Sungkyunkwan Scandal: Episode 15

Sorry for the delay guys! Just…One word: Halle-freaking-lujah!


SONG OF THE DAY: Maximilian Heckler- I’ll be a Virgin, I’ll be a Mountain [download]

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Everyone’s waiting for Sun-joon’s eyewitness account but a shockwave travels through the room as he makes the claim that he is in fact the one guilty for homosexuality. A collective gasp!

But alas, Sun-joon begins to explain, “That night at Hyang-gwan-chung , it wasn’t just Moon Jae-shin and Kim Yoon-shik—I was there also. So, if these two are guilty of homosexuality, then I am too.” Boy, you really know how to scare the bejesus out of me… actually, out of everyone for that matter! Except maybe Professor Jung, who seems thoroughly amused.

Yong-ha nods his head in approval while In-soo reminds Sun-joon that he could be kicked out of the school, never to come back. Sun-joon realizes the consequences and is willing to comply if—and it’s a big if, Kim Yoon-shik and Moon Jae-shin did in fact take part in inappropriate behavior. In-soo thinks it’s a false testimony to protect Yoon-hee and Guh-ro, but Sun-joon points out that there were in fact witnesses who saw him coming out of Hyang-gwan-cheong that night—the three stooges(Do-hyun, Woo-tak, Hae-won) confirm the sighting.

Sun-joon: “Then why wasn’t I included in the rumors? It’s because the rumors aren’t true.”

Everyone murmurs in confusion when Sun-joon asks everyone in the room if anyone actually saw Kim Yoon-shik and Moon Jae-shin in action—but as with most rumors, everyone’s heard it from the next guy, who heard it from the next guy, with ultimately no real source. So now the question is: Is the whole homosexuality claim all just a huge scandal?

Myung-shik(the Soron) bumbles something about Neo-Confucian teachings, but smarty pants Sun-joon cuts in:

“In Neo-Confucianism, the highly prized principle of “In(仁)” stands for the endless care for a comrade. Am I wrong? Selflessness(In,仁), Righteousness(Eui,義), Propriety(Yae,禮), Wisdom(Ji,智), and Faith(Shin,信). These are the principles that every Confucian scholar should uphold—but instead of looking at the facts, you see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe, and thus you lack Wisdom. Without even realizing that your thoughtless curiosity is putting others in trouble and is in it of itself a sin, you just laugh and enjoy the show, and thus you lack Righteousness AND Propriety. And you distrust your comrades, thus you lack Faith and cannot be regarded as a true Confucian scholar. No one here has the right to point any fingers. If this is the Confucian way, than I’d rather choose homosexuality.”

You go, Smarty! Leave it to Sun-joon to find the best solution for every problem in the world! Who else loved the graphic effects with each character disintegrating into thin air?! So cool.

In-soo still doesn’t think it’s over—if it wasn’t homosexuality, then what were they doing in Hyang-gwan-cheong that night? It was reported that the Red Messenger entered the grounds with extensive injuries and Hyang-gwan-cheong was probably the best place to hide out and get medicinal herbs. So why were the two of them there that night? Could it be that one of them is the big Red himself?

Sun-joon is putting the missing pieces together as the rest of the scholars speculate who Red could be. In-soo orders the two of them to take their upper garments off to prove their innocence. (For once, In-soo and I are on the same page—take it off!!! Er… minus you, Yoon-hee. Just the rest of the J4, please!)

Yoon-hee panics and Guh-ro offers to take it off alone, but Smarty—who always has the better solution—cuts in and asks In-soo to answer his question first:

“Were you using the jae-hwe as an excuse to catch the Red Messenger? You’ve basically just admitted that you didn’t believe in the homosexuality scandal in the first place. No one can get involved in the jae-hwe, not even the King himself. That’s because it isn’t to be used for political gain. But you, as the president, have broken that code. If you undress Moon Jae-shin and there is no injury, you’ll have to pay the consequences. Aren’t I right?”

Ooohhh! In yo face, In-soo! I’m sorry, I do pity him sometimes, but he dug his own grave this time.

Everyone’s offended at In-soo’s power trip but Sun-joon offers to turn a blind eye if In-soo does likewise. The students all unanimously vote in Yoon-hee and Guh-ro’s favor (not even In-soo’s minions can refute the decision) and the jae-hwe is over.

Afterwards, Yoon-hee is on a desperate search for Sun-joon(who’s already walked off whilst scolding his exaggerated imagination) while Guh-ro, who’s been waiting outside for her, watches her ask around for the former. Agh, the second lead heartbreak! His bitter smile makes it worse!

Sun-joon’s on his way out of the school when Yong-ha stops him, “What a surprise. A stiff neck like Lee Sun-joon doesn’t mind becoming a homosexual.” Sun-joon begins to protest but Yong-ha continues, “Ah~ You were just trying to stick to your principles? If that were true, you shouldn’t have lied. Afterall, the claim that you were with Kim Yoon-shik and Guh-ro the whole time is a lie isn’t it?”

Yong-ha wonders why someone like Lee Sun-joon, who’s guaranteed to move up in the world, would risk it all and lie, but Sun-joon ignores him and continues to walk on. He’s not one to step down, that Yong-ha, and continues to poke around, “So I hear you’re getting engaged tomorrow, with the Ha family—how unlikely. Is it because their household was of similar status, or because it didn’t matter who it was—as long as you can run away? So, are you happy Ga-rang?”

When Sun-joon can’t answer, Yong-ha sighs, “Look at you. You can’t even lie such a petty lie—so how do you expect to lie the rest of your life? Who is that for?”

Sun-joon’s not taking an overnight leave like Yong-ha thought, but is actually leaving Sungkyunkwan for good, which has Headmaster Choi in a panic. The word is that Sun-joon will continue his studies alone at Juk-jeon-sa temple in Gurim.

Yoon-hee, who’s still unaware of the news, is waiting for Sun-joon in the library but finally hears the news from the school-keeper when he comes for closing time.

Yong-ha and Guh-ro are sharing drinks—er, more like Yong-ha drinking his drinks, then taking Guh-ro’s drink away and drinking them himself—as they discuss the mok-go-ji: an outing to restore merriment and camaraderie after the jae-hwe. Love Yong-ha’s thoughtfulness for Guh-ro!

Yoon-hee enters in a daze as she delivers the shocking news. Yong-ha expresses his surprise, since he thought Sun-joon was leaving for his engagement—but of course that news shoots another dagger into Yoon-hee’s delicate heart. In the privacy of her own room, she begins to cry unaware that Guh-ro is sitting outside. (Did anyone else notice the silhouette thing was impossible?! Her lights were off!)

Sun-joon is pensive over Yong-ha’s words, even while his father is giving him last words of advice about marriage and its purpose in one’s life—which, according to him, doesn’t serve much purpose but teach one a sense of responsibility. Sun-joon asks his father, “So, are you happy?” His father merely laughs, but when Sun-joon asks him to answer, Minister Lee replies, “That question isn’t even worth me answering. For such embarrassing words that silly women chatter over to come out of your mouth…I’ve never wasted my time thinking about such trivial things.” Cynical much?

The next day, Yoon-hee reminisces her time with Sun-joon as the three stooges gossip over the news. Unable to take it anymore, she leaves the school without even telling Guh-ro where she’s going.

Hyo-eun is busy pretty-fying herself as she waits for Sun-joon to arrive but she’s not the only one—Yoon-hee’s waiting outside the house hoping to catch a glimpse of him. He finally arrives but when he looks her direction, she quickly hides behind a tree. Sun-joon continues on his way, looks again, and she hides again. Thinking he’s finally gone in, Yoon-hee sneaks another peak but lo and behold! He’s right there.

Sun-joon:“So I was right…I thought I’d maybe been seeing things.”
Yoon-hee: “What a coincidence! What are you doing here? I-I’m…just on my way to get some work from the book store. Ha ha…” (Oh brother… she’s too cute!)

It’s way too obvious that she’s lying, so instead she thanks him for the jae-hwe. “I thought we should at least say goodbye. Thinking that this is it…that I’ll never get to see you again…I wanted to see you one last time. That’s why I was waiting. Whether it was as friends, or just as roommates…or even as one of many fellow classmates… however you think of me, I wanted to see Lee Sun-joon for the last time.”

Sun-joon tells her it was better if she didn’t come and that she should leave. “Go…And let’s never see each other again.” Agh! Dagger to the heart! Again!

Yoon-hee leaves in tears and Sun-joon enters Hyo-eun’s room looking grave. Hyo-eun, however, is overjoyed and comes to hug him as she tells him that she’s going to trust the promise he made to her. Lowering her arms, Sun-joon drops the bomb: “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep that promise.” And he runs out. Run, Forrest, Run!

Sun-joon searches the marketplace and finally catches up to Yoon-hee. With hands on both shoulders he tearfully tells her,

“I…like you, Kim Yoon-shik. I—who only walked where there was a road…who only acted according to the rules…who thought propriety was everything—have come to like you…a man. This is why I can’t keep you as a friend or even as a roommate. Because I no longer have the confidence to lie to myself and act like I’m ok when you’re with me.”

Yoon-hee can’t find any words to say but Sun-joon continues, “Don’t worry, Kim Yoon-shik. I won’t let you get hurt. I won’t let you be ostracized because of how I feel…This will be the last time I ever appear in front of you… Since that’s all I can do for you right now.” He walks away whilst Yoon-hee is frozen in place—and I’m screaming at my computer for her to run after him. Yes, I’m having another soul-out-of-body experience from the awesomeness.

Hyo-eun’s covering for Sun-joon as she feigns illness, but In-soo doesn’t buy it. He thinks something’s up and he’s right for once as Hyo-eun thinks back to her conversation with Sun-joon:

Sun-joon:“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep that promise. Will your family please break this engagement?”
Hyo-eun: “Did I do something wrong? If you tell me, I’ll fix it!”
Sun-joon: “I’m the one who’s in the wrong. So the one who is unworthy of this marriage is me. Unlike others, I’m unable to give my heart to a woman.”

Sun-joon’s surprised when his father tells him that it’d be better to move the marriage up instead of delaying the engagement. Of course it’s because Hyo-eun’s not one to give up—she won’t break the engagement, since Sun-joon won’t break it himself out of propriety. But her plans backfire when Sun-joon tells his father that they’ve decided the marriage is off.

Minister Lee won’t have it and begins questioning Sun-dol about the day’s events and learns that Sun-joon met with Yoon-hee before entering Minister Ha’s gates. On top of that, he also learns that Sun-joon set Yoon-hee up to take the Sungkyunkwan entrance exam. He’s already got records on Kim Yoon-shik from Headmaster Choi the day of the hockey tournament and knows that Yoon-shik is the son of former professor, Kim Seung-hun.

“Kim Yoon-shik… what a fatal coincidence.”

Back at the school, Yoon-hee’s dazed from the sudden confession and muses, “I must be being punished for tricking the world as I pleased.”

Guh-ro (squeal!) interrupts her thoughts, “Why so serious? Should I just leave?” He gets up to leave but she calls out to him and asks, “You said you read all the books in here right?” He nods.

Yoon-hee: “Then what should I do in this situation: I lied to someone and because of that lie, that person’s holding a very heavy burden. So heavy that they’ve had to give up their long time dream. I want to tell that person the truth so that they can lay that burden down…but I think it’s too late. I’m afraid that the person won’t forgive me. What should I do?”
Guh-ro: “What is there to think about? Just tell the person the truth. Tell the person you’re sorry and you want forgiveness—just show them how you feel, like you’re doing to me now.”
Yoon-hee: “It’s such a big lie… that person won’t be able to forgive me that easily. If I tell the truth… I’m afraid that person will turn their back on me forever.”
Guh-ro: “Is that person the one you like? Who? Cho-sun?”

The pain!

Headmaster Choi is busy trying to “choose” the mok-go-ji locationand Yong-ha is bored at all the suggestions—he’d rather enjoy his merriment wherever there are gisaengs. But his interest is peaked when Headmaster Choi “just so happens” to choose the mountain that Sun-joon’s temple is on—it’s the Headmaster’s intention to try and get Sun-joon to come back by parading his classmates in front of him. You can already see Yong-ha’s trouble-making mind planning his own mischief, and I love it!

On Wul-chool-san, Sun-joon is mindlessly going through the motions when in actuality…he’s not studying, not sleeping, not playing, not eating (and instead drowning his rice in soup… ha!).

Sun-joon seems to be the center of everyone’s discussion, including the King’s. Jeong-jo tells Minister Lee that Sun-joon was told to study in Sungkyunkwan under his direct command—so he’ll be expecting Sun-joon back in school. Minister Lee tries to tell the king that it was Sun-joon’s passion for the studies that drove him to hermit himself in the mountains, with Minister Ha adding that Sun-joon was simply following in his father’s footsteps.

Jeong-jo replies, “Hm. Then I, too, intend to follow in my father’s footsteps and fulfill his dreams. I’m planning to move the capitol to Hwa-sung .” With that shocking blow, Jeong-jo also checkmates Minister Lee in their game of chess.

Moving the capitol to Hwa-sung is an outrage and according to Minister Lee is not an impossibility—as long as the King has the geum-deung-ji-sa. Minister Ha assures him that the geum-deung-ji-sa was destroyed the same night that Kim Seung-hun and Moon Young-shin was killed… but Minister Lee is still cautious and tells Ha that they’ll need a spy who the King puts his trust in. Uh-oh… not Sun-joon!

Jeong-jo intends to wait for Sun-joon, against the pleas of his advisor—after all, Sun-joon is the son of a Noron, isn’t he. But Jeong-jo’s already got his trust in him and won’t move forward with his plans until he has Sun-joon back. It’s not just the geum-deung-ji-sa he wants… he wants to secure the future of Joseon—and he needs a Noron on his side to truly fulfill his future dreams.

The next day, the Sungkyunkwan scholars are overjoyed and bust out in song and cheers as they set off to Wul-chool-san. Headmaster Choi leaves it up to Yong-ha to bring Sun-joon back to Sungkyunkwan—his whole career is in Yong-ha’s hands.

Yong-ha hurries away from Choi’s uncomfortable grasps and over to Yoon-hee and Guh-ro. He playfully observes that Yoon-hee looks like she’s off to the slaughter house rather than a mok-go-ji, “Come on, lighten up! After all, the great Guh-ro’s going to his first ever mok-go-ji just to see your smiling face…” but Guh-ro quickly shuts him up.

You’d think he shut his mouth, but this is Gu Yong-ha we’re talking about and he tells him he’s got something up his sleeve—so they should lighten up and look forward to it. I love you, Glue Yong-ha.

In the mountains, everyone’s at the river playing and they all invite Yoon-hee into the water. Obviously she refuses which buys their suspicion, “You actually…” Yoon-hee sweats, “can’t swim huh?” Phew. They finally let up on their invite, but Byung-choon and Go-bong are still suspicious over Yoon-hee’s refusal—she must be the Red Messenger. They plot to throw Yoon-hee in the water, forcing her to take her robes off and then they’ll have proof she’s Red—and ultimately win In-soo’s good graces.

Guh-ro adorably roasts Yoon-hee a potato, even blowing some of the heat away, and Yoon-hee tells him that he’ll make a great husband someday. He gets bashful as she bites into the potato and noticing that she’s got some char on her face, he moves to wipe it off, to which she moves away in surprise. Bashful again, he looks for Yong-ha.

So where is Yong-ha? He’s surrounded by gisaengs (no surprise), as he hands over a ring of coins to Sun-dol (surprise!), telling him that all he needs to do is bring Sun-joon out according to plan. Sun-dol just wants to cure his master of whatever sickness has got him in its grips. Yong-ha assures him that there’s no better doctor than he for what Sun-joon has—lovesickness.

Sun-dol calls Sun-joon out, tricking him with a fib about his mother coming to visit—a household disaster, perhaps? Meanwhile Yoon-hee runs from the three stooges, who try to get her to go into the water, but with In-soo’s two minions trailing behind her. Alarmed at Yoon-hee’s dropped book, Guh-ro asks the stooges if they’ve seen her and runs after her when he hears that she’s gone to play with Byung-choon and Go-bong.

Sun-joon’s getting suspicious of Sun-dol when he finally spills the beans—the Sungkyunkwan scholars are here and he’s just brought his master out in an attempt to heal him of his sickness. Sun-joon begins to turn around but stops in his tracks when Sun-dol points Yoon-hee out in the distance.

Despite seeing Byung-choon and Go-bong in the woods snickering, Sun-joon walks away. Before he can get very far, however, he sends his manservant away and turns back.

Byung-choon and Go-bong make their approach but thankfully Guh-ro arrives just in time to silently drag them away. Always the hero in the background.

Yoon-hee hears the stir and decides to leave but loses her shoe in the river. She runs after it just as Sun-joon spots in floating down the stream. In alarm, he begins his desperate search for her and just when all seems lost, there she is standing not 100 yards from him, looking shocked to see him.

Sun-joon runs and embraces her. Moments pass before he pull away and tells her, “I can’t do this anymore Kim Yoon-shik. No matter how hard I try, I can’t help but desperately look for you. So, now it’s your turn. Run away from me, Kim Yoon-shik.” He turns to leave (wait… why. I thought you told her to run…) but Yoon-hee, who’s probably thinking the same thing I am, tells him to wait. He needs to hear her reply first.

She begins to run over to him, but her socks slip on the rocks and she falls into the river. Sun-joon dives in after her and carries her out of the waist-deep water (just…no words). She’s lost consciousness, so taking emergency measures, he begins to undress her.

Only to find a woman’s chest tightly bound…Gasp!



Finally! The suspense is over! I’ve been waiting for the day that Sun-joon finds out that Yoon-hee is a girl and boy did I enjoy the build up to the great reveal. This episode’s angst wasn’t as infuriating as it was heartbreaking. Major kudos to Micky Yoochun for that tearful confession scene. It wasn’t just decent. I actually felt the sickening pain in my stomach from the heartbreak I felt for Sun-joon in that moment. I know there are a lot of you out there who haven’t felt the chemistry between Sun-joon and Yoon-hee but I don’t think you can deny the chemistry of that scene. I personally think the pairing has absolutely adorable chemistry, but I do hope you, reader, felt it at least in this scene.

I feel bad for Hyo-eun, and I also almost feel bad for In-soo. He’s really kind of lost the poison in his bite hasn’t he? And yes, as one commenter so hilariously mentioned, throw the guy some eyedrops! His eyes must be so tired from all those death glares.

As for Guh-ro, I love his crush on Yoon-hee. Most of the time, I get annoyed with Second-leads and how stalker-ish they can get. But Guh-ro plays it cool, no matter how much it pains him to do so. He hasn’t crossed the line between sweet and annoying yet and I love it. If he were to get all possessive of her, I don’t know how I’d feel about him. His “hero in the background” persona has got me smitten.

As always, I love Yuh-rim. Like I said earlier, he really is Glue Yong-ha isn’t he? If it weren’t for him, the Jalgeum Quartet might be no more. And I love that he’s not on anyone’s particular side in the love triangle (although, I realize that he’s always going to have a bias for Guh-ro). He just wants everyone to be true to their feelings, and that’s the advice he gives to all three of them.

Anyhow, I see stormy weather ahead. Especially with Minister Lee’s involvement in Yoon-hee’s father’s death and what seems to be his plot to use Sun-joon as a spy for the king. I’m thinking/hoping that Sun-joon won’t fall into his father’s antics.


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best part of me was the ridiculous things that happened to make the ' reveal ' work

1. in a wide shot YH had both her shoes on then the next shot it disappeared and she fell into the water

2. she drowned in waist deep water LOL

3. love how it become oh open shirt and then BAM.. BOOBS in the face xDD

im not complaining i like it, its cute
cant wait till next recap thanks bb ! <3!


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hahahaha! I know! Did you notice that unbuttoning one's shirt is like equivalent to CPR here? Unbutton the top and air will travel directly to the chest to push the water out. I thought he was going to find out by dragging her up to the surface of the water with his hands across her not-so-flat chest...I guess they want to make sure that Sun-joon really KNOWS for sure, with his own eyes, that Yoon-hee is a girl. I would have loved an underwater scene, though. But it is too stressful to film.

I can overlook it, because i love SKKS.


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I wonder if the Show chose to expose her breasts as the big reveal because the alternative would have been to have Micky Yoochun actually touch Park Min Young's bosom for the CPR.


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but in kdramas, you don't need to touch someone's chest to give CPR. You just need to put your lips to the drowning victim's (this was shown in the last episode of boys over flowers)


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Spot on recap! At the point of the big reveal, I gasped, cheered, and nearly did the end zone dance! It was worth the wait, even though it took awhile to get there! Great acting by all--they are all so adorable, each in their own distinct way. Eagerly anticipating next episode!


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Am I being cold-hearted for not feeling anything while watching the market scene?? Maybe becuase I thought the reunion at the waterfall (prior to the drowning and all) was alot more emotionally charged. but that's just me. anyways, thank god he confessed! The tension was so thick that it became suffocating to watch.

oh In Soo, i am starting to feel sorry for the guy. Does he ever change? will he ever change??? at this rate, if he doesn't redeem himself soon, he will probably end up dead in the drama, and i don't want any major deaths here, no matter how much i hate the character...


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I am cold-hearted too. I didn't feel anything, I blame the market which was too lively.


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the wait is finally over...woooohoooo! cant ask for more. this is a most charged episode that started electric with LSJ declaring he is also a homosexual and ending with a major note to show that he is not after all what he almost feared.

kudos to the writers for their brilliant script and to the director for the ingenious flow of the story! all the cast are fabulous in this episode. poignant and powerful. thanks to KBS for this wonderful drama!

and to cassie for this fun recap...kamsahamnida!

i thank the drama gods hahaha!


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Hope it's okay to post this here; if it's not, please delete it, thanks.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal Addicts Anonymous:


For new, recovering and beyond-hope addicts!

You think you've got it bad? Wait till you read everyone's confessions!


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THANK YOU SO MUCH **thunderbolt**


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thanks for the recap, i'd been checking this site almost every hour... thank God it's finally here... chapter 16, please... thanks!!!!


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hope for season 2! and tq for the recaps..which dvd will come out and definitely gonna buy it!


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hope for season 2! and tq for the recaps..hope dvd will come out and definitely gonna buy it!


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I'm so torn between Sun Joon and Jae Shin :(

Sun Joon's confessions in this episode were so heartfelt. I totally fell for him. But but but Jae Shin, poor boy, standing in the corner, watching all the time and even giving advice to the girl he loves to confess to the other love rival. sigh.

Totally agree with you, cassie.opeia, about how Yong Ha is the glue among the four. And now it's his turn to push the other three to grow and own up to their feelings.

Thanks for the great recap, btw!


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That is why we need a season 2.. then JS will have a girl friend too, from the book


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Waahhhhhhh!!!!!!! finally!!!


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loved the episode..but does anyone feel that guh-ro at least deserves a lil bit more from daemul?? breaks my heart everytime i see his face when she's thinking abt lee sun joon.


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So I've been a silent reader for awhile, because I started the series late and haven't seen this episode (on episode 12 right now) but am absolutely loving it!

I really enjoy reading yours and red_pill's recaps, they're so much fun! I know in one of them, you or red_pill apologized for being too fan-girly but I loved it! When I'm watching this show (and especially the last few episodes...omg, can Guh Ro just kiss her?!) I go through the same motions, squealing and giggling.

But keep up the awesome work (both of you) and I can't wait till I get to this episode!! :)


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This episode killed me! Okay, I may have said I died many times watching this series but seriously, this episode shook me to my bones. I love it! Now all the Jalgeum Quartet knows. It's just a matter of knowing that all of them knows. Um... Does that makes sense? Now we just have to wait for the rest of the episodes. Ah... I wish Sungkyunkwan Scandal can go on forever. But I know that's impossible. I also know that, like Coffee Prince and Sorry, I Love You, it'll be a drama I'll rewatch again and again. This drama completes me *faints*


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Really, does Yeo Rim really know that Dae Mul is actually a girl? I know he's suspicious, but the show hasn't actually confirmed that Yeo Rim knows the secret.


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I think he knows for sure by now. With the way Jae-shin is so overprotective (like the way he freaked about how dangerous it was for her to pretend to be a gisaeng), it's a giveaway to Yong-ha, who knows Jae-shin best. Yong Ha's pretty smart- he can tell Jae-shin is the red messenger just by writing style!


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That's because Yongha "loves" Jaeshin in a freaky, unreal, but oh-so-sweet way. We just gotta love the Geollim couple! Go go! At least Jaeshin won't end up being lonely and all. Aw....


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Yes, Yeorim knows. After he tells Guhro that Yoonhee is off with Sunjoon, he tells Guhro that the latter should go after Yoonhee and do all he can to make her his, especially since he has the advantage over Sunjoon, the advantage of knowing Yoonhee's secret .


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Is this the part where he asked Yeo Rim frantically where Dae Mul is and Yeo Rim replies that she's with Sun Joon, so no need to worry... Are you referring to that? Or my subtitles were mixed up or something?

Clear my confusion please.


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Yup. Did your subtitles not include that specific bit about Yeorim telling Guhro that the first knows that second knows Daemul's secret and hence the second has an advantage over Sunjoon? If your subtitles didn't include that line, know that it was there.

And later episodes make clear that Yeorim wasn't just fishing for confirmation of his suspicions either. Though he never comes right out and says he knows Daemul is a girl, it's implied fairly clearly that he knows.


He knows it but he doesn't have physical proof. That's why sometimes he questions himself. But I think since Jaeshin knew Yoonshik is really a girl, Yongha openly talks about Yoonshik's "secret", to Jaeshin of course. I think their, or maybe just Yongha's, next mission is to see Yoonhee in a girl outfit for real. I mean, Yongha is the only one who hasn't seen Yoonhee in a girl outfit, besides that one time Yoonshik dressed up as a gisaeng. But you know that doesn't count, right?


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Though I ship Jae-shin I must give probe to Sun Joon in this episode.

Everyone, please check out our brand-new fansite of Yoo Ah In, haven for the fangirls who got hit by the virus:


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OMG!!! You are an ANGEL "Yoo Ah In Fansite". So I won't be starved for him anymore ... so :D :D :D <3 & X X X


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ooooooooooooooooo the series is just so fabtastical ! ;-)

I love all the characters in the drama everyone has their own charm ..but GOD freaking Moon Jae Shin ..i am even dreaming of him in reality ..i mean in day to day life sleep ;-) OMO


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haha i usually don't go through comments, but i love reading them for SKKS, makes my day ^^

i... love... guh-ro... need MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!!

can't wait for 17 &18!!!

thanks for the recaps!!!!


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Thank you for the recap.

Let's talk about HAIR, shall we?

As I was stalking, um, researching, Yoo Ah In, I came across the image of him in Chilwu with the same kind of disheveled long hair... O boy, my breathing has stopped again...
[Clearing throat, starting again]
I'm thinking, we really get to see Jaeshin two ways, but everyone else ONLY with their hair tethered, so to speak.

Are they worried we would all die of beauty overload if we got to see Sun Joon and Yeorim with hair down - all loose and, um, touchable? O boy here we go again with the breathing...
[Please stand by while I do CPR on my own self...]

And, yes, despite being 40 something, someone dare me to put a poster of long haired Song Joong Ki on my bedroom wall...


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me also 40 something ajunma. And i am so addicted to SKKS .I love Yoon Hee and SunJoon ,love their chemistry . SJ really love HY .Of cos i also love other casts too the brighten up the show .Awesome drama,I think this show appeal to all age group.hahha


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This fanmade mv made me really sad. It's about Jaeshin's unrequited love for Yoonhee. Let the waterworks begin!


This translation is not mine! I copied it from yogurutu's blog: bad milk

0:18 Kim Yoonshik... it's strange.
0:25 After my brother left, I thought that my life... living... didn't matter.
0:32 Because when he died, I felt like I died, too.
0:48 But... you know... today... It was strange.
0:55 When the blade cut me... For the first time... I was scared.
1:03 I wanted to live so badly... So I ran as hard as I could...
1:11 When I came to my senses, you were in front of me... And I knew...
1:17 Why I was scared... Why I wanted to live...
1:22 I love you, and I'm waiting for you... And because I couldn't tell you...
1:30 ...each day is so painful.
1:36 If I let you know... If I look at only you... Will you accept me?
1:46 Would you be okay with someone like me?
1:58 Kim Yoonshik... it's strange.
2:07 Even though I know that your looking at someone else... it doesn't hurt.
2:15 All I can see is your tears... and your pain... So I can't feel myself getting hurt.
2:24 Only... the fact that I didn't recognize you from the first time we met...
2:29 I regret it so much...
2:35 I love you, and I'm waiting for you... but because I can't tell you...
2:43 Wherever you are, whatever you do... I'll just keep watching.
2:49 When it's hard, lean on me... I'll stand behind you, always...
2:58 If you're okay with someone like me...
3:00 I miss you, and I'm waiting for you...
3:06 Just one time...
3:09 I'd be happy being together with you just one time...
3:15 I'll give it my all... so I can see you, and protect you...
3:27 If you would... come to me...
3:42 Thanks for keeping me alive... Kim Yoonshik.


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Thanks for posting ..i think i just died one more time !


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luv this drama so damn much!! btw has the recap for episode 16 done yet?? I try to look, but turns out I can't find it,,, and I'm dying to see the recap for episode 16 :)))


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First thing's first: I was sooo shocked at the boob reveal. Usually korean's are conservative on screen right?

Second, I love how PK and scandal came at the same time so we see the charm of both smart and not-so-smart female leads. Except Yoon Hee wasn't as smart as I'd like her to be. I've seen wittier dialogue.

That aside, I thoroughly love MJS and GYH! It's funny how I like second leads better nowadays- Baker King, SKK, BOF, You're beautiful just to name a few. I noticed that kdramas use quirky supporting characters or incredible actors for second leads to save us from utter despair and to make the dramas more holistic. It's just sad that the main leads get all the credit after being propped up by either a wonderful cast or crew. I admit that SOMEtimes, main leads push the drama to god-like status but without a good script/editing by the PD, they are nothing.


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They (Korean film industry) aren't actually as conservative as one my falsely judge. I've seen some Korean movies that are way beyond my expectations and far (like from Jupiter to Mars) from being conservative. For a drama though, it might be a tad. But then you have to think about those girls wearing tube tops and all. I think this reveal is quite similar to that, don't you think?

And I have to agree with you 100% on the Geollim couple. They are uber adorable! At least I will have ease in my heart that Jaeshin, whatever happens, won't end up being lonely.


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dropping by to say i lurveee the song that you posted for the recap! i first heard it on Coffee Prince's OST :D

also, i haven't been watching SKK, but i have been perusing these recaps that are totally awesome! they convinced me that i should put this drama on my to-watch list, and i reallyyyy want to watch it now but i have way too much work at the moment so i'll have to wait til winter break or smth to start SKK, but this looks too awesome to pass up, so I'll definitely do a marathon or smth on dramafever during break!


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i really really really hope that yoon hee and moon jae shin get a romantic moment together!

a little competition never hurt anyone after all, and i'm all for moon jae shin getting something out of his constant love for yoon hee.


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thanks for the recap!!!
yes, that was a wonderful episode!!!all the actors are great in this drama and I'm very fond of all the three men!!!:)


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a few episodes to go. but for me, a lot of the characters are too interesting to not have enough time to ripe up.

Yoo Ah In should seriously reconsider his feelings towards the Guh-Ro role. Aren't the number of swooning fans enough to make him realize that HE'S DOING AN AWESOME JOB playing JaeShin? Seriously, I care about the Sun-joon/Yoon-hee pairing, but the strongest crowd drawer to me is JaeShin.

Really? he not liking the mangy getup anymore? but I LOVE him mangy! (and thousand other fans do too, I'm sure!) although he rocked the cleaned-up look, I still prefer him mangy. he reminds me so much of Aragorn. I approve of shabby! It's shabby outfit on JaeShin or nothing! (I also approve of "nothing".)

And my dear Yong-ha. He's too cute, too talented, too lovable to just fade away like that after the twentieth episode.

If this drama ends without a promise of a second season with the original cast... I'mma cry like I did after Jumong and Coffee Prince.


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the love triangle reminded me a bit of the love triangle in "Boys Before Flowers" where the "better" match is Jandi/Ji Hoo Sunbae and Kim Yoon Hee/Moon Jae Shin, but just like that drama, i think Sun Joon needs her more life in his life. She balances him out better...i think. i know there's a major moony faction, but i'm rooting for the lost rich boy!


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Thanks for the fantastic recap!!!! :D
I was waiting for the reveal (even after reading the badmilk spoilers)
OHHH, that one tear had me crying too!! His acting has definitely improved. :D

If it wasn't for JYJ's concert dates we probably could have gotten an extension.
I'm keeping my fingers crosses (maybe they can change the dates again)


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Thanks for the recap.

This show is like crack. This episode was so many levels of awesome. Even the little details couldn't distract. But did you notice, when Yoon Hee fell in the water due to her lack of shoes...but merely seconds before when Sun Joon hugged her she had both shoes on.



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I love The GLUE Yong-ha too....
Anyway, Jaeshin: Come to Noona....weee


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She should have told him before he found out. Now there's gonna be the whole "why'd you make me think I was gaaaaay?!?" angst a la Coffee Prince.


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I liked so many scenes in this episode:
(i) SJ is so smart in the jae-hwe.
(ii) SJ's confession to YH in the market.
(iii) SJ's 2nd confession to YH near the river......

Episode 16 is even better. Ep 17 is better than ep 16. and ep 18 is again better than ep 17....And next week will be the end of the whole drama.

Thank you to the whole cast, PD and the script writer. I LOVE SKKS!

SKKS is different from Coffee Prince and YB even though all talk about a girl pretending to be a guy. I think the story script of SKKS is stronger. Tension and the attraction of the story is building up solidly towards the end of the drama. It is very interesting in following the story.

I have rewatched the previous episodes of SKKS many times already. I will definitely rewatch the whole drama again and again in the future.


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SKKS vs Coffee Prince?

I'd take SKKS anytime. Coffee Prince was only ok for me - some parts were so zzzz (but then, I found Goong zzzzz ... and so was BOF - please don't hate me, just that I have a terribly short concentration span and most things bore me ...). IMO, Yoon Eun Hye needs acting lessons and needs to stop over-acting and acting cute. Park Min Young, on the other hand, is natural without trying too hard. And I won't comment on Goo Hye Sun (just that my opinion abt her is the same as 99% of the people out there :-) ).


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Thank you for the recap!!
and as much as i swooned and all for jaeshin, i was freakingly impressed with yoochun's acting in this episode..
damn, the boy has become a real actor hasn't he? i still remember his banjun drama... he has come a long way.


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After watching all scenes by the river/creek, I wonder how cold water was. They've filmed it 2-3 weeks ago, in October, right? Water must be cold... I feel very sorry for the main couple :o(


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Whooooo, recap! Been waiting for it for a long while, and it's just as fabulous reading it as it is watching it. Thanks for recapping!

This drama is SO fabulous--I love it to bits! And the J4 are definitely even cooler than the F4.


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Hi there folks! Thought since most of the commentors are so in love with Yoo Ah In aka Moon Jae Shin, thought of sharing the following links that show YAI as himself in NGs and behind-the-scenes of the SKKS.

Some of the scenes can be quite revealing :

The following link showed YAI falling asleep during filming (hilarious!) at 0.54 seconds in the video;

and his scene with Park Min Young where he was supposed to kick PMY bottom, showed how caring he is when he reached out to hold PMY's right arm when she was about to fall forward practising the move.

And after he kicked PMY, and PMY complained that the kick hurt, notice YAI's SUPER ADORABLE laughter, and how he put his left hand on PMY's arm and buried his face in the pillow perhaps out of embarassment/feeling bad for PMY for kicking her so hard...sigh...SOOOO CUTE!


This next link contains a fleeting moment when YAI gazed oh so softly at PMY while trying to complete the scene with her - find it at 3.01 minute point in the video.
Seeing that, I wonder if YAI is perhaps smitten with PMY FOR REAL! Wow!!!


The next link has YAI trying to complete a solo scene. Notice how adorably he laughs - a combination of bashfulness, shyness and his naturally jovial nature shining through. Just too cute for words!


Enjoy the links everyone!!! :)


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Aww..thanks so much for the links! He's supah cute!


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Hi Francesca!! Glad you enjoyed them as much as I did...couldn't get enuf of Yoo Ah In being himself.



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In accordance with my current obsession for all things Jaeshin and consequently Yoo Ah-in, I went to watch some of his other movies and tv shows and he looks like such a baby in them! I mean, he is 2 years older than me so in his work from a few years ago he is the same age that I am now... but he looks like such a child. And I feel kind of creepy for finding him attractive.

Then I watch SKKS and I get all hot and bothered every time he comes on screen. So smeeexxxyyyyy. It's like he grew up over night and no longer looks like my kid brother. Career advice for YAI- your next role needs to keep up with this hot, mature character. Sexy Yoo Ah-In is the greatest!!



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Am watching Antique Bakery for ALL of its loveliness with a younger YAI.
Hurts so good...


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i seriously got so angry with insoo's minions because up to this point, they still want to hurt yoonshik :(. i'm glad jaeshin caught them before they got to yoonshink *sigh.*

btw: a little bit off topic, did you all see the recent Running Man episode? Aigoo...Song Joong Ki nearly gave me a heart attack (in a good way). A must watch episode of RM.


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oh i did............totally squealed big time....he was so cute and sweet.......I love Joongki and Ah In and Im Joo Hwan right now so much I'm trying to watch and read up everything about them...


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RM is so awesome! SJK this week made MY heart beat. Forget Song Ji Hyo! xD just kidding I love her. But oh how I wish it was MY cheek he kissed!


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i thought he wasn't gonna go for it and just fake the kiss, but he actually went for it :). seeing everyone's reaction just made all the more fun cause it was SO unexpected!


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Guhro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please be with YoonHee!!!!!!!!! Seriously, how long will it take her to realize that this guy has always been on hers ide. He protects her secret and protects her....Yongha!!!!! too cool, but dude, you should be helping Moon Jae Shin. That said, Moon Jae Shin is such a gentleman....his pained scenes make me feel soooo bad for him...I don't want him to get his heart broken......


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His love is heaven for me. He's taken the sorrow into his heart, no hard feeling toward yoonhee & sunjoon,


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Oh dear! dear!! dear!!! It looks like Skk-s will miss Best PD Award ....... dived into the water (must be deeeeeeep)


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Both the confessions were really something.


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I love how Jaeshin is taking the situation between him and Yoonshik. He finally realize that Yoonshik is man-crushing on Soon Joon, and I'm glad he didn't self-destruct and took it like its his purpose that he protects Yoonshi/Yoonhee from the baddies :). kind of like an "oppa-dongsaeng" relationship.


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" KBS is considering Sungkyunkwan season 2 'Kyujanggak scandal'

....A source in KBS marketing says 'It is not confirmed yet but we are considering the season 2 of Sungkyunkwan scandal." ...SKKS fans are delighted with the news even if it is not confirmed yet....asking the same casts of Sungkyunkwan scandal including Jalgeum 4...


[티브이데일리=이선미 기자] KBS 2TV ‘성균관 스캔들’의 시즌 2가 나온다?

종영을 일주일 앞둔 ‘성균관 스캔들’이 많은 시청자들의 아쉬움 때문일까? 시즌 2에 관련된 얘기가 모락모락 새어나오고 있다.

‘성균관 스캔들’의 홍보를 맡았던 한 관계자는 “아직 확정된 것은 없지만 ‘성균관 스캔들’ 시즌 2에 대한 검토가 긍정적인 방향으로 이루어 지고 있다”라는 말을 전했다.

앞서 방송관계자들이 “시즌 2는 없을 것이다”라고 말해 좌절했던 시청자들에게 단비같은 소식이 아닐 수 없다.

‘성균관 스캔들’의 원작은 ‘성균관 유생들의 나날’과 그 뒷 이야기를 다룬 '규장각 각신들의 나날'로 이루어져 있다.

드라마 관계자들은 ‘성균관 스캔들’이 원작의 앞부분만을 다뤘다고 전해 많은 팬들이 그 뒷 이야기가 시즌 2로 이루어지지 않을까라는 기대를 했던 것. 또 원작이 전편 모두 인기가 있었던 터라 시즌 2에 대한 시청자들의 요구는 날로 커져가고 있다.

사실상 시즌 2의 제작 여부는 아직 확정된 것은 없다. 하지만 시즌 2를 간절히 요청했던 팬들은 “긍정적으로 검토”한다는 사실만으로도 뜨거운 반응을 보이고 있다.

누리꾼은 “연장도 없고 특별방송도 없어서 아쉬웠다” “제발 만들어달라. 이대로 끝낼 수는 없다" "시즌 2를 만든다면 출연자는 잘금 4인방은 그대로 유지 해달라”며 시즌 2 제작에 대한 강한 관심과 열망을 드러냈다.

[티브이데일리= 이선미 기자news@tvdaily.co.kr/ 사진제공=와이트리미디어]

기사제보 news@tvdaily.co.kr 이선미 기자의 다른 기사 보기

Had to share


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I might just cry if there is an SKKS 2!!!!


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I will be OVER THE MOON .......more J4 & all casts and a lot more Gu Yong-ha and a lot lot more Jae-shin. THANK YOU *yu* for this information. You're an ANGEL.


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An angel? no...just a concerned citizen/viewer :))


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I must be crazy. I just spent time that I should have dedicated to much more pressing things to translate this news into English. I figure, I practiced my Korean actively for once.

*Caveat - I'm not absolutely fluent in Korean, but I tried as much as I could to stay close to the original (even in word choice and phrasing).

KBS 2TV ‘성균관 스캔들’의 시즌 2가 나온다?
KBS 2TV Season 2 of "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" will occur?

종영을 일주일 앞둔 ‘성균관 스캔들’이 많은 시청자들의 아쉬움 때문일까? 시즌 2에 관련된 얘기가 모락모락 새어나오고 있다.

Is it due to the yearning of the numerous viewers of Sungkyunkwan Scandal, which has its finale one week ahead?

‘성균관 스캔들’의 홍보를 맡았던 한 관계자는 “아직 확정된 것은 없지만 ‘성균관 스캔들’ 시즌 2에 대한 검토가 긍정적인 방향으로 이루어 지고 있다”라는 말을 전했다.

An involved party who'd assumed Sungkyunkwan Scandal's publicity sent word that "While there isn't yet anything that's been definitely settled, an inquiry regarding 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' Seaon 2 is materializing in the affirmative direction."

앞서 방송관계자들이 “시즌 2는 없을 것이다”라고 말해 좌절했던 시청자들에게 단비같은 소식이 아닐 수 없다.

To viewers frustrated because parties concerned with the broadcast have said before that "There won't be Season 2," this news can't be unlike a long-awaited rain.

‘성균관 스캔들’의 원작은 ‘성균관 유생들의 나날’과 그 뒷 이야기를 다룬 ‘규장각 각신들의 나날’로 이루어져 있다.

The original story of "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" is comprised of "The Lives of the Sungkyunkwan Confucian Scholars" and "The Lives of the Kyujangkak Officials" that deals with its subsequent story.

드라마 관계자들은 ‘성균관 스캔들’이 원작의 앞부분만을 다뤘다고 전해 많은 팬들이 그 뒷 이야기가 시즌 2로 이루어지지 않을까라는 기대를 했던 것. 또 원작이 전편 모두 인기가 있었던 터라 시즌 2에 대한 시청자들의 요구는 날로 커져가고 있다.

Because parties involved with the drama expressed that 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' dealt with only the earlier parts of the original story, [it is] what lots of fans had hoped, that "wouldn't that subsequent story be made into Season 2?" Also, because the original story was popular [for] all volumes, viewer's demands regarding Season 2 is increasing day by day.

사실상 시즌 2의 제작 여부는 아직 확정된 것은 없다. 하지만 시즌 2를 간절히 요청했던 팬들은 “긍정적으로 검토”한다는 사실만으로도 뜨거운 반응을 보이고 있다.

In reality, there isn't yet anything confirmed as to Season 2's production certainty. However, fans who earnestly requested Season 2 are showing heated response to even just the fact that [producers] are considering positively.

누리꾼은 “연장도 없고 특별방송도 없어서 아쉬웠다” “제발 만들어달라. 이대로 끝낼 수는 없다” “시즌 2를 만든다면 출연자는 잘금 4인방은 그대로 유지 해달라”며 시즌 2 제작에 대한 강한 관심과 열망을 드러냈다.

Saying "I felt disappointed because there wasn't an extension or even a special broadcast," "Please make it. It can't end this way," and "If you make Season 2, please make the cast Jalgeum Quartet as is," nurikuns (netizens? people all over the world?) exhibited strong interest and fervent desire in regard to Season 2's production.


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yes,,,,,,,,,this is london calling "season 2" pleassseeeeeee


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I for one has always felt the subtle attraction between the two leads from the beginning. And the build up to the confession has been very realistic, kudos to micky and min yeong..great actors!


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ahhaah I love all the illogical things they use in the drama... like the silhouette that can never be, "drowning" in waist deep water... can't they at least TRY to make it seem legitimate??

But no drama is a bigger offender of this than Boys over Flowers with Jandi forcing herself to drown in knee deep water... hahaha!


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I'm watching episode 17 without subs...don't understand a word at all..but stick watching it coz I'm addicted to SKKS >.<


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OMG! I love it! Here in the Philippines, they're about to show episode 7-8. We're sooo behind!!!!!! Thank goodness for these summaries!!!!!!


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another reacap... yaay! there are a couple of things i do wonder in this drama.... the night and day issue.. one moment its day, and 5 seconds later, its dark already. and if you notice carefully, some of the night scenes clearly seem to be shot during the day.
- sun joon diving into waist deep water... after doing a back flip...haha
and see how the guy has his tongue out in here : http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2010/skk/skk15/skk15-049.jpg haha =P
anyway, i just simply LOVE the drama... so much i choose to ignore even the obvious mistakes...lol


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xD...i cnt help it..but i hve to cmmnt on
the whole new nme : 'GLUE yongHa'
but idk..y do i luv GuRoh so much?


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Does Moon Jae Shin know that Kim Yoon Shik is a woman? Does he know??????? or Lee Sun Joon's the first one to know? (aside from the professor). I wanna know PLEASE TELL ME :)


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[QUOTE]He turns to leave (wait… why. I thought you told her to run…) but Yoon-hee, who’s probably thinking the same thing I am, tells him to wait. He needs to hear her reply first. [/QUOTE]

Dang, so true *grinning madly*

Why is it with this guy, so dramatic.. HAHAHAHAHA.. but I love you nonethelesee Lee Seon Joon....


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sorry for the double post (._.)


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[QUOTE]He turns to leave (wait… why. I thought you told her to run…) but Yoon-hee, who’s probably thinking the same thing I am, tells him to wait. He needs to hear her reply first. [/QUOTE]

Dang, so true *grinning madly*

What is it with this guy, so dramatic.. HAHAHAHAHA.. but I love you nonethelesee Lee Seon Joon....


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