Oh My Lady: Episode 16 (Final)

Ah, the end is here! I suspect this episode made most if not all fans very happy, as it tied up the plot in a light-hearted but satisfactory way that was in keeping with the tone of the drama. It’s too bad that things didn’t get really compelling until about Episode 10 (then stepped it up with Episode 12 on — incidentally when Yura took a big step backward — coincidence? I think not) — which is frankly rather late for me to be connecting with a drama.

It’s to the actors’ credit that their amusing and sweet interactions were able to carry the plot until the story finally managed to tap into that emotional place with Min-woo’s growth as a father and as a person. I’m just glad that this one ended on a high note, because so many finale episodes feel like a letdown — they’re either too rushed or dragged out as an extended epilogue.


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Min-woo asks Kae-hwa to be Ye-eun’s mother, explaining that he had purposely waited to ask her until after the musical premiered. Nobody could be as good a mother to Ye-eun as she is, “And I need you. Let’s marry.”

(Omo! Usually when episodes end on cliffhangers, the next episode drops the tension back down, but in this case they just upped the ante.)

Kae-hwa is stunned, but Min-woo adds, “I’m not saying this out of the blue. I’ve thought this over seriously for a long while. Think it over, then give me your answer. I can wait as long as you need.”

Min-woo is invited along for a celebratory drink with The Show Co. staff, and Jae-hee remarks that it feels like Min-woo’s a part of their office family now, seeing as he has come to all their gatherings. Min-woo smiles and, while looking at Kae-hwa, says pointedly, “I think so too. It feels like a family.”

He’s extra solicitous to her, offering little things like napkins and such, which Shi-joon finds amusing while Kae-hwa is exasperated. When the others urge her to drink more, Min-woo swoops in to play the “black knight,” i.e, drink for her.

Min-woo’s behavior is so noteworthy that Jae-hee asks teasingly if their fake scandal is actually real. Kae-hwa blurts, “No!” just as Min-woo answers, “Yes.” (Such a mixed reaction makes the others think there’s more to this relationship than they’re letting on, and they exchange knowing looks.) Kae-hwa rises to leave early because of the kids, and Min-woo hurriedly excuses himself too, accompanying her out.

Kae-hwa is impatient with his exaggerated attentiveness, and says that she’ll give her answer now: “I’m not going to marry again.” He asks her to think about it some more, but she replies that a lot of thought has already gone into making this decision (not to remarry).

A bit indignant, he says it’s cowardly to swear off marriage because her first one failed. Maybe she just met the wrong guy the first time — it’s always possible she’ll meet a good person the second time around.

Kae-hwa replies that she doesn’t want to entertain such an expectation, and besides, she has Min-ji. He counters that a daughter isn’t a husband — and once Min-ji grows up and gets married, will she be fine being alone? That makes her pause briefly, but she reasserts her stance.

Min-woo: “Are you that afraid?”
Kae-hwa: “Yes, I am! Do you know what marriage is?”
Min-woo: “‘What do you know when you have no life experience?’ Is that what you’re telling me?”
Kae-hwa: “You haven’t been hurt so you don’t know. You don’t know what that pain is of promising to love each other for the rest of your life and having that shattered. So please don’t talk to me about marriage again. I’m sorry to say it like this.”

She walks off, leaving him pondering her words.

Kae-hwa’s words make him look deeper into the cause of her resistance. Thus the next morning, he intercepts Byung-hak just as the latter is leaving his house (humming “Sorry Sorry” in a meta moment, lol).

Min-woo gets to the point, asking aggressively what the heck Byung-hak did to Kae-hwa to make her swear off marriage forever. Byung-hak returns that this is hardly his concern, but Min-woo says it matters “because it’s a hindrance to her marrying me.”

Byunk-hak’s reaction is pure confusion: “Why?” Why would he want a woman like Kae-hwa when he’s a star? Min-woo presses on with his question, which elicits a roundabout answer about how she’s a difficult and tiring woman to live with. Min-woo watches with narrowed eyes, reading between the lines — he cheated, huh?

Defensively, Byung-hak turns it around on Kae-hwa, saying she doesn’t know how to make herself pretty; it felt like he was living with a housekeeper. In fact, he never bought even her flowers — not because he forgot or anything, but simply because he never felt inspired to buy them for her. You know, since looks are the only reason for loving a woman and all. (I’m not even offended by this comment, because Byung-hak is such a silly idiot that the sentiment has no sting coming from him.)

Min-woo asks if he ever apologized for hurting her. Byung-hak laughs, saying it’s embarrassing to do that. Min-woo tells him firmly, “Apologize to her. Ask her officially for her forgiveness.” Byung-hak finds this an odd demand coming from Min-woo, who replies, “I’m asking as the man who loves her.”

Now that Min-woo has made up his mind to woo Kae-hwa, he gets busy trying to win her over. For instance, he waits outside her apartment to give the girls a ride to school, and reacts in concern to hear Kae-hwa hasn’t eaten breakfast. After dropping off the girls, he takes her to a fancy buffet, where he even serves her.

Kae-hwa worries over the pricy food, trying to convince him to watch his spending because he must have lost a lot of money in the cancelled endorsement deals. Min-woo answers matter-of-factly that they probably add up to about 3 billion won ($2.5 million), but is unfazed. He’s got money in the bank and is confident he can get more work; he’ll consider this a luxurious hiatus from work.

Unimpressed, Kae-hwa urges him to adopt a frugal attitude and says she’s better off than he is, since at least she has a regular salary.

At work, a huge arrangement of red roses is delivered, addressed to Kae-hwa from Min-woo. While the other employees all smile at her knowingly, Kae-hwa tries to explain it away in innocent terms: “Can’t this be a thank-you?” They don’t buy it for a second.

Min-woo sends her a text, which is totally over-the-top and ridiculous (“More beautiful than a flower… Kae-hwa”). Embarrassed and uncomfortable, Kae-hwa says she’ll clear the flowers out of the office and takes them to the stairwell, thinking Min-woo is being shameless. But they do bring a smile to her face, as it’s been ages since she’s received flowers from anyone (which is why Min-woo made the gesture in the first place, in reaction to Byung-hak’s remark).

Next, Min-woo takes a cake to Bok-nim in thanks for treating Ye-eun, then asks for a favor, as she is a friend to Kae-hwa. His statement that “I’m intending to marry Yoon Kae-hwa” so shocks her that Bok-nim drops her coffee and stares at him incredulously.

Bok-nim rushes to ask Kae-hwa about it, wanting to know when the wedding is. She dismisses Kae-hwa’s grumbling that he’s just a kid — 28 is plenty grown-up, and the seven-year age difference is nothing. How can she let a guy like him slip through her fingers?

Kae-hwa grumbles that Min-woo’s proposal asked her to be Ye-eun’s mother, not his wife. Bok-nim sees through Kae-hwa’s complaining and smiles: “You really do like Min-woo.” That’s why she’s disappointed over the wording of his proposal, right? Bok-nim waves aside her resistance, saying that if they like each other, what’s the big deal? In her eyes, Min-woo is serious about her.

Min-woo takes the family out to a nice restaurant. Kae-hwa is self-conscious about coming to a place like this where they’ll be watched, but Min-ji enjoys eating out for once, and Min-woo tells her that it doesn’t matter to him. He pats Ye-eun on the head, saying, “I’m going to raise her proudly, since she’s my daughter.” Which is probably the most effective thing he could have said to impress her, and she allows herself to look at him with moony eyes (but only when he’s not looking back at her).

When Kae-hwa takes Ye-eun to the bathroom, Min-woo tries to make conversation with Min-ji. He sees this as a chance to suss out her thoughts and asks if she’d like having a sister like Ye-eun. Min-ji is pretty sharp and asks point-blank, “Are you going to marry my mother?” Her bluntness takes him by surprise, but he confides that he wants to. Still, he has to first hear out Min-ji’s opinion and wait for her mother’s answer.

She asks, “If you end up marrying my mother and then a prettier lady comes along, are you going to divorce my mom?” Min-woo gapes incredulously, but Min-ji points out that he works with beautiful actresses all the time: “If you betray my mother, it’ll be so sad for her.”

He tells her solemnly, “That’ll never happen. I’ll promise that to you.” They pinky-swear on it.

The musical continues its run and after another of Min-woo’s performances, he calls Kae-hwa, who is working late — or at least, she lies that she is. He offers to pick her up from the office, but for whatever reasons (fear, insecurity, nerves), Kae-hwa rejects the offer.

Reporter Han overhears Min-woo muttering to himself after the call, and says knowingly that he must be stuck in an unrequited love. Min-woo is wary, but Reporter Han has some insights about the situation, and his comments pique Min-woo’s curiosity. Wanting to hear more thoughts on his situation, Min-woo goes along with the reporter’s suggestion to grab a drink.

Kae-hwa works late, keeping herself busy to avoid going home right away. Finding her still in the office, Shi-joon offers her a ride home, and they pause for a break to talk. Tentatively, Kae-hwa says she hopes that he and his wife can give things another try, as it seems they still care for each other. Although Shi-joon doesn’t respond, he’s not offended by her statement and in fact seems to consider her words.

He turns the topic to Min-woo, asking how things are between them. Kae-hwa can’t feign ignorance since Shi-joon knows too much, but first she asks how much he knows. He answers, “One person is sending flowers, but the other person doesn’t seem ready to receive them.”

She confirms that Min-woo seems to be serious about a relationship but she’s not sure; she doesn’t feel confident that she can be seen “as a woman” to anybody. Shi-joon tells her she can — enough that he felt something for her for a short while. This stuns her, as he had never given any hint of his interest, but Shi-joon assures her that there is no cause for alarm. He has dealt with his feelings, and things won’t get awkward between them.

Liquor loosens Min-woo’s reserve (and his tongue) enough that he starts to talk freely about his woes, wondering how Kae-hwa can reject his proposal. Grabbing his laptop, the reporter starts to take notes, asking questions about why she rejected him and how long he’s had feelings for her. And I love Min-woo’s answer:

Min-woo: “Since we went looking for Ye-eun. No — since she had to go to the sauna because of me. No — since she fought with Mr. Jung [Yoon-seok]. Or was it from the beginning?”

Reporter Han says he must like her quite a lot, and Min-woo answers, “Yes, an awful lot. She’s different from the women I dated in the past. She’s beautiful. That’s why I think, ‘This is my woman.'” With that, he falls asleep, his head coming to rest on the tabletop.

Huh — well, this is a new side to Min-woo, and the reporter finds him pretty pure-hearted after all. It’s nothing like the partying image he’d had earlier. He starts typing a story about Min-woo’s “heartfelt love story” and uses words like “rebirth as a real actor.”

Han’s article spawns a wave of press, which now portrays Min-woo in a much more down-to-earth, humanistic light. They even declare that he has now washed off the disgrace of his former image as a lousy actor.

Yoon-seok is dissatisfied — I guess this good press does him no good, since he has lost his hold on Min-woo — but everyone else’s opinion of Min-woo makes a drastic upswing. He presents himself modestly in interviews, and even producer Eom is impressed with him. In fact, Eom gives himself credit for having recognized Min-woo’s talents early on, but Byung-hak scoffs since he didn’t do anything about them. Eom counters that he’ll get Min-woo for his next production.

Eom isn’t the only one wanting to cast Min-woo, and Shi-joon conveys an offer to Min-woo from a Japanese producer colleague, who has sent a proposal for Min-woo to take a role in a Japanese drama. Min-woo is pleased with the news, but as soon as he sees that he’d have to live in Japan for a year, he declines. Shi-joon thinks it’s a great opportunity, but Min-woo answers that he has somebody to watch over here.

And that’s not all: Jae-hee hands Kae-hwa some documents to give to Min-woo, which are papers for a new advertising contract offer worth 1 billion won (nearly $1 million). Apparently advertisers love his new image as a dedicated young single father.

Kae-hwa takes the documents to Min-woo’s photo shoot, where he takes a break from posing for a makeup touchup. The makeup artist tells him that his “scandal partner” (Kae-hwa) is really below his level, and offers to introduce him to a younger model friend. She describes the girl as one of those innocent-looking beauties, to which Min-woo answers, “I like sexy women.”

Naturally this is hardly thrilling for Kae-hwa to hear, even though Min-woo is actually making that quip as a way to reject the date. (Rather than saying no outright, saying that he prefers sexy women is a way of declining her friend, who is the opposite.)

Feeling dispirited, Kae-hwa decides not to approach and starts to leave. She runs into Yura, who congratulates her on her relationship and assures her that she has decided to move on.

Kae-hwa hands the envelope to Yura and asks for her to give it to Min-woo, making up the excuse that she’s busy and has to leave. Yura does, and when Min-woo hears the reason, he hurries out and tries to call Kae-hwa. Alas she isn’t answering the phone, so he goes to the theater, where he is told she is still back at the office.

Shi-joon finds her on the roof ignoring Min-woo’s phone call, and offers her a beer. In her melancholy mood, Kae-hwa offers to tell Shi-joon a “really funny story” and confides that Min-woo proposed to her. Even funnier is the fact that her heart thrilled to hear it. It was exciting to be seen as a woman again — but today, that feeling was shattered.

I’d assumed she was hurt by the makeup stylist’s dismissive comments about her, but I’m actually relieved that those words weren’t the cause of her mood. In actuality, it was the sight of him in action, looking like a star, that made her feel like they were completely unsuited for each other: “He seemed like someone from another land.”

Shi-joon points out that Min-woo was a star from the start — it’s not like she didn’t know. Kae-hwa answers that at the beginning, he had nothing to do with her so that wasn’t an issue. But as they got to know each other, she saw him struggling and felt sorry for him, and nagged him when he said silly things — and those things felt comfortable and manageable. Now that he’s doing better… it’s like he’s back to being a lofty star and the chasm is growing between them.

Shi-joon tells her that Min-woo likes her very much — enough to give up a drama opportunity for her. “Min-woo has changed this much — shouldn’t you recognize his feelings?”

Min-woo arrives at the office to find it empty, then recalls the roof. He arrives outside just in time to see Kae-hwa wiping away some tears. So much about this situation upsets him, and he strides up to her, grabs her wrist (urg!), and takes her downstairs.

He feels hurt that she has been ignoring his calls and avoiding him, particularly when she knew he was waiting for her — and now she’s here crying in front of Shi-joon — and raises his voice to a yell. Kae-hwa tells him levelly that she has already given him her reply, but he ignored it. No matter how she thinks about it, they don’t suit.

He argues that if he cared about those things — age, status — he would never have liked her from the start. She returns that this is just proof that he’s young, and they should quit while they’re ahead. And he should go to Japan.

That gets his attention: “Is that why?” He explains that he didn’t tell her about the Japan offer because he never intended to go. She takes issue with his high-handedness in dragging her away, saying that she’s ashamed of him when he does that, and gets angry and starts fights out of misunderstandings.

Min-woo asks, “So are you saying you can’t marry me? Are you saying I won’t do because I’m immature and young?” Kae-hwa answers yes. She can’t marry someone who reacts in such unpredictable ways — it makes her feel uneasy. She storms off, leaving him to shout her name in frustration.

You know, I’m actually relieved that they had this fight. They’ve never fought for real, and this addresses issues that they’ve been skirting thus far. It’s also nice to see some real conflict — genuine emotional clashing and hurt feelings — rather than the glib, fluffy sort of conflict that has characterized most of this show.

That night, Byung-hak calls Kae-hwa, who finds him drunk and in a thoughtful mood. To her surprise, he tells her, “I’m sorry.” He acknowledges that he never apologized properly, so he’s doing it now. She did nothing wrong — he’s the bad guy — and they divorced because he wronged her. But he felt too embarrassed to apologize, so he couldn’t do it: “But after listening to Sung Min-woo, I felt I was really wrong, and that I had to apologize. So I came here.”

That surprises her — he met Min-woo? Byung-hak gives Min-woo some credit for the way he had insisted he apologize, admitting that the kid was pretty impressive with the way he said, “As the man who loves Yoon Kae-hwa, please apologize.”

He says it one more time: “Kae-hwa, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I pushed you aside and hurt your feelings — forgive me for everything. Forget that all, and make a new start. And if he upsets you, come and tell me right away, and I’ll give him a scolding.”

(Aww. An unexpectedly touching moment from Byung-hak. As with the last time he defended Kae-hwa, this gives us a glimpse into why they were married in the first place while also showing us why they didn’t work. It’s rare to see ex-spouses in a drama ending on amicable terms, and it’s a nice change.)

Min-woo comes home feeling frustrated, and looks over his drama proposal documents. This gives him an idea, and he starts typing away. And when we see what he’s drafting — gahhh, Min-woo is so cute. I about died reading the title of his document: “Proposal On Living For Yoon Kae-hwa.”

In the morning, he comes to her apartment and gives her the envelope. He looks at her with puppy dog eyes and tells her to give her response after reading it.

Kae-hwa reads Min-woo’s proposal, which is formatted like a business document. In keeping with the theme of the drama proposal packet, he has drawn up Kae-hwa’s resumé, only it’s more like a life resumé than a professional one, outlining her traits and skills such as “she has a loud voice,” “makes killer ddukbokki and kimbap,” and “she likes Kim Myung-min better than Sung Min-woo, but I want to forgive her anyway.” Also of note: she has become a mother to Ye-eun, “and now is the woman in my heart.”

Under the “future plans” column, he has scheduled marriage in a month, a vacation cruise to celebrate their one-year anniversary, and so forth. Byung-hak’s apology had started to melt her resolve, and now she has to smile a teeny bit at Min-woo’s document.

Jung-ah has been offered a job in Daejeon, which is located in central Korea and about a two-hour drive from Seoul. She asks Shi-joon for his approval, suggesting that they need some space between them. As she leaves, she tells him that she realizes she hasn’t been the best wife to him either (I presume she means before the adultery, since otherwise that statement would be met with a resounding DUH).

But the door isn’t closed on them forever — with Shi-joon now opening up more to Jung-ah and realizing his part in driving his wife away, it looks like they’re leaving room for a reconciliation later, after they’ve both healed. Shi-joon even says he’ll go down to visit her on the weekend.

Min-woo performs another show, after which he checks his phone and tries to contain his disappointment that Kae-hwa hasn’t called. To his (happy) surprise, Kae-hwa finds him sitting in the empty theater, here with a much more conciliatory attitude than the last time they saw each other.

As we know, important conversations must always relocate to prettier environs (can you imagine that car ride over to the waterside? Most awkward silence ever).

Kae-hwa apologizes for her harsh words, telling Min-woo that she didn’t mean it when she pushed him away. She asks for his understanding and also thanks him for thinking of her life and her future (i.e., in his proposal) in such a serious way.

Min-woo has been looking pensive and tense throughout her speech, like he’s bracing himself, sensing that she’s ready to deliver her final decision. So it takes a moment for her next words to really sink in, as she tells him:”So I’m thinking of being courageous now. Thanks to you, I think I can do that now.”

She adds that she’d always thought she would just focus on being a solid support for Min-ji’s benefit, “But if things get hard, it’s okay if lean on someone now.” Min-woo smiles and steps forward to hug her gently, thanking her for her answer. Kae-hwa thanks him back for letting her be courageous again.

Min-woo then thanks her for watching over him and Ye-eun all this while. He promises that from now on, he’ll protect her.

And then they get the swirly-camera kiss — which is a nice way to bookend the drama, considering that this is very similar to how we started. Only, now it actually means something.

The end!


I picked up Oh My Lady because (1) when it started I had the time, as none of the current Wednesday-Thursday shows had premiered yet and I had no other recap commitments, (2) I had just finished its timeslot predecessor Wish Upon a Star, which was a happy surprise, and therefore anticipated a similar tone for this one, and (3) I wanted to keep up the watching and recapping momentum. There’s also (4) the matter of loving Chae Rim (and wanting her to pick a more enjoyable project than her last, Good Job, Good Job) and (5) the fact that I had pegged Choi Siwon as an idol-star-turned-actor to watch out for after Story of Hyang Dan back in ’07. (See? There IS some thought that goes into these decisions, however random the choices may ultimately seem!)

About halfway through the drama, however, I found my interest flagging, but not enough to drop the show. Even the less interesting episodes were easy to watch, and it wasn’t a challenging show in either theme or plot, so keeping up wasn’t too much of a hardship. I did, however, start thinking that if the actual plot development got any SLOWER, I would seriously consider dropping it.

Ultimately I’m glad I stuck with the show, and the last four episodes in particular gave me a sense of satisfaction about the drama as a whole. It turned into a different drama than the one it originally seemed — which pointed at the hijinks of a star falling for his ajumma maid/manager — and focused much more on Min-woo’s development as a father than as a romantic partner. I don’t think the romance came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t a priority, and that was actually refreshing.

I won’t call Choi Siwon a brilliant actor — he’s pretty decent, but he’s still got a long way to go if he’s going to keep pursuing an acting career, and I think he should — so rather than pure acting skills, it’s his personal charm that carries the character. I mean, just look at that smile, right?

It doesn’t hurt that he’s perfectly cast — image isn’t everything, but it’s a pretty significant part of how we approach a character. And when you cast a star to play a star, you’ve always got that benefit of the audience’s meta awareness of the actor’s real-life fame. (Also see: Choi Ji-woo in A Star’s Lover, Rain in Full House, Jang Geun-seok in You’re Beautiful, Kim Ah-joong in Accidental Couple.)

It was a leetle disappointing to have so little screentime for the two girls in the last episode, but we’ve seen enough of the Cute in previous episodes that I was content to let this finale be Min-woo and Kae-hwa’s exclusively. (Well, there were a few Shi-joon and Jung-ah moments, but I choose to skip right over them in my mind. Yawn. I’m satisfied, story-wise, with where they ended, but don’t need to dwell any longer on them.)

And then there’s Chae Rim. To be honest, I don’t think this is the best vehicle for her, even though the drama really benefits from having her in it. Therefore I’m glad for the drama’s sake, but she’s an actress whose talents weren’t fully used here — particularly since her character was less developed than Min-woo’s, and hardly changed at all. She made the most of it, tapping into a vulnerable side of Kae-hwa that gave the character a hint of depth. But I hope to see her tackling something more challenging in the future, and something out of the ajumma mold, as she’s done two in a row.

All in all, Oh My Lady was a sweet, cute series that could be a fun way to spend a breezy weekend with some unchallenging but personable characters, and that will leave you smiling at the end.


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Choi Si Won's acting was really good. After watching life-less acting style of Kim Hyun Jung in Boys Before Folwers, I never thought singers could act as well, but Choi Si Won made me change my mind.


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Hello OMLHood!

Sapphire Pearls translated 3 fan accounts of people who were not Siwon's fans/ELFs who saw him in Japan. Ah, Siwon's handsome face and cute personality will always have people staring ^^

I'm sure you can guess who the very handsome man who speaks fluent English is ;)
@Fafa: There are other singers who act well, such as Lee Seungi, but I have to say that Siwon is definitely my favorite :).

He's talented but also has an adorable personality ^^.


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Hi and welcome, Fafa -

Like Lacus said, Lee Seung Gi is a good example of a good singer turned good actor, but Siwon is my favorite, too. In addition to OML, he did a great job in the MV for the song "Timeless"... very moving, and without dialogue.

@Lacus - Thanks for those accounts. Looks like Siwon's got 3 more inductees to his fan club. He just has that effect on people...


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Hello OML Angels :)

@Kappy: Yes, it does seem so. The people that have seen him up close report that his smile is absolutely heartwarming :) Must be due to his personality.

I don't know if you have heard about it, but Siwon is in the 3rd Wave Music album. He sings "The Sweetest Name". It's a Christian Contemporary album. Almost all the proceeds will go to aid children in Africa.

I don't like AKP because they post some horrid articles about Super Junior, but they did write a pretty nice one about Siwon and the album.

I've already pre-ordered my copy ^^

How can you not love Siwon? He joins UNICEF as a celebrity ambassador, then collaborates on a Christian album to benefit children in Africa.


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Hi all in the OML hood/haven -

It's been quiet here again, so all who are lurking...why don't you come out of lurkdom and give all a "hey" and tell us what's on your mind? Ahhh, I know - we get busy with life. Myself, I have this pile of mending to do that has been gathering dust, and if I wait much longer to tend to them, we'll be buying new clothes. Maybe that's what my family is hoping for. Whatever the case may be, there's not enough time in the day!

@Lacus - I heard about his working on that song, "The Sweetest Name". I would love to hear it. I guess it's not available yet for our ears to hear in sample form, even? Hope soon... And as I mentioned before, it is really easy to be a Siwon fan..

Talk to you soon...


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IT'S OUT! I went to a Korean store here and they had the OML DVD that just arrived today. Hooray! It was as I'd heard before, $89.95, but I haven't checked yesasia.com yet. Of course, I'll have to wait four more weeks if I go that route. Cute packaging. Anyway, just thought you'd want to know.


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@Kappy : is it the one with english subtitles? last time i check in yesasia, they still offers the chinese version


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@wulan - Yes, most definitely has Eng. subtitles. I still don't know where to look in yesasia to find the dvd w/Chinese subs. (I only seem to find the OST), but from the other websites I've done searches on, the picture on the front is different. The cover pic for the cheaper/other versions have been (from left to right) of the chief, Kae Hwa, Min Woo, and Yu Ra, w/KH and MW in the forefront. This one has the pic of KH and MW sitting at a table w/MW looking adoringly at KH leaning against his hand and KH looking at "us".

Just looked at yesasia's latest releases in the Korean video section, and the latest date they have appears this way, "Expected Release Date: 2010-9-20" (for the UK version of "Mother"). So, it looks like there's a bit of a delay there.


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I just read my post, and it looks like I meant KH is leaning MW's hand. She is not. He is - his face, that is. You knew that...


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Hello OMLHood Angels... I miss you all...I still can't get over how that SMTown in L A was soooo great... I want to see it all over again... I know Lacus is busy with all her great Siwon info, I'm just sitting back enjoying all the new things about him and his siblings... Lacus, I still can't get over how great you and hubby's videos are... sooo, it's on my iphone and ipod... I know how to download but not upload so these videos will always be greatly treasured by me and whoever I force to watch, he, he, he... but really, this is beyond addiction, this is worse than the withdrawal from OML's ending....been trying to come out of lurkdom....and of course we're slowly inching to 1000, it's slow but we'll get there, I've got to find some...

Kappy, you're waiting 4 weeks to buy the DVD? Why? If I were there I'd have got it yesterday.... I'm checking out the L A stores if they have the DVD yet... I called the stores, nope.. not yet, maybe October.. Kappy, I guess I'll have to wait like you...

Fafa, welcome....

my best to all Angels in the OMLHood form OML Lurkdom...'til next time...


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@Kappy: It's OUT?!?! Will try to stalk it sometime this week to see where I can get a copy. English subs! \o/

@Mel: Glad you're enjoying the vids! I have pictures of us that I need to send you. It's on my home computer, though and I am in Boston visiting my family. (Reason for my lurker status).


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Lacus, well, you jet setter you!!!! It's going to be hard for me to understand if you don't go to Singapore to watch SS3... Soooo dear girl, I have to finally say, I can't believe what a Siwon fangurl you are... You're a hyperactive me... I'm still in my gloomy mood ('cuz that concert is over, geez it's just as hard to be a noona fan as it is the be a dongsaeng fan....) You are amazing in your "detective ways" in finding anything for, by and of Siwon.... You need a press card so that you can get more details... But it doesn't seem necessary 'cuz you have no problem getting any info on our baby, Siwon.... Even in Boston, I remember the few days and on the day before the SMTown concert how you were busily on the net with so much update on Siwon and still today, while you're there in the East.... Enjoy your visit and I know you'll give us the latest on CSW and the boys...

I'm still waiting for anything new on Chae Rim, ooopsss, oh yeah I forgot that the mainland China version of All About Eve is already out.. I still have a great big bias that that one drama can never be remade...


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I won't be able to make it to SS3 Singapore. My grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal illness 3 weeks ago. That's the reason for the rapid trip to Boston (to visit my grandmother and see my Mom). All our vacation plans for the rest of this year/next year are canceled. Definitely do not want to be out of the country at a time like this. Otherwise, we would definitely have gone to SS3 Singapore.


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@Mel - Earth to cloud, earth to cloud, come in, Mel... :) Thanks for droppin' in and sending us your salutations.

You, too, Lacus. Jet-setter, girl, cross-country traveler. Good to hear from you. Good to hear from wulan, too.

I'm not planning to wait four weeks to get it through yesasia - too long! I just can't get it right now. Yes, I am dying.

I could look into this store here sending it to you gals. I could send it to you, too. Let me know. Some are not comfortable with the B option, which is understandable. Whichever.



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Lacus--I agree with Kappy--you jet setter you, now in Boston?...remember my cousin lost her memory card, well, included in that were our pictures...sigh, can't wait to see what they look like from your awesome camera... Staple Center--SMTown, the whole crew definitely have to come back. Everybody gave all the warmest reception ever to SMTown. I'm glad Zoumi and Henry were with all of the siblings for Super Girl. That place just roared with that first number, but then all the numbers were warmly applauded by everyone. Just like many, I really am glad that people like you and hubby were there to take the videos 'cuz I had the best time just sitting back to enjoy the whole show. My cousin wanted to go to the Conga Room but no, I had several minors with me...

Kappy, yes I'll be one foot in OML lurkdom and one foot here in the OMLHood.... yeah? Will you really do option B.. I'm willing...

Have you all watched the SJ Kry crew just spreading around their talent? Such great voices.... But then all the boys are just all over the place and it's so telling that they are so tired... Hope they get enough rest and those vitamins...

Have a great day all Angels...


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@Kappy : if the store willing to do international shipping, could you please inform me? i find it's still unavailable at yesasia hongkong website.


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@Mel and Wulan (and whoever else is interested) - I'll look into seeing if the store can ship the DVD, national and international and get back to you.

@Mel - Ace has your e-mail addy, right? I'll e-mail her for it, okay? Or you can e-mail her for mine.

Talk to you soon...


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kappy, thanks... here's my email melbaync@yahoo dot com... I'm just reviewing the older SUJU videos looking for when all 13 members were together here's my fave dance number with Henry... enjoy..



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Wow! 700 comments (including the replies) already! Congrats guys! I've missed you all. Been busy doing lots of stuff including watching other dramas. Just finished watching ep 14 of MGIAG and it made me so sad that I had to watch my fave scenes of OML to snap me out of it! Ah, I missed Min-woo and Kae-hwa and Ye-eun..

@kappy - will look into the OML DVD online. Thanks for the update! Still can't find it in yesasia.com so maybe I'll just wait a little more for it to come out (what's another coupleof months, right?) or maybe find a bootlegged copy here or my last option's to buy it when I get to Korea on Nov. I'm sorry I havent' replied yet to your email. It's in my to do list so just wait. ; )

@Mel - so envious of your SMTown experience. There's a rumor of an SM Town in Manila on December but that's not yet confirmed. Would love to see Girls Generation too. Anyway, kappy knows my email addy so you can ask her so you can update me on our plan to watch SS3. I already have my "God Bless Siwon" towel ready and paparazzi camera..

To the new posters - belated welcome! To the old posters - hope you're still there lurking like me!


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Hello Angels in the OMLHood...

Hey Ace, how are you? Long time no see-read!!! You better be at that SMTown if it happens in Manila!!! ....and use that paparazzi camera well... It's so worthwhile!! You probably know I'm still in withdrawal from LA's SMTown! The other SMTown had so many numbers that were not included here in LA. I would have loved to see CSW and his siblings do the sweet ballads...the KRY babies, SJ-T, SJ-H and of course SJ-M!! But then that would be SS3-I hope that show comes to LA. Oh you, that SS3 in Manila... yes, I'm really putting that on the front burner!!! Let's cross our fingers! Hope the GODs give me the fortune to attend that unless SS3 happens here in LA.... I still have to get that God Bless Siwon towel. Yes, I'm a fan of SNSD too, in fact of most SMTown too, I really enjoyed Kangta and Go Ara's 7989--very cute!!! One of the yt videos of that had a guy screaming 'kiss her' at the end. Lee Yeon Hee had a really powerful voice when she sang. Are you having fun with your ipod? Isn't it a blast? OML is on mine with lots of SUJU crazy fun stuff--very clear with the assistance of one of my kimchi sis, I'm working on mine right now... about 40% is SUJU and the rest are kpop or kdrama... a little bit of OPM...

Kappy, let me keep me posted...Aloha..

OML bootleg is here but I'll wait for the real deal, here's the yesasia site with the OML DVD--no Eng sub for people like me...


have a great weekend all Angels in the OMLHood from OML and CSW Lurkdom...


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Hi all -

Here's a couple of photos I'd never seen from OML on a website I occasion for info. Not as up close of Siwon as I like, but cute.


@wulan - Re: the OML DVD, the store said it can send international but it'll be an additional $20 - $30 (if you're in Hong Kong). Let me know if you're interested.


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@kappy - thanks for the info. Yes, i'm interested. If it's not too much trouble, could you email me on the details? My email address : utamiwulan_maulida@yahoo.com
Thanks beforehand :)


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Hello all, Lacus you are such a "Siwonest!!!!". You have to share all your info here!

Kappy, I'm having trouble with the email...


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Is it just me or chae rim's nose is croooked? sorry, this distracted me through out the drama because her nose is completely off. The right side looks like it collapsed; the nostrils are different shapes and the nose looks different from before. just wondering if it'sjust me.

thnx for the recap


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Hey all -

@Mel - Sorry 'bout the e-mail thing. It has a filter on it which I thought would have cleared you, but anyway, it's fine now. I sent you my info. Thanks...


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It's been a while. I just want to let you know that you


it's up to 5 EP. Chae Rim is in first episode, Happy

viewing and Have a Blessed Day everyone.


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Hi Amy, how are you!!! How's the Chinese version? Good? Nice to hear from you....


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Hi there OML angels -

How are you all? I miss the buzz of our conversations, handshake exchanges, Suju and Siwon play-by-plays, and such. Thanks to those who continue to drop a line, or drop a bunch!

@wulan and Mel - I sent you both e-mails re: the OML DVD sets. When you get them, let us know the special features!

@Amy - Aloha to you.. Do you understand Chinese? Wow. I just discovered on viikii the Strong Heart variety show w/Eng. subs whereas I thought it only had dramas. I've enjoyed the one with Siwon (epi 34?) as well as the ones with the cast of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (epi 38?).

@Hehe - I heard Chae Rim had plastic surgery done, though I'm not absolutely sure. If so, it is definitely in the nose area. We haven't really discussed it here yet (right?). Not sure why she would want to have that changed - she was beautiful to me before (and still is). Perhaps there are other reasons? I dunno.


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kappy, i've received your email. thanks :)
will contact the store.


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Kappy, thanks all your hard work....


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You're welcome, wulan and Mel!


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Hello OML Angels!!! I see many of you visiting the latest Siwon Athena update. What a racket the fangirls are making--been there... what a hunk! I wonder if we can start another stampede there when the drama starts. It's fun to read that there are others as crazy over Siwon just like us. They are worse than us!!! He is just so gorgeous, more so now!!! Hope this drama does well!!!

Have a great weekend OML Angels soon to be Siwon's Athena Angels..


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it's a cool song and yay Kim Bum!!!


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Hello OML Angels!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Since it's OML related, I'll post the album here. I uploaded OML gifs to Soompi.

Here's a link to the album:


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Hello OML Angels........ hope you're having a great weekend, it's Halloween season already, hope all is well with all of you.... I'm having a ball with Playful Kiss, cutzie, Kim Hyun Joong is another cutie and his partner Jung Sung Min is adorable. Of course, no one can beat our Choi Si Won....

@Lacus, thanks for all your gifs, love em!!!

@Kappy, got held back, again thanks for all your hard work...

Have fun all Siwon fans...


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Hi all OML angels, hope you have wonderful weekends :)
@Lacus : thanks for the gif, it makes me miss Siwon facial expression.
@Mel : Playful Kiss is just getting better and better, isn't it? Can't wait for BSJ to realise that he's falling for OHN


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Hey there all -

Been wanting to watch Playful Kiss because of the plot (unlikely pairing of demi-god male and less-than-demi-god female...but then again, there are tons of these out there), but just got done with My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (that was good!), have Dalja's Spring to watch and return to the library in a few days (not making much headway on that one, but liking it - late fees!), and another drama a friend lent me (Legend) that I've kept hostage for months. One of these days...

@Lacus - Thanks for your album of goodies! Love him!


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Wulan, PK is soo cute, totally a different story vs our OML. OHN is such great character in her worship of BSJ. I can identify with her in my previous one sided adoration of crushes... but not idiotic just silent and quite--from afar.... Really, this is one drama that is in its own way enchanting.

Hell Angels in the OMLHood... Just passing time 'til Athena gets here... Lacus, as always is lessening the wait time because of her gifs...

kappy, enjoy Dal Ja's Spring. Try not compare, Min Woo with ummm.... just enjoy the show.

Tata all, we're inching slowly to 800 but it doesn't really show because of the replies section.... have a great week.


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Hello OML Angels!

A sample clip of Siwon singing The Sweetest Name in the 3rd Wave Music "I'll Be There" album. Really love this song and can't wait for my copy of the album to arrive ^^

Looks like this is the airing date for Athena:
December 13, 2010 PM 9:55 (every Monday Tuesday) Athena:Goddess of War. START★

More pics of Siwonnie for Athena.

Athena staff's message in support of Jung Woosung's new movie Reign of Assasins.
Siwon's part starts at 0:42

...and for OML love, a beautiful FMV with some of the cutest moments!


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Thanks, Lacus, for those. I enjoyed that song - Siwon sure does have a nice voice. And such a good message.

The jpgs didn't work for me, but I'll search those out.

Nice to see another OML FMV. Mel and wulan - how soon on those DVDs? We shall wait on your "report"...


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Perfect! Thanks...


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OML sisters/classmates/friends, hello to you all...

SS2 DVD will finally be released on Oct 30!

And if you haven't read the new OT yet, somebody posted pics of our dear JB & GF at the NY Comic Con. Yes, people. They're as real as you and me!


JB's cute! But I love GF's style!

BTW, if you notice the name of the person who posted the photos, just ignore it. Trust me. My BP spiked when I saw it so I hope you won't let it get to you! ;)


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This is from me. Forgot to fill in my name & mail info. =)


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Lacus, I saw the pictures and one where CSW and CR seem to be kissing... Awwwww, sooo cute.. I'm so glad they still keep in touch after OML finished. My desk top has finally crashed and died and will be put to rest!!!! So anyways, there's cute video that dejavu made is so cute on CR's Soompi site... Thanks for your gifs.

Ace, just like you, 'got sooo happy about the SS3 DVD release!!! Yey!!

Kappy, expect something in your mailbox soon.... Thanks for the favor!!!

OMLHood Angels have a great week, hope you all had a great weekend...


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Hi all in the OML hood!

It's been a while, it seems. Hope things are hoppin' with you all, in a good way.

@Ace - Thanks for the pics of JB & GF. You're right..it's good to match faces to those spunky, talented writers. I wonder if they realize how much of a service they provide us info-hungry Korean drama/music enthusiasts. Ladies, if you're reading this, YOU DO.

Thanks also, Ace, for the e-mails. I'll be replying soon!

@Lacus - Thanks to you for the pic links. As someone said, it is good to see Siwon and Chae Rim still meet on occasion. Hey, and she's wearing Dalja fingernail polish! (I'm still working on that DVD, BTW. Got interrupted by Brilliant Legacy which also came through the library. Ahh!)

@Mel - Will be looking out for your mail. No problema.

And is it SS2 or SS3 coming out in DVD Oct. 31? Either way, it's reason to celebrate.

Speak to you soon, ladies... Aloha!


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Hey all -

I just came across this YT video of a 3-yr-old boy who I'd seen another video of months ago. He was so adorable - I couldn't stop laughing ("berrer, berrer, AHHHHH!"), and neither could my family. The reason why I'm posting it here is because the show is Star King and Super Junior is amongst the group on stage looking on. Siwon is cute to watch and can't seem to get enough of this young child prodigy.



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Siwon was chosen to endorse SK's W 'Reaction' phone :)

Looks like it is a big endorsement deal.

Links to the 3 albums of pics I uploaded:

credits: As tagged and


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Ooo, sleek design. The phone's pretty nifty, too.


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And the newsclip. Siwon alternates between gorgeous and cute in it ^^


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He's dashing. No, he's cute. He's debonair. No, he's playful...

His arm and hand must have been tired holding that phone in a pose position for all those pictures.

And who is that girl, anyway? I feel for her because he outshines her. Well, maybe not to guys.


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Forgot to comment on all the great features! (Face, hands, abs...)


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Hahaha, love your comments, Kappy!!!

Well, I for one was not looking at the model ;)


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Haha! Thanks, I couldn't resist.

The model? I think it is the Smart Phone. (nah)

I bet the only thing I'd get right on the female model if someone tested me right now would be her hair color.


Hi OML sisters, hope you're all having a blast this weekend like me (I'm currently in Boracay!!!) Found a place near the hotel w/ good wifi so I can show my college pals clips of OML & Siwon...

BTW, I've found a website where you can find Kdrama DVDs with good English subtitles. They accept international orders. I've ordered my OML copy & also bought Wish Upon a Star DVD. They included for free the soundtracks for both shows. The quality of the video, audio, & subtitles are really good. Just go to goksdvd.com. MGIAG is not yet available & I'm also waiting for PK & SKKS to finish so I can order those together.


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Hello OML Hood!

@Ace: Thanks for the information, but I'll wait for the official version ^^. I want to support Siwonnie and Chae Rim.

Here's the CF our boy did for SK W phone in Korea. He did a great job, as expected!


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Hello OMLHood Angels, 'missed you all.... finally had to get a new desktop, sigh... now I can get back to business, I can view on the iphone but big difference fr a pc... As always, Lacus you rock (!!!) with all your pictures and videos... I want that little clip with CR and Siwon... I've seen some of footage/clips of SUJU and Siwon as always stands out. It's hard not to compare the younger and the current body. He is so "primed" now that the older pictures he seemed "chubby" though he wasn't. He's looking mighty fine in the SK W phone CF.... awesomely great as an action star....

Ace you and Lacus have a big chance of getting together since you both jet set around the world so often... Oh yeah, Boracay's got some great places. Our family had a ball there back in 2005... during the non peak season...

Kappy, Aloha!!! ...that phone CF, jawdropping just watching SW move!!! He's a wonder isn't he? That's going on the iphone!!!

Have a good day Angels...


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Hi all in the OML hood/haven!

I miss you guys! (gals) Sorry for the absence. Life has gotten me busy, as I'm sure with you all. I admit that some of that busyness includes(ed) watching MGIAG, Sung. Scandal, and Brilliant Legacy, but I did have a lot of other stuff.

@Ace - Boracay...nice. I admit to not being so up on my geography of vacation spots (other than the one I live in), at least not that one. How fun. Hope you had a great time!
Also, thanks for the tip on the DVD set.

Ooh...I was just about to say that I found it strange that no other version than the Taiwanese OML DVD set was out, but I just visited the yesasia site and they have it! Well, they have another version, anyway, but it has Eng. subs and is for regions 1, 3, 4, and 5. (US is region 1, for those who don't know). I'm a little confused, though, because it says it's the first press release, Korean version and the expected release date was Nov. 3. As I mentioned in an earlier post, a store here is selling what I thought was the "official" DVD set that came out late September. Oh well...

@Mel - I'm sending yours out today. Enjoy!

@Lacus - Re: the DVD, it's good that you want to support Chae Rim and Siwon by getting the official version, but it makes me wonder if there can be more than one official version of it, and if so, can the stars get support from more than one? And (because I was never straight on this), I'm curious just how they get support. Is it like (or is) royalties? I really don't know and would like to, so if anyone can tell me, I'd appreciate it.

One more thing.. Did you see that Athena star who was ill is better now and was sent to Hawaii with Soo Ae for a shoot there? Oh man, please send Siwon, too! I promise I'll keep a low key on the stalking (if there is such a thing as low-key stalking....oxymoron?)

'Til later, bye all!


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Hey Kappy! Missed you! Enjoyed my vacation despite the influx of tourists (Asian, European, & Americans). It's supposedly off-season. Would love to visit Hawaii someday.=)

Anyway, here's a behind-the-scenes video on the Athena location shoot in Japan. Siwon comes up near the end (7:01). Not translated in English.



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Just learned that Siwon is in SNSD's new single "Hoot".


He's also MCing for a music program:

Choi Siwon Is Appointed As MC For MBC Music Program “ICON” ^^
[Asia Today = Reporter Woo Namhee]
- Choi Siwon from group Super Junior has been appointed as the MC for MBC new live music program “Concert for Beautiful People” (as known as ICON)
- At the broadcast of “ICON” on November 11, Choi Siwon will team up with MBC announcer Choi Hyeonjung as MCs.
- The male MC for this program is planned to be changed every season and the role of ‘Winter Icon’ has been given to Choi Siwon. Choi Siwon will only be the MC until the end of December (or the beginning of the year), and start from the early of next year, the ‘Spring Icon’ and ‘Summer Icon’ will be with Choi Hyeonjung
- ‘ICON’ is planned to draw viewers at 12.10 PM (noon) on Saturday, breaking the stereotype that live music program is always aired at late-nite time slot.
- The show aims for an all-live performance with local and foreign artists from rock, hiphop, jazz, ballad, soul, trot and various genre will perform and sing masterpiece (songs) from any genre and generation.
- The first show will be filmed on October 31 at 7PM from MBC Dream Center at Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do. Invitation tickets can be requested through iMBC homepage or MBC ‘ICON’ twitter (mbcicon) from October 27.


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Hi Everyone... :)

Thought this may be of Interest ~ It's says here it's a Limited Edition..

Go get your copies now if you have not purchased :)

YesAsia.com K-Drama OH! MY LADY starring Choi Si Won and Chae Rim coming to DVD with English subtitles ~ How can you resist that smile?

Oh! My Lady (DVD) (6-Disc) (English Subtitled) (First Press Limited Edition) (SBS TV Drama) (Korea Version) DVD Region 1, 3, 4, 5


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Thanks, Belle. Okay folks, that is the one that was selling at the store here and that I just sent to Mel. When I first saw it on yesasia (see my last post), it had a different photo on the front and it said it was expected to be released on Nov. 3. That's changed now, and it seems to be the same.

Mel, sorry you got ill from your trip to viva Las Vegas (my old stomping grounds). Ah, the city that never sleeps. Well, you catch on your sleep. And you should get your package by today, so you can watch while you rest!

Ace, thanks for the info about Siwon MCing that music show. How appropriate that he is Mr. "Winter Icon" for this "Concert for Beautiful People." Not saying that he's like winter, just that he's the first one and he's definitely a beautiful person!


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OMLHOOD ANGELS, big hello... yes that DVD kappy got me is the real thing--SBS DVD--I'm in heaven. Like I said to kappy, it's like having Siwon in my living room--Thanks Kappy..

and now the SS2 DVD--next in line, it's on YT, here it is:
http://www.youtube.com/user/gabbogabbo0.... enjoy...

have a great weekend all.. and enjoy our Siwon with his siblings...


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Thanks Mel! So excited!

SS2 DVD link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z77NPcYq-S4&feature=player_embedded

Here's the basic layout for SS3 Manila seating : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=143418109037235&set=a.143418085703904.27848.107135329332180

VVIP/VIP is by reservation on Nov 13 (1-6pm Manila/HK time) but the hotline # hasn't been posted yet. I'm torn between wanting Standing VIP (to get great pics) or VVIP/VIP for max enjoyment of the performance. No prices have been posted & official release of all tickets (excluding paid VVIP/ VIP) in all Ticketnet Outlets to be announced.

On another note, I'm still confirming room reservations, but otherwise, I'm officially going to SK in 15 days! Can't wait!


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Hi all OML angels, hope you all have great weekends. We're inching slowly to 800 comments.

@Mel - I am still waiting for my OML and SS2 dvd. Have you got yours?

@Ace - so envious that you're going to the SS concert shortly. I am still waiting for Singapore tickets to be sold on 23Nov.

Siwon in Hoot MV, it's like Asian James Bond, rite :)


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Hi Wulan - I think you'll be watching SS3 first in Singapore. That's in Jan 2011, right? SS3 Manila's going to be on Feb 26, '11.

re: Hoot MV - that's like an appetizer to Athena. ;)

@Mel - so are you watching SS3 in Manila or somewhere else?


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Hello OML Angels, Oh Ace--I'm still really thinking about Manila SS3!!! ... and at that, will you be able to arrange great seats if I go there? I'm so thinking about the many alternatives, I've been waiting for one of the agencies here in L A to give a go on an SS3 concert or an SJ Kry concert, both would be great. I've kept that date posted since it was released and not even confirmed--I already had my mind on that! Watching the different fancams of SS2, it looked like SJ freely frolicked with their fans. ... and those crazy Filipino fans throwing many things on the stage including prophylactics (what a riot!!) of course the waterguns, that definitely is a no no here in L A!! Ace, have fun in SK!!! Upload some of your pix and if you decide, how about a diary.. Go to Yesung's parent's restaurant, it's indicated on the Zoumi Korean Expectations show. Enjoy...

Wulan, I've gotten the OML DVD fr Kappy--she's awesome!! The video is genuine SBS, thanks kappy... So let us know when you get yours. I haven't gotten the SS2 DVD but, I had a great time watching the one on YT, it's pretty clear and the SJ bunch continue to be a laugh riot... I still have a great big grin on my face.... from watching them.

Belle, it sounds like the DVD you're thinking about is similar to the one I have... Enjoy that the the SS2 DVD too.... Share your thoughts on that...

We eventually will watch them together, won't we all.. Lacus continues to work hard and is amazing in her fandom, she's a power to behold in her Siwon fandom.

Kappy, it's a treat, thanks so much for your gift!!!

By the way Angels, Siwon, Super Junior fans, I wanted to share the Elf's work in helping SJ win the MAMA, pls check this out, if you want to help them out, SUJU is leading as of now.... yes, I've become an ELF...Please use Internet Explorer.

Click here to sign up/register: http://fid.mnet.com/Registration/MbrJ...

Click here to vote : 2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards http://mama.mnet.com/2010/en/AwardVot...

Check current ranking here : 2010 MAMA Ranking

Source : Mnet.com


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Hello, OML Angels! I can't get actively involved yet; but I've been lurking. Thanks to you, guys, for all the links and updates.

To those who observe All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, I join you in my prayers. God bless!


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@Mel, which seats would you prefer? VVIP/VIP (phone reservation) tickets should be paid (direct deposit) within a week or else they'll make it available at Ticketnet. Ask kappy for my email if you have questions.


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thanks Ace, I'll get back to you... Hello all OML Angels, we'll I'm in on Super Junior as the best group thru Yahoo Korea, here's the web site, click unto the printer icon every 10 secs and play SMENT SUJU videos--3 of them at more than 30 secs each... Hope they win, JYJ is beating them like crazy!!!!


Have a good day Angels... Siwon fighting,


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... Athena is soon coming, our Siwon will be back in drama spotlight, just went over and re-read JB's post on Siwon's filming in Japan and A-fan rekindled my strong love for OML, it's the KH-MW moments, I'm assuming that KH is in the family way, they'll have to postpone the cruise until baby is old enough to travel, or are they carefully planning the family production to make way of MW's rising and cotinued popularity... They're all together in MW's apartment or are did they buy a house where MW is heartily eating KH's over the top smoothies and favorite meals, of course more frequent visits to the gym as he is slowly gaining weight. YE and MJ are busily enjoying themselves as sisters and being doted on by apa MW... of course lots of kissie, kissie moment fr MW and KH!!!... dream on.. Have a nice weekend OML Angels...


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@Ace and Mel - I am thinking of going to SS3 Manila, too. It'll be fun if we all go to same SS3 concert and in the same section :)

Ace, can I ask Kappy for your e-mail as well?


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Sure! Go ahead and ask kappy for it. I'd love more people to go with. The more the merrier. =)


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Super Junior Leeteuk & Siwon, and SS501 Kim Hyun joong Interview on CNN

Super Junior Leeteuk and Choi Si Won, and Kim Hyun Joong was featured in CNN iList Korea.
CNN iList Korea Special (airing on 6th-12th) with anchor Anna Coren has met with the UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon and the leaders of the Hallyu Wave Super Junior and Kim Hyun Joong.
With the upcoming G20 2010 Summit to be held in Seoul on the 11th, Anna Coren had the opportunity to interview UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on the 6th and talked a lot about Korea.
Also as the leaders of Hallyu Wave, idol group Super Junior Leeteuk and Choi Siwon were interviewed on how the 13 members are doing their activities and targeting the foreign market through Facebook and Twitter
The drama “Playful Kiss” has also been gaining popularity across Asia, Latin America and Europe through Youtube as testified by the drama’s main actor Kim Hyun Joong.
In addition, CNN iList Korea also featured Seoul’s food and culture. CNNGo also met up with South Korean architect Cho Min Suk to be broadcasted on the 12th on Talk Asia.


Source: TV Daily


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SuJu celebrated their 5th anniversary last Nov 6. I found their debut performance @ YT for "Twins": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKA5x7UIOg0&feature=player_embedded#!

If you're not familiar with each member, you won't recognize them because they really looked different five years ago.


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BTS for SNSD's "Hoot" MV
Source: allkpop.com

SNSD has locked down a successful start to their promotions for title track ‘Hoot‘, as they’ve already won the ‘K-Chart‘ distinction on ‘Music Bank‘ after only a week since their comeback.

Star News recently interviewed SNSD while on the set for their ‘Hoot’ music video. Super Junior’s Choi Siwon also made a cameo appearance during the interview, so keep an eye out for him below!



Tiffany: To all the viewers, hello we’re SNSD!

Tiffany: Yes, today SNSD is at the music video set for our new song, ‘Hoot’. Welcome!

Hyoyeon: ‘Hoot’ is a light-hearted song that combines a go-go rhythm with a retro guitar. It’s also a catchy song that accentuates the members’ unique voices. The lyrics for the song is really cute as well, since the song is about a girl who’s having a really hard time with her boyfriend, and wants to give him a warning that she will shoot an arrow to his heart.

Sooyoung: The members are sporting hairstyles and outfits as if you’re watching a real ’80’s movie. Also in the song lyrics, we sing about shooting the heart with an arrow, so at the moment we’re shooting the music video on a set that looks similar to a dart board. Don’t we look like girls from the ‘007 movie..?

Siwon: It looks like our SNSD friends will be decorating the last few months of this year beautifully, and I hope many people give their mini-album ‘Hoot’ a lot of love. SNSD friends, Fighting! I think the song sounds really good, their concept as well.

Taeyeon: Us girls have been working hard doing promotions in Japan, and we’ve also just come back to Korea holding a new album. Since we also released a new single ‘Gee’ in Japan as well, we will be showing a hard-working image through that, and we will also do our best for our new song ‘Hoot’ in Korea.

We hope you give us lots of love, right till the end. We’re SNSD!


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