Today is the most eventful Valentine’s Day ever and I hope it never is again.
I haven’t been religiously following beanies’ love, February posts but I’ve been aware of them. Today is valentines’ day – which I was very grateful for so I can stop seeing posts shaming single people.
Last year, I remember posting on dramabeans how insignificant the celebration has always been in my life but discovering a used condom in the middle of a library condom made it a little eventful.

I spent most of my day waiting in the hospital for what I thought was just a minor check-up. Some blood cell count was low but it was borderline and I didn’t have any symptoms – it was an accidental finding.
But staying in hospital for almost 3 hours before someone finally directed me to go get another blood test pissed me off even more. Why did I need to get blood drawn again? Then I finally got to see the doctor after 5 hours. I was furious because I knew I’d just wasted a day only to hear the doctor say what I’d been thinking – it’s nothing serious.

But she delivers news I didn’t expect – tells me my new test result is worse than the one I got last week, that I need to come back to get more tests done. Then she goes on to ask about symptoms I’ve been having. And I’m a medical student – I was aware of these symptoms but I never thought they were related cause I’d been struggling with them for almost 3 years. Now, what I thought was just a routine check-up has turned into something much more serious.

I’ve had enough breakdown in medical school that I don’t need an incurable illness. I’m used to being the one on the other side asking questions and taking medical history. I don’t know how to process it. I just hope further tests come negative. I’ve just decided to get my life in order. This had by far been one of the most terrible days of my life.


    I’m sorry to heart that. I really pray and hope it’s nothing serious and that your test results will be negative. 🙏🏻


    Hoping for resoundingly negative test results in your future.


    Hoping and wishing for negative test results for you…


    That was one terrible day, @esther. I’m sorry you had to go through that and I hope that further tests do come negative.


    I hope that the test results come back fast and negative.


    I’m praying you come through this. I hope you know how strong you are. I know you’ve been struggling, but even if the tests are positive, you will be a much better physician because of it. I hope we hear some good news from you soon!


    I’m sorry this is happening to you, and I hope that in the end it all just turns out to be false alarm.


    Don’t lose heart..fighting!! It”ll be alright.


    I’m sorry to know you’re going through this. Hoping for the best for you.


    I really hope these tests come back negative.
