[Choose your epilogue] After the happily-ever-after


By Jig

I absolutely adore happily-ever-afters with the nice little bows that tie everything up. I love seeing the lead couple getting married and having a cute little family with all the mysteries resolved and the bad guys rotting in jail. I went on a grand adventure with these characters and now their lives seem perfectly complete.

I accomplished my happily-ever-after by graduating college, but I forgot about the new adventure ahead of me: finding a career. I quickly found out that a happily-ever-after is never truly an ending but rather a new beginning. Even when I find a new career, I will have to start the new adventure of learning the job, getting along with new co-workers, and settling into a routine. Every possible “ending” only leads to a new adventure. A wedding leads to the new adventure of getting to know your spouse. Children lead to the new adventure of raising them.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju

I have come to appreciate more the K-dramas that understand this truth about life. These K-dramas are usually the ones where the characters seem the most fleshed-out; the world most tangible. These writers recognize that while one adventure ends, the next one is just around the corner, and they create characters that we can easily imagine continuing on this adventure called life.

Chief Kim is one such example. Chief Kim and his team successfully took down corruption at TQ, but Chief Kim is soon approached to uncover another corporate mystery. We don’t know what the next case is, but we know exactly what Chief Kim will do: he will help the underdogs take down the corrupt CEO with his unique brand of crazy (guaranteed to involve some staged hijinks and sloppy kisses). As unpredictable as Chief Kim is, he has a particular personality and drive that leaves us assured that he is still out there, wreaking havoc and rooting out corruption.

Chief Kim

When writers create characters with complete personalities, they can take more liberty in leaving loose ends. In Healer, we never see Myung-hee realize that Young-shin is her daughter, but the scene easily plays in my mind. Young-shin’s adoptive father, Chi-soo, will gladly drive Young-shin to the house, both rocking out to cheesy ballads on the way. Healer will open the car door and sneak in a little kiss for encouragement (avoiding the death glare from her father). He will move aside to reveal her birth mother right behind him. Young-shin will squeak out “omma” and run into her arms. Both will cry as Healer tries to find an escape route but ends up stuck between the crying women and Chi-soo’s death glare, not even daring to lean against the car.

We all probably have our own variations, but the carefully painted personalities in the best dramas give us each the power to make educated guesses on how to fill in the blanks.

By being able to envision these stories continuing on in their own universe, I realize that I have my own pages that still need to be filled. While one dream has reached its conclusion, I still have more dreams to fulfill. I do not have an audience who can write my epilogue for me (as much as my friends and parents try), but I have to be the one to take the initiative to start the new adventure, the new beginning. Although it has taken longer than I hoped for, I will strive yet again for another happily-ever-after, and the next one, and the next one after that.

Secret Garden




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Love the positive vibes you send our way, Jig. Yes, let's create all those happily-ever-after that will be the prelude of our new adventures.


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That was amazing @crysta. I really needed it.
" A happy-ever after is a new beginning"
I'll keep that in mind. Plus this has a lot of nostalgia, there are not these good shows airing anymore.


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What a simple but true and poignant reflection @crysta Jig. Thanks!

It's true that when the characters are well fleshed out and their objectives are clear, we can pretty much take the story to many probable ends in our minds. We can even live with our beloved characters, knowing what they'll do and what they'll say to us.

LOL over Chae Young Shin's Appa giving Healer the death glare. All of evil Elder's minions won't be able to take down Healer, but one look from Appa will diminish him and bring on Bong Soo instead. 😆 Love your Healer epilogue!


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I once heard an inspirational speaker talk on dealing with adversity. I don't remember much of what he said except (and I am obviously paraphrasing) almost all of the things that happen to us in life happen "in the middle." And in literature (and movies) all the bad stuff that happens is in the middle. It is simplistic, I know. And sometimes people's lives end without a happy resolution, but it has helped me deal with "stuff." If a friend betrays me. (And I've watched enough Korean dramas to know I'm not the only one this happens to) I realize that this is the middle! (I need to find out who are false friends and who I can trust before my happy ending.) If someone betrays my children, (and this is W.A.Y harder to deal with) it's still the middle. I need to be the good mom--not the nasty self absorbed mom--and be there for them.
This "I'm still in the middle" mantra has, for me, been a big help in dealing with everything I have gone through and am currently going through.
And it makes sense. Who would stop reading a book "in the middle" when everything was going wrong? We need to keep at it until the happy ending.
(Thanks for your Essay, Jig. It was spot on!)


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In literature, it is called in medias res, which comes from Latin: in the middle🤓. And there are certain characteristics how to recognize such beginnings of a novel, rather than the classic "once upon a time..."
I also like to think about this when dealing with my own issues, mostly because I am a dreamer, and since I was young I always dreamt of my own happy end and now being an adult I know, there is no end, at least... I don't want to come to an end myself, I want to live forever and always have to make plans and organize things and clean the house she's become an architect, and travel, and, and, and... 🙃
The Bible says God has put in us the desire of eternity (I am also paraphrasing), but for me, that is the reason why: we were simply created like that. And happily, the bible also gives us the hope of an everlasting life where really... then the conclusion of all these fairy tales will become true: and they live happy ever after.
But, and here is the hammer: the manner will be "in medias res"!!! How exciting!!! 😃😃😃😃


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what a heartwarming epilogue to Healer !!!
Thank you, Jig @crysta !
And, as a wonderful Beanie said to me once, may success kiss your feet as you journey through one life adventure to the next !


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Chief Kim!!! ❤️ I really wanted an epilogue where he knocks on Seo Yul’s door and they head out to take down corruption together.

That pic from Secret Garden is a wonderful way of ending the Theme of the Month: write your own happy ever after. And keep writing. Thank you for the thoughtful post @jig!


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Yes! Chief Kim was one of the MOST satisfying dramas with fleshed out characters that have the MOST satisfying endings! (Why are such dramas so rare? But then again, if those were common we won't be appreciating them as much as we do now, I guess!)
Romantic Doctor; Teacher Kim, Rebel: The Thief Who stole the People, and of course Weightlifting Fairy comes to mind as other examples for this.
Thanks for the beautiful article, Jig! :-)


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You know all those evil parents and grandparents you see in k-dramas? Well 25-50 years ago they were those happily ever after couples...


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WOW. what.an.unexpected view.
If the good ole' Beans of Wisdom articles weren't shut down this comment would've gotten featured in it for sure!


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This is on another level. We'll have to open another section Beans of Depressing Wisdom just to feature it.


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Well your reply would've been posted on that Beans of Wisdom post too, under the sentence; "And then, mary speaks for all of us.."😝


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buAHAHAHA oh man and I thought I had a bleak outlook sometimes 😂


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Thank you, @peony. Those videos made my day. Chief Kim and the Gluttonous Sociopath FTW!


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No problem! If there were more fun RL videos of those two I would've shared them too. ;-)


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This was a very sweet and uplifting read! ☺️☺️

Yes, and it reminds me that those of us who think we are stuck are just dwelling on the wrong perspective, instead of all the potential new beginnings that each day brings. Something I need to remind as I struggle through another day at work ~


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I really enjoyed reading your epilogue for Healer and Chief Kim @crysta, and your point that when writers create characters with complete personalities the looser endings are not just more palatable for viewers, but they are also much more realistic. Real life doesn't tie up in a tidy bow, but rattles along with various stops and starts. Good luck with your own life epilogues.


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Thanks for your lovely essay, @crysta Jig. Life is truly a process, not an event. It has been said that the joy is in the journey. Little pauses along the way give us the opportunity to rest, reflect, and make a course correction. Sometimes it's all a matter of timing, and we cannot make a decision, or act on an intention, until we've gotten a piece of critical information, met a person who can help us, or simply lived long enough to gain maturity and perspective. I never know where or when I'll happen upon inspiration, but some of it comes from Kdramas and their memorably uplifting characters... and some of it comes from the thoughtful words of the DB Overlords and Minions, and fellow Beanies. Thanks to all of you for the food for thought you share here on DB. ;-)


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Every possible “ending” only leads to a new adventure.
Beautifully written, such a charming post, @crysta. I'm at a point where I'm questioning my life now, should I stay or should I go outside for a change. This post helps in clearing that fog a bit, thanks. 😊


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Thank you for the lovely Healer epilogue. When Healer ended I had severe withdrawal symptoms and did not want to let it go initially, but I have faith in the characters that populate the Healer world - that they'll stay true to their traits, that they'll always communicate their feelings, that come what may they'll brave it out together.

And with that faith, I find peace. It's like a mother letting go of her infant's hands as it takes its steps alone & exploring the world on its two feet.


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I imagine worlds for all my favorite characters and stories in kdramas. And you are so right, I lived my life in four year increments up until just a few years ago. Four years to graduate hs abd get to college and a new beginning, four years through college and getting accepted to Med school, four years to make it through hell, which did include a marriage in the 4th year, then 3 years of training and 4 years of military life and having two kids in the middle of it all which was an education in and of itself. Two years of fellowship and finally getting a job in my “forever” career. All this to show you that you may have many more “new beginnings” and “happily ever afters” than you envision now. But “Fighting” through it all! I really enjoyed you piece, thank you!


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Very nice. I haven't seen Chief Kim but will put it up the list now. Thanks for writing this.


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This is so true- and you are right that it is the show with well drawn characters where we can best see what can come next. And even in some cases a further happy ending for even some of the secondary characters- for instance, in Jeju Island Gatsby (AKA Warm and Cozy) we have two very well drawn characters in the Mayor Hwang Wook (played by Kim Sung-OH- more recently playing the Coach in "Fight My Way") and in the male lead's older half-sister Kee-Ra- who as the story ends has made it very clear that Hwang-wook is going to marry her and he has no way of getting out of it. Not only did he not get So-Ra (the female lead), he gets stuck with this clumsy lady who always needs him.

Don't be sorry for him, because this is a case of winning by losing. Because Hee-Ra may be clumsy but she is also smart, rich, very good in business and knows everybody worth knowing. She knows how to throw a good party and put on a good dinner. In a few years time Hwang Wook will go from being the mayor of his small town to being the Governor of Jeju Island. And that means that the four hundred thousand people of Jeju Isalnd will be winners too- because they will have the most dedicated and incorruptable Governor in the country- who will be working very hard for them for a long time to come.

This is what really well drawn characters can do- because we see them so well, we can actually see where they may be going.


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I’m seeing more of these Warm and Cozy appreciation posts, and it makes me want to watch it.


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Love your Healer epilogue as well as your perspective regarding epilogue, it was beautifully thought and written @crysta ! The last sentences really encourage me to get my own happy ending


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So glad we finally got to read your piece, Jig!
Thanks for sharing, my heart feels a bit fuller after reading it <3


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Let's all strive for another happily ever after! Thanks for this entry Jig!


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This is such an inspiring posts. Thank you


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