Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Currently weecapping: Now, We Are Breaking Up

Melancholia: This was much more thoughtful and interesting than I expected — and, despite not being A Math Person, the math-y angle of it turned out to be my favorite part. Though our characters only just crossed paths in the first episode, I quite like the infatuation with numbers and the world of mathematics that they both have in common. Particularly, I like Im Soo-jung’s character, her excitement to find a diamond in the rough that truly thinks about numbers in a unique way (instead of the rest of the students, who just want to learn the answers and get the highest exam score). The evil, scheming school leader paradigm is getting a little old for me, but there’s also nothing like the lone teacher fighting for her students (a la Dead Poets Society). So, in sum, I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting to, which I was hoping not to say, since I don’t need another drama to live watch. Sigh.



Currently recapping: Happiness

Jirisan: I didn’t do much digging before watching, so I was taken off guard by the supernatural element. Not that I dislike it – I was just surprised. But why does it seem like every other drama these days has a serial killer? I’d imagine there’s enough danger in the mountains to keep the rangers busy without someone purposefully offing people.

Dal-li and Gamjatang: This was a cute, if not particularly memorable, drama. Its strength was most definitely Dal-li and Moo-hak as characters. Dal-li was one of the most refreshing leads I’ve seen in a while, and she alone made it a worthwhile watch for me. I was never all that into the conspiracy aspect of the plot. I remain baffled as to why so many modern rom-coms feature murder mysteries and find myself nostalgic for the days when a rom-com didn’t involve so much death.

Melancholia: I didn’t know what to expect going in, but I really liked the first two episodes. Although the themes may be familiar, the math focus is different for a drama. And I already feel for Seung-yoo and just wish everyone would let the poor, traumatized boy live. His joy from math is so pure, and I hate seeing everyone try to use him for their own ends. I like Yoon-soo as a character too, but it was obvious from the start she’s in over her head at this cutthroat school.



Currently recapping: Inspector Koo

The King’s Affection: The upside: I’m (finally) all caught up. The downside: I have to wait for new episodes… This show has me by the heart, and I find Dam-yi’s position particularly devastating because she had no choice in it. First, she was trapped in the palace by the prince’s reckless actions. Then she was kept there by both love (for and from her mother) and force, and raised to emotionally isolate herself. And now she’s had to give Ji-woon up a second time, for both their sakes. I’m in love with Ji-woon’s quick and wholehearted acceptance of his feelings, I’m intrigued by Ga-on, and I’m really curious to see how Dam-yi and So-yeon interact — especially since the masquerade can only go on so long with a prospective wife in the mix. I almost want Dam-yi to confide in her first before anyone else, and for the two of them to become friends and allies working together to either get Dam-yi out of the palace or find some other solution.



Currently recapping: Inspector Koo

The King’s Affection: After the excitement of last week’s episodes, I think I was expecting episodes 9 and 10 to be equally fast paced. Slowness aside, I really did enjoy the refreshing approach this drama took as Ji-woon came to terms with his love for our Lady Prince. Usually when we see this trope, the man freaks out in disgust and goes to great comedic lengths to prove his heterosexuality by ogling the nearest set of boobies, so it was nice to see a character who was more chill and accepting. Love is love, you know? His confession was downright sweet, but — damn — that pity goodbye date Dam-yi took him on. Ouch!

Dal-li and Gamjatang: Now that this series is over, I’m left feeling…meh. I liked this drama, but I wanted to like it more. It had so much potential as a straight rom-com, but they had to muck it up by trying to make it a thriller/mystery, too. I wish the sole source of conflict had been Dal-li butting heads with Moo-hak, her quirky creditor, as he sweeps in and uses unorthodox methods (think Hot Stove League-like conflict) to help increase the struggling museum’s profits.

Find Me If You Can: I usually prefer to binge an entire web drama in one sitting since they’re so short, but I had fifteen minutes to kill and decided to check out the first episode of this new series. Premise is simple: Woman has three annoying guys confess their love for her, and one of them may be a psycho stalker leaving knives in her coffee box. I’m calling it now: None of them are the stalker, and the baddie is the other random coworker who showed up when she cut her finger on the knife. Can’t fool me, drama writers!

Mr. Sunshine: Welp, shit got real. I’m now at the point where I abandoned this drama my first time watching it, and I’m definitely fighting the urge to bail on the last four episodes again. When this drama repeatedly foreshadowed that there would be a “sad ending,” what they really meant was a bawl-your-eyes-out-for-six-episodes-straight-until-you-feel-dead-inside ending. At least one of the bad guys is finally dead, but I’m eagerly awaiting the demise of the Japanese colonel. I know the fact that I hate him so, so much is a testament to the man’s acting, but I’ve never wanted a white-truck-of-doom (or whatever the equivalent was back then) to run over a character so badly.


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So many dramas this week! Can't remember the last time I started 4 shows in one week and I haven't even gotten around to Dr. Brain and Happiness yet.

Dali and Gamjatang - Probably one of the sweetest couples of the year but the rest of the show was awful. Hated what they did with Taejin's character. Hated even more the last episode redemption of people who have been uniformly awful for the other 15 episodes. I need someone to make an edited version of this show which only has the OTP and Won-tak's scenes.

Jirisan - With all the drama in the snow I was wondering if I'd gotten the timing of the accident wrong and it was actually 2018 when it happened. But no it was a fakeout. Anyway always like me some Son Seok-koo. And aww she came for the movie! Having seen Ep. 7 too, man I hate that stupid snake catcher lady.

Inspector Koo - Love the direction for this. Even though you can see some of the twists coming, the pacy editing and the switch between perspectives keeps you on your toes. This is the show I don't FF at all and that's saying something. Santa is still the best!

Chimera - I just can't shake the feeling of "seen it before" with this show. At this point only the ways in which the murders are carried out are interesting.

The King's Affection - Finally began to really feel the romance this week. I liked Ji-woon's eventual calm acceptance and confession as well as the way Dam-yi dealt with it. And thank god there is more depth to the king - Lee Pil-mo does complex vey well and things are about to really get complicated next week going by the preview.

Secret Royal Inspector & Joy - I like what they are going for comically but it isn't actually funny yet. Plus having seen the other Royal Inspector sageuk this year, this is treading on a lot of the same beats right down to the servant impersonation (Lee Yi Kyung did it better!) and the illegal mine.

Melancholia - Good Will Hunting meets Korea's class politics. Really liked the way the maths parts were incorporated. But shows like this one make me so mad with the unfairness of it all that I can't bear to watch. Let's see how long I last.

The Red Sleeve Cuff - Why did it have to start with ghosts. Freaked me out 😖 This feels like an old school sageuk but with the right dose of humour. Lee Deok-hwa was so good.

Now We Are Breaking Up - It's mediocre with a very typical view of how the fashion world works but it is just the right amount of mindless to deliver me from the seriousness of all the other shows. Also some surprising chemistry there 👀.

No time…


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Dali & Gamjatang - delightful romcom that stayed delightful till the end. Does it aspire to be more? No it does not, so why are people expecting this to be My Mister and grouching when it’s clearly the wrong expectation?

Kim Min Jae is the star, the heart, the reason why it works. With Park Gyu Young, they form an adorable couple you can root for. Is it Baeksang best drama pedigree? (and btw, I’ve watched all Baeksang best drama winners from 2010-2021) Not at all, but I’ll gladly award it Best OTP for 2021. Or Best Drama Boyfriend.

The King’s Affection - I get whiplash when I watch this. On one hand, there’s high stakes drama involved in the court’s politics and crown prince deception. On the other hand, there’s the lightweight mooning of affection with an actor not renowned for acting. The serious and the romantic-comic are not jelling well. I don’t know if to blame the webtoon script or Rowoon’s casting, who first bored me in Extraordinary You. Here, he’s not boring exactly but too earnest? Anyway, it’s not working. Park Eun Bin is lovely as always but she cannot single-handedly carry a drama.

Happiness - I still look forward to it but isn’t Han Hyo Joo too reckless (ep3)? I find her actions perplexing. Then again, her character has always been reckless since high school. Park Hyung Sik is one of the idol cross-overs who can actually act. BTW, how cool is that ending soundtrack?

Now We are breaking up - too much talking. Reminds me of Record of Youth, and this is not good. I did perk up when Jang Ki Yong switched to pro photographer mode.

Red Sleeves - finally! Can this be the serious sageuk I crave for? 2021 has been the come-back year of sageuk but it has been disappointing for true historical lovers. Mr Queen’s entire premise is Choi Jin Hyuk pretending to be queen; Lovers of the Red Sky is better titled Paint-and-Seal the Mawang (Rinse Repeat); The King’s Affection started so good but now stalling. So how about Red Sleeves? Let’s wait and see. (In the meantime, I’m rewatching Six Flying Dragons for the 4th time).

Jirisan - dropped for now. iQIYI made the decision easy for me in restricting new eps to VIP.


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I would so love a good sageuk as well - I'm glad they're making them again, but yeah, I also miss the Six Flying Dragons days.


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i'm rewatching it. why do i not remember that it was FIFTY EPISODES??? really? i don't recall that at all!!! but i loved it, i watched all of it, and i don't remember being irritated that there were so many eps!!!


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I watched it for the first time this year (well, I started in December 2020). What an amazing drama. I had never watched a 50 episodes before, and it was a sageuk. Loved it (and YAI).


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and Byun Yo Han with his mane/mustache/beard of glory??
; )


Han Ye-Ri tho. so killbillish


Han Ye Ri was sooo badass!!!!!!


Nice ! Fellow Six Flying Dragons fans :-)

Happiness ep4 - continues to be engaging. No artifice and limited tropes. What a relief. Likable leads.

Red Sleeve ep2 - the FL Lee Se Young is over-acting. Thankfully Junho is good and does a fine counter balance


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Such an accurate description for Red Sky.


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the ending track's Realize by Joe Layne in case anyone was looking for it


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Happiness: thats the logic for once a kdrama has character consistency from adolescent to adult. they are still very much the same as on the rooftop.


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The King’s Affection: This drama looks like it is going to have a rather depressing ending. We are now half way through and I have no idea where they are going to go with this. I wonder if there will be a time jump. Hmmmm. The wedding should be interesting, I do actually think they will go through with it. However, based on the preview some things seem about to happen.

Secret Royal Inspector: This show is so cute, lol. I was stress right alongside Joy. I needed her to get this divorce. So I was very happy when it happened. Taecyon is in his wheelhouse so this drama looks to be a dun ride.

Dali and the Cocky Prince: What a fabulous ending. The time-jump. The fake me out. It was all so cute. In the end I did like this drama, the middle part was silly, but the beginning and end made the drama for me. I think it would have been more interesting if they had properly made it new money v. old money, but in the end it was fine. I loved that they weren’t first loves and the separation was more her needing slight personal space than actually breaking up. I didn’t appreciate that she kept devaluing herself when people said she was better than him. She should have said we are equal. I also didn’t appreciate the scene of Woo Tak and Moo Hak eating her nasty pancakes, I found it really infantilizing. She is a grown woman, tell she can’t cook and then show her how. It makes sense that someone who often forgets to eat can’t cook.

Reflection of You: This drama is exhausting. Everyone is pretty terrible. However, I draw the line at kidnapping. I think kidnapping is one of the worse crimes on earth. Your family doesn’t know what happened to you, whether you are dead or alive. It is awful. Hae Won lost me in this part, it is just evil. Nothing Hui Ju did is as bad as that. That being said Go Hyung Jung is a really fantastic actress, she does fragile and brittle really well.

The Red Sleeve Cuff: When I say I haven’t enjoyed a first episode like this in a good long while. It was utterly delightful. The child actors were not only adorable but truly excellent actors. Also Deok Im is a delightful character. How awesome is she. She had those cute big ears and such a cute little liar. I just really appreciated her. Grown up Deok Im looks to be awesome too. I can’t wait to see them all grown up. As for little Y-San, baby boy can emote. Well cast and well done.

Now we are Breaking Up: I actually really liked this too. I appreciate that she doesn’t get flustered around him. She isn’t some shy young thing. This is a mature woman in her prime who knows what she wants and isn’t with the s*&ts. It was nice to see. We shall see how long it lasts, but I love that she is in no way intimidated by him. JKY is playing a similar character to what he usually plays, but it works here. I like him as a cocky photographer. This could be fun.

Inspector Koo: I hope there are no fatalities, I like our insurance crew. I hope they don’t kill off GW’s boyfriend, he doesn’t...


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The divorce was indeed pretty stressful! I knew the proceedings would get interrupted before the magistrate stamped the papers...so was stressed there. And then the evil MIL ripped the document, which made me go "omg, are we all going to go through this again?! Aren't we close to the end of the episode??"...luckily our Inspector made the divorce official before the end of the episode.


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Reflection of You is a frustrating watch because there is no single redeemable character but the acting makes me keep coming back for more. The teenager playing An Lisa emoted her disbelief, crushing sadness, pain on discovering her mom cheat again and her dad being clueless, very well.

Hui Ji's physiotherapist brother is stupid for crushing on Hae Won, knowing she hurt her niece. Terrible people all around


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I can't agree more with you two about how exhausting the drama is and how dislikable every character is. There was a moment when I was about to feel really sorry about HaeWon and take her side (in the funeral, with HJ apologising with that super fake smile) but then the rest of episode 10 happened and I it was all gone.
And regarding the (supposed) kidnapping. Can we take a minute to talk about that teacher that lets a 7 year old boy go away with one masked man without checking his identity?


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Yes, that teacher was so useless and should be fired. She didn't even ask to see his face. Baffling.


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Secret Royal Inspector and Joy. I had so much fun watching. The drama is taking itself for what it is, and that’s the best way to be great. Not asking more of it than to laugh and have fun. Besides, you all know this but I have to say it: I love Taec!!!!!!!!

Reflection of you. The more I watch the less I like any character. Still on episode 9 of this very much exhausting drama. But giving credit where is due, I really like the writing and directing even. I only wish I could understand what the hell is happening.

Would you want a cup of coffee?. What can I say? Episode 3 had a Lee Kuy Hyung cameo. I’m in love.

Red Sleeve. Watched episode 1 and liked it a lot. I learned from a friend that the childhood connection doesn’t appear in the book, although Deokim does meet the King and is sent the book. Can’t wait to watch episode 2 and see Seyoung and Junho together. I love them both so much!

Jirisan. If someone can explain me why episode 6 happened I will be grateful. I suppose they had to fill in a number of episodes and that’s why we had it. Directing continues to be horrible. Even Son Seok Koa was totally lost on it. How can any PD can make this man look like he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Well, there is one.

On the verge of insanity. On episode 6 of this amazing drama. How come I heard so little about it. Absolutely in love.

Mad Dog (2017). Fun, fun, fun.

Planning to catch up with Doctor Brain and give a try to Melancholia (although I will drop the minute there’s a hint of a love story between a teacher and the student) and Now we are breaking up.


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Re COFFEE. @eazal wait until episode 5. Just lovely. We get outside the shop and get to meet some locals. Great written episode.


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Yes, episode five was simply special.


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What a delightful episode!
I'm loving this drama more and more on each episode.


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One More Insanity Fan - OTVOI for the win !!!!! Best kdrama of the year I say!


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@eazal—Yay! As a fan of On the Verge of Insanity, I spent the whole series in a constant state of joy. There was definitely Beanie love for the series but it was also airing at the same time as Hospital Playlist 2, My Roommate is a Guhimo, etc.


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There was a small but dedicated group of us On the Verge of Insanity lovers on here when it was airing. Sadly, it got very little attention elsewhere, which is a shame because it was a truly excellent drama from beginning to end.


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Yes, yes! There was definitely a supporters' group of Verge when it aired! ♥️


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OTVOI would be my Best Drama of the Year too. It tackles a common subject that’s rarely touched upon in kdramaland - and got it right with optimism. Solidly well done from beginning till the end without midway faltering like so many other dramas do.

Then the cast is simply superb from main to side characters!

You never expect a workplace drama on electronics products can be this engaging and also entertaining, right? I never care about washing machines as much as I do with this one.


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So many new shows this week and I didn't have time to check any 😭 (except the first 10min of Taec - I liked the comedy, but found the divorce plight boring).

What I mainly watched was the Taiwanese drama Rainless Love (thanks to recommendations of @tsutsuloo and @wapzy). It tonally feels like a mixture of Doom at Your Service and Mystic Pop-up Bar, but it's completely unique, and with Taiwanese mythology behind. And so far I love it. It can be funny and poignant... and the Rain God is dangerously smexy ☺

Dali - I guess I expected more from the finale. I would prefer more focus on Dali and Muhak living together and getting the gallery thrive (where is Muhak's takeover of the cafeteria??!!) than on a cliché stab and a stretched fake separation. (Also that suggestion that Taejin was genuine with his love for Dali and at the same time was behind the gallery fall and basically killed her father... that didn't feel plausible at all). At least there was a copy of an important file 😁 ...and I also liked that Wontak stayed true oppa till the end (no love triangle!). Despite my current temporary disappointment (and waste of Kwon Yul as a cliché villain), this was a show I looked forward every week. It made me laugh and giddy (even with its sometimes over the top humour) and Park Gyu Yeong was a revelation as Dali ♥️


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I really want to start Rainless Love, but I'm terrified I'll start it and then iQiyi will lock most of the episodes behind a paywall.


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Today iQIYI is running one of its sales- half off an annual subscription. I caught one last spring.


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Orad is quite All Right, eh :D (he has his own personal fanclub coming up among beanies I think!)
RLGL is turning out to be a well made show! and that OST is just awesome.


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Other than Rainless Love in a Godless Land, nothing's recently captured my heart. After taking a break from kdramas, Beanie comments make me want to dive back in with Inspector Koo and The King's Affection.

Being in the mood for a modern rom-com—and clearly avoiding a current work assignment—I recently ploughed through a couple middling, bloated Chinese workplace rom-coms. This means watching 30% of the show at normal speed while skipping the rest. What can I say, the ML in My Bargain Queen was very fit and I was intrigued FL's endless array of teeny, tiny office hotpants. Live Your Life was especially amusing for its machine-translated captions. Every single pronoun was wrong. But you gotta laugh at women's names being literally translated as Land Tendrils, Old Money, and Shrimp Paste.


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I have started the new Fall In Love cdrama, for Evan Lin. I have seen only 1 episode, thus no opinion yet, except that it's pretty 😁


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Inspector Koo: I absolutely love it. It’s smart and fun and weird in the best way. I love Kyung’s love for theatre and the shots that are set up to look like scenes from a play, like Kyung-soo’s imagination scenes. The OST is great. Protect Santa.

Happiness: Surprisingly, out of all the recent premieres, this is the drama I enjoyed the most. The leads are so likeable. While it may not offer anything new to the zombie genre, I think it did a good job setting up the world. I like that the apartment storyline addresses classism. The one issue I had is that the pills that cause people to turn were developed due to COVID. Did you really have to go there, show?

Now, We are Breaking Up: The first episode was trying way too hard. Lots of cringey dialogue. Not feeling the chemistry between SHK and JYK: Wooden meets wooden. Jang Ki-yong’s hair was weird. All of the crowd scenes had me thinking about COVID and took me out of the storyline.

The King’s Affection: I like the longing much more than the cutesy stuff. The Prince pushing for a royal marriage kind of ruined this week for me though. She’s choosing to risk an innocent person’s life because of her feelings for Ji-woon. She should spend her time trying to figure out how to fake her death.

Secret Royal Inspector and Joy: Something about how this is directed makes it feel old and kind of low budget. The acting is not that great. Taecyeon’s ears look even bigger under the gat. I was ready to drop it after about 10 minutes but somehow I watched two full episodes.

Reflection of You: I started this for Go Hyun-jung, but it’s Shin Hyun-bin who is commanding my attention. I don’t like or root for Hae-won, but I find her compelling. It’s a shame someone with such promise chose such a destructive path. I wish she could snap out of it and find happiness, but they’ve dropped too many anvils about her dying.

Dr. Brain: He synced his brain to a dead cat. This show is bonkers.

Also planning on trying The Red Sleeve Cuff and Melancholia when I get the time. Why do dramas have to start all at once?


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Doctor - The one of the few korean actors(he deserved to be called actor) i like. Apple's selection of webtoon to drama is very much keeping in mind who their customer aka audience is. smart move. I even thought so called actress playing mother is the one playing wife too.( way to sweet home Alabama meme).
That Cat act is funny now - Story could have done better. Korean writers need to move ahead of casual violence stereotypes and do something boring.
entertaining - yes.
lacks lot of logic - yes.


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Taecyeon’s ears look even bigger under the gat

Ha! For this alone, I want to catch a couple episodes!


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This is the whole point of the drama.

Cutest ears in Joseon!!!


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Shin Hyun Been just catches my attention in ROY, she is able to add nuanced to Haewon. In a different drama, I'd have hope for her to wake up and let go. But at the same time, I can somehow understand taking into account stages of "grief" and timeline - she only found out the whole story of their disappearance recently, it makes sense that she is lushing out of anger. But yeah, no good ending for her. Also, with the she lost something precious and saying sorry to her Mom about outliving and having a kid, and then the kidnapping of Hosu....maybe her definition of eye for eye will be kids.


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Her grief is understandable but she seems to be pinning everything on Hui Ji when Woo Jae is equally at fault. I get that she wants him to recover his memories, so that they can all crash and burn but she is only harming herself more.


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Her revenge seems to eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. I thought her way of revenge on WJ is that she is pinning him down with her, and that leaves him pining for HJ and more so that HJ will leave her status for now also a married man. It doesn't seem like she has any love left for WJ, as on the convo with HJ when she said if they were only truthful she would have let WJ go to be with her and also that convo with WJ. For HJ, seems Hosu, maybe coz she lost hers (assumption). Its twisted and it seems she has already given up on her self, hence she has nothing to lose. Sad but that seems to be it.....


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I agree that the drama seems to be going that way. Hae Won might have lost her unborn child so she is willing to take out a living kid. That makes Hae won's revege even more pitiful.


CRICKET - T20 World cup - yes we have one in 2022 too and then we have 2023 world cup too and then we have one in 2025 too . money

KIWIs - oh yeah yeah yeah. Everyone was like naah England will go through. I was calm like neesham and said this will go till last over and New Zealand won it even before that.

England - its Ashes - and that's all matters - exept the racism issues of the club.

Australia - 1st time ever in a in finals of a t20 world cup. Little bit of heart is also with them. I was calm and said wade can hit big sixes and then as usual of the whole tournament in the 18th and 19th over all games have been won by making big sixes. Warner is carrying the attack now.

2015 - New Zealand Vs. Australia - ODI world cup - and australia won.

This time New Zealand has the chance to give Australia the same taste.

New Zealand - 2019 ODI world cup final -

World Test championship - 2021
and now world t20 world cup final - wow

Kiwis just want to win all ICC trophies. ALL world tournaments.

I'm with Kiwis for 2023 - ODI world cup


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Super Rich - 7/10 - The only drama that demands attention. Heroine is to watch. everything else is is just nonsense.

Except that we have - affairs and one night stands housewives dramas. Netflix Japan has announced lot of new stuff.

Netflix japan vs. netflix korea it is. vs. Chinese stream media.
I don't think korea can even compete without netlfix sphere of influence. Japan was always inward and their shows budgets aren't into millions so they played as per their own nature.
I think netlix main aim was japan and took Korea because its a fad among casuals.


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SUPER RICH is very good.


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I have said it numerous times - If you want competent and credible female character then go for a Japanese drama.
And i really like to see good female characters.


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The female lead absolutely dominates SUPER RICH. She is the very epitome of a strong woman.


@catocat @oldawyer
Eguchi Noriko's work has been knocking it out of the park for the last couple of years.


In relation to ..."competent and credible female characters".

Even though it flies under most people's radar, Nana Eikura in "Bokura wa Kiseki de Dekite Iru" always strikes me as a rare example. A professional woman whose world actually appears to revolve around the challenges of being in such work - rather than her profession just being a bit of dress up.


KOREA - Watched all new shows. Only 1 with teacher could have become interesting but it is following the same tropes of other dramas and then we get to see forced romance.

Happy - 6.5/10 - This drama could have worked pretty well as slice of life drama. 3rd episode Heroine hugging the hero was the scene which i said was the moment i acknowledged as something genuine in a kdrama and that after a while. Main theme playing and that hug - even surprised me that i considered it good moment. Well, all 3 main characters are good to watch and especially our spectacle guy. He's very straight. 12 episodes is another boost. Only if they reduce drama time to 45 min then i will give -point more.

pseudo maniac - 6/10 - hero - muh family and childhood problems. Heroine - the typical one. side characters straight from soap operas. meh stuff which could have been atleast average if tried. Why these writers get paid? why these writer even get approval? I won't even allow them to roam around my company. Next episodes have to suffer with forced romance too.

divorcee's fling - 3/10 - ex-husband was smart enough to buy a writer and do good PR to change his image. look how that fanboy writer wrote garbage stuff and still divorcee guy got the boost and here r u lady doing what? Every single thing gets on your nerve and such stereotypes being played. pukeworthy 1st episode. at least learn something from your divorcee ex.

Unhinged drunkards - 3/10 - These females whose livers are in bad shape solved the problem by becoming drunkards one more time. This show is dangerous to public health. not even funny. Good is guy with hairy face.

Mountain Run - 7th episode is filler - The show is atleast average but director is having all the fun with drones.


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which drama is pseudo maniac?


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I was thinking about parents and then saw the main lady and young sisters playing rough and then we have hero with all that stuff. That's why i though so many tropes and even there writer has gone above and that's why this drama not even deserve categosization.

Student-teacher romance.


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Fall in Love - 4/10 - cringeworthy. Heroine is too much of a snowflake and then shows she does use her brain cells. Heros are typical ones. All eyes on heroine as she's very inconsistent where she stands compared to other Chinese heroines.

Now way too many Chinese action dramas are popping up - as expected but i'm not into any of them.
I prefer slice of life with family dramas more than these casual flattery and fluff.


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Dali & Gamjatang: My favorite rom/com in a long time and a lovely couple. Didn't fall into a lot of the trope traps and had a comedic element all the way through. Also, some of the best uses of flash backs I've seen in a k-drama. I could nitpick, but I'm gonna take the win.

The King's Affection: I am stalling at episode 10. Will wait and see if I jump back in. Pacing is a bit off and the thought of 20 episodes....yeah, I don't know.

The Red Sleeve: One episode in and the characters are set so here we go...

The Secret Inspector: So far it's fun and hope it keeps the comedic aspect front and center.

Now, We are Broken Up: Did a good job setting up the story so, you know, only so much you can get from one episode.

Kindness: Liked the first episode and was bored in the second. Don't know if I'm in the mood. Will be watching for other insights as the drama airs but I'm putting it on hold.

I'm watching more historicals but haven't had much luck making it through one with Lovers being a drop for me recently and The King's Affection maybe falling off my list. I like the genre so hope to see some of these through.


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An unexpected cyclone gave me one week leave from work and I finally got to live watch all the dramas I wanted after so long.


Happiness (2): Lee kyung hyung is doing too many cameos. I knew he was going to turn into one when that wound started changing its colour. This genre is not exactly my fav and I was planning to watch it only for PHS but I did surprisingly enjoyed the first 2 episodes. The pace is good and flashbacks are well added so far. Wondering how our FL is immune to infection.

Jirisan (4-5): The show could have been so much better with such a talented bunch of artists. What a wasted opportunity. Every week I expect something that might make go "wow" only to get disappointed. And that snake poacher's wife is so annoying. Since viki released the episodes one week behind the original broadcast, I am a week behind and waiting for ep 6 to get subbed completely.

Chimera (2-4): Its getting interesting. I dont think the docotr is the actual culprit. Just like in the previews I guess he also wants to find the culprit. May be he is related to someone from the incident 35 years back. Both the docotr and eugene seems to have so many mysteries in their sleeve.

Inspector Koo (3-4): Four episodes in and two of the main characters are already drowning !!! In a way mostly K and Koo share lot of similarities. And I side with Je Hui when she said that Koo doesn't care much ( at least not initially) about anything other than solving puzzles. I am trying to remember where I have seen K's security partner before. He was the evil ghost in Uncanny Counter !!!! He definitely have chemistry with psycho girls 😂
Santa seems simple at a glance but I get the feeling that there is more about him than what have been shown so far. Cant wait to learn more about him. I like how the side characters are more mysterious than the leads. Like Santa, Je Hui, and even the security guy seems to have more backstory than they are showing us now. This is what I like most about the show. It shows and holds things and let the viewers know that , it is holding up the secrets. I am conflicted on which side I am. I always wanted serial killers to get caught but here no matter how annoying she is, K only killed people who deserve it ( atleast till now).

Let me be your knight (1): I wonder if LJY is getting typecasted with role of idol singer. I enjoyed his previous dramas " Imitation " and "Please don't date him". This is kind of similar to imitation with one episode per week and only 12 episodes. With all the crime themed and heavy themed dramas, I really need a drama with uncomplicated plot. I liked the first episode and will most probably stick on to it.

Melancholia (1-2): Yet another dig at how broken the education system is. LDH acting is so on point. There is a scene where the teacher says to seung yoo that she wants him to be free followed by a contrasting scene of his father asking him to fill the house's cabinets...


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cabinets with awards again. 2 episodes in I don't see any signs of romance between the leads. They just got connected because of the similar interest in a subject as advanced as pure mathematics. FL seems to have fascinated towards Seun yoo's mind and that was visible in the sequence where they have been solving the mathematical problem together. The little moments of inspiration was uplifting even for a maths phobic person like me. Somewhere the show also stresses the need to release oneself from the expectations of others and the directions they set for you thereby getting freedom. And that's where both Seund yoo and Ye rin differ. Seung yoo rebels against it while Ye rin falls deeper into it. I understand her pressure but the character is already too annoying to watch. The opening scene implies at FL being framed for having a relationship with the minor and the ML is either trying to prove her innocence or solve a mathematical problem which they might have been discussing. Overall I had fun watching the first 2 episodes and will definitely watch the future episodes to see the development of story and the relation between the leads.

Secret royal inspector & Joyi (1-2): I loved it. Loved the satirical vibe of the show. A perfect watch after a tiring day. I loved the leads esp. Jo yi. Filing for divorce and threatening to sue for emotional abuse in that era, how smart of a woman she is. And the way she smacked their heads !!! So spunky !!! There are very less saeguks where the FL is actually a peasant and are not long lost or kidnapped princesses or noble woman. I just hope they keep her as a woman born at wrong time. The divorce sequence dragged for long but I think it portrays how earnest and determined Jo yi is to get her divorce and independence. Our ML is also good. The only letdown was the slow subs in viki.

Idol: the coup (1-2): I am in for it. It's more realistic than the other idol dramas I have watched and is watching. The lead actresses especially Hani, Exy and Solbin are doing a wonderful job in acting. Hani's character (Jenna) really makes me want to root for her. I felt bad when her team mates ditched Jenna and was hell annoyed with them in the first episode. But I understood them a little more especially Solbin's character (Hyun ji). The breakdown was well acted. Stella seems to be carrying a sad backstory and so far nothing has been explored about Chae ah. I am not sure how much importance Min hyu's character (Ji han) has and he clearly is not a good actor. He seems less appreciative about his position and place. I wonder if there will be a romance angle between he and Jenna ( I mean there already has been enough possibilities with all their encounters and not to mention his likeness towards her song). If so I wish the drama to portray it realistically like what happens when two idols start dating and apart from the fan hate how much it affects the idols. I have no idea what to infer about KSY's CEO character...


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character. I cant say if he is gonna be a villain or savior.

Red Sleeve Cuff (1): Great execution of the story. Of course the childhood cliche is the most used trope in saeguks but it really provided a nice foundation for the future story. The background and the vibes were too beautiful. The child actors were so impressive esp Lee Joo won. He just nailed it totally.

King's Affection (9-10): This week's episodes really pulled my heartstrings. I loved how he confessed despite thinking Hwi as a man. Apart from the initial shock he didnot make much of a deal about it and owned up his feeling. I really loved that. Ep 10 was emotional but peaceful until they dropped that bomb in preview. I think the king knows the crown prince is a girl and may be he is protecting her in his own way. I dont exactly ship Hyun with LeeDwi but I missed his dimples this week and his sad puppy eyes kind of broke my heart. The scene where he was watching Hwi ralking aboutbher love and again while watching JW and Hwi from far while putting 2 and 2 together, I felt bad for him. Also curious about So eun and her character development. She threw tantrums in the earlier episodes but suddenly she stands for treating people wrong. I wonder if she will be an ally or a rival? Also glad that Ga on got to speak more than three words finally !!!!

PS : The preview is just killing me. Never wished for Monday to come soon !!!!

Reflection of you (9-10): What a mess !!!! Everyone is so unlikable except for HJ's brother so far.I know HW want to make HJ miserable and I actually liked seeing HJ crazy during the phone call but HW, can't we just spare the kids? It might be early to judge though? What we saw actually is HS going with a masked person and what if that is someone else ?? And it's clearly and irony that HJ asks HW to leave the kids out of this mess but took Lisa with her in the past while she was having an affair with WJ. 🤷🏽‍♀️The plot is dragging and the story still stays where it was and the characters still annoying. HW is obsessive, WJ is clueless and HJ is fake as ever. I wonder about WJ's reaction when he actually piece everything together. Like the lady he is fascinated to, have left him taking their kid with her after feeding him sleeping pill. I dont think HW is love obsessive towards WJ. After watching ep 10, I felt like she wants to suffocate him through their marriage. Since it was public this time, she can expose HJ and WJ if they go back to their old ways. I hope Li-sa blows up on her mom's face when they have their long due confrontation.

PS: My heart broke for the ramen that went down the sink 💔💔

Coffee (4-6): I feel bored. Since it's only 30 min and 12 episodes and for the sake of bean I am staying.

Ashes of love (16-23): Finally the story moved to the next section The mortal realm. Its definitely better and I find JM little tolerable here. But I feel that the side characters have more interesting story than the leads...


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PS: My heart broke for the ramen that went down the sink 💔💔

Although I'm not watching Reflection of You, I can relate to this moment. Somewhere out there, someone is keeping track of all the wasted food in dramaland. I could fill a bathtub from all the untouched drinks from 2021 alone. 😉


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Reflection of you: I keep saying how exhausting this drama is. Suffocating is a great word to describe it. And you are so right: we are still on square one, and 10 episodes have gone. Only advance this week is that we've seen HaeWon's plan: she wants to make the people she considers the one who made her that way suffer the same way she suffered.
When WJ went to the School of Arts and he had those flashbacks, we could see the bright HW in comparison with the dim person she is now.
I only wish I could have more sympathy for her. But I can't. Nor her not anyone on the drama.


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Apart from Run yu, the demon princess's segment were too interesting. Hers and Muci's story and his sacrifice was heartbreaking. The actress is so beautiful !!! While I dont ship Run yu and Jin mi, I did find the kiss between XF and JM a little disturbing. At this point XF isn't aware about RY's manipulations and still pursuing JM. Also the way he defended his mother when the Rat immortal accused her was a little disappointing. He could have said it was a mistake, but saying that she didnot mean it was a little too much. I mean is he really that ignorant?? Another fact that bugged me was the way both brothers manipulated JM. RY made a situation to make water deity believe that he and JM are in love while XF followed her to the mortal realm after asking the Moon immortal to make them a couple. JM is not a possession whose fate can be decided. Agreed that at this point the pellet makes her act stupid, but neither of them are aware about it so shouldn't it be her decision in the end ??

Saimdang (3-5): I kind off started understanding the problems with the drama. The plotline between past and present is totally out of sync. I mean we already saw JY being homeless way before that plotline started in the past. The royal ministry and their plot is seriously boring. There is too much focus on it and except for the king the others are easily forgettable. The king's cowardiness kind off want to pull your hair. I mean its ridiculous that he stopped the marriage between our leads citing political reasons 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. And will the drama ever discuss the historical accomplishments of Saimsang in the future episodes ? So far she is just portrayed as a lady with a tragic love and a good for nothing husband. I am still holding on to my curiosity about the modern era and how JY is gonna prove Prof. Min wrong.


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The King's Affection This drama is so interesting. I just have no idea what will be next... I juste want them to be happy together! The direction is really beautiful, every scene is like a painting.

Idol: The Coup How much crap the FL will accept by her bandmates ?

Secret Royal Inspector and Joy It didn't hold my interest but there is Kim Hye-Yoon, so I will continue for her.

Dal-li and Gamjatang There were some good moments, but mostly it was bad... The story made no sense in a rom-com and almost every character were meh... I think a good rom-com needs a good ensemble of characters.

Melancholia The first episode looked like a mix between Sky Castle and Will Hunting. I hope it will become more like Will Hunting...

The Red Sleeve Cuff I'm curious to see them as adult.

Now We Are Breaking Up JYK looked pretty hot, SHK looked like the same as her roles in her past dramas... Their first encounter didn't even look sexy... what a shame.

Inspector Koo I'm behind. Not very commited in the story.

Happiness The first 2 episodes were interesting. I think it's a good thing there are only 12 episodes.

Let Me Be Your Knight What a weird story.


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Melancholia: I like Im Soojung’s character and her love for numbers, and like missvictrix I got the slight Dead Poets Society vibe too. It was nice to see her get excited that someone solved her math problem perfectly.

Reflection Of You: Well it’s likely that Haewon won’t make it out of this alive and that saddens me. The artistic choices in the drama are still so detailed and beautiful. Everyone delivers, maybe except for Woojae, but at least his hair makes him pretty.

Inspector Koo: I love everything!


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I know Woojae is supposed to be more on the wooden side, but I kinda wish Kim Jae Young is able to add more "depth" to the portrayal. It is not distracting, but since the FLs are on-point and he has the most scenes with them so......


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His hair acts better than him.
That's the best I can say about the actor.


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"His hair acts better than him."

😂😂 Can't agree more !!!!


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The King's Affection: Continues to be wholesome fluff, with sufficient angst to keep the plot from feeling overtly like a cheap costume web-drama from China. Rowoon continues to impress me with his overgrown puppy-energy in all his 6 feet 4inches of tanned glory, while PEB continues to kill it as the CP; she's SO believable as a dude (to me, mainly cuz she looks like probably 3 VERY famous idols/actors from neighboring countries!) That said, I'm curious how the CP is planning to arrange for a fake pregnancy, and a fake royal heir, post-wedding. I love how I get my daily dose of BL as well as GL from just this ONE story! xD xD

Yumi's Cells: The novelty of the cells wore off by the end. I cannot believe the pair blamed their break-up on a secondary reason & ignored the elephant in the room. We clearly know even Bobby isn't Yumi's endgame. I wonder if her eventual boyfriend is a magical unicorn, because she seems like the kind whose final destination in any relationship would be a break-up, cuz she'd rather just end things than attempt to fix. -_- Looking forward to Boyrfriend-3's casting news!

Cup of Coffee: Last week I mentioned how Japanese this little show is. And this week the fan-subs were late. They're really drilling in the experience! xD

Someday or One Day: Derailed ALL my Nov k-drama plans, as I am planning to binge this fully before diverting my attention elsewhere. I was sad to finish 2021 without that ONE god-tier drama that completely destroyed me. Luckily, after SD1D, that's not the case anymore... what a GEM of show! The weird thing is, the more resistant I am to the idea of something, or someone... the harder I end up falling for them! Absolutely the case here (as neither the actor for the ML convinced me, nor the synopsis). But 6 eps in, I'm sitting and bawling every time he appears on screen. I'm 100% planning to chase the casting news for the k-drama remake, and keeping my fingers crossed they don't butcher it.
The beauty of this story is that it seems to be inspired by storytelling techniques from Japan, Korea, China, everywhere .... and then it has plot points similar to Hollywood classics from Nolan, the Time Traveler's Wife or Netflix's Dark and deals with the theme of loss, grieving, acceptance, akin to stories like Ps. I Love You. Wow, sounds like an overkill, but trust me, the result is mind-blowing. Kinda like a Studio Ghibli Masterpiece . :')


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Finally finished/ Dropped
-Beauty Inside: 2x ed it like there was no tomorrow.

-Forever n Ever: Not even 2x can make me sit through the snoozefest. I would rather have my dose of pretty with a side of a good story. Dropped at ep 18.

-Royal Inspector Joyi: Ugh, Production pales in comparison to neighboring channel's TKA and its beautiful colors, 16:9 framing and rich wardrobe. Ironic considering Joyi belongs to tVN, whereas TKA is on a public broadcasting channel!! I should have known the moment Netflix passed up on this, and picked TKA instead. Dropped at ep 2.

-Wisher: Let's just say SD1D is my preferred medium for consuming such a story. I 'wish' this was as good as last year's 'The Bad Kids' and 'The Long Night'. Dropped at ep 2.

Running a week late, but excited for:
-Melancholia: Do Hyun looks angtsy. Will 10/10 watch after SD1D
-Red Cuff & Breaking Up: A lot seems to be riding on the visuals-power instead of a strong plot. Slightly worried, but will definitely dip my toes.


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Someday or One Day is such an amazing show - the rare drama where all the elements - writing, acting, directing, music - come together in a way that feels organic and natural (not an easy thing pull off given how complicated the plot is). Enjoy the rest of it!


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Yep, it's a 'unicorn' drama for me :') I believe in delayed gratification, hence I put it off for so long. Silly me! T_T
I'm so emotionally invested and exhausted, I'm yet to do mental gymnastics around the plot complications. I'm just..... absorbing and assimilating things. Like a sentient amoeba. :)


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SD1D is just perfect in every respect. It didn't miss a beat. Not a second was wasted. Everyone and everything was pitch perfect. Gah Taiwan dramas really know how to do these things well! Watch Rainless Love in a Godless Land made by the same team, you might find the stylistic parallels interesting.


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Haha, even Rainless Love's synopsis to me was like... eh, what? Knowing it's the same team behind it, reassures me a great deal! ^^
And like you said, SD1D is pitch perfect. It couldn't have been better; I'm wallowing in all the feels! Wish SD1D wasn't this underrated (or am I really late to the hype-train?) :P


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I think there are a fair number of SD1D fans among beanies, who held each others hands' through the live airing schedule....

RLGL has a strange premise, I agree. And it's lighter than SD1D (i.e., so far, 5/13 eps in). But it's dealing with an interesting and serious theme. The world building is great. I love the music. No one is hitting it out of the park in the acting department, but no one is terrible either. The production is excellent. There's a lot of attention to detail, which can get missed on a first watch. Already I can see myself doing a rewatch of at least these first few eps. As things stand right now, I cannot recommend it enough. :D


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As long as it's nothing like Doom At Your service, I'll be good! :P


If you loved SOMEDAY OR ONE DAY you might want to watch the new drama RAINLESS LOVE IN A GODLESS LAND. Not the same themes but well done so far.


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Thank you for the rec! I just hope I don't end up comparing them, and be disappointed.... ^^ Added to my ptw list! :)


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SQUID GAME (Ep. 4-9): The series was very well done. Lee Jung Jae did a fine job being the point character in the games. But it was Jung Ho Yeon who was the breakout star of the series (in her first drama role). Most of the plot twists were not that surprising. Hwang Dong Hyuk’s use of relatable children’s games was very impactful to the plot and well done. However, I found the ending time jump fell flat. I have read other people did not like the ending. The writer-director defended his ending as what he wanted to do, and I cannot fault him for his conviction. I would have rather had the last part deal with the winner’s guilt and/or the ramifications of the “missing” players to their families and society. Overall, it was still one of the top k-dramas of the year. And I don't like the idea of another season.

NOW WE ARE BREAKING UP (Ep 1): An insight into the highly competitive fashion industry is a nice setting. The two leads are 40 something independent, single and career oriented. They have chosen work over private relationships. As the beginning starts to unfold, it almost becomes a cat and mouse game of boy chasing girl but not in an over-the-top way. The biggest plot dud is the most obvious: if ML was such a famous fashion photographer, would not the FL know him?

Shows that I have been dancing in and out of randomly, with no complete investment:
DALI: The FL character has gone from strong to timid on the personality spectrum too much to be believable. The chabeol love triangle is a worn trope that does not fit well here. It would have been nice if the show was actually about the art world instead of a basic rom-com rich man saves failing woman story.
YOUNG LADY AND GENTLEMAN: I can root for Lee Se-Hee as FL because she auditioned for a secondary role but surprisingly got cast as the lead against 500 to 1 odds. Even for a family weekender, the traffic jam of birth secrets and intersecting family trees is like an infant drawing lines on a coloring book page.


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watched Now, We are Broken Up and in my opinion it was not so good. I love noona romance (don't even know if it plays a role in the drama) if done right but between the main characters, I didn't feel any chemistry or spark. Also the main character feels like the same as in WWW and the set-up wasn't really interesting.


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also having good-looking actors is not the recipe for a good and engaging drama


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The drama felt like WWW set in the fashion world, except with weaker writing, acting and directing.


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WWW also had great cinematography.


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Just checked out my rewatch list from this year and am freaking out because
a) that’s a lot of screen time and
b) what am I going to watch now??

So far:
- Her Private Life
- Oh My Ghostess
- Romance is a Bonus Book
- Still 17
- Weightlifting Fairy
- Into the Ring
- Reach for Sincerity

(Not including dramas which aired this year)…


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One the Woman: 7.0 Totally, excessively typical ending marred by histrionics & overacting by baddies on their way down.

Inspector Koo: 8.5 Lee Young-Ae is nailing it. The baddie usually isn't quite as much fun to watch, but still ok.

Jirisan: 7.9 How much did the Yakult people not pay to avoid the negative PPL about poisonous yogurt drinks?
Lots of people seem disappointed in the show -- how soon till they start calling it "Jeerisan"?

Idol: The Coup: 4.0 I lasted a bit over 10 minutes. If I want to earn a Bean by watching a boring idol show I'll try to finish Antifan. But I can't give it the normal 10-minute score of 1.0 because it wasn't offensively bad -- I only dropped it out of apathy and desire to check out other new shows. Speaking of which...

Happiness: 8.2 Off to a good start, so I don't get to call it "Happimess" or "Crappiness". Yet.
FWIW, buying mystery miracle pills from some sleezy guy at the gym = Evolution In Action.

Secret Royal Inspector & Joy: 8.0 :)

King's Affection: 6.5 Too much filler. But what kind of rabbit can they pull out from under their propeller-hats to arrange their happy-ever-aftering?

Work Later, Drink Now: 7.1

Chimera: 7.5

Let Me Be Your Knight: 4.0 10 minutes here too. See above re boring idol shows. So...

So I Married an Anti-Fan: 3.0 (day 15)

Dal-li and Gamjatang: 7.5 Argh! The hair. THE HAIR!! (Yes, I liked the old way -- it suited her personality).

Bite Sisters: 8.0 Super-short episodes leave me wanting more.

Red Sleeve Cuff: 7.8 Good when the kids were on screen, then tropey with the grown-ups. I mean, slide/roll down a steep slope literally into the arms of the guy... Seriously? Some sort of metaphor for the plot falling off a cliff?


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Lmao, I tried with IDOL too. I don’t even think I hit 5 mins before I went, “Meh, I can’t do this.”


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The pill/drug is called happiness as it is light and can't be traced with longer time impact.. they explained it in ep 1 or 2


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I’m so glad I’m not the only one who rolled her eyes at the ending of the first episode of The Red Sleeve. It had a good start and I was happy that the childhood background was limited to one episode and then they did this... It was beyond campy and cliché. It made me cringe so much, I forgot I was looking at Junho in Hanbok -.- I hope episode 2 will make up for it


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Personally I think episode 2 more than makes up for it. I laughed out loud.


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Bite Sisters - I want more too!!!


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You can finish Antifan!! I'm rooting for you!!


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Jirisan: about to watch episode 7 - let’s see how that goes.

Melancholia: just finished episode 1 and looking forward to the next to see how the set-up fully is. I’m a bit of a nerd so I like the math aspect of it.

Secret Royal Inspector Joy: I felt like the comedy was trying too hard in episode 1, but I find it a bit funnier in episode 2. Taec’s deep voice! *swoon*

The Uncanny Counter: just finished and I totally get why everyone else liked it! I’m glad I was able to overcome the graphic parts (I’m a wimp) and I did shriek a bit in some surprise scenes but I enjoyed it so much I binged the whole show.

Beyond Evil: downloaded for offline bingeing!


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I'm enjoying BEYOND EVIL, and I'm glad I'm watching it when I'm in the mood for something a bit darker.
Shin Ha‑kyun ajusshi never disappoints, and what a relief to see Yeo Jin-goo in a meatier drama.


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Hmm, sounds like I made the right choice. After UNCANNY COUNTER, I’m in the mood for something similar to balance ROYAL INSPECTOR and MELANCHOLIA. JIRISAN is just meh so far.


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The funniest thing about Jirisan, we are all like broken record as soon as the latest episode airs, "let’s see how that goes." 😄 I suspect, we'll be chanting the same mantra until the last minute of the last episode, hoping to no end for a spectacular pay-off of our watching pains.


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Happiness: I was very pleasantly surprised by the first two episodes. I knew going in it sounded a lot like the plot of the movie Alive and I kind of expected to be like oh another zombie-ish themed drama with government cover up/containment made all the more disturbing by being set after Coronavirus. Didn't think it would be as entertaining as it is and I really enjoyed the first two episodes. The pacing seemed right and the potential relationship between the two leads is intriguing. Besties getting married to secure a decent apartment? I dig it.

Da-li and The Cocky Prince: it's been a while since I watched a romantic comedy all the way through. That was mainly due to the cute relationship between the leads, most especially because Da-li was far more mature in her approach than the FL usually is and I liked watching the "prince" get flustered over his feelings but doggedly pursue her anyway. The drama was fueled by very typical tropes especially the murder-mystery that anybody could see coming from a mile away. I tended to just tune out machinations and the jealous possessive snobby ex. I liked to being surprised by the second female lead. Overall, worth the watch for the main couple.

Based on some of the other reviews here, it looks like I'll be starting The Red Sleeve Cuff next.


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Dali and Gamjatang: Not a perfect show, but the central couple was delightful and I liked the way it acknowledged the messiness of family and relationships, while sidestepping fated childhood connections and noble idiots.

I Am Not a Robot: I've never been a huge Chae Soo Bin or Yoo Seung Ho fan, but they were a joy to watch in this, landing both their comic and serious moments and creating a genuine sense of connection. I can't say I was wild about the overall premise though, especially the idea the women, robot or human, should dedicate their lives to helping oblivious men access their feelings.


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Bring It On Ghost💪👻(8/16): I am enjoying the ghost of the episode set-up and I will certainly remember episode 8 with the old and abandoned mental hospital. This setting was the epitome of creepiness, so of course I was as anxious as our ghosthunters to find and exorcise the creepy ghosts that still wandered inside. In the end the only creepy and disgusting thing was the treatment of the patients who just wanted to be acknowledged as human beings.😢Another sad thing is the unrequited love In-rang has for his Angel. I actually feel SLS even though I know it is played for laughs. I was very displeased when Bong-Pal lied that Angel hated the heels!😤

Sadly enough, that is all for this week. My friend managed to free me from real life’s clutches for a few Bring it on Ghost episodes, but I was not able to watch anything by myself. I hope next week will be better, because I cannot wait to finish the last quarter of Dal-ri & Gamjatang and Secret Royal Inspector Joy looks funny!🙏


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Red Sleeve Cuff was, from all of 1 episode, exactly what I was looking for. Since Bossam, none of the other "sageuks" have really done it for me. Also kudos to the child actors - it's probably selection bias but I feel like it's been a while since I've really found the younger-version of the leads really charismatic on their own. (a throwback to the immensely talented 90's-born generation, many whom are now rightfully leads). And that scene near the end with lee deok hwa (can he ever do wrong? Already establishing his own iconic yeongjo with nary a shadow of previous portrayals in sight) and young yi san was a total highlight.
I just hope the writer keeps it up!


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I haven't seen it yet, but it's good to hear positive feedback from another sageuk geek.😊


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OMG, I love it, I love it. I love, love love love it.

It's so good to see Lee Se-young back at Dae Jang Geum Park for another sageuk as an adult lead.

@wishfultoki come back. We have a lot to talk about!


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I'm salty about the ratings for it vs sbs's melo(?) this first week lol. But hopefully an upward trend because we need more [quality] sageuks!


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Same, but what can we do?
HAECHI and NOKDU FLOWER didn't get the ratings they deserve either. 😢


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How close is Episode 2 to the novel?
The author must have done a lot of extensive researches.
It may seem light-hearted on the surface, but the historical references hit me right in the gut, especially when she was reading the story from the Han Dynasty. "You were born to kill me," hits home for Yisan.
Now, if only we have a recap somewhere.


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Ooh...I don't remember the details of the novel, but the part where she doesn't recognize yi san when they first meet face to face is the same.
The second episode definitely had more lighthearted moments with deok im not recognizing him throughout their interactions, but I really like that there's overarching seriousness and depth with the historical context, a la mbc's sageuk classics of the 2000s. I also hope there's a recap so we can discuss in more detail!


Why do I feel like that 16 episode is too short?
I want more....


These sageuks are definitely too short... I feel like this storyline needs at least 20-25 at minimum. And personally, I really really miss the 50+ sageuks (with the park duo at the helm, maybe in goryeo or a three kingdoms setting...)


You know I can't be objective because of Junho and Seyoung, but I'm so happy premiere is receiving so much love from everyone!


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We need a recap! I like the humor and the relationship so far.


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I watched, "Lee San, Wind of the Palace," two years ago, so it feels like I'm watching a re-run and know how this is all going to end. Oh, how sad it will be indeed.


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For me, it was sad only because we got to see them die, but they were together as a couple at least.


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I really enjoyed watching the first two episodes of RSC on Viki US however they definitely could have used more translator’s note. Perhaps the team could have slowed down a bit and added more notes. Some terms were used that I couldn’t find searching on my iPad which I keep close when watching sageuks. A minor gripe.


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I usually would go back and watch it again before the new episodes come out. I figured that they'd be done editing and fine-tuning everything etc.


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Good idea @kiara. Hopefully RSC fans will have a place to hangout.


The premiere episodes were so good. This is the sageuk I’ve been waiting for and it’s so nice to see other sageuk fans liking it as much as I did.


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Dali: I wanted to spend more time with the characters and how they were living now than on the fake out. While some of the charm dissipated and some of the humor became too forced towards the end I still like the show overall. It's just it was so charming and bright at the beginning that I'm a little sad it lost its way.

Secret Love: Once I got past ep 4 I could see how this is known as one of those dramas people get addicted to. I felt bad that Hwang Jung Eum had to cry so much, but I thought both leads did well. Especially I liked how Ji Sung played his like a destructive toddler. I do wish that the step mom's role and the second lead female role had been expanded more and, especially not so cliche for Lee Da Hee's role. And though I'm not neccesarily into corporate espionage stories, I'd have liked to have seen the Chairman and his right hand guy be a little more formidable. There was all this talk about how smart the ahjussi was and cut throat the chairman, but they seemed be teetering on the brink of losing everything quite easily.
Anyway if anyone ever picks this up you just have to let go and go for the ride and know that a very unapologetic toxic relationship is the drive of the show.

Review Notebook of My Embarrassing Days: a 2018 drama special. I like Jun So Min and picked it up mostly for that and the length. The romance was sweet, though too fast so it could fit into the hour length. But the leads were charming together and nice to see that being divorced in this drama wasn't that big of a deal. If true, I didn't realize how strict security around the writing of test questions can be, though it makes sense.

I think I'm going to finally try Dinner Mate. Also the J drama on Viki called You, Me, and Bach. The C drama You are My Glory and then one of the new K dramas. There are so many released right now it's hard to decide. I'm leaning towards Inspector Koo or Happiness. I'm not big on scary, but just feel like something a little darker.


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I won't advise you to try Dinner Mate. The good parts couldn't make up for the bad ones, like half of the characters, the bad acting, etc.


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Yeah, I've seen the very mixed reviews. I'm not sure why I'm still so interested in it. It is just one of those ones like Find Me in Your Memory (better reviews I believe) that I meant to live watch and they still just randomly pop into my head as something I want to try.


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Dinner Mate has one of the best OTP I have seen, with a mature relation and being adults. But everything else... very big sigh. I can't recommend it to watch because it's painful.


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Not to mention plot holes, Kurama, and wildly inappropriate representation of therapists/therapy! I was so disappointed in Dinner Mate, because it started so well.


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I'll be the Beanie whispering from your other shoulder: I really enjoyed Dinner Mate for the central romance. The chemistry between Song Seung Heon and Seo Ji Hye was very, very good. (If you watch the delightful BTS footage on thedinner_mate instagram, you might be half-convinced SSH was crushing hard on SJH.)

@kuruma is right about the bad parts, particularly Son Na Eun's acting and her character. She's tiresome and the other ex isn't much better. Lee Ji Hoon's acting is top notch but his character is ... yech. But that's why we have FF buttons.


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correction: meant to tag @kurama


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My issue is that, at the end, I remember the bad parts like the SML hurting her wrist or eating strawberry cake and not really the good ones...


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This is where my trauma came from.


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You, Me, and Bach is a really cute show. I liked all the characters and how they grow. And I especially liked how they talked about things that most people would just not discuss. They didn’t assume anything, they asked.


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Now the problem is not how to catch so many good shows, is how to catch all those shows legally, in North American, especially.

Platforms to offer these K-dramas has become so diverse, I don't know if I can count everyone in. Now Netflix is starting to take over Rakuten Viki to be a K-drama powerhouse oversea*, then Chinese company iQiyi (they have helped produced My Roommate Is a Gumiho and Jirisan already, it is another issue if they are good shows or not). Now we have Apple TV+ (Dr. Brain), and next month we will have Disney+ (Snowdrop). This may have also driven so many good, and big budget shows to the horizon.

Some platforms are having problems, too. Viki is famous for their detail and descriptive substitles, but time they need to generate those subtitles are too slow (Take Secret Royal Inspector and Joy, I watched it on Thursday, and Episode 2 still has only 92% of it subtitled, and the last 5 minutes has no subtitle at all). Disney+, on the other hand, seems don't plan to let their North American audience to watch Snowdrop. As I am writing this piece, Snowdrop has only been planned to release in some countries, and North America seems to be not one of them.

These results we the audience cannot avoid watching some of the shows illegally (in my case, Secret Royal Inspector is one of them, at least the last 5 minutes, due to subtitle issue), and we can't solve the problem only by learning Korean (which I am, and I don't think everybody does). The limitation of accessing the shows is still pretty terrible, and this hurts everyone who gets involved in this business, and I guess every stakeholder needs to think about it.

*Kocowa is another interesting being, I don't know how to describe it ... It has shows only from KBS, SBS and MBC, which I have not much interest in, but surely not everyone is me. On the other hand, some of those shows which are better (The King's Affection, for example) is on Netflix, too.


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One more note: do we have money to subscribe all platforms? Now almost everything is using subscription system, we are simply paying too much ...


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Good point. I subscribe to three: Viki (premium- so I get KOCOWA shows), iQIYI and Netflix. I pay the most for Netflix and value it the least, in all honesty. You have to choose and I am not likely to subscribe to any more. So there will be a few shows that I cannot watch.


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I definitely don't have the money for them all. I always keep my subscription for Netflix because I watch tons of shows, Korean and otherwise, on it. but for the others, I typically subscribe for a month when there is something I want to watch and then drop it.

I didn't know Disney+ wasn't planning on releasing Snowdrop in North America. Maybe there is a reason but it seems like a bad business move.

I don't see how much longer Kocowa can keep going when the majority of the Big 3 dramas are being sold elsewhere. I just looked and all of the following were sold elsewhere this year: Now, We are Breaking Up, The Red Sleeve Cuff, The King's Affection, Lovers of the Red Sky, Racket Boys, River Where the Moon Rises and Hello, Me!


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Kocowa is a streaming service, launched by the partnership of KBS, SBS, and MBC -- the three major TV networks in South Korea.


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When I say Kocowa "is an interesting being", I certainly know what shows it contains I said that, @missh also said that. But @missh has also pointed out the identity crisis of Kocowa: if the better shows from those 3 stations can be watched on Netflix and elsewhere (for example, I don't need Kocowa to watch The King's Affection, which is from KBS), do I need Kocowa?


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We loved DALI AND GAMJATANG and will miss both Dali and Moo-hak. This was not a great show but could have been. Unfortunately the over-emphasis on a set of grand villians doing a political corruption corporate greed evil family members story got in the way of creating a great comedy. I blame laziness on the part of the writer. Although at least the show avoided a Noble/Idiotic Separation (while taking a moment to tease us that there had been one). Villians may be an element of the story but they should not be the emphasis- the villainous plot should not overshadow the comedic plot. The strength and heart of this story lay in the way it showed to very strong but very different people coming together, not in the overcoming evil story. This show was good but not great, and it could have been great. But we still enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone even with its flaws.

My wife binge watched the Chinese Costume drama PRINCESS SILVER. She was absolutely mesmerized and described it as the best show ever (her exact words). She has seen a lot of shows- including a lot of Chinese Costume dramas- so I think that I am safe in recommending it.

Meanwhile I got back to the Chinese Costume rom-com HONEY, DON’T RUN AWAY. It has a hilarious start but does turn a little more serious as it goes on.

My wife and my son (leaving soon for his new job) both love JIRISAN. She is also excited about the premier of RED SLEEVE CUFF and is enjoying THE KING’S AFFECTION.

We have also begun watching SECRET ROYAL INSPECTOR AND JOY. So far it is good.

I have started the T-drama RAINLESS LOVE IN A GODLESS LAND and I am impressed. From time to time Taiwan produces a real gem. This appears to be one of those times.

I am enjoying I have seen the next episode of WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF COFFEE? It is a K-drama J-drama. It is hard to describe it in any other way. I continue to look forward to new episodes of the J-dramas SUPER RICH and YOU, ME AND BACH as well as CAN’T RUN AWAY FROM LOVE.

I am looking forward to LET ME BE YOUR KNIGHT and am about to start IDOL: THE COUP as well.

Unless I hear good things about it I will probably give NOW WE ARE BREAKING UP a pass. There is only just so much time.

I continue looking forward to each new episode of the weekend family drama YOUNG LADY AND GENTLEMAN.

Public Service Announcement: For those who have Netflix but not Viki I am happy to be able to tell you that Netflix now carries the greatest of all Taiwanese rom-com dramas: DRUNKEN TO LOVE YOU. Please note that Netflix decided to shorten the title to just LOVE YOU.


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Your PSA is hilarious. I think you, @egads and I are of a handful of Beanies who enjoyed this goofy show. And yes, as soon (Drunken to) Love You as it popped up on Netflix, I watched my favorite bits. Truthfully, I always skip about 30-40% of this show (the exhausting ex-girlfriend, the clingy childhood crush), but the OTP are so, so amusing together. The FL is adorable.

I will always cherish this show for teaching me a fascinating aspect of Taiwanese life: Very few garbage cans and people have to bring their trash to the musical garbage trucks. Here's a BBC article about how the country shifted away from most dustbins in order to clean up the country.


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Drunken to Love You is terrible in the best way that only a Taiwanese drama can be both terrible and wonderful at the same time. (Exhausting/clingy/stalkery/insane 2FLs are par for the course in this genre. Though the award for most over the top 2FL will always go to the faked paralysis to force a pity marriage in Fall in Love With Me)


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What about the 2FL fake blindness to get married in MISS ROSE?


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Oohhh, PRINCESS SILVER and RAINLESS LOVE seem interesting. I’ve been seeing the latter in iQiyi but looking for that extra push to go Chinese drama again (too many episodes lol).


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D&G: I talked about this in its own thread, but this was a very pleasant watch for me. I see DaebakGrits' point about the preponderance of serial killer or murder subplots in rom-coms, but in D&G's case, I thought the director/editor did a good job of seamlessly transitioning from one plot and tone to the other. I'm not sure the couple would have been as uniformly appealing had the drama focused solely on their interactions and personality conflicts to generate plot, and in the end, the thing I want most in a rom-com is to enjoy watching the leads fall in love. And I absolutely did with this one.

NEVERTHELESS: In the end, this one was neither the toxic mess nor edgy exploration of young adult love through clumsy metaphors that I expected. It left me with the distinct impression that no one involved ever reached consensus on what they wanted this drama to be about. And although it's supposed to mirror the unpredictability, messiness, and randomness of real life, it's still a drama and therefore, should have a coherent storyline and resolution.

Currently Watching:

SQUID GAME: I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I had no real interest in watching this drama. Then my 17-year old son--who has neither seen nor expressed even remote interest in ever watching a kdrama--said he'd heard Squid Game was good. So we started a nightly family watch and are now on ep. 8. It's tremendously violent and dark, of course, but it's more addictive and moving than I was expecting. We all enjoy it, and I particularly like pointing out how the show does or does not follow typical kdrama conventions, including the consideration of the age-old question that my son voiced last night: "Why do all the native English speakers suck at acting?"

HAPPINESS: This one was another one whose promo materials I barely paid any attention to and despite my complete indifference to zombie or apocalyptic dramas, I'm enjoying it. It's fast-paced, features yet another strong and multi-faceted FL, and the subtle romantic subplot makes the overall story appealing. Looking forward to watching this week's episodes soon.

KING'S AFFECTION: This one isn't quite as riveting as I was hoping, but I truly have no idea where it's going or how are leads could ever survive this situation let only end up together. So I keep watching. The visuals are also stunning, and as others have said, I'm so glad to have been spared watching the ML try to prove his ardent heterosexuality while denying his feelings for someone he believes to be a man. Ji-woon just went with what his heart was telling him and that's much more emotionally satisfying to watch. PEB continues to impress, and Rowoon is doing just fine, imo.

I'm not completing addicted to this one yet, but I'm definitely happy to see where it goes for now.

Looking forward to starting "Melancholia" and "Red Sleeve Cuff" later this week.


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@laurensophie—Regarding the bad English acting, here's an article from The Guardian to share with your son:‘They didn’t just pick us up off the street!’ Meet the globally derided Squid Game VIPs.

TLDR: Actor John D Michaels proposes several reasons for the clunky acting: zero context for the scenes given to actors; heightened performances under heavy masks; English dialogue originally written in Korean and churned through Google Translate; editors don't have a sense of rhythm for natural English and might choose the wrong take.


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Thank you so much!


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Jirisan - despite its flaws still enjoyable. Perhaps its because the writer can still hold my attention that the drama's lack of awareness around hiking safety feels lazy. Lets see if I get a bingo with the latest episode.

My Sweet Dear - I liked that it wasn't drawn out. Main complaint being the writing could have been better. The resolution for the conflict was between anti-climatic, confusing, and somewhat felt unresolved. Its always sad that simple communication between characters could have resolves so many of the things before they got the the point that the owner had to make up a tasting competition just to part ways with the head chef. Maybe backstory would have give it more depth? But that also deviates it from the fact its not really supposed to be that deep.

Idol: The Coup - having a bit of hangover with Hani from You Raise Me Up but ITC is a lot better than I was expecting. It also feels like its giving what I felt was missing from Let Me Be Your Knight. But the two are also bad to compare because LMBYK is trying to be a comedy (sorry I found it more cringe-worthy than funny) while ITC set up is more focused on the friendship and falling out with idols that haven't made it.
The comparison to Imitation is also hard to get away from. It feels like the Cotton Candy members fit better with the narrative. The thing I could never get away from with Imitation was Maha was supposed to be a great dancer which unfortunately Jung Ji-so was not.

Let Me Be Your Knight - a bit hard to get into for me. I feel like this is banking on liking the ML and while I like the actor... the ML isn't likable yet.

Inspector Koo - this has shaped up really nicely.

Love At Night - I'm so happy she dumped him!

Bite Me - I'm not anywhere near the end and it feels like they already resolved the main conflict. -.-'

Bad Buddy - not sure why the sister didn't share that their neighbour saved her life with their parents. The setup is fun.

And then there is more... just haven't found time to watch them yet.


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As always, @daebakgrits comments are cracking me up (and I agree so much!) Dal Li was so tiresome for me by the end, I realize I found EVERYONE except our main couple and Won Tak super annoying. It started out so well but I wouldn’t recommend watching it. What coulda been?


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I agree! I still have about 6 more episodes to watch for Dali. Everyone except main couple and Won-tak were so unpleasant to watch. It's too bad since we've got a great cast for them. I think as I grow older and have been watching more dramas, having a great supporting/side characters has become more important to me enjoying dramas. Now that the drama is done, I will just FF through the side characters and watch just the Dali, Moo-hak, and Won-tak parts.


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I do wonder why the supporting characters were written so badly, like caricatures (Oy, Moo Hak’s stepmother 🤦🏼‍♀️). I couldn’t agree more that the longer I watch kdrama, the more important the secondary, minor characters and ensemble are to me in how much I enjoy it. When I see a respected actor show up in a supporting role I immediately think, oh this show will probably be ok ☺️


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Been sampling here and there, but the only dramas that I really feel like keeping watching are Happiness and Rainless Love.
Still watching King's Affection, but will probably replace it for Red Sleeve Cuff. Will probably also stick to only one of the two airing idol dramas, but still haven't decided. Finally, I'm planning to watch ep 16 of Dali, but, yeah, it's sweet and all but I'm not terribly invested...
November 19 it's Yoo Ahin's comeback in Hellbound, yay!


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If I weren't so terribly scared by zombies, I would definitely watch Happiness. (I'm grateful for the recaps.)


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Same! And I really, really want to watch PHS but zombies :,(.


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For some reason, I can handle kdrama zombies/ monsters / demons even if I've always been a scaredy cat. This year I even watched The Guest, and demonic possession is THE one thing I-can-never, and ended up really enjoying it 😂
Anyway, Happiness had a really strong start. I wasn't planning on watching, but the Beanies' good feedback made me check it out


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Finished with the first two episodes of The Red Sleeve and I really like what I've seen so far. It's very much a traditional sageuk and I admire the attention to detail from the set dressing to the correct forms of address. It's lovely to look at. Everything just feels authentic. The first episode was clearly a setup episode but I thought it was well done and I'm very intrigued by the threads that are being woven. The scene with King Yeongjo and Yi San felt almost Shakespearean. Loved it. The second episode had a lot more lighthearted moments as things got rolling with the main leads. The opening had me chuckling and from there it was tiki taka all the way between them. Very charming. We got some initial insights into the lead characters' personalities and there's much Plot on the horizon. From the preview, it looks like the baddies will be introduced next week so things will get even more interesting.


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Happiness (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B+
Colour me shocked: this show completely blew it out of the water with its premiere! Maybe it’s because Search and Dark Hole were awfully terrible in comparison that I didn’t have high expectations? But a setup that’s both short and succinct? Worldbuilding that accounts for COVID with some slight yet not excessive dramatisation? Contract marriage and cohabitation that gracefully toes the line between sincerity and pragmatism? Social stratification system within the apartment that’s realistic? The only cloud that’s hanging over the narrative is the drug conspiracy possibility.

Idol: The Coup (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B
For a show that I started because of Kwak Si Yang (his previous lead role was terrible to say the least?), I’m so worried that his character could once again be an annoying antagonist. The show’s been quite careful so far painting a company where the elites aren’t jerks (I gratefully welcome that) and it would be such a pity to throw that nuance away for any tropes. The acting is quite unstable and I’m not sure if there’s enough time to develop all 10(!) idols, but the plot has great potential looking forward. Writer wrote both Misaeng and Bride of Habaek: what to expect?!

- One The Woman (Episode 15-16) - Mood progression: C- / C- / C- / C / C- / D+ / D / D, The most watchable moment in the finale was unfortunately the closing music video.
- Dal-li and Gamjatang (Episode 15-16) - Mood progression: C- / D+ / D+ / D+ / D+ / D / D+ / D, I cringed hard when Moo Hak got stabbed and cringed harder when I realised that Won Tak went arcless the entire show.

Also watched:
- Reflection of You (Episode 9-10) - Mood: C, I’m starting to fast-forward not just the rich family parts as more new shows start to premiere, even though it’s presenting an interesting insight into the destructiveness of revenge.
- Secret Royal Inspector and Joy (Episode 1-2) - Mood: C-, The villainy and hence its influence on the development of the story buries much if any of the plot’s potential despite flashes of brilliance and nuance in the leads.
- Inspector Koo (Episode 3-4) - Mood: C-, I’m sorry but this cat-and-mouse game does nothing for me: I want details like Santa’s motivations instead!
The King's Affection (Episode 9-10) - Mood: D+, This confession-separation cliche is too predictable.
- Let Me Be Your Knight (Episode 1) - Mood: D+, The setup is dated but we’ll see how the cohabitation goes?
- Melancholia (Episode 1-2) - Mood: D, I’m ride or die for Lee Do Hyun but god this show’s so terrible.
- Chimera (Episode 3-4) - Mood: D, Yet more conglomerate conspiracy cover-up nonsense?


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Now We Are Breaking Up - SHK & JKY are beautiful to look at. Didn’t feel any 🔥 between them, not even when they were kissing. The second leads might have an interesting storyline.
Red Sleeve - the child actors are amazing! Loved the conversation between the King and child Court Lady. Juhno has always been adorable but in Royal Robes . . . 😍


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I'm in the minority I guess, but I enjoyed the 1st 2 episodes of Now We are Breaking Up. Pretty to look at (actors and scenes of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes), and I'm becoming interested in FL's backstory with ML's brother. I know there are other older Kdramas that explore this type of story, but I've never watched them, so I'm interested in how a woman comes to love the brother of someone she loved in the past. I hope it continues to pique my interest just enough to make me look forward to tuning in.

I also just completed Hi Bye Mama. Overall I really enjoyed this drama. I wish that they had started off showing more of how ML loved his second wife because she deserved more of a setup before the heartache of the 1st wife's return. And I could have done without the overfilled ghost cast. The story of a mother who gets to come back to hold her daughter because of her own mother's prayers to see her once more was emotionally satisfying.


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MY LOVELY SAM SOON (A+) Shoot, now I’m completely spoiled and may never be able to enjoy another drama. This oldie was incredibly well written and acted. It was also realistic in a way most modern Kdramas are not, down to the acne on Hyun Bin’s forehead. I liked that the main plot and characters were developed in every scene instead of endless subplot chatter that fills up too many current dramas.


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This is THE drama that made me into a k-addict 🥰


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Yep, the olds are the golds. My Lovely Sam Soon is one of kdrama literatures. You don't call yourself a kdrama addict if you don't watch this one.


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MY LOVELY SAM SOON is a true classic.


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I think Kim Sun-A is a classic. I recently watched "Should We Kiss First," what a hoot she is. I can't say that I've disliked any drama I've seen her in so far.


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I don’t know how I’m watching this many dramas.

Happiness: I’m liking it for the most part. I wasn’t expecting themes of classism in the apartment storyline, but it’s very welcome. I also find the leads mostly likeable, but their recklessness makes me groan. That said, I’m not impressed with how these supposed post-COVID survivors are dealing with having to quarantine. People are literally turning into zombies, just shut up and do your part. But I guess there’d be no drama otherwise.

Inspector Koo: I’m genuinely surprised by how much I’m loving this. It’s no true Killing Eve adaptation, but I find it to be even stronger when the show is being its own thing. I’m so glad I checked this out despite my skepticism. Lee Young-ae is a treasure.

Jirisan: *sigh* This one, I really shouldn’t have bothered checking out. I love the cast + Kim Eun-hee’s work, but this ain’t it. Nothing about it is working for me.

The King’s Affection: Park Eun-bin’s back must hurt from carrying this drama. I’m in continual awe at how she somehow manages to be convincing as a crown prince, while still showing hints of Dam-yi underneath. The romance is very wholesome and I’m totally here for it. Interested to see how they’re gonna deal with a royal marriage and everything that comes with it.

Now, We Are Breaking Up: To be completely honest, I only checked out the first episode because the 19+ rating piqued my interest. Yet, even with that sex scene, I was left completely cold. I knew this would be the case anyway, so idk why I watched it. Not continuing this.

Red Sleeve Cuff: ITS FINALLY HERE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The first episode was SO GOOD. Everything was well-established and I have a full grasp of the story (more than I can say about most sageuks this year). Those child actors were phenomenal and so brilliantly cast. Once again I’m in awe at how talented these kids are. Can’t wait to see more of the adult actors next episode. Junho only showed up for like 5 seconds and I was already dying. The hold this man has over me.

Secret Royal Inspector and Joy: Divorce in Joseon still makes me slightly confused because of the extreme historical distortion, but I’ll except it because it’s clearly a comedy and only using the historical setting as a backdrop. Despite that, I was happy for Kim Hye-yoon’s character when she was granted the divorce. Her husband and mother-in-law were awful. I was more confused by the random bits of fatphobia in the story. Pretty sure that wasn’t a thing either. Also, Taecyeon’s ears are distractingly big with that gat.

Would You Like a Cup of Coffee?: Is it even a drama if there isn’t a Lee Kyu-hyung cameo? This show is so calming and comforting.


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Finished Dal-li and Gamjatang. Loved Dal-li and Moo-hak’s relationship and nothing else. Every moment they were together onscreen was pure romcom magic (except that time when he called her a slut). Dal-li’s character was such a refreshing change of pace from typical romcom heroines, and Moo-hak was pure comedic gold. I’m also watching Rainless Love in a Godless Land and really enjoying the unique blend of Taiwanese mythology and modern romance so far. For upcoming shows, I’m only really excited for Hellbound. I just know that Yoo Ah-in’s performance will blow me away as usual.


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"Yet, even with that sex scene, I was left completely cold." Sadly felt the same. I saw the rating and thought I would get something daring but it felt far from it. Emotionless. Do you like the main actors?


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I liked Jang Ki-yong in My Ajusshi and Go Back Couple, but didn’t care for him in other dramas. Song Hye-kyo is gorgeous and a true A-lister, but her acting has never appealed to me. So it’s no surprise that NWABU isn’t for me.


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Song Hye-kyo is indeed gorgeous but not one of my favorite actresses. You get a pretty picture and that is about all. She is competent as an actress but you can see the difference when you compare her performance here to that of Park Eun-bin in THE KING'S AFFECTION, where she pulls you in and makes you believe her character- which is how she can carry a show. With good reason PEB is one of my favorite actresses.


Melancholia I am so slow. I never really *got* the magic of maths in the real world, or probably more correctly the real world's relationships that can be interpreted and understood mathematically. After so many years, after struggling with maths in High School and being required to do a maths course in first year University, after a lifetime of liking algebra and grasping calculus and integration, I never *got* the most fundamental and beautiful thing about maths. I love reading and interpretation, but now I can see that maths is also a form of reading and interpretation. *knocks self on head* Thank you show.

The painful-to-see part of Melancholia is how everyone wants a piece of a gifted person. This boy has suffered so much because of his giftedness and it has marred his relationship, to himself, to the extent that he has hidden who he is and refuses it, and to others, so that people cannot live their lives through his brilliance. When people see something so wonderful as he is, they want to possess it and make it do what they would have done of they had that gift. It is so insidious and so predatory. Who know what people have done to him in order to *possess* him and his gift and make it go in their direction. He has denied them that greedy desire by dulling himself and refusing to play by their rules. And yet, for him, the visceral experience of the intellectual stimulation and pleasure that maths brings to him, as a way of interpreting the real world is irresistible.

Melancholia is so much already.


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Same. I can really feel the depth already! Also, because it is a noona drama as well, I think, did you watch 'Now, We Are Breaking Up'? I hoped I would feel any attachment to it as I am feeling to Melancholia, but I didn't feel any connection to the leads or their 'growing' relationship at all as I do in the wonderfully thoughtful Melancholia.


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I haven't watched Breaking Up yet. I don't have much tolerance for the FL, but I do intend to give her just one more chance.

The sort of connection they have in Melancholia reminds me of the connection through music in Secret Affair. I don't expect it to be anything salacious though. I think that those who do see something scandalous in what they share will be revealed as petty-minded people who have never and who will never begin to understand the excitement of finding someone who can speak the same language. I think the relationship will develop when they meet up again in the future.

The writer has said that the relationships that the characters have to each other can be understood mathematically, so I'm wondering about that. Do you have any clues?


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regarding Breaking Up, I don't feel the ML lol and the writing. I only liked him in My Mister lol.

regarding Melancholia, the writer's statement is pretty vague considering how extensive math in general is. Two eps in, I can only guess. Maybe it is someting about that not every math problem has an easy answer or answer at all (like their building relationship from an outsider pov). Or to understand them, you have to dig deeper and learn more than one equation for example. Also math is complex and hard to grasp (at least for me lol)


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I thought he was v good in My Mister too, and I also liked him in WWW, although not everyone did. You're right. That statement is vague, at least for this stage of the drama. I like the idea of there not being an easy answer. Can't say it's easy for me either.


Also I made the same connection with Secret Love Affair because of their shared passion. The pairing was breathtaking!! And I was they were brave enough to do this drama. Although SLA was more darkish with the writing and visuals, Melancholia has a lighter tone, but who knows for how long. And on another note, do you think korean dramas allow itself to be daring enough? Or are they allowed to be daring and maybe something taboo-like? If you know what I mean. I watched many k movies, and only in movies it feels like they can do what they want without being afraid of reactions. In Melancholia it is a student teacher "relationship". And it is interesting for me because of the complexity and subtleties. And not everything is white and dark. And even if it is wrong, humans are complex beings and I don't know it just interests me. Because it dips it toes in drama territories, that are not often visited.


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Sure does. The dramas play at the edges of forbidden territory, and it's hit and miss. I just finished The Smile Has Left Your Eyes which pulled its punches on incest and it turned out to be a mess. Backstreet Rookie pushed things too and had to answer to the regulators. Noona romances can be scandalous, see the family OTT reaction in Something in the Rain. But I think that One Spring Night successfully challenged the stigma against single parenthood and the patriarchy's suffocation of daughters and especially the stigma around divorce. Sometimes confected happy endings try to smooth things over. I guess it's a fine balance for the writers and directors. People want to see things that are exciting in all sorts of ways, especially
ways that challenge conventions, but there is also an impulse to maintain moral standards. Secret Affair was transgressive because it was adultery, but it constantly and convincingly showed us how hollow the marriage was and how she was used so that her relationship with YAI's character seemed a wholesome relief, especially as it was based on their shared passion for music, a high-brow art form. Added to that, he was a person of integrity who instinctively knew what was off and he'd have nothing to do with anything shady. Who know with this relationship in Melancholia? Like I said before, it will suit the dirty-minded people at the school to see it in a certain way and exploit that interpretation. The frisson is already there and we'll see it blossom later, I'm guessing.


Thinking about movies that delve into scandalous topics, Scarlet Innocence was about a teacher student relationship. But the status quo was preserved because he got his just deserts in the end. It was also reified because it was based on a traditional folktale with a twist. I'm not sure how it was received, but having Jung Woo-sung as lead would have added value.

Alice is the drama that sails close to incest. It's an elephant in the room that seems to be avoided by having multiple parallel universes so that the person in universe 1 is not the same as the person in universe 2, so even though they were your mother in 1, you can fall in love with them in 2. Lol


Yeah it was a mess (though great actors) with "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes". Is there actually a kdrama that could handle the topic? Are there even kdramas with this difficult topic? And is there a kdrama writer who could do it right and without being afraid of the audience reaction? Is there a writer you would trust handling this kind of story?


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Adored the actors. That's what made it so difficult to deal with. I don't think that story could ever have been told successfully in SK. The Hymn of Death came closest,
and it was about suicide as protest, not incest, and it was based on actual events. Smile is quintessentially a Japanese story (and probably sums up the reason I don't watch Japanese drama). I don't know enough about writers to know who could manage something like that.


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Been really getting into webtoons so all my free time have been spent reading them. I did check out Secret Royal Inspector and Joy. Easy to watch and moves at a quick pace. Kim Hye-yoon grounds the dramatic aspect while Jo Minwoong brings on the comedy and has great chemistry with Taecyeon, who works better in his servant disguise.


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Also watched the first 4 episodes of Would You Like a Cup of Coffee? Enjoyed how Lee Kyu-hyung got his own episode. My favorite moment was when Go bi, who was so annoyed with him, found a way to get him that seat where he feels most comfortable meeting with clients.


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It's a dbs paradise, so much to see, so little time.
This is what I'm juggling:
1. Reflection of You: My interest is sustained by wondering about what has happened and what is going to happen. The mutual malevolence of the women is naked. They don't bother to hide their complete disregard for each other: Hee-joo does not want to lose what she has; and Hae-won wants to make HJ suffer as she has. Woo-jae is almost incidental to their animosity for each other, even though Hee-joo can't keep away from him. Shin Hyun-been is showing her acting chops, as is Go Hyun-jung , although I'd have to see her in something else so I'd know she's not the same in everything. I love watching Choi Won-young as Ahn Hyeon-seong and it's no secret, Kim Jae-young as Seo Woo-jae is a visual pleasure. But once I got past the eye candy (have I really?), I realised that he is conveying so many shades of emotion without saying much at all. Great acting. Such a mess. Bad people.

2. Chimera I'm pretty sure it's not the doctor. Much of the story depends so far on the police jumping to conclusions. It's hard to believe that their suspicious so often defy logic. But someone's got a score to settle. It will be interesting to see if the chimera provides a real and sustained key/theme to the whole drama.

3. The King's Affection I felt their angst, his and hers. The whole drama has been beautifully staged throughout - the flowers, the clothes, the colours. We're also getting a full measure of the danger. Most of all I've loved that the stereotypes have been turned on their head. Jung Ji-woon is the emotional one who has been blind-sided by love. He's the one who "falls" and is caught by the Crown Prince. She is the rational, cool headed, self-denying one because she knows how many lives depend on her fulfilling her duty. This reversal has stayed consistent imo and is quietly subversive. Sure, we know we've got a woman playing a prince and a man falling in love with the prince, thinking he's in love with a man, but the finer details constantly work to keep turning the gender stereotypes upside down, constantly underpinning the crossover.

4. One the Woman Honey Lee does it again. I like her character. She's smart and resilient. The big bads are bitchy and malevolent. It's a Cinderella story, with the step mother and the ugly sisters. I'll watch Lee Sang-yoon in anything, but the standout for me is the *fairy godmother* Kim Chang-wan as Noh Hak-tae. He's got some of the funniest lines, which he plays deadpan.

5. Jirisan I'm behind here because I switched over to watching it on viki, and they are behind in releasing the episodes. I'm devoted to the JJHx2 and I'm prepared for all manner of supernatural happenings because the mountain... It's the mountain for me, everything is the mountain. (I'm going there one day.) I loved the place where the bodies of people who died from the Donghak Peasant Revolution...


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... I loved the place where the bodies of people who died from the Donghak Peasant Revolution massacre, through the Imjin war, and the Korean war are still being discovered.

6. Inspector Koo hasn't grabbed me at the moment. I love Santa and I wish she didn't smell.

7. Red Sleeve Cuff episode 1 was beautiful and the little girl is unique. I had completely missed the fact that this was post the tragic story of Prince Sado, the story of his wonderful son. The grandfather is terrifying, but still human. I liked the insight into the young girls selected to *serve* the prince in whatever capacity required: to live knowing that your life virtually came to an end if his did was real. But it all came together for me in the last moments of episode 2, when you-know-who appeared, although I agree *falling* as a visual metaphor could be taken as unintended. Anyway Jun-ho scintillates on screen.

8. The Secret Royal Inspector and Joy was a big surprise. The keystone cops and Western touches seemed extra, but I was interested in Joy's slavery to the MIL, the divorce struggle, and the plight of the pregnant woman. I'm looking forward to some juicy detective work from sweetie Taecyeon.

9. Melancholia I commented on this earlier. Like @missvictrix and @quirkycase, I'm in. I'm loving it.

10. Youth of May I've only seen episode 1, I'm wondering how I managed to go so long and not see it, but it's because I can only get it on dramac*** Once I finish One the Woman, it will have my attention because I want to relish it.


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And I forgot
Dr BrainLee Sun-kyun became a cat. Just for a moment. I had to blink because I actually thought I was looking at a 🐈 He's that good. 😅


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Lee Sun-kyun became a cat?! I wasn't going to watch Dr Brain, but thanks to you I'm going to check it out now.


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LOL. He didn't actually become a cat but because of the brain hook up, he saw the cat's memories. At one point he crouches on the ground to see things from the cat's pov. I swear, he *became* a cat, (by suggestion). 😃 😀 😄


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Reflection of You - With so many secrets all around, everyone is bound to go down in flames. Nothing points to things ending well for anyone!

One The Woman - I did finish this but it's not a show I'm going to remember.

The Red Sleeve Cuff - I've only watched the first episode but I must say that the child actor who played the crown prince was fantastic!

Now We Are Breaking Up - I think I've seen this before. Oh yeah, it was WWW.

Jirisan - Hey, it's Son Seok-gu! It's a shame when that's the only highlight. What is going on with this show?


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I am taking it slowly with all these new dramas and have only started a few of them. The ones that look promising are MELANCHOLIA and, to my surprise, HAPPINESS. Despite the zombie like illness (I really do not like zombie films), I am drawn to the main couple and even the doctor running the government program, so far I can understand his reasoning. Baek Hyun -Jin, as the evil husband, always delivers, I like a good villain.

It is the crazy, genius like, female serial killer in INSPECTOR KOO that saves the drama for me. Again - I like a good villain. And I love Santa.

Still watching JIRISAN. The bits I like are the outdoor outfits and the scenes when the rangers are on the mountain, surrounded by the beautiful nature. What I do not like is the ghost plot. I prefer ghosts in comedy or horror, but not when it suggests that there are ghosts in reality who can help solve a murder riddle. Unfortunately the ghost element is central to the drama and for this reason alone, it will not receive a bean from me.

NOW WE ARE BREAKING UP looks a bit pretentious after the first episode, but it is maybe too early to judge.

DALI was nice to the very end, especially since it made fun of many tropes, like the 1 year time gap ( they almost had me there!). THE KING'S AFFECTION sadly has not my affection, although I am curious how the drama will solve the impossible situation of the Royal wedding and the wedding night. Hopefully the RED SLEEVE CUFF will be better, I like the actors.


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- The Red Sleeve Cuff : So sweet and funny! I love that the first 2 episodes showing friendships between the court ladies, gossiping and sneaking around the palace at forbidden hours, making pact with supervisors.

And its funny watching the Crown Prince butting heads with the clueless Dok Im.

And I'm loving it that these first episodes don't focus heavily on corruption genre (at least at this moment)

- Happiness : I'm not a fan of zombie genre, I can't even get pass Kingdom's first 2 episodes, but Happiness offer some kind of light and different storyline.

- Jirisan

- Secret Royal Inspector : It has a bit of dragging scenes, but so far so good

- Let Me be Your Knight


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Late to the party. Disappointed that the tsunami after the drought dis not produce wonderfulness.
Dali & Prince was happily enjoyable for the trope twists alone.
Absolutely over the moon with King's Affection. PEB should reap all the good acting karma she has spread throughout K-drama land.
Hanging in with Inspector Koo. Can the plot surprise me a little?
So over Jirisan, and I wanted to love it so much.
Inspector + Joy. Is this paint-by-numbers? If I can follow the plot in a second language, maybe the writing team needs to step it up a little?
In mid-summer, when all the drek was released, I kept telling myself - "Just wait, all the good stuff will be airing soon.".
Waiting,... waiting.


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Try RED SLEEVE CUFF (just RED SLEEVE on Viki). So far it is very good.


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Thanks, I tried the first episode yesterday and the child actors were very good. Will continue to see if the adults can keep the drama rolling.


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DALI AND GAMJATANG: I liked it, especially Moo-hak and Dali as a couple. But the show could have been so much more.

HAPPINESS: I just can't with zombies. I lasted a full 15 minutes before I chickened out. To bad with PHS and HHJ. ;_;

NOW, WE'RE BREAKING UP: What it lacks in zombies, it made up in soap-operaness. So she's not above sleeping with him, but not acknowledging him afterwards? I don't like where this is heading. I'll take my queue from the heroine and Tyra Banks. One day you're in, next day you're out.


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