Hong Gil Dong: Episode 24 (Final)


Um, wow.

The more I think about the ending of Hong Gil Dong, the more I like it. I’ve mentioned that the series was starting to feel repetitive in recent episodes, and I’d wondered how this episode would wrap everything up to satisfaction.

Some people aren’t going to be happy, and I admit my initial impression was mixed. Though it’s not sad or tragic, it’s bittersweet, but mixed with an open-endedness and, dare I say, even hopefulness.

I didn’t expect the writers to pull out this kind of finale, but the more I consider it and the knee-jerk reaction fades, I think it achieves a kind of poignancy I didn’t think it would, or could. In fact, the finale actually brings the series up to scratch and vindicates some of the meandering plotlines for me. I like the series better for its ending, when I was actually prepared to go out on anticlimax. Although that may put me in the minority (sigh, once again).


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The king sends his troops to attack Hwal Bin Dang, and with no opportunity for escape and surrounded on all sides, Hwal Bin Dang prepares for confrontation.

Soon, it’s all-out battle.

Hearing that Chang Whe ordered the attack, Enok rushes to Gil Dong. Chang Whe hears of Enok’s departure with dismay, but believes that Gil Dong will send her back. Although this is exactly the scenario Chang Whe feared, both men love Enok too much to let her stay in harm’s way.

She tries to persuade Gil Dong to run away while he can — he was once on the same side as Chang Whe. Why is he fighting when he knows he’ll die?

Gil Dong tells her that he must continue — and because the king has left his side in the fight for a better world, that puts them at odds.

Chisu and Yong Jin convey a message to Hwal Bin Dang, and it’s clear that they don’t relish the idea of fighting their former allies, either. They will certainly act in loyalty to their king, but they have both seen the world inside of Hwal Bin Dang and felt wistful pangs themselves. They ask how long Hwal Bin Dang can hold out, and the rebels answer that they’ll fight till the end to protect the world they’ve created. Within their stronghold, there are no nobles and no servants — everyone is equal.

Chisu tells Yong Jin, “That place is a dream. A dream everyone wants to enter.”

Chang Whe’s message (a demand to disband Hwal Bin Dang and surrender) does nothing to alter Gil Dong’s course. But he knows he can’t hold on to Enok, and therefore sends her back with a letter, telling her that she’s the only one who can deliver his message safely to the king.

Enok: “I’m thinking carefully about where it is I want to be.”
Gil Dong: “And?”
Enok: “I thought it over, and come this far. This is my place too. This is where I want to be — where you are. So I’ll be right back.”

For him, this is goodbye, but he doesn’t contradict Enok’s belief that it’s just an errand.

Although a fight between the king and Gil Dong was what Eun Hye had intended, the swiftness of reality shocks her, and she realizes this isn’t what she wanted at all.

She tells Gil Dong of a bird she’d had whose mate had died, which she’d sent away to its freedom. She’d thought that if she got rid of Gil Dong, into whom she’d poured so much attention and emotion, she’d be freed too. But now she knows that’s not the case, and begs him to retreat and flee somewhere far — it’s okay if he doesn’t come to her. All she wants is to know he’s safe.

Gil Dong: “I’m already in a faraway land, one that’s completely different from this one. What I’m fighting for now, and my friends here, is not the king’s world. It’s a tiny but decent place we’ve built — that’s what I’m fighting for.”
Eun Hye: “That kind of place is a dream. A dream you’ll die for.”
Gil Dong: “No, the land we stand on now is that place. Because you can’t come over to our side, you can’t see it, and believe it’s merely a dream. But for me it’s reality, something I’d happily die protecting.”

As he turns to leave, Eun Hye calls out, “Then protect it through the very end. Don’t die, and keep protecting it, so that I can know that you’re still alive guarding that place.”

Enok delivers the letter to Chang Whe, who doesn’t intend to let her return to the Hwal Bin Dang he plans to destroy. Chang Whe shows her the letter — it’s blank. Gil Dong was actually sending her away.

Chang Whe: “As a king protecting my country, I may have to kill him. But to kill you along with him? You’re an irreplaceable person to me. I told you that it was because of you that I became a real person. But you want me to kill you and keep on living?”

Enok tells him, “The world I chose is Gil Dong’s, so I will go there. I’ve seen the good person in you. I believe you will be a good king.” She begs for him to let her go — and he does, defeatedly.

Rushing back and launching herself into the fray, Enok comes face to face with Chisu, and tells him the good person she saw in Chang Whe is dying — “Go back and protect him.”

Across the battlefield, Gil Dong sees her arrival, and this time he (finally!) accepts her choice to remain.

That night, Enok tends to Gil Dong’s wounds. She reminds them that they’re in this together now: “This is where I want to be. So don’t stop me from fighting to save it.”

This time, he grabs her in a hug and thanks her for sticking with him.

The next day, we have a bit of a reprieve from the fighting — Hwal Bin Dang is holding steady despite the siege — and Su Geun begs Mal Nyeo to marry him formally. Just like Gil Dong and Enok, who’ve just married. Enok now wears the wedding hair ornament her grandfather had bought for her.

Mal Nyeo agrees to the wedding, and Su Geun rejoices.

Meanwhile, Enok excitedly shows Gil Dong a bud that’s just sprouted out of the ground. But as she can’t remember what she planted there, she and Gil Dong cheerfully speculate about what it will grow to be.

Chang Whe comes to speak to Gil Dong and explains that he doesn’t consider his stance a betrayal of Gil Dong — he’s (yes we know, for the hundredth time) just a king protecting his people. He also says that he will remember Gil Dong years from now (speaking with an assurance born of knowing the outcome will favor himself) and what he’d fought for.

Gil Dong adds that he shouldn’t forget to fear him, either — because even if he dies and Hwal Bin Dang disappears, there may be a new Hong Gil Dong and a new Hwal Bin Dang that will rise up to change the world.

Gil Dong: “It may not come today, but someday that world will arrive. People will believe in that world and inch toward it. The world will change a hundred, thousand times, gradually progressing toward that place.”

Gearing up for more battle, the rebels send away a protesting Gom. Gil Dong steps in and tells him to get out and survive. He must live on and see to it that their work isn’t forgotten, and keep the fight going: “Do that for everyone, Gom. No, I mean Leader Gom.”

Yeon ushers Gom and Hae Myung out of the area, fighting off the soldiers who patrol the area. But more soldiers keep arriving, poised to shoot the escaping pair. Yeon plants himself in front of them and takes the arrows to the chest, and urges Gom to run away.

Injured but not fallen, he continues to fight the oncoming soldiers, fueled by the determination to protect Gom: “This is for Gom’s world to come.” Despite being shot with numerous arrows, he continues fighting until finally he falls.

Back at Hwal Bin Dang, Su Geun and Mal Nyeo have their wedding ceremony, with Gil Dong presiding. Enok puts freshly plucked flowers into Mal Nyeo’s hair and the couple is married. The others chant for the newlyweds to kiss, and then for Gil Dong and Enok to do likewise.

It’s a brief interlude that’s over all too soon as they gear up for more fighting. Feeling the intensity growing, Gil Dong knows that Chang Whe is anxious to finish the fight quickly, and will be increasing his attacks. Hwal Bin Dang prepares to continue holding ground, while the king’s soldiers prepare to charge in.

And then the sequence that brings everything to a head:

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First, the mood takes on an ethereal quality, helped in large part by this hauntingly beautiful traditional Norwegian song “Lær Meg Å Kjenne,” as sung by Sissel Kyrkjebø. (The actual song starts around 40 seconds in.) [ Download ]

Original lyrics:
Lær meg å kjenne dine veie
og gå dem trøstig skritt for skritt
Jeg vet at hva jeg fikk i eie,
er borget godt gods, og alt er ditt.
Men vil din sterke hånd meg lede,
jeg aldri feil på målet ser,
og for hvert håp som dør her nede,
får jeg et håp i himlen mer
English translation:
Teach me to know your ways
and to walk them trustingly step by step
I know that what I own,
are borrowed goods, and everything is yours.
But if your strong hand guides me,
I will never see the wrong goal,
and for every hope that dies
down here,
I will receive a greater hope in heaven.

As Hwal Bin Dang prepares to move out, soldiers shoot a barrage of fire-tipped arrows in. But rather than scatter or run, everyone stares, calmly transfixed, at the fire flying in the sky. For a prolonged moment, it looks like the arrows are hanging in the air, and they gaze at the sight almost peacefully.

It’s like time pauses as everyone around Gil Dong and Enok fades into black and white, and Enok remarks that the arrows look like shooting stars: “Shall we make a wish?”

Gil Dong: “In this situation?”
Enok: “It looks like they’re bidding us a nice farewell.”
Gil Dong: “We’ll be going together.”

They hold hands as the arrows start descending toward them.

Then the arrows fall, landing everywhere.

Enok: “Gil Dong. [in English] ‘I love you.’
Gil Dong: “I know.”
Enok: “You know what that means?”
Gil Dong: “Dummy. I love you. I love you… I love you…”

Alone in his palace, Chang Whe hears the report and sheds a tear. His soldiers storm the burning headquarters.


We don’t see any people, dead or otherwise, as the arrows land and set Hwal Bin Dong on fire. But the next morning, everything is charred and eerily empty, but for Mal Nyeo’s fallen flower and the lonely green plant, still alive in the ground.

I’m thankful that they don’t show us any bodies, because for one, it keeps the ending (and implied deaths) on a metaphorical level, which spares me the trauma of seeing the carnage. It also gives us our last image of them as whole, intact, and nobly defending their ideals. Furthermore, we don’t need to be reminded of death — that’s not the point. (More on that later.) On another level, it helps some of the more denial-stricken among us cling to the belief that maybe, just maybe, some people survived.

Chang Whe assures his men, and therefore his citizens, that Hwal Bin Dang has been subdued. He will continue to do what he must to protect his country.


Not unlike the first time Gil Dong “died,” Hwal Bin Dang and Gil Dong may be gone but the legend lives on.

Merchant Wang tells the other villagers that they must read Gil Dong’s story and remember him so that he never dies. Watching from the sidelines, Hae Myung tells Gom:

“He’s alive. Through them, and through you, they all live on.”

And some undisclosed number of years later, when Hae Myung is old(er) and gray(er), he comes upon a young boy crying by himself. The boy is upset that because of his poverty, he’s unable to learn anything. Only the rich are educated. Hae Myung asks, “Do you want to be Hong Gil Dong too?”

That gets the boy’s attention, and he follows the priest, asking about Hong Gil Dong.

Boy: “Do you really know Hong Gil Dong? Is he really not dead, but still alive?”
Hae Myung: “Of course. Hong Gil Dong is someone who’ll live forever.”

And then the scene transitions into modern-day Korea — subways, sidewalks, cafes, city lights.

Hae Myung: “Even in a hundred years, five hundred years, he’ll still be alive.”
Boy: “What will he be doing in such a far-off time?”
Hae Myung: “Even when much time passes and things look different on the surface, the way people live will be similar. Like we have the noble and lower classes in our world, that world will have its own strong and weak people.”
Boy: “What will Hong Gil Dong do there?”
Hae Myung: “What’s more important than what he’ll be doing is the fact that there will be someone watching and guiding the world to live properly. Don’t forget. The sword that looks the world in the face, takes stock of it, and changes it — in any world, there will be a Hong Gil Dong.”



First, the knee-jerk reaction: disappointment that my expectations for a goofy, giddily happy ending were thwarted. I’m guessing that I was not alone in expecting the series to come full circle and give us more of that opening sequence from Episode 1, with the happy rebels cheerfully continuing to wreak their vigilante brand of justice upon a corrupt hegemony. I feel a bit cheated out of it, even though such an ending wouldn’t quite fit in with the way the plot has been developing — because then we’d have to assume Chang Whe turned corrupt and ignored his desire to become a good ruler, which goes against everything his character has been built up to be all series long. (My interpretation of the opening sequence (Gil Dong’s hairstyle notwithstanding) is that it already happened and we just didn’t see exactly when the initial time-jump backward caught up with the “present.”)

But as I think more about the series and get used to the resolution, I love the way they wrapped things up. (And never underestimate the power of a well-chosen score, because that last song? Is pretty killer.) The series actually had a meaning beyond mere entertainment — yes, sometimes it was heavy-handed in its delivery, but at least there was some sort of depth there. Perhaps the Hong sisters’ take on egalitarianism is a little clumsy, therefore more propagandistic than needle-sharp social commentary, but hey, they’re in good company — apparently the original writer of the book Hong Gil Dong Jeon was accused of pushing anti-government propaganda.

I appreciated the surrealistic way the final battle was portrayed because, like I said, death was never the point. Starting from a few episodes back, it became increasingly obvious that Gil Dong was meant to transcend the present, and therefore his present life. His existence held more purpose than his physical lifetime, so it’s only fitting that we don’t see a definitive death scene to give his story a sense of finality it’s not meant to have.

Because it hardly matters in the big picture — and Hong Gil Dong really is about the big picture — when hundreds of years later, what’s important isn’t how long Gil Dong and Enok and everyone lived, but that their legacy continues. And that the world they dreamed of and staked so much to bring about has (more or less) come true, where people are judged equally, are not confined by the status of their births, valued on meritocracy (again, more or less — sometimes less), and are able to choose their leaders.

We might even infer that Gom carried on the legacy — after all, Gil Dong’s last words to him were “Leader Gom,” anointing him his successor. The ending of the series, with the juxtaposition of the fallen flower and the sprouting bud, shows that with their last great stand, they ushered in the beginnings of a new era.

So, happy ending? Not completely. But satisfying? For me, it was.


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it's a very bittersweet ending... unexpected but like you said, satisfying =)


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hi dramabeans.
well, juss wanted to share my thoughts...
the ending is not happy, but yes it satisfied me.
im juss really glad that enok and gil dong got each other.
i would have been really angry if they did not get one another.
another thing, the ending is very touching. i cried.
thinking back to all the wonderful and fun times they had together.
*sigh* i am watching the begining over again,
juss to gain those happiness back. lol.
*sigh!* but it WOULD have been better if the ending
was a continuation of episode 1.
that would have been a WAAAYYY better and happier ending for me.
im juss disappointed that they didnt have a long ENOUGH time to be happy together.
but overall im satisfied, i guess. =\


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i LOVE hong gil dong the drama!!!
and i LOVE gil dong, he is soo cute how he is with enok! =D
they are lovely together!!! =D


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I am quite satisfied with the ending, but after reading your review it makes me regret the fact that I like skimmed episodes 20 - 23 to see the ending. I saw some comments on crunchyroll on how disappointing the ending was when I was done with episode 19.

The only thing that really bugged me was that I didn't understand how the first scene in episode one could follow after the ending. But after reading chasen8888, I really liked your interpretation.

Usually im a suckers for happy endings, even though HGD ending was really bittersweet, I stilled enjoyed it, despite the fact he and yi nok died, they were still able to be together in the end and they got married. I really liked that, it 's so much better than them not being together.Also the fact that Gom lives, he will carry on the beliefs and will tryy his best to create a bettere world.

Another thing was that I was wondering how Chang Hwi ran the nation after, did he become a good king, or was he like a tyrant...


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It turned out to be fine with GD/YN ending, at least they died together.

But what I'm so mad at is that it was just too unfair for CW. I've liked his character itself from the beginning and it was developed very well, I didn't hope that he would end up with YN but at least there should be a happy ending for him. It was too cruel to leave him with nothing but being suffered. He deserved much more than that.

I just hate YN in the last scene of her with CW, how come she say those cruel things too him after all what CW has done for her, she should just have said that she couldnt live without GD and go. I couldnt help but cried even more than CW did, oh my gosh. I just feel so sorry for him, poor guy.

I've loved the whole thing throughout the series, except the ending, it sucks to me. I think the three main actors have done a great job. Especially I love the comedic character in GD, I also feel the sorrowfullness in CW and the being stupid in YN although it was so unreal.


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wow....i'm speechless
but i love ur summaries.
they are so concise and easy to understand!
i also love how u put up the music from the series for people to download
but Hong Gil Dong is an excellent drama. I was disappointed with the ending at first, but then i gradually accepted the fact that he died as a hero and lived on as a legend. As it would not make sense for them to overthrow the king who is also suffering from the fact that enok left him.
phew...now that i've got that out...

i'm gonna browse around now for other dramas and look forward to reading more of ur summaries =)


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I just finished watching the series over a course of 5 days and found the last few episodes a little tedious to watch, and the ending? Totally unexpected.
Was quite disappointed, to be honest.

But reading your recap made me feel better about the ending, about the drama.
Thanks so much.


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so sad....make me cry...i hate ending like this lah!!!T.T


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izin't tat episode 1 say (1 and a half year before this)? then y is hung gil dong die in the end??


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nono...izint ep 1 say (a few years before this)? den how suppose gil dong die? the few years leh??


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I just found out about this drama and i immediately fell in love with it after watching the first episode. I searched for the other episodes on the internet and i've finished watching the entire series (with countless sleeps of course..).

Honestly, i agree with Gwe. The ending was beyond my expectation (hell yeah, after watching the series 24/7...I was hoping AT LEAST a happy ending). To me, i just can't help but feel that all the character developments go to waste...

I'm a big sucker for happy ending, i realized that much after watching HGD. Of course, all of us welcome a 'non-typical' ending once in a while, but this is just too much - it left me traumatized, trust me. I loved both gil dong and the prince's character so much that the fact they kinda went the opposite way pisses me off!!

However, after reading most of the comments, the 'traumatic-sensation' has eased a little bit. I agree with anon on the part;
"I was disappointed with the ending at first, but then i gradually accepted the fact that he died as a hero and lived on as a legend. As it would not make sense for them to overthrow the king who is also suffering from the fact that enok left him".

(Breathes in, breathes out) thank god, i'm a bit relieved now...


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I finished watching this drama this morning at around five and I couldn't stop crying. It totally put a damper on my day, but the way they died was so touching and sad that i keep watching it over and over again on youtube. Especially when Enok and Gil Dong do the voice over of the I Love You's at the end. Whenever I think of them and all that they went through only to die together I start crying again. It was still a great drama even without the happy ending.


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Whoa! So many comments! I still tear up whenever I think about the last episode.

Laer Meg a Kjenne uploaded here.


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I've watched the DVD in here, but unfortunately the last episode doesn't work...
Thanks to your summary about the last episode...
It really helps me to understand the story...
After I read your summary, I just feel free of worry because at least YN and GD died together... For me it still a happy ending ^.^
But, I feel a bit sad too, because GD is died and he can't make a family with YN..
I really really hope that they can survive.....


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i think the ending is very fitting, because it gave me the feeling that gildong and yinok are still together right now, in heaven. I dont feel sadness, but happiness that there will be a decent king and that gildong's legacy can live on. btw, gildong and yinok's chemistry was amazing and i think thats because when one person was really into the acting, it made the other partner into it too--->both showing passionate love. haha[:


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Do the Hwal Bin Dang gang really dies in the finale? I think they survived because if you guys look back at Episode 1, the scene started with the Hwal Bin Dang gang together with Enok fighting a corrupted minister . After they'd taken a very good care of him, there's a subtitle on the screen saying " A few years ago before this" and the story of Hong Gil Dong begins with the scene of GilDong waking up in the brothel. If they died, then how can there be "A few years later" scene in the beginning??


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I am not satisfied with the ending, cause I think the kings action did not fit with his character, Hong gil Dongs actions didn't fit well with him either since he always said that he knew nothing could be changed so quickly. So it didn't make senes that he wanted to rush now and he even threatedned the king.
On the other hand I think its wrong of him to kill Hong Gil Don and especially Eneuk (altough that was really her choice), in the end I had the feeling that he would turn out like his brother. They should have made it more obvious that he would be a rightous king who changed a few things, that would have been better. THem working together would have been great and even if he died it should have been mentioned that the king was a good one also I felt very sorry for Chang Hui because his love was so holy unreceired, she could have been a little drawn in by him at least, like he said 'at least look at me once'.(Probalby I am on his side cause I really loved the actor) What I liked about the end is the end dialog which puts us into the present time, but to tell the truth even in the present time nothing has changed much really there is still rich and poor only the poor might be a little better protected now.


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after reading this now im relieve maybe this explains me the ending better than the copy i had watched,haay hope there would be a part two of this story,its to good just to end it so fast, i miss hong gildong and everyone...(",)


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hem...the ending is like this.....im feel very happy if enok with chang hui....but it just happy that enok with gil dong.....this is the 1st drama that i want the heroin be together with the second hero...i dunno why.....


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i knew something would be different in the ending, But this? oy vey. I did not expect this. The beginning especially, threw you off. wow.


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T_T ,this is so sad ....I'm always a happy ending lover ,I only want GD and YN live forver happily ever after(I'm 20 yo ,still pretty childish huh? ^ ^) .I feel like I got thrown this ending into my face.
I can't understand the king , I can't imagine such a good person throughout the serie ,can finally kill his lover ,kill his supporters,just for what? for protecting his place ? I will never accept that action from a human!! I will never even imagine ,not talk about do,that I will do something like that ,even what I earn will be the most richest ,the most powerful person in this world .So what's difference between him and his old king brother? The writers didnt say anything about how he is in future , I think they want to give us our own decision .For me ,my answer is : sorry ,king,you will live the rest of your life regret what u had done .You lost your family already,look around , now where are your partners ? your love? Poor you not to have any around u besides the throne u earn by killing them.You indirectly,and directly killed all your love in this world ( your family ,HJW ,YN )
I really like KJH and SYR act .SYR's last 2 movie were really great (snow queen,and HGD) ,good luck with your career ,and join many movies so I can see you again ^ ^(but don't die this time like that 2 movies zzz)

That damn age...I am happy I dont have to live in that age...GD and YN just wanna go to China , then GD can forget all about how that world treats him ,YN can get her simple wish that she can be besides GD ,but curse all of that nobleness ,slave ...Why dont they just leave the couple alone?
I'm always like this after finishing a drama with a tragedy ending ...Now I don't even dare to watch the serie again ..all fo that laugh ,fun at the beginning ..it will vanish in the end ..I dont want that ..
I will never forget this movie ,one of the best drama I ever seen ,maybe in my entire life .


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I'm a KJW convert after this drama ...maybe even attempt to finish '90 days..' again. Hehe... Wats your most commented post? Is it this one?


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I love this Drama. I'm late in posting. But, I was really disappointed in the ending until I remembered the first episode and watched it again (to confirm that was the REALLY ending). The first episode was really the ending! HGD said to Chung Hui (prince dude) that there will always be a class separation and there would be ppl fighting for a world where there was no poor/rich distinctions.

There were some clues that made me believe that the beginning was the ending, for example, Yi Nok actually knew how to fight, she had a lot of confidence! If you watch, she doesn't know how to fight well in the other episodes. And the beginning of epi one couldn't have happened during the show, because their hair was different (HGD had nice straight long hair =], and Yi Nok had long long hair). Plus, during the whole series, there was not one moment that fit the opening scene. When was it that Yi Nok had long hair or knew how to fight? When she joined Hwan Bin Dang, it was long until she found out about her past and thus became an nobles daughter, lived with the Prince. And when she did return to Hong Gil Dong, it was only during the war with the Prince. So, the opening scene doesn't fit in the story unless it was after the War with the Prince. Plus, their clothes were different. =]

It would make sense because in the one of the last scenes, Gomi was not with the Master when he found the abandon poor kid. Anyways, the biggest clue was the substitle"A FEW YEARS BEFORE THIS." It also would make sense and fit in the story, b/c even though the king said he would be a good king, that doesn't stop rich ppl from scamming others. Also, it could be that they were in another part of Korea, remember how HGD said there would always be HGD's and Hwan Bin Dang's. I believe they survived and the King found out but left them alone. After all, Chung Hui had to keep the royal nobles and fight for "his world."

Just like HGD survived his first death, he and the others survived that death. Who knows, the King could had ordered his army men to make it seem that HGD was dead to reassure the nobles. Then a few years later, when Chung Hui weakened the nobles influences and power on Korea.

Anyways, I think Hong Gil Dong was the best Drama, and it ended in a nice happy way, it brought us back to the first episode. =]

That's all. I do hope they make a second one that shows how exactly they escaped. But, I'm scared it wouldn't turn out as intresting as the first. Regardless, this drama is worthwatching 2 times! =] I love it and at first I was sad that Joo Ji Hoon (lead from Goong)wasn't going to star in this drama and was diappointed to see Kang Ji Hwan as the main lead. So I lost intrest. But after watching Capital Scandal (antoher drama where Kang Ji Hwan played the lead), I was so amazed at his style of acting. He is so adorable and handsome. Anyways, after Capital Scandal, I wanted to see him in other dramas so I gave HGD a chance. Kang Ji Hwan is one of the best actors and now I think Ji Hoon wouldn't had fit HGD and wouldn't had played the role as good as Ji Hwan did.


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I thought the ending was satisfying - enough.

The last 3-4 episodes in my opinion, were draggy and repetitive. The show could have ended aropund episodes 18-19, but the the PD's or the writers' decision to elongate the series filled the rest with political fluff and whatnot. The tone drastically changed, the series has been somewhat politically critical from the beginning but this conflict never really played center stage. Furthermore, it deviated from the mood and atmosphere set in the first episode where HGD and HBD were portrayed as happy-go-lucky warriors out for justice. I do, however, feel relieved that some here explained that it was merely a devise to show the differences betweed Gil Dong the folklore legend and Gil Dong, as a living breathing man with his own problems.

Anyway, the last few episodes, although well executed felt "extended" that they did so for the ratings. My feeling is that they ran out of ways to challenge YiNok and Gil Dong's relationship that they focused on the already established conflict between Chang Whe and HGD. This could have been resolved in 19/20 (sorry I forgot) like what #107 mentioned. Doing so would match the first episode's now heavily criticized scenes.

Furthermore, I don't think the death of the majority of the cast was necessary. Forgive me for saying this, but I believe the writers decided not to let Gil Dong defeat the actual government because of political objections. Gil Dong's ideals directly challenged the government and its incapability to protect its people due to class. Gil Dong and his band wanted equality for all, no title, no class to avoid hurting those in the bottom of the social hierarchy.

Doesn't this remind you of communism? Such a dangerous idea in a country with such a next door neighbor.

I might sound a bit paranoid, but I know that any government is well aware of the power of mass media. Its viewers may not be able to at once point out vague implications of shows, but it takes effect. As someone mentioned earlier, the story of Gil Dong was viewed as anti-government, maybe it remained so until today.

IN CONCLUSION (I rambled for quite awhile):

i'm not a fan of "tragic" endings, but I wouldn't necessarily use that term. The ending was bittersweet, and it left hope for the future.

I enjoyed watching this series. Worth watching, worth my time.


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thank you for your summaries javabeans! i love reading your posts! i admit i was very sad with the ending because i kept waiting for the scene in episode 1. i kept looking at the time and estimating if they still had enough time to show opening scene or something related to it. alas, all my hope was in vain.... and to think i had been eagerly waiting for that scene since ep1! i'm at least glad that they didn't show any bodies at the end because it gives me hope that they were able to escape and live as seen in episode 1. i'm definitely one of the fans still in denial of their death. but so be it--i need it to have closure on this show. it wasn't the ending i wanted but it was still a beautiful and heartbreaking close to a series i loved so much. i look forward to more movies from the cast! jiayou!!


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'Wow. Um, wow'
You took the words right out of my mouth dramabeans. Unexpected or what? Tear jerking or what?! I could not even see the last bit of this episode due to all the tears screwing up my eye sight. It started from when Yeon sacrificed himself and wouldn't stop flooding out until I forced myself to gain composure so I could write this...

I so did not see the whole calm, facing-death-scene and I must admit I loved it, even though I did feel slightly cheated like you said dramabeans. I think like most people, I was looking forward to a happy, cheery, full-circle-to-that-funky-beginning-scene kinda ending. I expected the whole group totally Robin Hood-ed up and Gil Dong and Enok soaking up a happily ever after and Chang Whe a great King, but I guess not. Typical and boring, yes, but the beginning kinda led you to believe it. But then noooo, they had to develop a full on battle and fight till death kinda thing. Certainly didn't see death in the cards for this final episode. As I said, I imagined cheery. Though I like the ending, it made it seem as if Hong Gil Dong (the drama) didn't only equal Hwal Bin Dang and Enok and Gil Dong together, and that there was a bigger picture to the drama.
Plus, I feel strangely at peace and happy that they did die the way they did (though still, a part is sorely hoping that they survived). It felt like they held their heads high and were willing to face death, so it was better (and more emotionally hard hitting) that they went the way they did... and they were all together in the 'world' they loved, created and fought for till the end. Gahh. T.T

Kang Ji Hwan has been amazing throughout this drama. I was moved and very convinced by his acting and he totally fitted the character. He just had too many cute moments in this drama, I can't help love him now :] I love the rest of the cast too, even the stoic Jang Keun Suk (but that's kinda forced love because it's such a great drama, I guess).

I was hoping for an Enok and Gil Dong ending, so I guess I'm satisfied. They did get married, and it was good that they were together in the end of everything. Gahh. When Ji Hwan voiced over in the background 'I love you', I swear, a new round of tears burst out :]
I think one of the best endings and a very entertaining drama overall - funny, sad, dramatic (I could go on)... Another great drama that I've followed with you, thanks dramabeans!


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Thanks for the summary.

After the second episode I was hooked. I came to like Gil Dong and Yi Nok and the Prince and everyone else. Then as the story progresses on Yi Nok's character got stupider as everyone else got better. Yi Nok was a cool character at the beginning. She have a lot of backbones and even though she was stupid she's still is aware of her surrounding. But as soon the "I Love You" started, as her eyes are forever fixed on Gil Dong, it begin to pisses me off how selfish she is to the people around her who cared for her.

I hate drama with ending like this. I hate how almost every drama like this the second main (ie. Prince) is always the guy who's left alone in the end and main Girl, no matter what situation or how she was brushed off, she'll run back to the main guy. It's just suck so badly. Second Main deserved love too.

The only person I like in this whole drama is the King, the Prince Chang Hui and his right hand man, and the Minister of Interior. I'm happy that Yi Nok is with Gil Dong because Yi Nok don't deserve the Prince's love.

Over and All, this drama was good. I was happy to get the chance to watch it (and continued to the end because of the Prince). :)


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if you rewatch the episode 1 of hong gil dong you will definitely know what happened to them why did they disappear maybe it's because the prince change his mind and he just let them escape and they live in the other land....it's just my view because it says in episode 1 after the fighting scene...years before this incident...and then the past of them appear,,,,,so i guess they live and then the prince become the king.....


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Huhuhu... I never thought I'd be crying just reading the summary of the last episode... ;-(

Anyway, HGD is one of the best Korean series I've ever watched! I love all the dialogues, scenes but specially the earlier episodes with the scene wherein Yi Nok was taking a bath and relieved herself... what a laugh and then she gave the food to HGD...!

The world indeed needs people like HGD.. however it may be so idealistic...

Good job to all the cast of HGD. I love all of you! mwahh... - from Philippines


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o so the ending was actually episode 1. This makes a lot more sense.
So basically in episode 1 , in the first scene the ending was already introduced since it said it was "a few years before."
Therefore Hong Dil Gong had a happy ending, meaning everyone survived.
Since they continued to fight the nobles...


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At least they died together. I was hoping that they wouldn't but hey eventually everyone will die xD


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I feel a bit of emptyness in me though....


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At first i was very confused about what happened in the beginning of episode one and why it didn't match with the ending. I had thought like you that it would be futher explained but it never was. But now that i think about it i think it was to show readers how Hong Gil Dong, even if its not really him but people similar to him will come up and stand for what they feel is right to future kings to come.


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I too totally loved this drama, it was truly awesome.

The ending was painful, however when thinking about it I have a few comments.

Firstly Hong Gil Dong did not choose death, he always fought for his true beliefs and ideals. HGD was fully prepared to create his new world of equality.

However the King and his ministers understood that HGD's very existence threatened their world and that HGD was so popular amongst the people that most everyone eventually would gather behind him until his power was so great that the old order would eventually die out.

HGD fully intended to implement his vision of a fair, equal and just world if allowed to continue. That is why they were elimated by the current powers that be.

Would we prefer that HGD disband as requested by the King, give up and continue to live as inferior peasants or die fighting for what he believed in?

HGD has the nature of a True Warrior that will fight to the very death for what he believed in and never back down, give up or compromise.

As painful as it may seem he chose the righteous and courageous path.
Would we have wanted him to act any other way?
The King sold out in the end to the power of the corrupt and self serving ministers of his government, perhaps believing he was doing the right thing.
In my opinion there was cowardice, heartlessness and wrongdoing in his actions.

HGD said to him in the end that he would stand and fight and not disband and give up on his vision of a new world. He also said to the King to NOT use his argument as an excuse!

The King (Prince) opinion that he did not betray HGD is very weak and he is trying to justify his actions for the good of the country which is the nature of corrupt and unjust rule.

The Prince used HGD to restore himself to power but then protected his own kingdom.


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I've read negative comments about the ending saying it totally ruined the series and such, but I think it's good, people just overexhaggerated it. I mean, I like happy endings..... but I wouldn't necessarily say this was a bad ending. The whole series was too enjoyable to downplay it just because of the ending. Supposedly (or it is implied) they died, but no bodies were seen when the arrows hit the village as well as after it burned out..... giving us some hope, though it is likely impossible since the arrows descended on them while YN and GD were still holding hands. Even so, I liked it, unexpected, but still a good end to HGD itself. At least GD and YN are together at the end.

As for CW, he simply became a king..... that obligation to serve his people would naturally put him in a difficult situation. I mean, I've seen another kinda similar to this (Mischievious Princess) and all this political stuff is a hard thing for a King to deal with..... like they say, the people and officials have the power.... the king is just a name because if the people below the King are dissatisfied, that's not good for the King.

Also, CW and YN relationship is not on the same lvl as GD and YN. Just like how it is between In Hyung and Eun Hye, Eun Hye and Gil Dong, etc.

We can see that In Hyung does care for Eun Hye such as when he warned her father to go home when the King planned to burn down the palace mainly for the sake of Eun Hye and he doesn't even bash Eun Hye for choosing Gil Dong over him. Even so, Eun Hye still chooses Gil Dong rather than In Hyung. In Hyung clearly showed a hint of love and care for her with none in return.

This then goes to Eun Hye and Gil Dong. Though Eun Hye sort of used her status to try and persuade Gil Dong by setting up plots to get him to be with her and even trying to get him killed, she also showed a hint of love and care when she realized that she doesn't actually want him to be killed and tries to tell him to run away and escape from the fight. I guess she can't be too cold-hearted to Gil Dong for rejecting her after seeing him in both physical and emotional pain.

Same goes for Chang Whe and Yi Nok. No matter how much protection and care Chang Whe gives Yi Nok, they don't have the same emotional connection that Yi Nok and Gil Dong has. Yi Nok's connection with Gil Dong is simply stronger. Like Javabeans mentioned before, Chang Whe needed Yi Nok more than she needed him, while Gil Dong and Yi Nok needed each other. Yi Nok made Chang Whe a better person, but Chang Whe didn't really have anything to offer her other than the Queen position and protection. Yi Nok was the first person to care for Gil Dong hence changing him into a more caring person, as hint from the early episodes, and Yi Nok must have been emotionally touched when she saw Gil Dong's vulnerable side when Gil Dong cried and she held up her hands to shield him, thus making her fall in love with him, maybe wanting to mend his emotional pain. Also, she became somebody he really cared for too. Simply put, when too people love each other, one can't force them to separate unless they choose to willingly. Chang Whe can only love Yi Nok physically because her mind already belonged to Gil Dong. Plus, Yi Nok and Gil Dong's connection haven't been severed by either of them..... maybe Gil Dong's father killing her family and she stabbing Gil Dong and Chang Whe's interference may have shakened it some, but nothing directly from Gil Dong or Yi Nok that says "I don't care for you" or "I don't like you". Their actions proves their intent and reason.

But I do like how Chang Whe realizes that he cannot force her to love him, thus allowing her to make her own choice.

And I just wanna say..... I applaud the Hong Sisters, Kang Ji Hwan, and Sung Yu Ri..... great story, great characters (especially Hong Gil Dong, I think his outfits are pretty cool) (Yi Nok was fun to watch too), and definitely one of the best Kdrama I've seen. I will definetly try to get the DVD set or whatever.... like I said before, if it's worth it, I'll give them their moneys worth.

Sorry for this long comment (detailed explanation of thought), but I was saving it for the end I guess, after reading all recaps on HGD here.


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I really like the ending and the whole series as well^^ Thanks for the summary, it helped me to understand better some parts I didn't get right because I was too lazy to read when I was looking at the fights and stuff*okay no... I don't care about fight... I was looking at the actorsXDD*

Anyways.. I went on the official website because I wanted to know what was the name of the actor who play's the other right-hand in Yongmun.. like... not InSung - ChiSu, but the other one who's with him tallking about Hwal BinDang being a dream^^

If anyone knows what his name is that would be nice, I would like to know if he did an other drama because he's really a cute actor^^


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ummmm a world where every1 is equal isnt that communism?


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i think because of that awesome song and that arrow scene, i fell in love. LOL.
i don't know if i love the ending, but i do appreciate how its delivered. however, it seemed as though it didn't fit the whole tone of the series. as what, i guess, most of the people expected it to be a positive-learning-experience kind of ending. with all of the sudden artistic flairs thrown in the ending, calling it unexpected is an understatement.

the first episode is very confusing, considering the very vague/open-ended(?) ending. the 'few years back' definitely doesn't fit the story's timeline, since everything seemed well intact and followed a specific time stream, with no possible openings for doubt that the intro happened before the actual coronation of ChangHui.

i've always used that first episode as my safety blanket: "of course he's not dying, he was in the first episode/finale sequence" up until Yeon's "death". however, thinking about the story and how it progressed, the first episode really didn't fit the ending. i was wondering how will they do the connection for the last 3 episodes, i guess it just doesn't fit.

i have two theories:
[1] the writers scrapped the let's-circle-around-to-the-first-episode bit and wrote something awesome and more meaningful, or;
[2] just as the final scene suggests, those characters are not the same Hong Gil Dong and the gang as the ones in the series. they are, in an alternate-universe kinda way, another generation of Hong Gil Dong and Hwal Bin Dang. note the incredible differences in the fashion.
i vote for number 2! LOL


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I decided to watch Hong Gil Dong after having seen the actor Jang Geun Seok in You're Beautiful. YB was nicely done by the Hong Sisters and JGS is really very, very talented. All three of the main actors in Hong Gil Dong were very good, including the crazy King. It takes a lot of talent to play the role of an evil insane king through out the whole drama.

I think the part I enjoyed the best is when the two brothers were sitting in the palace and Wang Ch (crazy brother king) reveals to the Prince that the sword that he carried out his revenge for was a total fake. I know that madam noh wanted to be the one to tell the prince. But the impact wouldn't have been as great had she been the one. Having your insane brother tell you that your parents used them as pawns in a vicious political game and that in the end the prince would become like him and go insane was enough to push the poor misguided prince to the edge. But I'm glad it did the opposite. That revelation was enough to make the prince determined to keep his sanity. However, there was one thing that really annoyed me with Yi Nok's constant clueless character. Here, the poor prince stumbles out of the palace after hearing how his beloved mother caused a conspiracy in the palace which lead to the deaths of his father and many other innocent people only to find the woman he loves staring at the back of his rival. Go figure.

Also, I noticed the similarity between the love triangle in HGD and YB. In both series the beautiful female lead is totally clueless and with the two handsome leads who fights for her affection one will go totally overboard to expressing his love YB-ShinWoo and HGD-the prince. I had hoped at some point Yi Nok could have grown from clueless and hopelessly in love to a much stronger character. Yi Nok did help Hong Gil Dong grow from a hapless bum to hero and the Prince evolve from a vengeful person to a good caring person, but that's pretty much all she did. She never grew. She became a ping pong between the two main leads.

Lastly, the ending. A certain portion of the ending bordered on realism, that is, if you form a coup against the king, you will be executed or destroyed. However, after Hong Gil Dong returned Yi Nok to the King, I found it totally unbelievable that the King would give her up. In reality, whatever a king wants he gets. Also, he is constantly saying how he wants to protect his people, but in the end he couldn't protect the one who was the most precious to him.

Instead of the lover's quarrel he has with her before defeatedly sending her back, he could have used a stronger argument in simplier terms that she could understand. He could have said that HGD sent her back to live on as a reminder to the people. Seeing her as queen, one who lived among them, will give the people hope that a change can be brought about by the king. Then everything that HGD and his people sacrificed thier life for would not be in vain. I think if he argued something like that then what the monk said about her having a countenance of the queen and becoming queen would come true. And as she sits in the palace, there could have been a split shot where Hong Gil Kong says if his stupid wife where here she would make a wish as he watches the flaming arrows coming down. His wish would be for her to live on and to keep the memories of HGD alive. Then the monk could go on with his narrative, showing flash of Yi Nok on throne as queen alongside the good king and the ending of HGD standing on rooftop. It is a fairytale so it could have happened.

Anyway, despite the quirky ending, I really loved watching Hong Gil Dong. Thanks for the summary as it helped cleared up a lot of loose ended scenes.


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I like your alternate ending. I would have preferred that over the finale.


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This drama is a year or 2 years old but it is absolutely one of my favorites. I cannot even count the amount of times I've watched the ending and cried. I'm probably part of the minority in loving the ending. I just went back and rewatched it for the umpteenth time and it's just as great as I remembered. Although the flaws were incredibly obvious for me the good qualities far outweighed the bad ones. Kang Ji Hwan is awesome! And maybe it's just Chang Hwe's character but Jang Geun Suk was infinitely better as Hwang Tae Kyung.


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The ending was so stupid. I loved the series, but it seemed like nothing was solved, and we didn't even get a happy ending as consolation. It seemed like the message was that, yes, poor people CAN'T do anything to change the world. Sucks, doesn't it?


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I only started watching HGD because I like JGS in YB. I like the ending alot. I wasn't expecting such an ending. At one point I was wondering if I should continue because I thought JGS as Chang Whe was going to be like his brother...going insane or worst commit suicide ! He looks really heart broken when he found out about the fake sword and the lies he has lived for twenty years. I didn't like Enok's character because I find that although HGD's dad killed her parents she was still willing to go to him. Meanwhile Chang Whe was always there for her. I guess she chose her own ending. It would have been better if they had showed how Chang Whe rules his country later. Anyhow thanks for the recaps !


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oh my gosh. I thought there would be a happy ending; after the giddy vibe in episode 1. I sort of don't like the ending; because its sad. We might try to think its a happy ending since Enok and Gil Dong ended up together; but really, IT IS SAD.
Chang Whe turned evil, and the whole Hwal Bing Dang perished. Its so tragic :(((


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i just finished watching this drama ... i'm GLAD i did... If i didn't, i would have missed a GREAT masterpiece of Hong sisters...

At first, I didn't want to watch Hong Gil Dong because Jang Geun Suk was just the second lead, meaning, I knew he wouldn't get the girl in the end...(and I LOVE JGS so much I wish he'd always get the girl in his dramas ;) - silly right? ) but because I SUPER admire HONG SISTERS, I finally decided to check it out...

Now as I watched each episode... how could I control my heart? I fell deeply inlove with Hong Gil Dong...(Kang Ji Hwan was totally awesome!!!!!) I could never imagine any other actor playing the part of Hong Gil Dong better than him.

I still love Jang Geun Suk and I was very impressed with his acting skill in this drama...but Kang Ji Hwan really outshone him...

The ENDING was SUPERB! I could never ask for more... It was bittersweet and deeply touching...

>> hong sisters really are brilliant writers... do they have golden brains or what?? what i like most about their dramas is that I always find myself loving and understanding ALL the characters be it the good ones or the evil ones...

i can't wait to see their next work...


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OMG...!!I missed e last episode,thus i went around looking 2 see if I can find it out,n i landed here.Tis is nt e 1st time i came 2 tis website 2 see wat happened in Hong Gil Dong,the hero,bt it's e 1st show i ever bothered 2 make an effort 2 find out about!^^I juz totally luv tis show!It juz finished yesterday in Singapore,n i had been damn excited on hw it's gonna end,bt in e end,i missed it...wth*...!I juz totally luv e show n prince changhwi(nt his nt so gd character in e show,bt wen he was a better character,n his damn hot gd looks!)A.K.A Jang Geun Suk!>_*n i find tis website v useful,n interesting.nice work!>_*haha...hope u all enjoy it 2!!


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I didn't watch all the episodes as I relied on dramabeans to provide the synopsis so that I could watch the interesting bits. =)

I like Kang Jil Hwan, I think the is the one who was carrying the show; the main actress lead, how do I put that, the *acting cute* part is horrible. I also think that the costumes could have been improved.

Thought Kang Jil Hwan was funnier here compared to the main lead in i jih mae (?!). Wish directors would be good actresses based on the skills, not face next time ... and, most of the them look pretty much the same, anyway ...


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im still trying to get over the ending!!eime will heal my aching heart ..isk isk.. wat i thought was A REAL BUMMER was WHY they did not show a GIL DONG - ENOK WEDDING INSTEAD!! as their the two leads..u wud tink it shud be GD-ENOK wedding instead of SG-MN wedding..or it could have been a double wedding!!

still grieving .. isk isk..


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I know this is like 2 yrs after it showed but i loved this show so much (it was kinda disappointing) because well i wished they had more kissing and stuff but i love the whole comedy n romantic scenes n sometimes the parts made me cry with the main characters too :( and well I LOVE THIS SHOW! (and You're Beautiful)


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I've just finished the series and I'm ridden with sadness but it is the realistic ending for them,I feel lie the world will never change :'(


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