Hundred Million Stars From the Sky: Episode 14

Memories continue to resurface and the ripples caused by actions of the past have the potential to create devastating waves in the present. The solace Moo-young has found with Jin-kang is put at risk as he struggles to accept the harsh truths about the family he barely remembers.

EPISODE 14: “The Truth Revealed”

Returning home, Jin-kook finds Moo-young waiting with a gun. From the placid reaction, Moo-young realizes Jin-kook knows his real identity and wonders if that’s why Jin-kook despised him. Rather than deny it, Jin-kook flatly suggests they go outside. He starts to leave, but freezes when Moo-young shoots a flowerpot.

“I said, not here,” Jin-kook repeats without turning back. Moo-young asks if the gunshot brings back memories for Jin-kook like it does for him. Knowing the real question, Jin-kook admits that he killed Moo-young’s father, Kang Soon-goo.

It’s Moo-young’s first time hearing the name. He asks why Jin-kook did it and isn’t satisfied when Jin-kook merely replies it was an accident. Spinning Jin-kook around and shoving the gun into the detective’s chest, Moo-young growls, “If you made a mistake, tell me why, how, and what kind of mistake you made to kill my dad.”

Jin-kook doesn’t respond and Moo-young notes the irony that Jin-kook called Moo-young a demon and a murderer. “Before you came into my life, I was living a happy life,” Moo-young spits, “I still remember it.” Choking up, Moo-young begs Jin-kook to tell him the reason. Jin-kook merely warns him of becoming a murderer and Moo-young scoffs at his concern.

They’re interrupted by the doorbell as So-jung stands outside, hoping to check on Jin-kook. When there’s no response, she goes to leave but Jin-kook’s voice crackles over the intercom. Eventually the door opens and So-jung barely starts berating Jin-kook before Moo-young slips past her and out the gate.

Ignoring So-jung’s questions, Jin-kook ushers her inside. The smell of gunpowder and the broken flowerpot are immediately evident and So-jung screeches at Jin-kook to stop letting Moo-young control him.

Still at work, Jin-kang takes a break to grin at the pictures she’d taken with Moo-young the other day. Meanwhile, Moo-young returns home thinking of his father’s name. Happy memories flash through his mind and he pulls out his childhood drawing again. His thoughts are interrupted by a text from Se-ran.

She’d sent a link from a newspaper article. According to the article, Moo-young’s mother had left the family with one of the kids to join a cult. When Moo-young’s father found her, he murdered her and 2 other cult members in a rage, later committing suicide. Horrified, Moo-young crumples up his childhood drawing.

He escapes outside but thoughts of his confrontation with Jin-kook plague him now that he knows his father was a bad person and his childhood not as pleasant as he’d believed. He walks until he’s exhausted and sick, squatting to look out at the city lights before hanging his head in his lap.

Jin-kang rides her bike to the playground the following morning but Moo-young isn’t here. A text pops notifying her that Moo-young won’t be there today. She tries to call him back, but there’s no answer. Moo-young is sitting on the steps of Dr. Yang’s clinic and Dr. Yang invites him in.

Moo-young glumly guesses that Dr. Yang refused to look into Moo-young past precisely because of what he’d found. “I thought he was a police officer, but he was a murderer,” Moo-young mumbles, “And he murdered his wife, of all people.”

Dr. Yang gently tells Moo-young the incident was Dad’s issue and had nothing to do with Moo-young, but he cries that he feels disgusting. Moo-young wonders if it explains why he is the way he is. Jin-kang stops by Moo-young’s but he’s not home.She sets down their picture she’d gotten framed on the coffee table and finds Moo-young’s crumpled and torn drawing on the floor.

Moo-young laughs bitterly that having a murderer for a parent seems to suit him. “Someone once told me… that I’m not even human. And that I was evil incarnate,” Moo-young chuckles, “But he was right.” Dr. Yang asks if Moo-young means homicidal urges are hereditary, confessing that his father is also a murderer.

Dr. Yang says that the first chapter in his book, “The Murderer’s Child” is about him. That’s why he let Moo-young go when he tried to leave the hospital. He’d believed it was Moo-young’s only chance to escape his past, but now he regrets it, admitting he’d been wrong. “Don’t let yourself get hurt by something unrelated to you,” Dr. Yang tells him.

Moo-young scoffs that he doesn’t get hurt, but Dr. Yang warns him that no matter where Moo-young’s rage is directed, it’ll only hurt Moo-young in the end. “It will hurt you,” Dr. Yang says gravely, “and those you care about.”

Woo-sang’s former secretary reports to Jang Se-ran, and she’s surprised he’s back so soon. A flashback shows he’d met with Chief Lee. As he hands Se-ran a flash drive, she muses that money can buy anything and instructs the secretary to call Moo-young.

Moo-young returns home on autopilot. Jin-kang is still there and he brightens a bit but her smile is weak. She guesses something is wrong and though Moo-young denies it, she remains worried. Moo-young picks up on her mood and Jin-kang pulls out the destroyed drawing.

Moo-young crumples it up again and tosses it in the trash, saying it’s all a lie. Jin-kang doesn’t understand and Moo-young sighs that he really wants to tell her everything but remembering how happily she’d guessed his parents were good people from his name, he says he can’t right now.

He changes the subject to food and Jin-kang lets him. She asks if he wants eggs in his ramyeon but Moo-young is still shaken and accidentally dumps the noodles on the floor. “My father killed people,” Moo-young blurts out, “Not just one, but three. He killed three people.” Jin-kang is stunned by the admission and Moo-young won’t even look at her as he asks her to leave.

Jin-kang asks if he really doesn’t want her to stay and Moo-young chokes out, “Not now.” Fishing the drawing out of the trash, Jin-kang asks to keep it. Moo-young doesn’t answer, so she leaves and he hangs his head. Out on the steps, Jin-kang looks at the drawing and replays Moo-young’s comment that it’s all fake as tears run down her cheeks.

Passing Jin-kook in the hall, Chief Lee stops him to say something but changes his mind and awkwardly tells Jin-kook not to be late for the team meeting. Meanwhile, Moo-young meets with Se-ran. She passes over the flash drive, explaining it came from Chief Lee, who was the lowest-ranking team member in 1993 but is now in charge of Jin-kook’s team.

The photo of Chief Lee she sets out triggers a flashback and Moo-young remembers his visit to the station when he was 7 and looking for his dad. Chief Lee had spoken with him and recognized the burn mark. He’d nervously asked for the name of Moo-young’s father, but the boy couldn’t respond and Chief Lee shooed him out.

Amused, Moo-young grabs the photo and flash drive as he gets up to leave. Se-ran calls after him, wondering if she should handle Jin-kook for him. She thinks Jin-kook’s relation to Jin-kang might’ve swayed Moo-young but he warns her to back off. “You said we’re similar,” Moo-young answers coldly, “So you must know… that I can’t stand anyone who tries to meddle in my own game.”

At home, Moo-young listens to the file. Chief Lee’s voice says he’s annoyed because Kang Soon-goo was going to be executed anyway. He grumbles about Jin-kook throwing his life away for accidentally killing a murderer. Chief Lee says it had been self-defense; Jin-kook had insisted on going ahead instead of waiting for the rest of the team.

A flashback shows Jin-kook had come across the dead bodies of Moo-young’s mom, Lee Mi-young, and the other two victims. Drawing his gun, Jin-kook had ventured into the house. A trail of blood led him to Kang Soon-goo holding a hatchet from which the victims’ blood was dripping. Jin-kook had yelled for him to drop the weapon… and we know what happens next.

Chief Lee continues that they were ordered to cover it up, but Jin-kook had resisted. The team was shattered, but Jin-kook had still searched like crazy for Moo-young for months. Moo-young leaves the house and Jin-kook receives a text, ordering him to come outside.

Jin-kook steps outside to find Moo-young waiting. They relocate and Moo-young pulls out the missing flier for Kang Sun-ho, asking why Jin-kook searched for him. “Because I killed your father and I lost you,” Jin-kook answers glumly. Moo-young repeats his question, pointing out Jin-kook could’ve been like the others and written it off since Kang Soon-goo was going to be on death row anyway.

Shocked, Jin-kook asks how Moo-young found out. “Don’t look at me like that,” Moo-young says, “Can’t you be more honest like other people?” Jin-kook admits that he tried to rationalize his actions, Kang Soon-goo had moved first… but he’d later found out Moo-young was there. Kang Soon-goo hadn’t moved to attack Jin-kook, rather he was trying to hide the weapon so his son wouldn’t see.

It was then that Jin-kook had heard Moo-young cry out for his dad and realized what he’d done. “No matter how much I wanted to believe it was unfair, I couldn’t forget that what I killed was a person,” Jin-kook admits through tears, “I’m sorry.” Moo-young says Jin-kook’s searching led him to believe his father was a cop and it kills him that his memories were so confused for so long. Every time he longed for his father, he had been inadvertently longing for Jin-kook, his father’s killer.

“Just because I didn’t shoot you doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you,” Moo-young warns. He vows to never forgive Jin-kook and walks away. Jin-kook calls after him the location of his father’s grave and his death anniversary. Moo-young remembers Jin-kang telling him how she and Jin-kook always visited the temple on that date every year.

Jin-kang sits up contemplating texting Moo-young, but she remembers how he’d asked her to leave and sighs. Jin-kook returns and tells Jin-kang he’s planning to go to Haesan tomorrow. She asks if she should join him, but he tells her to rest. “You want to be alone too?” she wonders, sadly.

The next morning So-jung calls Jin-kook as he’s leaving to demand he change his house passcode. Meanwhile, Jin-kang mopes around the playground while Moo-young broods at a bus stop. So-jung accompanies Jin-kook as he pays a visit to his mother’s grave, commenting that even adults seek their mothers for comfort and guidance.

Jin-kook agrees he’s been thinking of her often lately. He chuckles that he was such a trouble-maker his mother beat him up a lot, even after he became a police officer. Sobering, he says she never hit him again after the incident and then died a few years later. Tearing up, he wishes she could hit him again, and tell him to pull himself together.

Moo-young arrives at the temple where his father rests. Meanwhile, Jin-kang wanders around town and stops to look at a missing children poster, thinking of the time Moo-young first showed her his drawing. He’d said he believed his father was always searching for him as in the present, Moo-young’s eyes water as he looks at his father’s final resting place… right next to his mother’s.

“I’m not an abandoned child, but a missing child,” repeats the voiceover as Moo-young breaks down in tears. At the same time, Jin-kang is sobbing in front of the posters. On the bus home, Moo-young receives a text and chokes up all over again as he reads Jin-kang’s simple message: “I love you.”

She’s waiting for him when he walks home and he asks if she’s really okay with him, knowing who he is. “Of course,” she replies before running into his arms. Holding her tightly, Moo-young admits he wants to be reborn.

Back at Moo-young’s place, they stay locked together as Jin-kang shows him how to cook rice. He playfully wonders why it matters and Jin-kang replies that a warm home smells of warm rice. As they lie in bed that night, she tells him that when she first visited his house, it had felt cold and lonely. She hopes he’ll continue to fill his house and stay close. Moo-young assures her he’s not going anywhere, promising no matter what he’ll return to her.

The next morning, Moo-young surprises Se-ran by visiting her house. He hands over the gun, saying he doesn’t need it anymore. He admits he used a bullet, and Se-ran blinks that she didn’t see anything on the news. Moo-young goes to leave but she calls out that she has information on his younger sibling.

A flashback shows Se-ran confusedly flipping through Kang Soon-goo’s family registry. She asks the secretary if it’s accurate and he confirms that Moo-young has a younger sister and she was adopted — by Jin-kook’s mother…

In the present, Se-ran smiles wickedly as Moo-young obliviously waits for her to share her findings. She revels in his ignorance and impatience, finally saying she won’t give it to him for free. “You should give me something in return at around this point,” Se-ran says, handing over a plane ticket. She says they can discuss things at their destination. Moo-young agrees and leaves.

Jin-kang is waiting outside an amusement park when Moo-young joins her. They proceed to have an adorable date playing on all the rides until they reach the roller coaster. Moo-young digs his heels in and even Jin-kang’s pouty face won’t sway him. She stomps off and he takes off in the other direction only for her to run back and wrangle him over to the ride.

Despite his protests, Moo-young sits obediently next to Jin-kang as the ride climbs up the track. In a voiceover he laughingly wonders what she did to him and how he ended up in this situation.

That night, Jin-kang and Moo-young hug each other while gazing into a mirror and Jin-kang marvels at the way their scars seem to match up. “They look like a map too,” she adds. Jin-kang muses that they followed the “maps” to each other as a series of flashbacks shows the two interacting about their scars.

The tea kettle starts to boil and Moo-young goes to get it. As he turns around, he bumps into Jin-kang, accidentally spilling some of the hot water on her hand. Moo-young drags her over to the sink for immediate first aid, but despite Jin-kang’s assurances she’s fine, he heads out to the pharmacy for burn cream.

On his way back, Moo-young has another flashback to the day his father died. This time, after the gun fires and Moo-young calls out to Dad as he falls, the younger sibling appears at Moo-young’s side and he sees her face. He flashes between it and the photo of young Jin-kang. Collapsing to the ground, Moo-young pulls out his wallet as Jin-kang’s voiceover says Jin-kook told her there was a fire when she was young.

Moo-young thinks of how Jin-kang said their scars fit together and how she and Jin-kook aren’t blood-related. Se-ran’s amused comment that Moo-young is unaware finally clicks as he thinks of how she said he didn’t have a younger brother and with shaky realization Moo-young says, “It was a younger sister.”


Am I truly dead inside or do I just refuse to believe it so much that my brain won’t process the revelation that our burgeoning couple are siblings? We all saw it coming but, I mean, we have one week left! That’s plenty of time to make it not true, right? More than anything, if there’s no magical twist to fix it, I’m going to be furious with Jin-kook, who not only foresaw this scenario, but had the ability to intervene and chose not to in order to selfishly protect his relationship with Jin-kang.

At this point, though, it hardly matters because the damage is done. Moo-young and Jin-kang have passed the point of no return in their relationship where they could ever assume the roles of regular siblings, and this knowledge will forever hang over Moo-young, preventing them from a future as a couple. All in all, our happy ending just seems to have flown out the window and I don’t see how this is going to end in any other way than in tears.

Especially as Se-ran’s obsession with Moo-young continues to grow by the day. Now that she knows his girlfriend is his sister, there’s nothing standing in her way. And in his fragile state, Moo-young might let her. Throughout everything, Jin-kang has been Moo-young’s only stability, she was healing him and he was finally moving forward and out of the darkness that had trapped him all this time.

Now that their relationship has been compromised, Moo-young might revert to his old ways with a vengeance. He deals with hurt by rejecting everything and now that letting someone in has turned out in the worst way possible, I worry for him and the rest of the characters going into the final stretch.


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Thanks for the recap, @sunny! So finally we have come to this--- so are they, or are they not? Regardless, I'm looking forward to the ending of what I consider to be the best drama I've watched in recent memory!


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Especially love this point by @sunny... this drama has been deep... i have learnt a lot about how so much love can just turn into unprecedented pain, and it just breaks my heart ...

'Now that their relationship has been compromised, Moo-young might revert to his old ways with a vengeance. He deals with hurt by rejecting everything and now that letting someone in has turned out in the worst way possible, I worry for him and the rest of the characters...


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I believe the convo Se-ran had with the secretary is still vague. There was no direct mention of two kids in the registry, just mention of two kids who were hospitalized on the same day. Plus, JK could still very well be the child of one of the two other victims of the murder spree. Also, in the newspaper article (at least according to the subs), the mother only ran away with the couple's "child" (NOT children).

I think we will know for sure on Wednesday.


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I agree, otherwise Jin Kook being more aggravated by possibility that JK date murderer than him being her brother don't make any sense.


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You know, my interpretation of that newspaper article was that the mother ran away with the younger child, the sister, while the father stayed with the older child, the boy.


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This is where my reliance on subs leaves me guessing.


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But, if that's the case, how is it possible that they were happily playing together? I doubt the father has took MY with him to kill his mother (he hid the weapon when he saw MY). I think that they were living together in that house with the other people when MY's father found them and killed them. Before he could escape, JG killed them and the children got hurt with the boiling water.


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I think that was MY's house. He was living there with his father. The mother came with the daughter and two other people. She probably wanted to take MY with her. Father refused and was so furious that he murdered her and the other two people.


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That's a possibility, but I find quite strange that a mother who wants to recover her son takes 2 more people with her (was she scared of her husband?) and at the same time she also takes her little daughter, exposing her to danger. I bet that JK is the daughter of someone else in the sect and they were living together in some kind of secluded community.


Even if they don't turn out to be siblings, MY already believe they are since thats what his memory conjured up. So, the question is What will Moo Young do with that knowledge?


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It will drive him totally, utterly beserk.


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Like you said the new said that the mom ran away with one child so that was obviously a hint for us viewers. Lol even with all the hints at fauxcest I somehow refuse to believe that these two are siblings. Plus the statement from the drama production makes me hopeful that they are not taking us to the doom of this pair. Otherwise, there is no point of watching this show. :/
I tried to watch the Japanese version last weekend and somehow I couldn't reach past half hour of the first episode. Is it possible to root for a pair knowing this is a disaster in making? I fail to see the logic of this writer, who chose to destroy such magical writing. Tsk..


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the news said*


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phew... a glimmer of hope. fingers crossed.


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it's going to be a toss-up... wrt the ending of this Kdrama...

i am feeling like it will be close to the original, but... one never knows. for me, i am hoping it sticks very close - as that was the "appeal" of the Jdrama, if one can call it that.

the dark story played out very well, i hope this version does also. that's all i'm hoping for....


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Surely one or both of Jin-kang and Moo-young will die in the finale. It could be like Romeo and Juliet where instead of Romeo mistakenly thinking Juliet is dead, Moo-young mistakenly thinks Jin-kang is his sister thanks to Se-ran's evil manipulation. From there, the grief and supposed incest will be too much to bear and he kills himself and Jin-kang sees what he's done and kills herself too.

Jin-kook looks at the damage he is largely responsible for and he survives to live a life of guilt, with no happy love life with Tak.



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i am hoping for the kdrama lite version where all endings tie up neatly and happily lol.

the opening shots show jk running up the stairs and then clutching my 's hand.

i am hoping that just as MY saved Yu ri's life and Cat's , that the gods would bless them with a better fate.

my surmise is that JK is the daughter of one of the victims and she and MY played together


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This eps is like a compilation of every type of hurt and pain the show could deal to all its characters (and us viewers).
I feel like I was crying in Moo-young's stead all throughout the eps. His initial numbness to the revelation of his painful childhood history is so much more heartbreaking than if he just simply railed at the whole world for handing him a rotten fate. Then there's the late realization that Jin-gook once tried to raised both Moo-young and Jin-kang as his siblings to atone for his guilt that hit me like a ton of brick. And to cap it off, there's that scene of Jin-kang staring at the missing person poster. I don't know why it hurts so much that she seemed to see Moo-young and herself there, the missing children who still hoped that somebody out there is still trying to find them. And don't even make me start on that cliffhanger!
*trying to calm myself down and remind myself that everything is just a fictional story*


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I just finished watching Seo In Guk in "Hello Monster" and it touches on a lot of the same themes (minus incest). Nature vs. nurture. I think it was important the psychiatrist told Moo Yeung that his father being a murderer does not determine his fate. I hope it's a fakeout that MY and JK are brother and sister, but my gut is saying that they're siblings. The scene of Jin Kook and Tak at his mother's grave was touching. It reminds me of the line from "This Is Us"--the ones that matter are the ones at the start (your parents) and the ones at the end of your life.


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Easy way to solve it: DNA test


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And a little truth here and there (like telling Jin-kang she was adopted and who her biological parents were) wouldn't have hurt either.


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I hope with MY’s intelligence he will do it now that he remembers his sister. If not, I’ll be seriously disappointed. I’m gonna have to downgrade my reviews. 😅


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watching that last scene unfold (as seen in the original) i was watching with closed fingers but we've finally come here. I feel the same as the recapper 'am i dead inside or do i just refuse to believe it'. All that's left is that dreadful ending if it happens next week i will truly be broken beyond repair.


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I've never anticipated being sad and crushed more than these next two episodes.


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I have said this before and I will say it again. Jin Gook is the ultimate culprit here! To save his own ass for murdering a man and separating his children, he could have easily intervened and taken this opportunity to come clean to the sister he claims he loves. And he was horrible to MY. His hypocrisy of caring for the murderer girl and hating MY for being what life made him, really made my blood boil! He went out of the way to stab the boy who’s life he had ruined! It doesn’t make sense to me! And Tak!! I had such high hopes for her! Seeing her trying to protect JG and blaming MY for the actions which were expected, really pushed me off the edge! They deserve each other. Poor JK. She was probably better off growing up in an orphanage somewhere :(


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Yes, growing up in the orphanage with MY. Which leads to my question of why, if they were brother and sister, would MY leave her in the hospital? Wouldn't he have tried to stay with her or take her with him if they were really siblings?


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MY already lost his memory at the hospital


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I guess I find this way too convenient assuming they arrived together


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He said that he felt he had left something really important behind. Jin kang asks, Your mum? And he couldn't answer.


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I do hope they answer this question in the last 2 episodes. We need to know what made him lose his memory! Was it due to him witnessing his father die or due to him burning himself?


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His hypocrisy of caring for the murderer girl and hating MY for being what life made him, really made my blood boil! He went out of the way to stab the boy who’s life he had ruined!

Preach! I was quite mad at jin kook until last week and I still am, but what baffled me more was how everyone around him was trying to still look at him with pitiful eyes. I mean like really? His double standard with the murderer girl and moo young were just based on his own insecurities regarding his past crime, so why make him appear like some kind of saint which he isn't? And don't get me started on Tak. I already talked about this past week but she has pretty much blindly followed jin kook because of her infatuation with him, so her judgments have been clouded too. And tbh, even after moo young got to know about his father's doing, he still has been trying to control himself and appeared quite sorted out and calm to me. He even went to the mountaintop and did those rituals. Any other guy would have been broken at that point, but he still seemed like someone with some basic value system at least, which I didn't expect from someone as reckless as him. He even tried to hide from jin kang that her brother stabbed him. I didn't expect all these small gestures of kindness from him really. I guess the times with jin kang really changed him good. So because of that too, I hope they can still make it till the end together lol, and not get manipulated by the crazy rich woman.


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I just wrote it above that true love does change people to be their best. Poor MY only had JK who loved him unconditionally and who he loved unconditionally in return. Honestly this show will me the death of me 😢


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As long as they are alive until the end I will be okay. Show please, I only have the minimum expectation. Don't ruin it.


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Unforgivable though Jin Gook's actions may be towards MY and JK, it makes for a great flawed character - driven by a desire to protect his loved ones from hurt, living up to his professional conduct as a police officer but his actions are also informed by guilt and fear.

and he didnt flinch or hedge when MY confronted him. It took him the whole of 30 years but he acknowledged the wrong he did to MY even though it was an honest act of misjudgement.


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I know but in the process, he really did a lot of things wrong. Like how jin kang said there are some parents who are harsh towards other people's children so their one can stay protected. Which is not really the right way to behave. Also he didn't realize that in order to hide his own sense of guilt he was quite harsh towards moo young and said him some very rude words, and stabbed him at the end, which is kind of unbelievable, considering how he always tend to give this assumption that he's the most righteous person in the world. So, I feel like for some people, like cho rong, it never even came to his mind that jin kook could do something that extreme. At least he owned up to his mistake like you said but it still doesn't take away the share of his wrongdoings, the kind of things he did to a hapless lad, first abandoning him at 8, and then going after him for protecting his own esteem.


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He never lived up to being a professional police officer — just saying.


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That wasn't double standard, YuRi turned herself in when she realised she was the one who killed MiYeon and showed remorse for her action when MY just didn't give a damn about harm he caused


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She didn’t just walk into the police station to turn herself in now, did she? JG acted like the ‘big teddy bear brother’ that he thinks he is to get the truth out of her and convince her to turn herself in. He helped her, was affectionate with her and treated her with respect even when he knew she was a murder. Did he ever treat MY with respect? Or like a human being? Even when he found out MY was the boy he was looking for he stabbed him!! STABBED HIM!?! How is that fair?


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Maybe because Yuri is mentally unstable girl who was in drug induced blackout during the murder, and MY is someone who mess with people lives just for fun of it.


@shach No one is denying MY has sociopathic tendencies or even is one. The balance of treating supposed murderers totally differently is glaring here.


I agree, while I see MY and Yoori are very different criminals (Yoori has a conscience and MY doesn’t), Jinkook has some huge chivalry complex going on throughout this drama. Like all the girls are waiting for him to save. Jumping with Yoori is brave, but it’s also crazy. Stabbing MY ... did he think he was slaying a dragon or something? 🤷🏻‍♀️


@coffeprince4eva, @geliguolu, he stabbed MY because perceived him as a threat to his "family", crazy and undefendable. But during the murder investigation he treated them according to their character at that time, and didn't left MY hanging when other detectives went to arrest him, he pursued his investigation until Yuri confessed and turn herself in.


I think (hope) that in ep 16 JG will show compassion for Moo Young and will try to save him. I am hoping that JG keeps Moo Young from killing himself and convinces him to turn himself in... and that the evil woman's assistant/driver/whatever tells the police what the evil woman did to Moo Young that pushed him over the edge. I guess I see Moo Young differently than most people here. I don't see him as the monster as much as I see him as a young man who has suffered from severe trauma and has struggled with mental health issues that interfere with him leading a "normal" life. I think there is reason to believe that he can heal, but I doubt he has time left to do that.


i'm definitely on the 'let JG take a hike' squad fr fr... and they were so many things he could have done to prevent this apparent outcome that seems to be staring us in the face... JG just had to let it become a series of unfortunate events when it could have been just ONE...!


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I hope MY goes to JG first instead of running to the evil woman about JK’s true identity. And I hope, if he does get a confirmation, he ‘takes are of JG’ like the old sociopath he used to be.


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Takes care*

ugh this is what furious typing does...


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The trailer of the episode 15 is out on youtube...


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seen... cannot wait! huhuhu!


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I think the writer made a wrong move to expose MooYoung’s scar to Jinkook so early in the game. If he merely didn’t want JinKang to date SeungAh’s “killer”, the story would make more sense. The prolonged suspicion that MooYoung is the child was pointless.


It doesn't make sense to me may just be this show's second title. Starting from episode 12, none of this makes sense to me.

Let's take Jin-gook suspecting that MY is the boy he was looking for. Does he try to stop him dating his sister like a rational person? No, he behaves like a crazy psycho and pushes them together more.

Since when does "My sister can't know she's adopted" trump "My sister might be dating her brother".


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Ugh! Ugh! And an ugh once again! I DONT GET IT!!!!


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How about MY breaking into JG's house to try to work out why his girlfriend's brother tried to STAB HIM is considered by Tak to be way worse than... the actual f'ing STABBING.


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DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED THERE!!! I had such high hopes for Tak. That instance crushed it completely. And why couldn’t she be the Unnie and tell JK not to date MY because of the one reason she shouldn’t! Ugh!


I had it with her when she blamed JK's behaviour for her brother's actions. Like "he wouldn't have had try to murder somebody if you'd just do as you're told".


OMG! I forgot all about that!!! JG and Tak deserve each other! @leetennant


I really like the build up of the revelations in this adaptation. We've got more episodes which means more time to flesh out what is about to happen with the characters in the remaining two episodes.

I am not going to make any assumptions or theories (as it is highly possible that this adaptation will follow the footsteps of the original), so I guess I'll just enjoy having my heart broken for the remaining episodes.


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I agree. The story still isn’t perfect but already I like this adaptation a lot more because of the details and the time it gives the characters to develop. Being able to (slightly) root for the anti-hero and the female protagonist, as characters on their own, has made it leaps more enjoyable to watch. At least while watching this version, I’m not impatiently wishing all the leads “omg just die already”.


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'you're just you to me'. I'll stick with MY words for ending.


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If they're really siblings but didn't say anything, Jin-Gook is the one who should be responsibility!

When I look at Moo-young's rooftop apartment now, it really looks like a house. I like Jin-kang statement that the smell a rice means the smell of a warm house. And I see how Moo-young has completely changed as a person we've seen in ep 1.


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For someone who loves to game with people lives and can easy spot their weaknesses like MY to not recognize that he is played now it's kind of weird, and underestimated Se Ran abilities and power, I have my doubts about them being siblings with info coming for her, this lady is not to be trusted and she is more cunning than MY. I think there is death on the horizon and after tragedy strike, we find out that the are not really siblings, but it gonna be too late.


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*cough* because the character writing is inconsistent with how they portrayed MY at the beginning and they almost did a bait and switch on us... except now MY would almost being boring if it weren't for SIG *cough*


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It's early days, yo; he could do something really, horribly dark next episode. In fact, I'm so sure that he's going to go all dark next episode. Then we'll rub our eyes and say, wait, is that the same guy who rode that rollercoaster and cried in her arms? Jin kang, too, could go all dark, who knows what she is capable of, this sweet, nice girl, who's never been pushed to the limit? Nothing, and no one is predictable, except the cat.


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All MY was lacking in life was love. Yes he got plenty from the ladies but JK was the only one he had an emotional connection with. True love can change people. And he still has 2 episodes to be his sociopath self.


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He seemed to have some emotional connection with the nuns who raised him too. Be careful, this idea that true love changes people is very romantic but dangerous in real life.


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But it does! In real life it does! People change for the better when they find the right person. There is nothing dangerous there. Being a better version of yourself is not dangerous.


I never felt MooYoung was lacking love. He was lacking a subject TO love. And this is why I believe they must stick to the original. His subject must have something very very very special to unclogged that pipe from his heart. Frankly JinKang is just an ordinary girl. For him to feel the connection even before they fell in love, gene recognition or the old "blood is thicker than water" is the most convincing reason.


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Well, that's what love is. When you see someone quite ordinary in a totally new and fabulous way. It's very hard to explain why that person is the one and not other. It's different for each person. I wouldn't say that my husband is extraordinary in any way, but for 18 years nobody made me laugh the way he does. Bam! I'm not very special myself, and yet he makes a real effort to keep me laughing. JK made him laugh too. And didn't fall for his bs, plus they have a lot in common. I think he lackedlove because he didn't know what love is. Now he knows, so I believe him that he wants to be the man she deserves. I don't know if gene recognition exists, but I don't find hard to believe that he fell for JK, because it happens all the time. If we only fell in love with amazing people, probably I would be single now.


@anisss You’re normal, and so are most of us here (I sure hope). But if they were to stick to the original’s theme, the an/protagonist isn’t. We’ll just have to see if MY is still the sociopath that the original writer created.


@geliguolu, it's quiet funny like with progressing romance beanis are willing to absolve MY of any wrongdoing or character flaws, I saw comments that Seung Ah had it coming, because she was just spoiled rich girl, poor MY is just victim of circumstances and anyhow love will cure him ;)


@shach I’m gonna optimistically consider it a blessing to have so much faith in love and in humans. I just hope the sociopaths in disguise are not near our beanies. And let them be physically unattractive, because if they look like Seo In Guk ... I’m barely staying levelheaded 😂.


I'm not the only one that finds this new healed MY sort of weird??? I'm so used to being the person with the strange ideas.
I wouldn't say he's being played exactly, I don't think Se Ran lied, but he showed a lot more of caring about the morality of his father being a murderer than I expected from him at first. I just told myself he was really convinced of his childhood fantasy about his father being a cop.


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You are not, I don't buy this new version of MY either, but maybe writers need to make him more likeable logic be damned.


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You are not. I think he exactly the same person. Being different around her, doesn't mean he has changed. He is capable of holding affection for people. He holds it for Hong Bob's character and the nuns. However he still has psychopathic tendencies.


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he showed a lot more of caring about the morality of his father being a murderer than I expected from him at first

Same here, but I reckon he’s been affected by JinKang’s imagination that his parents were nice friendly people. JinKang made so many presumptions just from his name. I don't think she's wrong, she meant to comfort him, but she shows too much hopes for him to be a nice kid from a nice family. It raised his expectations. I think it also matters to him that JinKang's fantasy of his family just went "poof". And his hopes of being a better human seems less and less acheivable.


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No, no you are not. I have found him weird since episode 10. Or rather, not weird, just inconsistently shown. No matter how many theories and reasons we can write about him needing someone to love, or reacting in x way because of this... in my opinion it's still inconsistent, and even incoherent at times, and that is the fault of the writers, because this is a show made by humans, not real life.


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I think he is not himself because he is in love. It happened to me. At that stage of my relationship it was like a drug, totally addictive. Happiness is addictive.


Is he not recognizing he’s being played or is he playing along for his own purpose? I think it’s the latter. He just wants her to do what he can’t do or what would be too difficult to do on his own. To him it’s fair game. He sought her out specifically for her abilities and power, AND he knew quite well she will agree to it because he know she is attracted to him and to danger.


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can't be just be that MY has been living with his guard down for a bit... i mean, since JK came in... he's been living like a human... it could simply be him after trusting JK, wanting to trust other people too.


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I actually laughed when it ended there. I laughed out loud. I am terrible.
I feel like I'm probably taking a lot of my real life frustrations out on this show so I only really have negative, salty things to say about it, and more negative things than it possibly deserves. It's not nearly as bad as my lowest ranked dramas, but I still don't think it's technically that good either. I have a lot of issues with the latter half of the drama especially, in pacing, character writing and general story writing.
Incest plot aside (which will get quite the comparative literature rant if it does happen), it still bothers me in a lot of ways. Unfortunately? Fortunately? I haven't yet written my essay on it so I guess that will have to wait to the finale. Which I suppose will be a good thing since then I will have seen everything and analyse everything.
Ziggy is hard carying this drama though. He turns even weak character writing into a performance. Go you!!


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He's been amazing.


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Nice to have a technical take on the issue... i mean, it's just a drama ... an escapist route... we just lose ourselves in it... we like to lose ourselves in it... i guess. hehehe! now i am laughing out loud at my awkward reply too. I guess i am just saying nice to have you keeping tabs on the actual technical aspect of this drama as opposed to those of us...losing our minds over the tragic story :D :D :D. i'm still anxiety laughing btw hehehehe!


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i'm interested to know what your lowest-ranked drama was anyway and your opinion on whether the technical quality or the actual story of a drama are what affect its ratings? i'm genuinely interested... although not 100% invested...like a 'it's not gonna make my living any easier or anything'... but 'it would be nice to to know' type of thing... :D


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Me too. :)


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Oh boy... I might get hate for this. hahahaha
My lowest ranked dramas are BOF and Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo... and then... My Name Is Kim Sam Soon (DEFINITELY GONNA GET HATE FOR THAT ONE *hides*).

Does technical quality effect ratings? My ratings or a channel's percentage ratings?

It has quite a high impact on my ratings yes. Or rather it has a high impact on how I remember a drama.
Some dramas however reach a crack status for me, where despite being technically not good- other factors come in to play and are more important than overall technical quality, or balance it out and effect my subjective ratings.
For example- Lookout had rather terrible directing and a weak plot at times, but the character writing and acting was phenomenal and for that reason I still love it.
Sassy Go Go had next to no plot and was entirely character driven, and even then some tertiary characters were forgotten and underdeveloped. But the centre stage cast and the character writing again was so strong and well done that it's only the second drama ever that I've rewatched.
Hwayugi- was an utter trainwreck and I kind of loved it and lowered my expectations wayyy down so I wasn't as burnt by it. It was technically a mess, but I liked it anyway, mainly for the Monkey King. But it is still a mess, no questions asked.

As for channel viewership percentage ratings- Does the technical matter? I'm not sure. I would suspect not, since BOF (and any version of that story) gets high ratings wherever and however it is made.
But I don't follow percentage ratings that much, and I don't even know what is a good percentage rating for a show to get, and they ultimately have little effect on what I personally watch or like.
However, I do know that some of the shows I might rate lower, have been popular internationally in kdrama audiences. Not the dramabeans community exactly, but the wider intl drama watching community.
And I know that trainwrecks have an addictive quality that somehow makes them popular. So *shrugs*


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great drama choices!


Oh hey hahaha. Am I allowed to say your awkward laughter made me smile? lol.
I mean yes, all drama for me is pretty much an escape and a way to cope with real life, most certainly.
However, I also perpetually analyse and pull about almost everything (movies, books, tv shows and kdramas) on a technical level because I actually enjoy it. Although sometimes it makes me seem like a killjoy lmao.
Some dramas though I definitely have learnt to, not switch off the analytical brain exactly, but I guess to just accept my dramaland fate of silliness and crack.
Others though, like this one, get the full harsh treatment. I watch them with my writer hat on, generally end up tearing it to shreds and am often left salty at. *shrugs*
Anyway- I’m glad someone appreciates my technical take on it! Thank you!


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Thanks for responding! I think its always great to have a person with technical know-how give their take on creative work. It makes them the consummate professional! And I think really centers you. some creative works really tend to send me careening off the brink... I live vicariously through them sometimes so to speak... My mother's favorite declaration when I was losing my mind over something was: "it's just a *insert movie/drama/film/play. etc..."


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If MY is being played by Se-ran I'm going to be disappointed because I thought MY was smarter than that (or am I supposed to believe that he's still innocent in some way?).

I'm braced for the end. SIG's performance has been riveting no matter how this turns out.


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But he recovered the memory himself though :( I just hope his head would be in the right place to research more before we get, what now looks like, a Romeo Juliet’esque ending :(


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SIG's performance is off the charts... the scene with Se-Ran teasing about his sibling info and the one with him asking JK to leave were so intense i took gulps of breath.


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Props to JSM, too. Her crying and calling out MY's name tore my heart to pieces.


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He has surpassed his great performances in many other dramas. Riveting is right. He's very close to carrying this drama, which is hard to say as there's a lot of great performances by the actors.


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Here's a list of possible endings.

A.Se ran tells Jin kang that she's Moo young's sister. She's lying. Jin kang can't take it. She kills herself. Moo young finds out that they're not siblings, Moo young kills Se ran, and then kills himself.

B. Jin kang says, "Oh, yeah? I'm gonna get me a DNA test, and we'll see how it goes. She coolly walks out, leaving Se ran seething with fury. Two weeks later. DNA results are out. They're not siblings. Yay. But wait. Se ran's lurking outside the DNA office. BHAM WHAM. Cloud of smoke clears. Moo young and Jin kang lie dead. Se ran runs off, Jin kook chases her, and Se ran's car plunges down a ravine. Blank eyes is alive. Se ran is dead.

C. Moo young tells the doctor that he thinks that they're siblings. Doctor says, I'll go talk to Se ran. He goes to see her, and WHAM! falls in love with her at first sight. She feels warm and fuzzy when she sees him, and they go on a blind date. She tells him that she was lying, and he says, it's okay, you can start over. Like me. They hold hands and makes plans for a second date. They're invited to Moo young and Jin kang's wedding.

D. Jin kang kills herself. Moo young kills Se ran, then takes a cab to the doctor's office, and kills him, saying, You're a menace to society. Jin kook walks in with Tak. Tak opens fire and shoots Jin kook by mistake because she's never handled a gun before. Jin kook dies. Moo young tells her, shoot me. I'm right here. She presses the trigger. BHAM! Cho rong falls down dead. Yeah, he sneaked in through the window, but she's such a bad shot the bullet went sideways. Moo young is so frustrated. He grabs the gun and shoots himself.


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Option C made me laugh the hardest.


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The first one I feel is realistic- the last one is GOLD hahahahaha


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LOL @yyishere YY, just add many versions to your fanfic, why don't you!!! We sorely need to release the stress induced by this show. 😂

Show threatens to be is so sad, we resort to responding with anything facile to laugh off the tension and calm our nerves!!! 😅


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I know, right, it's like inevitable, the tragedy that's coming. The preview's out....


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Thanks YY @yyishere!


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Hahaha! The last one is like those 80’s comedy/gore movies where everyone dies! 😂😂😂


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Gurl, i liked this before i even read it because as per usual, GOLD!


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Option D, lolol!


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Maybe Moo Young and Jin Kang are step siblings with no blood relation. Moo Young's father could have married Jin Kang's mother. It would also explain what Jin Kook said at the temple in an earlier episode about how the person they were praying for had the opportunity to see Jin Kang grow year after year. He could have been referring to her mother. So they could have been living together, had the burn together, but he didnt connect with her that much as a child so he left her at the hospital.


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AWESOME POSSIBLITY... let the ending be this... jebaaaalll!


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A ton of people are blaming JG but are forgetting about what Dr. Yang did. He let young MY leave the hospital knowing that JG was looking for him. If Dr. Yang didn't let him leave, JG probably would have adopted MY along with JK.
I'm not saying that JG isn't to blame for all the shitty things he's done, but Dr. Yang decided to do something just as stupid and questionable.
Too many adults in this show messed up and now our leads got to pay the price for their mistakes.


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Dr. Yang is stupid, but Jinkook didn’t look for MY at the hospital. He started looking after MY left the hospital.


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Dr. Yang is such a lame-o... gosh i can't even...but wasn't there a flashback scene with MY recovering in the hospital where JG came in and then turn his back to MY so that MY would not catch him staring at him?

what was JG's deal really? you feel guilty for killing the kid's Dad...?fine... do all you can to make amends? why did he even stop searching for MY? because he got JK? How lame!

I mean, when he began to feel that MY may be the lost kid, when he met 'ol'evil incarnate' MY (da heck) and he was all up in his bad feelings about him...why didn't he still intensify his efforts to know the guy and confirm if he was the missing child or not...? it would have served him better... instead of the drama of always and constantly building walls and shoving him away and literally beating him up???

he could have brought MY to JK as her real brother and all of this could have been avoided... come to think of it... why is he keeping JK's origin secret STILL? JG!

nah, JG is still an ass in this scenario, pretty much...


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I meant Jinkook wasn’t “looking” for MY because he wasn’t lost yet. He did go see how MY was doing in ER but not like he asked around the hospital for a missing child before MY was let lost.

JK is... I can’t even... he’s the one character I find worse than the original. And I’ve been wishing he gets a really really really bad ending.


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Understood. Thinking about it a bit, i think JG began his search after MY left the hospital with the prodding of Dr. Yang. that when he would effectively be considered missing anyway...


i meant... that's when...


Actually, Sojung said that if Mooyoung did not get lost in the hospital, Jingook would have adopted only him and not Jinkang...so basically it was either Jingook adopting Mooyoung OR Jinkang, not both


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Unsaid things are like a cancer. The psy and Ji Kook hid too much and now Moo Young has to trust Se Ran... The issue is not what Se Ran said, but his memory of a little girl with him. All of that and he can't talk to person he loves so most and share his emotions.

I want to know more about the family. How Moo Young can remember a happy family when a such crime happened. The mother was really in a sect? Why the dad thought to kill people with an axe with his child here was a good idea? How they could put the husband and the wife in the same temple? Why didn't they have the same name?

My favourite scene was in the bus when he read the sms of Ji Kang. He needed it so much.

The scenes of the amusement park were pretty funny. His face during the ride :D


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About the husband's and wife's names... I believe Korean women retain their maiden names even after marriage.

The thing about MY having the little child with him ... does that mean that his mother had come bringing the little child while she (and 2 others) talked to the father? He had boiled water (to make tea?). The 2 children had gone on to play together. By the time the water boiled, the murders had taken place (by hatchet no less!!! Surely that would have taken some time!)

The kids had come in by another door and had not seen the dead bodies. MY came in first. Jin Gook had come in from the other side and had passed the corpses first. He shot MY's father, the kettle that was boiling somehow got hit by the father's fall???? (not sure why the kettle toppled). The younger child came in and both kids had got scalded, with MY taking the brunt of the burns.

That would mean that MY had only seen the younger child for the first time in 2 years? He may or may not have known that this child was his sibling. However he had drawn a family of 4 probably before his mum had left. That was the only clue he had that there had been a sibling.

In a weird twist, might it be possible that the younger child was just a playmate, (MY called child 'Yoon-ah') and not his sibling?


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The order of the events is not very clear. For somone who remembers everything, he could help us a little more >_<


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Oh I didn't know for the name. Thank you.


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I agree with you. That cabin in the woods is his house. He lives there with his dad. His mother left two years ago, taking his younger sister with her. The drawing was drawn before they left. I think they're siblings. The kids were outside playing. The kettle fell when Moo young tried to get to his father and accidentally pushed it?


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I think we sometimes ignore what this drama show us and get too hanged on what we know from Japanese original. We know that not everything MY think of as his memories are real, like this of a happy family, so we don't know if memory of sister are real or his brain playing tricks on him again.


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I think we also forget that kids draw happy things for themselves as well. He may have drawn an idealized family, so his happy times with his father may have been real, and the drawing wouldn't necessarily be a lie.


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How they could put the husband and the wife in the same temple? 

I don't think the temple is where they are buried. JinKook wouldn't have the rights to their ashes. I don't know for sure in this case, but my family pays the temple for these spots/name tags so we can "visit" deceased family members who are buried far away from us. The housed spirit can accept temple offerings while monks recite scriptures for their salvation on a regular basis. I think Jinkook just did the same.


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I like how the Korean version changed the dad’s motive to kill, cuz it hits home — cultism is so widespread in Korea (shivers while I recall Rescue Me). The original had some bullshit reason about money — so uninteresting. Just adding a cult to the story makes the family tragedy so much more pitiful. It needs little explanation to see how something once wonderful was broken, and not make either parents demonic, but rather victims of a greater evil.

Although the newspaper didn’t say who was taken by his mom, I believe MooYoung was living with his dad for the two years she ran away. He hasn’t recalled mom’s face yet but remembers a happy life playing with dad at their home in the woods. At age 5, counting 2 years back would be most of his recollectable memory and the parent that he was separated from would be difficult, if not impossible, to recall. MooYoung’s father could have been a very caring father up until that devastating day, which explains why MooYoung has been imagining him in an ideal way. Even though dad didn’t turn out to be the cop he expected, he felt he was looking for a good father, while he hasn’t displayed any feelings or longing to find his mom. His lack of imagination for mom may be due to her absence from his life. Significantly, he never saw that axe dad was hiding, so his father’s positive image was never tainted. I believe what JinKang said, that children’s art don’t lie.

@lixie My theory of Jinkook’s guilt is correlated to MY’s dad’s personality. I believe Jinkook was shook after he realized that the person he shot is not just some homicidal criminal. While he probably thought he was going after some horrible monster when he approached the house, or even when he pulled the trigger, he didn’t expect him to be someone’s father. As a rookie cop, he would have never expected to shoot a decently living human being. The chief didn’t explain much about MY’s father except that he is expected to die of capital punishment anyway, but that tells very little about his motive to murder. I imagine there maybe more to the father’s story of how he ended up killing 3 cult members, including his wife, all in one day. The short story would be he snapped. It all happened in the amount of time to boil water, so probably impulsive and not premeditated. MooYoung’s father was apparently frightened after he killed. His son and daughter was playing nearby. Was he trying to protect them?

In the Japanese version the detective was pursuing a murder suspect with hopes to promotion. The murder happened earlier and Ryo was living a fugitive life alongside his dad when his dad was killed. The detective wanted to adopt the children out of pity rather than guilt. When he spoke to Ryo, he showed almost no remorse for pulling the trigger but felt bad that Ryo had to lose his father.

For some of the irrational acts by characters I can only think of cultural justifications. It is really sad that the Korean society (at least in kdrama it...


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For some of the irrational acts by characters I can only think of cultural justifications. It is really sad that the Korean society (at least in kdrama it seems) use parents as a starting point to judge people. If the stigma of being an orphan isn’t detrimental enough, being the child of murderer is 100x worse. A recent example is Mother, Park BoYoung’s biological mom secretly chained her to an orphanage front gate so nobody will know she is the daughter of a murderer, even though the mom was a victim of domestic violence and killed out of self defense. For both Jinkook and Dr. Yang, hiding the murderous father from MooYoung and JinKang seems to be a top priority, like there is no other alternative for their future wellbeing. I don’t agree with this rationale, but I guess I’ll never know how deep is this pedigree bias since I’m not Korean. I can only imagine it being similar to ethnic and gender biases, but with an even uglier taste, like it’s not even considered politically incorrect to have pedigree bias.

We all know the secret of their biological parents is a ticking time bomb. Just waiting to see how much damage will this bomb cause next week.


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You were fast and had already posted a reply to my question about JG even before my post below. :)

I think it's so strange, because he HAD just killed 3 people. And he was holding a bloody axe, and made a move. That was that, any cop would have shot, though a more experienced cop would probably not have killed him. Anyway, it was an accident and the fact the man had children doesn't make him any better. I don't think the huge guilt JG had for killing this man is logical, after knowing how the original version presented it, I have to say it was better.
I dropped Mother after the first episodes. I think the best drama about murderer's family guilt will always be Soredemo, Ikite Yuku, that was a really emotional story. You must have already watched it. :)
About MY I can only imagine he went crazy after that first shooting. He never did therapy and nobody around him really knew him. Nothing about his life was exactly right. He totally forgot about anything that wasn't taking care of the daughter of the man he accidentally killed. Besides only a truly crazy person would let a loved person get involved with her blood sibling just because he is afraid to confess. I know by now most people here hate poor JG and still, he is the only one that I find truly pitiful.


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About MY*, I meant - About JG


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Even if the person he shot is a criminal, killing is not an easy act to overcome. That’s why in some police forces (the well funded ones) psychiatric evaluation is mandatory after shooting. (I know realistically many cops will hide any issues for fear of being disarmed or discharged, but the idea is that there is a recognized need to assess their mental damage.)

I still don’t think he’s wrapped his head around the incest possibly yet because he’s laid the burden of not touching his sister on MY (however twisted that may sound). It’s like his mind refused to go there.


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I know, but there is so much between overcoming killing a suspect by accident and that crazy guilt he carried for so long. I would like to know if they have a psychology policy department.
About the incest thing, I'm going with the JG went crazy because it's the only explanation for me. He did it slowly for 30 years, then the story events just pushed him over the edge.


@lixie lol, I do not oppose. He certainly has a few loose screws. Worse than MY, he doesn’t think he has issues.


I don’t hate Jinkook for killing MY’s father because it was his duty. I just find his decisions after he adopted JinKang repulsive. He will do all the wrong things to another child in the name protecting her. Frankly in the original I thought he loved his sister a little too much, borderline romantically, a bit pervy for my taste. He never like Tak’s counterpart. If Jinkook didn’t say several times that Tak is pretty and cute, showing real romantic interest in her, I’d probably believe he was a little prevy too.


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But, why did Jinkook (police) come to Mooyoung's home? I still don't understand that. Was there some reporting of crime?


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I think when changing the murder to the time that the detective arrived created a bug in the script. Even if someone reported it, how would he find his way up into the deep woods and apprehend the murderer immediately? There was no geotagging of police calls back then. The writer did not think this out completely. Would be more believable if Jinkook was hiking in the area, saw dead bodies, and went in the house to investigate.


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If they really go with the incest route, it’s going to be a breakthrough in the history of k-drama. I’m still not sure if they dare to go there or they’ll choose a safe path with them being not blood related siblings.

It’s still not clear whether the cabin in the mountains is where MY lived with his father or it is where his mother lived with other members of a cult?


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Incest does happen in many sageuk drama so I don’t think tvN will have any broadcast penalties for sticking to the original. We’ll just have to see if they have the guts. (I hope so)

I think MooYoung grew up at that cabin since he got so emotional when he saw it. He even said he felt he’s home. I also have a strong feeling that he grew up with dad and not mom. So I’m thinking the 3 cult members showed up at his home that day, but why?


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That's his house, right, that cabin in the woods. I feel that he grew up with dad, too. The mother came back with the daughter to see the son, but the father killed her and her two companions.


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@Cherry if they go the incest route, i will respect their resolve while weeping from my heart being broken to smithereens for my MinGuk couple... i have usually seen Koreans playing it safe so it would be pacesetting to break the mould... on the other hand... ouchie for my MinGuk couple, so sad..


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Thanks Sunny! My emotions were all wrung out since Friday until I'm numb now. This was one episode that got me hard in the sad, sad feels. Think I may be a teary mess again after Wednesday!

Se Ran was introduced with little info on her and quite late in the show. I'm wondering if suddenly she's going to end up playing a big role? The Dr at least had already been introduced since the beginning of the series, although he has revealed on bits about himself. I'd really like him to be useful for MY and to counter balance the unhinged, twisted Se Ran.

Tak and Cho Rong characters are kinda disappointing. They enable us to know what's on the minds of some protagonists, but they don't seem to have any power to do anything. All it takes for evil to win out is for good people to do nothing.


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i agree. Especially Cho Rong... although i dont really think they was much he could do


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I am so disappointed in Tak character, I hoped she was a counterbalance for JG but she is just his sounding board with no agency of her own.


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Tak is no more than Jin Kook’s mouth and ChoRong is no more than JinKook’s hands. I wished they do more but I really didn’t expect them to play any great part. Tak probably still has a part in steering the to the grand finale, as do Se Ran, whereas the 2 new characters Dr Yang and ChoRong is pretty much done.


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What I found weird is that Dr. Yang reappeared later in the show. After his first couple of appearances, there was a note thanking this actor for appearing. More like the end of the cameo. So I was confused when he appeared a few more times


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Oh, I didn't know this ... Thanks @larrymimosa! Was the Note of Thanks in Korean and not translated? I missed it. Yes, weird.


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I think it’s common. Like the ex-fiancé of Life On Mars go a thank you for every episode she appeared, namely the first and last 2.


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I need to be more observant to the credits!!! I usually ignore the end credits.


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i loved this episode! Bombshell realization ending aside... i loved how MY was able to get some closure about his origin, albeit dark, i love how he was scared JK would reject him like everyone else has... how crippling it must have felt to discover that all he thought he knew about his Dad had been a lie... and when he thought it was too much to go on, JK was there to gently pull him back to the 'healing' ledge.

JK is such an impressive stalwart really! i love her loyalty. i like how she seems to understand and accept MY with his flaws and really seems to be in it for the long haul...

too bad their love might have to come to an abrupt end. i have not lost hope yet!


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I don’t know why the cult members with the mom were at the cabin where Mooyoung and his dad lived, but I do have theories on his relation to younger Jinkang that doesn’t go the incest route.

Theory 1:

Jinkang and Mooyoung are only step-siblings, but no one knew that except their parents.

Theory 2:

Mooyoung does have a younger sister, but his mom did not bring her to the cabin. Jinkang is the daughter of one of the cult members who went to the cabin with Mooyoung’s mom. After Jingook shot Mooyoung’s dad, something happened that little Mooyoung had protected little Jinkang. When Jingook saw them and how Mooyoung protected Jinkang, he may have assumed Jinkang was the sister.

- but seriously, with incest as a possibility looming over Mooyoung and Jinkang...you’d think Sojung and Jingook would have been more desperate to separate the younglings in love...if it does end in incest, I’d say that the acting and the dialogues between Sojung and Jingook are disappointing...


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if it does end in incest, I’d say that the acting and the dialogues between Sojung and Jingook are disappointing
I've been saying the same, except I consider JG to be crazy, but still, why would Tak talk like that?


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That cabin has had me curious from the very beginning. Did Moo Young and his family really live there or did Moo Young live there with the cult? Remember the cross? The stain glass windows, the angel? Those are not Buddhist symbols. But they might be cult symbols. Those things were also in the drawing Moo Young had previously cherished. Maybe the happy "family" in the drawing was not really a family at all. When I first saw the drawing, I wondered at the cross, angel and stain glass, thinking perhaps he drew this after he went to live in the Catholic orphanage, but now that I know about the cult, the drawing makes more sense.


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**I guess the drawing only has the angel and not a cross or stain glass windows.


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Not very often that a cross, angel and stained glass are evidence of a cult. I chuckled at that.


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Chuckle as you wish, but how about Waco, Texas for one. That was the Branch Davidians who were a form of Christianity. Before that was the Shepherd's Rod cult. And the James Jones cult, started as the People's Temple and went on to be the Disciples of Christ. These cults all could easily use a cross, angels and stain glass windows as symbols.


You obviously haven’t seen Rescue Me😂


I think there are enough normal Christians in Korea that the angels and crosses are inconclusive. Btw, I think Jinkook is the Buddhist but not the Kang family. He placed their names in a temple for himself to give offering. Pretty much anyone can do that for another person without considering deceased’s religion.


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You know, that is very true in South Korea (lots of Christians) but it is far from the case in Japan. When you saw the original, was there a cult in that one, too? Though I am mostly uninformed about cults in Japan, what I do know makes them seem a bit dangerous as history tells some scary things about cults there. (or anywhere for that matter) I'm really curious about that. That could give us some clues about the story that those of us who have just watched the Korean version might have missed.


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No cult in the Japanese version. See my longer comment on this recap.


I'm going to post again something from my fanwall exactly after watching this episode.

Million Stars – This show was so good. Until JG turned into a lunatic. Why would he feel so guilty about the past? Why does he remain mute if JK is who she is? Why would MY leave just because Tak dropped by at the house? Did she need a coffee? Was that more important than JG telling him the truth? That was so stupid.


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MY probably left just because he doesn't think any of this as anything to do with Tak... he knows no better. that Tak is as enabling to JG as they come due to her one-sided love thing she's got going on...

did she need a coffee? hehehhe! i think not...she knows the history of this thing... much more than MY could guess... she was checking in on JG...

MY I think, most likely went there to to let JG know that he knew JG killed his father and possibly shoot JG in revenge, if he could gather up the guts to... not to engage in truthiness chit-chat... when he decided he wasn't going to kill him and was interrupted by the ever-present but really redundant Tak... it was okay by him to bid JG 'adieu' for the moment.


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I don't think he really thought about killing him, not for a moment. The gun was just for show, just to make JG afraid and force him to confess. At that moment MY just wanted the truth about his past, more than anything, he was always very logical and without knowing what happened he doesn't even know how to plan for any revenge. No, he wanted the whole story and no way a mere guest would have sent him away. :)


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' ...not for a moment' ? he had a gun pointed in JG's face... he shot at a flower pot... the thought of killing the person who killed his father during his happy, formative childhood years had to have crossed his mind, at least, once... i'm not saying he had to follow through... i'm saying he was probably thinking... 'i will go there and confront my dad's killer, and if he gives me reason to end him... any at all, i will pull this trigger and end him." JG was smart enough not to aggravate the situation further by his measured remarks.


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Idk, I agree with @lixie that MY did not intend to kill JinKook that night. He just wanted answers. However I think he was prepared to do it if the situation escalated. He HAD the guts, he’s not afraid to, it just wasn’t on his agenda, yet.

MY is not impulsive, he thinks things out. Just by “hiring” SeRan as his one-stop gun supplier and private investigator shows he put some thought into it. Since he found out after Jinkook stabbed him, he needed a weapon, because on top of the physical disadvantage, Jinkook can go quite far when unhinged. His gun was leverage. He made it know from the moment he stepped out of the room, he ain’t messing around. And because he fired warning shot at the plant and not Jinkook’s leg or something, rage has not clouded his judgment, yet.

To answer @lixie for why did just left when Tak appeared, I think he didn’t want anyone around JinKang, besides Jinkook, to know he knows. He checked with her schedule to make sure she’s not coming home to see anything. He’s seen how upset she got over her brother. Until he gets all his answers and makes a decision to either kill or forget, he doesn’t want JinKang to know thing between him and her brother has gotten so volatile.


Yes, even doing all that, he was calm about it. The only moment he seems angry is when JG hesitates to tell his reason to do it.


@lixie Oh and there will be purpose for Tak to know he’s been there with a gun. I’ll just leave it at that for now.


This is probably the best explanation of why he left. I still think he would have just told JG to send that person away but at least there was a possible reason. :)


I think he really went there to kill JG but his reaction baffled him. MY didn't expect him to completely surrounded to his fate, he wanted to prove JG to be hypocrite when faced with death but JG surprised him.


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Wow, show.
MY and JK understand each so well and are so good at being in love; with the show reinforcing that by giving us lots of gentle and intimate scenes... it will be extra horrifying if they really go through with the incest.

On the other hand, even if they're not siblings... I wonder if they would overcome the discovery of their shared traumatic past.


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I will just repeat my comment from 17 Nov. 2018 WWW:

Tonight I watched episode 14 of HUNDRED MILLION STARS FROM THE SKY. Granted this is only the third drama I have seen Seo In-guk in (besides HELLO MONSTER and SQUAD 38) but I think he gave his best performance I have seen so far in the first 20 minutes of this episode and it was basically a solo performance. Bravo SIG!


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Oh man, I guessed this pretty early but didn't want to believe it. I still hope there's some way out of this, because it's giving me visions of a horrible ending featuring all kinds of death and destruction.

Wouldn't Jin-Kook have known about this? So wouldn't he have tried just a little more to keep them apart, or is he THAT desperate to cover up his own secrets? What a nightmare. What's funny is that it feels all for nothing. If the thing he's worried about the most is Jin-Kang's response to him shooting someone, he should think about how she reacted to him stabbing Moo-Young. She wasn't happy but she wasn't cutting Jin-Kook out of her life either.

If he was trying to protect her from her past, then he should have taken one second to think about how he was failing to protect her future. She's now on a path that will lead to deep pain at the very least, but I doubt Moo-Young would leave it at that. He looks ready to snap.

I love Moo-Young as a character, and SIG's portrayal. He's very grey - a character who is wobbling on a tightrope. I've seen comments comparing him to a sociopath or psychopath, and I myself have wondered if he's a sociopath.

I spent a night once viewing forums and threads on sociopaths and psychopaths after Googling to answer my question of 'what's the difference between the two'. It was a few months ago, and I went down a rabbit hole of information that exposed how little I'd known about these conditions outside of horrors and thrillers.

There was one person in particular who said they'd been born with the genetics that predisposed them to sociopathy, but that they had only really become one ('activated' that predisposition) after enduring trauma and abuse. The way that they described it, it was something like making a conscious choice to clock out of neurotypical emotion and flicking the switch, but that they cannot switch back nor are they even sure they want to. They described life as 'easier now'.

I bear this in mind when watching Moo-Young. To me, he seems like someone with the predisposition who is currently straddling the fence precariously. He's still capable of empathy and making neurotypical choices, with Jin-Kang as his compass. Because of his connection with her, he's already changed so much (the furnishing of his bare apartment seems a really good symbol for this).

But will this push him over the edge? I'm genuinely curious as to what we'll see from him now. Even if he's not a sociopath but a tortured neurotypical person, this looks like it will end in a bloodbath. Especially with the creepy businesswoman sniffing around him like a shark detecting blood.


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I don't know if someone has already posted it here, but it's a video with the 4 actors and it's pretty fun to watch : https://www.vlive.tv/video/90675

I like how Park Sung Woong said that Seo In Guk made the right choice to become actor.


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He’s one of few artists who are masters in both fields. You just can’t tell if he’s a better singer or a better actor because he’s so good in both.

I recently rewatch Reply 1997 and I’m still amazed by a face that it was his first leading role. He was already so good in there.


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they’re NOT


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Points/Dialogues that support blood-relation between MY and JK:

- Obviously the information SR found in Ep 14
- SJ said to JG that if MY is indeed the boy he was looking for, that MY and JK shouldn't date in Ep 10
- Yearly visit to temple wherein SJ said in Ep 10 that JK's dad can see her growing up + JG's confession to MY where his father's resting place is in Ep 14 (which are the same temple)

- - - -

Points/Dialogues that support MY and JK are not siblings:

- Pointing back to the conversation mentioned above in Ep 10 between JG and SJ...their conversation lacked the acting/tone of urgency/desperation that MY and JK are indeed siblings
- Ep 11 dialogue between JG and SJ again : quoting from DB recap "Sojung is struck by the fact that if the boy at the hospital hadn’t disappeared, the little girl would never have gone to Jingook’s house." If JK and MY are siblings, why couldn't JG take them both? Doesn't it make more sense to adopt them both since they are siblings? Since the situation was either adopting Sunho/MY OR JK (not both), it points to possible bad blood/history between their families/parents or something

- - - -

I am totally for MY-JK-forever (as in not incest relationship). Not just because they are great together (or that my heart and mind will explode if they are indeed siblings), but I am strongly holding on the logic behind SJ's words from Ep 11 (because it just doesn't make sense that JG wouldn't take both Sunho and JK if they are siblings).

I do think SR did not lie to MY. The evidence she found pointed to MY and JK being siblings, so that is what she told him. This is where I am a bit lost. This is dramaland, so essential money can buy the truth even if buried 6 feet underground.

If JG knows the truth behind Kang Soongoo's "family" (this is only IF MY and JK are not siblings), why wouldn't SR find that same information with her enormous wealth? Is the show totally breaking dramaland rules that money can buy anything and find any secrets? *GASP*

- - - -

But seriously...I love this show, so I hope the ending will make sense at least (regardless if our hearts break and burn because of incest ending OR if our hearts rejoice and jump because of kinda-hopefully-please happy ending).

If they are siblings, the show should explain why JG couldn't or wouldn't have adopted them both.

If they aren't siblings, the show should explain the full story behind what happened all those years ago.


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Hmm... I don’t recall Tak saying Jinkook can only adopt one of them. I’ll need to rewatch. But sorta remember this line "Sojung is struck by the fact that if the boy at the hospital hadn’t disappeared, the little girl would never have gone to Jingook’s house." and my impression was that if JinKang had an older brother, her attachment will be with him, not some stranger, and the brother will stop her from leaving the hospital with their father’s killer. Judging from JinKang’s picture at the hospital, I always thought he just took her home first and did the adoption paperwork later, she was never sent to an orphanage.


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Also, I’m thinking Jinkook didn’t intend to adopt them initially, because he would be afraid of MY and no way in hell if MY remembered the killing (which JK thought) would he agree for him and little sister to live with their father’s killer, he’d be kicking and screaming until JK gives them up. Only because MY was missing, JinKang is completely kinless, and too young to know what happened, did Jinkook have the idea and chance to become her guardian.


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This drama plot leaves me hanging every single episode. The best drama this year! Superb cast and actinh all round. I am betting my last buck that MY and JK are not siblings but all the clues led to the revelation of their relationship. Feeling so lost...I can't stomach the final 2 episodes. Give me a happy ending please!


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Please, please, let there be a gigantic plot twist...


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Thanks for your recap, Sunny! It doesn't matter what the actual truth is. The only thing that matters is what people believe to be true. Therein lies Se-ran's power over Moo-young, who has chugged her Kool-Aid. He should have stuck to craft beer. ;-)

Moo-young's statement to Jin-kang that he wants to be reborn sounds like industrial-strength foreshadowing to me. It could be interpreted more than one way, including literally being reincarnated.


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