Gu Family Book: Episode 13

There’s so much cuteness today. Plotwise, the episode itself is almost filler, because it’s a lot of fallout from the last one with a bit of setup for what’s to come. But the adorable moments just come one right after another, and after all the emotional wreckage last week, I suppose we all deserve it.


Lee Sang-gon – “Love Hurts” [ Download ]

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Kang-chi narrates, “He asked me,” as we go back to Lee Soon-shin asking Kang-chi what he wants to live as. “And I asked her…”–flashback to Yeo-wool taking his hand in front of her father—”how is it that you’re so good to me?”

She had said: “Because I just want to do anything for you. That’s how I feel right now.” Kang-chi closes the opening flashback in voiceover: “So I want to become a person. I want to be a person again.”

We backtrack a little to find that Master Dam was firmly against Yeo-wool’s idea of training Kang-chi herself, and assigned Gon to do it instead. She does her best to sweet-talk him, but it’s no use.

But to her utter surprise, Gon steps in to say that she should help, agreeing that he and Kang-chi come to blows when left alone, and Kang-chi won’t do as he’s told unless she’s around. Yeo-wool beams, Dad frowns, and Gon rolls his eyes. Heh. So that’s how Yeo-wool and Gon ended up on Tame the Gumiho Squad, complete with useless bean-counting exercises for an exasperated Kang-chi.

Master Dam worries about the pain it’ll cause both Kang-chi and Yeo-wool when they find out he was the one who killed his father. Lee Soon-shin muses that a heart that’s already flowing can’t be stopped.

He says that nervous thoughts make for a nervous future, so all they can do is try to pave the right path for the youth to follow. True, but also, easy for you to be zen about it all, since it’s not your daughter. Just sayin’.

As Kang-chi counts beans, Yeo-wool asks about his birth parents, and if he isn’t the least bit curious about tracking down his mother’s family to see if he has living relatives. He shuts her down, saying that he doesn’t care at all about people who tossed him away in a river.

And then we finally catch up to the events that closed the last episode: A mysterious woman arrives at the Hundred Year Inn. Wol-ryung (aka Daddy Gumiho) wakes up with ominously red eyes.

Down below, Kang-chi feels something and darts up, shaking. Yeo-wool asks what’s wrong, and he doesn’t know. “I just feel… afraid.”

They go see Teacher Gong, who does a follow-my-finger test and decides that Kang-chi’s ki is in disarray, and feeds him some medicine. They’re skeptical, but making medicine seems to be a hobby he’s cultivating, and he says that someday when his successor is found at the school, he’ll be a traveling apothecary.

Yeo-wool asks if he has a successor in mind, and he smiles, “I do have someone in mind, but he’s got such a temper.” Aw, is it Kang-chi? Adorable. Yeo-wool gapes in disbelief, while Kang-chi hilariously advises him that a guy with a temper can’t be dealt with in words. “You want me to slap him around for you?” Hahaha.

Kitchen Fogey whaps him in the head with the broom, and they both leave him standing there pouting and confused.

He stops to greet his fellow classmates on his way out, but they all either run away scared, or treat him like a leper. Aw, poor puppy’s an outcast now.

Tae-seo gets called in and Master Dam gives him something his father left behind—his identification as one of the Men of Honor—to be passed on to Tae-seo in case he died. They explain that if he accepts it, he will carry on in his father’s place.

He doesn’t hesitate, and asks what needs to be done. The room goes silent, and Master Dam finally speaks: “Become one of Jo Gwan-woong’s men.” What? But we just got him back! With the tears, and the hugs, and the bromance that needs mending! Urg.

Kang-chi goes back to counting his beans, and smiles to see Yeo-wool nodding off to sleep beside him. She starts to fall over, so he catches her with two fingers to her head, and then looks around before letting her rest on his shoulder.

As she sleeps, he says aloud, “Honestly I am curious, about who my parents were, why they threw me away in a river. But if I keep thinking about those things, I’m afraid I’ll hate them, resent them… that’s why.”

She opens her eyes, which he doesn’t see. He continues, “But thanks for asking, Yeo-wool-ah.” She closes her eyes again with a smile. Kang-chi looks out toward the mountains and wonders to himself what it was he felt earlier.

Later that night, by the light of the full moon, Wol-ryung rises and returns to the Moonlight Garden.

Kang-chi comes looking for Tae-seo while he’s still trying to figure out what to do, and the boys sit side by side for a chat, without even trying to kill each other. Now that’s progress.

Tae-seo asks if Dad knew about Kang-chi’s gumiho half, but neither of them knows the answer. He asks what it feels like when he changes, and Kang-chi says it’s hazy, but he can hear and feel everything at once, and his whole body feels like it’s burning up, and he becomes sensitive to everything. “And I get really hungry.” Heh.

Tae-seo asks if he still knows that he’s Kang-chi when he’s in that state, and he says he didn’t at first, but eventually learned to remember who he was, and even control his emotions. “Yeo-wool was a big help to me. She saw me that way and wasn’t disgusted or afraid, and just kept calling me Choi Kang-chi, reminding me.”

He says it’s strange, but being around her (he still talks about her like a him, which is funny) puts him at ease—his pain, and even his anger dissipates. Tae-seo: “You love her.” Kang-chi nods yes without even thinking. Omo.

He quickly comes to his senses and denies it with gusto, all, Who, ME? With that guy? Tae-seo laughs and says it’s perfectly natural to be in love with a girl like Yeo-wool. Spoken from experience?

Kang-chi gets all flustered with the denials (but can’t actually get the words out, ha) but Tae-seo interrupts to say that if it’s because of Chung-jo, he shouldn’t let that stop him. He thinks back to seeing her the morning after Jo Gwan-woong raped her, and just tells Kang-chi that she’s someone in his past now.

If that’s because of her life choices, then fine. But if this is a virginity thing, then you suck as a brother, and also as a human being. Kang-chi refuses to let Tae-seo or Chung-jo be people in his past, and reminds him that they’re his only family.

But Tae-seo says the moment Father died, their fates diverged, and they can’t turn back time. Kang-chi argues that they might not be able to go back, but they can retrieve it—their family, the Hundred Year Inn. He promises to get it all back.

Tae-seo says that’s his job, and puts a hand on Kang-chi’s shoulder: “It’s not your fault that Father died.” Aw, okay, you suck a little less now. He tells Kang-chi to stop getting stuck saving him and Chung-jo over and over (amen to that), and says he’s already more grateful than he can ever repay for what he’s done. “But it’s time you lived your life now.”

Yeo-wool goes looking for Kang-chi in his room, but he isn’t there. On her way out, she overhears the other students having a secret powwow about him, and how they can’t just wait around till Kang-chi goes nuclear and kills them all. They agree to get rid of him first.

Meanwhile, Kang-chi goes looking for Gon, and gets a sword poised at his throat. Is that for interrupting your meditation, or is that just your basic hello?

And deep in the woods, a lone traveler hears a rustling behind him. He runs, and out pops Wol-ryung. He grabs the man with one hand and then… sucks the life force out of him, and absorbs it, leaving nothing but a desiccated body behind. Wut.

Well that answers that question about whether or not he came back evil. Yeesh. He’s a ki-sucker now?

Soo-ryun trains Chung-jo to play the drums, and Wol-sun and the other girls have a fit about being passed over for the new girl. But Soo-ryun doesn’t budge, and when Wol-sun slaps Chung-jo, she just slaps her right back this time. Nice.

Chung-jo leans in close and dares her to touch her face again, and goes right back to practicing the drums. Soo-ryun’s assistant wonders what happened to Chung-jo to make her so different, but Soo-ryun tells her not to ask any questions. “Don’t you hear it? That child is crying so sorrowfully right now.”

Yeo-wool sneaks up on Kang-chi, who’s nodding off to sleep mid-bean-count. She checks to make sure he’s out and goes to poke his eyeballs, when he lurches awake and throws her down. “Was it you?”

And the reason you’re still lying on top of her to have this conversation is? She tries to wriggle free but he just teases that with a teacher so weak, it’s no wonder the students are so terrible. At that, she bites his hand to get free. “I was going to kick you someplace more painful, so you should be grateful.” Heh.

She asks where he’s been sneaking off to the last two nights, and he doesn’t say, but admits that he knows the other students are wary of him. She says they just need time to accept him, and he suddenly leans in close: “Did you know… that you’re nagging me an awful lot lately?”

She apologizes, and he scootches even closer, till he’s right up in her face: “Did you also know… you’re a little bit like a girl right now?” She blink-blinks in shock, and he waits for a reaction… and then asks why there’s not a fist flying at his face right now. Oh, you cheeky.

Yeo-wool: “Are you messing with me?” He laughs, and her fist goes up belatedly. But a student comes running up with bad news. Bodies have been found in the woods—three of them, in fact, and they died so strangely that it couldn’t have been by natural human causes.

Oh. No. Please tell me you have an alibi for where you’ve been going every night, Kang-chi. In the woods, the bodies are all found in the same condition—sucked dry, like they’ve been mummified.

So-jung comes upon the scene and stops cold. Please tell me that look of horror on your face is one of knowing horror. Jo Gwan-woong is happy to hear that Kang-chi has started a murder spree, and tells his minion they’ll wait for the rumors to spread, until fear takes hold of everyone.

It’s already come to nasty accusations at the school, where Kang-chi’s classmates confront him for an explanation. Yeo-wool asks her father to intervene, but he tells her that this is something Kang-chi has to conquer on his own if he wants to survive here.

The students ask where he’s been going at night and Kang-chi refuses to answer, saying that he’s been treated this way since he was a child, and has no interest in offering excuses to people who have already decided that he must be guilty.

They outright treat him like a monster pretending to be human, and Kang-chi doesn’t back down, spitting back that he’s just as aggravated to see people like them. They’re about two seconds from coming to blows, when Teacher Gong shows up to yell at everyone.

The other students make their case for why Kang-chi shouldn’t be one of them, and Teacher Gong just tells them to prove it—if they can offer proof that Kang-chi being here is bad for them in some way, or if they can prove he killed those people in the woods, he’ll kick Kang-chi out himself.

He adds as a caveat that if they’re wrong, they’ll have to kneel in front of Kang-chi and apologize. “In a bet, both sides have to put something on the line.” Ha.

Kang-chi follows him into the kitchen to complain about making the bet without asking him, and Teacher Gong asks if that means he’s guilty of something. Kang-chi still refuses to tell him where he’s been going at night, and the old fogey just says, “If you want to stay here with Yeo-wool for a long time, then learn how to get along with the others first.” The old man has a way of getting right to the point.

Gon is lurking outside, and wonders why Kang-chi doesn’t just tell everyone the truth. He says absolutely not, and makes sure he didn’t rat him out to Yeo-wool. He makes Gon promise not to tell her. Whatever you two have been doing, I hope it’s embarrassing.

As soon as he leaves, Yeo-wool steps out from around the corner and demands that Gon tell her the secret. He’s a terrible liar, but it’s funny to watch him try and deny that there’s a secret to tell.

Jo Gwan-woong tells Soo-ryun that he’s hosting a celebration in honor of his guests, and they’ve requested her to play the drums. She hasn’t played in ten years, but he doesn’t leave her much room to say no—apparently this was a personal request from Mystery Woman.

There’s a moment when Jo Gwan-woong notes the ornamental sash Soo-ryun always wears, which we’ve always seen but never heard mention of. She tucks it away at his comment, so we’re left to wonder for now. Innnteresting.

That night, Kang-chi sneaks out of his room, and one of the students follows him all the way into the woods. Kang-chi feels someone following him and darts away, leaving the other guy all alone…

…just in time for Wol-ryung to creep up. At the sight of the shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, the guy runs screaming, but Wol-ryung is faster and comes up behind him. Oh phew, it’s Kang-chi.

He motions at the guy to stay quiet, and then gets in front of him to confront the monster. Wol-ryung growls and steps closer… but one glow from Kang-chi’s bracelet sends him running in the other direction.

Once the danger passes, Gon and Yeo-wool arrive, and she explains to the guy that Kang-chi and Gon have been coming out here every night looking for the beast because he could sense something weird about it.

Kang-chi just sighs at Gon for being such a blabbermouth, and it’s cute that Gon gets defensive, insisting he’s not a secret-leaker. Yeo-wool says she’s just a good detective. I’d argue both are true.

At least now the bigoted classmate feels like a moron, which is satisfying for us. Yeo-wool warns him to keep the secret for now though, until they know what they’re dealing with.

So-jung feels shift in the wind that scares him, and he goes down to his library. He doesn’t see anything even though he seems terrified, and finally someone comes out from the dark. It’s Wol-ryung, looking like his old self. So-jung gasps, and Wol-ryung smiles, “It’s me.” Aw, I know you came back evil, but this still makes me happy.

The next day, Kang-chi goes to the dining room to find his lone table cast aside and everyone sitting as far away as possible. Cafeteria politics man, it’s brutal no matter what century you’re from.

One of the guys even walks out, refusing to eat in the same room as Kang-chi, but then the guy he saved yesterday in the woods grabs his table and sits across from Kang-chi without a word. Aw.

Teacher Gong sits and smiles, narrating what must’ve been the point of the bean-counting lesson: that though it seems like they’re thousands at first, in the end you discover they’re one.

Too bad Kang-chi hasn’t learned it, because he’s back to counting them all over again. Yeo-wool gets a delivery—a beautiful flowery hanbok she’s been waiting for—and runs to ask Kang-chi if he’ll meet her in town later tonight for the lights festival, so she can light up a wish.

He agrees to go with her, but wonders why they can’t go together, and she makes up an excuse about having errands to run. Aw, you want to surprise him with your pretty new dress. That’s so cute.

Kang-chi goes back to bean-counting, when Chung-jo’s maidservant comes by to tell him that Chung-jo is being inducted as a full-fledged gisaeng today, and that’s she’s headed to the Hundred Year Inn.

Chung-jo gets made up with her first headdress and bows before Soo-ryun. She writes her new name in the record book, changing the hanja so that her gisaeng name sounds the same, but means something different—nicely symbolic of the fact that she might look the same but is no longer the same girl.

Kang-chi goes running into town, and arrives to see Chung-jo paraded down the street as the chosen Flower Gisaeng (much to the ire of Wol-sun and the other girls). She stops at the entrance to the Hundred Year Inn, and Soo-ryun can see her weakening. She reminds her to never show emotion, and hide everything behind her smile.

She swallows back her tears and gets ready to go inside, when Kang-chi’s voice calls out behind her, “Chung-jo-ya.” She turns back and scans the crowd, and sees him standing there.

Oof, you can practically feel the lump in her throat, but she turns around to hide her face. He comes closer and calls out to her again, and she tamps down her emotions. When she turns back to face him, she’s steely and cold, and asks what he wants.

He’s taken aback, and before he can say anything else, she tells him to come to the gisaeng house if he has anything to say, and walks away without another glance. That was great.

He’s so floored that he just sits there outside the inn, lost in thought, completely forgetting about his date with Yeo-wool. You dolt.

She’s all made up, and waits and waits as the festival goes on around her, growing grumpier by the minute, until she finally erupts and kicks the nearest object into the crowd. Heh. No dress is gonna change that about her.

Kang-chi finally sees some kids passing by with lanterns and gets a clue (thank goodness) and goes running through the crowd. Yeo-wool sees him coming and lights up, only to have him brush right past her in a big ol’ hurry. Ha.

He even stops, turns around, and faces her to apologize, and still doesn’t know it’s her. He keeps going, until finally Yeo-wool calls out, “Kang-chi-ya!”

He freezes, and turns around again. Omg the look on his face. She just stands there and smiles, as he takes it all in and just gapes, totally smitten with the pretty. It’s priceless.

The thing Lee Soon-shin told Master Dam earlier gets repeated in voiceover: “How can a heart that’s begun flowing be stopped? How can a wind that’s already blowing be stopped?”


Love it. That moment was so worth the wait. I just adore Yeo-wool’s character—she chooses not to be bound by social norms, and doesn’t let any one thing define her, which is so refreshing. What I really love about her makeover is her agency in it—there’s no fairy godmother boyfriend with a no-limit credit card like in every other drama. She has no problems dressing like a boy until Kang-chi teases her about seeing her as a woman, when she realizes for the first time that maybe she does want him to see her that way. So she orders up a pretty dress and makes a date. How awesome is that? Plus, Kang-chi’s eat-your-words reaction is just so satisfying.

I’m loving Chung-jo’s transformation as well, because she’s so much more interesting now that she has that duality to play. It’s so great to see her being strong, and her hiding her emotions under a steely exterior is actually far more moving than watching her break down in tears every episode. Now that she’s choosing to be strong to survive, her story is rich in conflict and something I look forward to seeing play out, instead of always dreading what tragedy might befall her next.

Kang-chi’s conflict with his classmates felt a little like the After School Special problem of the week (subtle isn’t this show’s strong suit), but in general I do like that we’re exploring his status as an outsider, which is important for his overall journey in figuring out what it means to be human.

Of course what we’re all really waiting for is Kang-chi’s fateful reunion with his father. I’m glad that Wol-ryung can control his beastie side enough to appear like his old self if he wants to, even though I guess, yunno, from a whole evil perspective this is a bad thing for the good guys. I just didn’t want Kang-chi’s only interaction with his dad to be with Red Eyes the Lifesucker, because that would be a really short conversation. But now that he has a support system in Yeo-wool and Tae-seo, the kitchen fogey, and even Gon (I know! Squee) I think he’s ready for his Skywalker moment. Or as ready as anyone can ever be, for that kind of thing.


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Thank you very much!!!


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Yes! Daebak!!!!


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Thanks! :)


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after my 3rd refresh Gu appeared! Thanks so much =)


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I haven't watched this episode yet as subs r not complete on Viki, but from the stills I have seen, Choi Jin Hyuk, why u so fine?!?!?!?!?


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Do you know how much I refresh it? Hehe. Thanks GF
But yes, I feel this episode is a filler too..hope it's not too long. I still love the cuteness overload though ^o^


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Lol same here :-) I was refreshing it since 8pm haha


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Was a small portion involving GW and the japanese people skipped?


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nothing too important there (yet), except the interpreter obviously knows Mystery Lady completely understand Korean.


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Thank you GF <3


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OMG you have no idea how many times I refreshed this page! thans for the recap!


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OMG, Suzy is so beautiful in the last scene.
I love her so much.


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Yes, love the colour of her hanbok. One question though, why is her hair not done up like Chung Jo's? You know, the "agasshi" style?

Another thing, anyone thinks Head Mistress Soo-ryun is the 4th Master? You know, because Park Moo Sul is a Chrysanthemum, full of wealth and providing for the poor, so Soo-ryun is the Orchid, beautiful and artistic, something like that?


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NICE. I love the theory of Head Mistress being the 4th master! Though do we know the other 3? Is Suzy's dad confirmed as one of them?


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Im pretty late on watching this drama but I've always wanted to see this one. That'll be so cool tho. I would like to hear Soo Ryun's story too


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What a sweet episode.
Love the characters here....everyone has some backbone.Yayy...

I wish they make Gon handsomer. What's wrong with his hair?!?sigh


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"Aw, I know you came back evil, but this still makes me happy."
Ditto <3.

Heart-breaking but I love the new Chung-jo. Dang Lee Yoo Bi maybe be a rookie but she's good. I hope to see more of her in the future.


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@Kiara: "Dang Lee Yoo Bi maybe be a rookie but she's good."

So true! I could feel the intensity of her rage after she return-slapped that gisaeng. That look in her eyes when she talked to her *shivers*


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Yes, Lee Yoo-Bi's acting has been great throughout the series. I hope Chung-Jo's character continues to build this hardened exterior, but maintains a hint of vulnerability when it comes lingering memories... like with Kangchi and the 100 Year Inn today.


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Oh she's a rookie? I would never have guessed, she's been so good. Although I loved all the cute stuff between Kang Chi and Yeo Wool, Chung Jo's scenes in this ep were my favourite to watch.


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Same here. I'm never a big fan of the cute, so I skim some scenes and really focus on the ones that show nuance and character growth, and Chung-Jo has it. Lee Yoo-Bi is doing a fabulous job.
I actually like what Tae-Seo said about her to Kang-Chi, that she's just someone in his past now; it is harsh, especially since her rape has everything to do with it, but it is true. I am really enjoying her character, and that of the gisaeng head...Yeo-wool's character is a historical anachronism but these two women are facing the choices and the type of life that actually occurred. What do you do once your life is "over"? How do you pick up the pieces and keep going? Is there a way to find honor even in a disreputable and "dishonorable" life? (getting a Memoirs of a Geisha vibe here)


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She's great, isn't she? I first saw her in Nice Guy as Choco and completely enjoyed her performance. Liking her here, too.


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Yeowool so pretty in hanbok and OMG gumiho papa is so HOT!!! Kind of creepy that he sucks human life force to be more human like but he really is so hot!

Yeah I also think this episode don't really forward the plot to GFB so much maybe a partial closure(?) to the disaster of lord park arc..maybe..I hope they will start to go further and more action from KC, YW, Gon and friends vs papa gumiho and other baddies.


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Suzy's so pretty.


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What an amazing episode I loved eery second o it and I couldn't ask fo more packed in one episode ! And that last scene ! Omo Omo I looooooooove it !
Does any one other that me find papa gumiho so sexy being black and evil ?!


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Me.... All I could do and say was... "Holy Hot!!!"


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This episode was a filler but still interesting. Red Eyes the Lifesucker rhymes with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Funny girlfriday


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Wol-ryung came back with the sexiest grin EVER!!


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I'll say, best looking monster ever!


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Thanks for the recap GF. Sounds like a great episode. Look forward to watching it-except for the creepy eyes and ki sucking part;)


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I haven't really watched the recent episodes so far. I just read the recaps. Anyway, I laughed at the idea that Yeo wool ordered her own hanbok haha! KC ya beware! the girl's sense of independence will be a problem for you.


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Gotta love independent women :-)


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Thanks ....


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Thanks for the recap!

*Can anyone tell me what Wol-ryung said at the very very end of the preview? I couldn't make out what he said.

Thanks in advance!


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He came back to destroy everything. Poor emo gumiho papa


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I hope 'everything' includes Jo GwanWoong.


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Or, if we pray hard enough to the drama gods, Chung Jo would be the one to off him. :)


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I know this is slightly perverse, but literally unmanning him first would be pretty much on top of the list too.


Suzy is sooooooo pretty…I'm a girl but still I am also speechless, she's so beautiful...


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KC and YW are so cute together. OMG..LOVE LOVE their sweet moment. YW is like the cutest thing ever.She is the one who asking him for a date. U go girl! She get angry because he is late but the moment she saw his face, she light up and all that angry is gone. Gahhh...she is so in love. I love KC‘s expression. Ikr..she is pretty!Hehe...
Agree about there is not much movement plot wise but at least the cuteness make it up for it...and there is a lot. KC and YW, KC and GON, KC and TS, KC and Teacher GD.
KC need to follow TS‘s advice. Stop worrying about him and CJ. They can take care of themselves. He need to focus on his life and finding the book. I hope they will focus more on this aspect. :)


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I can't agree more. Yeo Wool is so friggin cute and lovable that I keep getting swept by her emotions--I'm like squeeing and getting grumpy and then smiling again with her. I so want her and Kang Chi to get all lovey dovey already.

But then, there's still the Papa Gu and mysterious lady case. We all have speculations about the lady being Seo Hwa, but I really want a solid confirmation/proof.

Also, can't wait for Papa Gu's and Baby Gu's confrontation. I hope it turns out a cool, awesome, and powerful scene(s).


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I really thought they were gonna do the whole he-forgets-about-the-date-andshe-waits/goes home/goes-home-with-second-lead thing, and was lining up a row of expletives to fire off at the screen. And then Kang-chi remembered and went to find her! Squee.


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Me too~

I understand that KC is in shock due to CJ's coldness but I keep trying to urgh KC, "YW! YW! YW!..." And so relieved and grateful when the group of children ran pass KC, and I was like "YES! Thank you!"


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I was dreading the exact same thing, and was ridiculously happy it didn't happen. Way to avoid needless melodrama, writers! And they were so adorable! I love it.


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So much cuteness.

Gon and Kangchi investigating made me happier than it should have. Kangchi and YW are also great together. Such a nice easy going relationship. Everyone watching them can see the love there. Well, except Kangchi.
Old fogey and KC as well and KC and TS's bromance was back and as beautiful as ever. I think there is a pattern here...

Kangchi's look at the end was just amazing. Seriously, Seunggi has great emotive eyes. He totally sells that YW at that moment is the most beautiful person he's ever seen.

I have to forgive Tae-seo for thinking so poorly of him for finally telling Kangchi to live his own life and stop trying to live for them. That's something he has needed to hear for a loong time. Now please Inn people listen to TS and stop bothering him!

Though I'm side eyeing what he said about his sister.... I hope he means they different people now and you can't go back and not she's no longer a virgin and therefore no longer worth bothering with.

I'm super curious what WR wants with Kangchi. KC mentioning he was hungry when beastly makes me think WR is the same as just looking for an extra tasty powerful meal in Kangchi....

This episode as slightly slow, but still enjoyable. Though really happy Tae-seo and Chung Jo are both on their own paths. Now Kangchi it's your turn.


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"Seriously, Seunggi has great emotive eyes."
I couldn't agree more.^^


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Me too~~~

I love his eyes~~~ <3


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Me three! Lucky is the girl to whom he looks at like that in real life!!


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Me four and he is the hottest Half-Gumiho ever !!


Not just his eyes... I love everything about him even his heodangness :-)


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I'm still taking in the idea that WR no longer eats cute fluffy rabbits, ur idea that he's finding KangChi appetizing is even more unbearable. I do hope that's not the case.


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Well, hopefully he just wants to corrupt him to the dark-side and teach him about women but we never know.


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Heeeee. "And this is how you woo a human woman to fall in love with you. Whatever you do, just don't tell her you're a monster!"

"Dad, I think I've got this covered. I mean, I actually got past that whole mess without her screaming at me, so you are officially one-upped."



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HAHA! Good one!


THIS is awesome.



I don't think it was rude what the brother said to Kang Chi about Chung Jo. He was holding on to a woman who no longer existed. The woman he loved died and thats the sad truth. She was brutalized and humiliated and from that she decided to become a different stronger person. Tae Seo was right to say that. ALSO, I love that he was okay with Kang Chi's feelings for Yeo Wool.


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agreed. I don't think TS meant she was different because she lost her virginity, I think he meant she was different because something in her had died that night, she choose her path and KC and TS was no longer a part of it.

I love that he told KC it was okay for him to love YW. Goes to show that he wouldn't be a rock in their way in the future.

I may learn to like this new TS after all the annoyance he gave in the past episodes.

On a side note, is he the same actor that took advantage of Suzy's character in Introduction to Architecture?


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I think it is splitting hairs to say TS's comment is not because of losing her virginity. She did not exactly choose her path - her rape forced her to choose between suicide and finding a new way to survive. There is no way she would have chosen this path if she was still a virgin.

I find his comment very true to historical context - her rape puts her beyond the pale, her yangban lady status firmly in the past. He accepts this completely and more or less puts her troubles out of his mind...poor Chung-Jo has always been considered fairly worthless by her family - she only had value as long as she could make an advantageous marriage - and it is not surprising to see the remaining men in her life unwilling or unable to do anything for her.

I hope she has the strength to make a new life for herself and exact her own measure of revenge. At least she has someone who cares for her and is willing to lay it all on the line for her - the chief gisaeng.


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awwww...the last scene was so cute <3


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Kang Chi's (Seung Gi's) smile is to die for. <3 How Yeo Wool can handle her heart looking at his beautiful smiles. Oh, her in hanbok is so pretty, no wonder Kang Chi shows that look in his face. Kang Chi interaction with Master Gong and Yeo Wool is also adorable. So much cuteness. <3 <3 <3

By the way, does anyone wonder if Master Gong is also a beast or half-beast? He has that ring on one of his thumbs. I wonder if it has the same function with Kang Chi's bracelet.


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I noticed that too, they focused on that ring even before they showed his face...I wonder what's the hidden meaning behind it, if there's any...


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Dunno about Master Gong, it may be a red herring, but he's got some awesome broom skills so...


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Wol: "Kang chi, I am your father..."
KC: "Wah~"
Master G: "Wol, I am your father..."
Wol: "Wah~"

just kidding!


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Suzy is really pretty even if they didn't put so much effort in fixing her. Just braid the side of her hair and put some clip then wallaaaa Simple pretty :">

thanks for the recap!! I'm going to sleep now kekeke


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Yeah i don`t know why is he so stunned she looks exactly the same , only with different clothes and hair!

But her face is pretty as always! It`s not like they put some strong make up on her like thy did with Chung -jo!


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Thanks for the recap and your always insightful comments, GF!

I've watched the episode at 0%, 42% and 72% subbed. Heehee. I can now finally understand the rest of what was said.

I LOVE this episode! Lots of CUTE today especially that last segment where he turned to look at Yeo Wool (after she called him). *sigh* I still melt into a big blob of goo even if I watched it several times already. I just love how the sight of Yeo-Wool in a hanbok elicited that kind of reaction from him. Like time and space didn't exist. Only her. love love love

And Yeo Wool. I just love her character! Sensible, brave, badass, and independent. With a sprinkling of cute. What a girl! I loved that she didn't have any qualms about asking him out on a date. Girl knows what she wants and gets it herself. Thank goodness her character is written consistently. *happy dance*


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I've rewatched the cut of that last scene countless times already. His reaction is love. Hehe.


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Boy was he starstruck :-)


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Thank you SOOO MUCH for the recap, great as always :D

Can't waiiiiit for the "Luke, I am your father" moment xD

tho I have a feeling that Wol-ryung will try to kill who killed him..... tricky tricky tricky. Guess that's not going to work out too well. In all the scenarios that I can play out in my head, Wol-ryung dies TT_TT


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I wonder what is GF's take on the Japanese guest that arrived at the same time Wol Ryung woke up. Is there a connection?? People elsewhere are betting that that's mom, but I would love to hear GF's take on that thread of the story. This episode was sweet, can't wait to see papa Gumiho in his full splendor with Kang Chi-ya...


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I really hope it's not SH though. It'd be just too simple. You can throw a "she had a half-gumiho in her uterus so she got some protection", that's just too basic, man!
But the close-ups to JKW's cicatrice and the way they transit to her scenes from scenes that slightly hinted at her worry me a bit.


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AHHH I want to whatch this episode so much. I want to see the cuteness XD I've seen the end of this episode and Suzy is realy cute in hanbok!
And I can't stop laughing every week with the constant changes in Gon's hair style, they keep trying to make it right. I think this time it's good. But I wonder if they'll


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try to change it again and if they'll keep trying changing it till the end XD They never give up! XD


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Eye bags + hair covering one eye + smirk = evil man


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HOT evil man


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"Eye bags + hair covering one eye + smirk = evil man" It is that smirk that makes him sexy hot. oh yeah!


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I really enjoyed your comments on this episode. The two female leads in this drama have really impressed me and I'm glad you have made it a point to highlight them. I'm usually disappointed with female portrayals in dramas because, other than the main female lead, the rest of the surrounding women can pale in comparison with two dimensional and stereotypical behavior. In Gu Family book, however, both leads present different alternatives of resilient females. Not only does this show defy gender norma by making the gumiho male but it presents great female leads with both Yeo-wool and Chung-jo :)


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Very well said, I second this comment...


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Hah I love Papa Gumiho's guy-liner evilness. I'm loving the additions to the evil side. Makes for richer conflict. And makes the rapist look like he's a foot stool in the hierarchy of evil.

Agreed about Chung-jo. She's draws more empathy from me as she grows into her own. I loved how satisfying her scenes were today. Both the slap and her look of determination as she practiced the drums.

Yeo-wool and Kang chi and Gon are just adorable together. I'm happy we're finally getting headway into the romance.

I'm glad Tae-soo gets perspective and purpose here. I didn't interpret his comment as Chung-jo as something finite because she lost her virginity so much so that he realizes maybe what she's gone through and is experiencing is inevitable.
Can't wait til tomorrow!


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Too much cute in this episode....loved it <3
Thanks GF!


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I hope wol-ryung would remember the bad persons are. But i'm dreading that there might come a time when the Daddies will have face-off.


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They should do away with those ridiculous rom-com teenage bopper flirtations. It's jarring compared to the gravity of the other things going on in the drama.

I feel that KC saying he's going to protect his "family" and the way they handled it is a by-product of sloppy writing.

When TS got kidnapped, KC never ever searched for him and instead was happily eating chicken in the school. When CJ ran away, he just went back to the school and never searched for her afterwards. Either ignore them or stand by your words. It's like he only goes or rescues them if someone comes up to him and asks him to do it. He never had any motivation whatsoever to go out there and try to protect the family on his own from the moment he lived in the school.

In fact, he never even started anything. If I were him, after I've seen my adopted parent get killed in front of me, I'd be planning my revenge instead of counting beans and flirting and smiling with a girl. Another thing, he says he wants to be human and he sulks about being misunderstood yet why the hell doesn't he start his 100-day litany of praying and not eating raw meat and his conquest for the GFB?

If you're gonna do romance, do away with all the cutesy and make it more deep and mature. With the way everything is, I still can't fathom why majority of KC scenes are light-hearted slapstick comedy. It's a visual treat, sure, but it undermines the seriousness of everything that has transpired. That isn't multi-dimensional, but an out-of-place characterization where everyone else is dead-set serious and have deep motivations while you're stuck in fantasy lala land and promptly forgot the tragedy that befell you.

As always, the Tuesday episode looks to be better than the Monday episode.


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I don't want to be so mean but I always see you complain literally almost everything the writer trying to do and how the story floats. You complain about CJ and say that she should be like this and that(And for those people who observe every comment here, I must say you are more on CJ story) And you also complain about YW like you really don't like her character. And now KC? What's with you? I actually find the romance sweet and slow but still manageable, It's not really flirtatious at all. I find it really cute and if the writer always put us on depressing/serious moment LOL What will happen to us? Remember, We are here to enjoy the drama! :)


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It would've been better if he just ignored them rather than trying to care for them only when trouble arises. Again, by-product of sloppy writing. Well if the writer doesn't have these illogical stuff then maybe I won't complain. One minute KC is talking about how he cares for the siblings the other minute he's enjoying chicken while TS is kidnapped.

I'm down with romance, just not those puppy love for tweens. For example, KC and YW talking in an open veranda and their faces are like 5 inches apart of each other's. I mean, really? Can't wait for them to go past that crap.


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We wont get a deep mature romance with this female lead she is 18 yrs old, and acting wise she cannot carry it off anyway. The romance with the parents was it for this drama, I resigned myself to that fact before the drama started, and did feel the letdown about it after watching the parents. But nobody emotes love like LSG so we need to settle for the cute which seems to be enough for most readers here. Complaining is a waste of time, because things are not going to change.


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I'm pretty sure we will, at least something that can be taken seriously in context instead of giggles-inducing scenes. Seung Gi has already hinted that the drama will take on a melodramatic route (as if it hasn't already), and obviously their love isn't going to get stuck in this state of all-day teasing and smiling.

Have you forgotten that YW's dad was the one who "killed" KC's dad? Okay, SH killed GW. Still...I expect that to be a plot device there somewhere. Or GW trying to get revenge on PJ and killing him, then YW finding out GW is KC's dad. Those kinds of things. There's really gotta be more than just the constant "Oh you sound/act like a woman, YW." crap.


I agree with someone - I don't think they can do a heavy romance because Suzy doesn't have the chops for it. She can do cute all day long, the fake tears are her friends, but especially with the lame writing she will not be able to carry off a heavy scene, unless she is only required to stay very still and look mildly surprised.


Dont worry bro or sister, that stuff is just fanservice for the female viewership like those "mandatory" shower scenes in practically every modern-day drama. Since this is a sageuk, they have no shower scenes to work with, so they gotta please the women/girls with cutesy love right? I agree, it is not necessary at all to move the story further, but girlfriday said it right at the beginning of this recap, this seemed like a filler episode, so think of it as filler. I didnt mind it though. It was nice to see some light-hearted stuff after so much drama and we all know the make-over scene has to make an appearance somewhere and I think having it in the filler episode is better than smack dab in the middle of an action scene or dramatic moments. In all honesty though, I wanted to see the family reunion with Wol Ryung and Kang Chi as well as Dam Pyung Joon. When I saw the epic awakening of demon Wol Ryung (seriously, that dying plant-life effect for Wol Ryung's awakening fits so well with how he use to be a guardian that protects the mountains and actually can cause plant growth, but now brings death with him is just a really cool (yeah I use the word cool, I'm old-school like that) concept.) That was my big disappointment in this episode, no reunion. At least the next episode preview seems to indicate some kind of reunion. Also they teased us with the mystery lady throughout this episode. I wish they would just introduce us already, but they seem to be hinting at seohwa with her so maybe a plot device to keep us intruiged? The episode was cute, but a let-down in general.


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....clearly, someone here does not understand the concept of other people being allowed to express their opinions, even if said opinion is negative.

If you want people to stop talking about GFB's flaws, you're better off on a fansite and not a drama recap/review site where - shocker- everyone might not like the same things and characters you do.


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sorry pal, but there's a huge difference between critiquing specific aspects of a show and pointlessly trying to rewrite the entire story to your own specifications. foulou has been here whining about "sloppy" writing and questioning fundamental premises of the plot from the beginning.

it's obvious that the writers can't and aren't going to change the retroactively change the story so it makes more "sense" to nitpickers on the internet, so at a certain point you just start sounding like a broken record when you complain about the same thing every week.

i mean, it's not as boring as the broken record comments about suzy's turrrrrible acting, but y'all really need to get some perspective. maybe the first few episodes fooled people into thing it was a serious melodrama, but gfb is a fluffy fantasy drama and it's been marketed that way form the beginning.


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I agree. I always come here as there are quite a lot of sensible comments, which sometimes makes me go back and rewatch a specific scene and think oh, so that's how it is. That's aside from GF's great insights, of course. But I would rather skip one once I start to read something down the line of "I want" or "it should be", because for sure, that's not going anywhere.


....and what is foulou supposed to say, given that the writing is in fact sloppy? Is he/she supposed to praise it?

Gu Family Book is hardly the first fluffy fantasy sageuk kdrama ever made, and it's not the first to throw 'serious' scenes in the mix either - the problem is that it can't negotiate the change in tone very well, and you're not doing anything to disprove my point by whining about people complaining about Suzy's acting.


Thank goodness for different opinions cause i totally dont feel all of your annoyances & i absolutely love these so called cutesy romances.


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> I still can’t fathom why majority of KC scenes are light-hearted slapstick comedy

They aren't at all though... The only comedy he had was with kitchen fogey in the beginning. Possibly when YW bit him, but that was more flirty (that you hate as well). And last week there were none at all.


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And has So-jung even told him everything about the 100 day quest yet? All he said was he needed to learn to control his beast half and stay away from women so far.


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Yeah but he's been saying he wants to be human to a lot of people yet he isn't taking any steps to be one. Kinda jarring when he sulks about being misunderstood and he's crying about wanting to become human then he doesn't really do anything about it the next morning. If he sincerely wants to become human, no one's stopping him to go to the monk and ask how to be one instead of waiting for the monk to come to him.

Then I'm guessing that'll have to be held off since an evil gumiho dad is right around the corner.


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Well, that's what he's doing at the school? He's supposed to be learning self control or something. Before that there is nothing more to do right now. I guess they could do a training arc where he takes off his bracelet and learns to control himself but otherwise... I guess what you want is more active steps in his journey (which a lot of people want too..) to becoming human. But right now they gave him one thing to do and do other things with the plot.


Oh well, I love the cute scenes so I can look past the plot holes and stuff. I've discovered that if I try to list down everything about the writing that makes me frustrated, I wouldn't enjoy the drama as much. So yeah, I'll just sit back, grab my popcorn, and go wherever the story takes me. Life's easier that way :)


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Sorry! This is in reply to @foulou


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I do enjoy it but then again there are scenes that can be easily cut away and nothing in the plot or story would've changed. As with every drama I watch, I want it to make sense most of the time and not be lost in the bowels of typical K-drama makjang crap. The premise had so much potential and I understand the writer has to play to a general audience and everything but there's a part of me that wants the drama to be better. I wish the writer could've held off KC's gumihoness a secret for much longer instead of the whole world knowing it (Yes, almost everyone in this drama knows he's a gumiho). And then there's the fact that KC the Gumiho has had virtually no action scenes compared to KC the human. Hopefully we'll get some instead of a the usual transform then cut to dead bodies on the ground. I liked this episode, but some elements are just filler and padding broadcast time.


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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and they shouldn't be criticized just because their opinion happens to be negative.

@foulou Although I'm loving this drama, I actually agree with you on many points. I find it a little jarring...it goes from serious to slap-stick to rom-com to serious and back again. I'm still baffled as to why this drama is tagged as a romantic comedy...sure, it contains these elements but it certainly doesn't feel like a comedy to me (violence/rape/betrayals/truly evil villains...not my idea of comedy)

Personally, I really like the more intense, dramatic scenes and wish they would have stuck with that...I feel the drama is much more poignant/heartfelt and on another level completely during those moments (i.e. the scene with the admiral where KC is crying about wanting to be human).

Despite this, I am loving this drama and can't wait to see the new episodes every week. TBH, I have never cared for LSG's acting (don't shoot me! he seems like a really sweet/down to earth guy) but I am really loving him in this! I've decided to re-watch his other dramas and see if my opinion has changed :)


agreed with you! :)but enjoyable to watch cuz some funny scene make me laughs hard..lol ..but for me still empty plots for KC and gumiho side..kinda annoying me ..lol ..hope ending will be good not like most kdrama i watch .. frustrating!


@Kelly - I agree with you, it's sometimes frustrating to watch GFB because the overall story is a good one, it's just little details that keep throwing me off sometimes (one minor detail: KC leaving CJ behind at the gisaeng house and then pretty much forgetting all about her once he's gone to the school, even though he had time enough to plot to steal the secret silver stash back. Or Gon and YW being the world's suckiest 'protectors' of Lord Park, or - earlier on - the cheesiness of poor Dam's flashback scenes with Seo-hwa's brother) and frankly the drama could easily be better than that.


Beg ur pardon...then why don't you just write ur own GFB storyline? Pick ur own actors n actresses for ur casts? Direct ur own filming? Editing n producing ur own drama? In case any of TV Broadcast will airing ur great GFB drama plot masterpiece? By the time ur high satisfaction will be fullfilled then...


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typical response.


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What's typical is your complaints every week. I agree with you that this story is not perfect but i'd have thought you would get that by now. It's not like the writers really deviated away from how they are telling this story & their process of developing the characters. Your in the 13th chapter now so unless they switch writers i highly doubt your gonna get GFB written the way you'd want/like.


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Oh & i am in no way saying you shouldn't watch the show, obviously there is something you like about this show that makes you watch & comment each week.


Not as typical as your "OMG I love this drama" post every week. Funnily, I have new complaints every week because flaws keep popping up. What I want is the GFB that's more solid and a faster pace than what's going on. Story isn't perfect doesn't mean they can't improve upon the existing one. Episode was mostly filler, with the constant flashes of Seo Hwa smirking and smiling.

Yes, I like this show. It could, however, take some cues from a drama like Nine where there's something new every episode and every episode is cut down to its essence instead of trying to re-instate already-established things again and again and again. I swear,you could make an entire episode out of the amount of flashbacks in GFB so far.

If there's one thing that's nice in this ep, it's Gon growing out of his jealousy jelly self. Finally he has something better to do than be jealous.


To be honest, I enjoy @foulou's comment every episode, because it resound my inner heart, though I can't say that I didn't cringing for some part too.

This just a proof that @Foulou really love this drama, as we all do, aren't we? Yes, the problem is the writer, and I should give big thumbs up for the director and actor/actress who keep going their work and make this drama a great view


@reglest lol am I your spokesperson? xD

Honestly, I feel that the directing totally elevated this drama, much more beyond the writing. I could only think of one error (when PJ stabbed GW in the gut, it accidentally showed the sword "cut in half" so that GW can be stabbed deeper), but overwhelming majority of the shots are clean. I guess the quality of the cameras helped a lot as well. I remember that swooping shot of KC's face down to YW's back then the camera turns to reveal his hand on her chest. Directing is indeed top-notch.


@foulou, yes...indeed a top notch (eventhough I'm still grumbling about 2 months for 2 first episodes, grauk). I don't think I'll get this experience actually, since, you know, GFB PD's other drama (Secret Garden, Gentleman's Dignity), are good shows, but somehow I can't connect with it emotionally. So..yeah, I'm a bit worried.
Spokeperson? LOL, maybe dear, I should recruit you as my innerheart spokeperson ;)


Your new complaints are always the same thing story sucks. LOL i don't believe i said "OMG i love this drama". I believe i said " i love these cutesy romances ", but whatever floats your boat.
There is no perfect drama, i know of people who don't even like the drama Nine so everything is just about opinions & personal preference. If you really want to improve the quality of the script why not try reaching out to the official site & see if you can contact someone that can do something about it. I know your intentions are good but like i said unless they change writers i don't think much is gonna change.


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"why not try reaching out to the official site & see if you can contact someone that can do something about it"

I do agree about this, usually the writer or drama staff listen and read what people says in the website message board. And, hey @Tina! That's good idea, =)


Newsflash: The major thing that changes in a new episode of a drama is the story. Yep, you read that right. Can you now guess the thing that people will complain about in each new episode?

Another typical response. "You should go talk to the writer about it." As if that piece of advice is sincere and isn't sarcastic. Let's not kid ourselves here.

I'm optimistic about the writing. We're only halfway through this thing. This is a public forum anyway. No sense trying to refute my complaints and telling me to "just take it to the official website" or some other ways to tell people off. Just as you said in your post "Thank goodness for different opinions" maybe you should apply that to yourself and get over it.


... But I'm serious about the forum message..(And yeah, I have that intention actually before @tina say it-admit self) if the writing keep jarring :p Now, who want to join me?


Actually your posts is full of sarcastic responses. So you do agree then that your complaints are the same then :). LOL i was really serious when i said bring your complaint to the writer, i did agree with you that the story has flaws. Like you said this is a public forum so i can say what i want to say as well & if i feel like refuting your complaints "get over it". Opinions are like a@&holes everyones got one.



as Tina has said, nothing much is gonna change. That's why I called out on her because she told me to "take it to the official forums" yet she later says "unless they change writers, nothing much is gonna change" which ultimately means she just doesn't want to read complaints.

The writer already has the overarching plot. I suspect the one she's writing is mostly the dialogue, not the actual storyline of how it's gonna end. There are writers who monitor the reception of the drama and try to tweak the story based on popular opinion, but there are those who just lock themselves up and just write the script and won't care about what people say. It's their pride anyway.


@tina No because the story changes every episode and every episode flaws on the story pop up. As the writer creates the story the more illogical things accumulate.

Wrong. The difference here is that you're complaining about me complaining, which is different from me complaining about the drama and the story. I don't need to "get over" the fact that you're complaining because the thing I have a problem with is the drama itself, not other people complaining. You seem like the opposite. You have no problem with the drama, yet you have a problem with people complaining about it. You've raised no valid points at all. You agree that the story is flawed but I shouldn't be complaining about it so I have to "get over it"? Please tickle me more.


@foulou if you dont take your complaints to the official site you'll have nill chance of having the story improve to how you like, at least if you try they might take suggestions. For someone who is optimistic about the writing you sure are complaining alot about the copy & paste scenarious. Like i said we are almost halfway through this drama & i do not think the writing style is gonna change unless they change writers (or by some miracle they hear peoples complaints)
I don't mind reading complaints i like responding to them with my opinions


Just cause someone doesn't feel the need to pinpoint all the flaws doesn't mean that they don't think there isn't any. I dont know how many times i have to say that i agree with you that the story has flaws but i just dont verbally spell it all out. I am sure whoever is doing the recaps for GFB sees the flaws too but they aren't harping on it. Just because i dont agree with your view point it makes my opnion invalid okay.


Ah, you're right aabout that. But I think most of them should hear people's complaint since I have seen many dramas where the story change so much. Hmm... I dunno, but I think this writer is the one which build the dialogue first? I love the dialogue in this drama, it's eye opening and for some cases slap your face


@tina - there are these things called opinions, and the grown-up way to deal with someone who's expressing their honestly-felt opinion about something - even something that you like - is not to have a mini internet hissy fit at them.


I already said my view points are my opinions & i didn't try to pass off as facts, yeah i don't agree with foulou's point of views so therefore i am posting my viewpoint. Grown-ups have arguments too at least we aren't name calling (at least i don't think i am)


Before this I've only read the comments here but right know, your comment is unreasonable. Especially the part where you say that KC just enjoyed his chicken while TS got kidnapped, you got the wrong idea here, it's makes sense that he does not know that TS been kidnapped bcoz he was so busy at that time saving Lord Park's fortune and than the next day TS just come up to him and begging to save CJ. Seriously are you even watch the drama or you just like to make a fool out of some of the characters in GFB. and plus that CJ part, she was the one who ask KC to stay away bcoz in her eyes KC is some kind of hideous monster.If I was ever been treated that way after all the good deeds I have done to her family I will follow her instructions to stay away cause I dont have the heart to save her, but KC he may be a half human but he have a heart that's not all human have.


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Aww, Dear all, don't be mad @foulou, it's Because she (you are girl aren't you? :) ) love this drama so much that she criticizing the drama, and because she want it being better and better thus she share her feeling here.

Liking a drama/actor/idol doesn't mean we should praise it/her/him blindly, we sincerely wish it's improving for each episode.

Maybe because I'm a romantic comedy lover, that I don't mind with the overload cutesy =) I'm loving it so much, that even though I realize the jarring and gap of Kang Chi's attitude, I just swallow it down. Nevertheless, we understand you just love and love this drama, Me too wishing the plot hole and jarring characterization will improve.

and today is TUESDAY!! ^o^


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@foulou. I think that you articulate your criticisms and observations very clearly. This site is supposed to provide a venue for mature dialogue and opinions, and I disapprove of the negative backlash following your post. Please do not let those views hinder you from continuing to express your opinions (even if others would accuse you of 'whining'). I haven't watched this episode yet but I agree with many of your points, having watched the previous twelve episodes. The writer introduced so much melodrama into the story and many characters have had to endure so much pain and trauma. For that reason, silly antics and comedy seem out of place. If this show was slated to be a romantic comedy, then perhaps the focus should have been on Kangchi's quest to become human and his falling in love in the process. Instead, we have rape, murder, charges of treason, demonic fathers, displacements, torture, etc...(all with the threat of Japanese invasions in the background). There can be place for humor in every story, but not slapstick comedy (and, as in the case in other dramas, buffoonery). I will watch the episode and make my own judgments. Girlfriday mentioned how this was pretty much a filler episode. I think that this drama (like many kdramas) could have fewer episodes that actually develop and advance the plot. We do not need fan service. I still like the show but am not thrilled by it. I give much of the credit to the actors.


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Well said, Peridot. As someone who has also voiced plenty of complaints about the show, I'm a little surprised about the pile-on of foulou, and I have this feeling of "deja-vu all over again" as some posters are critical of a show, and other posters just want to fangirl and don't see any point in pointing out the negatives.

But Dramabeans is one of the few places on the net where you can actually discuss dramas critically, where you can talk about the flaws and what could be better and what went horribly wrong. And having this information I think makes us all more informed watchers, it allows us to get really excited when a drama comes up that features a director or an actor we have admired in another show, and it allows us to steer clear of those with a bad track record - after all, there are only so many drama-watching hours in the day.

And our joy is that much greater when someone we have previously criticized pulls out the stops and does an excellent job.

No, we don't write the scripts, we are not directors, and there is very little we can do to affect the actual outcome of these shows. But amongst ourselves, we can fully explore the dramas, the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can be critical, and still love wholeheartedly.


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@foulou @skelly @peridot:
I second you for this, we can being critical but still love the show wholeheartedly =)


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@skelly. Thank you :) I was reading the negative backlash and was almost feeling too intimidated to post critical remarks in the future. But I told myself that I can't let negative backlash put a stop to my critical thinking. I also appreciate commenters who really analyze each episode of a show as well as the entirety of a show. We all have the right to criticize every little aspect of a drama, even if we do so in every post and are repetitive. None of us should have to hold back to avoid sounding "whiny" or because we have no power to affect change in the direction of the show (whether in writing, acting, etc.). And as you said "amongst ourselves, we can fully explore the dramas...." In my case, I appreciate the heart and emotions of the story but feel that it is lacking in so many ways. @reglest, thank you for your support :)


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OMG you say everything I've been wanting to say!!! I never really feel like kang Chi love Cheong Jo at all!! I mean at some point i can sense it a little like at the cage part, when he promised her that he will helped her no matter what. Actually he never make me feel like his love for her was going to be faithful. Like after she got kidnapped, instead of looking like he always worrying about her, he got to have those flirty moments with YW. It was almost as if his love for her wasn't serious. So i definitely agree with your point on this part.


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Thank you. GF!

This episode has so many cute moments.


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OMG I was grinning like a look watching Yeo-wool giggle over her pretty hanbok. She is just so excited to show Kang-chi just how pretty she really is.


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me too.... every girl experienced this part during the happiest times with our first love once in our lives..


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that is one pretty hanbok on suzy. i've warmed to her in this role. am i the odd one out who DOESN'T think suzy's gorgeous or even very pretty? shrugs.* she's cute enough-- nice looking-- but i guess i don't really get the whole suzy appeal.

i... guess that's all i came to say.


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Actually there's a whole legion of anti's that don't get her appeal as well (not saying you are an anti). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so Suzy could be someone else's gem :)


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I don't think she's a great beauty, either, but who cares? That's not the point. It's about how Kanchi feels.

I like my main actors and actresses to be nice looking, and they are in this case, but even if I don't like them much, when I'm watching a drama the personality of the characters is what makes me like them more or not, just like in real life. Therefore, I found the scene with suzy in a hanbok really exciting and I'm content.

So Crazedlu, in a way I understand you, but you see my point of view, I don't think it's important as long as you can focus on the story and not the actors.
What I can't get are all the antis hating on Suzy (not you!, don't get me wrong) just because they don't think she's gorgeous.


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I agree. I think she's cute, but she as pretty as any other actress.


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I do not find her the least bit attractive either, just the opposite. so your not alone. different strokes for different folks.


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She has her charms, but I wouldn't call her beautiful. In her age group I'd probably call Park Bo-Young beautiful, but certainly not Suzy. She's cute, but that's about it.


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Same here. I first saw her in Big and thought she was cute. I didnt even know she was part of Miss A ( that's correct right?). I didn't even know she was that young. I stopped watching Big about halfway through though, none of the characters or the story kept me intruiged long enough. When I heard that the stalker ex-girlfriend from Big was gonna be a lead for the next Lee Seung Gi drama (I liked the dramas LSG has been in so I looked up dramas that LSG has been in or will be in) I questioned her casting as a lead being that she is so young and inexperieced (inexperienced often equals cringe-worthy). She was really bland early on in this drama, but she seems imo a little better now, though I feel it has more to do with the character she is playing than straight-up acting skills from Suzy. I kind of dislike throwing kpop idols into the acting department just because of popularity since they're not ya know, actors/actresses. Plus shes young too, but I seem to like Han Ji Hye as the lead in Sweet 18 and she was I believe 19 at the time and I think that was her second major project too after playing second lead in Summer Scent except she wasn't a kpop idol first. I'll have too see Suzy in another project before I can make a final judgement on my likeness for her. In the meantime I would hope people can at least "calm down" and not fangasm over her everytime. I like Min and Crystal from As One amd I think they're a great vocalist duo, but in all honesty because they're profession is not acting, I would not be excited if they were to be casted as leads in a drama. Cameos would be awesome, but probably not leads. They are great singers for ost songs though and they have been doing a lot of those lately.


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No she is basic and normal! Not saying she is ugly, far from that, but she is not that appealing either!

I like her lips tough,they`re nice!


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It's okay dear, the taste and flavor is different for each person ;)

As for me, I find Suzy is cute and innocent type, dun care about her in first glance, but she is so 'easy' in eyes and that grows in me. I find her likeable^^


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Hooray Daddy Gumiho! I hope he's not cackling-villain evil. Much more interesting if he is evil with depth, for instance with a vengeance-shaped chip on his shoulder. I don't think I can take another cardboard cutout mustache-twirler. On the definite plus side, he is still hot as hell.

The makeover scene never gets old, does it? But I don't mind, because of the reasons you said, and because he did admit that he loved her before it, even if he tried to (unsuccessfully, adorably) cover it up.

Bashful Gon was frickin' adorable. I can't wait for more bromance. It was great to see the classmates slowly coming around, too.

Huzzah for Chung-jo! I do think we needed the weepy bits (minus the rape) to give this more impact, and I am thrilled to see her take control of her own life.

Kang-chi-ahhhhh, I am afraid for you with the Empire about to Strike Back, but I know you'll continue being awesome. Can't wait for tomorrow!


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I really liked CJ transformation in this episode, so glad she wasn't helpless for a change. I hope the writers make it so that she revenges for her parents & kills GW in the end.


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Lovely moments in this episode, but I'm dreading already the whole interaction at the festival once Chung Jo arrives...agh Kang Chi you idiot!!


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What about the "strange its a woman's head" part?


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Is this going to be Bride of Frankenstein vs Evil Gumiho?
Someone explain please.


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Gu aboji, you're so cool!!!

Except for the moments when I feel like a child again, watching Terminator for the first time and then having nightmares. Why just one brilliant red eye :_S


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cute ep!! <3<3 KC & YW!! when will you get married? lol :P
the return of GW scene where he killed the man in the forest is soo baddass!
ep 14!! waiting for ya! hope this drama will goes well like always and keeps getting better & better!


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lol..im sorry!!!!!! i mean WR!!! :D not GW
omg~that man is soo evil..
sorry.. i mixed up :P


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That last scene! OMG at Seung Gi's expression! Love it!! ♥♥♥


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Thank you so much! I've been refreshing the pages since yesterday!


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