He is Psychometric ep 14 discussion in the comments 💚


    I don’t know what Hyung is doing anymore. I don’t think he has killed Geun Taek because he told him that Ahn could save him. But why did he come and turn himself in? Where is Geun Taek?
    It’s so sad to see Ahn lose faith in his hyung, especially right after losing Ji Soo. Now the only friends he has are Jae In and Dae Bong.
    Dae Bong needs more scenes! I want to know what is going to happen with him and So Hyun.
    So many questions have been answered but I still have so many more. Who really did do the apartment fire? Why did Seong Mo tame Ahn? What is Seong Mo’s plan? I hope all the questions are answered in 15 and we get a full ep of cute in 16.
    Note to self: never use a photobooth.


      I should have been dead at least a couple dozen times with that last statement! Lol.


      It was so hard watching An struggling in this episode. I really hope for his sake that SM isn’t responsible for the apartment arson and murder. Maybe GT really was the culprit and by the time he set up everything in the flat including the corpse, SM’s mother had already escaped. But it still seems like he’s the vip client. So there’s a high chance that he ordered the murders of the identity theft victims.

      My hunches are usually wrong, but I feel like SM has kept GT at yeongseong apartment. That’s where everything started for An and JI, and maybe SM wants to prove something to GT, by making An save him. Despite him and SM to some extent being responsible for An’s tragedy. I don’t know what SM wishes to achieve though. Or maybe he’s kept him at the same place where SM was confined briefly before he came to live at yeongseong apartment, the one which we saw in the earlier episodes.


      Right now sung mo’s idea of justice seems to be outside that of the law. The ending scene above all showed how much sung mo thinks the law is incompetent and useless. I don’t think he did the apartment murders but i also don’t think he feels the need to prove it in front of the police. I think he came to the station to get his mother, give Ahn more clues by telling him to return his mother’s ring to her and also chiefly out of respect for JiSoo. She’s proof that there might be a hope of social justice after all but he’s not gonna make it easy for them.

      I don’t think he’s killed his KGT yet but Ahn will have to decipher sung mo’s memories to save him before he dies from a wound infection. Right now it looks like sung mo is selectively choosing which memories to show so let’s see how that goes.

      Unfortunately, I don’t see a happy ending for sung mo in this show. He feels so out of place and that worsened after JiSoo died. I always thought she would be his happy ending because she was so bright, it would have infected him after everything was done. But now, everything seems so moody.

      Personally i’ve decided to let the thriller and mystery part of this show unravel by itself. No more guesswork. I don’t know if its because i’m just so tired from all the sadness and crying. JiSoo really was a sunflower. You don’t notice until she’s gone and suddenly everything loses its brightness. I kept thinking of how if she had been there maybe sung mo and ahn confrontation would have been better because it’s always been three of them for a long time. Like she said in one of the earlier episodes “Ahn is my brother and he’s also your brother even tho all three of us are unrelated.”

      Daebong and So hyun will have their scene later. Right now their problems seem too small compared to the current theme of the show. Even the romance between Ahn and JaeIn has been somewhat put on a standstill. The only romance(?) that’s moving indirectly is that of sungmo and JiSoo and that’s because theirs is an epitome of sadness and regrets which I must say is the current theme of the show.

      That Photobooth scene was cruel. They were literally rubbing it in our faces how much potential was lost for both sung mo and JiSoo’s happiness.


        I wonder if you’re right about SM controlling which memories Ahn sees. It did seem like he knew Ahn would see the memory of him with Geun Taek.
        I agree. It’s too hard to guess what is going to happen next. We’ll just have to wait and see.


          Yeah am not completely sure am correct abt that but it did look that way so we’ll see. Am guessing tho that Le Ahn at some point will perform proper full length psychometry on him and will see everything.


            There has to be some link to Hyung telling JaeIn to train An until he can do a psychometry on him.
            He must want something out of An.


      The Rubikโ€™s cube epilogue showed that Hyung is operating from a big picture, I just donโ€™t know what it is. I donโ€™t know why heโ€™s so set on Ahn saving GT but he was purposely trying to anger Ahn during the interrogation. He kept mentioning that psychometry is not admissible in court, but I think part of his plan is to legitimize psychometry through Ahn and this case.


      I don’t think he know what he is doing himself, what his endgame is, was his plan to ride into sunset with his mother in tow? Then why he didn’t stop Ahn when he and Jae In get to close to the truth, what’s the point in this. How he even want to make Ahn to trust him again, or is he don’t plan to get out of it alive? All this darkness dominating this week episode is in stark contrast with the previous episodes it’s hard to fathom any happy ending coming from this.

      P.S I hate, really hate when writers pull the scenes like at the end episode, when one of the characters hurt other feelings “for their own good” or similar bs, it’s so abusive and to close to DV to be used as a plot device, imho.




    I miss the four of them being cute together too. I hope we get something cute next week. The characters and the viewers deserve a break from all the angst.


    A much better episode.
    And finally we saw Seung Mo for what he is. It hit me hard when I realized how much he hated the justice system and the police department. To think that he had this deep routed hatred and that he joined the same system just to use it to play to his tunes was chilling.
    He did not expect to meet someone like JiSoo because she was everything he wanted the system to be when he was young. And he could not bear to see her since he had to change his viewpoint. She was the conflict he did not want to face. Everything falls into place now. Why he kept her at a distance, why he never seeked her help and why he asked her to not get involved. In his own twisted way he was protecting her.

    LEeAn – I really liked how is personality is coming out. His growth. His struggles.

    SeungMo helped JaeIn because he thought she has the same opinions as him. But I think he is wrong. JaeIn still believes in the system and is willing to fight for the people to get their justice. She never has given up.

    SeungMo and LeeAn – Did SeungMo use LeeAn so he can get his help or tame. I don’t think so, because he never used LEeAn’s ability for his own investigation.
    How is LeeAn able to read SeungMo now? Is it because he stopped taking medications?
    Did Hyung never think LeeAn’s skills as useful? Did he take care of him only because LeeAn kept coming back to him. I can’t think anymore ; ))


      Originally, I was thinking of the first ep as Ahn’s ‘origin story’. Every superhero has some tragic past that somehow resulted in them getting powers. But now I feel like the whole show is his origin story. He got his power in the first ep but now he learned how to controll it. And at this point, I think we’ll see him figure out what he should do with his powers and how he can use them to help people. He’s already realizing that just because he saw something in one of his visions, it isn’t necessarily helpful since that sort of evidence isn’t admissible in court. I hope we see him come through this second tragedy in his life with a strong purpose for using his powers.
      I think Ahn can read SM now because his powers have increased. Even before SM had stopped taking his meds, Ahn was able to read bits of memories.
      I am also so confused about why SM tamed Ahn. I hope we get good answers next week.


        I agree. I see this show ending with LeeAn figuring out how to use his powers to help the legal department gain evidence. His powers don’t work standalone (which is the fact that Hyung knew from the beginning). Both he and JaeIn need to combine their skills to make it work.
        If SeungMo is not the good guy, I see this show ending with LeeAn and JaeIn the 2 survivors teaming up solving crimes. A potential part 2!

        “I am also so confused about why SM tamed Ahn.”
        I think SM was tracking An’s ability to see if those can be used in legal sense. More like to protect himself from getting caught?


        Also, somewhere down the line I think we all got distracted and forgot this IS Lee-An’s story. We got distracted by the cuteness and JiSoo. His story hadn’t really moved forward other than the romance. Now it all makes sense..
        Waiting for the last 2 episodes!


        Why do I keep going back and forth about SM. One side of me wants to believe SM is giving LeeAn and the police one last chance. If they can find Kang and punish him. If they don’t he still gets to kill Kang.
        Another side tells me, SM was always plotting this. It was just JiSoo who was holding him back.
        This show!! Arghhh


      Yeah I think it’s a two-way street as to why Ahn can perform psychometry on sung mo. Ahn got a boost cuz his desperation increased by 300% lol. In the psychometry book sung mo had before he gave Jaein, he noted that Ahn’s psychometry improved whenever he was desperate. When he confronted KGT in the tunnel. He was desperate to catch the guy that stabbed his noona and now that he saw some things he couldn’t understand, he is desperate to solve the mysteries around his hyung, his parent’s death and all the murders
      Sung mo himself is now on edge. Yeah he is still calculating and devising plans but his emotions are no longer under control. You can tell by how much we see him cry this past two eps. Emotionally surpressed sung mo is gone. I almost thought he was back at the police station when he was being a jerk but the tear he dropped when he mentioned JiSoo immediately gave him away. He is no longer taking his pills so his anger is at a 1000 max. This I think also makes it easier for Ahn to read him since he’s always been a character with a strong emotional wall that sadly came crashing so fast and so bitterly.

      Am really hoping the writer doesnt go too dark because poor Ahn has been heart broken enough. Yeah I agree that it helps to understand some of the writting decisions if you think of it as LeeAhn’s story. I just hope the writer isnt doing a goblin concept where he becomes lonely and powerful psychometricist LeeAhn.


      Gurl what u said about sung mo protecting JiSoo is on point. I hadn’t even thought about it in that way yet. Unfortunately for me thinking about this couple in general makes my heart break. With regards to these two, I feel like I signed up on a heavy melodrama about two tragic lovers with a twisted fate. It’s funny how poignant their story is to me at least when they didnt even have enough scenes together.


    Yes , the photo booth scene was painful to watch and like adding salt to a wound.

    I still don’t get why SM needs LA’s psychometric skills. Is it for LA to understand what SM went through and help him stop being a monster? Now, the poster in SM’s bedroom is really fitting.

    I had thought that young SM might have started the fire to disguise an escape for his mom, but didn’t intentionally kill anyone. But at this point, I don’t know anymore. So we will see…


    I’ll join in next week….. This episode just created more mysteries than solving any! I really hope we have a good finale where everything is explained!


    i am in the middle of this ep, and so i’m not reading anyone else’s comments yet — but i just needed a safe space to put this out there: I DID NOT expect this level of intensity in this show. like…i knew it was going to be intense, but i was NOT PREPARED for all this. i was not prepared, frenz. i was not prepared. i feel misled by the cuteness of the first, oh, 3/4 of the show.
