jangmi) - to me they're one of the best!


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This is going to be unpopular opinion but..
While I will admit that Coffee Prince definitely had a cracktastic romance in its favor, I always felt that it turned out to be very lopsided. It you think about it, the hero was willing to give up everything for the heroine: social acceptance (societal and familial),sense of sexual identy etc... which is a pretty big deal.

What was she willing to give up? Remind me again, because I seem to remember that she followed up with doing something for herself.


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I'll try to give my perspective, a person can't always either be on the receiving end or giving end, In coffee prince its shown that ML for his whole life is always on the receiving end and finally when in love he's in the position to willingly give out for the person he loves while its just the opposite for the FL, she's taking something for the 1st time from the person she loves while she's only given out for her whole life.

I do think Coffee Prince is a really good love-story.


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You are in the majority. Most people feel that it is a good love solid love story. I admit it was fun to watch. I bring up the lopsideness because girlfriday and javabeans specifically stated that they were leaving lopsided romances out. For instance, I seem to remember javabeans considering My Name is Sam Soon lopsided even though it was a very good drama.


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My Top 11/12 (sorry - so hard to leave any of these out):
- Be Strong Geum Soon
- My name is Kim Sam Soon
- All about Eve
- Dong Yi
- My Girl
- Goong
- Phoenix
- Romance in Paris
- All in
- Queen Inhyun's Man
- Stairway to heaven (because she died, alternately I hear your voice)


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I agree with a lot of these - but I'd swap out You from Another Star with Bok Joo/Joon Hyung from Weightlifting Fairy. They are just SO cute and such a healthy relationship! They were also one of those couples that felt like they actually fell in love naturally as opposed to just being meant to be for the sake of the show (that's how I felt about YFAS).

Also - Shi Won and Joon Jae from Reply 1997! I haven't seen King 2 Hearts or Goong so I'd swap one of them out.


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ugh i agree with everything on the list! but definitely my top top is queen in hyun's man and will forever remain on top lol

but here are a couple more:
- secret
- nice guy
- pinocchio
- faith
- bridal mask
- twenty again (ugh even though the romance only picked up towards the end but our quiet behind-the-scenes-hero made me swoon)
- angel eyes
- oh hae young again

ugh theres soo much, i cant


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I second your vote for Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye in "Pinocchio"!!


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Woah. Your list contains three of LJS's dramas. I agree with your list; I haven't watched I Need Romance 3 yet, so my 10th is Ojakkyo Brothers, at least for now.


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I adore Lee Jong Suk! It is true he seems to have smashing chemistry will all his leading ladies!
I loved In Ha and Dal Po in "Pinocchio". They are probably my #1 OTP. That show still astounds me, it's message is something I hope to live up to in life. Plus, I'm a sucker for the "I've loved you practically my whole life" trope.
Episode 7 of "W - Two Worlds" had some OTP/swoon-worthy moments I still flashback to watch.
I mean, and honestly everything about the couple in "I Hear Your Voice" was full of heart and laughs. To quote the DramaBeans rating "The noona romance to end all noona romances!"


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Everytime I read one of these I end up giggling through the entire post like a crazy person.


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This is a good list. I haven't watched 1% of Anything, but might have to pick it up now.


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Love this part...I'm with you two on struggle to find 10 OTP...its HARD lol!!

Those list make me nostalgic. I'm agree with most of them (haven't watch princess's man and ojakkyo bros). Coffe Prince, King2♥️, 1%oA have the most memorable and lovable for me.

Reading others, I do think our swag couple worth mentioned ?


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I can get behind 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. Four the four left to me I would like to add Weightlifting Fairy, Secret Garden, City Hall (oh the tears), Sungkyunkwan Scandal. There are probably all sorts of honorable mentions - I assume going through my Drama archives I would even have to adjust the list...


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I'd include Arang and the Magistrate.


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At first I really didn't like this list, but probably because I haven't seen most of these dramas. Of the ones I have seen, I wasn't a fan of the couple in "1% of Anything" or "King 2 Hearts".... I apologize, I know this is an unpopular opinion. I did like the couple in "My Love from Another Star".

My personal OTPs are In Ha and Dal Po in "Pinocchio" and *newly* Bok Joo and Joon Hyung in "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo"!


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I still remember watching coffee Prince four years back as I was getting my dramaland citizenship. I couldn't get the love story as I don't particularly like the genre. But then I watched it again and when Han Gyul said that it doesn't matter if she's an alien or a man he'll still love her, it striked me that he loved her personality and that's what attracted him in the first place. Then I realized that the actual message of the drama was that love comes in a form of respect and likeness for a personality.


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Seeing the list most of my favorite couples are there...How i wish for Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won to reunite in another amazing drama...

Maybe it's not the perfect romance but i also keep in my heart Louie and Bok Shil,it just has that something that moves my heart deeply pass the cotton candy overdose...and like many have mentioned there should be in the OTP Hall of Fame Bok Joo and Joon Hyung


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Kim Bok Joo & Jung Joon Hyung are my number one for obvious reasons ❤️️


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LOL. Like most of you here, I thought this list was created because of weightlifting Fairy. No words can describe how great this OTP is. Definitely my favourite OTP in not just kdrama history but of all dramas and movies. [I admit I am a bit biased especially because I'm still not over this pairing but I think most of you will agree with me XP]


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So fun to read these comments. Looking forward to the bromance list.


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Thanks for this list, it sounds super hard,, but I also get where you say that some drama OTP are driven by one character and it's not necessarily the both people vying for each other. It's a disappointment when that happens, these are some of mine favorites.
Queen Inhyun's Man's (so glad they're on your list too!!!), Pinocchio, Okgakjo Brothers and It's okay that's love.


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Oh no. Haha, this just doesn't work for me. I can't pick just 10 and I certainly can't assign numbers to them because my favs are just my favs. Impossible to pin them against each other because they are each so special in their own way. I will say that Mong-ryong and Choon-hyang from Delightful Girl Choon-hyang are my ultimate nostalgic favorite.

I do see most of my most adored OTPs on this list, but I would have a few that would be forced out by some that are more dear to my heart (if I had to choose).

The Goong couple, as much as I love them, would have to make room for my Nemo couple from Marriage, Not Dating. They were my OTP of 2014, beating out the YFAS couple by a long-shot. The YFAS couple is very lovable, but I would probably put Dae-woong and Miho from MGIAG in that spot. Or Arang and the Magistrate.

I'd also replace 1% with either my WF couple or my JI couple. They were the couples I was most endeared to this year and they felt just a little bit more real to me than the 1% couple. Sure, one couple was very dysfunctional and the other was the healthiest on the planet, but I'm so fond of both that I just can't pick. I can't quite explain it, but everything about 1% felt a little bit too perfectly plotted, but without any of those moments that really made them memorable to me.

And, lastly, I adore the Ojakkyo Bros OTP and they nearly make my list, BUT if I had to pick an OTP from a family drama, it would be my Smile, You pair.

Everything else on the list is perfect for me :)


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Oh,we have the same taste,i also thought of Marriage No Dating and Smile,You as favorite couples over the years...They really had that something that made a lasting impression on me and kept there over the pass of years and their imperfections made them just perfect when together...


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A BIG YES to Smile You and Marriage Not Dating!!

Other OTPs I liked include:
The King 2 Hearts, Reply 1997, In Time With You (TW version), I Have A Lover (they had good chemistry despite the controversial topic of adultery), 1% of Anything (new version), Arang and the Magistrate, SHK and Hyun Bin in Worlds Within (if we're talking chemistry), plus a couple others I can't seem to recall right now.

I definitely have to watch Weightlifting Fairy next since everyone and their mothers seem to be crazy about it!


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Thank you for SHK and Hyun Bin in Worlds Within. Amazing couple.


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Sorry but i agree with Nam Joo Hyuk.

BokJoonHyung Forever..?


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I vote that we get to see the short/long list! No need to write more, just a peek! Please ?


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What about Cha Moo-hyuk and Song Eun-chae from I am sorry, I love you? It was such a sad story with 2 people that really never had a chance but that made their love even more precious.


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Happy for this post. DB team, brave on you to put this out for I know this is one contentious topic depending on demographics and life experience. Happy to agree from #2-#9. I have not watched #10 and was not fully invested in #1 as i came late to the party and was at the stage in life when i kept a critical eye on anything that everyone gushes over. Now, i know there are still some things i can catch up on. except 50 episode dramas. So, well done. Let's get back to this 10 years from now and see if our choices stand the test of time. Exciting.


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You won't usually see me squeeing about romances & OTPs. I'm an old guy, so not really much squeeing at all :) But I really liked Queen In-hyun's Man, You From Another Star, and Master's Sun. And I guess now is as good a time as any to post something I've been thinking of saying ever since I watched Girl Who Sees Smells at about the same time as 3 other rom-coms (Time We Were Not in Love, High Society, Warm & Cozy).

Romance is not enough. Rom-coms are better with a serial killer in the mix!! :)


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