Coffee House: Page 18 (Final)

I enjoyed this finale. Finale episodes are tricky things. You have to wrap up the story, but not in such a rushed way that it feels crammed, like the drama ran out of time. We as the audience usually need some time to come down from the emotional climax, and a drama that cuts off too soon after that leaves us feeling shafted. On the other hand, you can’t leave so little for the last episode that it feels like an epilogue instead, with random scenes filling out the time after the final conflict is resolved.

This episode settled the major conflicts and gave us some nice character moments, and wrapped things up on an upbeat note. That’s pretty good for a finale, I’d say.


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Seung-yeon hears about the wedding fiasco soon afterward; having heeded Jin-soo’s request not to go to the wedding, she calls Dong-wook to ask if he could give the cash gift on her behalf, which she’ll repay later. (By and large, cash is given at Korean weddings rather than registry items.) Dong-wook tells her that it will be unnecessary, and explains what happened.

At the wedding hall, the scammy publisher (Mr. Yoon) is carried out on a stretcher while police take stock of the mess of a banquet hall. The mothers are in a fit over Jin-soo’s behavior, Ji-won is aggravated, and Eun-young looks at the damage in dazed shock. Her employees wonder what to do, guessing that even though they aren’t Jin-soo’s reps anymore, perhaps they ought to step in.

Finally, Eun-young comes out of her reverie, and her warring emotions solidify into one: anger.

She bursts out in a fury, swearing at Jin-soo, calling him all the names she used to throw at him (bastard, son of a bitch). She storms out of the hall and out the building, but her anger gets pushed aside at the sight of Jin-soo being escorted into a police car in handcuffs.

She rushes up to the car window and looks at him in shock and dismay. Jin-soo has been wearing a grim expression on his face, but when he turns to see her looking in, he gives her his trademark smile. The car pulls away and he’s taken to the station, leaving Eun-young (and the wedding party and the swarm of reporters) reeling.

Now Eun-young snaps into action and heads straight to her office to work on handling the aftermath. She scoffs at Jin-soo’s promise to find her a way out if she wasn’t certain, because as far as she’s concerned his solution is hardly better than the problem.

Ji-won also understands Jin-soo’s motivation, although he believes that Eun-young doesn’t know. He’s surprised to find that she has left the wedding hall, and I wonder if this is the moment when the shoe drops for him — that even when her wedding has been ruined, she dives back into work.

Jin-soo is locked up in jail for the night while a barrage of news stories emerges on the internet and television. He reads the latest reports from his cell phone. Thanks to the wedding cameras, the whole attack is caught on video and from multiple angles.

Seung-yeon arrives at the jail in shock, not understanding why he would have acted so out of character. His image is completely trashed and this could really affect his career. What drove him to it? She has enough faith in his character — bless her heart! — that she knows there must be a greater reason, and strives to make sense of it.

Jin-soo plays his role to the hilt, and goes along with Seung-yeon’s assumptions. For instance, she asks if this happened because he needs money — there are rumors that he racked up gambling debts — and that led him to deal with Yoon. Jin-soo sighs, laying it on thick and acting saddened to have lost her respect. He does need money, and he turns into “this kind of person” (as in profligate) when he’s not writing.

Seizing upon an idea, he says that there’s one way for him to dig himself out of this mess, and that’s to write a book. That’ll bring him income to pay off his debt and settle with Yoon. Alas, he doesn’t have a suitable topic — where to get one? If only he knew a great, refreshing story that he could whip up into a book. Seung-yeon understands what he’s getting at — he’s hardly being subtle, mumbling things like “Galapagos” — but is loath to give in to his implied request.

Finally, she very reluctantly gives in and tells him he can take her idea… to which he bursts out that she’s crazy. Why would he steal her idea? Clearly he was just having a bit of fun at her expense. What else is new?

After consulting with her lawyer, Eun-young visits the police station to talk with Jin-soo, who is still in custody. The lawyer takes an optimistic approach to this, but Eun-young is still angry with Jin-soo and gives him the harsh version. His future holds three possibilities: he’ll have to face ejection from the literary world, or write pulp novels for Yoon forever, or declare bankruptcy.

Even the attorney finds that excessive, although the issue of his gambling debts IS a problem. At this, Jin-soo finally gets reveals his plan by giving him a card. He says that he has been building up a case against publisher Yoon’s mistreatment of new writers, and his lawyer has all the information. Jin-soo requests that the lawyer drag out the case as slowly as possible, since the guy could stand to be mired in legal troubles for a while (and Jin-soo isn’t in a desperate rush to clear his own name).

This news stuns the other two — if he was operating on noble motives, then why let his name get tarnished? Why attack the man as he did? Jin-soo looks at Eun-young as he offers up the vague explanation: “I’m a bastard and an asshole.”

Eun-young asks for privacy, then tells Jin-soo to explain in plain words. So he does:

(1) He wanted to block a wedding that she wasn’t sure about, (2) but he didn’t want to turn her into the bad guy, (3) plus he felt he should be responsible for the whole chaos, (4) but it would hurt her if he ruined himself too much, so he found himself an out. (5) Still, if he needed a scapegoat at least it should be someone who deserved it, (6) and because she made him do something he’s never once done before, (7) “I love you.”

Seung-yeon goes to Eun-young’s office, but finds Ji-won there instead. He invites her to sit down with a drink, in a darker mood than usual. Now that the crap has hit the fan, he explains the situation and tells Seung-yeon that he had told Jin-soo to leave. She doesn’t understand why he would do that until he clarifies that Jin-soo bought the ring intending to give it to Eun-young.

That’s a shock to Seung-yeon, who had guessed nothing of the kind. Ji-won continues talking, more to himself than to her, as he asks if she thinks Eun-young will leave him. He thinks she will. Even though she treated him well, “I was happy, but strangely I felt uneasy.”

A family interlude shows us that Dad has now moved his courtship into full gear, and the dry-cleaner ajumma is introduced to the family, as is her daughter. All goes well until Seung-chul comes home, and he’s immediately miffed, which cracks me up. Aw, the little boy is acting even littler!

Seung-chul pouts in his room alone with his mobile game console, and balks when the little girl (Min-ji from Oh My Lady, you may recall) joins him. He’s not at all inclined to share, until she calls him oppa — and that one word, as we know, holds the power to turn surly attitudes sweet. In no time the two are playing the game together, Seung-chul’d earlier enmity forgotten.

(There’s absolutely no romantic hint in the word oppa in this case, but it still has an effect — it turns him into the protector, the man. For Seung-chul, who’s always been the baby of the family, this is a role that flatters his vanity. Oh, boys.)

By the time Eun-young returns to her office, Ji-won has finished the entire bottle of wine and has sunk into a depressed mood. He senses that she has something to say, and they don’t have to say it in words to know what’s coming.

In fact, Eun-young doesn’t speak at all while Ji-won breaks down in tears. Tears form in her eyes, too; she feels bad to witness his pain, but she can’t tell him he’s wrong, either.

The next time Eun-young visits Jin-soo at the police station, he’s looking rougher for wear. He brushes it off as a slight fight in the jail, but she knows right away what really happened — Ji-won. Jin-soo tells her that he let himself be pummeled, since he knows he earned it.

Eun-young comes with a contract, which Jin-soo reads through. Two parts are yet undetermined (number of books and date of completion), so he volunteers the information. Should he agree to 30 books? That’ll take up the next 60 years. He can have the first book ready on Christmas Eve, which should give them both time to “settle matters.”

Jin-soo speaks in terms of their business partnership, but it also serves double-duty for their personal lives. He signs the contract, and then she signs. He says that at the very least, they will have this relationship for the rest of their lives.

But he means that as a minimum, not as the whole: Jin-soo offers his hand for a shake, and when they do, he turns her hand over and slides the ring on. He says this is to commemorate their contract, but since the contract is tied to their relationship, again it has a dual meaning.

He tells Eun-young that he will spend the time until then writing the book. Christmas Eve, then, becomes their new start.

Next, Jin-soo drops by Seung-yeon’s family cafe, which stuns her; she hadn’t known he’d gotten out of jail. She guesses that his departure is imminent, because she sensed he would drop by once before leaving. He’s a little impressed that she knows him so well, and comments that she’s gotten more perceptive.

Tears form in her eyes, but she tries to ignore them as she tells him things worked well for him and congratulates him. She adds that like he said, she’s more perceptive now, and that lets him know that she’s aware of his relationship with Eun-young.

He looks sorry to see her fighting back her tears and says he’s sorry, which she tries to laugh off even as the tears start falling in earnest.

Jin-soo is a little uncertain how to react, so he sits there quietly while Seung-yeon cries. It’s a lovely beat, actually, and there are a few other moments in the episode that echo it. I like the idea that there’s something important going on here, but that the characters need to just sit there and let it be while the emotion works its way out.

When finally Seung-yeon stops crying, it’s an hour later, and she thanks him for sitting with her. Jin-soo remembers that he has something for her, and hands it to her. He jokes that if she’s on track to publishing her book at the age of 40, this is to cut five years from the timeline.

It turns out to be an open ticket to the Galapagos Islands, valid for the next year. Jin-soo says, “I’m not telling you to confirm the things you’ve imagined. When you face reality, another world will open up that is on a different level from what you thought of at your desk. Grab that. Then you can cut out five years.”

Seung-yeon is moved, but Jin-soo keeps up his teasing tone as he prods, “What do you think? Don’t you respect me? You respect me the most in the whole world, don’t you?” She answers simply, “Yes. You did the right thing. You protected what you wanted to protected, and paid the cost. I think you did what was right.”

He smiles. “You’re the only one who would say I did the right thing.” She smiles back, and says with her customary hyperbole, “Aren’t I the best secretary of all time?”

Jin-soo answers, “You’re right. You’re the best ever. Although I’ve only ever had one.”

As Seung-yeon watches Jin-soo drive away, she thinks, “I’ll remember that day, that moment, forever. It was when my life turned over its Page One.”

The seasons pass until we land in the winter. It’s snowing outside, and it’s Christmas Eve. At the radio station, Seung-yeon has been promoted to main writer, and she’s about to set off on a trip — to the Galapagos.

At the publishing company, Eun-young takes a meeting with some business contacts who have heard she is on her way to meet Jin-soo today. They’ve heard rumors that Jin-soo’s fallen off the wagon, and while they aren’t sure if the stories are true, they urge her to get him on his feet and make sure he’s not gambling away.

At the Kang home, the dry-cleaner ajumma has become part of the household, as has her daughter. Dong-wook’s arrival raises no eyebrows so it appears they’re used to seeing him around, although it isn’t clear whether he and Seung-yeon have officially resumed dating.

Dong-wook is here to drive Seung-yeon to the airport, and she’s scrambling to pack in time to make it in time. Finally, she’s off…

…and we pick up in some unnamed tropical locale.

Jin-soo sits in a summery paradise, working on his writing, which is where Eun-young finds him. She wears his ring, and mouths to him, “Merry Christmas.”

In the intervening months, Ji-won has grown harder and more irritable, judging from the way he addresses his new colleagues when he transfers to a new office. Being jilted has left him in a perpetual bad mood, and he resents little things like having to go meet his new colleague rather than having the colleague come to him.

That is, until he actually meets her, and finds that she’s an attractive blonde woman named Julia.

Immediately the old Ji-won is back, cheesy salute and all. He turns on the charm (well, his version of what passes for charm), and when he hears that Julia has no holiday plans — she’s new to Korea and hasn’t made friends yet — he offers his company. They end up having flirty drinks, to assure us that Eun-young’s departure will not be an eternal source of misery for Ji-won.

As Seung-yeon settles into her plane seat, she thinks, “I may not know where you are right now, but I know who you’re with. Today is the first day that the lifetime contract for Lee Jin-soo and Seo Eun-young goes into effect, and the two of you will be reuniting right now.”

And then she thinks what they’re up to “privately”: “Today is your wedding anniversary, and this is your honeymoon.”

As the episode heads to a close, we’re given a bit of closure to the rest of the cast, such as Dong-wook and the cafe family. Dong-wook finally promotes the guy who’s been begging to be manager of Page One, and also promotes the other two as co-managers. (Poor fourth employee is left unpromoted, but you can’t feel too bad because he’s always been scolded for slacking.)

Life goes on for the Kang family, the publishing company, the radio station employees, and the screen fills up with old clips from previous episodes…

…then pulls back to show us that all this has comprised “Page 1.”

The camera slides over from the frame to show us that now it’s time to move on to Page 2. And Page 3, and 4, and 5.


The Jin-soo/Eun-young relationship resolved pretty neatly and relied on a few fallback devices, but given what they were dealing with I’m generally satisfied with how it worked out. Jin-soo’s wacky wedding interruption shows a complete reversal of his character from the beginning of the drama, which is significant. Early on, he has to suffer through undesirable circumstances because he can’t stand to have other people thinking badly of him. By the last episode, he doesn’t care what the world thinks of him, and actually perpetuates a more negative image than he deserves. The only opinion he cares about is Eun-young’s, and it doesn’t bother him to be made into a public scandal.

Y’all know how I feel about time-skips in finale episodes — it’s a lazy way to resolve tensions because duh, time heals wounds, but what about the ones the DRAMA inflicted upon the characters?. Still, I’m more accepting of them in a drama that has used the time-skip throughout the series, not just in a final episode, as Coffee House has done.

It doesn’t work as well for the supporting characters as it does for the main ones (I’ll get to them in a minute), however, because those feel tacked on. I don’t have any reason to buy that Dong-wook and Seung-yeon are now in a relationship because all drama long, she has been indifferent to him (romantically). I know that it’s supposed to be a nice way to give us the warm fuzzies at the end, but it hasn’t earned them.

Ji-won’s romance at the end is also supposed to soften the blow of losing Eun-young, but it feels like a cop-out because I don’t think the drama adequately resolved their relationship. If it was going to be as simple as her leaving him, what was the point of showing the family bits, and having her so torn? You can make some attempts at explanation by saying that ultimately Ji-won hasn’t changed and that Eun-young wasn’t his end-all, be-all. Or that Eun-young’s love for Jin-soo was so strong that it trumped the other things. I just think that if a drama dug this hole for its characters, it should show a plausible way for them to have gotten out of it, rather than fast-forwarding to where the pain is dulled.

But at least the time leap works for our main couple, and that’s the one that matters, right? At first I wondered why it was necessary at all, because it seemed like Jin-soo and Eun-young had made their decision at the police station. It also recalled the train station parting two years ago, so why repeat the moment?

The key difference is that Jin-soo never gave Eun-young a bottom line in the past; he told her how he felt and they left the door open for the future, but they both had very different ideas of what that meant. So when Eun-young is facing her wedding to Ji-won, her lament is that Jin-soo never gave her hope before, and she moved on with her life. This time, he gives her a hard date and a promise.

I liked the Affair to Remember vibe of his plan; there’s an old-school sort of charm to it. Minus the crippling accident, of course. (The couple falls in love but isn’t ready to make a commitment yet, so they agree separate while they get their affairs in order — they’re both in relationships — and meet in six months’ time.) In this case it gives Eun-young the time to settle her broken engagement, while it gives Jin-soo time to write his book and prepare for their “lifetime contract.” Which, by the way, is a cute way to tie the whole business-or-friendship question.

All in all, this was a refreshing drama that flirted with unconventional setups, and I appreciated it for that. I admit to getting a little fatigued toward the end, but I also think that the antagonistic fan wars may have had more to do with that than the drama itself. For some reason this drama set off some short fuses with people, and I hope that in this last post at least, we can remain respectful of those who disagree with our opinions.

Ultimately I’d say that this drama most benefited Park Shi-yeon, who has managed to show that she has improved dramatically over the years. More significantly, this role stretched her range and showed peopel that she doesn’t always have to play the femme fatale — which is a character that she fits in appearance but not at all in temperament. I hope she gets a lot more fun dramatic roles in the future that allow her to depart from the sexy, sophisticated image.

It was also a solid platform for Ham Eun-jung, who I had issues with for overacting but I think generally held her own. Kang Ji-hwan has had bigger hits and I daresay he’ll be bummed at the lowish ratings, but he’s way too talented not to get meatier roles in the future.

Till then!


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thanks JavaBeans for a great recaps for Coffee House! it was a great ride!!!

Love the ending!!! I do love how factual JS sounds as he explained his actions for wrecking EY's wedding. Its so direct and honest.

For SY the goodbye scene especially the crying quiet moments was just wonderfully done. How JS respects SY emotions were the indications that he also have high regards for SY. Quiet little like that helps me (the viewer) be with the moment their in as well.

Even though im not really a fan of time-skip as a device to resolve issues i'll let it pass in this drama because they dont use it only in the ending but through out the show so I might saw it coming, also the situation that our ultimate pairing have how cant be resolve immediately, they need time to settle all of their unfinished business so they can start anew together.

Overall, the drama were 2 thumbs up for me. The ending tied loose ends among characters without feeling rush or crammed.

Ham Eun-jung, was fun to watch. For a budding actress she did a good job portraying Seung-yeon's enthusiasm and happy personality.

For Park Shi-yeon, its good to see her in a different role which she embodied wonderfully. I do hope she gets more projects that will let her explore more as an actress.

Coffee House made a Kang Ji Hwan fan out of me!!! He made Jisoo lovable even though sometimes he's bit crazy and mean. I do love him to pieces!!! I do look forward for more projects for him!

Will miss this drama!!!! Kudos to the people behind this show!

Til next drama!


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sorry to say i stoped on ep 9 just didnt pick up afterwards ^^
put i still followed the recaps and enjoyed the overalll story and jin-soo
i think the ending is ok and leaves many people happy in the end overall i might come back to this drama in the future ^^


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I have liked this series and thank the writers for entertaining me.

I also wish to vent a bit, it is only my opinion.

I am reminded of Hong Gil Dong, a show that could have been one of the best of all time anywhere, if not for the very last episode. There was a setup and a pattern for a certain type of closure. A feel that I was expecting and did not get and hence I felt a bit depressed and a bit betrayed. It wasn't about who ended up with who. It was about the importance of the characters, the necessity of certain people in your life.

Jin-Soo needed Seung-yeon to grow up and get over himself long enough to love. To end his pity party and develop. Seung-yeon needed him to move along from pathetic nothing to ambitious career woman. Eun-young does the least changing. She is as strong and level headed as she was in the beginning.

Without Seung-yeon interference time and again Jin-soo never would have done anything for or to Eun-young. They were together for how long? and had feelings they could not express for what reasons? Neither of them tried to be together for most of the series. They denied and denied instead. She goes for a phone booth kiss, drops it when things get tense, and Jin-soo's only real fight for her was a literal one at the very end. He was forever running from her and the idea of this relationship. Neither of them seem to have earned their happy fate.

Also so much time is spent on Seung-yeon's family which are completely inconsequential to the story. They have a total of two or three scenes with the the male lead and only provide brief comedy relief in an already extremely funny show. Why are they there? Why are they developed at all?

Jinwoo was annoying, cloying and full of himself but still goofily charming. Excellent job by the actor. However after 2 years of celibately waiting for the girl he once betrayed only to be betrayed right back is seriously sad. Giving him Julia is audience consolation. While I am use to it from lesser shows, Coffee House was a step above and was not using clichés like this from the beginning. So it was disappointing to see this scene.

Dong Wook is a character I wanted developed more from the start. He should have been all those Seung-yeon family scenes. Should have, could have, but wasn't! He also had a "for the audience" ending but at least he worked hard through the little screen time he had to be where he was.

I did like the video collage toward the end and how each part of the story was reflected in smaller squares, but the honeymoon pages at the end felt more like a fan service moment. It wasn't real enough to be there. They already shot a touching scene with the Eun-young arriving at the honeymoon suite. That was well done and should have been placed at the end in those pages. I would have been more moved at that then what I got. A sunset on the beach just wasn't enough for a show that was this good before.


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Yeap Thanks to Javabeans and Girlfriday for the recaps...
I don't know how about PSY Or HEJ, but KJH rocks CoffeeHouse!!!
I'm definitely his fan now...Go hunting for Capital Scandal to satisfied my thirst of Kang Ji Hwan after get drunk of him in Coffee House, ho, ho, ho


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# 22 Lahlita,

Oh. I missed chatting with you on here. I'm sorry I couldn't be around, but the comments just got a little too much. You were one of the few that also brought a lot of sense here. I always appreciated your writing and your insight :)

Till next time, friend.


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Thank you so much Javabeans and Girlfriday for your recaps. It was great following your recaps and comments.

After watching and reading epi 17, I didn't want to watch the finale as I knew what will happen and it's not what I was hoping. But after reading your recap, I am just happy that everyone got a happy ending. Although, I didn't like some parts of this episode, I do love the part where SY cried and JS sat and be there for her. It was very touching. Although I wanted JS/SY to end up romantically, I was happy with their relationship.HEJ has done a great job.

EY didn't have much speaking lines in this epi. Only her different facial expressions/reactions shown which I still had trouble getting by from PSY. I do like her acting. Much better than in MY Girl. And at least she get the guy this time.

I love JS especially when he's with SY. KJH was good. He was perfect for this role.

It was great show and now that it's over, it's the end of my CH addiction and a start of break from my drama addiction as well.


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That was a good show! THE drama of this summer for me ^^. The ending was quite satisfactory even though I still feel Dong Wook will struggle to charm Seung Yeon :p.

Thanks JB for the recaps ^___^!


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I'm surprised SY never knew about JS's feeling for EY (?!? didn't she witness their rooftop exchange and such) and didn't know the ring was for EY (?!? didn't she wonder why she had to act as JS's gf in front of EY and JW in particular)?

Well that's just to say that SY never really tried to "help" JS and EY to get together per se. She got mistreated by JS and just pointed out to him when she thought he was right and that he should keep being right instead of being wrong... to her, herself.

But all went well and we got a happy ending.


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I know people are irritated at the time skip and that the secondary characters are given small prizes to ease their (and our) wounds but the PD did mention he's all about happiness. He's about the present and the great healing power of time and love and everything in between. I loved the ending because I knew WHY it was there. All of our characters are living their life the best they can and striving for happiness! Don't we all wish our lives were as happy and go lucky... around the 18th page ;)
I think Ji-Won is a little misunderstood- he's not that deep! Haha that's mean but that's his charm. I'm sure Eun Young scarred him just a little but he understood that their relationship has gone its natural course. He even mentioned he felt "uneasiness" and that "are we even now" (something along that line).
I love love love Park Si Yeon. I have such a crush now... I recall despising her in My Girl and being put off by everything she did afterward. The only reason I saw this because... Coffee (coffee prince) and I was on a KJH kick! But she has won my heart and now I will be following her projects!



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Thanks JB! Thank for all the recap you allowed us to read, despite the feeling of being harrased half the time but still I can see that you're a big fan of KJW.
I enjoyed this episode a lot.

My fave scene must be when SY & JS was talking emotions was the language and no words needed there. Made me teary! Poor girl. waited in vain and in the end she had to give up.

I have to commned PSY for carrying her character well. I thought the "phone booth" scene was pretty well done. I saw tears and shes did not care one bit if she was crying pretty. I can see it played in real life. I think she should explaore more on these type of character, stay at that for a little bit and then slowly take on heavy roles.

KJW I have to say never fails me. I loved him in MGIS Agent! I thought his chemistry w/ KHN is grounded already that why we can tell he feels at home when he acts around her, they share the scene w/out making the other loose focus. So now Im a true fan. He played his character so well Im so convinced that there 1 person out there life him. Poor Guy!

I will miss CF. Although a jump over the moon wish but i hope they can work again together. *wish*


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First of all, thanks a lot GF and JB for the great recaps, and to all the fans for their comments that kept me entertained.

JS' act of violence affected me so that I could not enjoy the end. In JS we had a character that hated violence and he ends up performing the most violent act of all? Attacking someone so violently just to prove a point? What was that? How could anyone find that acceptable?


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I must say that I enjoyed the recaps much more than the drama itself.

Maybe it was because I wasn't really paying close attention when I watched it, but I wasn't very moved by the JS - EY coupling.

Thanks JB for the recaps.


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Great drama and will be included in my list of favorites.


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thanks for the recap....i'm really sad it ended already.....i'm gonna miss it so much.....and also miss jin soo and eun young, especially jin soo with his quirky and crazy personality....i always laugh when i watched coffee house....for me, it's a cute, fun, crazy, funny, fresh and also unforgettable drama.....it's a really fun ride......not to forget, a really great acting by kang ji hwan...he made me love jin soo so much (though my mom told me to stop watching after she saw the scene where he told seung yeon to get into a luggage, saying that he's crazy....well for me, no matter what he does, i will always love kang ji hwan ^^).......look forward to his next project

btw, with coffee house ended and bad guy ending this week, i wonder what else should i watch next? probably gonna check out lee seung gi's drama.....any other recommendations?


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I really enjoyed the last episode. I loved the time skips in this series bc they also allowed viewers to see what everyone what doing. It wasn't abrupt like all of the others I've seen. Plus, as you've mentioned, there were dashes throughout and didn't show up just in the last episode (clever).

I loved that the last episode had this amazing feel good tone. All of the story lines were wrapped up nicely. It feels good to have them completed and not left ambiguous; I would have gone nuts. Anyhow, great summer series!

And thank you for the song. It's beautiful! Adds greatly while reading this recap =)


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Yayy all done. Thanks JB for all the pretty pictures and lovely recaps!

I think I was ok with the ending..it wasn't amazing, and neither was it particularly memorable but it was alright. At least we didn't have any angst. I felt bad for all the side characters mostly because they faked out their happy ending. I know this is completely insignificant..but an open ticket? That's it? Where is she going to get the money to stay at a foreign country with no source of income? And open tickets are generally only valid for a year so..ummm I don't know. I wish they had come up with something better. I would rather have SY send her assistant (the chubby kid) to give JS the finger (just like he made her to JW). Maybe the DVD will have extras to tie it in better or provide an alternate ending. I wonder what they did with all that time that had from the break due to the world cup.


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Oh and I forgot..who on earth imagines their boss in bed with another woman? It's kinda creepy and perverted. Arguably KJH is hot but .I really wish they had not shown it as part of her imagination.


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@ 49 Dele

Haha, totally agree with you on that one, the Julia thing was so contrived. And ohhh god, Ji-won sounds even more sleazy talking in English. I don't remember what expression I wore during that scene but it wasn't good, I can tell you that.

I really enjoyed the 'oppa' thing as well! I love that boy, he is so cute and I wish he had more of a subplot in the story.


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To Amg 1 , your opinion so different , i had to watch this drama again to understand
your opinion , no right or wrong here just different opinions , likely the writer was suffering from Adjustment disorder , from the guilt of the death of his ex wife , and the love to EY when he still married .
For me the ending is nice , realistic in real life . I love KJH and PSY , beautiful, loving couple , This is one of great K drama .


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So It was JS/EY after all. Congrats to the shippers. I was wrong.

I was sure till the end, as in till ep 18 itself that it would just end up with no one getting together.

Oh, how I still hope for it. But that's not what happened.

I still do think that the vibe of JS/EY was a relationship that shouldn't be. And I still don't think it is.

But anyway, it was a good ride.


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I'm really happy with the way this drama turned out. I agree with JB; the plot was rather unconventional, and it turned out wonderfully imo. I love that all the characters handled the situation pretty maturely--no manipulative bitches or bastards (besides the charming Jinsoo)--and even though not everyone had a fairy tale happy ending, it shows that the characters are still managing to move on. In some ways, I think this is a more realistic portrayal than if everyone were paired up perfectly with another. As always, thanks Javabeans for the wonderful recaps. I love reading your comments and thoughts.


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Coffee House was the only drama that I followed this summer, and I'm happy to say that I didn't waste 18 hours watching it. It was so refreshing and fun, but angsty at the same time (ohhh, how kdramas make you anticipate). After watching CH, KJW is now one of my all-time fav. korean actors. I've always liked EunJung from watching her w/ T-ara and this show didn't hurt it one bit.

I'm an EunSoo supporter, so I'm definitely happy with the ending, and I think everything was wrapped up nicely. Some people say that they are disappointed with drama, but heck, was that not a fun ride? those 3 weeks with the WC after Ep. 8's kiss was pretty painful and long, and all those other moments in between.....this show is probably going to be one of my fav. of 2010.

So long Coffee House. It was really fun. LOVED IT!


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I would say this isn't one that totally had a huge affect on me, positively or negatively, but it was fun due to the different characters which made it quite refreshing. I won't be missing it like others that left me thinking there should be more, because personally, I think it ended it pretty well. It's hard to find a drama story that works this way for me. They either make me feel like I want to see what happens next or something goes missing and I get confused. This goes in my top 10.... for now.


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Thanks for your recap, JB.

I am very satisfied with the ending. CH is one of a best drama I have ever seen. This drama is not only good writting but also good actors & actresses.

I love a lot the chemistry between KJH & PSY so that I want them to be a couple in real life...Perhaps I am crazy because I am now confused between their chamistry in filming & their private live.

Hope that they could have chance to do some more projects in the future and be a couple in real...


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Thanks for the wonderful recap JB!

Reading your recap truly adds to the enjoyment of watching the drama. :)

I'm so glad that it was a happy ending for everyone! The happy ending vibe that CH imparts is that happy endings can be taken a lot of ways through the different characters in the story. With JS/EY it was finally coming to terms with their love for each other; with SY it was about career fulfillment and gaining respect she richly deserves; with JW and DW it's about moving on forward and not letting a failed love hold you back with regrets.

What I truly love about this drama is that despite the craziness that ensued with the pairings or how demented some of the characters/situations may seem, the story encompasses HOPE....not to be afraid of it ...but instead to embrace it.

So in summary, I'm pretty much satisfied with the ending and this definitely goes to my list of cherished dramas of all time since I got hooked on Kdramas some 7 years ago. :)


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really love this drama..its freakin awesome..and very well written aswell..and now im gonna be missin it every tuesdays and mondays..great drama...number 1 on my list so far for 2010 kdrama..hehehee


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Eunsoo couple is the winner..

love this drama so much!!
the ending is so unpredictable

thanks JB for the recaps!!


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Such a satisfying ending!


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Ending -

And so the girl who loved him most, made him laugh and be happy again, the one that always stood by him, that shared his love of writing, gave his LIFE back to him again, and could have ended the story on the wonderful note of them off traveling the world together writing. instead gets dumped for the prettier girl that was he able to ignore for a DECADE (wow, what fiery chemistry there).
Oh, but I forgot how HOT she is and one kiss from that hot body pressed against his, well to hell with soul mates, right?

Moral of the story is that not so pretty girls are to be used and pretty girls should always end up with what they want.

One of the most god awful endings ever!
Certainly will warn anyone not a pretty air head or a total womanizer not to watch.


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JB and Girlfriday, thanks for all the great recaps and insightful comments on this drama. Although I had mixed feelings about the last two episodes, overall I did enjoy Coffee House.

I just have a couple of parting comments to share, looking back-

* I really think that Park Shi-yeon was able to show that she has indeed come a long, long way since her My Girl days. She completely owned the role of Eun-young, and proved that she deserves the status of leading lady. I think that she's going to continue to surprise and impress us.

* The only time that I was moved to tears in this drama, was while watching Seung-yeon's crying scene in this final episode. It was a beautiful beat, so moving and so heartbreaking, and so wonderfully done by Ham Eun-jung. There may have been times in earlier episodes when she might have overacted a bit(though I suspect that some of it was prompted by the PD), but this particular scene Ham Eun-jung really nailed it. I look forward to watching this pretty and talented young lady in future projects.


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@80 JS has been in love with EY for god knows how long so get over it and stop the hating. One must be blind and in denial not to see their connection. Don't compare puppy love to a growing love through 10 years.


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JB and GF, thank you for all the hard work you two put into recapping this drama. I actually came into CH not knowing any of the actors with the exception of PSY (had a negative opinion of her from past dramas) and was pleasantly surprised by the story line as well as the acting. The ending pairing made perfect sense to me as the drama was laying the foundation all along. I like how this drama played upon the typical cliches so often found in Korean dramas--it was quite refreshing, especially since I'm so used to the typical Cinderella story.

@80 I'm curious to see how you think SY gave his life back to him. If you watch the drama, most of the times JS is not laughing with SY, but at SY (very big difference). In addition, I think the drama really showed that JS's heart never wavered when it came to SY, no matter how she tried to make him like her. It was pretty significant when SY commented that JS was still not satisfied with how she made his coffee.

I also must disagree that this drama is not just for "pretty airheads" or "total womanizers." You make this drama seem like it's just full of fluff that is easy to understand, but you fail to take into account the subtle nuances that the CH crew put into it such as the parallels/echoes throughout the episodes. The way they shot many scenes was also artistic, especially with the use of colors. It disheartens me to see so many people denouncing this drama and/or its ending because their ship was not the final couple. Honestly, it took some people more than 10 episodes of watching before they realized the drama "sucked?" I drop dramas within the first couple episodes if I think they are bad or find myself uninterested.
I'm not saying this drama is not without its flaws, but overall I found it enjoyable and would recommend it to others.


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There are two kinds of love in this drama.
One is JS's love for EY, the drama lays solid foundation for this one as far as I can see. He has such an undefined deep bonding with EY even-though he's having a hard time saying it.

The other, SY's love for JS, it 's like her first real love ready to explore for a relationship. The exception IS that JS was married once before, he already knows exactly what he wants and will not make the same mistake again.

To me, JS's love for EY is a mature one, already well established before he met SY. He has pass that phrase in his life whereas SY just begins her own. The ending was appropriate for SY to experience this feeling as page one in her life and move on whereas JS's love had reached the final stage, his commitment.

It's a question of how each person perceives love. No right or wrong.


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When you have time, could you please update your JS last part?


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Well all I can say is I was perfectly content with the ending. The drama was fun, enjoyable, some laughs, some cries...I'm good!

The fan wars were completely ridiculous and unnecessary though. I've read way too many comments bashing on Park Shi-yeon's character that it put a damper on things.


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Yes, I'll certainly do it with pleasure.

At the moment I'm a little bit overloaded with so many things. I'll try to do it as soon as I can squeeze some free time to write the last part (hopefully I can do it by Saturday).

And as I'll have six days off next month I'll rewrite the Jin Soo's story (this time start from the very beginning/episode 1) and post this very long writing in my blog.

I hope I'm not breaching any copyright law or something of that nature....


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Could you give me the link of your blog so that I will read the whole story of JS?

Thanks a lot.


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The drama overall was really good. I hated the ending...Soooo, his parting gift to his devoted secretary was a trip to the Galapagos....ouch. Then he ends up with his dead wife's bestfriend...y'ouch...whatever.


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Sorry I was busy lately but... Thanks JB for the last recap
Love is as always and I love the end too ( but it’d be even better to not zoom out the last kiss too fast though )
I had a lot to say but I don’t know where to star, but… I cant stand this ^^;;

@ 80: one of the most god awful ending ever? Lolz

You are sure one of those people, who love CH so much that skipped so many parts of it right? **sorry but I came to find these kind of comments amused now!!**
Not to offend, but I just want to” analyze your comment” a bit here, since this is the "first thing " hit my eyes

"The girl who love him the most!!!!” * cough**
Which part of the drama said that SY loved him the most? Can you please give me some insight? haha
Oh please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Give me a break!!! Now, I do wonder how old you are since you seem having a hard time to define b/w a love and a crush! SY was never in love “that serious” with JS to begin with. It’s more like she admired and idolized him, no matter how bad he treated her. It’s not LOVE!!! What has JS and EY been through 18 episodes‘d considered “realistic “emotional mature adult love here ( who are in the early 30s not 18s) even though they had a hard time to express it in the past. Will SY waiting and being there for JS 12 yrs even though she may not get anything in return? I don’t think so. Did she really miss him to death when he was away? How was her reaction about his return compared to EY? In additional, you should remember: JS and EY actually had spent their good, bad and difficult time in the last 12 yrs together, not just a date or two by the attraction of her beauty of sexy figure!!!

In addition, what has SY done for him that is so significant of SHOWING HER LOVE? By making him laughed AT HER? While EY actually was the one that brought his life back from hell, gave him reason to survive and change to be better. Or did you miss that part? I think it’s ep 5 or 6 if you want to rewatch! Moreover, he needs a wife/ a love partner who understand and love his real self and he love her back too for the rest of his life, not just a cloud to laugh at, btw! Making him happy? You must be kidding me! But I guess some only focus on SY parts, so it makes sense it you guys have all these assumptions. However let me clarify. He laughed when he was with her because she is amusing and funny to him, not because he is happy and feels like a man with a woman romantically ! Was he actually happy when he was at the theater at the end of ep 8? You tell me!!! Alternatively, no matter how much time he spent with SY or how hard SY “try to win” him over, he never considered her as a woman, not even a second. Isn’t it clear? When did JS even act like a real man and show his true self around SY? Almost never!!! He put on a mask in front of her most of the time. It is not the real him. Is that how you want a person like JS spend the rest of his life? It ‘s not fair for him and her either. He could only be true to himself and relax when he was with EY. This is a fact that has been showed in the very early episodes too.

Share his love of writing? Or should I say she learned and got inspired by him? And that was her luck of life, ok? JS may be an “ a**” to her sometimes but he did change her life for the better and for good. She may still be same SY in the beginning if she did not meet him in life. And that‘s why she admired him. Plus, he doesn’t need to share his writing love with anyone. It is just in his blood as he ‘s so smart and creative. He loves what he does and he does it just for a reason- or better, a person only. No one else in the whole world could make him write but EY! No matter how much SY love or not love writing, you should know by now that it will not affect to his purpose of writing, because at the end of the day, he only writes for EY, and only EY!

Gave back his life? lolz How? When did she ever save him? Are we watching the same drama btw? Ha ha... It was SEY, who was also his close friend, was the one who saved his life a few years ago with their business contract if you missed it by chance!!!
Traveling together? He did the traveling and that is how he found out that his life wouldn’t be completed without EY. Therefore, he came back and fought for her!!! And there is no point for him to go anywhere or stay any place without EY. Didn’t he make it clear? That’s his indirect confession. I hope you don’t take it like he really need for find someone to suit him. There is one and only that suits him since he loves her and decided to give all he got. No one else an replaced her!!!
In addition, let's me tell you why they are not meant to be . Until the last minute, her coffee still does not fit his taste even though many people may like it. And ironically,( if someone noticed enough) he seemed to learn how to make coffee from the girl, he might love back in college days and get used to her way of making of coffee. Therefore, there is only one person that could make the coffee he likes and has the same taste as his. You should know whom.
Secondly, frankly speaking, SY is too dense for JS or JS is too smart for her. It would be funny if they live together but it does not mean they will have a happy. How could she not know that JS loves EY after the conversation she over-heard 2 years ago , and knew his departure was also because of EY, the ring , EY wedding and his fake "gf" title even when she know that EY knew?!?! I thought she was not stupid, since she picked up things about her relationship pretty fast too. But I guess not!! Or, let me be nicer ... I guess love is blind, since she wanted to give herself hopes (just like SY shippers denied to see the truth even until the last minutes after 17 episodes, that JS has not feeling whatsoever, yet still they had hopes the magic ‘d happen in the last minute), so she couldn’t see his reasons for having her pretended to be his fake gf, why he crashed EY wedding, or how thing are connected together until JW finally told her.

"instead gets dumped for the prettier girl that was he able to ignore for a DECADE (wow, what fiery chemistry there)." --> This shows me that you did not watch the drama properly!!! Ignored? Ok, let say that he ignored her. Or it would be better to say that he tried hard to lie to himself and others, including lying to EY in up 9 that love does not exist. He wasn’t able to, ok? However, he did try his best to hide it! How ? Please go back and watch the drama properly before bashing it since you do not have enough knowledge to earn that right. This drama is so well-written with different layers of meaning and parallel twists that many may miss the beauty of it they only looked at the surface. At the end of ep 3, CH showed that JS went extra miles making JW suffer for getting EY cried on her birthday. It was the first time that he was not able to hide his care for her! He certainly didn’t just do that for fun if you really listened to his reason when he talked to SY. He also asked is EY consider him as a man after seeing her naked, why would a friend say that without having any thought about her? ** Fun note: since I am making the MV so I went back and caught up some details that I missed too. And did everyone catch his slyly smile after putting her clothes one with his face all red? Ha ha I did not see that before. And I found it cute and funny. The guy def enjoyed his moment there, which he late on felt indifferent toward SY!!!** And he also couldn’t leave her at the hospital by herself even she asked him to NOR could stay still in his hotel after hearing the news EY cried, while he could easily torture and want to make SY cried for days to learn her lessons. I may not need to tell you what happened when he thought EY was disappeared right? He just went nut and acted like he’s dying! Talking about the past, I guess you missed the whole point of him saying why he introduced JW for EY and how he wasn’t sure when he got married. That's enough to tell me, his feeling has been always toward her even EY didn't realize it. And has any of you wonder why med graduate/ doctor like him became a writer all the sudden? Or why did he stay on EY side, for 2 yrs without leaving, just as the time JW cheated and left her? And this is HOW JS ignored EY in people eyes. Sure! Remember until the end, they have always been in their little world “private island” when the outsiders could think anything they want. Nevertheless, this drama from the start to the end was all about EY and JS love, since both tried to hide their feeling to EY expressed her side and were rejected by JS, and the end was how JS won her back. He never has a minute wavering for any other girl, or considering any of them as a woman. So I think the problem is laying on the viewers, who expected things that usually happen from normal dramas. So I hope you could learn a lesson and watch the next drama with both eyes and heart opened to enjoy it to the max.

And EY is not only hot!!! But she is also understand and love him just as much as he does the same way, and they do have “the sexual tension” going on, with you’d never find JS had it with SY or any girl!!! Don’t you feel that intense tension with your lover? Hah! Duh! Obviously! Please don’t speak down on EY as just she has only a pretty face and body. She is strong, talented and capable woman, whom JS could have relied on for the rest of his life if he wanted to. Not only that, if there is someone who suffered the most and sacrificed the most in this drama for love, it’s be EY! So you have NO RIGHT to speak like that? Who the heck SY to EY when it came to loving JS? EY pretty much earned JS life since she was the one who took him back from death. 12 yrs? You know how long it is? Not to motion how many times JS created huge messes for her to clean up for hiding his love. But she’d always been there, worried and waited for him. Can you feel what kind of pain she got when he rejected her even though she knew it was there since he kissed her back? Or how selfless of her for letting him go even after he admitted his love to her since it’d make him suffered if he stayed. EY never thought of herself when it came to JS. However she couldn’t hurt so many people to cancel the wedding on her own happiness, and ruin other's because of JS sudden re-appearance and “surprised decision after 2 yrs with no contact. But when JS got into trouble “after the wedding” you could tell she couldn’t think of anyone else but worry for him!!!
This drama is not about pretty girls who win the guys!!! However I found that most of the leading ladies are the most beautiful ones in all the drama anyways. Will you have the same complaint in every single drama? And ironically, SY – or EJ I real life is not ugly at all, but very sexy, indeed, since she‘s an idol. Many of her fans argued in Viikii that JS should be with her b/c SY was prettier or the look better together with him. Though I don’t agree but what is your take on that, btw?

Airheaded and womanizered? Lol
SY is the most airheaded character, not EY? EY is nowhere near airheaded. She’s smart and capable who can make or break things. What could SY do for JS after the wedding incident? Nothing right? When EY had everything planned as soon as she got to acknowledge the problem. And I didn’t even mentioned that how well JS and EY understand each other as they speak so little but have many meaning layers in their conversations- the kinds of meaning that SY’d never get to understand. Thanks Gods, for once! We got the smart successful people together, so we could imagine how beautiful and intelligent their kids would be. Womanizered? I don’t think so since JS was the one who make every decision at the end as EY just happily followed his lead but… What’s wrong to get womanizer for someone as smart, beautiful inside out, capable, confident and had a great love for him in 12 yrs when he loves her too. It’s realistic!!! Ok? I am sure many guys ’d say yes to get womanizered by someone as wonderful as EY.
Finally, I don’t think you comment based on any truth about the drama since you certainly didn’t get to see clearly what the drama message, unfortunately, but it was just your personal assumption. SO PLEASE STOP HATING and BE NICE!!!


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@ 88: So what 's wrong with it? One he even divorced before his wife died. Two, the didn't cheat on anybody . Three, can you see it took them that long to move on because of the situation when they both love each other. Four, it seems to be realistic situation for me, which I could just run into real life. Five,what century are we in to still hast that kind of narrow thought by the way? Six, or should I asked where are you from to still keeping that kind of thought? Seven, even better, if you have nothing to say then maybe it'd better not to say anything !!!
Ouch!!! Whatever ! Lolz
I'll stop at 7 since this I like the # in this episode.
Hating it!!! Too bad !!! but hate is never good for your health by the way!!!

** Sorry everyone, but I fed up with this kind of empty and ridiculous comments" by now, but I 'll still have more to say though ^^



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Thanks JB.

@89 Whoa....lolz . :)


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Ooh.. I was waiting for this finale recap... finally got the time to post about this refreshingly-written drama.. it's been my favorite drama of the year and possibly go onto my top 5, too! absolutely loved the entire structure of the story and the way it all headed to an extremely satisfying ending...

I was nearly squeeing all throughout this 'last page', hehe! What a great way to resolve almost all the characters' chapters on such a positive, upbeat note, I thought.. and of course, a fantastic happily-ever-after for our OTP... I'm a sucker for rom-coms and rarely do I come across a drama/movie that does romance AND comedy so so well!

this drama has the unique distinction of making me care about and love all its characters and I literally couldn't fast-forward through any of the myriad, seemingly-insignificant scenes even... and the acting of the lead couple blew me away! even the second leads had their shining moments...

I must commend the PD and the writers for creating such layered characters and providing parallels throughout the course of the drama, like mirroring situations between the 'mellow mature love story' of JS/EY and the 'comic teen romance' of JS/SY.. it was masterfully done... and while doing so, up-ending every known cliche in the rom-com genre... it was delightful! and on a shallow note, it was so gorgeously shot.. some frames were almost poetic...

I think, this drama is one of those which would hold up even better on subsequent watchings... it's definitely a keeper, for me!


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@91 . You must of either written the drama, or are some kind of FANATIC. (why are so sensitive about my comment? Rhetorical). I can give my opinion, and you are entitled to not like it.

In real life, face to face, are you capable of listening to others opinion? Or are you this immature and close minded. We are giving our feedback on a "DRAMA", for Pete's sake. Get over it. Oh and Another thing, I personally do not think it's right to marry your dead wife's bestfriend, so there...deal with it, rotate on it, chew it...do whatever you want with it.

Hating? the only hating I feel right now is towards you...cause I wasted time reading your numbered points...which made no point. What are you going to do? Shoot someone if they tell you they didn't like a hairstyle in the show....your just dumb, plain dumb.

Darn, I wish I knew how to do a middle finger emoticon...just for you


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Sorry @91...my comment is meant (SPECIAL DELIVERY) for KAYT # 90


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What pleased me the most is that they got Eun-Young and Jin Soo together. Why? Because so often in dramas, if you find out two opposite-sex characters have been friends (not dating, but great chemistry) for years, this is often portrayed as "wrong". Like, somehow, if it were meant to be, it would've happened already. Then the loyal person in the friendship gets dumped - great case in point would be Seung Mi from Shining Inheritance, who suffered for years by Hwan's side, but ultimately lost him (and the drama tried to justify it by turning her into an awful witch, a total 180, but well...). The fact that Eun-Young's been there, knows him so well, gets along with him - these are all played up as strengths in this drama. It's not just the lure of the new (in the form of Seung-Yon) that can create romance. I really, really like that.

Great show. Gonna miss it.


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@ 93 and 94:
haha .. Then why didn't you just take my opinion and not be sensitive about bout it?
And if I was immature and close-minded, then you are even worse sine I just simply dont use "midle finger " and call someone " dump" to take their opinions. It's rude and uneducated but I guess that fits you better since you cant agrue back with more appropriate words. Get over it! ... Shouldn't I say that since it's the fact of the drama, which you can do nothing about it , so why get worked up and bashing it?

Of course, I got sensitive to hear all the non-sense comments toward one of the well-written and delivered dramas, especially when they are just empty and ridiculous. And just let you know, I do listen to others when they are making sense and being logical but you seem to be not the case. Btw, you are the one who gotta deal with it , not me Dear!!! Since I had nothing to upset or against the drama about marrying a dead wife "friend", but you do. Deal wit it, rotate on it, chew it ... do whatever you want with it !!! Because that 's how the drama ended, ok? Clear?

Hah! Go ahead! Hate me if you like!!! I don't mind. It wont affect me, since I don't waste my time and just "hating" people when they gave me " feed back" based on their personal preference. Moreover, it's even more pointless when you spent time reading, argueing back with a " no point" comment, isn't it? And I am sure dump since you certainly make your point clear and reasonable to argue back without using immature and rude action like "middle finger" or calling people "dump". I am sure dumb when I saw so many layers and meanings message of the drama when so many don't. I am sure dumb when I have all my proofs to back-up my reasons, not just talking non-sense for the sake of it base on my emotion. And you are not, right? :)
Let's believe so! Happy now? ^^


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@ my dear 96
I am happy to know that you are so "dump" . And happy that I wont have to "agreu" with you anymore about this. Happy that you are so closed minded, that you can only have discussions, with people who are in agreement with your opinion, which in my book makes you...Dumb

One last thing, I enjoyed Coffee House...still hate the ending...

And for your rants and for not keeping your writing simple....and for making so many spelling errors....middle finger baby!!!! two of them!!!


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lol @ this fight.


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Thank you for the recap and the review. I like the drama, especially when they showed the relationship with prolong friendship does capture the hearts too.

I will not like it if Jin Soo fell for a younger woman.


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I'm glad that they made JS confess in the end, otherwise the battle between ships about either 'he loves her or not' will continue to no end loll Even though it has been clear for one ship, it's not for the other.. (how come? i wonder too lol) oh well. Honestly who cares about how the audience feels? they don't think the two suit each other? no chemistry? pff they love each other. so chills. It's their life, who are we to decide. the same in real life to me, I always find it ridiculous whenever I hear someone says things like 'she's better with X guy than that Y guy', what the. lol


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