Beanie level: Noble idiot

Mourn with me! I just lost 3TB of tv shows that I have collected over the past 10 years because my new-ish external drive decided to go bye-bye. What do I dooooooooooo nooooooow?

But in all seriousness its going to be a pain to recover even half the stuff from the interwebs… I had all of the old Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episodes on there and the older ones are really hard to find and I need those… I watch them to fall asleeep…


    During undergrad, my family moved houses. Without asking me, my mom donated 3/4 of my books (~150 books). I was so devastated.


      I feel you. If somebody touched my books without permission I’d go mental.


        Ever since I’ve avoided buying physical books and just buy ebooks instead. It’s not as nice – nothing beats the feel of book in your hands or the act of turning a page – but at least this way I’ll never lose the books I’ve bought.


    “I watch them to fall asleep”

    Not sure if you are mocking oliver or paying a compliment 😛

    typically people count sheep (aka look for boring stuff) to fall asleep


      It’s a most defenitely a compliment. I’ve watched them all soooooo many times that I know them practically by heart. I can fall asleep to them because there is no storyline I need to follow and the jokes are funny and just my kind of humor. Also because I don’t live in the US most of the topics are only curiousity pieces to me. So it keeps my mind from spinning in circles with real life stuff while soothing it to sleep because I know them so well.


    i feel you.. it has happened with me and i lost almost 100 dramas i had collected for last 10 years ( for same reason my old hard disk got crashed).. then i cried for a day but realized ill start collecting better ones going forward…


Day 12: A Book That You Love But Hate At The Same Time

Another tough one… and to say I love this book is going a bit to far but it’s the closest to it.

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

Sooo… I read this one when it was still titled Master of the Universe back before it was published when it was an immensely popular fanfic of Twilight.
Back then in my post-Twilight phase I read a looooot of Twilight fanfic and this one hands down was one of the best. I really enjoyed it back then even though the language was quite repetetive… But to be fair I mostly didn’t notice because English isn’t my first language and I wasn’t there to better my English anyways.

It was a great fanfic… it also should have stayed that way. It was really good as long as it was a for free fanfic read but when it was published I noticed that apart from some minor tweaks (the names and such) it was basically the fanfic in a book with subpar and repetitive English that I now had to pay for. I would have felt less cheated if they did a more thorough overhaul because it feels like reading an early draft of a book.


Day 11: A Book You Hated

Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt by Dieter Noll
(eng.: The Adventures of Werner Holt)

I loathe this book. To be fair this probably has less to do with the book than the teacher who made us read this and her attitude.

This book is about a young Werner Holt who along with his friends offer to take part in the war effort of WW II as gun assistants or some such. At first they are quite enthusiastic and dream of their heroic deeds but soon they are faced with the reality of war and its consequences and Werner Holt witnesses how his friends change in different ways under the same circumstances.

There probably is a lot more going on but this is almost all I remember because I tried really hard to never think of this book ever again. Our German teacher was obsessed with war and post-war literatur of both WW I and WW II. She was adamant in instilling the post-generation guilt in us by repeatedly saying that our generation is as guilty for WW I/II as our ancestors (I’m German, btw.) It made me sick.

German schools are good at teaching WW I/II repeatedly in many different classes (History, German Class, Geography, Politics,…) throughout the years from an early age on so there isn’t really a time when I wasn’t aware of what happend in my country. But I always saw history with a distance because it wasn’t something that I personally did and especially as a small child it was just something terrible that happend. That is probably why I, like the majority of Germans, have zero national pride. Aside from internationa football (soccer) games…

Her way of teaching about this topic is the first time I actively shut down during class. I just couldn’t stand it and I was trying to distance myself from her toxic attitude she was trying to brainwash us with. My continuing anger at this teacher probably shows that I wasn’t entirely successful.

The book itself won prices so it can’t be all bad but my experience of this book is tainted in the worst possible way. Thanks Teach, you suck!


Day 10: A Book That Reminds You of Home

Another tough one… But the answer is probably my Latin school book that I never returned when school ended (pshhhh…Don’t. Tell. Anyone). I actually sometimes still flick through just to remind myself of some silly words or phrases or on the rare occasion that I actually need to know the origin of a foreign word.

That book always reminds me of that time when I was still blissfully living with my parents with no care in the world. Oh what a simple time that was! No bills and taxes to pay, no work to get to… Adult-ing is hard…


    Oh wow, you have a normal looking latin textbook.

    We had these completely BONKERS textbooks with this ongoing saga. The first one took place in Pompeii and everyone died in the end, except like, the son and the servant. It was truly surreal. Then in Latin 3 we used a different book which had illustrations which looked like they were done in MS Paint by a 6 year old with only a mild grasp of what people looked like. It was also somehow MORE bonkers than the first set of books. Man, those were good times.


Day 9: A Book You Thought You Wouldn’t Like But Ended Up Loving

I generally don’t read books that I don’t expect to like (except the books I was made to read in school but I ended up hating all of them) so this ones tough for me. But seriously who reads a book out of his own free will expecting to not enjoy the experience?

That’s why I have a long list of books that disappointed me one way or another…

The closest one to this topic for me is probably my Day 2 Book:

Ich bin dann mal weg by Hape Kerkeling
(eng.: I’m off Then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago)

As I explained in that post I didn’t want to read the book but then listened to part of the audiobook with my Mum and totally fell in love with the hilarious nature of this true life experience and then I bought and read the book.

Does this count?


Day 8: Most Overrated Book

The Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

I trust everybody to be familiar with this one so I won’t try to summarize the story. Let it be known that I love the Harry Potter Series and that I grew up with them. Each new one comming out one after the other when I was at exactly the right age to process the progressivly darker and darker themes in each one.


I really struggled with this one. It was boring and not as tightly written as the other ones. Nothing much of import happens at the Quidditch World Cup that couldn’t have been condensed down to half the page count. In my opinion that is actually true for most of the book. If it was 2/3 the length I probably would have enjoyed it more and that’s not because I’m shy to read long-ass books seeing as most fantasy books (that I have encountered) are way way longer than any of the Harry Potter books. Seeing as this book is where He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named gets a body it is a turning point in the series. But I just can’t get behind the hype surrounding this book in the greater Harry Potter community because I was utterly bored for the most part while reading it.


    That’s funny, for me it was one of the most thrilling and exciting one from the series. I had goosebumps all over my body several times and I was really mad at the film adaptation.


    This was the book that got me to read the series. It’s the only book series I’ve read in a weird order: 4>3>1>2>5>6>7 lol


Day 7: A Book That Makes You Laugh

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Where to start with this one…? It falls into the category of YA-Books and got adopted into a tv series (which as far as I can tell having only watched the first few episodes is a looooot different) by the name Shadowhunter.

It tells the story of a girl Clary who unexpectedly finds herself part of a world that her mother desperatly wanted to hide from her. The world of Shadowhnters. Basically shadowhunters kill demons and those half-demon/angel beings that don’t keep to the rules in our world. This story is more about finding out who Clary is and the dangerous situations she has to survive in this new world than it is about the romance. But boy is the romance fun. Our pair is wisecracking left and right with a lot of snarky comments and it’s so much fun to read their banter.

There are a loooot of badly written YA novels out there and since I can’t claim the concept of this book to be entirely new I have to advertise the fast but well paced story of the book and the fun writing style. If you like your main characters to have a lot of snark to them then I can’t recomment this book highly enough.


Day 6: A Book That Makes You Sad

The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin

The size of the book implies that its a childrens book but I read it as an adult and enjoyed it emensely. Although sad, tragic and even cruel at times this fairy tale-esque story is very MooYoung-esque (It’s Okay To Not Be Okay).

It’s a story about a young girl that befriends an ice dragon in the middle of a war torn country. This story like all of Martins work is beautifully written and rich in world building.

If you need a short 1-2h read and are in the mood for something a little dark but not too dark then his ones for you.


Day 5: A Book That Makes You Happy

For this one I don’t have a specific book but just looking at my book collection makes me insanely happy. I’m rather OCD about my books and how they are sorted. I read primarily series and I really hate it when I accidentally buy the wrong version and now it doesn’t fit with the other ones. Noooooooo….

But overall its really nice looking at my bookshelves and having all my books there and going down memory lane because some books are just linked to certain moments in life.


    You have a wonderful collection 🙂


      Thank You!


        You’re welcome 🙂 I wish I had that much space. I had to donate a lot of books because I didn’t have the space 🙁


    Bookshelf goals! I have so little space for my books so I can’t really store them 🙁


Day 4: Favorite Book of Favorite Series

Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward (BDB Book 3)

This one made me cry because the heros backstory is so heartbraking. He is a vampire warrior and he lets all of his anger and rage out on the races enemies. He also doesn’t think he deserves any happiness at all. Our heroine has to treat very carefully to try and understand him without spooking him to much.

This book is very real even with the setting but the story is primarily character driven, so the setting is only important to kick the story off. It’s heartwrenching all the way and the mutual healing thats going on is so needed.

I’ll give a warning that this one involves a loooot of very sensitive topics so if you rather read something fluffy than this one is defenitly not for you.


Day 3: Favorite Series

Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward

I’m an avid reader of Paranormal Romance Books and this series/author is keeping me singlehandedly tied to it.

At its core these books are about a hidden vampire race in modern day. There is one central romance in each book, but the books and the characters are interconnected so you’ll see your favorite characters in most of the other books as well. The males are badass, wisecracking, alcohol chugging, cursing sweethearts (which of course they only show in the presence of their significant other).

*Fans self* This series is just so, so, sooooo good. The first six books or so are very romance driven with very explicit scenes (which are tastefully written). In the later books the Warden opens the lens to the world wider with every book so the primary romance in each book gets percentage wise less and less screen time, but I don’t mind because this world is just so engaging and the writing is great. In the later books I even tend to like the secondary plot better than the romance plot.

If you have an itch to scratch this is just the series for you independently of if you are into Paranormal Romance or not.


Am just leaving it here for easier access for other beanies.
I always love watching these BTS clips from any show I really enjoy.


Day 2: A book you’ve read more than three times

This one was really easy for me because this book is by far the one I’ve revisited the most. In total 7 times so far.

Ich bin dann mal weg by Hape Kerkeling
(eng.: I’m off Then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago)

This one is sooooooo much fun. The author Hape is a German comedian so I grew up with him (ugh, I’m German, btw) and his style is very extra, meaning there is stuff I like and don’t like about his comedy. (He is rather famous for impersonating the queen of the Netherlands for example while visiting the seat of the German president.)

So, when this book came out in Germany all the grand-parents wanted this book. So I gifted this one a bunch at that time. But never in a million years did I want to check this out. And then my mother got the audiobook from somewhere, and we were on a long drive and it was on. He narrates the audiobook himself… I’ve never laughed so hard in my life I swear!

So back I went and bought the book. I read it. It was fun and funny and I laughed a lot. But the true experience is the audiobook. So my six revists to this book have always been with the audiobook. And it’s still hilarious.

So anyways, this book is about Hape quitting his daily life to rethink and resort priorities by going on a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. It’s equally deep and reflective and funny because he meets different people on the way who all shape the way he experiences the pilgramage which is sometimes agonizing and sometimes really easy as pie.

I usually reread (er, re_listen?) this when I’m in a rather melancholic mood because this one is a pick-me-up while at the same time I’m also in the mood to ponder the, er, universe. So if you ever find yourself in a similar mood and you don’t speak German, there is an english translation out there. Go read it!


Ok, I’m caving. I’ll join the 30-Day-Book Challenge. Really late.. but here goes:

Day 1: Best book you read last year

I used to be such a prolific reader during my school time but these days my choices have really dwindled. (That is not to say I didn’t really, really enjoy this book.)

Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski

I was actually debating between this one and The Last Wish. It is chronologically the first one in the series but it is a collection of short stories so my choice went to Blood of Elves because it has a clear throughline and is the true beginning of the story. The reading of this was of course inspired by the Netflix tv-series that is based on this book series. I liked the trailer to the tv show so like always my first instinct is to read the source material which generally if not always is better than the adaptation. I am not disappointed. It was a great read and the book is way shorter than the usual Fantasy fare I read, so it made for a nice change of pace for me.

I recommend this book to people who want an actiony quick Fantasy read with strong male and female protagonists because this author knows that women, at heart, are people too.


Uff, that was very mean of you Appa. How dare you pretend to have forgotten your adorable Eun-Ha?
That kind off broke my heart. No wonder she didn’t want to leave him afterwards… Can’t have him forget her again.


    The guy clearly adores his daughter though. It’s nice to see.


Whoop, with that last post I just leveld up to Noble Idiot after being a Water Maid since the beginning of this new site.


Here is the second part of that interview.

I knew that LJG was an attention seeker but it’s good to know that he is very much aware of this.

I remember watching him in a Running Man Episode (I think it was to promote Moon Lovers) and the other actors being really embarassed that they had to say silly ‚magical‘ phrases but LJG was just like full of confidence and not shy at all.


Thought I’d share this interview that aired live just before the 2. episode of Flower of Evil aired.

I like the part at around 11 minutes best when they are talking about the kiss in the begining of episdode 1 and a commenter (they are taking live comments) says that is not how a married couple of 12 years kisses. XO


    IDK, might be different when your husband is LJG/your wife is MCW XDDD


Some hilarious BTS from FoE.
Also I just want some LJG on my fanwall aswell. ^^’


This last batch of dramas including Flower of Evil and It’s Okay To Not Be Okay has shown me one thing: I like dramas where one lead has Antisocial Personality Disorder.

From last year I remember really enjoying The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (the ending shall not be acknowledged here) and Stranger the year before and way back when Hello, Monster. All of these one way or another dealt openly with that character type.

Ok, let’s acknowledge the elefant in the room: Most male leads are technically APD-types, but it’s somehow considered cute and romatic once the female lead finds out the heros tragic backstory and in those cases it’s not further explored that the ML has APB but was for the first half just a giant jerk and then magically turns into a puppy in the second half.

So, with that being said: Has anyone any recomendations for me?


    hmm, I don’t think Hyena would fit that specific characteristic, but I would definitely recommend giving it a shot if you haven’t. I love the leads’ dynamics, and the female lead is a wonderfully complex/layered character that rarely appears in kdramaland. 🙂


    The Last Empress. I enjoyed watching Emperor Lee Hyuk. MY (IONTBO) character description and some lines in IOTNBO reminds me of Hyuk ( He has wide character range and constantly flops between good and bad. He was a delight to see on TV, deliciously deranged. Hahahaha


    Beautiful Mind also has an interesting take on someone diagnosed with APD.


      Is this one heavy on the doctoring?
      Because otherwhise it does sound interesting. =)


        Not excessively. Its definitely not as graphic as other medical dramas. Plus, I feel like the cases focused more on how the APD doctor reacted to them. It’s a drama that didn’t get a lot of love when it aired but the dialogues are great and there’s an interesting twist at the end. Personally, I love it.


    Itaewon Class- the female lead was shown to have characteristics of it.
