OPEN FORUM: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon vs What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim
(Just curious… and bored… mostly bored..)

I’d like to thank the people who participate in my sadistic contests! Have Fun!


    Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim. To be honest, I vaguely remember these two dramas since I’ve seen it when it came out. Regardless, I do remember enjoying both these dramas. Both these dramas had comedic factor to its episodes as well as a serious side to it. What’s wrong with secretary Kim plot revolved around the trauma of the two main leads, where as Strong Woman Do Bong Soon was a thriller (I forgot the details). AND I HONESTLY JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO WINS HAHAHA


    I’ve noticed I can never vote for these because I’ve only watched one or the other!


    I hate them both. kkk
    Wait, I did manage to finish SWDB, my level of masochism is high, but on the other hand nothing in Secretary Kim annoyed me on the same level, it was just badly written and boring, but SWDB had a nice cute ML and SKim had nothing and a bad message about the FL. However SWDB had domestic violence and terrible gay jokes. I can’t vote!


    Secretary Kim. Just by comparison, not that I love it much.


    SWDBS!!! Admittedly, I watched Secretary Kim while I was having exams so I was extremely stressed and somehow glossed over its problems and just focused on Park Min-Young because she’s distracting like that.
    SWDBS had its issues but the leads were cute and I mostly appreciated how much the ML loved DBS for her strength. Also, it was fun watching PBY, a tiny human, do physically impossible things.
    Secretary Kim was just – no! It was fun at times (I admit) but their relationship was just too unbalanced.


    Oh jeez, Secretary Kim! SWBDS was a mess for me. Plus, Park Seo Joon!


    I didn’t care for either. Wait no, let me rephrase. I absolutely despised SWDBS. It is one of the most horribly written dramas I’ve seen in a long time. The only reason I finished it is because I was hate watching it. It was so so bad. I could write essays on how bad it is.

    As for Secretary Kim, I wasn’t a fan of it. I hated that the whole drama centered around her quitting and finding herself, but then she never does quit and just hooks up with a guy instead. They retain their power imbalance of him being her boss and her being his servant/secretary.


    The FIRST HALF of Strong Woman.


    I didn’t watch SWDBS and I’m not planning to as I heard it is horrible.

    I watched Secretary Kim, and still wonder why. It had a pass in the first half, but then it all went to… the OTP kissing for eight episodes and nothing happening and nothing interesting.

    So I’ll go with none.


    I would say Strong Women Do Bong Soon, as much as I hate the serial killer storyline. I did enjoy watching this drama a lot each week. Secretary kim, the whole point was her trying to find herself and then she ended up working as the secretary for him again. She didn’t even take a holiday! What exactly has changed in their relationship -absolutely nothing.


      SWDBS – I liked watching park hyung shik and bo-young each week. I did also like his personal assistant as I though his reactions were funny.


    Although both were disappointing, enjoyed the comedy in WWWSK more. The side characters were really funny!


    The ONLY thing I liked in SWDBS is the interaction between the OTP. The rest was shit.

    I find PMY and PSJ very pleasing to the eye. But I tuned in each week to watch just KKY (the Vice President).
