Open Thread #866

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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It was the highest rated FX show in its history, it comes as a slight surprise that the cable network renewed SHOGUN for two additional seasons. FX, Hulu, and the Estate of James Clavell are working together the extend the series. Co-creators and Executive Producers Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo, Michaela Clavell (James' daughter), and star and producer Hiroyuki Sanada will all return. No scripts or production target dates have been set as it is in the early stages of development.

In other production news, Netflix announced that ALL OF US ARE DEAD 2 production will be delayed by another year. It may start filming in 2025. The vague reason was that Netflix wants to make the series more “complete,” which means a major script/casting changes. (Netflix contracts have 18-month “call back” clauses which means actors on series are obligated to take a second season if Netflix green lights it within that time frame. Here, it appears this actor restriction has expired meaning some of the original cast may not want to return or come back at a much higher pay scale.)

RESIDENT PLAYBOOK is a finished series but is on indefinite hiatus due to the sensitive nature of the medical school admissions story that is still a major flashpoint in South Korea.


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FX is now entirely under Disney, so of course, they'll milk it. The novel ended with Season 1, so I hope they'll have the budget to do the "Seige of Osaka" since they robbed us of the great "Battle of Segigahara."


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Or they can create what happened with the Battle of Segigahara as S2.


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hi there
wamrth finally
garden party scheduled
lets hope no thunder bc we have a dj
and it is the dj´s birthday
also I bought cheese.
wet cheese is a no

a poem by redfox.
it is the meaning of life.


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This poem is the best poem I have ever read.

Wet cheese is a definite no.


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I have eaten
the wet cheese
that was in
the icebox.

and which
you were probably
for mousetraps.

Forgive me
It was moldy
and so smelly.


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too late
yhe rain has come
im under a tree
far from the cheese
it has gone undercover
might never return
to me


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Fresh mozzarella
In all its sodden glory
Has entered the chat


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See, yeah, but real mozzarella always reminds me of slimy eyeballs. I have to chant, "it's milk it's milk it's milk," when I see (especially bocconcini) in brine


@hacja 😄🤣🤣🤣🤣😍🫐❄️


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No, seriously, don't encourage that ajusshi. This is just to say that William Carlos Williams deserves a goddamn break!


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1. Ankle Woes

Attended my first Aerial Yoga class and made it through even with my ankle still slightly wonky.

Am a bit put-out having to limp about still but it is what it is.

2. Sabbatical Thoughts

Going on sabbatical has been the best thing I have done for myself despite the struggle to immerse myself into this time I have off (most) work.

I had so many things I've wanted to get done during this stretch of time but I've finally realised that my priority is addressing my burnout. So here I am, working much, MUCH reduced hours and spending my days just resting my brain and working on getting my spoons back.

Any other Beanies on sabbatical or planning one?


The BBC has released an hour-long documentary about the Burning Sun scandal:

‘Molka’ is the Korean term for secretly taking explicit photos or videos without consent. It’s a crime that’s increased elevenfold in the last fifteen years in South Korea. Three friends, all successful K-pop stars, were sharing images in which unconscious women were sexually assaulted. Some of the messages contained evidence that two of the stars, Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon had subjected a woman to extreme sexual violence.

Their crimes would never have been discovered had the phone data of Jung Joon-young not been leaked. The information eventually ended up in the hands of Korean journalist Kang Kyung-yoon, who began a painstaking process of verifying hundreds of explicit photos and videos. The scandal also involved a top Gangnam club, Burning Sun, where another of the friends, Big Bang star Seungri, was a DJ and CEO. Women were being drugged inside the nightclub, and sexually assaulted by men attending the club. Kang and fellow-journalist Park tell the story of their investigation and how they became the targets for exposing the stars.



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I was kind of on a sabbatical during covid, just travelling around the country, hiking visiting places I had still not been to. I pretty much covered everything and in good time bc buses are no longer free & the ticket is costly so I would not b able to go to so many places nor have time


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Buses were free in your country during COVID? That's awesome!

But why are they not free now?


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budget deficit. we have state dept so they cannot fund it any more. they have raised taxes as well 34%


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34%?! OMG!


yup, alltogether - banks, income, trade, real estate, cars, land & for official documents (whichalone was raised from 25 to 450 euros). so If I want a new passport I have to pay 450. Mine is valid till 2034 tho


Thanks! I watched it and found it interesting. Enjoy your sabbatical!


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Yay aerial yoga adventures are back!

Thanks for sharing the stats and backstory to that horrific Molka scandal.


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@reply1988 Ankle's a bit sore after class today but not too bad.

I got to do a new pose that's a bit more advanced. So yay me hanging in the air like a Tinkerbell haha!


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💫well done you


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Happy Friday, Beanies! And also happy belated Chinese Valentine's Day, which I doubt any of yall actually celebrated, but still))) In my case it mostly meant A LOT of cdrama promo materials released, so more like an extended work week than holiday... anyway, looks like we have a theme for today – romantic duos. As you could've already guessed, there's plenty of them in LYN's repertoire...

Starting with none other than HEROES (2024) OST, which poor thing had to record hastily just a few days ago because drama dropped before him preparing one lol. Also he's got a new genre unlocked with it, the one I least expected both from him and cdramas in general... Yet I love the sound! His costar has a nice voice, they sound good together. Pleasantly surprised it wasn't a sad love ballad I expected initially that was her solo one, you can check it out on the same YT channel as below Yunno, this track makes me regret even more that their characters story was not of cool villainous OTP kind, what a wasted opportunity! Subbed lyrics:

That was not his first OST made with onscreen love interest together, said honor goes to BE YOUR OWN LIGHT where he and FL Liu Tao technically sang a duo more than once – once unofficially within a show where he dragged her to join his street performance (of LYN's own old song no less lmao) and second time for drama's ending theme “If love responds”. I couldn't find the latter subbed, unfortunately, and the official MV barely covers half of the track while also being ridiculously spoilery, so watch it at your own risk if you haven't seen the show yet I know maybe like 3 of us did and that's it, heh:

Full audio:

There was a 3rd time actually, if we count their joint performance on latest Weibo Night, tho the song's choice was a little confusing thematically... but not as confusing as cameraman randomly deciding to focus on ZLS in audience lmao. Ah, c-ent and their obsession with artificial love triangles! Some kind soul subbed the stage version, may they be blessed:

Speaking of ZLS, before all the recent fanwar mess there was once a time when they had a very saccharine couple stage, back in their TLB days. Ah, good times! It's more sweet than anything, but I'd like to know what's up with the cyborg glove – is this a play on “Hao Du The Robot” fandom joke or what? Still, awfully cute enjoy it while you can for I doubt we'll get content like that from TSOPG, given how things regressed:


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He also has a few OSTs with female singers, like this one with Zhang Bichen for movie NICE VIEW, which is rather... interesting musically. Or just very messily edited, I'm not sure. Imo, their combined vocals deserved something more powerful, but there's always next time, right? Titled “Good luck song”, no subs again:

Not to forget his whole 3rd season of YOUR SONG TV show dedicated solely to singing with pretty ladies – here we call a lucky arrangement like that “being in raspberry garden” lol. Wonder what an English equivalent would be? Ofc he had too many stages there to cover all of them today, so just one for now will do, not to mention I already shared a few before. Title is “Restrained/Reserved”, but don't be fooled by it or singers' dramatic delivery - it's basically “we're banging, so this must be true love” type of plot going on here))) Props to both artists for staying serious to the point of nearly tears, now that's a professionalism!

If you don't believe me, show's full episode version has it subbed. Interestingly, Yuning calls it a love song that's “very touching for him personally” - make of that what you will))) Ofc, there might be nuances lost in translation, hmm...

Back to singing with actresses – did you know that Jing Tian (FL of RATTAN, WONDERLAND OF LOVE etc) is his huge fangirl? Look, the sole girl in c-ent with taste! She's sooo openly into him that I'm genuinely surprised no producer utilized it yet by giving them a drama together (cameo in WOL which happened because she went to HEROES 2024 set to squeal over him and PD tagged along hardly counts, imo). Pity – I think they match well visually plus she's tall enough for him not to break his neck in romantic scenes. Anyway, while waiting for a couple drama, here's their duo stage in full coupley swing (you can auto translate subs):

Bonus: weekly dose of pretty from recent brand event where he gathered an insane crowd, showed a metaphorical finger to censorship by wearing an earring, got smashed from just one glass of champagne, revealing charming habits of blushing from head to toe and feeling too hot for clothes while drunk... *sigh * Sometimes I wonder whether this man with his many excessive traits is even real or he's just a piece of not-for-kids fiction.




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@kiara, @jillian, @zindigo, @wapzy, @isagc, @wonhwa, @seeker, @mochakat9 - once again, if anyone wants to be added (or untagged), tell me!


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Chinese Valentine's Day!!

I know most holidays worldwide have actually become about more work than the actual festival.

Thank you for our weekly fix. 😊❤


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Unfortunately, that's how it is. I still have it easy, I suppose)))

You're welcome! In China they call this kind of content "sugar" - ngl, I was pretty close to getting overdosed this week...


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😂 Sounds legit!!


I love that there are more LYN goodies this week! 😊

I love ZLS and LYN individually and together. I like their pairing in TLB and looking forward to their new drama.

Its cute thag Jing Tian is fangirling over him. The PDs should get them together in a project. I admit I am not a fan of WOL and partly because of Jing Tian's character in that drama but maybe her character improved after I dropped it around ep15?

Maybe I should check Heroes while waiting for one of his newly completed dramas to drop.


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Idk, I only tuned in for like 15 minutes of WOL to watch his hilarious cameo and that's it. Heard plot goes down the toilet later on, but it's a cute HE after that, so mileage may vary.

Perhaps producers/her company are afraid of sparkling another round of dating rumors with such casting? That's what happened years ago - her admiration was seen in a wrong is not the fitting word here because sis is clearly smitten unfavorable light, poor girl got criticized for "damaging" her then airing drama ships and all the usual BS. It didn't get VERY ugly, but you know, when it comes to female artists reputation better safe than sorry is a popular management approach. Not that any of that stopped her one bit tho - or Yuning from being smug all the while, for that matter lol - so let's keep hoping.

If you can tolerate the notorious Qing dynasty hairstyle on men (not him! don't worry about that), I'd say HEROES is worth giving a try.


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What episode was LYN's cameo? I need to watch that. I read that it got awfil parts but I stopped caring so I didnt know it had a HEA.

They are so critical when the poor girl is only fangirling.

I will just have to see if I can tolerate the hairstyle. I am not a fan though.


@jillian Ep36 and 37.

When cnetz stop criticizing everyone for as much as breathing, we can safely assume they're dead^^

To be fair, most of the people with THE hairstyle in drama look quite decent with it.


Thanks @gikata! ☺️ I will watch those episodes.

I guess ppl just have too much time in their hands that they spend it complaining and sharing it online.


I put "Joy of Life 2" on hold because this season is not working for me, and I had too high of an expectation. Shocking, I know.
I picked up "Heroes," and I'm enjoying it more. It helped that I'm a bit familiar with the history. Looking forward to the ost.


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That's a rare sentiment these days - I see on my tl that fans of S1 mostly enjoy the sequel, aside of minor complains about changed filter/actors loosing too much weight etc.

HEROES is better in the first half, I'm afraid. I'm gonna finish it anyway - yes, even despite ending spoilers which I was neither shocked nor angry at - but it would've been really great if writing and pace remained as impressive as in initial episodes.


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I'll watch and see where it'll take me. The historical background keeps it grounded.


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Historical background is the winning point indeed. Makes me wonder if adding so many fictional elements on top of that was the right choice (yeah, I'm still salty over inclusion of "magic monks" and the nonsense they brought with them).


I'm really enjoying JOL2 but it's definitely different than season 1. Actors have aged, technology has improved, and we're into a different section of the story, which may have a different pace/tone (idk as I haven't read the source material).

How many eps have you watched? There was definitely a "warm up" feel in the first half dozen or so. The story really starts to accelerate after that. I remember not particularly liking the first few eps of the original either.

The production team was really in a bind with the season. The first one felt like an indie drama. It's always fun when an indie becomes a wild success. This one clearly has a huge budget and expectations to match.

Although it's a bit slow in places (I'm only up to ep 10), I'm still enthralled with the level of detail, the intricately woven story lines that keep your brain on, the skilled direction, and the masterful ways the key actors deliver their lines. Also, I'm loving the new characters. And Wu Xing Jian in place of Xiao Zhan is fantastic.

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you pick it back up again!


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Need to head out, brb.


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It was exciting to reconnect with the cast and meet the new additions. I watched up to episode 8. I preferred the more serious tone and higher stakes of season 1. The princes are not Fan Xian's equal. I don't find them exciting as opponents or even in a battle of wit like he would with Chen Ping Ping or the emperor.
I think it'd be better if I waited until it's done to binge it, which I intend to do.


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The story changes in tone quite a bit after ep 8, so I think you'll be pleased. I totally understand waiting to binge later though 😉


Aww, our Long Ballad couple were so cute. I'm looking forward to their new show.


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They really were! And still are in their making videos. I'm both anticipating and dreading the drama release because while it looks like it's gonna be very entertaining, the background mess it will surely come with makes me feel exhausted already. Why can't we have nice things?


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I'm staying the heck away from any toxic websites. LOL


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I'm not confident simply doing that would help much, unless you mean "anything other than DB" as toxic sites... and even here - are we truly 100% safe?


Can’t we have some new pics for the OT, pretty please? Like Kim Hyeyoon and Song Geonhee?


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or the squirrel dance from True Beauty


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I've been thinking about bromances in Kdramas or in the Korean culture in general. I will admit I am more drawn and aware of the dynamics of guys vs women in kdramas so I don't even know if women are shown to have close relationships in dramas or in reality. I can't even think of any dramas or instances when there was a strong female friendship rapport in anything I've seen.

In kdramas, to me, it seems if the guys get along, it just radiates onscreen. For example: Weak Hero Class 1, Goblin (I've never seen it but I've heard about it) and Bloodhounds. For variety shows, Running Man or 1n2d (I've only seen S1 but given how long lasting it is, I assume the dynamics are still at play though those shows were more strongly sunbae/hoobae but still).
I've seen guys, typically older but I think I've seen it between 20 somethings, refer to each other as 자기야 (which translates to Honey or Babe). I don't know if Korean women do this too (I'll assume they do but I just haven't seen it).

I find it interesting how strong fraternity and male friendships are fostered.

In a reaction video I watched of Bloodhounds, two guys were reacting to a scene when one of the boxers fed the other boxer and one of the reacters was like "how come you never feed me like that" and the other reacter was like "what I look like [feeding you]". It was all joking and comfortable but it's just one of those moments that made me think about the ways male friendships are displayed.


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Tale of Nine tailed is a great example of how bromance can top it all


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The relationship between the ML and 2ML in Hometown Cha3 was the whole reason I finished that drama...


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Plus one. I liked this bromance too.


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Yeon and Rang are the best couple in that show. Well maybe with the addition of Hong Joo I vote for her and Yeon as my next favorite.


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If you want sismamce
Hello my twenties
Because this is my first life
Weightlifting fairy
Twenty Five Twenty One
Business Proposal


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Be Melodramatic
Thirty Nine


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I saw this comment, @bbstl, in the comment stream and spent a good five minutes just imagining what the question was for these two dramas to be the answer!!

I couldn't get it...so had to cheat and look 😇

I agree as well!

I might add for excellent female relationships:

* Search: WWW
* Sh**ting Stars
* Extraordinary Attorney Woo!!


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Wow, I just realized that I confuse Search:WWW and Be Melodramatic for each other.


Omo I thought I was the only one who enjoyed browsing the comment stream and imagining what they are in response to. It's oddly satisfying and fun 😂


Behind Your Touch (very much!)
Our Blooming Youth
That sageuk with the speak-easies, too, FL's partner in crime? Though maybe they are more just business partners.
Wouldn't you say Matchmakers, too?
And how about Knight Flower? Her and her voluntary servant girl?
And though it's a strange relationship, the best friend in Lovely Runner?
And SG Bong-Soon had that kind of close friend, too.
Between Choowon and Aegyong it can be discussed it it's a womance or just uncle/niece/sister relationships, but ... they are close, for sure.
Her Private Life - her café owner friend that the ML at first thinks is her lesbian love.
In Smalltown Cha-Cha-Cha ... doesn't a friend/assistant follow her to be her assistant at her new clinic, too?


@ceciliedk I think there are a whole lot of them! The question is how you perceive them…as novel and interesting or tired and haggard :)


Crash Course in Romance - the mother and her friend
Actually, a lot of FL's are very alone and do not have any close friendships at all, not I look at it. Maybe because the story is about how they go from lonesome to loved? But they often start up as loners and don't even have a group of friends that like them at all.


It's funnier if the friendship is more than just being a good listener. If they actually stick out their necks for each other, and if they have a secret, they spill the beans.
When the friend in Behind your Touch got immensely drunk in order to drink the mayor under the table for the FL to touch his butt, or when Woo and her Friend had a whole ritual they performed when they met, or all of Glitch, that is VERY womantic, and where they save each other's lives all the time (but also, it's more than womance, innit?) those are memorable.
But also, sometimes you feel the depth of the friendship more, even without having to risk their lives. Just in the way the girls/women are close when they are alone.


Oh is that really what it's called between women? Sismance?


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It doesn't have the same impact, does it? lol


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It does not haha


I think I have seen a better name. Bromance is of course built around the common "ro" of both words. So an equivalent for women would be what ever could start with sister OR girl, woman, ... (actually: Womance) or even bitch, brat, or chick and end in something like "romance, love, heart, feeling ...."


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Sismance is just close friendships between/among women. Bromance is just celebrated because of how toxic masculinity has conditioned non-queer men to monitor and regulate their emotions around each other just in case they hug, kiss and share deep feelings. So, bromance is the acceptable patriarchal context but the fucking hype about it everywhere made it seem like men have invented close friendships. Huh!


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Yes, I agree with you that the fear of revealing homosexual attraction has conditioned bromance, and does explain why the tropes I was talking about below exist, because obviously competitive men are not homosexual men (this is sarcasm, I assure you.)

Still, although it depends on what show or movie you are talking about, a more sympathetic take on the why of bromance would be that it allows the depiction of love between men in a non-"BL" show, implying such feelings are okay, without having to deal with all the plot and political implications that open homosexuality would involve.

Thinking about this reminds me of one of the weirdest scenes in that very weird show Strong Girl Bong Soon, when Park Hyung Sik and Ji-soo are engaged in one of those competitive drinking sessions and in their drunkeness, they dance and even kiss while Park Bo-young's character watches jealously. (at least that is how I recall it-its been a few years since I've seen it, and I have no desire to go back, although one episode of the recent Strong Girl Nam Soon was enough to make the previous Strong Girl look like an alltime classic.


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I couldn’t stand that drama given the racism and the awful gender politics of Jisu’s character so dropped it after a while hence didn’t see that scene but take your word for it. Skinship between ostensibly non-queer KD male characters has an interesting homoerotic edge to it but I also understand it has been normalised between men in RL to an extent. I’ve noticed though that some KDs actively stay away from the more overt aspects of such skinship where others go to town. Certainly if anyone was a queer male, it would be a bit of freedom from the repressive and discriminatory mores.


There are so many problems with SGBS, but Ji-soo's sexism is fun, I think considering how he is always protecting this fragile girl who throws around busses and gangsters like they were candy paper. Most clearly demonstrated in the scene where he is asking Min-min to protect her, while she is stomping poor Min-min's foot in the "don't dare to reveal me" way, and her being all aegyo above the table.
Also, towards the end, Ji-soo says that if he had only known, this whole thing could have been different. He and she both played into traditional sexist patterns because of a misunderstanding, (he thought she was fragile so said he liked fragile girls hoping she would hear it, and she did hear it and did her best to act fragile, confirming his belief, and so they ended up never really getting to know each other. Which you could say is *always* the result of strong traditional roles. You end up playing a sexist pantomime your whole life and don't even know yourself who you are).


Glitch ;-)


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I haven't watched too many variety shows, although I imagine just like dating shows, the bros are instructed (or just fall into) a certain persona that may not be how they actually are in real life. If they are good actors, and most of the stars are, I think its pretty hard to say "I can just tell they really do like each other." What you can say for sure is that they know how to portray male affection whether they feel it or not. Its just like heterosexual romantic chemistry in kdramas--there are some actors and actresses that are really good at romance and so you say "they have great chemistry." Behind the scenes videos are released showing them joking together on set, or even holding hands preparatory to a love scene (which I imagine might be a good way to get comfortable for the acting out of physical affection), and so everyone says "they clearly really like each other in real life" when it could be they are just solid professionals, who know the best working environment is based on staying on good terms with your colleagues, whether you like them or not.

As a former bro, (actually still a literal bro) I generally don't like it when kdramas set out to make you say "what a bromance" because, like all kdramas it is generally based on a trope, and this particular trope does not strike me as generally true to life: that is, exaggerate the initial or continuing competitiveness between two men, have them compete and win each others grudging respect through competition, and then finally in the end, or in key moments, support each other as bros. The characters either initially physically fight or they get into some sort absurd competition involving something like cleaning an apartment or playing a kids game, and then end up lying exhausted on the ground next to each other, still sniping at each other but obviously now with a different tone of affection.

Of course, the most common competition is to try to outdrink each other, and a typical sequence goes like this: two male rivals are drinking together; their drinking quickly becomes competitive as they down shot after shot, glaring at each other; they become so inebriated they start sloppily pouring each other drinks; then either one carries the other out of the bar, or they drunkenly stagger to noraebang where they sing sentimental duets together, and then the next day they wake up in an embrace and they recoil in shock. I've noticed that this kind of tropey sequence will always get at least a few commentators saying "I love the bromance" whereas when it comes to romantic chemistry between a male and a female, in general commentators are much more inclined to disagree.

But just like romantic chemistry, bromance is in the eye of the beholder, and a lot of times, I just don't feel it, especially when competitiveness is portrayed as the core.


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But the examples I used really DO have those dynamics offscreen. They say how they are like brothers or how they love the other. I think I've seen interviews after the show wrapped when they say they became closer after filming but it's interesting that even as they're filming that spark is so evident.

I think there are some actors who seem to have particularly good chemistry when they work with/are around other guys such as Lee Seung Gi and Choi Hyun Wook


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I believe @hacja's point is that these men are professional actors, so it ought to be very difficult to tell when they're being themselves or when they're pretending for the camera/their image/to make money.


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But my point was about the culture of male relationships & dynamics in general.


Also, Korean men almost all go through the period of forced bro-ness that is their military service.


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Oh yeah, I didn't even consider that aspect.


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I recently read that Kristen Stewart and what's-his-name Cedric/Edward ... Patterson! that they were asked to pretend they were lovers off-screen, too. But they never really dated, they were just colleagues.


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There are noticeably fewer memorable deep women friendships in dramaland compared to men.
King the Land is one that hasn't been mentioned yet.

But there are so so many beautifully depicted male friendships.


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So it wasn't just me being completely oblivious?! Haha

Even the best onscreen female friendships don't seem to hit as hard or well as male friendships. I know there have been times when people have said the bromance outshone the official romance in a drama but I don't know if that's ever been the case for female friend relationships.


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Maybe it has something to do with writers being mostly women? Female fantasies and whatnot?

Now that I think of it, there are a lot of captivating mother-daughter duos that in some cases kinda eclipse the main romance...


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Yeah, I think there's room here to wonder if one just isn't so privy to one kind of relationship or another so they strike the viewer as more-or-less interesting because of how common or foreign they are to one's daily experience...


I think @attiton is right, I am a lot harsher on depictions of male bromances than romances, particularly when they involve really absurdly juvenile behavior (which I well know exists among adult men in real life, but I can tell you does not always characterize male friendship.)

But speaking of seeing yourself in kdramas, I am always a little disappointed when the moral of a "friends to lovers" rom-com is that "women can never be just friends to men." Throughout my life, many of my best friends have been women, with never any hint of sexual tension, at least that I am aware of. The standard television/movie depiction of this mixed sex friendship when its not a romance is always that the guy is gay.


@hacja I know of some guy who said to his wife that he liked meeting up with old friends but was a bit tired of all that juvenile d*ck measuring that some of them were very keen on keeping going. They seemed to feel that to not lose the "good ol' friendship" they'd have to keep doing the same things they did when they were 17. But they were in their thirties now.
So what I am saying is sometimes some "bros" can get tired of all those things, too.


And I agree with you that the idea that men and women can't be friends is so tiresome.
I mean, even with the occasional touch of would we/could we, that doesn't mean that the friendship is doomed, because it doesn't have to be the dominant feature of a friendly relationship. The answer could simply be "Maybe, but no" and the friendship continues. 🤷🏻


It depends on whether you are defining friendships as one to one, or whether you are talking about a trio of women, because that is pretty standard, a trio of young women friends. In fact, I can probably name a dozen of those. And while any of them center around their collective problem with men, not all are romances--many of them instead in the end deal with their relations with each other and with their work.

I have wondered, though why its always 3 women, whereas in bromances, its generally 2 men.


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As a woman, I can attest that although there are many trios of women, or even twos, but those that show a really real honest and deep friendship are rare.


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I think that's the case with men as well. What kdrama comes to mind that captures an honest and deep friendship between men, as opposed to a semi-comically portrayed relationship, or one based on hidden rivalries that result in constant sparring?

Maybe friendship is just hard to capture in the often melodramatic plots of kdramas, since unlike romance, which always involves the intensity of physical desire, plus grand rituals like love confessions, marriages and divorces, deep friendship is not really easily encapsulated in dramatic moments.


@hacja, this may not be exactly where you are going but I saw one of the best displays of male friendship in JTBC’s THE GOOD DETECTIVE (2020) (Viki US).
The scene takes place in a relatively quiet squad room at night where Det. Kang Do-chang (Son Hyun-joo) is interviewing a gang boss/thug he had arrested (played by Lee Gyu-ho, the big guy-Mr. Goo in DRTK). Mr. Thug is boasting about his ‘backing’ outside. As this is going on one by one Do-chang’s cop buddies (even some retired guys who came by the station after a reunion looking for him) slowly walk over to stand by and behind Do-chang and he identifies them by name and job as they arrive. At the end iirc there might have been 10-15 guys around him. He basically says to Mr. Thug, ‘fine, this is who I have behind me”. I loved it.


Aren't all trios of women who know one another called "covens?"

(It's a joke folks.)


hacja, the ML and SML in Greasy Melo/Wok of Love is really special and does not grow out of rivalry but in spite of it.
And the guy who so wants to be friends with the ML in "It's Okay ..." though what that really is, I'm not sure.
Misaeng may have some actual friendship? And maybe Run-on, e.g. between ML and the guy he avenges?


As a woman, I can say that then I am probably the one half of all those that are real honest and deep. Because I have had several close friendships with girls, later women. And they are not ended, but some of us have got busy in other areas so that we don't automatically meet like we used to.
I apologize for haven taken all those rare friends so that there are less for everybody else.


I haven't seen it, but I've heard Avenger's Social Club has some good sismance of the comedic variety.


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This one is good, but its an example of what I'm talking about, the trio of women.


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OK, well, now I'm really going to think about this. What are your desiderata, @hacja? Do the men and women (pairs only need apply) have to be friends before the drama starts? Or can they become friends as part of the plot so long as the friendship-creation doesn't revolve around a form of "enemies-to-lovers" progression?


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@attiton The one criteria is that they cannot once or now have romantic feelings for the woman--in other words they cannot have once been lovers, or alternatively, cannot include a loser in a love triangle who still carries a torch for the woman.


Well, I can think of one right away because I just saw it, in Link: Eat Kill Love between the ML and his sous-chef. They were friends who worked and stuck together.

I think more on it too...


Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

I finished my first official work week!🥳 Yes, I started three weeks ago, but the holidays and some workday switcheroo disturbed the original schedule. Tuesdays at the office, Thursday and Friday morning in my quiet space. A trustworthy source told me that my new boss is happy to have me, so I am starting to get more comfortable, and hopeful about the future.😇

The sleep schedule still needs some work, though.😂 I am both tired and eager to do something creative…and ignoring the creative chores I still have not started in the process.🤣 I sadly am in a bit of a slump, so there is not much reading or watching to hyperfixate on. Maybe the June crop is the answer? Two shows have caught my attention and real life should have toned down by then.🙏🏻


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👏👏👏 For completing your work week. Hopefully it will get easier and more interesting in the upcoming days. Hwaiting!!


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It should, it is only the beginning now after all. ;) Thank you for your encouragement!


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Well done on the full work week. I hope you crack the sleep schedule soon too.
The schedule for dramas has been a steady flow recently so I am sure you will find one or more that work for you soon.


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Slumps are a Beanie rite of passage to focus on rest or other (new) interests, it will work out fine either way! ;)


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Work Later, Drink Now is another fun show revolving around a trio of women who fight and bicker, but always have each others back when it really counts.


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For anyone who's been as enthralled by the BGM of Atypical Family as me, I found a link to this interview on Twitter, with composer Jung Jae Hyung. I hope it has the auto-translated version.


No other show in recent times has had such captivating music, to my ears. The last one that I really loved was this random show I found on Netflix called Pine Gap, by Burkhard Dallwitz.
I'd like if anyone has reccos for similar new musicians/ albums in the same vein.


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after 2 weeks on the back burner and with only 30 minutes to go, i finally finished "Alchemy of souls". i had a feeling something bad was gonna happen so i couldn't bring myself to see the end. saw it today. now i need to see part 2!
also, entangled with "boys over flowers" and "cinderella & 4 knights" bc i guess i am in a poor girl+chaebol vibe LOL


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Young Lady and Gentleman: watching Ep. 51, Yeun sil she is so delightfully common with her screeching and caterwauling, how could any man be married to that? Oh, I know it’s the role she is playing, but do women in South Korea really act like that? Half the time this little Vegemite has a hard time sorting the fact from the fiction! And Dan Dan's father he's a right royal little dictator! I do like whatsisname, the rich bloke though, not because he's rich but because he seems quite sane and reasonable compared to the other fellas.

Mi Sook did a full 360° turn when it was her son living with his girlfriend! I thought it would be because she might think the girl not good enough for her boy, but no - it was the fact that he left his mummy! Haha…


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