If Joseon was still a monarchy, the royal family would be cray cray

    And the king would be dubbed His Royal Hotness, as his eagerness to connect with his citizens has led him to sleep with half of the country (he takes things too literally)


      The other half also bears his children (how does that make sense? it doesn’t and shouldn’t in this world.)


    One day his snake of a secretary seduced him with murder and secret, recorded sexy times (his mom was on the phone)

    The son of the murdered family was a master fighter, named Rocky for his boxing skills, and disguised himself through extreme plastic surgery to come to the palace, as only revenge could put a smile on his stony face


    What Rocky didn’t expect, was the loneliness and trauma that the emperor held.

    Despite his need for revenge, he felt sadness for this soft broken man in wire rimmed glasses.

    The emperor relied on Rocky to do his job, but as time went on he looked to him more and more.

    Trying to stem the rising feelings in his heart, unlike anything he had ever felt before, he told Rocky to treat him as a brother.

    *not how I treat my brothers tbh*


    Yet with the body count in the palace rising, so did HRH’s paranoia. (it didn’t help that both men were using the same beard)

    The only one who could calm him was Rocky.

    Would they survive the plot wielding women in the royal family? Neither of them had any wit, only each other.

    And their looks, of course.

    (if anyone has a screenshot of them working out together, please share here)


    The End

    For now…


    Is that fake sub in the screencap above cos since when did these people talk logic? Also LOL I felt the same way in the first few eps but then gave up. ACTUALLY, if we *really* think about it, all these characters are very consistent in their melodramatic evilness, it’s just…so crazy that we Muggles don’t understand (exhibit A: burning the bird and letting it fly. Shock value A++++).


      Hahaha it did take a few episodes to learn the ways of this world, which somehow made Muggles like me not so shocked seeing Dementors’ appaearance but much more shocked by the burning bird 🦜🔥😱😱😱


        Are evil deeds nillified for me in this world? I was horrified for half a second and i laughed for 5 seconds…. hahaha


          Nullified *


          The royal family lives in the world of the purge, except the purge is everyday, and the rules only apply to them.

          Our moral compasses are the same as other people watching horror movies. Just like our fanaticism is only crazy in the normal way like that of sports fans (we eagerly watch fit people confront each other on our screens).

          Anyways, Jus, this is all normal. *sips coffee while finding more pics of HRH* yep, totally normal…


          To be honest, the twisty turny lack of basic morals of 99% of the population within this world makes Game of Thrones seem like child’s play.

          That said, everyone sure is pretty, and apparently if you put glasses and a vest on I will look past your tendency to, well, kill people.

          How can you not love a man who would distress appliances and clothing for you so you can have nice things without feeling guilty about taking them from the man you think is a murderer? I was touched by his thoughtfulness. (see, glasses and a vest . . . they are magic)


      Its a real sub!!! I confirm cuz its my screenshot hahaahaha


    Haha Coco this is amazing! Instead of a boring re-telling like The Last Miss Spencer, this drama needs to expose the royal family’s misdeeds through gif stories and Beanie commentary. Of course that might up the body count with death from laughter, but that’s better than cement or hairpins
