Welcome to the Stealer: The Treasure Keeper Fan Wall Community Watch – episodes 4-6. The first post covering episodes 1-3 is HERE. Anyone who has seen this drama, or who is interested in following along with us, is welcome to join the fun – and this show is FUN.

You might think I stayed up all night thanks to this delicious PPL …

…and you’d be right.

@attiton @HopefulRomantic @seeker @jls943 @lapislazulii @hacja @leetennant


    This show is the most fun! I can’t decide what I thought was the most most fun – Min-woo straight up beating up the casino creep “This is not a honey trap”? Dae-myeong getting SO offended when everyone complimented Prince Flight Attendant in the suit? The little clues about Skunk’s true identity? The fact that Chun-ja keeps leaning into the skunk pattern on the back of the suit more and more? Those insane acrobatics through the lasers? The fact that there is a legitimate truth serum in this show?

    It knows what it is trying to be and it’s doing a bang-up job of being it. I think that’s what I love most.


      I love, LOVE how the suit is getting more “skunk-like!!” Soon, this will come true!!


      Ok, just finished going through these episodes 😂 Everything about their Jeju Island trip is probably my favorite part of the series. Haha I love that Dae-myung just TELLS them he’s Skunk, but no one believes him 😅 Prince Flight Attendant is adorable as the maknae. I really enjoy that about 50% of the scenes and dialogue seems ad-libbed, like that scene when they land on Jeju with the “Smile!!” 😂 And the laser evasion is hilarious and perfect for the tone of the show 👌 This is a fun and silly show, but there’s some actually good fight choreography, so that’s fun, too!


        So glad I’m not the only one who thinks they just ad-libbed half of it. ☺ It seemed that whenever someone forgot a line or didn’t catch a cue or just thought of a bright idea💡they just rolled with it. 😅 But then I thought maybe it was intentional, to make it seem more of a caper than it already is. This unserious approach makes it more so. 🤷‍♀️


        I was rolling when they didn’t believe he could be Skunk because he’s just too annoying. I think that’s when I was sold on loving Dae Myung as a character.


      The casino heist is hands down my favourite heist of the show.


      Yes! I say pretty much exactly your last line in my review: “If you go into this, knowing that it is exactly the way it is on purpose, and its Thing is your Thing, then you’ll have a grand ol’ time.”
      Truly, it just delighted in being as ridiculous and silly as possibly on purpose then was just completely unapologetic about it and I loved it for it.

      I also loved how many genres it either referenced, poked fun at, or was just again, unironically an intentional amalgamation of.

      My favourite lines from these four eps:
      “You’re not a superhero you’re a thief!”

      “I think I’m having an identity crisis, I don’t know who I really am.”


    Who wore it better, folks??


    I also want to let you all know that I am, quite literally–I’m truly serious–not only drinking coffee from this machine/company RIGHT NOW but also in an illy-branded cup. And I truly feel this way about it:

    There’s no way you all are going to believe me. I know. But it really is good coffee.


    Well! I now know who I am shipping in this drama. Look at that double-take from the Chief!! I mean who wouldn’t fall for her. Forget the kids. I’m team OFL (old fogey love) now 🥰


    OK two more things. Dae-myeong’s actual female colleague is sus. What’s up with that?

    Also, is our ajusshi team member a secret dad to Min-woo?


    Did you find that when you drank the coffee, you had a golden glow around you?



    Sad you all didn’t watch this airing, but I’m glad you’re here now!!!!!! It IS FUN. (WHY DIDN’T YOU WATCH AIRING)


      Can’t speak for others, but it was not available to me on a legal site and the first-episode darkside subs were terrible when I dipped in. Also there was a lot going on in April and May and I was out of the country with just a dodgy iPad for over half its run. And it seemed more like a binge than an eke. And it didn’t get as much attention here as concurrent shows, despite being recapped, so there wasn’t the beanie buzz that sometimes draws me in. But it’s stayed on my list all this time and here we are, so, half-credit?


        Half credit awarded haha.
        No, that’s fair. These things happen, I relate. (Although not to the Darskide issues; when I first starting watching dramas/tv in general there was ONLY Darkside, I’ve never changed.) The ribbing was mostly in jest haha.

        There wasn’t much buzz at all, anywhere, there was barely anything about it on reddit, tumblr, youtube… I lamented about that in the comments. Those of us that did watch it did enjoy it a lot and regularly commented on recaps, but there wasn’t many of us haha, so comments stayed kinda low.

        I feel like bingeing it would be super fun, but there was also something nice about waiting for it and enjoying it consistently every week and looking forward to “Skunk Day”. But the Skunk Drought in between was also real, so half a dozen of one, 6 of the other I guess.


    I don’t have access to this – sniff!
    But Eleanor, I wanted to say Thank you for your appreciation, and that if you don’t want my spoiler guesthouse thread, it will be better for you to remove your comment, or you risk being tagged automatically again and again in the thread. I normally only use my tag list one time in one post.
    You can save the permalink if you want to see the spoiler post later.
