Oh My Lady: Episode 16 (Final)

Ah, the end is here! I suspect this episode made most if not all fans very happy, as it tied up the plot in a light-hearted but satisfactory way that was in keeping with the tone of the drama. It’s too bad that things didn’t get really compelling until about Episode 10 (then stepped it up with Episode 12 on — incidentally when Yura took a big step backward — coincidence? I think not) — which is frankly rather late for me to be connecting with a drama.

It’s to the actors’ credit that their amusing and sweet interactions were able to carry the plot until the story finally managed to tap into that emotional place with Min-woo’s growth as a father and as a person. I’m just glad that this one ended on a high note, because so many finale episodes feel like a letdown — they’re either too rushed or dragged out as an extended epilogue.


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Min-woo asks Kae-hwa to be Ye-eun’s mother, explaining that he had purposely waited to ask her until after the musical premiered. Nobody could be as good a mother to Ye-eun as she is, “And I need you. Let’s marry.”

(Omo! Usually when episodes end on cliffhangers, the next episode drops the tension back down, but in this case they just upped the ante.)

Kae-hwa is stunned, but Min-woo adds, “I’m not saying this out of the blue. I’ve thought this over seriously for a long while. Think it over, then give me your answer. I can wait as long as you need.”

Min-woo is invited along for a celebratory drink with The Show Co. staff, and Jae-hee remarks that it feels like Min-woo’s a part of their office family now, seeing as he has come to all their gatherings. Min-woo smiles and, while looking at Kae-hwa, says pointedly, “I think so too. It feels like a family.”

He’s extra solicitous to her, offering little things like napkins and such, which Shi-joon finds amusing while Kae-hwa is exasperated. When the others urge her to drink more, Min-woo swoops in to play the “black knight,” i.e, drink for her.

Min-woo’s behavior is so noteworthy that Jae-hee asks teasingly if their fake scandal is actually real. Kae-hwa blurts, “No!” just as Min-woo answers, “Yes.” (Such a mixed reaction makes the others think there’s more to this relationship than they’re letting on, and they exchange knowing looks.) Kae-hwa rises to leave early because of the kids, and Min-woo hurriedly excuses himself too, accompanying her out.

Kae-hwa is impatient with his exaggerated attentiveness, and says that she’ll give her answer now: “I’m not going to marry again.” He asks her to think about it some more, but she replies that a lot of thought has already gone into making this decision (not to remarry).

A bit indignant, he says it’s cowardly to swear off marriage because her first one failed. Maybe she just met the wrong guy the first time — it’s always possible she’ll meet a good person the second time around.

Kae-hwa replies that she doesn’t want to entertain such an expectation, and besides, she has Min-ji. He counters that a daughter isn’t a husband — and once Min-ji grows up and gets married, will she be fine being alone? That makes her pause briefly, but she reasserts her stance.

Min-woo: “Are you that afraid?”
Kae-hwa: “Yes, I am! Do you know what marriage is?”
Min-woo: “‘What do you know when you have no life experience?’ Is that what you’re telling me?”
Kae-hwa: “You haven’t been hurt so you don’t know. You don’t know what that pain is of promising to love each other for the rest of your life and having that shattered. So please don’t talk to me about marriage again. I’m sorry to say it like this.”

She walks off, leaving him pondering her words.

Kae-hwa’s words make him look deeper into the cause of her resistance. Thus the next morning, he intercepts Byung-hak just as the latter is leaving his house (humming “Sorry Sorry” in a meta moment, lol).

Min-woo gets to the point, asking aggressively what the heck Byung-hak did to Kae-hwa to make her swear off marriage forever. Byung-hak returns that this is hardly his concern, but Min-woo says it matters “because it’s a hindrance to her marrying me.”

Byunk-hak’s reaction is pure confusion: “Why?” Why would he want a woman like Kae-hwa when he’s a star? Min-woo presses on with his question, which elicits a roundabout answer about how she’s a difficult and tiring woman to live with. Min-woo watches with narrowed eyes, reading between the lines — he cheated, huh?

Defensively, Byung-hak turns it around on Kae-hwa, saying she doesn’t know how to make herself pretty; it felt like he was living with a housekeeper. In fact, he never bought even her flowers — not because he forgot or anything, but simply because he never felt inspired to buy them for her. You know, since looks are the only reason for loving a woman and all. (I’m not even offended by this comment, because Byung-hak is such a silly idiot that the sentiment has no sting coming from him.)

Min-woo asks if he ever apologized for hurting her. Byung-hak laughs, saying it’s embarrassing to do that. Min-woo tells him firmly, “Apologize to her. Ask her officially for her forgiveness.” Byung-hak finds this an odd demand coming from Min-woo, who replies, “I’m asking as the man who loves her.”

Now that Min-woo has made up his mind to woo Kae-hwa, he gets busy trying to win her over. For instance, he waits outside her apartment to give the girls a ride to school, and reacts in concern to hear Kae-hwa hasn’t eaten breakfast. After dropping off the girls, he takes her to a fancy buffet, where he even serves her.

Kae-hwa worries over the pricy food, trying to convince him to watch his spending because he must have lost a lot of money in the cancelled endorsement deals. Min-woo answers matter-of-factly that they probably add up to about 3 billion won ($2.5 million), but is unfazed. He’s got money in the bank and is confident he can get more work; he’ll consider this a luxurious hiatus from work.

Unimpressed, Kae-hwa urges him to adopt a frugal attitude and says she’s better off than he is, since at least she has a regular salary.

At work, a huge arrangement of red roses is delivered, addressed to Kae-hwa from Min-woo. While the other employees all smile at her knowingly, Kae-hwa tries to explain it away in innocent terms: “Can’t this be a thank-you?” They don’t buy it for a second.

Min-woo sends her a text, which is totally over-the-top and ridiculous (“More beautiful than a flower… Kae-hwa”). Embarrassed and uncomfortable, Kae-hwa says she’ll clear the flowers out of the office and takes them to the stairwell, thinking Min-woo is being shameless. But they do bring a smile to her face, as it’s been ages since she’s received flowers from anyone (which is why Min-woo made the gesture in the first place, in reaction to Byung-hak’s remark).

Next, Min-woo takes a cake to Bok-nim in thanks for treating Ye-eun, then asks for a favor, as she is a friend to Kae-hwa. His statement that “I’m intending to marry Yoon Kae-hwa” so shocks her that Bok-nim drops her coffee and stares at him incredulously.

Bok-nim rushes to ask Kae-hwa about it, wanting to know when the wedding is. She dismisses Kae-hwa’s grumbling that he’s just a kid — 28 is plenty grown-up, and the seven-year age difference is nothing. How can she let a guy like him slip through her fingers?

Kae-hwa grumbles that Min-woo’s proposal asked her to be Ye-eun’s mother, not his wife. Bok-nim sees through Kae-hwa’s complaining and smiles: “You really do like Min-woo.” That’s why she’s disappointed over the wording of his proposal, right? Bok-nim waves aside her resistance, saying that if they like each other, what’s the big deal? In her eyes, Min-woo is serious about her.

Min-woo takes the family out to a nice restaurant. Kae-hwa is self-conscious about coming to a place like this where they’ll be watched, but Min-ji enjoys eating out for once, and Min-woo tells her that it doesn’t matter to him. He pats Ye-eun on the head, saying, “I’m going to raise her proudly, since she’s my daughter.” Which is probably the most effective thing he could have said to impress her, and she allows herself to look at him with moony eyes (but only when he’s not looking back at her).

When Kae-hwa takes Ye-eun to the bathroom, Min-woo tries to make conversation with Min-ji. He sees this as a chance to suss out her thoughts and asks if she’d like having a sister like Ye-eun. Min-ji is pretty sharp and asks point-blank, “Are you going to marry my mother?” Her bluntness takes him by surprise, but he confides that he wants to. Still, he has to first hear out Min-ji’s opinion and wait for her mother’s answer.

She asks, “If you end up marrying my mother and then a prettier lady comes along, are you going to divorce my mom?” Min-woo gapes incredulously, but Min-ji points out that he works with beautiful actresses all the time: “If you betray my mother, it’ll be so sad for her.”

He tells her solemnly, “That’ll never happen. I’ll promise that to you.” They pinky-swear on it.

The musical continues its run and after another of Min-woo’s performances, he calls Kae-hwa, who is working late — or at least, she lies that she is. He offers to pick her up from the office, but for whatever reasons (fear, insecurity, nerves), Kae-hwa rejects the offer.

Reporter Han overhears Min-woo muttering to himself after the call, and says knowingly that he must be stuck in an unrequited love. Min-woo is wary, but Reporter Han has some insights about the situation, and his comments pique Min-woo’s curiosity. Wanting to hear more thoughts on his situation, Min-woo goes along with the reporter’s suggestion to grab a drink.

Kae-hwa works late, keeping herself busy to avoid going home right away. Finding her still in the office, Shi-joon offers her a ride home, and they pause for a break to talk. Tentatively, Kae-hwa says she hopes that he and his wife can give things another try, as it seems they still care for each other. Although Shi-joon doesn’t respond, he’s not offended by her statement and in fact seems to consider her words.

He turns the topic to Min-woo, asking how things are between them. Kae-hwa can’t feign ignorance since Shi-joon knows too much, but first she asks how much he knows. He answers, “One person is sending flowers, but the other person doesn’t seem ready to receive them.”

She confirms that Min-woo seems to be serious about a relationship but she’s not sure; she doesn’t feel confident that she can be seen “as a woman” to anybody. Shi-joon tells her she can — enough that he felt something for her for a short while. This stuns her, as he had never given any hint of his interest, but Shi-joon assures her that there is no cause for alarm. He has dealt with his feelings, and things won’t get awkward between them.

Liquor loosens Min-woo’s reserve (and his tongue) enough that he starts to talk freely about his woes, wondering how Kae-hwa can reject his proposal. Grabbing his laptop, the reporter starts to take notes, asking questions about why she rejected him and how long he’s had feelings for her. And I love Min-woo’s answer:

Min-woo: “Since we went looking for Ye-eun. No — since she had to go to the sauna because of me. No — since she fought with Mr. Jung [Yoon-seok]. Or was it from the beginning?”

Reporter Han says he must like her quite a lot, and Min-woo answers, “Yes, an awful lot. She’s different from the women I dated in the past. She’s beautiful. That’s why I think, ‘This is my woman.'” With that, he falls asleep, his head coming to rest on the tabletop.

Huh — well, this is a new side to Min-woo, and the reporter finds him pretty pure-hearted after all. It’s nothing like the partying image he’d had earlier. He starts typing a story about Min-woo’s “heartfelt love story” and uses words like “rebirth as a real actor.”

Han’s article spawns a wave of press, which now portrays Min-woo in a much more down-to-earth, humanistic light. They even declare that he has now washed off the disgrace of his former image as a lousy actor.

Yoon-seok is dissatisfied — I guess this good press does him no good, since he has lost his hold on Min-woo — but everyone else’s opinion of Min-woo makes a drastic upswing. He presents himself modestly in interviews, and even producer Eom is impressed with him. In fact, Eom gives himself credit for having recognized Min-woo’s talents early on, but Byung-hak scoffs since he didn’t do anything about them. Eom counters that he’ll get Min-woo for his next production.

Eom isn’t the only one wanting to cast Min-woo, and Shi-joon conveys an offer to Min-woo from a Japanese producer colleague, who has sent a proposal for Min-woo to take a role in a Japanese drama. Min-woo is pleased with the news, but as soon as he sees that he’d have to live in Japan for a year, he declines. Shi-joon thinks it’s a great opportunity, but Min-woo answers that he has somebody to watch over here.

And that’s not all: Jae-hee hands Kae-hwa some documents to give to Min-woo, which are papers for a new advertising contract offer worth 1 billion won (nearly $1 million). Apparently advertisers love his new image as a dedicated young single father.

Kae-hwa takes the documents to Min-woo’s photo shoot, where he takes a break from posing for a makeup touchup. The makeup artist tells him that his “scandal partner” (Kae-hwa) is really below his level, and offers to introduce him to a younger model friend. She describes the girl as one of those innocent-looking beauties, to which Min-woo answers, “I like sexy women.”

Naturally this is hardly thrilling for Kae-hwa to hear, even though Min-woo is actually making that quip as a way to reject the date. (Rather than saying no outright, saying that he prefers sexy women is a way of declining her friend, who is the opposite.)

Feeling dispirited, Kae-hwa decides not to approach and starts to leave. She runs into Yura, who congratulates her on her relationship and assures her that she has decided to move on.

Kae-hwa hands the envelope to Yura and asks for her to give it to Min-woo, making up the excuse that she’s busy and has to leave. Yura does, and when Min-woo hears the reason, he hurries out and tries to call Kae-hwa. Alas she isn’t answering the phone, so he goes to the theater, where he is told she is still back at the office.

Shi-joon finds her on the roof ignoring Min-woo’s phone call, and offers her a beer. In her melancholy mood, Kae-hwa offers to tell Shi-joon a “really funny story” and confides that Min-woo proposed to her. Even funnier is the fact that her heart thrilled to hear it. It was exciting to be seen as a woman again — but today, that feeling was shattered.

I’d assumed she was hurt by the makeup stylist’s dismissive comments about her, but I’m actually relieved that those words weren’t the cause of her mood. In actuality, it was the sight of him in action, looking like a star, that made her feel like they were completely unsuited for each other: “He seemed like someone from another land.”

Shi-joon points out that Min-woo was a star from the start — it’s not like she didn’t know. Kae-hwa answers that at the beginning, he had nothing to do with her so that wasn’t an issue. But as they got to know each other, she saw him struggling and felt sorry for him, and nagged him when he said silly things — and those things felt comfortable and manageable. Now that he’s doing better… it’s like he’s back to being a lofty star and the chasm is growing between them.

Shi-joon tells her that Min-woo likes her very much — enough to give up a drama opportunity for her. “Min-woo has changed this much — shouldn’t you recognize his feelings?”

Min-woo arrives at the office to find it empty, then recalls the roof. He arrives outside just in time to see Kae-hwa wiping away some tears. So much about this situation upsets him, and he strides up to her, grabs her wrist (urg!), and takes her downstairs.

He feels hurt that she has been ignoring his calls and avoiding him, particularly when she knew he was waiting for her — and now she’s here crying in front of Shi-joon — and raises his voice to a yell. Kae-hwa tells him levelly that she has already given him her reply, but he ignored it. No matter how she thinks about it, they don’t suit.

He argues that if he cared about those things — age, status — he would never have liked her from the start. She returns that this is just proof that he’s young, and they should quit while they’re ahead. And he should go to Japan.

That gets his attention: “Is that why?” He explains that he didn’t tell her about the Japan offer because he never intended to go. She takes issue with his high-handedness in dragging her away, saying that she’s ashamed of him when he does that, and gets angry and starts fights out of misunderstandings.

Min-woo asks, “So are you saying you can’t marry me? Are you saying I won’t do because I’m immature and young?” Kae-hwa answers yes. She can’t marry someone who reacts in such unpredictable ways — it makes her feel uneasy. She storms off, leaving him to shout her name in frustration.

You know, I’m actually relieved that they had this fight. They’ve never fought for real, and this addresses issues that they’ve been skirting thus far. It’s also nice to see some real conflict — genuine emotional clashing and hurt feelings — rather than the glib, fluffy sort of conflict that has characterized most of this show.

That night, Byung-hak calls Kae-hwa, who finds him drunk and in a thoughtful mood. To her surprise, he tells her, “I’m sorry.” He acknowledges that he never apologized properly, so he’s doing it now. She did nothing wrong — he’s the bad guy — and they divorced because he wronged her. But he felt too embarrassed to apologize, so he couldn’t do it: “But after listening to Sung Min-woo, I felt I was really wrong, and that I had to apologize. So I came here.”

That surprises her — he met Min-woo? Byung-hak gives Min-woo some credit for the way he had insisted he apologize, admitting that the kid was pretty impressive with the way he said, “As the man who loves Yoon Kae-hwa, please apologize.”

He says it one more time: “Kae-hwa, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I pushed you aside and hurt your feelings — forgive me for everything. Forget that all, and make a new start. And if he upsets you, come and tell me right away, and I’ll give him a scolding.”

(Aww. An unexpectedly touching moment from Byung-hak. As with the last time he defended Kae-hwa, this gives us a glimpse into why they were married in the first place while also showing us why they didn’t work. It’s rare to see ex-spouses in a drama ending on amicable terms, and it’s a nice change.)

Min-woo comes home feeling frustrated, and looks over his drama proposal documents. This gives him an idea, and he starts typing away. And when we see what he’s drafting — gahhh, Min-woo is so cute. I about died reading the title of his document: “Proposal On Living For Yoon Kae-hwa.”

In the morning, he comes to her apartment and gives her the envelope. He looks at her with puppy dog eyes and tells her to give her response after reading it.

Kae-hwa reads Min-woo’s proposal, which is formatted like a business document. In keeping with the theme of the drama proposal packet, he has drawn up Kae-hwa’s resumé, only it’s more like a life resumé than a professional one, outlining her traits and skills such as “she has a loud voice,” “makes killer ddukbokki and kimbap,” and “she likes Kim Myung-min better than Sung Min-woo, but I want to forgive her anyway.” Also of note: she has become a mother to Ye-eun, “and now is the woman in my heart.”

Under the “future plans” column, he has scheduled marriage in a month, a vacation cruise to celebrate their one-year anniversary, and so forth. Byung-hak’s apology had started to melt her resolve, and now she has to smile a teeny bit at Min-woo’s document.

Jung-ah has been offered a job in Daejeon, which is located in central Korea and about a two-hour drive from Seoul. She asks Shi-joon for his approval, suggesting that they need some space between them. As she leaves, she tells him that she realizes she hasn’t been the best wife to him either (I presume she means before the adultery, since otherwise that statement would be met with a resounding DUH).

But the door isn’t closed on them forever — with Shi-joon now opening up more to Jung-ah and realizing his part in driving his wife away, it looks like they’re leaving room for a reconciliation later, after they’ve both healed. Shi-joon even says he’ll go down to visit her on the weekend.

Min-woo performs another show, after which he checks his phone and tries to contain his disappointment that Kae-hwa hasn’t called. To his (happy) surprise, Kae-hwa finds him sitting in the empty theater, here with a much more conciliatory attitude than the last time they saw each other.

As we know, important conversations must always relocate to prettier environs (can you imagine that car ride over to the waterside? Most awkward silence ever).

Kae-hwa apologizes for her harsh words, telling Min-woo that she didn’t mean it when she pushed him away. She asks for his understanding and also thanks him for thinking of her life and her future (i.e., in his proposal) in such a serious way.

Min-woo has been looking pensive and tense throughout her speech, like he’s bracing himself, sensing that she’s ready to deliver her final decision. So it takes a moment for her next words to really sink in, as she tells him:”So I’m thinking of being courageous now. Thanks to you, I think I can do that now.”

She adds that she’d always thought she would just focus on being a solid support for Min-ji’s benefit, “But if things get hard, it’s okay if lean on someone now.” Min-woo smiles and steps forward to hug her gently, thanking her for her answer. Kae-hwa thanks him back for letting her be courageous again.

Min-woo then thanks her for watching over him and Ye-eun all this while. He promises that from now on, he’ll protect her.

And then they get the swirly-camera kiss — which is a nice way to bookend the drama, considering that this is very similar to how we started. Only, now it actually means something.

The end!


I picked up Oh My Lady because (1) when it started I had the time, as none of the current Wednesday-Thursday shows had premiered yet and I had no other recap commitments, (2) I had just finished its timeslot predecessor Wish Upon a Star, which was a happy surprise, and therefore anticipated a similar tone for this one, and (3) I wanted to keep up the watching and recapping momentum. There’s also (4) the matter of loving Chae Rim (and wanting her to pick a more enjoyable project than her last, Good Job, Good Job) and (5) the fact that I had pegged Choi Siwon as an idol-star-turned-actor to watch out for after Story of Hyang Dan back in ’07. (See? There IS some thought that goes into these decisions, however random the choices may ultimately seem!)

About halfway through the drama, however, I found my interest flagging, but not enough to drop the show. Even the less interesting episodes were easy to watch, and it wasn’t a challenging show in either theme or plot, so keeping up wasn’t too much of a hardship. I did, however, start thinking that if the actual plot development got any SLOWER, I would seriously consider dropping it.

Ultimately I’m glad I stuck with the show, and the last four episodes in particular gave me a sense of satisfaction about the drama as a whole. It turned into a different drama than the one it originally seemed — which pointed at the hijinks of a star falling for his ajumma maid/manager — and focused much more on Min-woo’s development as a father than as a romantic partner. I don’t think the romance came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t a priority, and that was actually refreshing.

I won’t call Choi Siwon a brilliant actor — he’s pretty decent, but he’s still got a long way to go if he’s going to keep pursuing an acting career, and I think he should — so rather than pure acting skills, it’s his personal charm that carries the character. I mean, just look at that smile, right?

It doesn’t hurt that he’s perfectly cast — image isn’t everything, but it’s a pretty significant part of how we approach a character. And when you cast a star to play a star, you’ve always got that benefit of the audience’s meta awareness of the actor’s real-life fame. (Also see: Choi Ji-woo in A Star’s Lover, Rain in Full House, Jang Geun-seok in You’re Beautiful, Kim Ah-joong in Accidental Couple.)

It was a leetle disappointing to have so little screentime for the two girls in the last episode, but we’ve seen enough of the Cute in previous episodes that I was content to let this finale be Min-woo and Kae-hwa’s exclusively. (Well, there were a few Shi-joon and Jung-ah moments, but I choose to skip right over them in my mind. Yawn. I’m satisfied, story-wise, with where they ended, but don’t need to dwell any longer on them.)

And then there’s Chae Rim. To be honest, I don’t think this is the best vehicle for her, even though the drama really benefits from having her in it. Therefore I’m glad for the drama’s sake, but she’s an actress whose talents weren’t fully used here — particularly since her character was less developed than Min-woo’s, and hardly changed at all. She made the most of it, tapping into a vulnerable side of Kae-hwa that gave the character a hint of depth. But I hope to see her tackling something more challenging in the future, and something out of the ajumma mold, as she’s done two in a row.

All in all, Oh My Lady was a sweet, cute series that could be a fun way to spend a breezy weekend with some unchallenging but personable characters, and that will leave you smiling at the end.


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Hi ya'l OMLHood Angelsl... how's the weekend so far... or what's left of it...? Hey, we're all heading towards 500s... We've really gone beyond OML, Siwon and SuJu, then Chae Rim--once in a while..

There are a lot of OML related videos, here are tributes to our common LIKE,sorry if they are duplicates of previous links and NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT intended, we do not own them, for entertainment purposes only--we do not own these videos--please do not let them disappear--these are just different OML related fanmade videos, etc--ENJOY:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1mRm0TqLww&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHkKaBj2Ymw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEGtxMtkrl4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB5sR9jEdRM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5LC4lIyB4g&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAHcVAqds0M&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGnw9ZiV2L8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgDQKNJJoEU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai0qPK0qhrs&feature=related&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziDcAm3i3bw&feature=fvw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNeJBt-mT0M&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsL8mQKbtn4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-pmUk9fFos&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F32mO4PePM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WftBx4QCL4&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAuaSa-X7hY&feature=related

have a good day to all with KDAS--OH! MY LADY, Choi Si Won, Chae Rim, Super Junior and all the Angels in the OMLHood--- F I G H T I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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No Other + Bonamana 7/25 @ Inkigayo:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU18c0Cu8d8 (they're all in black now and yes, more Siwon too)

Farewell to No Other + Bonamana promotions...hello Super Show 3! (and hopefully SS2 & OML DVDs too!)


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Aaw, they're having fun! Guess who got to pay for their food...=)

From Heechul's tweeter: Last performance celebratory get togetherㅋㅋDecided by rock, paper scissors, one person pay for 30 servings of Rib eye steaks+marinated galbi+ shabu shabu+ mixed naengmyun and water naengmyun ㅋㅋㅋㅋ members and the manager hyungs...

part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35l2QzILsUw
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Super+Junior+Heechul's+Twitter+Video+part+2+(Jul,25,10)&aq=f


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Here's a subtitled version of part 2 from post above:

Hahaha! The one who lost must have felt so unlucky because apparently he just came from the dorm, had to do rock, paper, scissors and then gets to pay for all the food before he had even taken one bite...


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Hi, angels of the OMLhood! Suju performed at the 2010 Miss Korea Pageant after all. Here's the link.




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Ooooo, this is like Christmas! All those links. Where do I begin? Actually, I've already looked at most of them.

@Mel - Thanks for the OML links. I love the consolidation. All great scenes nicely packaged!

@Ace - I'm amazed how early you get those links. One of them had only 58 views! And I thought under 200 was good. It's like first row seats.. Thank you! It's trippy when a video is dated a day I haven't arrived at yet! Oh, and it was nice to hear the guys having such fun. Paper, scissors, and rock is a classic, and I liked learning the Korean version.

@Menci - Yay, they performed it. It seemed a little strange, though, in that they seemed so serious. I know it's supposed to be that way, but walking onto the stage was done in a somber mood. Keeping in character from beginning to end? Maybe. Then again, didn't get to see the end when they walked off. Perhaps they cracked smiles then. Heechul's mouth barely looked like it moved. When lip-syncing, I think he could have faked better. Perhaps I've been watching No Other too much and got used to happy and light.


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The Inkigayo perfomance link I've posted above has been removed...here's another:

I just noticed that they wore the same black ensemble to the Miss Korea pageant. Guess they didn't have time to change or didn't bother. =)


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LOL - post # 508 is mine. No idea where the name "mav" came from. ; )


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@ace/mav - LOL...I was wondering who this mystery person "mav" was, but I figured it was you. You don't happen to be vhladynineer, also?

Boy, they are fast on the draw about removing video, but that one you just provided us with seemed of even better quality - ha!

And LOL, but Ryeowook sure sounds like he's saying "choo choo!" to me (though I know it's "true true"). I'm sure I noticed the lyrics before, but I think I miss it there because I'm so busy looking to see if they will show Eunhyuk and Siwon on the shoulder shimmy part. Hooray! They showed them today...


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Yeah ! We have exceeded 500 !!!!! We have come a long way from our initial target of 200 !

The hottest gossip now is Siwon and BoA are an item after he posted their picture in his twitter !!! Even our evening papers here carry the news ! Lots of fans are going to be heartbroken if this is true ....... What's your take on this ?

Hey, did anyone of you purchase the Bonamana App from the Itune store ? Any feedback on the App ?

Mel / Ace, many thanks for the link, will find time to check out those video clips, hope they will not be removed so soon.


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@kappy - hahaha, nope I'm not vhladynineer. I was surprised that the video was removed so soon, haven't even lasted 24 hrs. All I can say about the mispronunciation of English words by KPop artists is that I'm glad that Siwon is doing a great job speaking/singing English (that's why I was a fan of Rain before because he at least enunciates clearly in his songs even if he does not speak English much).

@doraemon - although Siwon and BoA are almost the same age, I don't believe they're an item because from what I know of Siwon, he won't be going out with anyone who does not share his beliefs. BoA is Catholic. Siwon is Protestant. And besides, if she is his girlfriend, I would think that they'd keep it a secret and not post any 'incriminating' pictures in the 'net.


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Oh Kappy, I'm with you, all this while I didn't know that Ryeowook sang "True True", it also sounded "choo choo" to me :) Hahaha .......

Comparing the 2 performances on 24/7 and 25/7, I prefer the former; somehow they looked a bit tired on the 25/7 performance. I really enjoy this No Other + Bonamana combo, and can't help just focusing on Siwon, he really stand out among his fellow members, my favourite is the last part where he emerged to the centre front towards the end of the performance !

I also find the perfornance at the Miss Korean Pageant a little off, especially at the beginning, they really looked tired, but it got better towards the end.

Hmm........now I miss all these live performances of Suju


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Anyone remember Charice Pempengco, the Fillipino singer who sang in Star King three years ago? (Super Junior were the guest judges) She returned to the show which aired on 7/24. Here are the 2 parts (the person who posted on YT used the name "Charmaine" so the video won't be removed):


Although I'm not really a fan of Charice (she conveniently forgot again to mention Ellen DeGeneres), I'm glad that she said encouraging words to f(x) member Luna after Luna shed tears on the show (see part 2). There has been some debate on why Luna cried, some saying she was impressed with Charice' version of Whitney Houston's One Moment in Time (minutes before Charice sang it Luna did her own version) and some saying some guest judge said something discouraging to her (to the effect that she can't make it as a singer outside of Korea). She got a hug from leader Leeteuk (aaw!) who's co-MCing together with Eunhyuk in Star King. Leeteuk said some very nice things. Go Leeteuk!

BTW, Charice will be a recurring guest in Glee Season 2 as a foreign exchange student who will present serious competition against lead character Rachel Berry.

Warning: rave/rant - The reason why I'm not as impressed with Charice as I should be is that I believe that as a Filipino, it would be better if great talents like her would succeed in the world stage by at least singing original Filipino songs/music and not imitate Whitney, Celine, or Mariah. Lea Salonga is an exception since she succeeded in the world stage by playing the lead, Kim in the musical Miss Saigon (different level/genre but she's still my first choice to sing the Philippine National Anthem anytime, anywhere). Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese singers/bands become popular outside their own country not because they're singing cover versions of English language songs. They become popular despite the fact that their listeners can't even understand what they're saying (way to go for J & K Pop!). Why can't Filipinos do it too? We have lots of great singers and we used to have great songs too in the 70's up until the 90's. They could at least do cover versions of classic songs like Bituing Walang Ningning (literal translation: star without light/shine), Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas (hope there'll be no end), or the songs of Eraserheads (oh wait! they did that already and those versions sucked too!). Now it's all cover versions. Where have all the great composers like Willy Cruz and George Canseco gone to? There's no end to the imitations. We even suck at our own versions of Kdramas (they made a joke out of Lovers in Paris and I heard that there's going to be an adaptation of BOF too - boo!). =(


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Hi all!

Okay, I wish to ask your take on Kae Hwa's food philosophy, and basically the role food played in her life.

She had one on meat - Kae Hwa takes Minji out to eat meat, and Minji comments on how lately they've been eating a lot of it. I forgot Kae Hwa's reasoning. Was it simply that it's good for one to grow big and strong?

She also had one on eating lettuce wraps - something to the effect of "when you eat these, you tend to forget your troubles." I thought that was really cute. I oughta try it.

She was a wonderful cook and showed she cared through the drinks and dishes she prepared for Min Woo and the girls. She supposedly was renowned for her dukbokki, amongst other dishes. Bok Nim received her delicious side dishes happily as payment for service rendered.

Oh, and since her ex dropped the bomb of infidelity on her, stews gave her an upset stomach. I wonder if the show continued a bit longer we would see her enjoy stews again.


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Greetings -

@doraemon - Yes, I failed to wish congrats to all on hitting 500! Who knows when this roller coaster ride will end? I think "haven" is a good description for this blog, 'cause I can come and talk amongst friends and fangurl and rant and rave and ask and express opinions and even commiserate, if need be. Oh, and plan. And dream. Mustn't forget dream.

Yay, someone else on the Ryeowook choo choo train with me. It's funny 'cause I'd like to describe other parts, say, when Siwon looks best (besides when sweating), but I usually just give up, because it would mean me having to guess (and probably butcher) the Korean language (like choo choo or hahaha) or describe movements (shoulder shimmy, four guys at the near the end, etc.). Obviously, I don't get all that worried about it, since I've attempted a few times already...

Re: BoA and Siwon - I think it's a possibility, but not a probability for the reasons Ace stated. I guessed that it might be an item of much discussion on various forums (because for a second I thought of the possibility myself), but I don't we need to worry. Not that we would. Or have need to. Um. You know what I mean.

Re: Miss Korea performance. I like your description better of their seeming "out of it" or tired more than mine (somber). As someone said, they were in their same outfits as another performance dated same day, and they were probably Bonamana'd out. Leeteuk seemed to put some energy (facial expression) into it. Someone commented on YT that he is really good at finding the camera. He is a good choice to be leader because he is very comfortable being in the limelight, being enthusiastic (esp. when it's extra hard to drum up energy after a long day), and at speaking, MC'ing, (being witty and honest while being tactful) etc. His personality (in addition to his being the oldest, right?) seems perfect for the part.
Having said this, I could also see Siwon steppng up to the plate if he should ever have to. Of course, there's not enough we can say about him!

@ace - Siwon does have good English, and I'd like to hear even more of it. Might you have more examples (links) of him speaking it? I have heard the song - oh gee, what is the name? - "Who I Am" which is lovely. I know he will be singing "Looking for the Day" at SS3 (lucky girl, you).

Thanks for the link on Charmaine, I mean Charice. She jams. About that girl who sang "One Moment in Time", I both give her credit as well as think it wasn't all that wise of a move. Charice was gracious to her, and that was good. I agree that Charice should not forget her beginnings in that it was Ellen Degeneres whose show she was on first. That is uncool. And I see where you're coming from in your rant, though I didn't really think about it 'til you mentioned it. I'm trying to think of a similar case of someone local (to me) making it big and how they got there. Can't think of any well known person here that eventually made it big just doing cover stuff. When my (failing) memory serves me better, I'll bring it up.


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@15 kappy - I'll keep this in mind and give my opinion once I rewatch OML...

@16 kappy again - I haven't found much of Siwon speaking/singing in English. But found funny clips of SJ including SW trying to speak it. If you want, try watching Super Junior Full House, their own reality show (2006) which was about two transfer students who stayed with half of the members of Super Junior, specifically in the dorm wherein Heechul, Kangin, Kibum, Siwon, Hangeng and Donghae were staying in. The room that was used for the two ladies was the room Heechul and Donghae slept in since there were two beds. The two transfer students were model Eva and her friend Anya.

(subbed episodes) http://www.dramastyle.com/show/Super-Junior-Full-House/

And here are clips of them singing/speaking English:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mplzsvmev0o (SW - Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w0Szv85ex8&feature=related (SJ - Heal the World)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enh5-9KOsT4 (compilation)


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@kappy I usually use this user here in DramaBeans but I rarely post hahahaha...

I do wish in Siwon's future roles that the looks of his character doesn't get referenced too much. He does show a skill versatility with his roles so here is to hoping that he never gets type-casted!

And here is a link to a fancam of Siwon shopping, still looks like a Greek-God come to life walking the streets of Seoul heeheh...

credit to YesungCenter@Youtube.com
credit to cmh1209.tistory.com for original vid.


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Funny, this has become a suju fan page... I'm not complaining though...


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HI OML Angels... @ kappy--OML FOOD and drinks, yes that was one of KH's best attributes which MW highlighted in his proposal for KH's life.... The fruit/health drink concoction that KH initially offered when she first started cleaning his place--MW liked it. Of course, the dukboki at JMOVE that YR claims she made but MW smiles when he finds out it was another of KH's offerings. Ep 6, the after party for the musical, a solicitous MW offers down-upset KH gourmet cookies--and later at home MW requests for ramyun that MW initially rejects--hoping KH will make another batch and join MW in eating but KH dumps the ramyun into the sink--instead KH requests for drinks instead, all before that momentous kiss... Many, many food/drinks related events in OML... oh so many to enumerate... Okey, the escape meal in EP 12, when neither MW, KH and YE can not go home because the reporters and fans have camped in front of MW's home... so they go on a trip--KH buys ramyun and denies to the cashier that she is the woman involved in the scandal with MW. KH takes the food to MW and YE, smiles as she watches MW feeding YE. It is then that MJ calls and verifies if she-KH and MW are really in a relationship and that MW is "okey." ... the first meal in the new home in EP 14 when sitting on the floor, MW has that toothpick in his mouth as well as that huge bib. I really admire our CSW for allowing himself to be placed in hilarious/compromising positions like this one. When I first saw this scene I almost p--d me undies, he was so awesomely funny just sitting there in that get up. Of course he gets his comeuppance from MJ after he demanded something to drink.

--of course in Ep 16, there are so many like the celebration party when MW acts as KH's savior-drinking her beer, MW & KH take the kids to school and MW takes KH for an expensive breakfast, then later for dinner MW, MJ and YE await KH for dinner where MW pinky promises MJ not to break KH's heart. It is also then that KH lovingly looks at MW feeding YE. There is no need to hide anymore because he will be a good father to YE... So KH avoids MW and he gets caught by reporter Han and gets invited for drinks, MW spells his suffering heart out and in the morning comes a redeeming article of the party boy (not) MW who really is pure-hearted and truly loves KH...

Yes.... @ jamie-(HELLO!!!) -this really has become a SuJu fan page hasn't it. The boys will definitely be tired. They've got the SS3 concerts to work on as well as the SMTown ones too--yes, I'm resigned and have accepted the fact that I cannot eyeball our CSW close up--at the Staples Center---but he will hear me!!! Now the problem is how to get that watergun inside without getting arrested!!! Oh yes, the KRY boys have their first "solo" concert in Japan coming up next week... That would be such a treat to just listen to their ballads--my weakness. Let's wait and see for the fan MVs... It's amazing all the different events they are involved in every week. I'm not surprised they don't have more of what happened to Hang Geng and CSW being in the hospital and pulled to perform without finishing their treatments.. EXHAUSTION... !!!! Poor kids... But, they thrive on it...

@Vhladynineer (also a big HELLO!!!!) I agree and hope he--CSW does not get type casted. His role as a single father was not an easy one though. CSW had guts to take this for his first lead role. This could have totally destroyed his career but I'm so glad he did this and had Chae Rim for his leading lady--she took a back seat to a Korean "Greek God!!!" and allowed him to shine brightly.... And so it's history, this blog--Dramabans/Javabeans OML Ep 16 rant and/or rave section has become home to us the OML Angels--KDAS afflicted DONs--DOLs--DOWs, with the secret handshake and the gifts that have entertained us all... Excuse the grammar, the run-on sentences... I actually talk like this too.... so, I await for the OML Angels "reunion," though we've all just met through this site. I believe we will find a way to really meet somewhere out there...

@doraemon--were you stalking the CH soompi site--there's someone there who has a similar name.. @ace-- CH is done-- I waited at dawn yesterday and this morning for the final two episodes--raw of course.. I too need to take Hangul classes. No way, am I going to reliquish my Kdrama, Kpop addiction--affliction. It's chronic, it's for life and I will gladly suffer through all the symptoms, I'm sure there are many of you that will join me in my suffering--gladly smiling as we stalk the internet to satisfy our addiction....

Okey, that's enough for today, have a good day all...can't believ next week is August already.... by the way here's a website that provides different spots for our addiction.. http://dramastyle.com/.... the site not only provides dramas but also news and variety shows........... enjoy all


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Here's some of the shows on dramastyle.com, (dramabean.net)--I don't know if it's got any relations to our very own Dramabeans... The show is raw so just have to guess what the SuJu siblings are saying over one hour long.... ( I hope someone will translate it soon)


Of course SuJu Full House that has previously been given...

Last year's Music Travel that showcased SuJu's third album and included their siblings SNSD: http://www.dramabean.net/show/Music-Travel-La-La-La/Music-Travel-La-La-La-6-24-2009/

again... enjoy... all


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HI ya'll....as you know Coffee House just ended and I was just lurking around to the remaining threads that the fans continue to add in the Soompi site... There are many SY--Han Eun Jung downhearted fans (she's the second lead who didn't get the male lead..) of course, I caught that they would like a spin off drama for her preferably with maybe Choi Si Won (as well as others idols of course) ... it's so funny... I'm posting the page but in Soompi you have to register and log in.... so I will go ahead and provide the site and if you're interested just read on and laugh about our CSW:



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HI, Greetings to all OML Angels ......

@Mel, no, I wasn't stalking the CH soompi site. U gals won't believe it. I haven't followed any new drama after OML; I did attempt to start/continue a few (such as PT, CH) but didn't follow through .....My heart is still very much with OML and nowadays I spent more time at youtube watching all the video clips recommended by OML Angels :) Oh, I started Da Ja Spring last weekend, and enjoy watching Chae Rim in the show, but I'm not sure if I'll continue to watch till the end. While watching DJS, I couldn't help but imagining Siwon playing the character of the young boy friend..... hahaha.....

I was reading the Rant/Rave section on PT the other day and noted that many fans commented on the age difference between LMH and SYH, and most of them found that the 2 are not compatible. It's kinda strange that the age difference doesn't seem to be an issue with us and others with OML, given the actual age gap between SW and CR is wider than LMH and SYH !!!

Oh, I have a suggestion for our secret handshake. Shall we also include Siwon's trademark handshake - the "top-down" handshake (similar to "pouring tea" as revealed in Strong Heart) ? That was very funny, I thought.

I read somewhere today that Suju had a movie (can't remember the full title, but something pin-up boys and I remembered it was mentioned here before). Can someone tell me where can I download/watch the movie ?


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@Doraemon - you can watch Attack on the Pin-up Boys either on MySoju.com or Dramastyle.com.


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@Doraemon--I should have copy pasted the lurker in Soompi with a similar name---there were several letters before Doraemon...You truly are an OML fanatic, I'm still that but able to watch other dramas--I have to or all I would think about would be OML--CSW more than CR of course..... It's interesting that watching other dramas I myself can't help but compare other characters to either Chae Rim or Si Won.... Or would that character be better if either Chae Rim or Si Won played that or opposite that actor/acress? I know there are Dal Ja fanatics out there who stated they couldn't stomach Chae Rim with others except Lee Min Ki... We sympathize with them--but of course there's no other than Korean Greek God Si Won....As for PT, I kept trying to get into it, I like LMH but the paring with SYJ--I couldn't really get into it. I liked LMH's bratty Goo Jung Pyu in BOF... Well, Coffee House, I liked the KJH and PSY pairing and of course there's Country Calls Lee Soo Kyung and 2nd lead Ryu Jin were a blast!!!! If you want to try that last one.. I feel it'll be worthwhile. I'm liking the female characters who are able to assert themselves--be strong yet still retain some innocence and be naive without going to the extreme of being dumb-stupid. And Chae Rim's KH had those endearing qualities, though at times her being a "meddler" didn't always succeed but she sure helped MW. It's great to see women/females move on and not harp on what could have been. It can be challenging to be strong even though the result may be a broken heart, yes confront and fight for what you believe in or love... but sometimes it can be stronger to walk away though one's heart may break into millions of pieces.

As for the SuJu movie Attack of the Pin Up Boys are in many places, in YT it's cut up and under many accounts, Veoh also has it, as well as MySoju... CSW is great as the stuck up student body president with the Suju siblings playing different roles. When I first watched this, all I knew was CSW (SuJu handicapped) and had to ask one of my kimchi sisters if other characters were members of SuJu like Ryeowook--great geeky CSW disciple. This movie filmed around the time of the 2007-April accident of 4 members-LT, SD, EH and KH, so Leeteuk and Kyuhyun weren't in it. In the end you'll see Leeteuk after the final musical number.. It's funny how a lot of members just had little screen time but they still stood out in this film. I enjoyed this simple and fun movie. Apparently it didn't do well when it first came out. I tried to buy it but it's always out of stock....so downloading from the net is the only other choice---Enjoy yourself!!! Here's YT part 1 and the whole movie on Veoh:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fyPhKEEbhA http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/comedy/watch/v1194869AhFSEEcR

and hello to the all the Angels in the OMLHood...still afflicted with KDAS.....Yes, we really have to get that secret handshake....together...


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I read your recaps of all the episodes of Oh! My Lady before even finishing watching the first episode [mysoju.com takes so long on my computer, and I just don't have the time to watch the whole thing right now], and I just wanna say thank you. even if I hadn't watched the show myself, just reading through your recaps have made me wanna cry and laugh and giggle and all that, as if I were watching the show myself. :)

that's two in a row [I did the same thing with You're Beautiful -- come to think of it, I haven't finished watching the last three episodes. haha!]


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Hi to all in the OML hood/haven!

@ace - Thanks for the links! I have seen Full House and enjoyed when they were taking English classes (You are so gorgeous!). I think it's way cool Siwon tweets in English. Somebody even said they thought it was ridiculously sexy that he does. I would like to hear him speak even more English. All the more reason to have Suju concerts in my neck of the woods!

You and Mel and others have spoiled me so much that I want more links, esp. of recent stuff. Pretty please...

@Mel - Thanks for the links! Yes, food definitely played a role in their relationship. You remembered a lot of stuff! Siwon made me laugh a lot, too, with the big bib, giving in to Minji and saying that he'll just drink his saliva. Haha! I loved his spoiled kid attitude and words when he demanded that Kae Hwa quickly make him ramyun because he was hungry. Poor boy. And wow, when she dumped the soggy noodles in the sink, it was like, "Okay, I'll know better next time than to mess with the ahjumma."

@ jamie - You're right, this does resemble a Suju fansite. Can't help it, I guess. Siwon is so much a part of it, and (sounding ELFish here) we've grown to love them! It's funny, but I don't find myself following any American group or entertainer in the same way.

@ vhlady - Yes, there is that "danger" of typecasting, as it can limit someone a lot, but like you, I think his acting skills can take him beyond the typecasting barrier. It makes me think of the the Win Win show where they brought in that critic who (supposedly) gave the three guests an "honest" critique. Riddled with cheap shots, he (the show) was going for laughs more so and didn't say what the guests really did well in. He mentioned how Siwon played a handsome prince, a handsome (?) son, a handsome top star... so where was the variety? In the nouns, buddy boy...the nouns.

@doraemon - I know what you mean about finding it hard to move on. I empathize with you! I actually finally started watching something else with the intent of finishing it, and that is Chae Rim's All About Eve. I borrowed it from the library and have a week to finish it; otherwise, I incur late fees. The rush is on. I'm liking it, but I wanna strangle Young Mi. Oh, and shake some sense into Woo Jin. Chae Rim was around 21 when she was in it, and I was thinking it was 2 years younger than Siwon when he played Min Woo. No real reason I thought that - just tried to imagine both of them together in the same show and around the same age. Both talented, charming, and good looking people. The age difference in OML didn't gyp them of the chemistry I felt they had.

And good add on the handshake. That top-down handshake was funny to me, too. Those two hosts on Strong Heart cracked me up, pretending to pour tea and teasing him that way. The smiles and expressions Siwon had in that show (the bull face, the cute you're-right, I-do-have-some-interesting-gestures smile, the care in fixing Seung Gi's hair, his impression of Hodong's "let's give him/her a big hand!", to name a few) were all priceless!

To ALL - I was thinking it'd be neat to hold OML Hoss Elections. You name the categories. I'm thinking I have "Keeper of the Handshake" (though not really Hoss election stuff, I'll take it anyway). And who shall we vote for "Most Likely to Meet and Run Down - um, I mean - Greet Siwon"? Submit your ideas as you're able... Have a great day!


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Hi guys! I'll be out of town for a week so I hope you'll keep up the posts until I'll get back! See you all next Sunday!
@Kappy - Hoss elections huh? Go for it! I'll check it out when I come back.


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Hello to All Angels in OML hood !

Hope all is having a great weekend.

@Mel & @Ace, thanks for the links on Attack of the Pin Up Boys ! Haven't got the time to check them out; will do so once I complete my project on hand.

Mel, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the other dramas. I'll try to move on ......hahaha.....So far I'm doing quite well on Da Ja Spring, at least I've completed episode 1.

@Kappy, is All About Eve your 1st new drama after OML ? What a co-incidence that both of us pick a Chae Rim's drama. Like your OML Hoss Election idea, will put some thought on it.

Ace, enjoy your trip and look forward to seeing you back next week. Oh, looks like we have no new video clips to watch :(

Take care, All.


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Hi folks!

Hope y'all are having a great weekend.

@ ace - Miss you already! (and not just for your links) Can we get to 600 without you before you get back? Hard to imagine...

@ doraemon - That is a coincidence that we're both watching Chae Rim stuff. I'm on the waiting list to borrow Dalja's Spring, but I started in the 67th spot. Goodness! I hope I get it by the end of the year! The librarian I spoke with is well versed in her Kdramas, and when I told her I was watching All About Eve, she asked, "The one about the two broadcasting rivals, and one gets amnesia?" I went, "What? Are you sure it'a AAE?" Apparently, yes. I thought about how glad I was that OML didn't throw amnesia in the mix. (My first few kdramas were Stairway to Heaven, Winter Sonata, and Stained Glass, so you see why I thought that.)

@ jo - JB does have a way with words. If you haven't finished watching OML (or started), I'm excited for you!

To ALL - Nothing new has hit me re: Hoss elections, but thanks for thinking on it...



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Hello all Angels in the OMLHood Haven, I did a boo boo again and deleted a long post and yes could kill myself for doing that............ here goes..

@Doraemon, I hope you're able to watch the short goofy movie of the SuJu siblings Attack of the Pin Up Boys. It's quite harmless fun... Just keep an open mind. Hope you are getting thru Dal Ja's Spring--like you though I've seen it, I wonder how Siwon would have done with that role. No goofy facial expressions. Lee Min Ki did well in that and I like Chae Rim's role as an independent woman. There are antogonistic relationships but later bonding, supportive friendships. It's one that I liked that everyone's relationships change--umm, just watch... and enjoy.

@Kappy--yes as soon as ace gets back, we'll definitely head onwards beyond 600. I believe there are many lurkers that are around, hopefully they will add their posts. As for you and @Doraemon wanting to watch All About Eve, I'd host a marathon-watch over here--I've got the original but can't find my bootleg-since the move.. If you're around So Cali, you can borrow it but I want some good collateral 'cuz I want it back... As for your librarian about amnesia--yes there is that... just watch about the battling journalists.. This one Kdrama I'll always treasure in my heart and Jang Dong Gun is just wonderful--you'll fall in love with him.. He's in his own universe--Mr Cool... As for OML having no amnesia, I agree with you. What a relief. My kimchee sister who hasn't seen OML-the last one is finally watching OML and is finishing it right now, she loves it of course but had used several pieces of tissue because many scenes touched her. She cried when overwhelmed KH was taken away to the river by boss SJ after being attacked by the mob of reporters-paparazzi and rabid fans.. and of course the sauna scene with MW covering KH's ears and silently apologizing for the events that have caused her harm after that first scandal erupted. So good luck on watching your next drama. I'll look for new links of the SuJu siblings. There are many audio only videos of the Kry members' Japan concert. That would have been such a joy to watch, such great voices. I bet Yesung hammed it up with the evil maknae Kyuhyun. Charming Ryeowook, I love his solo. I'm trying to be quiet in my anticipation of SMTown.... I'll be there, I wonder if JB-Sarah will be there because she like us is a Siwon fan............

'til next time, I'll search for more on our SuJu-it's quiet since they stopped their 4jib promos.... Have a good night all Angels in the OMLHood.....


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Hello, OML/Siwon/Suju/ChaeRim angels! Am just here to say a quick HI! I wish time would stand still for me so I could share my thoughts re (1) @14 Ace's Warning: rave/rant; (2) K-pop trio One Way who were (are?) in the Philippines; (3) one scene in OML that struck me as odd and significant but did not get any comment, at least not that I know of But it's 3:11 a.m. est. So, till next time.

Wait, one more... Siwon being a distraction to me in the Suju performances (seen via youtube). When Siwon performs my eyes follow him and I don't see the others. In one of the performances he was absent. Only then did I appreciated the choreography and the individual performance of the other members of the group.

Ok, I have to go. So long; take care!


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Gosh, I hate it when I read what I have posted (before logging off) and see a grammatical error. My former English teachers will squirm in their....Anyway, I should have written "Only then did I appreciate..."



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Greetings Angels -

@mel - I'm at the tail end of AAE and am enjoying it a lot. Jang Dong Gun is a doll. I'm loving the pairing of him and Chae Rim. I'm looking for a cliff to push Young Mi off of, however. I didn't know the actress' name but noticed she looked a lot like the girl in that still on dramabean's front page of the IRIS agents making an appearance in Athena. It IS her, Kim So-yeon. And isn't that the guy in Hotelier? Is he also the host of that Win Win show Siwon was on?

Hey, found a link to a couple of videos of KRY at their Japan concert. What do you think of their rendition of the oldie "The Night Chicago Died"? And Ryeowook's solo I could somewhat understand because it was Japanese. He has a great voice. Nice that they sing some songs in the mother tongue of the country they're in.


Here's another one discussing Siwon's role as Min Woo. Hadn't read this interview before.


@menci - I'm curious to read the scene you talked about striking you as odd. Get a good night's sleep (I burn the midnight oil, too) and tell us when you're rested!

And yes, Siwon is a major distraction, but the kind we more than welcome. Distract away!

BTW, does he look like he's losing more weight? Maybe not enough time to work out (which must really bother him) and bulk up. The above article says he dropped 8 kg for OML, I guess to appear lean and mean, and perhaps that's true, but he looked fine before (in earlier pics of him) to me.

Talk to you later, all those in the hood/haven...


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HI everyone!

I apologize for only lurking and not contributing much.

I believe this thread will reach one thousand pages before the year is over (with a little help of the Suju gang).

Here's a link to a recently uploaded fanmade video of Siwon. Enjoy!!!


I'll be back.


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A warm and heartfelt greetings to the angels of OMLhaven! @Vhladynineer, @jamie, @Lumi, you belong to the group as far as I'm concerned, but here's a very special Hi! to you. If I miss anybody special, please don't take it personally. Honestly I have not been very deligent in reading all the posts.

@ Lumi, I have great hopes, too, that the OML angels will be around beyond the thousandth post. And may our tribe increase. ;-)

Guys, I promised @32 Menci to share my thoughts on a few things. Tonight I'll start with the first.

@14 Ace...Oh, Ace, I know you're on vacation and I hope you're having a blast, and I can't wait for your return "for active duty" here. ;-) I'm sure the others feel the same. But I just have to let you know my thoughts on your post now before I get tied up with other things again.

There are two things I want to share. First, the exceptional Filipino talents are still out there waiting to be recognized. For example how many know of the compositions of Gary Granada? Of Ogie Alcasid? I'm sure there are a lot I don't know about since I have lived in the U.S. for almost two decades.

Second, performers . generally perform to entertain, to please the audience and, therefore, in the case of singers, sing what the audience/listeners can relate to. Hence, the covers of English/Spanish/Japanese/etc. songs. But in concerts they usually include something original; unless they are part of a foreign group like Journey's Arnel Pineda.

To all, allow me to give you a glimpse of two of the other shows I love as much as I love OML, City Hall, and MNIKSS.



Guys, thanks for your indulgence. My thoughts on the other two items in my list will be posted next time. Ace, be back soon. Take care, all you angels of the OML haven.


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Sorry, the first link is no longer available. Here's one that works, I hope.


I hope you'll enjoy and understand where I'm coming from. Next time I'll focus on OML/SW/etc. Promise. ;-)


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Hi again!

Have you heard of One Way? The article on them in Wikepedia mentions their "unique 'one way sound'." But no matter how many times I watch and listen to their OMV for Magic, I keep hearing and thinking of SuJu. Is it me or am I hearing a...ehrm...copycat? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stir up a controversy here. The members of One Way are seemingly talented, and there is always a place for talented people. It's just that I've been listening and watching (and enjoying and loving) SuJu so much that I went "Nah!" to the "unique 'one way sound'" description. It could be my bias getting in the way. What do you think? Here's the link to the musicvid.



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HELLO ANGELS in the OMLHood... I bet lots of us have been lurking, I did but have been lazing around .... Here are videos with Siwon as part the Korean version of Timeless a beautiful balad originally by Kelly Clarkson...check out Hang Geng also, oh yeah if you're quick try and spot Ryeowook as a cop:
long version of Timeless:


Timeless two videos with English and Rom subs:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_yuQutNUdE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUCwyEVymTk&feature=related

unsubbed video of the making of Timeless Korean mv 'wish someone subbed it:


then another 2, sorry they're not very clear with Zhang Liyin:


SUJU dancing goofs--no doubt Siwon can dance--how does he manage to keep his clothes neat? Also just other videos on CSW:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDS-w-NxizY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcAbQts5X64&feature=related


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Posted in youtube on August 4, 2010, that's yesterday:


I'm off to see the rest of the show. Or am I the last one to watch it again? ;-)


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JB and GF ---- yes, you know already what a fan, huge fan I and we are here of you guys and your hard work we are.... Thanks for all the hard work... You can come here to shelter yourselves from some harsh people out there... Once in a while come join the Angels in the OMLHood that have rooted ourselves here and branched out from Chae Rim and Choi Siwon to become huge Super Junior fans, discovered the liking of Jane Austen novels, have a huge basket of goodies filled from our love of OML... yeah, you never got back to us about that Tshirt with Dramabeans OMLHood Angels on it... Of course we've got our secret handshake...it's so long I don't consider it a secret... The length of time used when we actually do it will reveal our identity... CSW fangirls-- we are!!!!

So JB and GF, visit us and take a breather from the Bad Guy haters--US? We--lovers of OML. It's nice people here be we lurkers or permanent fixtures, we enjoy our simple fun...Say hello to Santafor me, ummm, I mean from all of us OML Angels.... BIG old simple thanks to you both as we'll as the other....


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WOW! Thanks to my kimchee sister Mel, who kept on pushing me to watch this drama. I really enjoyed it. I have to set aside some of the stuff that need to be done (except the ones I’m doing for church as a volunteer), and finished watching in 2 days with barely 3 hours of sleep each night. Until now I’m still engulfed with the story (possibly true-to-life story)! So simple, yet there are so many lessons to learn from, to many of us. First, the stars (actors/actresses) are also human like us. They have their own share of joy, sadness, success, failures, disappointments, and loneliness. They also long to be loved and to love. Second, they are not property to be possessed. Although their day-to-day life maybe exposed to the public, but it doesn’t mean that their privacy should not be respected. We, avid fans/followers, do not have the right to dictate whom they love and whom they marry. Papparazzis and showbiz writers, there’s a limit to how far you may go invading their private lives for the money. How many actors committed suicide because they were not able to cope with the “scandals” (whether truth, lie or half-truth) that are aggravated or magnified or exaggerated in those written articles? Talent managers, they are not objects, nor robots that you can control and operate. They have their own minds and decisions that need respect too. One thing I like best about k-drama is that there is “redemption” - villains doing good deeds at the end. Just like Mr. Han who realized the human side of Min Woo and wrote a positive article about him (I’m teary-eyed again).

My favorite scenes/dialogues: Min Woo confronted Byung-hak, “What have you done to her? Apologize to her. I’m asking as the man who loves her.” WOW, moved me deeply! Then SMW went to Bok-nim – a friend listens to a friend’s advice - how encouraging. He made a pinky promise to Min-Ji that he will never betray Kae-hwa, so cute. Byung-hak finally telling KH “I’m sorry” was very touching, my tears were falling. When all others failed, the written proposal was very heartening, oh dear!

Finally, a lesson to all ajumas (like me), love cannot be forced nor taught, it just happens. Just be yourself and sincerely show that you care and there’s a chance to get the affection of someone like SMW. Ha ha ha. Good luck.

Si Won is a natural actor. He gave justice to the role of Min Woo. Chae Rim is a versatile actress and I really like all her dramas. To all actors, director, producer, and crew, congratulations and thank you for a beautiful drama that made my day.

And, to Dramabeans who did all the recaps, etc., etc., etc. Thank you so very much. Your hard work is really appreciated. Keep up the good work. God bless you all!


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HAA!!! Finally one of my Kimchee sisters has finally decided to join us!!! She said she wont be a regular but just once in a blue moon member, sooo a big WELCOME.. She actually did this post last night and text (ed) me in the middle of the night (1am) but we have been unable to connect 'til now... sooo, enjoy, she's got a fine sense of humor too, but a little bit more careful... me, you guys know already... Celsa80 actually enjoys any kind of drama but also loves the older ones from the late 90s and early 2000s... Her fave male actors are Ryu Si Won with Bae Yong Jun, of course Song Il Gook are with close 2nd Won Bin and then Sung Seung Hun and of course Kwon Sang Woo, can't forget Oh Ji Ho either, Lee Dong Gun too .... and her latest is our Choi Si Won--whom she fell for in Hyang Dan and the other youngsters are Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Jung--Jihoo from BOF... The famale faves are Chae Rim, Choi Ji Woo, Eugene (mine too from Save the Last Dance and recently of Creating Destiny and current Baker King...), oh yeah, can't forget Kim Han Neul--love her too... Song Hye Kyu (beautiful girl..)... and bubbly Yoon Eun Hye...

This sister has joined me in my kdrama, Kpop addiction that we've gone to the Korean Music Festival at the Hollywood Bowl just to have fun (draggin with us our other Kimchee bunch--and just had fun even though we don't understand Hangul except for what we've learned from the Kdramas we've watched). I wish we could put online our long phone conversations, we have marathon talks on the phone about mostly Kdramas, Kpop and lots of Choi Siwon--Super Junior stuff...

Hmm, so, everybody-Angels in the OMJLHood have a great weekend..


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Oppps! Kudos to the scriptwriters, too. How can I forget? If not for you, there would not have been a drama worth watching. Thanks!

And, thank you for the warm welcome. kimchee sister Mel. I thought I have overcome my addiction to k-drama. You brought me into it again. Gi-ahak lang. Di na sad ko matulin ini sa akong gibuhat.

Now, I missed my mother-in-law. If she didn't passed last April, we would have been talking about OML too, right now. Anyway, I have some inheritance from her, her collection of k-drama DVDs. I love you, Nanay.

@43 Mel, don't forget our mutual favs Jo In-Sung, and So Ji-Sub of Something Happened in Bali. Tho' I didn't like it much because of how the story ended, but the acting especially of In-Sung is superb! What about Daniel Henney and Ji Sung? I also miss Kim Rae Won, Kim Jae Won, and Jae Hee. When will I see you again? Anyway, thanks to the younger actors Choi Si Won, and the F4 who are filling in while you are away.


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Hi all in the OML hood!

Seems like it's been a while. So glad to see new comments and new people, a kimchi sis of Mel.

@ celsa80 - Welcome to celsa80! Any friend of Mel is a friend of ours. Heck, any friend of OML is a friend of ours, but we love Mel, our Head Cheerleader (I'm starting again with the Hoss Election stuff) and fellow OML/CSW/Suju fan(atic).

Mel told us about you (right, Mel? And good things!). We KNEW that any kimchi sister of Mel's, after having watched OML, wouldn't be able to "put it down". We decided we love it for many reasons including those you stated - romantic, nice eye candy (must admit), good acting, good (believable) plot, adorable little girl, uplifting, doesn't jerk you around unnecessarily on an emotional roller coaster, not overboard goofy, doesn't leave you flat because of a junk ending, put together well including (as celsa80 said) a good script... Let's see, have I left anything out?

I'm with you, celsa, on all your OML gratitude points. I keep meaning to find out how to write to the creators and producers of OML and tell them thanks and that they have a big fan base despite the low viewership numbers. I only remember seeing one really negative comment about OML out there (not here!), and that comment just struck me as weird and had me wondering what drug she/he was on. Surely we were not watching the same show! As you can see, we are diehard OML fans. (Not news to you, as I'm sure Mel has told you.)

Since watching OML and becoming a Suju fan, I've been thinking a lot about a celebrity's life, too, especially the boss/manager/powers-that-be vs. star relationship. There's definitely a give and take. Ideally, they both strike up a fair balance. That is what I hope, anyway.

Oh, and enjoyed your favorite scenes. They pretty much were ours, too.

@Mel/MEL - Are the two Mels both you? Sorry if it should be obvious. Sounds like you, perhaps signing in from different computers/devices?

Thanks for the links, as always. Oh, and thanks for your note to JB and GF. That was great. LOL about the handshake. Goodness, it'll be like learning a whole dance like Suju, if we keep adding on like this. Yes, I can see it now...5 minutes later...now what move comes next? The disapproval pointing? The unhand-me! arm fling? My arm hurts!!

@ Lumi - That's okay that you're lurking. We know you're here, and at least you "come out to play" sometimes. Right on. We still know where your loyalties lie!

@ Menci - Thanks for the links. You're not the last one to see that show, because I just started. Never heard of it prior.

And thanks for those shows you shared. Talented entertainers and interesting plot, at least the bit I saw with the wolf/woman. There is surely a lot of talent, discovered and undiscovered, out there. Thank goodness that we all are different and can reap the benefits of each other's uniqueness.


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Hello to all Angels of OML hood, including new angel celsa80 !

I can't wait to tell you this - I finally got hold of a set of OML DVD !!! It's quite dramatic how the DVD set eventually landed on me..... hahaha,,,,,,, To cut the long story short, a friend's friend bought it (from China) for her friend who is an avid Suju fan, but it turns out that the friend doesn't like the drama at all ! How strange ??? Apparently the friend feels that Siwon is somehow "distorted" in the drama, and kinda "spoilt" his Suju image (whatever that means??). So when she knew that there's this OML fanatic desparately searching for OML DVD, she kindly passed the set to me. She even commented that "I must be the oldest fan of Suju !!!!" hahaha ........ Needless to say, I have already started watching the DVD, oh mine, Siwon/Minwoo looks even more gorgeous on big screen HD TV (I must say the quality of the DVD is very very good !). There goes my plan to continue with Daja Spring .......(sorry Chae Rim)

@32 Menci, I can't agree with you more that Siwon is such a distraction ! Me too, my small eyes can only focus on him; and I'm worse in that if he was absent, sorry, I would give that performance a miss :)

Have a great weekend, all Angels !!!


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@36 Menci, do you happen to know the name of that OST in MNIKSS, the one where SS was playing the piano together with Hyun Bin (sorry forgot the character's name) and ended up with their first kiss. I have been trying to find out the name of that song all these years after watching MNIKSS. And yes, the last time I remembered I was so so crazy over a k-drama was when watching MNIKSS (that's when I started my k-drama addiction) followed by On Air :) But .....the worst of all is Oh ! My Sung Min-woo !!!!


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Hi All, I'm trying to familiarize myself to the new set up here, @Kappy, 'spoke with Celsa80 she's headin to church, said she saw your post and will get back to you. She does the "word" copy pastes her response here, as soon as she gets time. I'll be seeing her later in LA, we live on other sides of LA... I was looking at my old files and have tons and tons of SUJU items with English subs, lots of them with deleted YT accounts. I'd like to share them but don't know how to yet... I believe @Ace is the number one cheerleader here... 'can't wait 'til she gets back..

@Doraemon, I'm just like you, I look for Siwon first... but usually stick around to check what the video has to offer. It's great to see that the rest of the used to be "quiet" members are now coming out to shine just like the rest of the SUJU hammms....

@Kappy and @Doraemon, so what do you think of AAE.. I just loved it... Jang Dong Gun was dreamy, what a "nice" guy, he supported Chae Rim's character...

I hope we don't let go of our OML addiction, just thinking about it always makes me smile... And my stalking, lurking is getting worse regarding CSW, his site Sommpi Forums has some really awesome materials.... makes me swoon, and you will too... What a great looking kid...

It's funny a fan has a chant practice video on you tube for the SMTown LA concert, so I got in touch with her(I didn't ask what sex--so I'm assuming umm girl..), anyways she'll be putting up more videos for us SUJU fans to chant during the concert... 4 more weeks 'til the concert, I hope I can sneak in my videocam... my son knows how to upload vids on YT... yes, if I can I'll do it and have the vids uploaded... But, come to think of it, I hope I can do that, 'cuz who can dance and take videos at the same time. I'll be raising my hands and dancing with my kimchee bunch there... though sadly Celsa80 isn't going. Yes, she's a SUJU fan too...

As for MNIKSS, I've got the original video but have not seen it yet... It's one of those marathon videos, I want to watch in one sitting... It's highly recommended, it's on my to watch list...

Well, have a great weekend all...Angels in the OMLHood..


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@kappy, forgot to tell you Celsa80 lived in Oahu for quite a while in the 1990s... you've got Hawaii in common....


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Hi! (Wanted to say hello in Korean, but didn't want to butcher the spelling)

@ doraemon - Hooray! You got it! Thanks for your story. But how does that Suju fan think OML "spoiled" Siwon's image? Dunno. It did the opposite for me, as my gazillion comments so obviously reflect. Aw well, you reaped the benefits of her opinion. And I venture to say, you are not the oldest fan of his - not by a long shot. Enjoy it/him on the big screen. Gotta get one of those!

Oh, and I looooooved MNIKSS (I know it better as My Lovely Sam Soon). That is the DVD set I was prone to buy next until OML came along. I still plan to get it, but it has taken a second seat.

@ Mel - I really enjoyed AAE. Jang Dong Gun gets a big *sigh* from me - so sweet to his love. So nice all the way around, so much so, that I was wondering why he just didn't say toodleloo to Young Mi and all her manipulative advances. Not that I worried about his defecting to her side...he just seemed too nice! But the end was great, so I am happy!

Neat that celsa80 has Oahu in common. I'll chat with her for more details. For most of the 90s, I was on the mainland, but always made it home each year for one reason or another.

Gotta go, but talk with y'all soon...


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