Did You Know? Posting to your Fan Wall Edition

Did you know that it is fun over on the Fan Wall? Did you know that there are some tips and tricks to make it even more fun?

How do you see all the Fan Wall posts? Well, both the most recent comments and most recent Fan Wall posts are accessible together from up there in the “Beanies” menu, but to see all the Fan Wall posts in chronological order (most recent first), you can simply visit: https://www.dramabeans.com/fan-posts/. For the sake of completeness, let me add that all the comments listed the same way are at: https://www.dramabeans.com/comments/.

OK, so that is how to see all the posts, but how do you get to your Fan Wall so that you can post your own thoughts to it? Well, it is accessible from your user profile menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the site. The link is called “Fan Wall” and is found right there between “Comments” (which shows you all of your comments) and “My Shows” (there are debates about what this feature is for…use it as you wish!!).

Once you are there, you will see a compose window under the header information that allows you not only to type in text but also to attach images to your post straight from your computer and/or a link to a video…both of which will then appear in preview directly in your post once submitted. This is NOT something you can do in the comments on the main pages.

It is also worth knowing that when you delete one of your own Fan Wall posts (you will get to that command from the “three-dot-colon” menu visible on your own posts…all the way on the right, parallel to your username), the post and all of its comments disappear for real and for good. It does not just get marked deleted, all of it really goes away. This is also something you canNOT do with your comments on the main site.

Perhaps most importantly, though, there is a trick to posting more than 200 characters on any Fan Wall post. 200 characters is the default post length limitation imposed by our esteemed leaders, and it is a wise limitation, because it reduces the amount of spam posts we have to see and report. So, how do real Beanies get around this?

Here is what you do:

1. You write your post in your favorite text editor somewhere else on your device. (Note: you can use all of these HTML tags when composing). (Also note: This is a wise action in any event, in case you receive a dreaded Gateway Error when posting, because you will then lose all of your precious thoughts when the internet eats them.)

2. When you are done writing, go back over to the compose window near the top of your Fan Wall page and paste that text in, but do not, I repeat do NOT, use the keyboard commands on your device to do so. You need to take advantage of the menu available from either using your mouse or your finger (depending on your interface) to paste in the information.

3. Once pasted in, you can add images or video links using the icons in the lower-left corner of the compose pane, but you cannot type directly into the window anymore or it will truncate your text back to 200 characters.

Lastly, I know there’s an “edit” feature there near the “delete” feature in the “three-dot-colon” menu, but it does not work very well unless your original post only had text in it (no HTML, even). This one is hard to explain, but unless you are willing to mess up your entire post, it is better to delete and re-post than try and edit. If you want to retain your comments, I would not suggest trying to edit at all. You can always play around with these features in a test post to get a handle on them–after all, you will be able to fully delete the test when you are done!!


    Here’s the permanent link to this post for you to save for your reference, if you like (it’s also available from that “three-dot-colon” menu in the top right corner of this post–directly across from my screen name):



    Thank you for sharing these excellent tutorials, Seon-ha!! The instructions are both clear AND reader-friendly!! 😊👍❤️


    Thank you. Acts of service Gold level 🫘Beansprout🌱 awarded for responding with enthusiasm with these clear step by step guide.

    @missvictrix as part of the new and improved DB experience would it be possible to have info like these posts written in plain English on the system in the help section something like a New to DB section: Ways to have fun and stay sane when using the DB site. This would mean beanies across the spectrum from newbies to veterans who are not tech savvy could easily refer to the pages as and when needed. Things like updating profile pictures or changing tagline descriptions, what to do if a spam account posts on the fan wall, the lack of an editing button and the effects of managing this by deleting comments etc all could be kept in one handy space.


      I LOL-ed at your “ways to have fun and stay sane when using DB” haha. It’s so true 😂


    Can the @db-staff pin this post somewhere? In Seon Ha’s fan wall? In the beanies section? In the main page? Idk, but it would be helpful for a lot of people to have this reminder somewhere.

    And no, I didn’t know we can see all the comments just like that. Thanks, Seon Ha!!<3


    Your generosity is much appreciated! I think I’ve read somewhere about tips to bold text, but I just can’t for the life of me, find it anymore. Would you pls share your wisdom on that matter, too? 🙏


      @cayong03, that’s in the link here: https://www.dramabeans.com/members/attiton/activity/1452358/

      But in sum, if you’ve got basic HTML skills, the only tags allowed by this editor are “a” “b” “s” and “i” (I may be forgetting one). Here on the fan wall you also have access to “img.”

      If I had to ask for something from @db-staff (which I’m always loathe to do because running a website is SUPER HARD), I’d ask for the additional following tags to be permitted: “pre” (because if I’m gonna help with coding, it’d be handy to be able to mark code that way so I could show, rather than tell) and “small” (because that could make people more funny). 😁




        Is “pre” short for “preview”? What is “small” for? I’m genuinely curious.

        Whenever you think I could be of help, I am happy to do screen-records of those activities and making GIFs from those recorded videos, so just let me know 🙂


          Preformatted text.

          Oh, wow! Thanks for the offer of gif illustrations for how to do this, @claire2009! I’ll definitely give you a shout-out if I take this further. I mean, you also don’t need me…you could do it on your own too 🙂 If you just want to use my documentation and use it for your own work, I won’t mind!


        I am no where good at HTML, but thanks to your tips, I now can bold the text that I want. Sorry for not reading through your first post. I just realized that from your second reply, that it was in the same post.😎


    “This one is hard to explain” 👈🏽 I feel your pain 😂😂


    My curiosity didn’t let me sleep, so I got up, tried a test post to see how far I could mess around with the edit function on Fanwall. My original post went through fine. Then I clicked edit and re-paste the whole thing with original html links and some added texts. And as hard as it is to explain, the html links didn’t go through, as you said 😅. All pics were removed in the edited version.

    So should we say that the Fanwall composing window works on a different mechanism compared to the editing window? It’s like the composing window works as a tool to post a new post, while the editing window works as a tool to post a comment on the main page? Not that this is important, I was just thinking you were the one I could discuss these things with 🙂


      And I’m so glad to talk about it!!!

      You’re exactly right–that jibes directly with my experience too. And, I think your retroactive “diagnosis” of why is probably correct. “Edit” only allows what a main post comment would allow…so basically nothing…while the original “Compose” has all of the extra features we’ve detailed.
