Live Your Own Life: Episode 4 (Drama Highlights)

Seeds of rivalry are being sown amidst the youngest chaebol generation now that Tae-ho is back and getting settled in the family company. The limits of cousinly affection are tested when Tae-ho starts bringing fresh ideas and impressing people at work, not to mention stealing Tae-min’s favorite trainer. I’m not too clear on why Tae-min takes sharing a trainer as such a devastating blow since it is possible – dare I say even expected – for Hyo-shim to take on multiple clients. Nevertheless, Tae-min gets all angsty that the woman he most definitely likes is training with his cousin-turned-possible-nemesis who, unbeknownst to him, doesn’t even like training with Hyo-shim. Tae-ho is still being weirdly sexist and acting like a child, ignoring Hyo-shim’s qualified exercise advice in favor of poor workouts. But Tae-ho isn’t the only one disrespecting Hyo-shim as a professional. Middle brother HYO-JOON (Seol Jung-hwan) derides her for being a “mere fitness instructor,” as if he’s not studying for whatever fancy job he thinks he’s going to have entirely on her dime.

Meanwhile, slap-happy villain Sook-hyang tracks escapee halmeoni, but it’s not so easy to find her now that she’s hiding amongst the peasants. Hyo-do may be a terrible businessman, but he just might have a career as a caretaker of lost chaebols. First, he treated Sook-hyang’s runaway daughter KANG TAE-HEE (Kim Bi-joo) to multiple meals, and he’s now nursing halmeoni back to health after hitting her with his swanky new car. We’ll have to wait and see if halmeoni thinks as quickly as she heals because it’s only a matter of time before her twisted daughter-in-law makes her next move.


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It was just one episode again this week, I imagine they're even-ing out the numbers.
I like that Hyo-Seong isnt a jerk, and it looks like the mother isnt half bad either. She almost seemed ashamed to take money from her daughter.. But Hyo-Seong's wife - how evil does she have to be to treat her husband like that? She is only surpassed by Sook-Hyang. I can see that they will do the evil dance for 50 long episodes, steeling myself for that.

I like Tae-min - not sure why. He gives off a nice vibe, hope he doesnt turn evil with jealousy.
I also like what looks like a possible alliance between halmoeni and dumpster diver grandma.


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I have a hypothesis about Tae-min, our good looking 2ML. The is a genuine core of goodness to him such that he tends to treat everyone with genuine consideration. This is why, when he was released from jail all the inmates were literally cheering for him: He had not put on airs of Chaebol class superiority when he was there with them but saw them as his fellow human beings. This is why he can think of Hyo-shim in a truly romantic fashion because he doesn't see 'class' as being a problem and also cannot see the Media Moghul's daughter as in any way superior to her.

But it is precisely because he can see Hyo-shim as a suitable life partner that he is jealous of his cousin already, even though there is not yet any romance between our lead characters. It is actually this egalitarian side to him that will likely lead him to talk a walk on the Dark Side, even as his resentment of his parents pushes him to rebel- again triggered by his desire for Hyo-shim.

What I like so far about this new weekender is precisely this: At this point our second lead is actually a very interesting character with a lot of potential for his own story that weaves around our two leads. I can only hope that something similar will happen with our 2FL once we finally get to learn about her.


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👏🏾👏🏾I doubt the writers had him this well fleshed out. That’s precisely why I like Tae Min. He doesn’t think he’s all that. But I’m also determined not to Joon Ha him 😀😀


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👏 👏 👏

I really like your weekly in-depth analysis of our 2ML.

Really wish the writers take the time to hone his character too!


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I hope the writers keep him grey for as long as possible rather than a quick descent into villainy. He’s more interesting than either the ML and FL at the moment for me.

I am already ffw’ding much of the show to focus on the triangle. Am I not getting the point of weekenders?


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I have a hypothesis about Tae-min, our good looking 2ML. The is a genuine core of goodness to him such that he tends to treat everyone with genuine consideration. T

I consider myself Ha Jun's #1 fan (the only reason I'm dipping my toes into another weekender) but I also find Tae Min to be a complex "grey" character. Hopefully, the various titles ("Live Your Own Life" and "Filial Piety) will eventually be meaningful to Tae Min's life.


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The people in this show are oddly likeable, even when they are being irresponsible or outright jerks. Except for the murderous aunt and screechy daughter-in-law, everyone has scope for improvement. The youngest brother may be highly irresponsible with money but he had the decency to not do a hit and run, and also bought meals for a homeless girl without trying to take advantage of her. The middle brother is too obnoxious to bear, but it seems the new girl next door will be the one to show him the mirror.

HyoShim and TaeHo have chemistry and I enjoy their bickering. It seems TaeHo does too. He was good friends with his trainer in the US, and once HyoShim earns his respect he may want to be friends with her too. He does need someone to open up to now that he has no family and no (seen till now) friends. It will be interesting to see how his relationship with HyoShim develops now that he knows that she is close with TaeMin.


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He almost did a hit-and-run. He was considering leaving when the grandmother started groaning and his conscience got the better of him. But after that, he was all in. I was touched that he was crying on the drive. I thought it was appropriate. He still is very young and immature. That is one of my top ten reasons for liking K-dramas, that men are allowed to show their emotions and cry when necessary.


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Same! I also like that very few people in Kdramas are outright monsters. All characters have their good and bad sides.


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Thanks for the drama highlights! Finally caught up. I'm frustrated with Hyo-shim's single brothers- moreso since it looks like they're being set up with two super-likeable, awesome ladies who deserve to sit back and relax and not have to fix these guys. But we still have 46 episodes, so I look forward to the day the guys to grow a conscience and pay their mother and sister the respect they deserve. And the mom - what would it take for her to prioritize Hyo-shim above the sons who barely respect her?

I wonder how Hyo-Shim is going to live independently from her family. Is it going to be a metaphorical thing or will we hopefully get some cohabitation hijinx with our ML?

That grandma is badass and Hyo-do is lucky she made it through. I hope the grandma whips him into shape.

And the oldest brother's wife - - She must be the only korean woman who doesn't know that first born sons come with additional duties to his parents. And she's the type of mother that just pushes kids to the brink of suicide. I wouldn't be surprised if Ruby just loses it.

I look forward to how the drama develops its thoughts on filial piety. It is unreasonable for one sibling to shoulder it all. What we need is each siblings doing their part. I disliked the thought process that just because Hyo-shim is unmarried and has no kids to raise, she should just give all her money to her siblings.


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I have similar misgivings about the smart, more principled single ladies being tasked with fixing the irresponsible, self-centered (especially the studying one) men they've had the (mis)fortune of meeting. Why do the women have to show the flawed man-babies the error of their ways? How about the girls befriend Hyo-shim and the three of them ditch their dysfunctional families and go on a fun road trip together? Oh wait, then it wouldn't be a weekender. We'll see if the writer can craft believable redemption arcs for the guys. I don't envision it happening for the Lady Macbeth aunt, though.


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Weird- I too thought of Lady MacBeth.


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Oh, you are both really making me appreciate PW even more. 😀


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As for our FL's sister-in-law: She probably thinks that having her husband shirk his traditional duties makes her a Modern Woman. I have a better idea for her- get off her children's back and get a job. I am less worried about Ruby than about her future patients (assuming she does not melt down as you suggest). Actually, I am more worried about Ruby's younger brother. Little brother also needs to live his own life (Ruby is a lost cause).

She really is one ugly Tiger Mama.


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The poor little brother - just hours of watching golf. I find him a bit annoying, but he has the most hope of improving.


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The daughter seems on board but the son wants nothing to do with this golf career she appears to be setting him up with. That sister-in-law is a thoroughly unpleasant person and a terrible wife and mother. She doesn't even listen to the youngest when he tells her he doesn't like golf. Why does she keep pushing it?

And what's up with the weird non-Korean names?


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In Episode 4 of LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE we get a more complete picture of Tae-min, our 2 FL. In Episode 3 our Chairman was urging him to beware of Tae-ho, our ML and now we get even more in Episode 4: Our Chairman has ordered Tae-min to marry the daughter of the Chairman of TV Live, a major station and media company where said daughter is a news anchor. We learn that previously he was ordered to give up studying abroad (and join the Marines), to give up Art and become a businessman and we were already aware that he was made the fall guy for his dad’s crimes. Two important points here: First, out Chairman may be as evil as his wife but, perhaps even more importantly, that Tae-min as much a pawn at the mercy of his family as our FL is. (We also learn that “the company is in a crisis” but its nature is not disclosed).

Until shortly before the broadcast started this show was known as “Hyo-shim’s Independent Life” (and also as “The Independence of Hyo-shim’s Family”). But now the new title makes more sense- and is more accurate: Tae-min is as much in the need of liberation as Hyo-shim, and our FL’s older brother likewise. We may find out that Street Girl was also, the difference being that she already took drastic steps to do something about it.

In the same episode we got to see that Tae-shim already has reason to be jealous of Tae-jo. It was not because Tae-ho stole his trainer, of course, but because having her as his trainer was the way Taemin could keep her around him. He will not simply be his cousin’s ally. Tae-min has good reason to be in conflict with his parents- but also with our ML. This is a great set-up for a fifty-episode show.

Of course, would our life have been complete without more nastiness from our Evil Aunt? First, we see her slapping the lady that Grandma visited (who is smart enough to say she just gave Grandma money) and then we learn that when she catches Tae-hee she plans to put her daughter in a mental institution. This lady is simply out of control. But I would like to advance a hypothesis here: If the company is really in crisis as her husband said to Tae-min then it may also be that her actions are motivated by desperation rather than evil just for the sake of evil. If so, that makes her all the more dangerous.

We also know that Tae-hee knows all about what happened to Grandma- and has now confronted her mother about it. What will Mommie Dearest do now?

Our FL’s youngest brother has been scammed- which means he scammed others as a result. But he is also sheltering Grandma now and held her granddaughter avoid starvation.

Big difference between the start of this show and the one that preceded it (I hope I am not triggering PTSD here): We are spending a lot more with the rest of the cast- in fact, at this point we know more about our second male lead than we do the ML.

We only saw one episode this week, again (because of Chuseok?). Here is hoping that we get back to two episodes soon.


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I meant to refer to Tae-min as our 2 ML. My guess is that the daughter of the Media Mogul is destined to be our 2FL.


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Interestingly, the lady Evil Aunt slapped is halmoeni's husband's mistress.
I agree with you, there is a grain of niceness in each of FL's family members, except second brother, I am sure redemption is on the way


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Second brother's story is: childhood genius and everything came easy to him (intellect, sports, etc). He is also trapped by "fillial piety" - the notion that he must sacrifice for his family and thus he decided to pursue a law degre. But has now failed 4 times on the bar exam and apparently only has one remaining change.

I always here for a good romance arc and I think they will eventually be charming. Meanwhile, TAE Hee is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. 😢 Youngest son isn't much better. Spoiled rotten - both of 'em.


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I had not thought that both Tae-hee and Youngest Brother might be both be spoiled children but somehow it fits.

As for Second brother: Your 'filial piety' explanation makes sense, particularly if he really was that smart and is pursuing law out of a sense of duty. If he is failing it may be because subconsciously, he really does not want to be a lawyer. Truly it is not a path that is suitable for the majority of people. Many lawyers actually quit the practice of law to do something else because they hate it. If this is so it actually explains his behavior as a reaction to trying to do something he really does not want to do.


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For some reason, I suspect that the dirty homeless girl is the girl that was said to be studying in Paris. Just a hunch though


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I am a sucker for enemies-to- lovers story so I am looking forward to Hyo Shim and Tae Ho's story progression. Out of her brothers, I dislike the student, Hyo Jun, the most. I sure hope he gets his coneuppance soon, he is nasty and awful for looking down on Hyo Shim.

I am looking forward on TaeHo's halmeoni befriending the people at Uicheon Villa, particularly the grandma who found her.

If Tae Hee is against her mother's actions, she should be smarter. Running away and living the life she lead so far will not help anyone. She should stay closer to her mother and collect evidence of her wrongdoing then give it to Tae Ho.


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I agree about Tae Hee. It makes no sense. I was thinking she isn’t thinking logically since she is pretty young


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Exactly right.


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@Quirkycase, that is for the highlights !
Nevertheless, Tae-min gets all angsty..
I found that strange for a guy who did a couple of years in prison .

Oldest Brother, I would look the other way if he plots to rid himself of his so called wife. 🛻 ☠️ 💉

Middle brother: He’s got some sort of chip on his shoulder, guess it will be the neighbor student Agassi’s plot mission to “change” him.

Youngest brother: Has a failed (?) business and a runaway halmoni on his hands.

FL’s Mom was a bit more human this episode.

Gochujang Ahjumma has some sad secret

Look forward to 2 Eps a week.


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Ah, that should be thanks for the highlights, auto correct strikes again.


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Oh, I hope the TV Media Chaebol heiress is not a stereotypical evil Chaebol heiress ❗️😂🙏


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I hope so as well, but I have a feeling she is destined ( at least up through mid-season) as mini-villain in training. Would love to see a different angle but it's the "easy" (as in unimaginative) story to write.


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It is the easy story to write but I too hope that this is not what we get. Given how well the 2 ML's character has been fleshed out it would be so much better if she genuinely falls in one-sided love with our extremely good looking 2ML- pursues him in the most ardent and foolish fashion and, in the end, actually does get to marry him, but only after he has learned a few things too. If it worked for Shakespeare in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM why not try it here? It would be all the more effective humor-wise given that she would otherwise and accurately be viewed as a highly desirable marital prospect, someone who the 2ML should want to marry.

Would it really be that hard to write this? Just asking.


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I remember when you used the "A Midsummer Night's Dream" analogy to the four main leads in TRHC. Even near the end of the drama, Se Jin (and FL?) said something about how inter-connected their four lives were. But the 2nd romance never came to pass.😢
I also would like to see an evolving love line between Tae Min and TV Lady - but it's not even clear that she is very important overall - the KBS character description is very brief. However, I did find this sentence in an preview article: ”the character composition doesn't deviate much from the past KBS daily dramas. If Kang Tae-ho has Lee Hyo-sim, Kang Tae-min has TV news host Choi so-kyung (Im Joo-eun), and this is also likely to end in Choi so-kyung's obsession, as expected.

Will follow your eight episode keep-or-drop formula for now.


You may be right that we should not expect too much from TV Lady and our 2ML. I agree that we are more likely to have the stereotypical Evil Chaebol Heiress- because that would be easy to write and as unimaginative as it gets. It is the lazy way to go.

I am hoping that out PD will light a fire under our writer's posterior and demand something better. There is space for better in a fifty episode show. Given how richly our 2 ML has already been portrayed the potential for a much more entertaining story is there.

So, I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. After all, there is no rule that says that Chaebol heiress's must be evil and nasty, particularly in a weekender. In fact, in WHAT HAPPENS TO MY FAMILY the chaebol heiress is so nice and sweet that you just want to hug her.

By the end of the eighth episode, we should have some sense of what we will be getting.


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Dear All,

Just a PSA ... coz gifs make everything better and gifs with voice ... well, well !!


Thank you to our very own in-house genius gif-maker-with-voice.

Please welcome ....
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Seon-ha @attiton

👏  👏  👏  👏


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What was that song that was playing on the radio, that Unnie was crying to? It's very beautiful. And while on the subject of songs, that was that big of a song that the little girl sang in the last episode.


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