Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

With a new year, a little bit of wisdom came my way. I finally realized that sometimes people talk at you, rather than to you. They don’t want to have a conversation, but say something disagreeable just to get a rise out. And when that happens the best thing to do is nothing.


    hmm one of my coworkers does this and it’s been driving me insane but I think you hit it right on the nail


Encounter #11-12: I am happy, and teary eyed, and I really, really love this show. 끝


Still watching Encounter and Red moon, blue sun and because I am clearly a masochist I’ve also restarted Mother.
It strikes me that all these have one thing in common: it’s the journey, not the destination, that matters. I like watching SH and JH do mundane things together as they learn how to be a couple, I don’t care so much about the killer’s identity but live for the questions the quest for truth and justice brings about; I know we are heading for heartache but can’t miss a single moment of two broken souls finding solace and peace in each other…
I’m surprised how much I’ve changed in my kdrama tastes in the past few years.


Leveled up!
Is it ok to be sad about it?
I don’t feel much like an eunuch in drag; also I remain very much an idiot, though rarely a noble one.


So… I’ve caught up on Red moon blue sun; was afraid of the too many spoilers plus I needed some bitterness to compensate for the over-sweet developments in Encounter.
As expected, the EunHo-Aggassi similarity was there for a reason. Still the parallels with Achiara ended up unexpectedly close, at least in the serial killer part of the narrative. I wonder what this means for the personal family history part of the story and GGD.
I found EH’s comment on the luxury of certainty being something reserved to those who haven’t experienced true suffering rather ironic: Red Cry’s vigilante justice failed to be any justice at all precisely because he could not see his victims (Hana’s mother in particular) as people who are themselves suffering. He did what he did with the certainty that he was saving kids and that was all that mattered.


    Which episode are you watching?
    Unrelated, but umm, it’s ajusshi not agasshi. The latter means young lady!🤗


      i did mean agasshi: the serial killer character in Achiara, who was also a transvestite hence the nickname.


        Oooh. Sorry for misunderstanding! I didn’t watch Achiara. Was it a good drama just like this one?


          Achiara was pretty good, although it would lose in direct comparison to Red moon blue sun. The writing is great, but the execution is a bit clunky, and the main was pretty poorly acted imo. I watched all of it in one sitting a couple of weeks ago because I was so much in awe with the show that i got curious about the other work of the same writer.


            And now Red moon, Blue sun turned out to be utterly disappointing too! No? I mean, who does this kind of easy-to-catch mysteries anymore? If the red herrings turn out to be NOT red herrings, would you praise the drama for reverse psychology, or would you call it lousy?
            I was pretty pissed off and aghast at the “big” revelation, and I didn’t feel an ounce of anything for Eun-ho anymore because of the execution. Well other than at that “room with a table” memory part.
            This drama could’ve been so much more.
            Don’t you feel the same?


            I did not think the reveal was much of a coup-out. But the spiel of the killer being in the eye of the police in the beginning, then labeled a red herring only to turn out that it was him all along was more effective in Achiara. Because there for a large chunk in the middle of the story the killer was made to look like a really nice guy. Here it did not work as well because I could never warm up to Eun Ho (partly the fault of the writing, partly of the actor – he looks the blank psycho part too well, and there was little nuance in his performance). I don’t feel robbed or disappointed because I was half-expecting it and it made sense. One interesting twist possibly still to come is that Red cry is not a single person, but a shadowy organization and if the death of it’s original founder and initial members did not stop the killing, I doubt EunHo’s death will. And there’s still a lot to learn about the girl in the green dress and all those family secrets. What I should say, based on Achiara, is that even when what seemed to be the biggest secret was revealed, nothing was ever exactly as it seemed; there were nuances and twists until the very last second. I expect the same here and I’ll tune in again next week for it.


            The fun thing is, I hate this revelation for the exact teason you do not hate it- that I’ve been expecting it. Yes, it wasn’t executed well enough, and becaused they toyed with us too much on the idea of is-he-or-is-he-not, we ended up having zero time to feel empathy for the character. Just when I started to connect to and pity Eun-ho’s backstory, this happened. Followed with the typical and classical complete voiceover confession by the villain. i expected something more from the drama.
            Judging from what you’ve said about Achiara, seems like I’ll love it more than this. Thanks for the info. 🙂
            Let’s see whether the story redeems itself in the next 3 eps to come. 😉


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    EunHo-Agasshi parallels:
    – both abandoned by their mother
    – both justify their actions positively (giving happiness/ saving children)
    – smart and likable, though also a bit weird
    – good relationship with main female character
    – initially negative, later ambivalent relationship with main cop
    – both kidnap and try to kill heroine

    EunHo’s story was much better rounded in terms of making sense his actions, Agasshi was more likeable in the middle part of the show, making the reveal more shocking. Here I kind of saw it miles away.


Encounter #10 thoughts
I like that they talk about everything from the extra silly to the most serious. They are so sane and healthy and adorable together
She started dressing more casually and comfortably including at work, warmer colors too, and she picked sth red for the video call. ❤️
JH takes the job of protecting her very seriously. He was really the only person who could convince the owner.
I’m just happy that they are happy.

PS: As another chronic insomniac I could totally use a human sleeping pill too. 진혁 클론을 보내주십시오.
PPS: I love the epilogue. Trust Cuba to protect the magic of romance all the way.


    And did you notice the change in their phone communication. With each change in their relationship how they communicate changes and grows as well. I totally understood why Jin hyuk wanted to Facetime at least once a day.


Following one weird conversation on the “I am not a flower pot” thread about the nutritional benefits of kdramas, I decided to start this ‘if this kdrama were an ice-cream flavor it would be…’ thread.

I’ll go first with my current favorite: if Encounter were an ice-cream it would be burnt-honey: the base is a traditional vanilla custard that makes it comfortable and familiar, but then come sophisticated floral and caramel notes from the honey, leaving you with a sensation of magic and wonder. A new staple in my kdrama (and RL) fridge.

What’s yours?

PS: if anyone cares for my really long ramblings on the topic of Encounter here’s the link:


    O..M..G…. (leaves immediately for the grocery on the hunt for burnt honey ice cream)


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        Coming in two weeks! Will have that ice cream no matter what the temp. If you’re ever in LA, try Honeymee!!


    I’m gonna cheat a bit because it’s not ice cream, but is a an icy “treat”

    The Undateables is like a Bomb Pop. The bright colors and bold design lure you into thinking you will have a refreshing treat but then it turns out to be too hard and flavorless. You might still eat it, because it’s not offensively bad, but you won’t really enjoy it, and minutes after you’re done it’s completely forgetten.


    Oooh, let me know if they add a little salt to the brownie because that will elevate it even more.


    I am picking Rocky Road for MotA; not only is the footing treacherous, it includes everything, plus the kitchen sink


      I was going to say Just Dance for Rocky Road.

      I can’t help thinking MotA is like an upmarket Vanilla Bean Ice cream made with real vanilla pods and branded with Maggie Bear or someone famous like that. A fancy, ornate label and it’s twice the price of other ice creams. But when you take a bite, you realise it really is just f’ing vanilla.


      In the name of my new year resolution of trying more new things, I just had a scoop of durian-banana ice-cream. It’s funky and at the very beginning it feels interesting and new; unfortunately, the more you eat it, the weirder it gets; also dull and kind of unpleasant. I think it may fit MoA to a T.


    Feel Good to Die is ice cream that doesn’t exist.
    Or maybe ice cream that shouldn’t exist. Like brussel sprout ice cream. That is actually not real ice cream. But vegan ice cream that tastes like brussel sprouts. Raw. (TM LS).


    Because I just mentioned Pretty Noona Who Brought me Disappointment, I will desiginate an icecream for that drama.

    Black Walnut.
    Off brand, with rancid nuts, and was somehow left out in the sun to melt and someone put it in the freezer knowing that no one would know the difference until they got home.
    You buy it and reach for it thinking something simple and tasty. And you open it up, it looks a bit—wrong? Theres freezer burn around the lid, but what the HEY its ice cream! Nuts, ice, cream. It’ll be delicious! And then you bite into a nut that has turned. A nut that has no business being in anyones ice cream. A nut that should have been thrown the f’ out but somehow got made into ice cream anyway. And there’s a used condom in there because whytf not?
    So now, you have no ice cream–and you were really looking forward to that ice cream–and you want to punch everyone in the f’ing eye. But thats not who you are. (and really you dont know who to punch anyway). And you find yourself thining about this ice cream months later–WHERE DID THAT F’ING CONDOM COME FROM? WHY WAS IT IN YOUR ICE CREAM? And you start conocting long-winded theories about the freezer burn, the condom, the rancid nuts.
    You can’t prove any of the theories.
    But somehow making them up make you feel slightly better.
    But still. F that ice cream. F that off brand. F those nuts.
    At least they gave you a condom.


      You’re listening to “Stand by Your Man” as you try to decide what to do with the carton. Do you contact the company, march in to the store to see the manager and demand a refund, or do you quietly throw it out and pretend nothing happened?


peaked at one Encounter spoiler and now i can’t wipe the stupid grin off my face…
my doctor (whom i am meeting in 25min) will think i have finally gone craycray


More MoA ranting, just to get it all out of my system before giving it up*.
There is one thing that I find philosophically interesting in all this and that is the trumpian view of the truth. Everybody seems to believe that reality is something you can chose according to what is most convenient. Cha dad made a start on it with the ‘how do you expect me to believe that JW killed my son, that would be horrible’ at the beginning, but it keeps on coming: JW chose to believe his ‘delusions’ because he could not stomach the alternative, Prof Cha now decided (equally arbitrarily) that JW did kill his son and come up with the new narrative of him valiantly concealing the truth for the sake of the company because it best serves his ego; HJ chose to trust a seemingly crazy conman because the alternative would make her miserable. Finally, Dir.Park reinforces the point in his JW-must-be-crazy-otherwise-this-company-is-going-bust-and-I-lose-everything rant. They are pretty much all crazy and it was silly of me to expect logic in this story in the first place.**


* includes ep10, I had insomnia and ended up watching it despite saying I wouldn’t.
** CH’s death set the tone of don’t-expect-things-to-make-sense tone from the beginning.The facts -as we know them- are that CH was discovered in the park dead, his body exsanguinated with no evidence of external wounds (btw reality check: I don’t think one can take prints from fabric so the fact that the police have proof that JW touched his neck is silly; also it’s unlikely that they can tell the time of death with less than an hour precision. Watch more CSI, people!). Now how exactly does daddy dearest and friends imagine this JW murder happened? I could see JW killing CH in a fit of rage, but the psychology of the crime does not fit at all. The corpse state would require him to clinically kill him by draining his blood; also to do so in the middle of a park without leaving any trace. That does not make any sense.


To start 2019 on a positive note (after the recent MoA ranting), I send you all the signature greeting of one of my favorite people in the whole wide world (my baby brother): “Merry everything and happy always!” 😉


MBC awards: this is supposed to be about *acting*, right? Giving the Daesang to So Ji Sub over Kim Sun Ah is insane; I love the guy but he barely had to break a sweat for Terrius. #annoyed #unfair


    These awards show are not for acting. They are simply a thank you for making our network richer this year. Your drama had great ratings, and we thank you for it.

    A decade ago, it may have been about quality performances. But now anymore. This is the same way with KBS and SBS year end awards. It simply a thank you for working for us this year. And hopefully we can do it again next year.


      Are all of the award shows like this now?


        I only consider Baeksang awards as the only credible awards for TV excellence. There’s still popularity attached to it, but their nominations and winners most of the time are performance based. Being nominated there is a high honor.


          That’s a bit disappointing. Especially when a lot of great performances by actors/actresses will be overlooked because the ratings just weren’t always there.


    They are more popularity awards I guess. There have been very unbelievable winners for Daesang at times only because that person was a Hallyu star.


MoA#9 thoughts:
1. why do I feel like very little happened?
2. the scene with JW and ‘practically family but not really’ guy fighting perfectly summarizes what’s wrong with all this.


So… I finally bit the bullet and jumped into the MoA world. Took me less than a day with very limited FFing to get to date, which is a sign that I found the story engaging and Jin-woo’s antics entertaining. As usual the world building is cool. At a rational level I buy most things – romance included, did not even get the HJ-cries-too-much criticism storm on DB; also I like JW’s interactions with her family. Still, I did not affect me emotionally much. It’s partially because of all the spoilers and that I knew in advance where things were going. But I think there’s more to do with my love for W and that unavoidable comparison. A whole bunch of illogical steps that could have been easily avoided (like the family forbidding the autopsy in a suspicious death) felt like lazy writing. Also whereas W had interesting things to say about the creative process, the interaction between an artist and art and so on, here it’s just straightforward I-accidentally-got-caught -in-the AR-world-turning-dark-inner-wishes-into-reality setup. No layers of meaning. Moreover, by the end of ep.8 I am missing a sense of purpose and stakes: JW is so broken in his pill-popping, drown-one-bottle-of-whisky-an-hour, ex-best-friend-repeat-slaying world that he has reached the bottom and staying there with no end in sight. Prof Cha and dir. Park’s probably harbor ill intentions but that’s just self-interest. He does not care about the CEO position beyond it guaranteeing his in into the game so company machinations serve little narrative purpose, his wife is a constant nuisance but hardly a super villain. Now JW has latched onto this idea of finding SJ as the ultimate goal but is it for him or for HJ’s sake? Overall this state of resigned survivor leaves me wondering where are we going with all this.


    I agree with your view that the story lacks a sense of purpose and stakes. I also feel that it lacks a sense of direction. The game in MotA seems endless with no goal in sight. JW is just winging it for now, trying his luck and getting eaten alive by the game.

    I don’t usually shut my mind off when i watch dramas, accepting everything that happens in MotA as-is, is actually quite impossible to me. I end up with questions after watching 😅


    Re: “did not even get the HJ-cries-too-much criticism storm on DB”

    I nearly always binge watch, and I have found that most things that exasperate/bore/frustrate viewers while live-watching get better while marathoning because of quickly passing and not having it on your mind for a week.

    This of course applies to small day-to-day mysteries too (not meaning mystery dramas. Just simple baffling things that happen and get answered in the next episode) . They get blown out of proportions while live-watching.


I’ve been a loyal DB supporter for 10+y. By now it almost feels like an old friend. It got me through grad school, a couple of breakups, the stress of finding a permanent job after moving to more countries than I care to count, and all the challenges since. Although today I am a very different person from the one at the start of the journey, DB has remained a source of comfort and stability through all the turbulence. I like how interacting with this community makes me think deeply about things, enhancing my kdrama watching experience in the process. I love that it opens a dialog with people from very different walks of life, different cultures and experiences, the kind of people that I would never have an opportunity to meet otherwise. I think I am all the better for it.
Thanks to those of you who make this community another home away from home. Keep up the good work.
If you are one of those celebrating next week: Happy holidays!
All the best for 2019 to everyone.


Ok, let’s get this out once and for all: I adore Encounter. I find it subtle, visually stunning, emotionally intelligent and sometimes even surprising (in a good way). Also well acted all-round.
I appreciate the slow and restrained love between SH and JH, because it’s the kind of love that I prefer for myself. Every hour spent in this show’s company makes me happy, and giddy, and at peace with the world.
Because all of the above, I find it frustrating when I see comments that sound mean, negative for negativity’s sake, or stemming from (what I perceive as) a very superficial judgement. And for a second I am tempted to engage in silly arguments because of it. But ultimately there’s no point in doing that. I’d rather watch a SuriNoel video (cats) or read up more on Korean abstract art (I am also thankful to this show for discovering Kim Whanki’s work).
People’s view of dramas (and everything else) is colored by who they are. I am a 30sth career woman who thinks that the best idea for a date is cooking dinner together and lying on the sofa, each reading a book. This show was pretty much made for me. Whatever kind of person you are I’m sure there’s a show out there made just for you as well. Maybe your time would be better spent watching that.


    I’m loving the artwork in this. From my perspective the artwork she’s surrounded herself with seems to contain a person alone in a serene natural outdoor setting. What have you noticed?


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        I’ve said it before, but the animation reminds me of one of the older Disney artists. He drew whimsical castles (and horses and knights) that remind me so much of the intro animations.


      Great question! I had almost missed it.

      Her early paintings were each of a solitary figure staring into the emptiness (I initially thought that the one with the little girl was about her longing for freedom but nope, at second look it is as depressing and hopeless as the rest). If I’d have to sum it up in one word it would be ‘alone’.

      But I think that the art she is buying lately may have started to change as well. There are a couple of pieces that have a lot more life and color to them – the cuba-feel one in her bedroom and the bright red-orange-pink castle one in the living room (that she was staring at in the gallery window in my latests MV). You can feel her opening up to the world through these.

      Kim Whanki’s work was the blue painting they were staring at under the bridge, it’s actually detailed and quite lovely up close, although it does not look like much in the drama. I read that the painter spent a fair bit of time in NY but unfortunately there’s very little left to show for it. Could not find a single painting of his on show here at the moment. 🙁
      An extra reason to finally spend some time in Seoul. If only I had the time…


      I paused to see all the paintings in her house. Loved them!!


    I adore it too. Solidarity, honey.


    I haven’t started it yet, but this may be the best rec for it I’ve seen.


    I love it too. As we’ve discussed, it’s a fairy tale romance to me. And the romantic winter atmosphere permeating it pulls me into the world within the Show.


      While I think it’s fine to have negative comments (but not mean/troll ones), I do understand what you mean. When one loves something, the negativity hurts. I feel that way when someone criticises the kpop groups BTS & Winner and such people obviously can’t see quality even if it bangs right into them and have no taste I have to remind myself that it’s okay. People can have differing views because like you say, it’s all subjective anyway. Though it really pisses me off to see people state their subjective points of view as objective fact “Calm down, me. Don’t engage unless you feel you can do so with positivity and without ruining your mood.” 😅


        (the crossed out sentences are how I really feel and then what I have to remind myself haha so basically I understand what you are saying )


        Ha ha. There is good reason why no one can hear our mind voice. Am thankful for that!!


    Yeahh.. sometimes people go out of their way to give the shout out that they don’t like something. And that … hurts. Obviously when you personally like something, then seeing the derogatory tone is painful. Cause ultimately as you said, everyone has their own choices and preferences, so what I find interesting or enjoy might not be someone else’s cup of tea, and vice versa. And our own thought process also influences what we love, so what maybe shallow to someone else might resonate with us to a great extent. I think admitting that I like something, fluff or no fluff, makes all the difference lol. Then whatever you see or hear isn’t going to affect you anymore.


Trip down memory lane: cooked 낙지볶음 for dinner today. Kim Min-kyu would be proud.


Heard this song on the radio today. The lyrics were so well matched to JH’s feelings that I had to drop everything and make this. You need the EN translation (cc) to get it but it’s kind of perfect.


    Impressive! That was beautiful and I loved how you incorporated the art walk as well!


      Thanks. It’s good that we have a holiday coming up because I am feeling super inspired lately. Not only making MVs, but I also started painting again. Fingers crossed the mood lasts.


        I meant art work, but you are super talented! I’m not an artist at all!


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Encounter #8
You can only see the wind through the whistling of the trees.
Love is like that. To see it, it has to be reflected in action.

With JH it’s in each and every gesture, sometimes surprisingly so. Like when he was working so hard to prepare the end of year party: I thought that he put in all that effort because he wanted to prove that he was hired on his own merit and not for his connections, and in doing so he wanted to strengthen SH’s position in front of the board. But it was so much more than that. Each step of the way he had her in mind: choosing a masquerade because he knows how much she longs for anonymity, including a salsa band because dancing makes her happy, even hand drawing her mask… His love is so apparent in everything that there is no need for a single word.

The secret that SH is responsible for turning his theoretical ideas of what love is into practice is no secret at all. It’s there in every smile.


Currently obsessing about Encounter and Red moon, blue sun. One appeals to my cynical side, the other to my better nature. One reminds me of sweet forgotten memories, the other brings up thoughts better left forgotten. They both resonate, but watching them in parallel is giving me massive emotional whiplash.


    I watch the week’s episodes of Red Moon, Blue Sun and wait a few hours/days before starting the Encounter watch… That helps me.


      Totally get it! I watch Encounter which is all sincerity to sooth the ache and calm my spinning head watching Last Empress which is all insanity.


Encounter #8: the best reverse-Cinderella story ever, complete with a fairy grandfather disguised as limo driver.

My greed knows no bounds: seeing two people drinking tea, eating, talking, holding hands or in each other’s arms… I am still left wanting a bit more.This shows reminds me how wonderful love can be when it’s right. 부럽다


    Even the lead up to the kiss was beautiful. The progression of their relationship is hella sexy.


    I think I’ve been single too long. I found a lot of it very cheesy although it was very sweet. The slow pace of the relationship, the kiss that came after ages – that’s perfect for me. Why can’t men IRL slow down?


      Completely agree about slowing down and enjoying each little step in the process.

      It’s not a perfect show by any means but I appreciate the attention to detail, like her choice of mask, or him being photographed outside in the cold smiling at her all alone. There’s also an undercurrent of awkwardness that accompanies their physical interactions that I find realistic and endearing. JH is constantly hungry for more and keeps probing her boundaries, e.g. when he first tried to lay his hands on her shoulders during their walk, but once he got back to her place went for a full back hug. The way she completely trusts him to go just as far that she is ready… I wish more real world relationships were more like that (I did call this a fairytale for a reason).


        You’re right. It is a fairytale. I do appreciate the show much more when you put it in that perspective.

        In the early episodes, I felt for the ex husband and thought he made for a more compelling match for Soo Hyun than Jin Hyuk, but now I think otherwise. The ex husband is reality, and Jin Hyuk is a dream. I can see why Soo Hyun would pick Jin Hyuk – your dream come true.


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            That’s precisely why I call the ex a reality. As one who comes from a conservative country, the kind of marriage Soo Hyun had is the kind that I face if I don’t stand up for myself. (Of course, it may work out much better) In my experience, the ex is very much reality and Jin Hyuk is very much a dream.

            Of course putting myself aside, in the story, the ex needs to stop imposing his feelings on her and needs to stop interfereing with her life at all – something which applies even more strongly to his mother.
