Oh My Lady: Episode 16 (Final)

Ah, the end is here! I suspect this episode made most if not all fans very happy, as it tied up the plot in a light-hearted but satisfactory way that was in keeping with the tone of the drama. It’s too bad that things didn’t get really compelling until about Episode 10 (then stepped it up with Episode 12 on — incidentally when Yura took a big step backward — coincidence? I think not) — which is frankly rather late for me to be connecting with a drama.

It’s to the actors’ credit that their amusing and sweet interactions were able to carry the plot until the story finally managed to tap into that emotional place with Min-woo’s growth as a father and as a person. I’m just glad that this one ended on a high note, because so many finale episodes feel like a letdown — they’re either too rushed or dragged out as an extended epilogue.


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Min-woo asks Kae-hwa to be Ye-eun’s mother, explaining that he had purposely waited to ask her until after the musical premiered. Nobody could be as good a mother to Ye-eun as she is, “And I need you. Let’s marry.”

(Omo! Usually when episodes end on cliffhangers, the next episode drops the tension back down, but in this case they just upped the ante.)

Kae-hwa is stunned, but Min-woo adds, “I’m not saying this out of the blue. I’ve thought this over seriously for a long while. Think it over, then give me your answer. I can wait as long as you need.”

Min-woo is invited along for a celebratory drink with The Show Co. staff, and Jae-hee remarks that it feels like Min-woo’s a part of their office family now, seeing as he has come to all their gatherings. Min-woo smiles and, while looking at Kae-hwa, says pointedly, “I think so too. It feels like a family.”

He’s extra solicitous to her, offering little things like napkins and such, which Shi-joon finds amusing while Kae-hwa is exasperated. When the others urge her to drink more, Min-woo swoops in to play the “black knight,” i.e, drink for her.

Min-woo’s behavior is so noteworthy that Jae-hee asks teasingly if their fake scandal is actually real. Kae-hwa blurts, “No!” just as Min-woo answers, “Yes.” (Such a mixed reaction makes the others think there’s more to this relationship than they’re letting on, and they exchange knowing looks.) Kae-hwa rises to leave early because of the kids, and Min-woo hurriedly excuses himself too, accompanying her out.

Kae-hwa is impatient with his exaggerated attentiveness, and says that she’ll give her answer now: “I’m not going to marry again.” He asks her to think about it some more, but she replies that a lot of thought has already gone into making this decision (not to remarry).

A bit indignant, he says it’s cowardly to swear off marriage because her first one failed. Maybe she just met the wrong guy the first time — it’s always possible she’ll meet a good person the second time around.

Kae-hwa replies that she doesn’t want to entertain such an expectation, and besides, she has Min-ji. He counters that a daughter isn’t a husband — and once Min-ji grows up and gets married, will she be fine being alone? That makes her pause briefly, but she reasserts her stance.

Min-woo: “Are you that afraid?”
Kae-hwa: “Yes, I am! Do you know what marriage is?”
Min-woo: “‘What do you know when you have no life experience?’ Is that what you’re telling me?”
Kae-hwa: “You haven’t been hurt so you don’t know. You don’t know what that pain is of promising to love each other for the rest of your life and having that shattered. So please don’t talk to me about marriage again. I’m sorry to say it like this.”

She walks off, leaving him pondering her words.

Kae-hwa’s words make him look deeper into the cause of her resistance. Thus the next morning, he intercepts Byung-hak just as the latter is leaving his house (humming “Sorry Sorry” in a meta moment, lol).

Min-woo gets to the point, asking aggressively what the heck Byung-hak did to Kae-hwa to make her swear off marriage forever. Byung-hak returns that this is hardly his concern, but Min-woo says it matters “because it’s a hindrance to her marrying me.”

Byunk-hak’s reaction is pure confusion: “Why?” Why would he want a woman like Kae-hwa when he’s a star? Min-woo presses on with his question, which elicits a roundabout answer about how she’s a difficult and tiring woman to live with. Min-woo watches with narrowed eyes, reading between the lines — he cheated, huh?

Defensively, Byung-hak turns it around on Kae-hwa, saying she doesn’t know how to make herself pretty; it felt like he was living with a housekeeper. In fact, he never bought even her flowers — not because he forgot or anything, but simply because he never felt inspired to buy them for her. You know, since looks are the only reason for loving a woman and all. (I’m not even offended by this comment, because Byung-hak is such a silly idiot that the sentiment has no sting coming from him.)

Min-woo asks if he ever apologized for hurting her. Byung-hak laughs, saying it’s embarrassing to do that. Min-woo tells him firmly, “Apologize to her. Ask her officially for her forgiveness.” Byung-hak finds this an odd demand coming from Min-woo, who replies, “I’m asking as the man who loves her.”

Now that Min-woo has made up his mind to woo Kae-hwa, he gets busy trying to win her over. For instance, he waits outside her apartment to give the girls a ride to school, and reacts in concern to hear Kae-hwa hasn’t eaten breakfast. After dropping off the girls, he takes her to a fancy buffet, where he even serves her.

Kae-hwa worries over the pricy food, trying to convince him to watch his spending because he must have lost a lot of money in the cancelled endorsement deals. Min-woo answers matter-of-factly that they probably add up to about 3 billion won ($2.5 million), but is unfazed. He’s got money in the bank and is confident he can get more work; he’ll consider this a luxurious hiatus from work.

Unimpressed, Kae-hwa urges him to adopt a frugal attitude and says she’s better off than he is, since at least she has a regular salary.

At work, a huge arrangement of red roses is delivered, addressed to Kae-hwa from Min-woo. While the other employees all smile at her knowingly, Kae-hwa tries to explain it away in innocent terms: “Can’t this be a thank-you?” They don’t buy it for a second.

Min-woo sends her a text, which is totally over-the-top and ridiculous (“More beautiful than a flower… Kae-hwa”). Embarrassed and uncomfortable, Kae-hwa says she’ll clear the flowers out of the office and takes them to the stairwell, thinking Min-woo is being shameless. But they do bring a smile to her face, as it’s been ages since she’s received flowers from anyone (which is why Min-woo made the gesture in the first place, in reaction to Byung-hak’s remark).

Next, Min-woo takes a cake to Bok-nim in thanks for treating Ye-eun, then asks for a favor, as she is a friend to Kae-hwa. His statement that “I’m intending to marry Yoon Kae-hwa” so shocks her that Bok-nim drops her coffee and stares at him incredulously.

Bok-nim rushes to ask Kae-hwa about it, wanting to know when the wedding is. She dismisses Kae-hwa’s grumbling that he’s just a kid — 28 is plenty grown-up, and the seven-year age difference is nothing. How can she let a guy like him slip through her fingers?

Kae-hwa grumbles that Min-woo’s proposal asked her to be Ye-eun’s mother, not his wife. Bok-nim sees through Kae-hwa’s complaining and smiles: “You really do like Min-woo.” That’s why she’s disappointed over the wording of his proposal, right? Bok-nim waves aside her resistance, saying that if they like each other, what’s the big deal? In her eyes, Min-woo is serious about her.

Min-woo takes the family out to a nice restaurant. Kae-hwa is self-conscious about coming to a place like this where they’ll be watched, but Min-ji enjoys eating out for once, and Min-woo tells her that it doesn’t matter to him. He pats Ye-eun on the head, saying, “I’m going to raise her proudly, since she’s my daughter.” Which is probably the most effective thing he could have said to impress her, and she allows herself to look at him with moony eyes (but only when he’s not looking back at her).

When Kae-hwa takes Ye-eun to the bathroom, Min-woo tries to make conversation with Min-ji. He sees this as a chance to suss out her thoughts and asks if she’d like having a sister like Ye-eun. Min-ji is pretty sharp and asks point-blank, “Are you going to marry my mother?” Her bluntness takes him by surprise, but he confides that he wants to. Still, he has to first hear out Min-ji’s opinion and wait for her mother’s answer.

She asks, “If you end up marrying my mother and then a prettier lady comes along, are you going to divorce my mom?” Min-woo gapes incredulously, but Min-ji points out that he works with beautiful actresses all the time: “If you betray my mother, it’ll be so sad for her.”

He tells her solemnly, “That’ll never happen. I’ll promise that to you.” They pinky-swear on it.

The musical continues its run and after another of Min-woo’s performances, he calls Kae-hwa, who is working late — or at least, she lies that she is. He offers to pick her up from the office, but for whatever reasons (fear, insecurity, nerves), Kae-hwa rejects the offer.

Reporter Han overhears Min-woo muttering to himself after the call, and says knowingly that he must be stuck in an unrequited love. Min-woo is wary, but Reporter Han has some insights about the situation, and his comments pique Min-woo’s curiosity. Wanting to hear more thoughts on his situation, Min-woo goes along with the reporter’s suggestion to grab a drink.

Kae-hwa works late, keeping herself busy to avoid going home right away. Finding her still in the office, Shi-joon offers her a ride home, and they pause for a break to talk. Tentatively, Kae-hwa says she hopes that he and his wife can give things another try, as it seems they still care for each other. Although Shi-joon doesn’t respond, he’s not offended by her statement and in fact seems to consider her words.

He turns the topic to Min-woo, asking how things are between them. Kae-hwa can’t feign ignorance since Shi-joon knows too much, but first she asks how much he knows. He answers, “One person is sending flowers, but the other person doesn’t seem ready to receive them.”

She confirms that Min-woo seems to be serious about a relationship but she’s not sure; she doesn’t feel confident that she can be seen “as a woman” to anybody. Shi-joon tells her she can — enough that he felt something for her for a short while. This stuns her, as he had never given any hint of his interest, but Shi-joon assures her that there is no cause for alarm. He has dealt with his feelings, and things won’t get awkward between them.

Liquor loosens Min-woo’s reserve (and his tongue) enough that he starts to talk freely about his woes, wondering how Kae-hwa can reject his proposal. Grabbing his laptop, the reporter starts to take notes, asking questions about why she rejected him and how long he’s had feelings for her. And I love Min-woo’s answer:

Min-woo: “Since we went looking for Ye-eun. No — since she had to go to the sauna because of me. No — since she fought with Mr. Jung [Yoon-seok]. Or was it from the beginning?”

Reporter Han says he must like her quite a lot, and Min-woo answers, “Yes, an awful lot. She’s different from the women I dated in the past. She’s beautiful. That’s why I think, ‘This is my woman.'” With that, he falls asleep, his head coming to rest on the tabletop.

Huh — well, this is a new side to Min-woo, and the reporter finds him pretty pure-hearted after all. It’s nothing like the partying image he’d had earlier. He starts typing a story about Min-woo’s “heartfelt love story” and uses words like “rebirth as a real actor.”

Han’s article spawns a wave of press, which now portrays Min-woo in a much more down-to-earth, humanistic light. They even declare that he has now washed off the disgrace of his former image as a lousy actor.

Yoon-seok is dissatisfied — I guess this good press does him no good, since he has lost his hold on Min-woo — but everyone else’s opinion of Min-woo makes a drastic upswing. He presents himself modestly in interviews, and even producer Eom is impressed with him. In fact, Eom gives himself credit for having recognized Min-woo’s talents early on, but Byung-hak scoffs since he didn’t do anything about them. Eom counters that he’ll get Min-woo for his next production.

Eom isn’t the only one wanting to cast Min-woo, and Shi-joon conveys an offer to Min-woo from a Japanese producer colleague, who has sent a proposal for Min-woo to take a role in a Japanese drama. Min-woo is pleased with the news, but as soon as he sees that he’d have to live in Japan for a year, he declines. Shi-joon thinks it’s a great opportunity, but Min-woo answers that he has somebody to watch over here.

And that’s not all: Jae-hee hands Kae-hwa some documents to give to Min-woo, which are papers for a new advertising contract offer worth 1 billion won (nearly $1 million). Apparently advertisers love his new image as a dedicated young single father.

Kae-hwa takes the documents to Min-woo’s photo shoot, where he takes a break from posing for a makeup touchup. The makeup artist tells him that his “scandal partner” (Kae-hwa) is really below his level, and offers to introduce him to a younger model friend. She describes the girl as one of those innocent-looking beauties, to which Min-woo answers, “I like sexy women.”

Naturally this is hardly thrilling for Kae-hwa to hear, even though Min-woo is actually making that quip as a way to reject the date. (Rather than saying no outright, saying that he prefers sexy women is a way of declining her friend, who is the opposite.)

Feeling dispirited, Kae-hwa decides not to approach and starts to leave. She runs into Yura, who congratulates her on her relationship and assures her that she has decided to move on.

Kae-hwa hands the envelope to Yura and asks for her to give it to Min-woo, making up the excuse that she’s busy and has to leave. Yura does, and when Min-woo hears the reason, he hurries out and tries to call Kae-hwa. Alas she isn’t answering the phone, so he goes to the theater, where he is told she is still back at the office.

Shi-joon finds her on the roof ignoring Min-woo’s phone call, and offers her a beer. In her melancholy mood, Kae-hwa offers to tell Shi-joon a “really funny story” and confides that Min-woo proposed to her. Even funnier is the fact that her heart thrilled to hear it. It was exciting to be seen as a woman again — but today, that feeling was shattered.

I’d assumed she was hurt by the makeup stylist’s dismissive comments about her, but I’m actually relieved that those words weren’t the cause of her mood. In actuality, it was the sight of him in action, looking like a star, that made her feel like they were completely unsuited for each other: “He seemed like someone from another land.”

Shi-joon points out that Min-woo was a star from the start — it’s not like she didn’t know. Kae-hwa answers that at the beginning, he had nothing to do with her so that wasn’t an issue. But as they got to know each other, she saw him struggling and felt sorry for him, and nagged him when he said silly things — and those things felt comfortable and manageable. Now that he’s doing better… it’s like he’s back to being a lofty star and the chasm is growing between them.

Shi-joon tells her that Min-woo likes her very much — enough to give up a drama opportunity for her. “Min-woo has changed this much — shouldn’t you recognize his feelings?”

Min-woo arrives at the office to find it empty, then recalls the roof. He arrives outside just in time to see Kae-hwa wiping away some tears. So much about this situation upsets him, and he strides up to her, grabs her wrist (urg!), and takes her downstairs.

He feels hurt that she has been ignoring his calls and avoiding him, particularly when she knew he was waiting for her — and now she’s here crying in front of Shi-joon — and raises his voice to a yell. Kae-hwa tells him levelly that she has already given him her reply, but he ignored it. No matter how she thinks about it, they don’t suit.

He argues that if he cared about those things — age, status — he would never have liked her from the start. She returns that this is just proof that he’s young, and they should quit while they’re ahead. And he should go to Japan.

That gets his attention: “Is that why?” He explains that he didn’t tell her about the Japan offer because he never intended to go. She takes issue with his high-handedness in dragging her away, saying that she’s ashamed of him when he does that, and gets angry and starts fights out of misunderstandings.

Min-woo asks, “So are you saying you can’t marry me? Are you saying I won’t do because I’m immature and young?” Kae-hwa answers yes. She can’t marry someone who reacts in such unpredictable ways — it makes her feel uneasy. She storms off, leaving him to shout her name in frustration.

You know, I’m actually relieved that they had this fight. They’ve never fought for real, and this addresses issues that they’ve been skirting thus far. It’s also nice to see some real conflict — genuine emotional clashing and hurt feelings — rather than the glib, fluffy sort of conflict that has characterized most of this show.

That night, Byung-hak calls Kae-hwa, who finds him drunk and in a thoughtful mood. To her surprise, he tells her, “I’m sorry.” He acknowledges that he never apologized properly, so he’s doing it now. She did nothing wrong — he’s the bad guy — and they divorced because he wronged her. But he felt too embarrassed to apologize, so he couldn’t do it: “But after listening to Sung Min-woo, I felt I was really wrong, and that I had to apologize. So I came here.”

That surprises her — he met Min-woo? Byung-hak gives Min-woo some credit for the way he had insisted he apologize, admitting that the kid was pretty impressive with the way he said, “As the man who loves Yoon Kae-hwa, please apologize.”

He says it one more time: “Kae-hwa, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I pushed you aside and hurt your feelings — forgive me for everything. Forget that all, and make a new start. And if he upsets you, come and tell me right away, and I’ll give him a scolding.”

(Aww. An unexpectedly touching moment from Byung-hak. As with the last time he defended Kae-hwa, this gives us a glimpse into why they were married in the first place while also showing us why they didn’t work. It’s rare to see ex-spouses in a drama ending on amicable terms, and it’s a nice change.)

Min-woo comes home feeling frustrated, and looks over his drama proposal documents. This gives him an idea, and he starts typing away. And when we see what he’s drafting — gahhh, Min-woo is so cute. I about died reading the title of his document: “Proposal On Living For Yoon Kae-hwa.”

In the morning, he comes to her apartment and gives her the envelope. He looks at her with puppy dog eyes and tells her to give her response after reading it.

Kae-hwa reads Min-woo’s proposal, which is formatted like a business document. In keeping with the theme of the drama proposal packet, he has drawn up Kae-hwa’s resumé, only it’s more like a life resumé than a professional one, outlining her traits and skills such as “she has a loud voice,” “makes killer ddukbokki and kimbap,” and “she likes Kim Myung-min better than Sung Min-woo, but I want to forgive her anyway.” Also of note: she has become a mother to Ye-eun, “and now is the woman in my heart.”

Under the “future plans” column, he has scheduled marriage in a month, a vacation cruise to celebrate their one-year anniversary, and so forth. Byung-hak’s apology had started to melt her resolve, and now she has to smile a teeny bit at Min-woo’s document.

Jung-ah has been offered a job in Daejeon, which is located in central Korea and about a two-hour drive from Seoul. She asks Shi-joon for his approval, suggesting that they need some space between them. As she leaves, she tells him that she realizes she hasn’t been the best wife to him either (I presume she means before the adultery, since otherwise that statement would be met with a resounding DUH).

But the door isn’t closed on them forever — with Shi-joon now opening up more to Jung-ah and realizing his part in driving his wife away, it looks like they’re leaving room for a reconciliation later, after they’ve both healed. Shi-joon even says he’ll go down to visit her on the weekend.

Min-woo performs another show, after which he checks his phone and tries to contain his disappointment that Kae-hwa hasn’t called. To his (happy) surprise, Kae-hwa finds him sitting in the empty theater, here with a much more conciliatory attitude than the last time they saw each other.

As we know, important conversations must always relocate to prettier environs (can you imagine that car ride over to the waterside? Most awkward silence ever).

Kae-hwa apologizes for her harsh words, telling Min-woo that she didn’t mean it when she pushed him away. She asks for his understanding and also thanks him for thinking of her life and her future (i.e., in his proposal) in such a serious way.

Min-woo has been looking pensive and tense throughout her speech, like he’s bracing himself, sensing that she’s ready to deliver her final decision. So it takes a moment for her next words to really sink in, as she tells him:”So I’m thinking of being courageous now. Thanks to you, I think I can do that now.”

She adds that she’d always thought she would just focus on being a solid support for Min-ji’s benefit, “But if things get hard, it’s okay if lean on someone now.” Min-woo smiles and steps forward to hug her gently, thanking her for her answer. Kae-hwa thanks him back for letting her be courageous again.

Min-woo then thanks her for watching over him and Ye-eun all this while. He promises that from now on, he’ll protect her.

And then they get the swirly-camera kiss — which is a nice way to bookend the drama, considering that this is very similar to how we started. Only, now it actually means something.

The end!


I picked up Oh My Lady because (1) when it started I had the time, as none of the current Wednesday-Thursday shows had premiered yet and I had no other recap commitments, (2) I had just finished its timeslot predecessor Wish Upon a Star, which was a happy surprise, and therefore anticipated a similar tone for this one, and (3) I wanted to keep up the watching and recapping momentum. There’s also (4) the matter of loving Chae Rim (and wanting her to pick a more enjoyable project than her last, Good Job, Good Job) and (5) the fact that I had pegged Choi Siwon as an idol-star-turned-actor to watch out for after Story of Hyang Dan back in ’07. (See? There IS some thought that goes into these decisions, however random the choices may ultimately seem!)

About halfway through the drama, however, I found my interest flagging, but not enough to drop the show. Even the less interesting episodes were easy to watch, and it wasn’t a challenging show in either theme or plot, so keeping up wasn’t too much of a hardship. I did, however, start thinking that if the actual plot development got any SLOWER, I would seriously consider dropping it.

Ultimately I’m glad I stuck with the show, and the last four episodes in particular gave me a sense of satisfaction about the drama as a whole. It turned into a different drama than the one it originally seemed — which pointed at the hijinks of a star falling for his ajumma maid/manager — and focused much more on Min-woo’s development as a father than as a romantic partner. I don’t think the romance came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t a priority, and that was actually refreshing.

I won’t call Choi Siwon a brilliant actor — he’s pretty decent, but he’s still got a long way to go if he’s going to keep pursuing an acting career, and I think he should — so rather than pure acting skills, it’s his personal charm that carries the character. I mean, just look at that smile, right?

It doesn’t hurt that he’s perfectly cast — image isn’t everything, but it’s a pretty significant part of how we approach a character. And when you cast a star to play a star, you’ve always got that benefit of the audience’s meta awareness of the actor’s real-life fame. (Also see: Choi Ji-woo in A Star’s Lover, Rain in Full House, Jang Geun-seok in You’re Beautiful, Kim Ah-joong in Accidental Couple.)

It was a leetle disappointing to have so little screentime for the two girls in the last episode, but we’ve seen enough of the Cute in previous episodes that I was content to let this finale be Min-woo and Kae-hwa’s exclusively. (Well, there were a few Shi-joon and Jung-ah moments, but I choose to skip right over them in my mind. Yawn. I’m satisfied, story-wise, with where they ended, but don’t need to dwell any longer on them.)

And then there’s Chae Rim. To be honest, I don’t think this is the best vehicle for her, even though the drama really benefits from having her in it. Therefore I’m glad for the drama’s sake, but she’s an actress whose talents weren’t fully used here — particularly since her character was less developed than Min-woo’s, and hardly changed at all. She made the most of it, tapping into a vulnerable side of Kae-hwa that gave the character a hint of depth. But I hope to see her tackling something more challenging in the future, and something out of the ajumma mold, as she’s done two in a row.

All in all, Oh My Lady was a sweet, cute series that could be a fun way to spend a breezy weekend with some unchallenging but personable characters, and that will leave you smiling at the end.


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He he ... shamefully admit I've not watched Athena yet, just been reading the recaps. Much as I love Siwon, couldn't bring myself to watch it just yet. Will wait until he gets more screentime and play more roles in the story.

For now, I satisfy myself with his screencaps and gifs from each episodes ;)

My Princess sound interesting. Probably will watch after SG finish.


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Better late than never. Belated Merry Christmas and

Happy New year to everyone. I was not able to access

this page for a long time. I miss you all. I hope had a

great time. Now i'm going to read some of the

comments here. Have a blessed day.


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... Ace, Amy, Enjoydrama, Kappy, Wulan, belated Happy New Year to all, do you all think we'll reach 1000? OML Angels, ohhh... yeah, am part of the not watching Athena yet--are we all shameless--naah, feeling guilty heck yeah, but it's okey everybody, we'll all still drop in once in a while .. I'm wondering if it's because our Siwon isn't the lead. I'll watch later definitely but, less Siwon screen time, means less watching time for me.. I'd rather watch him on Icon for his drumming, yeah I knew he's good at that but nice eye candy!! Lots of SuJu eye candies this past 2010 year end shows.. It's funny how it's all revealed how he's a chaebol--rich man's son and a pharmaceuetical ceo dad at that, in addition to that trading house!!! and a professor to boot!! Hmm, I wonder if that helicopter joke will become real soon.. That's beyond lucky, hope our Siwon stays humble all the way...

--sooo SuJu, they didn't win a lot of awards but it's interesting that they are being redeemed outside of Korea as #1 in Thailand and Taiwan, and how could they not be awarded for the great feats in conquering the world slowly--no doubt about us, we're on that boat already...but it's okey, SuJu's the best and it's great that each member have their own drama or hosting/mc-ing a show, radio show, singing osts, forming new group-SM the Ballad, and of course the musicals... working on that 5th album, and it looks like Ki Bum will rejoin everyone, Hang Geng is doing very well on his own--of course the dream is to have all of them on one stage, ohh--that's some great feat right now, but I'd like to be there when that happens, for now it great for them all...

I still glance at OML, not as rabidly as before... and am slowly moving on from the OML addiction--but watching the new dramas are not as fierce as I did OML--I could go on without sleeping just waiting for the viikii subs... 'am enjoying Secret Garden--laughed a lot since episode 1, Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won are awesome--lots of LOL moments there, am waiting for the end to watch from ep 14 on.. Now it's My Princess--I like it and am drawn to the two leads, Kim Tae Hee--I've never seen any of her dramas but I've stated she's got that ethereal look and Song Seun Hun--what a looker, I've liked him since Autumn in my Heart--but truly prefered Won Bin's character and Won Bin himself ( I wonder when he'll ever do a drama again?) But the professor--Ryu Soo Young, I've liked him since 18 vs 29 of which our Siwon played the younger version, he was also great/tragic in Lawyers of Korea, Bad Couple, Save the Last Dance for Me..

Enjoy everyone, have a great day, take care, don't get sick and let's not feel guilty about not visiting our beloved site, just come and drop a message just to lighten the day and revisit our love for OML!!! When we do watch Athena, let's give our opinions... Maybe soon Siwon will be in another drama that we'll all love... Hey Lacus, still enjoying all your videos and gifs on Soompi and YT!!!


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Hi OML angels, hope you all doing great. Just got back fr SS3 Bangkok, I was having such a blast. The concert was very satisfying, what a great way to open the 2011 concert series.
I meet up with a couple of friends fr Soompi. Wendy and I were very lucky, Siwon often visited our zone and we saw him so clearly. Carrot boy is much more handsome in real life. During A Man in Love performance , the crowd went wild when he took off his shirt. Gorgeous abs, dirty mind is working :p ke ke ke
Unfortunately I could not post any pics or vidcam, mine was confiscated when I was recording Siwon' solo. I was asked to step out and I was afraid I'd been kicked out fr the concert. Thankfully, they let me back in after I deposited my camera.
Ace, if Manila is not strict, hope you could get some pics or vidcam. .
Now, I'm waiting for Sakurakhyuk to post hers.
See you girls around :)


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Wow! Looks like you had a great time, Wulan. I'm so happy for you and I'm so excited for my turn next month. My friends here in Manila who are very addicted fans of Siwon (yep, I'm talking about Sakurakhyuk) & EunHyuk, some of whom already watched SS3 in Seoul last year but went to Bangkok to watch SS3 there too, and would watch it again next month in Manila. I wish I could've watched it in Seoul too but I'm just glad I got to have my vacation there. {BTW, @ kappy - are your plans on going this year confirmed?} I'm afraid it's stricter now so I wouldn't be able to bring my DSLR. Per the (local) organizer, if SME or the Korean production team finds anyone with DSLRs, they would be penalized as stated in their contract. Anyway, even if I won't be able to take a picture I'll just enjoy the experience. I've been neglecting listening to SuJu songs lately because there are just too many new great K-Pop songs out there especially from Kdrama OSTs (yes, Hyun Bin's "That Man" is #1 on my iPod for 3 weeks now!).

Hope you ladies are fine...try to drop a note once in a while. ;) Oh yeah, in ep 8 of Athena Siwon has more screen time and has a more active role. Since SG ended, I'll be able to start watching Athena during the weekends.


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If anyone has seen a subbed version of this, please post here. This is just hilariously funny. I could literally feel my face getting red from laughing.


Leeteuk’s sister battles Jo Kwon in a ‘kkab’ dance-off for “Strong Heart” (Source: allkpop)

The most recent episode of SBS’s “Strong Heart” guested a pair of celebrity siblings - Super Junior’s Leeteuk and his sister, Park In Young.

Leeteuk’s sister became the talk of the town after she revealed her unexpected silly side. Park In Young was showing off her sexy appearance in her one-piece dress and leggings, when she suddenly broke out into a hilarious ‘kkab‘ dance.

Park then engaged in a dance off with the King of ‘kkab‘ himself, 2AM’s Jo Kwon! Leeteuk, who was embarrassed about having his older sister on air with him from the very beginning, couldn’t take it anymore and shouted: “Nuna (older sister), don’t do that!” – bringing much laughter.

After the episode aired, viewers commented, “Her dance made even Jo Kwon’s dance look colorless” and “Leeteuk’s reaction was funnier.”


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OML Angels, just like everyone, it's been a while and on with the drama addiction beyond our Oh! My Lady. It's great to see that Wulan had a great time in SS3 Bangkok--Wulan, luckily you were able to return to the concert. Did you get your camera back? I'm restraining the green monster since you've watched it and Ace with the gang in Manila, don't get in trouble. Just sitting back and enjoying the show is enough--they are all so talented and simply entertaining. Of course there is the instant gratification of watching Carrot Boy... I'm patiently wishing and hoping that the close second SMTown will return here to L A... since I don't think SS3 will come to the U S.

I'll just be dropping by once in a while, of course I search and search the net for more of Siwon and his SuJu siblings. After the Tokyo SMTown, I searched for fanvids, there aren't many. They must have been really strict there. Here's one with Siwon and Donghae from YT, our Carrot Boy is so handsome..


it's too bad many of the venues are strict, we won't be able to see their performances unless fans are brave enough to film their shows.

Good health to all OML Angles...


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I heard that they would be bringing SS4 outside Asia, so cross your fingers Mel! And pray that it would be to the US, not Russia. =)

Before Leeteuk & Heechul's MS this year, there would also be album #5. So we have something to look forward to at the end of this year!

@kappy: love Leeteuk's embarrassment during the kkab dance...he keeps on saying, "stop doing that, Noona!" LOL! And Seung Ki, Ho Dong, Eunhyuk, & Shindong's reactions are also hilarious!


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Hi all in the OMLhood!

I've been bad in not coming and posting more. I do want us to get to 1000, but I am not doing much about it. Same excuses as before, but I do miss you all and am so glad to still see you true diehards continuing to comment.

@Wulan - Jealous! Happy, too, for you. Too bad about their being so strict about video recording, pics, etc., but glad you got to enjoy the show otherwise. Can't imagine how Siwon would look up close. I mean, I can, but I'd be so WOWed by it all I'd have to bring a fan, or smelling salts, or something!

@Ace - Hey, your SS3 turn is just around the bend! I'm so excited for you! Don't forget them Siwon towels. (Oh, was it here that those were discussed?) Scream loud for us, and though you won't be able to take pictures, get good ones of him/them in your head so you can shower us with adjectives. Oh yeah, and my plans are still sketchy, so it doesn't look like it's happening for me this year. :( Darn. Unless some miracle happens... (Where's that KJW when you need him?)

My Korean friend gave me SuperJunior's 4th repackaged album for Christmas. Hooray! Love listening to it in my car, especially when alone 'cause I tend to blast it.

I really enjoyed Secret Garden and want to get the OST, especially Hyun Bin's "That Man", like you said. Will e-mail you soon. Haven't started on Athena yet, but it's good to know Siwon is more active in ep. 8.

That Kkab dance by Leeteuk's sister was hilarious, and 2 AM's member was more hilarious, but the best was Leeteuk's wanting to shrink because of embarrassment. I kept on thinking, "Right on, sista!"

@Mel - Thanks for keeping up here! We can always count on you. So glad our Siwon won a Newcomer award as the SBS awards night. I would have been upset if he wasn't recognized for the great job he did in OML. I still think OML should have gotten more recognition than it got, but oh well. We experts know better, right? I have yet to check out the link you provided, but thanks for that. Always happy to see more links of HIM...and OML, and Suju, etc.

'Til next time, see you Angels!


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Hey Kappy! Great to hear from you. I sent you an email. =)


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BTW, Kappy & Wulan, hope you saw the photos I took in Korea on Facebook. =) There are around 12 albums (some pics I haven't posted yet). I have updated the privacy settings for those albums so everyone who has a Facebook account can see it. Just type my email everoarke7@yahoo.com so even if we're not "friends" on Facebook, you can still view the albums (until Feb 26, 2010 only!).


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Hi girls, just been able to drop by.
Ace, already took a look of your Seoul pics. They're great, i'm planning to go to Korea too this year.
I've just been back from watching SS3 Singapore. I only watched the 1st day show. imo, bangkok was better since the boys were so much funnier and energetics. The boys seem to be a bit tired from SMtown Tokyo. You're watching in standing zone, right? Enjoy the show :) sadly, i could not go to ss3 manila.
@Mel, luckily i got my camera back but all the files were deleted. The security in SS3 Singapore was very lax but i didn't bring my camera cos i didn't want to repeat my bangkok experience. Wendy from soompi took few fancams focusing on Siwon.
@Kappy, long time no see. Hope you're doing great.
My addiction currently is Dream High. I love the storyline though some of the actings were so so.
See you girls around


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Hey Angels!

I was happy to see several more e-mails over the last couple days. Hooray!

@Ace - Thanks for the goodies in your e-mail! I will write soon. I haven't written 'cause I don't know how to write a short e-mail on things I like. I have to block out a good chunk of time (w/hubby and kids asleep) to concentrate. Ha! I know...haven't I heard of a series of shorter e-mails? Yes, but I still tend to be longwinded. Oh, and I will check out your pics on FB.

Oh SS4, pleeease come to Hawaii. We have TONS of kdrama fans here. TONS. And somehow, I don't think of Russia as a place they'd go to sooner than US, but they are next door neighbors to Korea.

A friend of mine who went to Russia about 10 years ago with her husband to pick up their son they adopted told me they watched a few episodes of kdramas while there. Despite the fact there were no English subs and they hardly understood any Russian and even less Korean, they were entertained and even pretended to "add their own Eng. translations." (I would like to have seen that.)

@Wulan - Thanks, and it's good to hear from you, too. So you would recommend Dream High, huh? I'm contemplating My Princess. Heard good things about it?

Guess what? Our library system here finally added OML to their collection. I will eventually be getting my own, but I went online to borrow it. I was number 80. Hmm, let's see, I MIGHT see it by June. Ha.

Well, going beddy bye, so talk to you all later...


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@kappy - don't try to make your e-mail short on my account. Just write all you want, haha! My emails are always loooong...


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Okay Ace, I promise I'll write soon. Thanks for your e-mails!


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Haven't watched My Princess yet but they have many fans.
Hardly find time watch drama lately due to work. Will catch up with other dramas later on.


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Hey all!

Just wanted to drop by to wish Siwon a very Happy (on-paper) Birthday! (Sorry, I'm technically late by an hour and a half.)

We love you, and God bless you. Keep on doing what you're doing, but be sure you keep in good health.


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It's his birthday? It's his birthday!!! I'm a bad fan, I know. I know it's this month but don't know the specific date.

(Belated) Happy birthday Siwonnie!!! See you soon at SS3!


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Yes, Feb. 10 was it. His real birthday is April 7 (my dad's birthday, and mine is very close to that!).

As you know (but more for the sake who don't), Feb. 10 is the registered date on the records of Korea because his parents didn't file his real birthday until the next year. (Or something like that - correct me if I'm wrong.) I don't know why or how that goes or how often that kind of thing may happen.

So anyway, essentially, I'm sure that means that he gets to celebrate his birthday twice. Nice!

And Ace, I wish I could say I remembered myself, but I just started corresponding with a friend of a friend who is a Japanese ELF and knows I like Siwon, in particular. :) She's sending me a lot of neat stuff and went to the KRY concert (in Fukuoka, I think).


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@Kappy - Dream High is this year's SKKS. ;) As GF says, SKKS was Joseon Crack, DH is Crack High. I'm loving MP in a different way too.

Anyway, has anyone watched The Last Scandal of My Life? I've been reading JB's recaps of previous dramas because I'm in some serious need of a kdrama marathon this weekend (finished The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry last week). It reminds me a lot of Oh! My Lady because of the housekeeper-of-famous-actor plot. Since I read some positive reviews about Queen of Reversals, The Return of Iljimae, and Last Scandal, I'm planning to watch episode 1 of all 3 tonight. And since Last Scandal has the least episodes (w/ 16; QoR has 31; RoI has 24) and sounds more fun, I'll start off with that. =)

Happy weekend everyone!


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Hello OML Angels.... Just wanted to drop by to wish Ace a great time at tomorrow's Suju SS3 concert at Araneta, Wulan already had her time with them while people like me just droll a lot and hope they come back to LA, SMTown was great here but of course SS3 would be preferrable... Have a great weekend all til I come back out lurking mode... Yeah, someone has put OML on Yt, great HD and subbed well....


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Hi everyone! I just got back from SS3 Manila. And to be honest I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have. Maybe partly because I was chosen as a volunteer so I knew what was happening backstage (and it wasn't a picnic especially during yesterday & today). Plus I was on my feet all day long doing this and that AND my ticket was Standing VIP. My feet are dying and cursing me.

Siwon is undeniably as gorgeous up close as he is on tv/photos. The abs are simply perfect. As much as I love our Siwon, I can't help but sigh at Heechul. Why is a guy that flawless and more gorgeous than all girl idols? Oh yeah, I'm piqued at Siwon coz he ignored the "God bless Siwon" towel I was waving around and my Siwon lightstick too. And I was the only one in SVIP doing that. My photos are meh even if I was so close to the stage (should've brought the SLR because the security wasn't strict al all - one of the many backstage messes of the day). Hope the video turned out better.

So my advise is do not ever volunteer for a concert of your fave artist. It isn't exciting as it sounds and it kills the excitement for the concert itself. Next time I'll probably just wait for the concert DVD. Though the wait is long, it's more convenient, less expensive, plus you can rewind, fastforward, & rewatch. Haha. Oh well, I might watch again next time given the chance maybe preferably in Seoul. It's just that I'm just so glad it's not 2 nights in Manila so I don't have to relive this day over again soon.

@Kappy - will email you more specific details plus maybe attach some pics/vids (which I can't publish yet in FB accdg to the organizer).

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to sleep as Monday will mark the beginning of the end of my 8-month vacation. Not much time for dramas as it's back to reality with pesky stuff like jobs.=)


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Ace, so sorry to hear you did not enjoy the concert much. Maybe it was due to standing? I also did not much enjoy the show in SS3 Singapore since I was standing. But I very much enjoyed Bangkok.
Could you also email the pics/vids to me?

Btw, Wendy from Soompi had a suprise encounter with Siwon @ the airport (you can read her account in Choi Siwon thread in Soompi) and Siwon said that SS3 end in May? I'm not sure if there is more concert after the last one in March.

If what Siwon said was true, I surely wish they visit Jakarta.


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Aw, Ace, sorry it wasn't that great of an experience for you. I did think it would involve a lot of work, but that it'd be worthwhile because of the "upclose and personal" opportunities you'd have.

Glad to know the Siwon man and his abs are in good working order. Lucky girl, but how dare he not take notice to your Siwon stuff? Did he seem in good health? I ask 'cause someone mentioned he was ill for three days recently and was kind of grumpy (which I imagine is very low key grumpiness) during a performance. So hard when they have to put on a happy face when they're really feeling lousy, huh? Such is the life of the performing artist.

As for Heechul, it's funny I was just today thinking of what a pretty girl he makes. I mean that as a compliment, so it should be taken as such (so Heechul, if you're reading this...). I thought that when I watched that bit on a few of Suju dressing as girls, and Heechul was in a Chinese dress (this off of a link one of you all gave here). Siwon is more handsome to me, but I guess you can't have it all (that is, be handsome AND be pretty as a girl). Haha.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I was curious. And sorry again it wasn't all that. I'm glad you get to rest now. Soon enough (it sounds like) you'll be back to the daily grind. How wonderful you were able to take off for this long.

@Mel - Nice to hear from you. Hope you're doing good. Whatcha watchin'? Don't be a stranger! (oh, you mean like I have been? Sorry!)

Talk to you soon, OML angels...


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Heechul makes many girls question their sexuality when he is in drag. I find him so attractive as a girl. (He and Angelina Jolie).

I love that he's 100% a performer and there's never a dull moment when he is around.

I had a chance to see him a few feet away during the LA SM Town concert when he was not performing. He's handsome and was calm, eventhough he had to rush for several performances (solo singing, group singing, drums playing) but you can tell he's a professional entertainer and takes his job seriously. No gooffing around, as we see him on tv shows.

I shall visit more this thread. I hope that it will reach one thousand posts beforethis year is over. Fighting OML angels!!


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Hi girls, how you've all been doing? just drop by to say happy birthday to Siwon (his real b'day is on 7apr).
Can't wait to see his new drama Skip Beat although it just starts on filming. Hope he delivers like he did in OML


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...oh OML Angels--Kappy, Ace, Wulan, Lacus, Wendy, Lacus ... how's our hood, pretty quiet... okey, I've gone schizo--as in got addicted to other dramas... but of course there will always be the Siwon addiction!!! .. right now it's several kdrama addictions, the main one is Thorn Birds, though only 2 episodes left... then 49 days, Sparkling--Twinkle, Twinkle.. ( I don't think I'll ever understand why there are so many alternate names for them... pls, just stick to one, okey kdrama pds...?..) They are all fascinating, bit more gut wrenching than our OML.. still waiting for Chae Rim's latest drama.

Of course our Siwon has gone on to Athena--okey, he did will-still our sexy hunk and debonaire and hopefully Skip Beat with fellow SuJu Donghae will be commendable. I'm glad that Bonamana is #1 beyond 40 weeks in Taiwan. It's weird to me that SuJu are finally "debuting" in Japan... Ummm, they've been in Japan frequently, haven't they been there for ages already? And having concerts way back when that even SuJu Kry has had their own concert there late last year... They must have different meanings for English words... oh yeah my daughter-the teeager (I just found out) is also a fan of SuJu... secretly... I had an off day and she finally is not too busy with school, we started talking SuJu and lo and behold, she knows every single one and their scandals... choke, choke... now she wants closer seats-more expensive, as in wants to sit with me in the next SMTown concert here in L A... (gotta do extra shifts!!!) ... the way SMTown is going, they definitely are coming back to L A. The business end aint gonna miss the money from here. I'm happy that European fans are getting a glimpse of our boys and Chile too.... They are gonna be super busy. With Leeteuk and Heechul leaving soon, the rest of the SuJu guys will have to step up and fill the shoes of all that are mising including Hang Geng--who's not doing bad in the mainland...

Okey Angels 'til net time... we still have to get to 1000... have a good day


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Hey Mel! Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing fine with post-OML kdrama addiction.

@Mel - I'm also watching 49 Days, but not the others you've mentioned. But I've started with Best Love this week too, although I'm so sad that subs are not yet up. Looks like some subbers are on vacation or something.

Watched the first 2 episodes of Can You Hear My Heart? and would like to continue with that asap, would like to try Baby-Faced Beauty too when I find subbed episodes. I would have thought JB would at least recap eps 1 & 2 but I'm so glad that they took Best Love instead.

Best Love's my most anticipated drama this May since I adore the Hong Sisters. I'm still a little pissed off by people's puzzled reactions to MGIAG. I'm like, "Come on, really? How come you don't get it?". That show may have looked simple, but really, it has layers to it. (OML was too)

I'm actually ticked off at my kdrama dvd marathon buddy who watched MGIAG just for Noh Min Woo's pretty face. **shudders** Controlled myself mostly whenever she fangirls every time his face comes on the tv screen but couldn't resist telling her that Siwon is still the prettiest idol/actor of them all (Heechul's the 2nd!). NMW wasn't even that pretty there, his singing voice is just so-so, and he acted badly on MGIAG (he definitely improved in Rock, Rock, Rock). And hello! Lee Seung-gi may not be the conventional flower boy that every one prefers nowadays but man, he was great there! How could anyone not prefer my dear Woong-ah (**ducks under cover in case Girlfriday's lurking around**) over some ineffectual, clueless gumiho hunter? Tsk, tsk, tsk...I also used to love going to this one blogger's site (I'd rather not name her) since we both adored Jung So Min on Playful Kiss, but lost the urge to visit her site when she started loving Mary Stayed Out All Night (why, why, why?), plus her little comments about not getting MGIAG.

Whoosh! RANT over, sorry!I didn't know I was that worked up about it! =p

During the last few weeks, my kdrama buddies and I re-watched Dream High, Playful Kiss, MGIAG, and we're currently in the middle of Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Next stopSecret Garden. I'm also watching season 1 of US sci-fi series "Fringe". ;)

Also a little excited for next week's Lie To Me. Got excited because of the teaser trailer. I like KJH in Coffee House, but not really excited about Yoon Eun Hye anymore like I was before when she starred in Princess Hours and Coffee Prince. Might also see Romance Town, City Hunter, & Ripley.

Re: Extravagant Challenge - I'm still making up my mind about it. Making a list on the pros & cons of watching it. Siwon's a big pro but that didn't matter with Athena. A big con's the Chinese language (guess I mentioned before that that's why I'm not a fan of SuJu-M). The guest recappers didn't help either with their recaps of that show. If either JB or GF recapped it, it might have helped a little for me to at least watch beyond episode 2, despite their snarking or mocking of the show. It would've been fun if they wrote the recaps. I have a hunch that the not-to-be-named blogger will recap EC because she likes Tdramas too.

Re: Japan debut - yeah, even if they've done concerts there, they really didn't debut officially there like SNSD. LOLed at your daughter being a secret fan. Hopefully, there's gonna be official dates regarding the fifth album and SS4 since me and some friends are planning to watch SS4 in Seoul. @Wulan - wanna join us?

@Kappy - how're you? Will try to email you sometime this month.

@everyone else - hope we here from you too!

Have a great weekend to all!


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HI ACE!!!! I'm trying to get back here so we can head on to our 1000 posts ... I finally found out how to add warnings on iphone so that if anyone posts or responds to this.. i get a buzz fr the phone... so you're already planning on watching SS4 in Seoul, i hope it's later this year.. I'd love to watch, but first SMTown L A, can't miss that and with my d-ter wanting closer seats, yeah, really have to do more extra shifts... If I even dream of watching SS4 outside the U S, geez.. how can I face not taking my daughter with me (and there I thought she only liked Shinee... really...), I'll have to be the "mother" and she can do all the fangurling as in yelling her heart out when we watch the next SMTown concert, though I wish SuJu would bring their Super Show here too.. I hope that Leeteuk and Heechul will postpone their enlistment so that sometime in the near future watching them will become reality... um, yeah I've seen them but you know, just SuJu...

you know Baby Faced Beauty--didn't attract me until JB wrote she's interested in it and of one of my secret crushes (umm of course CSW!! is still #1) -- RYU JIN is in it (I hope he's fun in this like he was on Country Calls and such a great bad boy for Chae Rim on Oh Pil Seung...) sooo, here's the link for ep 1 eng subs... enjoy

You know, this "chasing" everyone second on the net for eng subs is super crazy... It's nutts, finally Thorn Birds is over-but the last 2 eps, I'm waiting for the subs.. yes just gotta learn how to be patient... I'm trying to wait on all the dramas to finish subbed but won't happen, I'll revert to being a lurker/stalker and watch raw, so what.. I don't understand and just to conclusions luckily the eng subs don't take too long.. There are so many subbers out there eventually sub the eps I want...

I love your post, I really enjoyed Jung So Min's love for the robotic Kim Hyun Joong (I love him too) in Playful Kiss--I wonder what her next project will be... sorry about that site you ended up disliking... but yeah, I don't know what it was about Mary Stayed Out All Night-I didn't even take a glance even though I really loved most of the cast members... That Lie to Me with Yoon Eun Hye and KJH, that should be fun... I'm looking forward to that and definitely JB and GF will be recapping that... Yes YEH--she's the main culprit to my Kdrama addiction, no one else to blame but her for how nothing can cure me of this ailment. She and her Princess Hours did it-- I got hooked and here I am, a noona and still at it!!! I still feel so warm & happy everytime I hear the soundtrack to Princess Hours/Goong... of course I still love Coffee Prince.. There are lot of upcoming dramas, like you I'm interested in Romance Town--it takes the place of the just ended Thorn Birds, City Hunter-I hope this is nice and Ripley-I'm looking forward to that.. 24 hrs is too short a day to satisfy my kdrama addiction.. I wish I had several PCs with huge screens so I can watch them all at the same time... Yeah, when it comes to kdramas, I can multitask---EASILY!!!

Hey did you see today's fancams on Suju heading for Vietnam at the airport, no other--SW still catches the eye so easily. It's amazing to me that even their practice session's already up on the net, it looks like their wearing the clothes that they wore on the airport fancam. Oh yeah, someone just uploaded old Suju centered variety shows at this yt acct hope it doesn't get erased, whitecatxiii. The boys are so young and our CSW was more active in the variety shows back then. Now they're all so busy, it's hard to keep tabs on them except for those fans and their fancams that provide us noonas with eye candies.

Extravagant Challenge, I'll watch it, hopefully, I won't cringe.. never know it may be nice.. I really enjoyed Donghae's acting in It's Okey Daddy's Girl. 'even got my husband to watch that... I'm a sucker for some cutsie story and the eye candies weren't bad either..

'til next time and we do still have our 1000 to do right!!!

Have a great weekend Ace, what are you marathoning this weekend?

that includes the Kappy, Doraemon, wulan, Menci, Lumi, Lacus, Amy, Vhladynineer, luvthisdrama---it's getting warm now and soon summer.. yey... have a great weekend!!!

Those that are attending SS3 Vietnam are going to have a blast!!!


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i watched this drama last year. but only the first 7episodes. then i found that this drama isnt really interesting. at that time i supposed to watch 3 dramas, cinderella sister, personal taste and oh my lady. but CS was a strong drama that can push these 2 dramas. i cried and feeling so worth to watch CS over OML and PT. then, last night, because i felt so bored, i turned on TV and i watched OML on my national channel. then i hooked on the story and that night i watched the whole drama. its worth. =)


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... JUST RANDOM.. Poor SUJU boys but awesome entertainers to perform in heavy rain out in Vietnam, what great troopers!!!

... random... Eugene is marrying her drama partner Ki Tae Young from Creating Destiny, that was such a fun watch.. good luck, Leeteuk's a fan and doesn't want her to ever get married, oh well... Good Luck and may you have a long happy life together...

Hi all OMLHood Angels... have a great day..


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@767Mel, nice of you to remember us inactive OML/Siwon angels. Since my last post (ages ago it seems) I've watched OML 2 or 3 times from start to end (but not in one sitting) and in a few scenes I would say "Hey, I missed the significance of that one!" I miss the days when I could just open my laptop and share my thougnts with you guys. These days I could not go beyond a few lines since I'm taking care of my bedridden mom. I'm really glad you guys are still around. I'm making note of the dramas you've seen after OML, have watched a few in fact: MFISAG, Playful Kiss, My Princess, I Am Legend, Secret Garden... Bye for now, take care.


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hello Menci, it's over a year now and still crazy about OML, of course to fill in the gap 'am watching other current dramas. It's hard to rewatch OML in once sitting of course since life happens. It's still cute and watching other dramas will remind me of a scene from OML. The most common one is the sauna scene and the clothes which is like that in the new one "Lie to Me" with Yoon Eun Hye..

I've got this page tagged to my phone so that when there's a message I can now check who's made a comment... I hope that you take care of yourself while taking care of your mom. Keep your laptop close by so that in times when it's boring or just a simple quiet time you can just open that laptop. I just finished Thorn Birds--gut wrenching, marathoned Giant--really had time invested in that one. It's amazing to me how the writers can really compose such long intricate stories. I enjoyed Coffee House--it's probably why I'm following Lie to Me with KJW. 49 Days--watched up to 5 and just decided to download all the episodes before continuing to watch it.You know how it feels to sooo anticipate the episodes that you're constantly on the "refresh" button while waiting for the next subbed episodes. The same with Best/Greatest Love, Baby Faced Beauty, Romance Town. I'm requesting my cousin to download all of Midas, Royal Family... an the already finished Bad Guy--I still have to finish that.. Sooo many Kdramas, sooo little time.. So did you like My Princess and Secret Garden?
Take care and hope your mom does well...
My best to the rest of the OML Angels..


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Mel, my mom passed away on May 22, five days after arriving in NAIA. Yesterday we (i.e. my younger sister, a sister-in-law and a nephew) brought her home to Tacloban City. Interment is on May 28.

I have no time yet (nor inclination) to watch drama series but when I do Best Love is on top of my list. Secret Garden I can watch a few more times but My Princess I already enjoyed watching and that was enough. I probably could not watch all the dramas in your list.

Btw we took KAL coming back to the Philippines and was so impressed with the crew/staff. Everyone was extra attentive to my mom. I had bibimbap whenever available, and watched unsubbed Korean concerts of, to me, unknown artists. Now is not the time to think about it but I would like to take a trip to Korea in the future.

Mel, and all the rest of the gang, have a great day.


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Thanks Mel. Have a great weekend. My regards to all OML angels.


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Mel, I've just discovered that Secret Garden is dubbed and shown on Philippine tv. I'm following that one even if I already watched it with the English sub. I still have 2 weeks in the PH and the beaches are just minutes away... the mall, too, and I'm rediscovering the joy of shopping :-) Your concern is hard to miss; by any chance are you another Gae Hwa? ;-) Thanks, Mel. Btw, I'm from Tacloban City and I have relatives in Ormoc City from my father's side.

A happy day to you and all members of the OMLhood.


Hi voices of sanity! Save me from dumb people! Need sanity asap!

@Mel - so disappointed at Lie To Me...been commenting at the recaps and would want JB to drop it too for her sanity. It's just plain boring and a waste of JB/KJH and YEH's talents. Someone suggested that JB not drop it since she also continued recapping "mediocre dramas" like OML. Argh! Script always come first to me before actors (see Dream High). With OML, at least there were no boring episodes. The plot was continuous, and there are developments in the subplots. I'm actually rooting for Miss Ripley right now for the script to be good and get better ratings than LTM since it airs on the same days and on the same time slot too.

Loving Best Love...not sure if it will surpass MGIAG on my list, but it's the Hong Sisters! So they still surpass anything else to me. On the latest recap, someone's comment spelled "potato" wrong [with an -e] and insisted that that was correct. Ah 미치겠다! I'm going crazy! There are some crazy comments there by some people I distinctly remember being even more crazy during Dream High. Unreasonable, illogical, and rude. Maybe they're young? But no, there's this one who's obsessed with our Siwon and says she's Mrs. Choi. And I know she's a noona too.

Liked 49 Days' ending. It could have been executed better but it was the correct ending for the series.

And I like City Hunter's first episode too. Hope JB continues the recaps. No offence to the guest recappers, but they're just not doing it for me. Those who recapped Sungkyunkwan were okay (and I was desperate for Moon Jae-shin news), but the ones who did Athena (and now Romance Town) just confuses me and does not induce me to watch what they're recapping. I'd prefer the live transcaps over some recap where someone thinks she knows more than she does. Especially about Korean culture/etiquette.

I'm waiting for my aunt to come back from San Diego because she has my copy of OML. I'm done with all the re-watching of last year's dramas and would like to finish off with OML. I miss Min-woo-sshi. ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Menci, yes--enjoy the 2 weeks you are there, your Mom is resting now... you do too before you come back to the hectic western world... yes, enjoy the sea breeze, and the dubbed My Princess... Right now Lie 2 Me seems to be hot-ep 6 ending, everyone's raving about the HOT kiss... I'm downloading ep 7--unsubbed of course, it's to early for someone to have it subbed since it just aired less than 24 hrs ago in ROK...

'til next time.... oh yeah, have you ever gone back to this eps comment section? LOOONNNG, but awesome for our CSW, I also took a look at the CSW addition to Athena back in June 2010 by our Dramabeans, nice to read also... for our CSW... still in Taiwan with Donghae filiming while the rest of SUJU M are back in ROK...

Okey, 'nuff said... take care and hello to the OML Angels. The Memorial Weekend holiday is slowly ending, back to reality tomorrow-WORK!!!


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hi my OML sisters, it's been a long time since my last visit here, hope you all dooing great.

SuJu finally came to Indonesia in a KIMCHI event (Korean Idol Music Hosted in Indonesia) along with Park Jung Min, The Boss and 2 others. It's so unfortunate Siwon could not make it to Jakarta due to shooting Skip Beat.

They performed last night and I was so entertained by them though they only sing 6 songs. I hope they'd include Indonesia in SS4 considering the response from the fans.

I'm currently following Baby-faced Beauty, it is really funny. I love Choi Daniel. Best Love if good too. Talking about 49 Days, I love the ending. It feels realistic and the sript is not sacrificed to deliver a happy ending. It's rare to have that kind of drama and Jung Il Woo is such a sweetheart (he is the original factor that make me watch the drama), I love his acting.

@Menci, so sorry for your loss. Hope you and family is given strength to overcome the sadness.

@Ace - yes, I would love to watch SS4 in Seoul. Leeteuk said last night in KIMCHI event that their 5th album will come out soon.
Re the blogger whose name not to be mentioned, I visited her blog too. We share our love for Zai Zai. I hope she will recap Skip Beat since she also loves T-drama.

@Mel - it's great you share your SuJu love with your daughter. I only have my younger cousin to share the love of K-Pops and K-drama. My mom and younger sister could not understand my addiction.

On a side note, Ace and Mel, we both love Playful Kiss. Have you ever watched We Got Married where Kim Hyun Joong participated and was coupled with Hwang Bo? I really love him there and got to see his weirdness (being 4D and all), he's also goofy and funny, so diiferent from his character Baek Soong Jo in PK.

Well, that's all for now girls. Be back in a while.


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@ Menci - so sorry for your loss (and sorry for the delay in posting this). I can only say that according to Apostle Paul, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." - 2 Cor. 5:8. Wherever our (saved) loved ones are now, they are now in a happier place and we should look forward to the day when we'll meet them again.

@ wulan - not yet sure when SS4 is going to be. There are so many rumors as to when the 5th album will come out that some are hard to believe. I'm leaning towards (more like hoping) the Aug 5th release of the 5th comeback album in which Kibum will be present (at last). Apparently, there have been accounts from fans (aka stalkers) waiting outside the boys' dorms saying that Kibum has moved back in with them (this has been an ongoing rumor since last year). Anyway, another rumor (one that I don't believe) is that after Heechul and Leeteuk go off for their military duty, Eunhyuk will act as temporary leader (eh?) and both Kibum and Hangeng will perform with the boys. So impossible, because obviously, does anyone believe for a second that Hangeng will ever be with SuJu again? No matter how much Leeteuk keeps on saying that SuJu is still "13", Hangeng will stay solo. However...Kibum! Ah! Really hoping you'll show your face again. I miss him performing his lines and moves in "A Man In Love".

Re: KHJ - no I haven't watched KHJ's stint at WGM. I'm just watching clips now and then @ YT but not really interested much due to my intense dislike for the ever-loyal shippers of him and Hwang Bo. They're the #1 spreaders of hate towards any new leading lady of KHJ. They were the ones who hated Jung So-min with a passion and were spreading all sorts of negative comments on any and all blogs about Playful Kiss-related news they could find. KHJ's loyal fans are bad enough, but the KHJ-HB shippers are the worst I've seen.

Re: The not to be named blogger. Heh. She really loves LTM. I applauded JB's move to not recap that (but I did not gloat at all. Okay. Not much.) I'm still not naming her, but she's now got a lot of anti-DB readers going to her site because of the non-recaps of JB & GF. All I can say is that I love fluff as the next person, but I really couldn't sit through that drama after ep 4 because I prefer good writing over good actors nowadays. Some are still saying that OML or WUAS was fluffy, but the thing is, there was movement there (even in the subplots). And the relationships were touching (the kids helped a lot). My Princess, I could take because it only got draggy towards the middle.

For the record, I respect KJH and YEH as actors based on their previous works (HGD/CH & CP/Goong respectively) and because of that, I do not want them to be only known as kdramas' best kissers. Besides, great kissing does not always mean great chemistry. Great chemistry does not equal great acting. Great acting does not equal great show. (See the Twilight Saga). Also, what's with all the spoiler pics of kisses (and the kisses have names too!). It's too fanservice-y and smacks of desperation to get ratings. So, this is my overrated drama for 2011 and no, I'm not recommending this to my friends.

Over and above the writing is that I want to feel connected to the characters too. That's why I stuck with BOF, PK, OML, WUAS, MP. I want heart in a drama, and if there's heat too, then that's the icing. Heat is good for a moment but heart stays with you for a long time.

Like JB & GF, I'm loving BL & City Hunter, and hoping that Miss Ripley's ratings continue to rise during the coming weeks (despite its weird background music editing). Really can't believe I'm rooting for LDH over YEH. Heh. It has been a weird May/June in kdramaland. I know some of you have a different opinion about this, so let's just agree to disagree.

So anyway, dear OMLers, here's hoping you'll have a great Monday! Stay safe wherever you all are!


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I'm sooo excited the OML Angels--sisterhood partial reunion... ace, menci,wulan...silent lurkers come on out...over a year ago our beloved OML ended, we're are still devoted though not always posting, I just decided to open this blog but am on the way to a 12 Hr shift. Hello Angels. Big Hello nice to read your posts I'll write a longer one later. Have a good Monday, while I go make some bucks.. write you guys a long post later


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@wulan, @ace thank you.

Hello to all OML angels, especially to you, Mel. I have to keep this post very short because my head feels empty.

Have a great day every one!


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Hello OML Angels..got half of the 40 winks to re-energize after a loooong nite at work... Nice to see we are still here once in a while, so the long rant... I swear my Kdrama/Kpop addiction helps me DE-STRESS soooo much...

ACE, MENCI,WULAN...and to the silent OML lurkers/lovers, for the love of OML, CR, SIWON, SUJU...

Menci..well, you get the all the rest you want, you'll feel empty for a while but always find a place to get your mind off things, like here... RIGHT?

@ACE & WULAN-- I hope you both get to see our boys before they slowly start to go into the service. It will be a long time before the SUJU boys will be together again. Luckily they are all talented that they can each stand alone away from SUJU. SUJU M really worked hard in Taiwan and it shows how devoted the Taiwanese Elf love them. Watching the tid bits on You Tube of SJ M's activities in Taiwan show these guys are great at fanservice--but we knew that already. Wulan, love that you were able to see them although our Siwon and Donghae weren't there. It's great that you're both maybe going to see SS4. My d-ter keeps asking about SMTown's return to LA.. Nothing on the horizon yet, but I told my daughter--on the business side, SM cannot ignore LA after last year's concert--they were soo welcomed here. As for their next album, they are probably working hard on it. I don't know how they find the time with all the different activities each is involved in. Bonamana--#1 over 1 yr in Taiwan yahoo--for our boys. Did you guys see Yesung's performance on the Immortal show.. He can sure belt it out, too bad he lost but several have already backed from that show. I remember YS's performance in SS3 Manila of It has to be you--just loved how the fans reacted to him and his charming smiles during that show. Kibum--the shadow, hope he comes out and joins the whole gang. Hang Geng--I am still and will be a great fan...hopefully in the future (near--soon I dare say--wishful thinking) will be forgiven and be able to do a reunion performance--my head definitely will all be covered with grey by them.. As for Eunhyuk being leader--hmm, he's so goofy (eh? I agree with you ACE)--Yesung could do it-but he too will have to join the service soon.. did you know that during the rookie/training period the SJ & DBSK used to congregate in YS's home for YS's mom's food.. (when I end up in Seoul--one of my goals is to eat at Babtols) YS would have no problem as an interem leader. There's Kang In, next year already--hope he's gotten rid of the bullying attitude 'cuz leaders can't bullies...

As for We Got Married--I didn't watch it until I watched EY and LT on the episode where Alex-Classiquai called them to help babysit around ep 29-30. Those two were a riot and EY-gotta love him and his statue dance with the little girl-to stop her from crying....(on the side last year on a beak I sat with my nieces and nephew-I connected this episode on tv--my 18mo niece was so fascinated with how EY-LT's sitting the children).. SJ's part on WGM so led to my addiction to the KHJ-Hwangbo--yes I'm a KHJ-Hwangbo shipper too. I was so thrilled when Hwangbo went to Cebu with the Infinity Girls... But then the KHJ interest was because he was the first casted for BOF.. total curiousity. KHJ is totally so alien--he soo made me laugh, my reaction to him were so similar to Hwangbos. (saw him with SS501 at the 2009 Korean Music fest here--at the height of the BOF popularity handsome!) The BOF-Hana Yori Dango-Meteor Garden series, yes I've seen them all... Meteor Garden-I marathoned in 2 days.. (Love Zai Zai) of the 3, BOF was my fave. As for PK-the orig Itazura Na Kiss--I watched that, it was a given since it was through JB that I watched Hana Yori Dango. I love PK's JSM-she was no idiot to KHJ and to me was a natural in that part. I can so relate to the lead, crushing on someone that seems so out of reach--but of course the common "Cinderella" formula on our dramas. It's fun to watch their promotion of PK in Japan this past May.

My current addiction is LTM--(I agree great acting does not equal great drama--that's so common) I have a habit of liking dramas that many dislike but it's probably because I'm such a huge YEH fan (she can do no wrong in my eyes--jaded eyes)--yeah, she's the culprit in my Kdrama addiction and as for KJH-it was Coffee House that really started my fangurling mode for him. I'm finishing 49 Days--tears are falling. Romance Town--lots of laugh, Manny I'm slowly watching. I'm downloading Best Love and Baby Faced Beauty (Ryu Jin's in it) I like Daniel Choi too (since The World We Lived In-I loved his love for Song Hye Kyu there, poor unrequited love) and will watch when I've got all the episodes because surfing the net waiting for the Eng subbed episodes--is so totally not fun--but I know I'll keep doing that!! I have a thing for Sparkling/Twinkle, I've marathoned Giant so now I'm brave enough to watch the looong dramas. Also Kim Tak Go-liked it. I heard this was quite popular there in P I. I've started to download City Hunter and Ripley's... I need more than 24 hrs in a day, it's like I can't put anything down.. greed--gotta watch all these dramas..

Okey, I better quit now.. 'til next time.. have a great day. It's so funny, my husband is waiting for me to finish so he can get on face book... he's even feeding me ice-cream--yeah like I really need the calories.. I get it, I better head off now.. All right OML Angels, I'm heading off, thanks for the ranting space...Have a great day... (sorry for the typos--just putting down what's on the top of my head...)


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Extravagant Challenge first preview trailer, Eng subbed:


Audio for the boys' not yet dubbed.


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Hello OML Angels, 'had fun watching the SMtown Paris videos, 'proud to know that our boys were super welcomed by the European ELFs... Here's an Eng Subbed clip of Skip Beat... I guess this means our boys' voices will be dubbed--too bad if that's what's going to happen... Have a great week.



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Hello, OML angels! Mel, thanks for the link. Am so behind and links like this make it easier to catch up. The one posted by Ace, unfortunately, has already been deleted.

I finally got to view some of the newer kdrama series in youtube: Baby faced beauty, Lie to me, Romance town, City hunter. I'm quite indifferent to BFB and RT, I mean it's no big deal if the videos get deleted. But LTM and CH--I need to know what happens next! Ace, don't give me that horrified look; I know you hate LTM. I like all the actors, not just the leads, even if I don't know their names, most especially the 3 senior citizens who are in an interesting love triangle. I would have loved to watch Best Love but I have not found a clean video source.

Take care now!


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@Menci- no worries! It's ok if you like it. I've made my peace with that one. Loving JB, GF, & Santa's weecap of it though even if a lot of LTM hardcore fans don't ;)

Too bad about the deleted EC yt teaser.

Currently just watching BL, CH, & 1N2D. No time to watch Miss Ripley anymore (maybe I'll watch it in one go after it ends) but liking the developments in the drama. I've always thought that LDH was talented but her public gaffes made people lose interest in her. Now she's showing 'em all what she's got.

Some of my fellow Siwon-biased fans here sent messages to Siwon in SMTown Paris and I heard that he read the msgs on the plane back (to Taiwan) and was very pleased with all the love from his few Filipino fans. I wasn't able to send mine along with theirs. Hopefully there'll be a next time.

Any news about a new Chaerim drama?


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Awww, it's nice to see you Menci slowly getting back to our addiction, I'm assuming you're back in Jersey... I'm with you on LTM--I'm hooked on YEH & KJH, it's great that JB,GF and now Santa are doing the weecaps for that--Ace, it's okey you're not into it... It's really hard to get out of this "hobby" (doesn't that sound cleaner vs addiction?--he, he, he)... really though, that's the same for us, ummm me.. guilty pleasures.

As for our boys in Paris, I'm glad they had two successful shows there. I love how the fans were so supportive and just open about how they were looking forward to the show and then having a great time during the concerts. The quick tour...I thought, what a blast to do sorry, sorry in front of the Notre Dame of all places--umm repentance, forgiveness... If only they are given more time for a little R n R.. As for Siwon and his abs, I guess that's a given in every concert. Hopefully Skip Beat does well, but then with the huge Chinese-Taiwanese fan base, there's no doubt it will do well. I'm glad Siwon got messages fr his Filipino fans. Here, we're still eagerly waiting for the date of the L A SMTown--umm yeah, me and my daughter. Oh yeah, you must have heart that Brazil and New York will flash mob SMTown... I wonder if they will get their own SMTown concerts just like Paris. L A needs to do one to rush the concert here... too.

Ace, it's funny how you watch 1N2D, when I had KBS World, I use to watch it every Sunday... Now, I surf the net searching for it. One of the best shows was when they had foreigners on the show and it was 2 shows worth. It's so much fun to watch the crazy guys. Another show had the celebrities go against the crew, I swear every single one was like a child. It's a lot of fun to watch that show. Kang Ho Dong is such a character and the crazy things they have to do on those "missions" in order to get their meals or places to sleep at night. Have you watched other variety shows too, they are a blast. Here's an old link, hazy but it's got our CSW in it, all the girls want him--no question about that!! Hopefully it doesn't get erased, CSW is at 5:39--2nd part, 1st part had Donhae at the end....


Now back to the dramas, Ace why are you dropping Ripley? I'm downloading all the other shows and waiting for them to finish then I'll watch. Doing the live and weekly "chasing" of the dramas is crazy. Watching raw, I do now regularly where before I thought--what?--I don't understand but, it's a common occurence now--watching raw since I can't wait for the subs.

'til next time, it's the middle of the week, have a great rest of the week...

As for our Chae Rim, no news on her... I just finished skip watching Good Job, Good Job.. it's on you tube, and Powerful Opponents is being uploaded.. Yes, a true CR fan, I'm hoping her old dramas from back in the '90s will get uploaded with subs too...

bye 'til next time OML Angels..


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I'm not dropping Miss Ripley at all. I'm hoping to get back to it once there's more time. It's just I have no time left now and I have too many kdrama backlogs. I've picked up Flowers for My Life and Who Are You? on top of the currently airing dramas plus I'm watching season 3 of Fringe and Castle, and the latest seasons of NCIS, Bones, Burn Notice, and Criminal Minds. So I'm just reading the recaps for now. Maybe after Best Love ends, I'll have more time for it. Can't even continue with CYHMH and BFB. I catch BFB now and then in KBS World but I'm more intent on catching 1N2D even if it's weeks late and incomplete from the actual broadcast. Also catching reruns of Invincible Youth on KBSW coz I can't get enough of cute Sunny.


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oh Ace!!!! You are totally worse than me, my focus are the Kdramas--YOU---oh boy, we really do need more than 24hrs in one day. You're also watching the western shows. Oh, about Riley--oh, okey, that's good 'cuz I'd like your take on it. As I've said before I'm downloading the all the episodes before watching 'cuz it's such agony to wait and wait for each eng subbed episode. JB seems to like Riley so that's on my to watch list. Those US shows that you're also watching, I used to watch them way back when but nothing can take me away from my Kdramas.... Flowers for My Life is highly recommended and Who Are You too... As soon as I can find more time like you, I'll watch those too...

Hey, 900 posts, almost 1000!!!

It's Friday there now, here, one more day... Enjoy 1N2D, I'm going to surf the net for them... Oh Invincible Youth, I love the show. It's a great learning show too. I watched it until I moved. My cousin has all the episodes, I'm trying to play catch up on that... Okey, you better go watch all those shows--that's a lot of them!!!

Take good care of your eyes...

Have a cool weekend..


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I said I was indifferent to Baby Faced Beauty, but I watched so very patiently the latest episode with the most ridiculous english sub ever. Watched the latest episode of Best Love and City Hunter raw, something I did when I was following OML and MGIAG. I think my addiction is back. Help!


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Hello, OML Angels!

I've just finished watching Bad Couple, which got mixed reviews if I remember right. (Could be the reason why I did not watch it then.) Well, I just could not stop watching after I started, so here I go sleepless again.

@Ace, I'm glad you're now tolerating us, LTM viewers. Someone got pissed off by the negative comments against LTM and fans and left Dramabeans in a huff. Why is there a great divide on LTM anyway?

@Mel, thanks for the latest link You have also increased my vocabulary by one word--flash mob. Thanks for that, too.

Have a great weekend!


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MENCI--the GREAT LTM DVIDE--the so-so-so story line vs awful story line yet the true loving fans of YEH AND KJH LIKE YOU AND ME--DEVOTED TO THE END, like I said I'll probably watch what these two are in even if it's no good... Yeah I'm a true YEH warrior, KJH--loved him since Coffee House...

As for 'Baby Faced Beauty'--what do you think of Ryu Jin--he's like my hidden Kactor idol since 'Oh Pil Seung' with Chae Rim... can't repeat enough--he stole 'Call of Country!!!' I haven't watched BFB yet but I'll wait 'til it's finished then watch all the eps... I'm also downloading City Hunter. Love LMH and PMJ since 'I am Sam.' They were both high school student. LMH was the high school heart throb who fell for PMJ's character-mob boss's d-ter. Big Bang's Top--silent strong type-- was in it too... The lead male was ohhh-ay h'wag na i-mention, pero na intriga kami nang asawa ko. The youngsters were fun to watch.

Menci, in YT there are so many accounts with Eng sub of the current dramas... of course bilisan mo kasi the owners are erasing the accounts...

Have a good day all OML Angels..


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Hello OML Angels, wherever you are!

@Mel, "so-so-so vs awful"... as in people watch LTM only because of YEH and KJH, vs people not watching in spite of YEH and KJH? I belong to the first group, still proud to say so, and I can't wait to see the next episodes. @Ace, you can take a swipe (subtle or not-so-subtle) at my taste, I would not mind it coming from a OML/Siwon/Chae Rim angel. ;-)

And Mel, re Ryu Jin, I like him, he's handsome, manly, a good actor, but I really don't dig him as much as I do with Hyun Bin or Cha Seung Won. (Choi SiWon I love on a different level, a little difficult to explain.) I can't wait for Hyun Bin to get back from his military service. And if I could I would be personally welcoming him back.

Btw why is Chae Rim not mentioned anywhere these days? She seems to be a very private person, hiding completely when she has no project to promote. She can't be like that, she needs to remind the public of her place in the industry every now and then.

I also miss the other OML Angels. I hope we can have a reunion. We had fun, didn't we? It will be doubly fun to have everyone come out and say "I'm here, addicted to something else.." or "gotten rid of my addiction, never again!"

Take care!


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@Menci - I love City Hunter! Maybe more than Best Love...Best Love is still the best overall but CH just makes me more excited. MGIAG is still my fave Hong Sisters drama in terms of enjoyment. ;)

I'm not gonna take a swipe at you just because you like LTM. It's a different thing though if you're one of those who defends it nonsensically like some avid fans in the ltm OT. Really can't help replying to the rants against JB & supposed ltm haters. But last night's weecap was a bit boring and I'm just like "whatever". It's not worth my time anymore. ;) My ratings for YEH just dropped a lot too (I applauded someone who used the words "commercial" and "overrated") and I have no words for the other blogger/recapper (no positive words I can use).

@Mel - I added something to my list: I'm a big fan of epic sci-fi or fantasy stuff so when I saw my brothers watching HBO's Game of Thrones (Season 1 just finished with 10 episodes), I started watching too. It's a lot graphic (violence) and explicit (sex scenes, incest) so there's no hope it'll be ever shown in Asia. At times like these, the internet's a very good friend...And did I mention there're dragons? ;)

For HP fans (I already posted this in last week's OT), JK Rowling has an announcement to make about her new project coming out on Thursday June 23. It's so mysterious...


Click on one of the owls and you'll be redirected to a YouTube link with a countdown to the announcement.


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@Ace, LOL at your comment in LTM Episode 14 OT. @Mel, in case you missed it, it goes **sigh** no words... no words at all.. **shakes head** I'm imagining Ace in front of us thinking "Oh, you're so hopeless, what can I say?" LOL

Some LTM trivia for both fans and nonfans of LTM: (To all OML Angels reading this, my apologies for using this space, but I don't want to go elsewhere.)

The screenplay of LTM was selected from a SBS screenwriting contest. The original screenwriter (eps 1-10), Kim Ye-ri, was also the screenwriter of No Limit/Heading to Bare Ground, which was shortened from 20 to 18 episodes due to lower than expected ratings. One of the two directors is Kwon Hyuk Chan who directed the much acclaimed korean drama Secret Garden.

Thanks for the indulgence. Have a good day!


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@Menci - haha! I wanted to add *facepalm* but that would've been overkill. Anyway, it's ending next week. At last! ;) Thanks for the trivia. Makes a lot of sense now.

Can't believe Best Love is ending this week. Anybody else a teeny bit excited to see Jung Yong-hwa and Park Shin-hye in You've Fallen for Me? The posters look so pretty. Haven't checked out the trailer yet because I'm afraid that if it's a good trailer, then the drama will suck and vice versa. I remember Best Love, City Hunter, and Miss Ripley's trailers being so meh, but then it turned out to be my top 3 May dramas.

*cautiously goes to check out trailer in YT*

*whoosh! done checking*

Yeah, it's one of the meh trailers so I have hopes for it to be a keeper.

After LTM ends, Warrior Baek Dong-soo replaces it which sounds a lot more interesting. But then there's the Eric~Han Ye-seul spy comedy Myung-wol the Spy which is more my thing. @Mel, I'll wait for Miss Ripley to end so I can watch it without getting a heart attack from the suspense of the next episode.

Re: SuJu 5th album - Heechul resigned as DJ for YoungStreet so he could work on the album. Eunhyuk's back in Strong Heart from Taiwan so I think they're just waiting for Siwon and Donghae to finish with EC (or are they done already?)


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I"ve been looking for A Battle of Wits and finally found it in youtube. The following link is primarily for me, heheh.



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Hi girls, can't believe it's over 900 posts already, hope to reach 100 posts.

@Ace & Mel - thx for the links, I'm a bit behind in our boys activities' update, haven't watched all the vids of their latest SMTown yet.

Wow Ace, you follow so many shows. Out of the US series, I only follow NCIS avidly and Castle when I got the time.

He he ... turns out you gals also love watching 1N2D, KBSW is currently airing the actress special episodes. Aside from 1N2D, I'm currently following WooJung couple in We Got Married. I love watching their parts, they are so funny.
Mel, you might want to watch it. It bring back memories of our Lettuce couple ;)


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edit *1000 posts*


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yey 1000 posts--doesn't matter, looks like we're gonna keep going...Yahoo!!!! OML-Choi Si Won and Chae Rim, Super Junior, WGM, Jane Austen, NCIS, 1N2D, OML Angels, etc.... I saw all the posts at work last night during a quick break fr a busy night.. awww, I'm so glad we're still at it, I bet our reunion meeting will happen...yeah?

okey...Ace, Menci, Wulan and other lurking OML Angels.. I couldn't believe it's active again... I'm still on my Kdrama addiction but I need to change the viewing mode as in wait for the dramas to finish with Eng subs then marathon them... I've done that in small bursts--49 days, SOB CITY- I watched and OMG, the tears-buckets and buckets, it was worth watching--highly recommended... now as you know it's LTM, I'm waiting for it to finish then marathon it.. Every time I look at the coke-kiss and KJH sneakily--vigorously shaking that coke bottle, what a smirk-to a hawt(!!) kissing interlude... I haven't watched since ep 10, I'll 'til it's over... Romance Town too and definitely with Baby Faced Beauty, Best Love, Manny--I am so looking forward to City Hunter-though I confess, I still relate Lee Min Ho to Go Jung Pyu--childlike and impulsive but quite loveable. The chemistry between him and Park Min Young--yum!! Ripley I'll be watching that too... You know with Lie to Me, thru Soompi and DB, I found a link that has live recaps--whole episode recaps--though I haven't read since ep 13--and this past weekend was busy, we had a mini family reunion here in the US and the whole clan witnessed back in PI--on Facebook, I usually just lurk there.. it was fun getting in touch with family. Then all of a sudden, college chums discovered yours truly--I use an alias, so they couldn't find me--and I wasn't really looking for them except for the ones I was close to...what a busy weekend for my fingers.. And then I marathoned read at another site Pure Pumpkin Flower/Pumpkin Flower 124 eps---two days.. I'm a fan of Lee Chung Ah--who was the lead girl in My Tutor 2--she was adorable in that (of course I watched that after watching My Tutor 1 with Kim Ha Neul--I like her, have you ever seen Ditto & My gf is a spy w/KJH-on Yotoob.) Oh I could go on and on... all these crazy things that lead me from one to the other... I wonder if researchers out there will discover a gene-one that is for obsession to dramas, visual be it actual video or written materials.. of course audio as in the music by SuJu..? There has to be and in some point in time we may have been related 'cuz it seems like us 4 and of course many out there have the same type of obsession.... (I guess I'm crazy--uhuh, kdrama mostly.) and your comments on LTM--it's fine.. I'm at the age that I find humor in other's likes and dislikes-- In Soompi, LTM has the most posts vs all other current dramas because of all the rage/likes for it.. I guess, even though many people dislike LTM, they are still drawn to it and let it be known how "awful" or fine it is... he, he, he... I am looking forward to the next batch of dramas--You've Fallen for Me of the 2 from You are Beautiful... Jung Yong Hwa--I was part of his WGM stint with SNSD's maknae Seo Hyun---aww, I cried when their stint ended. As for the current WGM Nicktoria-lots of humor, Woonjung Couple--he's so totally committed with that driving a camper home around Korea... I'd like to do that someday... there's that new couple too--and my current like is the older Brave Couple of course they me bias towads them because they honeymooned in my part of the world-Cebu--Mactan, still home to me... I love that they are freer with affection, yet hubby easily get jealous--emotional..

Menci, I'm so glad that you're finding yourself with our kdrama addiction... Battle of Wits, I watched it way back when and actually was/am impressed at how Siwon did, he was quite young during the filming and carried himself well.. The cast had quite some Chinese acting 'big shots' in it.. I was actually drawn to the story initially b'cuz CSW was in it but found myself liking the story...

Ace, kudos to you and your addiction and it's not just to kdrama but wdrama--(western dramas) tooo. There are sooo many out there... And my Kdrama, Kpop addiction that's my main "hobby" right now--needs more than 24 hours a day ... if it's a glance on western tv it's usually the documentaries on Nat'l Geo, Learning, History A&E channel... You must have over 24 hours in your day.. I'd like that so that I can indulge more in my "hobby." Like you, there's all those new dramas to look forward to. It includes fat princess with Eugene--she's one of my faves. It was after Creating Destiny withdrawals that OML addiction popped up and here I am--umm we are!!!
So the latest on SMTown, the LA ELFs are planning on a flashmob to draw out the concert here.. I told my daughter that and she's interested in bringing her posse there.. Yeah, I'll witness it and I'll post what happens, that's in two weeks... It's tickles me that all these different people are demanding an SMTown concert in their part of the world. No doubt SMTown probably have the ball rolling.. that's sure money for them. Yeah, Heechul quit Youngstreet.. I guess he was a bit reticent with the last two jibs and truly concentrating on the 5th jib. After that it's he and Leeteuk to the service. They've both got to make a huge mark and let it stick so that while they are gone those 2 years their presence are still felt. Hopefully, Kang In will step up and be mature.. Yesung follows, I love him--goofy!!--he's fun, then having that great voice doesn't hurt. And now the most of the boys are back from their Taiwan promos, they must be sooo working hard on that 5th jib... Kyuhyun is back to his 3 muskesteers. I'd truly like to watch him. In addition to wanting to see Supershow, I'd truly like to see a SuJu KRY concert... Anyway, isn't Skip Beat/Extravagant Challenge coming up? More to watch.. I truly hope that their voices aren't dubbed--it would break my heart to listen to that.. but then I guess that's how it will be. Then Siwon is fluent enough that he wouldn't be dubbed right? And Donghae truly is trying very hard to communicate as shown in those many SuJu M yootoob videos...

Wulan, hello dear girl!!! I can't find the latest on 1n2d, I'll have to get myself to KBSWorld and use up my subscription points there... I'm so looking forward to the special actress episodes. During my KBSWorld addiction, I watched all their shows even when there were no subs... I even watched the "Men" shows as well as that Invincible Baseball Team--that had Oh Ji Ho and other celebrities Kim Joon (BOF) etc.. and..Yes, our Lettuce Couple, they really had my attention, I was truly a devoted fan, and on the side Hwangbo also visited my Cebu during one of the Infinity Girls show filming there--Now Kim Hyun Joong's Breakdown is a record breaker for a solo artist..

Okey, I need to sleep and re-energize for work 2nite.. it's just so fun, 1000 posts, yahoo... OML ANGELS FIGHTING!!!


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Ace--I tend to have a good "tuning out" of people like the KHJ fans who weren't very nice...I still the pairing robot KHJ and Jung Su Min--I wonder what she's doing, weren't there stories that she's a chaebol? Anyway, 'til tomorrow.. hope I don't get wiped out at work tonight...

Take care OMLHood Angels, 1000 is so close and could it be beyond too? yeah...


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WEEKEND COMING UP... OMLHood, Angels found this on YT
he should do more solos... amazing performance..


having a great weekend


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Whooaa, I lost 4 very long paragraphs before they got posted! What the... **inhales deeply**

Hi, OML angels and lurkers! Another weekend's gone; am looking forward to watching Baby Faced Beauty and Lie to Me, raw, oh yeah, and searching for any recap and softsub/sub like crazy. Then repeat for City Hunter. Now that Best Love is over, I'll be able to watch again Romance Town, perhaps even Miss Ripley and I Need Romance. I already watched the first 2 eps of INR, enjoyed it, especially because Kim Jung-hoon is in it. I don't know why but I really like KJH. He has very loyal fans, too, Yodaaa, for one who kept him in limelight even when he was in active duty. Like Suju's ELF you know.

Now, OLM fans, remember the exhusband of Gae Hwa? The actor is in BFB, in case you're not watching it yet. He is even funnier in BFB and his restaurant and Shaolin boxing scene in Ep 15 is simply hilarious.

@Ace, Mel, Wulan, we ordinary people can't simply catch up with you when it comes to the drama world. How come you are able to mention stars and drama titles and events at the drop of a hat? I have to keep the wikipedia screen on all the time so I don't get lost. ;-)

Have an exciting week, everyone!


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@Menci - too much time on Korean drama/pop sites online and on cable TV (KBS World & Arirang). Ask me about Filipino shows, actors, actresses, starlets, commercials, movies, music, singers, bands....and you'll get a blank face. My friends don't include me anymore when they're talking about local stuff coz my answer has always been, "I don't know". ;) I can't remember the last time I watched something on local TV (GMA/ABS). It was that long ago. I don't even watch (Tagalog) dubbed Korean dramas. The last time I watched a dubbed drama was when the Thalia dramas were being aired (Maria Mercedes, Marimar, Maria la del Barrio, and Rosalinda). ;)


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ACE---BLANK FACE---DITTO!!!! I'm sorry to say Taga-dubbed, yikes!!! 30 min cuts though every day, EEEEEWWW...!!!! I remember being on P I vacation back in 2008 when Coffee Prince was on GMA, I almost toppled over the hotel TV--luckily I didn't because I didn't want to pay for that kind of expense while on vacation!!! The thing though I liked about it were the giant Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye's pix up on huge billboards all over the place--haven't seen those here in the states yet.. maybe someday... one of the things I enjoyed about that vacation was the ability to watch KBS World--continue watching the dramas on vacation (what a huge burden off my shoulder and Arirang TV--before Arirang had a 24 hr channel here in SoCal.. isn't that awful that even on vacation I was so centered on my Kdramas?.. na, I love it then just like now!!!)

Ace, I didn't think you'd have time for local (P I) shows with all that Kdrama and western shows you're currently watching.. Sometimes I myself, don't want to leave my PC alone--don't want to leave the house of course, but gotta work(!!!) to pay for the net and electricity to run the net!!!...luckily my family let's me do this... I swear my d-ter is on the Kpop as much as me now!!! It's okey she just graduated and hopefully won't end up like mom a true Kaddict!!!...though in hindsight, it's a family thing to this "addicted" to hobbies--is this a hobby? so NOT!!!

have you guys seen the CTP SMTOWN SPECIAL, can't wait for the Eng subs...here's a little bit ...


and Yesungieeee--laugh riot, I really enjoyed SNSD's cut of DJ Doc's 'I am a Guy Like This'... jolly!!!

it's funny this past week my craziness over LTM didn't overwhelm me... I'm trying to learn how not to be so obsessed-addicted to it, it's already ended in Korea... now it's the subs, ep 14 is already on YT-eng subbed, how amazing these truly dedicated people, aren't we lucky that those who have those talents do that for us..

Have you seen 1N2D actress special? Laugh Riot, just as competitive as any human soul out there and cheating too--(yeah, like me..)

You know-I felt sad 4 the Taiwanese ELFs when SUJU M
left town.. I swear these attachments won't go away.. So Extravagant Challenge's done, won't be a long drama, good, just really hope our boys' voices won't be dubbed or if they aren't it won't hurt my ear/heart....

Hey OML Angels, we're almost there--1,000 or is it 10,000!?!


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@Mel - even if I did have time to watch local TV, I still have no inclination to do so. Primary reason: boring, boring, boring. Secondary reason: too much commercials. It should be a crime to have that much commercials. Sometimes the (also boring) ads are even longer than the (cuts of the) shows. Who would sit around for ads that lasts for 5 minutes? And the dubbed kdramas? Too many cuts. All in all, local TV's annoying so I distance myself as much as possible. ;) Besides, I'm used to not watching in Tagalog. We were raised to watch English-language programs since we were small. The Thalia telenovelas (Taga-dubbed) were not allowed at home so I watched those in my neighbor's house. Thank goodness now for cable TV and the internet!


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Extravagant Challenge shoots have finished. Anyone know when it's gonna start airing? Heard it's just 13 episodes...

Re 1N2D: How fun was the supporting actors special? Sooo fun, right? Jung-tae who plays the Japanese bad guy in Miss Ripley has the cutest baby I ever saw! Those cheeks are so pinch-worhy! http://www.allkpop.com/2011/06/kim-jung-tae-reveals-pictures-of-his-adorable-son


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I haven't seen the 1n2d supporting actors special yet... I'm waiting for the blog site to eng sub it.... So, still waiting for the many current dramas to end and have the eng subs somewhere, then I can watch and enjoy.. thanks OML ANGELS, it's mid week, have a great day--week...


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Hello OML lovers. After a long period curiosity brought me here. Your love for CR and CSW is the same, but the topics discussed are kind of an open thread for kdramas. I liked OML very much and wasn’t interested to watch many dramas since then, only MGIAG, and I have yet to finish My Country Calls, Secret Garden and My Princess.
Anyway, I came here as a Siwon fan to share some links and information about Skip Beat and Siwon from fans twitter accounts. Skip Beat will be 20 episodes drama, will air in November and will be released simultaneously in Taiwan, Korea and Japan. They will probably be dubbed as Siwon said in his interview for Men’s Uno that he is not confident enough to speak mandarin.
Only his band mate Donghae finished his parts in the drama and returned to Korea, Siwon is still in Taiwan, filming. The shooting is very packed and filming till late hours (3 am or 4 am) is not an exception. The shooting took place in Taipei and in many countryside locations. Recently Siwon activated location services on his iPhone and yesterday as they finished the countryside filming after midnight; his location was changing from one tweet to another as he was returning.
Idols schedules are very tight, but Super Junior’s and Siwon’s especially are overwhelming… Super Shows, SMTown, other concerts, Super Junior M promotions (TV shows, radio shows, magazine photo-shoots), commercials, interviews and Skip Beat filming. Is wonderful how many things he accomplished in less than a year – beside SJ activity he acted in two dramas, had the MC role at MBC Icon, became an Unicef envoy for Korea, was interviewed by CNN and Reuters, became a presenter for Acer Thailand. His influence in twitter world is recognized – he supported (retweeted) messages from Unicef and United Nations accounts, Unicef thanked him through twitter and UN messaged him a video link about their president, Korean Ban Ki-moon. His jokingly tweets about him as Captain Siwon Choi became worldwide topic trends for 3 days in a row.
The fans love and support him, they accompany him daily at the filming set, they spoil him with expensive gifts , food and other stuff not only for him but for the cast and staff as well :
They gave him even an ipad2 and a result Siwon became a twitter enthusiast to thank them. His tweets are touching or funny. There are many selcas of him as well.
Here is a link with English subbed Siwon’s solo at SJM fan party:
He sings ’Where is our Promised Happiness?’, originally by Jay Chou.

If you had patience to read all that, thank you.
The world is a better one with Choi Siwon around!


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ace--exactly the same sentiments, we have a new Siwon fan--lover...wow, worse than us... lidme--Huge welcome, annyeong hasayeo. I'm in awe, are you sure you're not related to Siwon or part of the SM Ent? You're worse than Ace and like Lacus whose in Soompi... Hope you come back because there are just a few of us still rooting up front for Siwon... I wonder about the energy these kids have. All the time they spend on their activities and practice... Well, this is their world and they are fruitful. See, I'm really still enjoying watching their Paris and the current Come To Play show!!!! Welcome!!!


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