Oh My Lady: Episode 16 (Final)

Ah, the end is here! I suspect this episode made most if not all fans very happy, as it tied up the plot in a light-hearted but satisfactory way that was in keeping with the tone of the drama. It’s too bad that things didn’t get really compelling until about Episode 10 (then stepped it up with Episode 12 on — incidentally when Yura took a big step backward — coincidence? I think not) — which is frankly rather late for me to be connecting with a drama.

It’s to the actors’ credit that their amusing and sweet interactions were able to carry the plot until the story finally managed to tap into that emotional place with Min-woo’s growth as a father and as a person. I’m just glad that this one ended on a high note, because so many finale episodes feel like a letdown — they’re either too rushed or dragged out as an extended epilogue.


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Min-woo asks Kae-hwa to be Ye-eun’s mother, explaining that he had purposely waited to ask her until after the musical premiered. Nobody could be as good a mother to Ye-eun as she is, “And I need you. Let’s marry.”

(Omo! Usually when episodes end on cliffhangers, the next episode drops the tension back down, but in this case they just upped the ante.)

Kae-hwa is stunned, but Min-woo adds, “I’m not saying this out of the blue. I’ve thought this over seriously for a long while. Think it over, then give me your answer. I can wait as long as you need.”

Min-woo is invited along for a celebratory drink with The Show Co. staff, and Jae-hee remarks that it feels like Min-woo’s a part of their office family now, seeing as he has come to all their gatherings. Min-woo smiles and, while looking at Kae-hwa, says pointedly, “I think so too. It feels like a family.”

He’s extra solicitous to her, offering little things like napkins and such, which Shi-joon finds amusing while Kae-hwa is exasperated. When the others urge her to drink more, Min-woo swoops in to play the “black knight,” i.e, drink for her.

Min-woo’s behavior is so noteworthy that Jae-hee asks teasingly if their fake scandal is actually real. Kae-hwa blurts, “No!” just as Min-woo answers, “Yes.” (Such a mixed reaction makes the others think there’s more to this relationship than they’re letting on, and they exchange knowing looks.) Kae-hwa rises to leave early because of the kids, and Min-woo hurriedly excuses himself too, accompanying her out.

Kae-hwa is impatient with his exaggerated attentiveness, and says that she’ll give her answer now: “I’m not going to marry again.” He asks her to think about it some more, but she replies that a lot of thought has already gone into making this decision (not to remarry).

A bit indignant, he says it’s cowardly to swear off marriage because her first one failed. Maybe she just met the wrong guy the first time — it’s always possible she’ll meet a good person the second time around.

Kae-hwa replies that she doesn’t want to entertain such an expectation, and besides, she has Min-ji. He counters that a daughter isn’t a husband — and once Min-ji grows up and gets married, will she be fine being alone? That makes her pause briefly, but she reasserts her stance.

Min-woo: “Are you that afraid?”
Kae-hwa: “Yes, I am! Do you know what marriage is?”
Min-woo: “‘What do you know when you have no life experience?’ Is that what you’re telling me?”
Kae-hwa: “You haven’t been hurt so you don’t know. You don’t know what that pain is of promising to love each other for the rest of your life and having that shattered. So please don’t talk to me about marriage again. I’m sorry to say it like this.”

She walks off, leaving him pondering her words.

Kae-hwa’s words make him look deeper into the cause of her resistance. Thus the next morning, he intercepts Byung-hak just as the latter is leaving his house (humming “Sorry Sorry” in a meta moment, lol).

Min-woo gets to the point, asking aggressively what the heck Byung-hak did to Kae-hwa to make her swear off marriage forever. Byung-hak returns that this is hardly his concern, but Min-woo says it matters “because it’s a hindrance to her marrying me.”

Byunk-hak’s reaction is pure confusion: “Why?” Why would he want a woman like Kae-hwa when he’s a star? Min-woo presses on with his question, which elicits a roundabout answer about how she’s a difficult and tiring woman to live with. Min-woo watches with narrowed eyes, reading between the lines — he cheated, huh?

Defensively, Byung-hak turns it around on Kae-hwa, saying she doesn’t know how to make herself pretty; it felt like he was living with a housekeeper. In fact, he never bought even her flowers — not because he forgot or anything, but simply because he never felt inspired to buy them for her. You know, since looks are the only reason for loving a woman and all. (I’m not even offended by this comment, because Byung-hak is such a silly idiot that the sentiment has no sting coming from him.)

Min-woo asks if he ever apologized for hurting her. Byung-hak laughs, saying it’s embarrassing to do that. Min-woo tells him firmly, “Apologize to her. Ask her officially for her forgiveness.” Byung-hak finds this an odd demand coming from Min-woo, who replies, “I’m asking as the man who loves her.”

Now that Min-woo has made up his mind to woo Kae-hwa, he gets busy trying to win her over. For instance, he waits outside her apartment to give the girls a ride to school, and reacts in concern to hear Kae-hwa hasn’t eaten breakfast. After dropping off the girls, he takes her to a fancy buffet, where he even serves her.

Kae-hwa worries over the pricy food, trying to convince him to watch his spending because he must have lost a lot of money in the cancelled endorsement deals. Min-woo answers matter-of-factly that they probably add up to about 3 billion won ($2.5 million), but is unfazed. He’s got money in the bank and is confident he can get more work; he’ll consider this a luxurious hiatus from work.

Unimpressed, Kae-hwa urges him to adopt a frugal attitude and says she’s better off than he is, since at least she has a regular salary.

At work, a huge arrangement of red roses is delivered, addressed to Kae-hwa from Min-woo. While the other employees all smile at her knowingly, Kae-hwa tries to explain it away in innocent terms: “Can’t this be a thank-you?” They don’t buy it for a second.

Min-woo sends her a text, which is totally over-the-top and ridiculous (“More beautiful than a flower… Kae-hwa”). Embarrassed and uncomfortable, Kae-hwa says she’ll clear the flowers out of the office and takes them to the stairwell, thinking Min-woo is being shameless. But they do bring a smile to her face, as it’s been ages since she’s received flowers from anyone (which is why Min-woo made the gesture in the first place, in reaction to Byung-hak’s remark).

Next, Min-woo takes a cake to Bok-nim in thanks for treating Ye-eun, then asks for a favor, as she is a friend to Kae-hwa. His statement that “I’m intending to marry Yoon Kae-hwa” so shocks her that Bok-nim drops her coffee and stares at him incredulously.

Bok-nim rushes to ask Kae-hwa about it, wanting to know when the wedding is. She dismisses Kae-hwa’s grumbling that he’s just a kid — 28 is plenty grown-up, and the seven-year age difference is nothing. How can she let a guy like him slip through her fingers?

Kae-hwa grumbles that Min-woo’s proposal asked her to be Ye-eun’s mother, not his wife. Bok-nim sees through Kae-hwa’s complaining and smiles: “You really do like Min-woo.” That’s why she’s disappointed over the wording of his proposal, right? Bok-nim waves aside her resistance, saying that if they like each other, what’s the big deal? In her eyes, Min-woo is serious about her.

Min-woo takes the family out to a nice restaurant. Kae-hwa is self-conscious about coming to a place like this where they’ll be watched, but Min-ji enjoys eating out for once, and Min-woo tells her that it doesn’t matter to him. He pats Ye-eun on the head, saying, “I’m going to raise her proudly, since she’s my daughter.” Which is probably the most effective thing he could have said to impress her, and she allows herself to look at him with moony eyes (but only when he’s not looking back at her).

When Kae-hwa takes Ye-eun to the bathroom, Min-woo tries to make conversation with Min-ji. He sees this as a chance to suss out her thoughts and asks if she’d like having a sister like Ye-eun. Min-ji is pretty sharp and asks point-blank, “Are you going to marry my mother?” Her bluntness takes him by surprise, but he confides that he wants to. Still, he has to first hear out Min-ji’s opinion and wait for her mother’s answer.

She asks, “If you end up marrying my mother and then a prettier lady comes along, are you going to divorce my mom?” Min-woo gapes incredulously, but Min-ji points out that he works with beautiful actresses all the time: “If you betray my mother, it’ll be so sad for her.”

He tells her solemnly, “That’ll never happen. I’ll promise that to you.” They pinky-swear on it.

The musical continues its run and after another of Min-woo’s performances, he calls Kae-hwa, who is working late — or at least, she lies that she is. He offers to pick her up from the office, but for whatever reasons (fear, insecurity, nerves), Kae-hwa rejects the offer.

Reporter Han overhears Min-woo muttering to himself after the call, and says knowingly that he must be stuck in an unrequited love. Min-woo is wary, but Reporter Han has some insights about the situation, and his comments pique Min-woo’s curiosity. Wanting to hear more thoughts on his situation, Min-woo goes along with the reporter’s suggestion to grab a drink.

Kae-hwa works late, keeping herself busy to avoid going home right away. Finding her still in the office, Shi-joon offers her a ride home, and they pause for a break to talk. Tentatively, Kae-hwa says she hopes that he and his wife can give things another try, as it seems they still care for each other. Although Shi-joon doesn’t respond, he’s not offended by her statement and in fact seems to consider her words.

He turns the topic to Min-woo, asking how things are between them. Kae-hwa can’t feign ignorance since Shi-joon knows too much, but first she asks how much he knows. He answers, “One person is sending flowers, but the other person doesn’t seem ready to receive them.”

She confirms that Min-woo seems to be serious about a relationship but she’s not sure; she doesn’t feel confident that she can be seen “as a woman” to anybody. Shi-joon tells her she can — enough that he felt something for her for a short while. This stuns her, as he had never given any hint of his interest, but Shi-joon assures her that there is no cause for alarm. He has dealt with his feelings, and things won’t get awkward between them.

Liquor loosens Min-woo’s reserve (and his tongue) enough that he starts to talk freely about his woes, wondering how Kae-hwa can reject his proposal. Grabbing his laptop, the reporter starts to take notes, asking questions about why she rejected him and how long he’s had feelings for her. And I love Min-woo’s answer:

Min-woo: “Since we went looking for Ye-eun. No — since she had to go to the sauna because of me. No — since she fought with Mr. Jung [Yoon-seok]. Or was it from the beginning?”

Reporter Han says he must like her quite a lot, and Min-woo answers, “Yes, an awful lot. She’s different from the women I dated in the past. She’s beautiful. That’s why I think, ‘This is my woman.'” With that, he falls asleep, his head coming to rest on the tabletop.

Huh — well, this is a new side to Min-woo, and the reporter finds him pretty pure-hearted after all. It’s nothing like the partying image he’d had earlier. He starts typing a story about Min-woo’s “heartfelt love story” and uses words like “rebirth as a real actor.”

Han’s article spawns a wave of press, which now portrays Min-woo in a much more down-to-earth, humanistic light. They even declare that he has now washed off the disgrace of his former image as a lousy actor.

Yoon-seok is dissatisfied — I guess this good press does him no good, since he has lost his hold on Min-woo — but everyone else’s opinion of Min-woo makes a drastic upswing. He presents himself modestly in interviews, and even producer Eom is impressed with him. In fact, Eom gives himself credit for having recognized Min-woo’s talents early on, but Byung-hak scoffs since he didn’t do anything about them. Eom counters that he’ll get Min-woo for his next production.

Eom isn’t the only one wanting to cast Min-woo, and Shi-joon conveys an offer to Min-woo from a Japanese producer colleague, who has sent a proposal for Min-woo to take a role in a Japanese drama. Min-woo is pleased with the news, but as soon as he sees that he’d have to live in Japan for a year, he declines. Shi-joon thinks it’s a great opportunity, but Min-woo answers that he has somebody to watch over here.

And that’s not all: Jae-hee hands Kae-hwa some documents to give to Min-woo, which are papers for a new advertising contract offer worth 1 billion won (nearly $1 million). Apparently advertisers love his new image as a dedicated young single father.

Kae-hwa takes the documents to Min-woo’s photo shoot, where he takes a break from posing for a makeup touchup. The makeup artist tells him that his “scandal partner” (Kae-hwa) is really below his level, and offers to introduce him to a younger model friend. She describes the girl as one of those innocent-looking beauties, to which Min-woo answers, “I like sexy women.”

Naturally this is hardly thrilling for Kae-hwa to hear, even though Min-woo is actually making that quip as a way to reject the date. (Rather than saying no outright, saying that he prefers sexy women is a way of declining her friend, who is the opposite.)

Feeling dispirited, Kae-hwa decides not to approach and starts to leave. She runs into Yura, who congratulates her on her relationship and assures her that she has decided to move on.

Kae-hwa hands the envelope to Yura and asks for her to give it to Min-woo, making up the excuse that she’s busy and has to leave. Yura does, and when Min-woo hears the reason, he hurries out and tries to call Kae-hwa. Alas she isn’t answering the phone, so he goes to the theater, where he is told she is still back at the office.

Shi-joon finds her on the roof ignoring Min-woo’s phone call, and offers her a beer. In her melancholy mood, Kae-hwa offers to tell Shi-joon a “really funny story” and confides that Min-woo proposed to her. Even funnier is the fact that her heart thrilled to hear it. It was exciting to be seen as a woman again — but today, that feeling was shattered.

I’d assumed she was hurt by the makeup stylist’s dismissive comments about her, but I’m actually relieved that those words weren’t the cause of her mood. In actuality, it was the sight of him in action, looking like a star, that made her feel like they were completely unsuited for each other: “He seemed like someone from another land.”

Shi-joon points out that Min-woo was a star from the start — it’s not like she didn’t know. Kae-hwa answers that at the beginning, he had nothing to do with her so that wasn’t an issue. But as they got to know each other, she saw him struggling and felt sorry for him, and nagged him when he said silly things — and those things felt comfortable and manageable. Now that he’s doing better… it’s like he’s back to being a lofty star and the chasm is growing between them.

Shi-joon tells her that Min-woo likes her very much — enough to give up a drama opportunity for her. “Min-woo has changed this much — shouldn’t you recognize his feelings?”

Min-woo arrives at the office to find it empty, then recalls the roof. He arrives outside just in time to see Kae-hwa wiping away some tears. So much about this situation upsets him, and he strides up to her, grabs her wrist (urg!), and takes her downstairs.

He feels hurt that she has been ignoring his calls and avoiding him, particularly when she knew he was waiting for her — and now she’s here crying in front of Shi-joon — and raises his voice to a yell. Kae-hwa tells him levelly that she has already given him her reply, but he ignored it. No matter how she thinks about it, they don’t suit.

He argues that if he cared about those things — age, status — he would never have liked her from the start. She returns that this is just proof that he’s young, and they should quit while they’re ahead. And he should go to Japan.

That gets his attention: “Is that why?” He explains that he didn’t tell her about the Japan offer because he never intended to go. She takes issue with his high-handedness in dragging her away, saying that she’s ashamed of him when he does that, and gets angry and starts fights out of misunderstandings.

Min-woo asks, “So are you saying you can’t marry me? Are you saying I won’t do because I’m immature and young?” Kae-hwa answers yes. She can’t marry someone who reacts in such unpredictable ways — it makes her feel uneasy. She storms off, leaving him to shout her name in frustration.

You know, I’m actually relieved that they had this fight. They’ve never fought for real, and this addresses issues that they’ve been skirting thus far. It’s also nice to see some real conflict — genuine emotional clashing and hurt feelings — rather than the glib, fluffy sort of conflict that has characterized most of this show.

That night, Byung-hak calls Kae-hwa, who finds him drunk and in a thoughtful mood. To her surprise, he tells her, “I’m sorry.” He acknowledges that he never apologized properly, so he’s doing it now. She did nothing wrong — he’s the bad guy — and they divorced because he wronged her. But he felt too embarrassed to apologize, so he couldn’t do it: “But after listening to Sung Min-woo, I felt I was really wrong, and that I had to apologize. So I came here.”

That surprises her — he met Min-woo? Byung-hak gives Min-woo some credit for the way he had insisted he apologize, admitting that the kid was pretty impressive with the way he said, “As the man who loves Yoon Kae-hwa, please apologize.”

He says it one more time: “Kae-hwa, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I pushed you aside and hurt your feelings — forgive me for everything. Forget that all, and make a new start. And if he upsets you, come and tell me right away, and I’ll give him a scolding.”

(Aww. An unexpectedly touching moment from Byung-hak. As with the last time he defended Kae-hwa, this gives us a glimpse into why they were married in the first place while also showing us why they didn’t work. It’s rare to see ex-spouses in a drama ending on amicable terms, and it’s a nice change.)

Min-woo comes home feeling frustrated, and looks over his drama proposal documents. This gives him an idea, and he starts typing away. And when we see what he’s drafting — gahhh, Min-woo is so cute. I about died reading the title of his document: “Proposal On Living For Yoon Kae-hwa.”

In the morning, he comes to her apartment and gives her the envelope. He looks at her with puppy dog eyes and tells her to give her response after reading it.

Kae-hwa reads Min-woo’s proposal, which is formatted like a business document. In keeping with the theme of the drama proposal packet, he has drawn up Kae-hwa’s resumé, only it’s more like a life resumé than a professional one, outlining her traits and skills such as “she has a loud voice,” “makes killer ddukbokki and kimbap,” and “she likes Kim Myung-min better than Sung Min-woo, but I want to forgive her anyway.” Also of note: she has become a mother to Ye-eun, “and now is the woman in my heart.”

Under the “future plans” column, he has scheduled marriage in a month, a vacation cruise to celebrate their one-year anniversary, and so forth. Byung-hak’s apology had started to melt her resolve, and now she has to smile a teeny bit at Min-woo’s document.

Jung-ah has been offered a job in Daejeon, which is located in central Korea and about a two-hour drive from Seoul. She asks Shi-joon for his approval, suggesting that they need some space between them. As she leaves, she tells him that she realizes she hasn’t been the best wife to him either (I presume she means before the adultery, since otherwise that statement would be met with a resounding DUH).

But the door isn’t closed on them forever — with Shi-joon now opening up more to Jung-ah and realizing his part in driving his wife away, it looks like they’re leaving room for a reconciliation later, after they’ve both healed. Shi-joon even says he’ll go down to visit her on the weekend.

Min-woo performs another show, after which he checks his phone and tries to contain his disappointment that Kae-hwa hasn’t called. To his (happy) surprise, Kae-hwa finds him sitting in the empty theater, here with a much more conciliatory attitude than the last time they saw each other.

As we know, important conversations must always relocate to prettier environs (can you imagine that car ride over to the waterside? Most awkward silence ever).

Kae-hwa apologizes for her harsh words, telling Min-woo that she didn’t mean it when she pushed him away. She asks for his understanding and also thanks him for thinking of her life and her future (i.e., in his proposal) in such a serious way.

Min-woo has been looking pensive and tense throughout her speech, like he’s bracing himself, sensing that she’s ready to deliver her final decision. So it takes a moment for her next words to really sink in, as she tells him:”So I’m thinking of being courageous now. Thanks to you, I think I can do that now.”

She adds that she’d always thought she would just focus on being a solid support for Min-ji’s benefit, “But if things get hard, it’s okay if lean on someone now.” Min-woo smiles and steps forward to hug her gently, thanking her for her answer. Kae-hwa thanks him back for letting her be courageous again.

Min-woo then thanks her for watching over him and Ye-eun all this while. He promises that from now on, he’ll protect her.

And then they get the swirly-camera kiss — which is a nice way to bookend the drama, considering that this is very similar to how we started. Only, now it actually means something.

The end!


I picked up Oh My Lady because (1) when it started I had the time, as none of the current Wednesday-Thursday shows had premiered yet and I had no other recap commitments, (2) I had just finished its timeslot predecessor Wish Upon a Star, which was a happy surprise, and therefore anticipated a similar tone for this one, and (3) I wanted to keep up the watching and recapping momentum. There’s also (4) the matter of loving Chae Rim (and wanting her to pick a more enjoyable project than her last, Good Job, Good Job) and (5) the fact that I had pegged Choi Siwon as an idol-star-turned-actor to watch out for after Story of Hyang Dan back in ’07. (See? There IS some thought that goes into these decisions, however random the choices may ultimately seem!)

About halfway through the drama, however, I found my interest flagging, but not enough to drop the show. Even the less interesting episodes were easy to watch, and it wasn’t a challenging show in either theme or plot, so keeping up wasn’t too much of a hardship. I did, however, start thinking that if the actual plot development got any SLOWER, I would seriously consider dropping it.

Ultimately I’m glad I stuck with the show, and the last four episodes in particular gave me a sense of satisfaction about the drama as a whole. It turned into a different drama than the one it originally seemed — which pointed at the hijinks of a star falling for his ajumma maid/manager — and focused much more on Min-woo’s development as a father than as a romantic partner. I don’t think the romance came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t a priority, and that was actually refreshing.

I won’t call Choi Siwon a brilliant actor — he’s pretty decent, but he’s still got a long way to go if he’s going to keep pursuing an acting career, and I think he should — so rather than pure acting skills, it’s his personal charm that carries the character. I mean, just look at that smile, right?

It doesn’t hurt that he’s perfectly cast — image isn’t everything, but it’s a pretty significant part of how we approach a character. And when you cast a star to play a star, you’ve always got that benefit of the audience’s meta awareness of the actor’s real-life fame. (Also see: Choi Ji-woo in A Star’s Lover, Rain in Full House, Jang Geun-seok in You’re Beautiful, Kim Ah-joong in Accidental Couple.)

It was a leetle disappointing to have so little screentime for the two girls in the last episode, but we’ve seen enough of the Cute in previous episodes that I was content to let this finale be Min-woo and Kae-hwa’s exclusively. (Well, there were a few Shi-joon and Jung-ah moments, but I choose to skip right over them in my mind. Yawn. I’m satisfied, story-wise, with where they ended, but don’t need to dwell any longer on them.)

And then there’s Chae Rim. To be honest, I don’t think this is the best vehicle for her, even though the drama really benefits from having her in it. Therefore I’m glad for the drama’s sake, but she’s an actress whose talents weren’t fully used here — particularly since her character was less developed than Min-woo’s, and hardly changed at all. She made the most of it, tapping into a vulnerable side of Kae-hwa that gave the character a hint of depth. But I hope to see her tackling something more challenging in the future, and something out of the ajumma mold, as she’s done two in a row.

All in all, Oh My Lady was a sweet, cute series that could be a fun way to spend a breezy weekend with some unchallenging but personable characters, and that will leave you smiling at the end.


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Just watched Leeteuk & Siwon's CNN interview...half-expected Siwon to answer the question in English..wonder why he didn't? Oh well, it was just a very short interview and only 2 questions were asked. Anna Coren described him as the "most handsome member"! The segment hasn't been uploaded on CNN's website. Maybe within 24 hours.


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"All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
All by myself

Where are you guys? I feel abandoned here!


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Hey Ace!

Aw, your song made me smile and be sad at the same time. (Now I'm gonna have that song in my head for days :) So sorry...I've really been OTL (out to lunch), huh? Time to get back, get back, get back to where I once belonged... (speaking of songs). Don't get me started... My family's always saying, "There she goes again, making a song out of something someone said."
Hey, maybe we can make a game out of it. If you like...

Thanks for the link on the interview, Ace. I had just caught it on Soompi. I tend to think that Siwon doesn't want to answer in English because he wants to do it perfectly (or near perfect) and doesn't want to risk doing less than that. I say he shoulda gone for it, but I guess he has his reasons. I'm like that, too, with speaking Japanese. I can get my thoughts across for the most part, and pronounce it well, but want to sound like a native speaker, and not stand out by running the risk of sounding silly and making a mistake. I should just get over that and go for it!

@Mel - So....please tell us the special features on your DVD! Any interviews, making ofs, NGs, BTS, etc.? Inquiring minds want to know.

@All - So when is Athena airing? We should have some kind of launching party here. Any talented souls out there able to put some secret agent/007 music to scenes of Siwon doing secret agent stuff? I really ought to learn how to make fanmade videos. It can't be that hard.

Well, we are inching towards 800, though we are nowhere near the 10,000,000+ Sobia said we were flying towards once upon a time. Neither have we made parallels of OML to Einstein's theory of relativity. Any takers? Perhaps when we approach 1000 comments - very possible!

Okay, enough of my rambling. You can blame Ace for making me feel bad for going MIA. (Just kidding, Ace) I truly hope you all are doing well, and look forward to hearing from you!


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To my knowledge, Athena will be aired around mid Dec. We could ask Lacus to create a fanmade videos XD She's really awesome :) I read all her posts in Siwon thread at Soompi.

This one video she made of all Siwon's cuts in SNSD's Hoot MV



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Oh, no! I wasn't able to get through the SS3 VIP hotline yesterday...I stayed on the phone for more than 2 hours. =(

Anyway, I'm repacking my luggage (why can't I ever pack light?). Hope you guys keep this alive while I'm **gone**. =)

So, see you in two weeks!!!

**Gone stalking SuJu, Minwoo, Miho, Jae-shin, & Hani...


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Aack! Try again on the SS3 VIP hotline. Good luck!

Pack light? How does one do that? Beats me.

Ooo, good stalking subjects. You have a blast, and we'll be here when you get back. Safe trip!

@wulan - Thanks for the info and the link. I'll check it out now.


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Hey guys! Where are you all?


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Hello OMLhood Angels Ace, Kappy, Wulan, Lacus, everybody ... yes, guilty as charged-unfaithful, yes to OML... forgive me!!! I've been busy and well, also watched other dramas, Playful Kiss--SW would have been great in that role, of course that Coffee House, Kim Suro--I like Seo Ji Hye (SW's partner in Hyang Dan, Sungkyun.. Scandal--trying to finish that of course... what a SW fan like me can't help if SW was in SSK scandal, which role would he take--he'd be fine in any of those leads including the student body pres--stuck up and all, then there's the daily drama on KBS umm title something ..wind...me and hubby are finishing that this week--oh and you guys, I really enjoyed Baker King Kim Tak Gu--I didn't watch 'til ep 24-end, I still enjoyed it, the pacing was awesome, I still understood the dynamics of the shows history even though I watched it starting late in the drama.. It's so worth it. I understand why it got such high ratings. Watch it, Eugene playing an anti hero was great and the two young male leads were very good.

I'm back, oh yes, I've gone off missing, got caught up in refilling my ipod 160 too, that got infected--corrupted (of course with Choi Si Won, OML, Chae Rim and SUJU stuff--it'll take me a year to "refill," this thing has so much storage-memory space and I'm not halfway done......) Ace--you're not all by yourself, love that post, ha-ha-ha! No Ace you aren't alone, I've been quietly stalking and re-stalking here... I'm still thinking and rethinking (wracking my brains!!!) about watching SS3 in Manila... what a heavy heart I have, my hubby is going to Cebu--you know Sinulog (festival-fiesta!!!) and barkada (buddies) catch up time for a month starting Jan and the SS3 is at the end of Feb, a long vacation including Cebu or just a whirlwind date with SUJU at SS3... If I go--need to go, sigh, this concert will be the last time SUJU will be together as I'm assuming Teukie and Heechulie will enlist by the end of next year... (HUGE, HUGE S-I-G-H, umm super SOB!!!)... maybe I'll just have to accept that the LA SMTown concert was it for me, it's so well worth and of course Lacus's youtube videos are on the ipod for me to relive that concert!!! I wonder if they'll be a part of next year's Hollywood Bowl Korean Music Fest, hmm or another SMTown... They better come back!!!... there's always HOPE! Lacus, thanks so much for all those pictures and ubber great videos you are adding to your YT site, you are amazing, say hi to hubby!!! ... bothered and bewildered!!

Kappy, the DVD--I'm loving it, our Siwon in super glorious color.. though, I can't get into Einstein's theory of relativity in relation to OML, if I went back to college, it'd be to take up Journalism--as in being a paparazzi cum journalist (stalker...) not science. That's quite a challenge... I'm still rewatching the early episodes that show how each KH and SMW are so confident. In middle and towards the end they lose the confidence with self doubt in conflict with how both have to protect MW and YE from public discovery and the confusion with their growing affection towards each other. Yeah, like I said before.. I don't think KH and MW can take a cruise on their first anni because KH would be pregnant by then... MW will be such a doting dad wouldn't he...?

It's funny, the difference in the SW in OML and the actual SW or is it just the facade, it must take a lot to get into a role that is just far out of his real character. SW is now so busy with the filming of Athena and his MC on the jazz show, the SS3 and SMTown concerts as well as other "schedules" that the group or individual has to participate in. Then there are the CFs, that phone ad is awesome!!! As for his Jazz show, I'd like to actually see a whole episode vs just the SW cuts. Of course, I can't wait for Athena to start... I wish it were on KBS but then it's no trouble 'cuz SBS shows here in L A. Yes, another stalking SW, I've scheduled myself off on the nights that drama is on, though... it's gonna be the internet stalking first before actually watching it on TV...

the CNN interview, like many of you I was waiting for SW to speak English--well he is the best looking ain't he?!!! So short though, I'm hoping there will be more exposure for them all. There can't be enough, I'm actually enjoying all of the members not just SW. The less exposed members are slowly coming out and shining on their own. What a busy bunch with their concerts, tv shows, radio shows, CFs, OSTs, and now they have their own show... I wonder how that'll work, will each member take turns as hosts. I'll be watching Donghae's drama, Sungmin's too. I'm trying to get into Champ for Shindong. If I were in Korea I'd watch the musicals, Yesung's Spamalot--I'm a huge Monthy Python Flying Circus fan--yes my sense of humor runs a wide gamot-slapstick to black comedy. Oh yes, Yesung's Muzit--it's great to see the super talented guests.. It shows how other artists are respecting our goofy Yesung. Then there's Kyuhyun's Three Muskeeters-I'd watch even if I didn't understand Hangul.. then you see his YT videos. I'm so proud of Ryeowook's duet with IU-what great voices. The unofficial SMTown couple Kyuhyun and SNSD's Seohyun, aw, that's cute... though I'm also following her in the WGM2 Goguma-Sweet Potato couple, well yeah, also the Nickhun Victoria couple too... Yesh, I'm Korean now, yes, us the Korean cousins. I've been so into this that I haven't spoken to Celsa much. She's busy with her church activities... and me in my Kobsession...




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@Mel - hahaha! you really made up for your absence here!

I might be able to attend an MBC ICON show when I find MBC studio's # and inquire about the show. I'm still hoping for someone to get in touch with me to tip me where's the location for an Athena shoot. =) I've seen the SPAO store and Everysing. Got good pictures of Siwon. There's a Smoothie King beside SPAO but that's not the correct branch. Also found where I could buy the SS2 DVD and some old SJ albums and OSTs. =)

Would go to Hongdae tonight with some new friends and hopefully see Jang Geun Suk and his new haircut for Mary Stayed Out All Night!


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am back... I'm not sure if this was ever posted here, it's a really LQ yt video of Siwon--MW and YE--she speaks.. we can hear her voice:



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@Ace - hope you enjoy the vacation :)

I just received my OML dvd copy and just skim through it. Unfortunately, there is no BTS included in the set :(

And the good news is I've secured my SS3 Singapore ticket !!!! Yaaayyy !!!! Will be sitting in the mosh pit area although it's not may first area of choice.


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wulan, lucky you... I'll vicariously enjoy our boys thru you and Ace...

Ace, how's your trip, did you get to see Siwon's Icon? How about visiting Yesung's parent's resto...?

Kappy, aloha, how's the weather, it's getting bone chillingly cold here..

Lacus, boy, can't get enough of your videos and pics..


Have a great week OML Angels..


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Mel, filming of Icon's on Sunday. I'll be visiting the 3 major stations tomorrow so I'll ask when I visit MBC.


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I don't know where Yesung's parent's resto is. Is it in Seoul?


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May you have a wonderful celebration Of Thanks Giving

to your families and friends. May GOD blesses you all.




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I have FB. Use my e-mail: everoarke7@yahoo.com. =)


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hi Amy,

i have fb. just search in fb for utami wulan maulida.


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wulan, can i add you too?


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sure, Ace :)


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Hey Wulan, I'm gonna add you, too... Was fun chatting w/you on yahoo.


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Well, it's past Thanksgiving I hope you're all full like me... If only I could exhale the calories out--I'd be as slim as Chae Rim... But really everybody belated Happy Thanksgiving, the beginning of the stuff yourself holiday season... Well, in a couple of weeks is mi padre's b-day then eat eat eat x'mas then new years.. Ohh another size to gain and lose!!!

I had written a note earlier but it got obliterated because I didn't "submit" so here we go again...

Ace how is the atmosphere there? Are people on the edge? I hope nothing more happens... But back to our Siwon, hope you get to see him.. As for Yesung's parents resto, I don't know where it's at.. If you do pls save a card business card. I'll be back.


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Mel? Is this your post? Sounds like you.. ;)
I'm thinking business as usual here in Seoul after the attack. I'm not sure how it sounds in the media since I can't understand Korean. Yet. =)

I wasn't feeling well earlier so I wasn't able to go to the stations. I have colds from going to Namsan Tower the night before.


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ACE, yes that was my post, I was gonna come back last night but ended up being sent home early, and I went straight to "black Friday" intending to get a larger ext hard drive to add more SUJU "stuff," ended up buying a bargain laptop for my mom, then woke my hubby up and he asked if I got two--nope, my awesome mom just said oh, give that to your hubby, and he is so over the top with it, now we won't have to compete for net time...

I was on a break at work last night and didn't realise that I didn't put my ID. Yeah, I was talking with my Korean co-worker about the sad state with NK & SK. Hopefully, no more will happen... May the many Gods and Goddesses bring peace...

Hope you're feeling better, and hopefully be able to see Icon with our gorgeous Siwon... As for your going to Namsan Tower, I'd like to go there bring my own lock ... My first view of that tower was on Witch Yohee, then refreshed with Coffee Prince... I've got a romantic view of that tower...

You know we're slowly inching to 800 posts, you and me, are we all by ourselves??? It's okey, it's the holiday season and everyone's busy.. so it's understandable. Probably had much food and spirits... 'tis the season to begin being really jolly. Okey, I better stop because this is going beyond Siwon and Suju...

Enjoy your trip and hope you will upload your pictures and videos on the net..

Hope everyone who ventured out for Black Friday got their item, items... 'til next time, have a good day all OML Angels


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I was too intimidated at the guards at MBC's gate to ask about ICON. Sorry guys. If I probably had some companion to back me up...anyway, got tired looking for SBS (where the heck was it? Darn, and I so love their current drama). So I went to Olympic Park around 4pm and discovered an event that afternoon: 9th Family Concert 2010. The performers - f(x), After School, Whesung, Sondambi, and who else but Super Junior. Major bummer! If I had only known there was such an event and where to get the tickets...I was so envious of those who were able to attend! In the end, I just took pictures of the sculptures (w/c was the original plan anyway).

I never did put my own lock at Namsan Tower but I did go to little Teddy Bear Museum (got some Princess Hours stuff) and took a photo of the place where Jun-pyo waited for Jan-di. I also went to the 1st Shop of Coffee Prince coffee shop (@ Hongdae, but found no Jang Geun-suk or Moon Geun-young filming for MMM or MSOAN). I was also able to get to the section of the Han River with the Rainbow Fountain but unfortunately, it didn't light up for me. I'm afraid I can't visit the modern Sungkyunkwan University since I have no time & can't find a single car like Seung-Jo's or even Min-woo's. Wanted Jung So-min's bags for Hazzys so hopefully there's a shop near COEX or Lotte World which I'll be going to tomorrow. It's freezing cold here now (but no snow yet). I'll be posting pictures in Facebook so feel free to add me.

Anyway, hope you guys had a happy and healthy holiday!!! Hope to here from you all (so Mel and I won't feel alone). Just a few more weeks til Athena so hang in there.


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Hey there all!

Mel and Ace..you needn't feel alone. Thanks to you and Amy and wulan, you are keeping this alive. I'm grateful, esp. at this Thanksgiving time during which we should think especially on the things we have to be grateful for.

Sorry for not keeping up lately. I was caught up in Sungkyunkwan Scandal and City Hall (which became available at my library). Those two were so good! I put in for City Hall because of my love for My Lovely Sam Soon and my interest in the other CH lead, Cha Seung Won, the bad guy in Athena. I'd never seen anything with him in it, and wow - loved him in City Hall. Excellent actor. He will be playing a very different character in Athena, but I'm sure he'll be a very believable bad guy because the man can act.

@Ace - How exciting on your trip! Wish we could be there with you. You know at least one of us would get your back! Sorry you had a bout with illness. Hope you're doing better now. Anyway, you are just gonna have to go again with us next time for some proper stalking.

@Mel - So you braved "Black Friday"? I stay safely in my warm home on days like that. Man, you have to wear armor so as not to get attacked or trampled! Glad you won't have to share net time, as a result of your "BF" purchase. Wise choice!

Terrible about the recent events w/NK and SK. With my interest in that country these days (months), it makes me all the more sad when this kind of thing happens. I pray for wisdom and inspiration in the important decisions to be made regarding this and safety for all involved.

I recently watched some scenes of our OML lately and still really enjoy it. I always will. Anxiously awaiting Athena. Yes, as Ace says - fighting!


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Kappy! Great to hear from you! If you're done with SKKS & CH, try Secret Garden and e-mail me what you think of it. I missed our OML/SJ/CSW/MGIAG/other k-related stuff discussions @yahoo. ;)

I still have colds (mostly when I go out in the cold it happens) and I think I've passes it on to the other guests at the place I'm staying, haha! I'll be posting pics when I get back. Wish I had more time or woke up earlier to go to some other sites (but my excuse was I'm on vacation so I'll sleep & wake up when I want to).

Oh, I really hope we can all get together someday to visit Seoul. Sometime during spring or summer maybe since it's hard to stalk people when it's so cold outside! Seriously! I wanted to wait outside the Olympic Stadium to maybe catch a glimpse of the boys but my hands were already freezing, and I had to move around or else I would've been more sick.

I'll do some last minute shopping & sightseeing tomorrow since my flight back home's at night. Come to think of it, the only SuJu stuff I bought was the SS2 dvd. Wanted the mobile phone thingie of Siwon but when I went back to SPAO found it was closed on Sundays. There's really a lot to choose from so it's kinda hard to make a decision on what to buy (except for the skin care stuff, of course!). Everytime I go back to the stores to buy OSTs, the part of me that whispers "just download it" always wins! Ah, I hope they'll accept my credit card so that I can get all the stuff I want!

Let's go for 800!!! And do you agree that we'll keep it going here during Athena even if we'll be posting there as well?


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@Ace - Girl, we are on the same wavelength, 'cause I just started watching that last night! In fact, I was just going to watch the 2nd epi. now but decided to visit here first.

Yes, I can just imagine how the cold (and having a cold, for that matter) can dampen one's stalking endeavors. Warmth! I feel very lucky to live in a warm place. We in Hawaii generally are wimps when it comes to cold. So when it gets in the 60s, we're like, "Ack! A cold front has hit us! Grab your winter coats. Throw a few logs on the fire!" Oh yeah - we don't have fireplaces. Oh well. Though if wintertime were the only time I could make it to Korea, somehow I think I'd survive.

Ah, shopping for Siwon/drama/music stuff. How fun! Too bad about SPAO being closed. I imagine they have those pics of Siwon and others plastered all over. Maybe not, but still would be fun to check out.

Hey, it's mighty close to 800, isn't it? I wonder if we've already broken the record here in dramabeans land. Wouldn't be surprised. And I'm all for keeping this alive as well as frequenting the Athena comment section when it runs.

Secret handshaking you all on the way out! (Which means I'll be here a while longer...)


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Oops, sorry. This is me, kappy. Revamped my laptop and lost the autoname thing. Let's re-do..


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Hi all, happy belated thanksgiving :)

Ace, hope you get better soon. So envious of your vacation. Hope I could go there next year.

Kappy, sure please do add me in fb.

Agree to continue posting about Athena in this thread as we will most likely discuss about Siwon ;)

Just recently finished OML dvd set and been rewatching my all time fave kdrama Delightful Girl Choon Hyang (love Jae Hee, he's got so many facial expression).
Will get into Secret Garden later on, Hyun Bin's character is such a jerk. Can't wait what happen after the body swap.

Well girls, see you around.


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Yey!!! Ace, Amy, Kappy, Lacus, Wulan...everbody--OML Angels!!! What a nice warm feeling, I think we were all sisters of some kind in our previous life!!! We have so much in common...

OML will always be a "first love," but I'll always venture to watch other dramas, I'm done with SSK, cutsie--the "F4" were truly good looking--Mickey and the whole gang-delicious to watch, Coffee House--I'm satisfied with the ending I loved how PSY portrayed that role. And now I'm hooked on Secret Garden, truly Hyun Bin's character is a bonafide jerk.. Ha Ji Won (--unforgettable along with So Ji Sub and Jo In Sung in ...BALI), I like her, hopefully her role will be stronger. But I just finished watching ep 5-raw and luckily JB just recapped it. Ep 6-raw, I couldn't help lots of LOL moments even if I couldn't understand a thing, well, paboya... eh.. Anyways, I'll follow this hoping it doesn't lose it's humor-staying power....

Ace, hurry get better or are you going back to PI, too bad you didn't get to see ICON's Siwon. Yes, like all of us Athena can't be here soon enough. I've actually sheduled myself so that I have MONS & TUES off to watch whatever the net has to offer on our SIWON!!!!

Wulan and Kappy, we watched the same dramas but I still have to watch City Hall and MNIKSS--I love Kim Sun Ah, she's hilarious--though I've only seen her movies like She's on Duty with Gong Yoo and the crazy S Diary--lots and lots of laughs!!! Oh, yeah she's a good friend of our Chae Rim... They must have a blast when they're together.. So would we, should all plan on a get together 'cuz we can't really say a reunion 'cuz we haven't all personally met--though it seems like we've all known each other for so long, right?

Kappy, I'm glad you were able to watch more dramas, that's why you were quiet!!! I haven't had a marathon watch in a long time, I've done it with my husband with 4 Sisters, ....Bali, on my own with Dal Ja's Spring and Dating Now.. Goes to show what a big Chae Rim fan I am.. If Siwon had more dramas to his credit I'm sure I'd be marathoning those too. Have you guys seen his movie the Chinese Battle of Wits--he's so mature in that, can't believe he wasn't 20 yet (right?) when that was filmed.

I also agree about continuing our SW discussions here when Athena comes around... It's our special haven away from the hustle--hassle of daily life!!! I look in YT for Icon, SW's doing a pretty good job, though again, I'd like to see the whole show. There are some pretty good guests on it. I wonder when SUJU or KRY or just the individual SUJU's will go on? ... like Kry went on MUZIT to congratulate Yesung on becoming one of the hosts there... When that happens it's going to be a riot!!!

It's funny about Black Friday, I've never ever thought I'd brave the lines, but the one I went to just had less than 30 people in line. The Radio Shack store had a longer line than the one I was in... And oh, it was freezing--yes Southern Cali does get brrr cold.

So now, I'm having fun using the laptop and my hubby get's the desktop--for his facebook meet up with old friends.

Hey, I'm following All About Marriage.... on KBS weekends, it shows how men can be so callous about their wives needs and wants. I guess, like all of us, I'm rooting for the women to become stronger and stand up for themselves ... be able to survie on their own. Of course, if they find true along the way that makes it all worthwhile...

I'm awaiting JB's recap for ep 6 of Secret Garden...

Ace, you're funny, I'm learning the buy DVD or just download it... sorry guilty as charged about downloading ummm.... oops I better stop about that...

Wulan, ... Choon Hyang--Jae Hee, just gotta love him!! I found him with ...Yoo Hee and then in that Delightful Girl, he's out from the military so I hope he's gonna be on a nice drama soon.

Kappy, I wish we lived close by, I've got many of the DVDs, so does Celsa, between the two of us... we could open a Kdrama rental store, though she's in San Diego and up north of L A...

Soooo I better stop, it's great to know I am not alone, we are not alone.... to Ain't no stopping us now!!!!

Have a great day OML Angels.... yes, I continue to watch and rewatch our beloved OML!!!


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Oh Mel, you have got to watch MNIKSS and City Hall. Love Hyun Bin, and love watching him now in Secret Garden. He is such a good actor (and so handsome). Yes, I wish we lived by each other so I could borrow from your stash (and you from mine, though not near as abundant as yours!).


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Hey OML hood/angels -
Athena is right around the corner. I imagine this place will be buzzing more when that happens. Countdown is on!


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Okay, I have to admit that I'm writing this last comment on account of my wanting to be 800! Not a lot of content here, but I could use more info on how Siwon and Suju is doing. New links, anyone? Anyway, talk with you soon!


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wahhh so sweet this story...i'm very like it!!!


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Yes, she_da, we are all in agreement with you here. That's why we're past 800 comments. We've discussed a lot about our beloved show, but that doesn't mean we've said all we need to say about it. Anything you'd like to say or ask? We're always in for a good discussion, or at least a good reminding. :)


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Hi everyone! Thanks kappy for the 800th comment! I have posted 70% of the pictures I took during my trip on my Facebook page so feel free to look...=)

I got my SVIP ticket for SS3 and I can't wait for Monday next week for the first episode of Athena.

@Mel - been also watching All About Marriage though not often just whenever I flip the channel to KBS World in the mornings...I'm more interested in the storyline of the sister/teacher & the taxi driver/rich guy with a son (Sun-pung in Sons of Sol Pharmacy).

@kappy: I'll try to look for news about our fave boy/group after I watch episode 8 of SG. Btw, since the new 'improved' viki.com restricts viewing of subbed episodes of SG (whatever~~), you can try kimchidrama.com or better yet dramacrazy.com (posts the subbed eps. a few hours faster than kimchi-d)


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correction: it's dramacrazy.net


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I thank you, Ace, for the tip on kimchidrama.com, and since then I also discovered that dramacrazy site as well. SG is a fun ride. I'll e-mail you about it, okay?

@Mel - Hey girl..thanks for the links on the interview. I know I can count on you guys for the scoop on the SW man and company. How's Lacus doing? Still keep in touch? I'm guessing "yes".

Yeah, too bad about viikii being less accessible. Thank goodness for those other sites we can check out!

Talk to you soon, angels!


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhgyVlT40NI&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL ............




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I got busy watching Secret Garden--such great laughs I get from Hyun Bin's awesome girlishness... Our Siwon would have no trouble doing that.. of course, it's natural I have to compare our Carrot Boy to any role played by other actors out there...

she_da--thanks for liking our OML too... it's sweet to find souls wander among our jabberings, though not as often but still quietly strong at times...

As for Athena, we'll find links for it, there's so many out there... I'm assuming that fans of the other actors will share their talents in subbing.. viikii is not as easy to get to as before. I hope that Dramafever will show it sooner just like with Secret Garden. These legit sites have so much competition with the "underground" sites who are on the ball when it comes to sharing.... We've got share sites but it's got to be hidden or we won't be able to see our CSW... though maybe like many fans, I've learned to try and understand the RAW episodes before the subbed ones..


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Hi Everyone... :)

I may not be able to share much ~ argh.. :D But i've been lurking around... :)

I happen to stumble upon this link.. Have you all seen this ?

So terribly cute..


Enjoy ~


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Wow, Belle, that was a great focus-on-Siwon cut. What cutsey moves!


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당신이 사랑하는 = I Love You 박채림 = 朴蔡琳 Park Chae rim


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Hi guys! Hope you all have a great weekend! SG tomorrow and Sunday plus Athena on Monday & Tuesday! Woohoo!

I just want to comment on the 2010 Beanie Awards...did you vote already? Seems unfair because a lot of people voted for the recent dramas (SG, MSOAN) and forgot all about those good dramas from the first half of the year (OML! hehe). I like SG, but I can't judge it yet since it hasn't even reached halfway through it's episodes. And as much as I love JGS and respect MGY, I stopped watching MSOAN by episode 4. The leads are cute, but too many clichés and I'm just not feeling it, y'know?

So here's my rave/rant on the results (as of the time I'm writing this):

TOP 3 Fave Dramas of 2010:
Sungkyunkwan Scandal - agree
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - agree
Secret Garden - too early to tell..what if it's ending is like
Personal Taste or worse, cancer rears it's ugly head (crossing fingers!)
MSOAN is ahead of PK and PT (tie) - seriously? I think I voted for PK...my big question though for this category was:
Where was Oh! My Lady?????

Favorite Comedic Drama:
MGIAG - yup!
SG - it's even ahead of MGIAG! why?
And again, where is Oh! My Lady?????

Favorite Historical Drama:
Joseon X-Files - would've voted for you if it weren't for...
Sungkyunkwan Scandal!!! - Moony forever!

Favorite Action or Melodrama Series:
Did. Not. Vote. Would've voted except ATHENA was not even included. I don't care if we haven't seen a single episode!

Favorite Family Drama:
Wish Upon A Star - agree

Favorite Romantic Pairing:
MGIAG - hoi-hoi! sorry guys, I loved this pairing and voted for them. ;)
SG - 2nd place? really?
MSOAN - even ahead of the PK couple?
PT - sorry lovely LMH and my fave SYJ, ep 15 & 16 really ruined you for me
SKKS - loved the bromance, not the romance (but that elevator kiss/hat-untying scene was hot!)
PK - this was the best adaptation of the characters for me...
OML - aaaw, they tied in last place with TWWSWTM couple.
I love Wish Upon A Star's Kang-ha and Pal-gang too for their bickering, but they're not included in this category...

Best Kiss:
No OML? Again? That kiss in episode 6 was hot! Anyway, voted for the PK kiss instead since it was sweet, but I'd also go for PT's Game Over kiss and SKKS' hat-untying sizzling kiss.

MGIAG - it was oh-kaaay
MSOAN - bleh
SG's cousins - LOL, but this shouldn't have been included here...

Favorite Piggyback Ride:
SKKS - definitely 'coz of Guh-ro!
PK - 2nd place for me
MSOAN - too much piggyback.

Favorite Character:
Where was Min-woo-shi?
I voted for Moon Jae-shin though I like Gu Mi-ho too...

Best Drama Posse:
For me, SKKS' Jalgeum Quartet ties with PK: The girls of Class 7. Oh, look! If all the PK voters were added together, it would have even come ahead of MSOAN Mu-gyul's bandmates. Tsk, tsk, tsk..

Best Villain:
SKKS' In-soo - agree!
But I think I voted for MGIAG's Hye-in as a stand-in for OML's Yura who was equally ineffective as a villain, heh!
PT's In-hee Bot is in second place...Hmm, I hated her as much as Wish Upon A Star's ms. fishlips Jae-young. =)

Favorite Bromance:
SKKS' Jae-shin & Yong-ha - no competition!

Favorite Alternate Pairing:
As much as I shipped for SKKS' Yoon-hee & Jae-shin during the first few episodes, I voted for PK's Ha-ni & Duckie. If Baek Seung-jo didn't return Ha-ni's feelings, Duckie gets my vote.
Gumiho & Gumiho Hunter - nah! no spark at all
MSOAN's Mary & Jung-in - double nah!
CH's Jin-soo & Seung-yeon - I forgot about you two! Despite the age difference, I shipped for you!

Breakout Performance:
PK's Jung So-min - for making me stick to PK despite the crappy first 2 episodes, the bad editing, directing...I wanna adopt you as my little sister!
SKKS's Yoo Ah-in & Song Joong-ki - charming and hot! loved you guys better than PMY & MYC.

Overrated Drama:
Cinderella's Sister - though I didn't watch you, I just can tell, hehe
Where's IRIS? Oh, yeah, that was a 2009 drama. ;)
Baker King & SKKS (tie) - don't agree. SKKS is not overrated.

Underrated Drama:
Prosecutor Princess - agree. Would love to watch this when I have time. So many dramas, so little time...
MSOAN & PK (tie) - voted for PK. I would've said that MSOAN is overrated...

Disappointing Ending:
OML has a more disappointing ending than PT??? What alternate universe is this? OML shouldn't even have been included here. OML ended on a high note. It did not have a disappointing ending. Argh. And SKKS? The ending was hmm, but I liked it. Better than PT. Seriously. Can't people be objective?

Voted for CS but yeah, I understand why Bad Guy won.

Biggest Waste of Talent:
Honestly, I was looking for Chae-rim's name for OML. Her character was just not that utilized for her talents. But I still love her as Kae-hwa. =)

Jang Geun-seok - agree
Moon Geun-young - yup
Sohn Ye-jin - uh-huh

Best Perm:
All 5 nominees deserve to be here, so I'll just rate you in order of preference:
1. PK's Baek Seung-jo - at first I didn't like it but you grew on me, perm
2. SKKS' Moon Jae-shin (it's a stretch to call this a perm, but whatever! It's moony! and his dirty hair!)
3. MSOAN's Kang Mu-gyul - shampoo commercial material
4. SG's Oska
5. MGIAG's Woong-ah - but I actually loved Mi-ho's perm more

Best 'Stache:
SKKS' Yoo Ah-in - are there other nominees? they're invisible to me. ;)

Best Use of an Idol Star:
Vote for Siwon!!!

Yoochun (SKKS) - why are you #1? Siwon could've done it better.
Hyun-joong (PK) - you improved a lot dear boy and proved a lot of us wrong. But again, Siwon could've done it better.
Eunjung (CH) - so cute!

Worst Use of an Idol Star:
Do not vote for Siwon!!! Or Hyun-joong!

Hyun-joong (PK) - why are you #1? Should've been Yoochun, hehe. Or Taecyeon.
Siwon - why are people even voting for you? You were Min-woo. That's why you're in Athena. Because you are the best Idol Star in ANY acting role. You could've owned the Sun-joon & Seung-jo roles. You also have Hyang-dan & 18 vs. 29 in your resume. Tsk.

Phew. So. That's the end of my rant...=)

Before I sign off, here's the MV for Taeyeon's song "I Love You" for the Athena OST:


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I forgot to say that I really love 2010! The dramas were awesome this year. I already have my top ten faves and would post it by 1/1/11. Let's all do it!


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Ok, I'm back. Sorry, I'm really bored!

Since there was a best hair/perm and 'stache category, there should also be:

Best Abs - Min-woo/Siwon
Best Smile - Min-woo/Siwon
Best Gestures - Min-woo/Siwon
Best 'Brows - Min-woo/Siwon
Best Child Actor - Kim Yoo Bin as Ye Eun

Can you think of anything else?

@Kappy - waiting for your e-mail =)


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Oh Ace!!!! I just love you!!!!!!!!! ....such a true Choi Si Won Fan!!!! I voted too, you see... Oh! My Lady is a hidden GEM/TREASURE, if this was done back after that drama it would have been a different story!!! Don't forget to add best stalking victim!!! Could you just see us um Noonas stalking this kid... We'd all get taken to the psych hosp... oh yeah, face you'd never get tired of... but also best goofball!!!

I wonder if JB/GF has a category for the most devoted drama fans (?obsessed....) Still here and we've decided to continue the stalking here for CSW's Athena right????Oh, I can't wait to see that.... I'm so glad it's SBS, it will eventually get shown here in L.A.....

Well, our boys were the most popular in the GDA though they didn't win the Daesang, such awesome kids!! They consoled their fans instead of the fans consoling them.. 'just gotta love these SUJU boys...

... and the CNN interview, Siwon was very forthcoming in his denial if he was in a relationship, but Leeteuk got gobsmacked and got "busted" for his no comment, poor boys that they have to hide their relationships... It's okey boys, us Noonas are fine with that. It's healthy, yes you have to protect your love ones...

So, for the voting again, our beloved OML is still our treasure so don't despair. We are keeping it alive!!! I can't believe how Baker King and SSk are over rated... ! Again, for our Siwon could have done that, yes on PK, even Secret Garden... Siwon with the leg lift fangurling action, I could just so picture him doing that!!! A lot of the roles and Siwon could have done them, hands down! But we don't want him to over do it. He'd become stale--but Siwon, he'd never be stale, he'll always be fresh and gorgeous... It's great that he's still so young so that for us he'd still be around when we're in our um, 50s, 60s, 70s---100s (yeah.....)

Athena fighting!!! just a couple more days, stalking mode again....

Belle, thanks for the Siwon video, such a cute hottie!!!

back in Soompi, our Lacus is busily uploading/sharing all the Siwon materials she can get... Ace, you are not alone, Kappy what have you been watching? Wulan, it's Saturday there already... Sunny? Hope soooo....

So Ace you did your Kdrama opinions, I wish I could just comment right beside yours.... Yeah, Secret Garden, it's halfway through, hope the ending is no question mark. It's fun and hopefully no cancer nor they're related storyline!!! It was quite a downer that OML was not in many categories... Yes, Secret Garden and then Athena...

Ace, thanks for the long review, I will forever keep going back to that to smile and say with raised fist heck YEAH!!! What's up with that no OML!!!! But again, OML has a strong fan based though mostly in the lurker mode most days now...

Have a great day, ACE you are not alone... Hello OML angels...


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hi to all my OML sisters. we're counting down to Athena premier this Monday.

re Beannie awards, i don't understand for the life of me why Siwon is not # 1. I mean, really??? Compared to the other idols??? I feel Mickey's acting in SSK is just so-so, he's not really conveyed the emotions. Same as KHJ in PK.

So sad SuJu do not win Daesang award in GDA, hope they fare better with the next album.

@Mel, the weather is unpredictable here in Jakarta, it changes so fast from sunny to rain.

@Ace, your additional category awards bring smile to my face. Glad you finally secured your SS3 Manila seat. I'll be going to SS3 Bangkok as well aside from SS3 Singapore.


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i l0ve this drama ....<3


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Hello all OML Angels and soon to be Athena's girls----it's tomorrow here in the west and tonight there in Asia, Athena!!!!

While waiting, here'a gem of a gag including our SUJU boys and our Carrot Boy--look for our Siwon.... I wish it were clearer but, just sit back and enjoy... it's an old hazy video--this one of the videos from way back when that helped to endear me to our boys...



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Mel, that video... how hilarious is that? I was feeling tired for everyone, esp. Shinpaggi and Leeteukpaggi!


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LOL! We are Super Mappagi!!!


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Anyone watched episode 1 of Athena? I did but didn't see Siwon at all, hehe. Been waiting to see his face during the 62 minute show...But saw him on the preview for ep. 2 so hopefully tomorrow night...I'm also waiting for JB's recap on Athena sfor some understanding on what's happening. It was mostly Soo Ae, Cha Seung Won, and Jung Woo Sung. Visually, it's good. Hope the storyline is an improvement from it's predecessor. And no IRIS or Runaway Plan B endings please...=)


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romantic ... i like so much ...


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As for that Mappagi video, the original gag crew just did it for our fun boys, when I saw Shinpaggi and his mistake for taking on the first of 13--what a great sense of humor that each of the boys have, what a masterpiece of physical comedy for all the boys involved and Carrot Boy enjoyed himself cheering on his bros just like we did---even my Latina co-worker LOLd watching that crazy video... Watching this video helps to ease the disappointment fr the GDA. It will not hinder our boys, SUJU members are amazing that they are consoling their fans...

on to Athena ep 2..... Ace, Kappy and Wulan


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Watched episode 2 of Athena...sigh! Too little screen time for Siwon, but he was cute and funny! Reminded me of the No Other MV. Looking forward to his action scenes and the recaps or just the subbed episodes...

Meanwhile, I was reading the comments @ the Beanie Awards post and was mystified about the rants about PK's JSM. These KHJ fans should change their attitudes if they want people to be more open-minded about their idol. Seriously pissed me off regarding the brainless comments and actually lowered myself to reply/reproof the stupidity...=)

Why can't they be like us, Siwon/SuJu fans? Even Micky Yoochun's fans aren't that disrespectful about his leading lady.


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Yes Ace, You know I liked JSM in PK, she was adorable, of all the PK versions, to me she was the most acceptable.... True, true--how sad, that these fans didn't learn from us.. But it's also probably because our Chae Rim is wonderful with a great reputation, already a "legend" in the Kdrama..umm & Cdrama world, well, the drama world. Uh, you lowered yourself to reply to these "brainless" kids? Okey, I understand, I do that too...

um, just waiting for the Athena episode that has a lot of our Siwon in it!!! In the meantime it's lots of giggles at Secret Garden, rewatching the love of MW for KH on OML mostly on ep 13, 14, 15 and of course the many, many scenes in ep 16...

here's an adorable video of SUJU bromance, enjoy:



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Mel - Hahaha! I just read anti rants a little too much that's why I didn't let it pass..(and it's that time of the month, hehe!). Thanks for the link! SuJu bromance rocks!

It's a good thing SG has 20 episodes because so far, even if I can't wait for every episode, I still don't get why they soul-swapped (and why they're going to swap again). I'd like to be mystified now and then but hopefully there will be an "Ah!" moment by the end of this week. Why is Joo Won so infuriating and quirky-charming at the same time? Makes a girl crazy! Hyun Bin's not my usual type but every time he's on screen I can't take my eyes off him. (And honestly, I think I'm the only one who hasn't completely watched MNIKSS. I watched the first few episodes, then skipped to the last one. Have to re-watch the whole thing.)

Our SuJu boys are busy! Siwon in Athena, Donghae in It's Okay, Daddy's Girl, and now Sungmin in President! The others are busy at being MCs, DJs, musicals, plus Kyuhyun with SM The Ballad. =) In between SG & Athena, I'm watching Bad Family. It's the first time I've seen Heechul act. So cute.


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Ace, I'm trying to stay civil regarding our SUJU and the awards show, you know trying not to stoop to those low levels, it's sad... Oh well, that's why I watch the dramas, to get rid of the stress even though at times just temporary!!! Yes, I'm glad they are so busy, but they must be so exhausted and all those rehearsal in addition to all the shows they are on!!! Well, with the current SUJU line up, half are or have acted recently--they are now called Super Actors... I love the 2 top SM d ballad songs, Hot Time and Miss You.. Hey are you planning on watching Baker King? One of my Kcousin recommended Bad Family to me, way back when, it's on my to watch list. It's funny how the list gets longer and longer, but with so many new dramas coming up... the older ones gets placed in the back burner...

Oh Ace, SG had me after I got that laptop for my husband, for the first 2 episodes of SG--I watched while I rode the stationary bike and laughed myself silly... luckily my hubby is used to me just bursting out loudly (he hasn't got me committed to the psych hosp yet...) At first, what a silly idea, body swap and I thought these 2 brilliant actors are beyond that kind of "science fiction..." drama but I'm watching. JW is an ASS (yes capital letters) he sure knows how to pile on the hurtful words. I'm kinda likin the idea of RI and Oska getting together in the end. That scene about the Little Mermaid where RI's rebut to JW was the only difference between her and the mermaid was that RI didn't love the prince--soo no bubble sacrifice.. JW deserved that!!! ...RI is Oska's safe harbor when he is down and of course RI just loves his attention, being his avid fan... Seul is another jerk playing with Oska... Did you see any of the Soompier's spoilers? It's about the little mermaid and JW's fixation on that fairy tale... I can't write it in case there are lurkers out there. And Dramabeans hates spoilers, I wouldn't want to get on her and Girlfriday's hate list... No spoilers... Oska--the calcium supplement--that got me rolling when that senior answered after he was asked who Oska was... like you I can't wait for each episode, I go searching, yes raw (like I know Hangul...), really the actions are just awesome. HB's JW body swan can do "girling" better than any teeny bopper out there. That leg raising when Oska piles on the flattery, with that sweet smile...awesome acting. HB, can do it! The body swap, well, I guess we'll find out the reason--eventually, may take a while with the 20 eps--long wait.

I'm so with you about not having seen MNIKSS, I tried to watch the first episode... I love Kim Son Ah... I don't know why I haven't watched that yet.. And as for Hyun Bin, the first ever feature I saw him in was Millionaire's First Love--another jerk!!! The next I saw him in was World's Within--another huge jerk walking away from his devoted girlfriend!!! I know WWI was not very popular but I enjoyed that one. SHK fought for HB in that and finally... well, if you haven't seen it yet.. well, I'm a huge sap for happy endings.

It's funny about that time of the month--pmmssing and menopausin--mood swings--being neurotic/psychotic, yes female stuff, I was talking to Celsa earlier today and we're in the blue mood for the holiday season and I told her to go watch some of the dramas because whatever we suppress and hold back we can laugh out loud, cry and sob like crazy--no holding back when watching the dramas. And after watching, what a huge weight off the shoulders. Yeah, these dramas just get the heart pumping when the bad guys pile the sh..t unto the good guys!!! When the bad guys get their comeuppance what a great big relief!!!

here's another crazy video for a few laughs, take note of the change in the dance steps to sorry, sorry--it actually is in the latest remix, well, it was on the LA SMTOWN, enjoy and just love that Leeteuk laugh:



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hello OMLhood Angels, it's 3 days before Christmas--Happy Holidays all... it's been sooo quiet, everyone must be out there working hard and out shopping.... found this video with Byun Hak (Yoo Tae Woong) dancing with Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Shindong on Strong Hearts... Enjoy, Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year...



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OML Angels here's our Siwon at Running Man with his awesome face and funny gestures!!! Such a great team player...

Umm... am I now all by myself?


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Siwon's so competitive...such a cutie!


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To my OML sisters who celebrate X-Mas, wishing you a wonderful holiday :)

Just watch Siwon's Running Man episode. He's so like a kid, such delight in finding the toys and all.

Have you watched Athena? I haven't got the time to watch it; I understand that Siwon has not much screentime in the first 4 episodes.


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Been lurking all this while. Nothing to contribute but enjoying all the links and news provided by all OML angels here and at Soompi, especially Lacus, Wendy and the rest, so thanks very much!

Watching Siwon always bring a smile to our faces isn't it? He was adorable in Running Man, such a kid! Watched 2 eps of Athena but very little of Siwon in it. Looking forward to more, I hope he has more screen time in the later eps.

It's Christmas where I am tomorrow, so here's wishing all at OML hood a Blessed Christmas filled with Peace, Love and Joy, and more Siwon viewing to come!


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Merry Christmas everyone! Have a blessed holiday.

@Wulan - am waiting for the subbed episodes of Athena before continuing watching episodes 3 & 4. Even with the (very delayed) recaps, after the first few paragraphs I zone out because I get confused with all the characters. =) They really haven't gotten to the meat of the story yet so I'm sort of feeling blah towards the episodes no matter how well made they are. Frankly, I'm just on the lookout for Siwon!

@Mel - ah, don't mind the award shows. As long as our boys are happy, then let's be happy as well. I guess you've heard that SME has adjusted their talents' contracts for fairness' sake from 10 years from debut to just 7 years.

I only got to hear the first single of SM The Ballad because I got distracted by Jang geun Suk's songs from MSOAN OST. The OST's okay, but that drama is a big disappointment. It's not a drama if there's no plot.

I'm really not inclined to watch Baker King. Maybe because there are others I want to watch first like Prosecutor Princess or The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry.

Regarding Secret Garden, why is Joo Won such a brat? One minute he's such an ass that you want to kick him where it hurts the most, then the next minute you want to jump him...hahaha! I'm intrigued about the "accident" that he had that the other characters have been making vague references to. I'm growing on Seul, like Oska very much, amused by Ah-young, and can't get enough of Secretary Kim. He is so hilarious!


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Ace, you definitely should watch The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry. I love the friendship between the 3 main female leads. I really could relate to the stories (well since I also single 30 something :p)

On Baker King, well ... not too interesting for me.

I am curious as to how the ending of Secret Garden will roll out, it's around 4 more ep, isn't it? We still haven't gotten to the reason behind soul swap and what was the purpose of that.


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@Wulan - Secret Garden has 8 more episodes, there'll be 20 in total. There's still a lot of things the writer can do with it that hopefully satisfies every SG viewer. No matter how good a drama is from the first episode, but if the emding's disappointing, then my love will turn to hate (like Seul's for Oska?!!) I heard there's gonna be another soul-swap so hopefully that's going to be soon. I'm so happy it's the weekend once again do we'll have SG to watch. Anyway, I didn't watch SG with high expectations (like with Personal Taste & Mary Stayed Out...) so I'm just enjoying the scenery, the dialogue, and the chemistry. I really hope the ending's not like the fanservice of Sungkyunkwan Scandal, though I wouldn't mind if it is. I'm easy to please so I'm one of the few who liked SKKS' (Hollywood?!) ending. =) Would definitely try TWWSWTM. I heard Kim Bum was really good there.


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Sorry for the typos, the iTouch's qwerty kb is sooo small.
Emding>>> ending


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Merry Christmas to all the Angels in the OMLHood... it's funny that in one day there's been traffic here... Great that there are still many fans and once in a while lurker.. Have a great Holiday with your families and friends..

Athena--not much of our Siwon in sight, first episode not my cup of tea... I'll probably wait for the subs.. Secret Garden lots of physical comedy-- I'm liking the Ra Im/Oska relationship vs the jerky Joo Won/Ra Im relationship ... and what a love/hate relationship that Seul and Oska has for each other...but it feels like it'll be sad for a while, hope the ending will be acceptable. Baker King..I cheated and started watching at ep 24 on and got enthralled, I guess I'm into the "that'll never be" romance between Eunseo and Majon..

For now it's back to rewatching our OML and old SUJU videos.. Siwon really lost a lot of weight not just for OML but now he has really toned down a lot and of course maintains his "greek god" body.... so on to the few quick fixes from YT movies, they're just a little over an hour.. As for our SUJU--the members are so busy, hopefully they'll stay healthy, here's the last ICON episode with our cutie carrot boy, I hope you access the Chinese Site:


Running Man episode, prepare for the full blast Shibrows/Gestures Man, he's just such fun to watch with his great enthusiasm and the captions some in English, can't wait for the eng subbed versions... sad that both sites are not subbed:


Enjoy... and from dramaninjaforever, an OML fmv, thanks to her:


Happy Holidays to Ace, Amy, enjoydrama, Kappy, Wulan and the silent lurkers/stalkers out there and of course our JB and GF who provide this forum to share our love of the Kdrama... Hope you can all watch the links, Thanks all...


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can't forget Lacus and her many, many links, videos, pictures out in Soompi for Siwon's thread!! Merry X'mas to you and hubby, of course to all your families..


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Check out thunderbolt's review of OML. I loved it!!!


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To My Dearest OMLHood -

Howzit! I have missed you all! I'm sorry for going (again) MIA (missing in action). My reasons are not very good, you may think, but I'll let you be the judge.
1) I haven't started watching Athena yet, and I haven't watched OML in a while, so I feel somewhat disloyal and lacking in contribution on our man Siwon.
2) I am engrossed in Secret Garden, watching it raw, with Eng. subs (heck, with Chinese too, not that it does me any good), keeping up on Soompi for the latest spoilers, previews, pics (drama and BTS and just whatever).
3) There's some stuff I'm worried about (which you don't have to worry about), but this, too, shall pass!

There. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'll get back to the regular me.

Muchas gracias, mahalo, etc. for keeping up and for all the links and goodies.

Hey Mel, I just LOVED that youtube MV on OML (the last one you provided). Usually I'm not a fan of flashes of scenes at such a rapid rate, but the song and how it was put together was perfect. It was such a great reminder of this wonderful drama and our beloved characters, Min Woo, Kae Hwa, and the cutie little girl. Woo hoo, we sure picked a good one, kuchi?

Hey, speaking of beloved characters, I'm sure you noticed the actress who played Kae Hwa's best friend is playing Joo Won's doc in Secret Garden. Woot, woot, Bok Nim! (hoping that was her name)

@Ace - I read and enjoyed Thunderbolt's review of OML, too. Only thing, as some have described it as a breezy drama, a nice ride, that sort of thing, I felt it was at least a bit more than that. I understand what they mean - it was no Cinderella's Sister (thank goodness) and was never meant to be - but I feel it had more substance than just a nice, smooth ride.

What was that, with it being noticeably missing amongst the nominees for Best Drama of 2010? Hello!! Good on you, Ace, for representing us well. I didn't bother 'cause I was like, "Uh, oh where oh where is it?"

And Suju...you don't need to win some dumb award for us to recognize your amazing talents. You're #1 in our book!

Oh, how thoughtless of me not to have wished you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays beforehand. Hope yours was great! You all have a wonderful New Year, okay? Listen to me, I'm making like I'm not coming back. I am, just don't want to miss out wishing you all a terrific, safe, and very memorable New Year. I will be talking with all soon.. Love ya!


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to my dear OML sisters,

Wishing you all Happy New Year, may the coming year bring happiness, health and joy to all of us.

Just catched SuJu performance in both SBS and KBS Gayo, here is the link


Love the opening in SBS Gayo, cool fighting skill of Siwon :D And he still looks hot despite the bathrobe he wore.

Btw, have you read all the controversies because of his statement re SM contract? That poor boy, so upset because his statement was interpreted differently.

As we're ending 2010, why don't we pick our favorite dramas of the year (at least 5), to follow what JB and GF did.

For me, my fave 2010 dramas are :

1. Oh My Lady
2. The Woman Who Still Want to Marry
3. Wish Upon a Star
4. Secret Garden
5. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho

What are your picks?


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What's with the bathrobe-style-coat on both performances? Hahaha! I understand it's very cold in Seoul, and he still looks hot no matter what he wears, but I really hate the (skinny) belt he's wearing. ;)


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Thanks for the links Wulan.
OMG, the performance on SBS was just awesome, the intro and the ending, just perfect!

My fave dramas this year:
1. Oh My Lady
2. Secret Garden
3. Joseon X Files
4. Wish Upon A Star
5. The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry

To all at OML Hood, may our New Year be filled Peace, Good Health, Happiness, and more Siwon!


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Oops that's me, enjoydrama.


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Happy New Year everyone!!!

My top 2010 kdramas are:

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
Oh! My Lady
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Playful Kiss
Wish Upon A Star

Favorite OTP: Miho & Dae Woong
Favorite actor/male lead: CSW/Min-woo...who else??? =)
Favorite actress/female lead: Shin Mina/Miho
Favorite new actor: Yoo Ah In (Syngkyunkwan Scandal)
Favorite new actress: Jung So Min (Playful Kiss)
Favorite OST: MGIAG & PK
Most disapponting ending: Personal Taste (among those I watched this year)
Most disappointing kdrama: Mary Stayed Out All Night

I haven't finished Joseon X-Files yet & since Secret Garden still has 6 more episodes, I'm not including it in the above list. There will most likely be revisions once SG finishes & once I watch Prosecutor Princess & The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry.


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A good news to wrap up the year-end. Siwon was awarded best new act


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sorry, my post was cut-off. Siwon was awarded best new actor in SBS entertainment awards tonight. Glad his acting skill is being recognized.


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That must be a very proud moment for Siwon. Somehow it reminds me of Sung Min-Woo. Weren't he suppose to thank a Yoon Kae HWA in his acceptance speech? :)


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Happy New Year lurkers!

Hope someone has watched Athena and can post something about it here...I'm currently just reading the recaps and looking if Siwon has more screentime. ;) Any thoughts about the story? If Dream High doesn't pull me in next week, I'll start with the subbed Athena episodes. Weekends are for SG and my Wed-Thurs are for My Princess (don't know why I'm excited about this...but KTH is really cute!)

Are we still on this bus or are y'all just very busy? ;)


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