You’re the Best, Lee Soon-shin: Episodes 37-38 [Open Thread]

So much good stuff, finally! Yes, it’s mixed up with lots of annoying stuff, but the ratio is tilting back in our favor, so that’s very exciting.

Episode 37 is pretty much skippable entirely, and I was back into grumpypants mode for all of it, until our leads get stranded together overnight and then all was right with the world. Cuddles and flirting and awkward sexual innuendos galore! Thank you, Episode 38.

Because c’mon, just look at them! Being snuggly!


The gist:

Soon-shin is actually starting to do well for herself, which Yeon-ah cannot abide seeing since she is a small-minded insecure viper. Thus Yeon-ah undermines her at every opportunity. This mostly works, which is infuriating, although it sometimes doesn’t, which is gratifying.


Other stuff happens, but mostly Jun-ho and Soon-shin are adorable together, plus they admit to themselves that they like the other, and are all poised to say so (out loud! To each other!)…

…but Yeon-ah interferes. That brat.

But! Overnight on an island!


So let’s see. All the Jun-ho and Soon-shin stuff happens in Episode 38, which is when they miss a boat and have to spend the night together.

(To give context: The drama goes to an island for location shoots, and Yeon-ah continues to make Soon-shin look bad while pretending to “help” her. I had to mute her scenes often because she was so manipulative, going out of her way to make the rookie look bad in front of the whole crew. Soon-shin therefore has a shitty day, gets sneered at a lot, and then gets into a fight with Mi-ryung and begs her to leave her alone. She broods by herself for a while and misses the notice that a weather warning is cutting off boat service for the day, so everybody hurries to grab the last boat and Jun-ho stays behind to wait for her. All of that very aggravating Yeon-ah terribleness takes up Episode 37, which is why it took till 38 to get to a highlight.)

Jun-ho and Soon-shin get offered a minbak room, which is when a local resident rents out part of their house to tourists. The local ajusshi catches on to the scenario in one glance and guesses that Jun-ho likes her. It’s a good thing he’s only got one room to let! And nobody else is available! Oh well, they’ll just have to spend the night. I’m noticing that nobody seems that upset by the setup.

Ajusshi keeps making wink-wink-nudge-nudge comments to Jun-ho, who keeps snorting and coughing like a dork. It goes a little something like this:

Ajusshi: “Isn’t the room nice? For sleeping? Together?”
Jun-ho: *cough* *gasp*
Ajusshi: “There’s noooooothing to do around here. So you should just go to BED.”
Jun-ho: *choke*

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew heads out to dinner, and Yeon-ah looks sour at the missing couple. Honey, you are your own worst enemy.

In-sung and Chan-mi (are they going to have their own bumbling loveline, I wonder?) gossip, sorta. Their conversation goes a little something like this:

In-sung: “I have a secret. I can’t tell.”
Chan-mi: “Then don’t tell.”
In-sung: “But it’s so good! You’ll regret not knowing!”
Chan-mi: “Whatever.” *eyeroll*
In-sung: “I have to tell. Did you know….”
Chan-mi: “That [Jun-ho] likes Soon-shin?”
Chan-mi: “Duh.”

Jun-ho offers to sleep outside. There are tons of mosquitoes. Y’all see where this is going, don’t you?

Soon-shin scares Jun-ho a couple of times, which is adorable since he is so easily scared. They go out for a walk, and then presumably go to sleep, separately, with zero intentions of getting handsy or footsy or any sort of skinshippy.

Their subconscious minds, on the other hand, have better ideas. Way better.

The first time, Soon-shin wakes up while he’s sleeping, has a minor freakout with pounding heart before she lets herself enjoy the closeness, and touches his face.

Then Jun-ho wakes up while she’s sleeping, has a minor freakout with pounding heart, then smiles to himself like a huge dork who loves everything about this moment.

Then the third time, they both wake up at the same time, freeze, and then fly apart all embarrassed and flustered.

Yoo-shin has her own adorable Chan-woo moments now that they’re all set to marry. She does the calm, mature thing by telling Chicken Ajumma that they’ll do as she originally wished and live at that house (no swapping around), and Yoo-shin will do her best to learn from Ajumma about how to run a household. Basically it’s very thoughtful and unexpected, and Ajumma can’t even complain because it’s exactly what she asked for.

So now when she insists on tagging along to buy newlywed furniture, her sourness isn’t even a mood-killer because the couple is just so damn happy together, and it’s all very sweet.


Bread Man has a few really nice scenes, but I have to put him down here because I fear for his future and his heart. Poor lovely Bread Man.

First, he has this very cute marriage fantasy where his two ladies are adoring and affectionate, and I love that Woo-joo is a part of it, calling him daddy and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Woo-joo gets sick and Bread Man rushes her to the hospital, and he assures Hye-shin that she’s not a bad mom for not noticing that Woo-joo was sick earlier. He sits at the bedside all night and when Woo-joo is back to her cranky self, he tells her gently that he knows he’s not good enough for her mother and doesn’t have designs on her, and asks for Woo-joo not to hate him anymore.

I do wonder if I see signs of Woo-joo softening toward him, only she gets the very exciting (for her) phone call that her father is moving back to Korea. Aw, man.

At least both Mom and Grandma praise Bread Man and like him so much that they want to set him up with any nice ladies to marry. I really hope this drama takes that in a comic way, not a dramatic one.

Sigh for the impending affair storyline. As of right now these two have done nothing wrong, but you can’t quite say that there’s nothing going on, either. Jun-ho’s mother is getting more and more suspicious, and to his credit Dr. Shin offers to take her on a weekend getaway. I thought that was sweet. But when he adds that he can visit his parents’ graves on the way, she gets mad that he’s using that as an excuse and that he doesn’t really care about her, and she refuses.

Mi-ryung is down at the seaside town because of Soon-shin’s shoot. She has an event in the area and envisions a warm mother-daughter trip, only to have Soon-shin tell her to go away and stop meddling in her career (a valid complaint). So Mi-ryung runs into Dr. Shin entirely by coincidence, and he shows her how to fish.

But Yeon-ah (that bitch!) sees them, and then drops by Jun-ho’s mother’s house to casually mention what she saw, pretending concern when really she knows exactly what she’s doing. Ugh. So Jun-ho’s mother kicks Dr. Shin out of the house with a suitcase.

I fear that the parental storyline is heading toward convergence with this other dormant storyline about Soon-shin’s parentage, which revives when the angry reporter declares his intent to find out who bio-dad is and then reveal it to the world. He’s upset at Jun-ho for outmaneuvering him the last time and vows to reveal Mi-ryung’s true character, and that means finding out who bio-dad is and getting an interview.

Yeon-ah gets extra-bitchy to Soon-shin, who is doing a great job whenever she’s left alone to do a great job on her own. It’s ironic that everyone accuses her of riding coattails and being the object of nepotism, but it’s when those external forces swoop in that she falters. When she’s allowed to do her own thing, she shines, and Yeon-ah can’t stand it.

So after the director praises Soon-shin for her good work and preparation, she snipes and then makes a dig about her mother, and that makes Soon-shin go, Oh. No. You. Di’in’t. The problem is, when Soon-shin demands an apology and Yeon-ah stumbles, she exaggerates the fall, cries, and pretends she was the victim in this violent bullying encounter, all within earshot of the cast and crew. So now Soon-shin looks like the bully and Jun-ho makes her apologize to Yeon-ah.

Soon-shin does, but Jun-ho has to deal with her being hurt and pissed with him in response. Which he kinda earned, I guess. Yeon-ah hates watching how Jun-ho tries to placate Soon-shin and win her favor again, and pulls out the phone to call the media. I really do hate her.

Jun-ho finally decides to fess up about his feelings, and calls Soon-shin out once they’re back in Seoul. Both of them fly into a flurry of cute primping before heading out… and then Yeon-ah calls with an “emergency.”

A story has leaked that they’re dating, and Jun-ho rushes to meet her to deal with the damage. Leaving Soon-shin waiting.


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I think watching LSS is like being in a bad marriage: It makes you angry, it makes you miserable, but there is occasionally some good in it, which keeps you stuck, hoping for more.

Ep 37 is horrible, but then comes Ep 38, which contains much cute. What YA hopes to achieve w that publicity stunt is beyond me. It may foil things between JH and SS for a while, but it may also strengthen their resolve. Bringing JH back to her it certainly wouldn't!


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Yeah, my take. But you want so hard to like your marriage because the good parts are so cute...


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Good analogy. And you KNOW in this case the marriage will have a happy ending, which keeps you hanging in there in the hope it'll be great enough to have been worth the trouble to get there.


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I do wish that the good parts come quick though! So many of the misunderstandings of this show have remained that way, which really pains me.

For instance, Soon Shin's family never confronted Soon Shin about not replying her mum's message about the party, so both sides still haven't found out what Mi-Ryung did :( I had thought we would finally clear that up when Yoo Shin made that passing remark about the party!

Soon Shin and In-Sung also hasn't said a word (- hasn't been a rat, because she's just too nice for that - ) about what Yeon Ah has done, particularly to Jun ho. The success of her ploys just make me fuming mad!

I do think that Soon Shin went a little overboard when demanding that apology from Yeon Ah, though. I had expected javabeans to share this sentiment as I was reading through the recap, but I guess not then :D I mean, grabbing an older actress by the wrist, twice, and demanding an apology is just plain rude.

Does anyone find Soon Shin's hairflip every time she bows when greeting someone or making an apology pretty annoying? What's the purpose of doing that/acting that way? I do hope it's not IU's everyday greeting manner. But I really can't quite link this hairflip to whatever IU/the director wishes to portray as Soon Shin's character at all.


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I think it has to do with having longer hair. She usually wears it in a ponytail in real life from what I recall.

When I had longer hair, I also put pulled it back sometimes because if it swings forward is blocks your peripheral vision. (It's either that or you have to tuck it behind your ears, which takes time.)

=P Just explaining why.

(I used to have really long hair)

She must not be used to it blocking her side view. =D


Haha thanks for the explanation :D I kind of get what you mean, but would like to point out that hers isn't much of a peripheral hair-covering-face kind of thing. She does this shampoo commercial flip that flings her hair directly at whoever she's bowing to all the time. I'm now wondering if it's meant to be show some form of innocence, with the hairflip accentuating her vigorous bowing, although I guess I'm now falling prey to over-analysis!


Or maybe she's trying to get a shampoo endorsement? Lol


i don't think she was rude demanding apology from yeon ah.. if i am not mistaken yeon ah said something bad about her family and that was why she demanded an apology.


In Sung, now is the perfect time to open your blabber mouth and tell your CEO what YA has done to SS. Twice. ARGH.


Thing is, I don't think he can without seeming like his badmouthing her. Remember the first time she was able to get away with it by saying that she had her manager call IS to advise him of the change of location and it WAS his fault for not counter checking the sched. The second incident, YA can easily play innocent and say that she didn't think the director would be looking for her then and that she was only trying to make LSS look good, plus she was the one who explained the whole incident to the director(which kinda earned her a date with sjh). Now the 3rd incident, I'm sure SJH knew that YA probably egged LSS for her to react that way, but given the situation, the best way to resolve the matter was to have LSS ask for forgiveness first.

Anyway, I think this dating scandal will blow up in her face, especially when they'll discover that she was the one who started the scandal in the first place...also, I think eventually the cast in their drama will figure out her antics towards LSS on their own and that will be more fun to watch than just having IS rat out on her! :)


that stupid dating scandal that she's starting makes me really frustrated! we were THIS close to a confession too. no idea if the confession would still happen within the next 2 upcoming episodes, or we would have to wait? i've been fast-forwarding plenty of the ahjunma's scenes and i hope i don't have to fast-forward the fake scandal scenes as well.

haha @thornedsakura, if she's vying for the shampoo commercial, i think it's working. the next time she bows, i'm sure all of you would be noticing what i mean :D


@KDaddict ;)

I cannot agree with you more! ;)

Thank you for stating EXACTLY what was on my mind, so save me the trouble of typing them out! ;)


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I love Hyun Bin a great deal. Even so, I failed to watch more than 3 eps of either The World they Live in or Snow Queen.

Yet, I'm still here waiting for the small (meaning short) JJS moments! In this case, I think I'm stuck in a lousy marriage w a bipolar person whose good side is so cute!

Good to see you. I thought u bailed out. ;) IHYV is fantastic. U watching it?


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You should try Snow Queen again. It's an incredibly beautiful drama, and well done.


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Someone else likes Snow Queen, I thought my mom and I were the only ones.


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Me too! Me too! I like it a lot but people make fun of people who enjoy it...


I LOVE it!!! I wrote a review on it on my blog - with lots of screenshots of my beloved Binnie ;) It is just such a solid production, with gorgeous music and cinematography. I also felt like the story never strayed into makjang territory, and always made sure to stay honest and true. It also had some lovely messages of love and forgiveness. Man, now I just want to go and watch it again :)


Thx for the rec. I tried 2 or 3 times in as many years. Each time the makjang got to me b4 long.
That's why I'm so surprised that I'm sticking w this despite everything.


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Interesting. I never felt like it ever got makjang. Yes, there were regular K-drama tropes, but it for the most part ended up subverting them. It's also definitely a melodrama, so it might feel more dramatic than some other dramas. Soon Shin is makjang, and poorly done at that.


LSS is poorly done, and no one takes it seriously. You just roll your eyes at the makjang and FF.


@KDaddict ;)

Good to see you too! ;)

Been away becos of work and since this is the Holy Blessed month of Ramadhan, with fasting and prayers, my time to come here and comment is limited.

Also becos so much of the good stuff have been commented by wonderful commenters such as yourself that I have nothing good to add, so I just came by when I can, to enjoy reading all the lovely comments.

Thank you so much, KDaddict for not bailing out yet becos your comments are the first I look for after reading Javabeans' always awesome weecaps. ;)

Thank you so much for sparing the time and effort to spread the joy of reading your wit and humour in your comments! ;)

Please know that even though I may not leave any comment, you can be sure I will try to at least read the comments. ;)

Take care! ;)


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Thanks for your kind words. Take care during this month of fasting. And if u have time, check out I hear your Voice. No frustration at all, just great viewing! See u around, buddy.


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@KDaddict ;)

Thanks for appreciating my humble take and comments. ;)

And thank you so much also for your kind, kind wishes for me in this holy month. ;)

As for IHYV, I could only spare the time to read the recaps and as they are so well done, even without watching the drama, I can sense that it is an awesome drama. Will find the time to watch it after Ramadhan. ;)

Thanks again, my friend! See you again next week! ;)


That was pretty much a perfect analogy.

I watched Ep 37.

I don't REMEMBER Ep. 37. Which means it had to be dismissive enough for me to not care.

I'm a little bummed about our cute being intermixed with YA's crappy self mainly because we deserve uninterrupted cute time between the two without it being thwarted by that waste of screen time. But the cute made me smile which I haven't done in so long with this drama that I'll take it.

I guess.

Still hoping (without a lot of actual hope involved) that it's a misdirect and JH shuts that b*tch down and makes it to SS in time to confess...or something close haha.

I just know I'm divorcing this drama if it goes back to that deep end and start to drown in misery again!!


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The main thing I recall about ep37 is that when she cut the peppers in the Only Restaurant In Seoul that she did not take the seeds or core out...


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That's right.

HOW do you look so exhausted from cutting peppers though??

Haha unless she was at it for like 4 hours straight I think we need to start feeding her more!


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Yeonah is hoping to achieve everlasting love with Junho... because of course everlasting love is based on evil scheming and manipulations, lies and deceit, and forcing your beloved to love you rather than loving you true from the heart.


Karma's going bite her in the a**.

I'm actually bored by her, her character is the villain we've seen a gazillion times before.

Fingers crossed that Junho doesn't play the game for even one second but outs her then and there. Nothing more boring than a forced, pretend relationship (that brings painful memories of A Thousand Kisses to mind again, although at least here I'm sure that the OTP will eventually succeed).


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I had expectations for the Yeon Ah character. Too bad, she's just a cardboard biotch...


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I know, she could have bonded with Soon Shin instead rather than take out her anger over Miryung dropping her on Soon Shin...

But she is indeed just a cardboard cutout second lead.


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I was gonna say, the logic of that move eludes me. JH is supposed to date her now bcos the tabloids say they r dating?

I'm also wondering why he goes running to meet her in that bar when she says it's an 'emergency', when he is on his way to his big Confession. She doesn't even belong to his agency. Is he supposed to go running whenever she says there's an emergency?


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They have done that sort of move before – must date because the tabloids have announced it. I can't remember any drama titles on top of my head, but I'm sure I've seen it quite a few times already. It NEVER makes sense.

I don't understand why he goes running to Yeonah at all. She's not part of his agency and it's been made pretty clear that he is not interested in her (he never even sees her and walks out on her all the time), a vague "emergency" shouldn't make him go either (I'd only find it compelling if she had specified something, and even then it'd have to be something very drastic), plus shouldn't he (and a whole lot of other people) have caught on by now that all Yeonah is doing is scheming and meddling, i.e. that nothing she says is to be trusted?

I really, really hope that he hears about the 'dating rumour', then just laughs right in her face and walks out.

Of course, Soon Shin has already seen the broadcast, but I'd rather she reject his confession at this point because of feeling uncertain, then Junho fakely dating Yeonah for even one second and not confessing to Soon Shin. Fingers crossed he'll be true to this feelings...


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my concern with this is, even if SJH rejects the dating proposal from YA at first, she might throw the supposed SMR/SJH's dad scandal at him and use it to manipulate him like she did with his mom. So, I'm just dreading next week's episode coz, even IF hearing about that scandal doesn't change how SJH feels towards LSS, it will still be awkward dating the daughter of your dad's supposed lover--so he might distance himself, at least until he gets all the facts and counter YA and his mom with it. Either way, I think it still end up with LSS hurting and longing for SJH for at least a couple of episodes.



They need to both cut ties with those people. Both Junho's family and Miryung deserve to be kept an armlength or two (or ten!) away...

No, but seriously, Junho should NOT feel awkward about dating the person he loves and who loves him, just because his cruel father and her biological mother that doesn't care for SS at all are having an affair. Junho and SS are doing nothing wrong, Dr Shin and MR everything.

Unfortunately I think your predictions are right though, and we'll be getting an angstfest, which at best will be 'dating daughter of dad's mistress' and at worst they'll pull the incest card. *groans*

Despite all that, I still hope that Junho just rejects YA outright. He (and everyone else) needs to stop paying her ANY attention.


Or next week's eps could also go along the lines of SJH rejecting YA, but LSS being the person that she is (I mean, someone with low self esteem) will probably believe the rumors and be miserable on her own until SJH convinces her of his intentions through some much needed skinship (I'm hoping for a kiss! Lol)

Meanwhile Dr. Shin will woe his wife and will finally get her to believe him by promising never to see SMR again, but then SJH and LSS announce their relationship around this time which will result to mom going ballistic, especially since she already has the wrong impression of LSS, being SMR's daughter and all plus all the nonsense YA has been feeding her.

I feel this will be a better plotline coz despite the sure angstfest again, at least we'll get to see SJH and LSS together.


The forced dating is a ridiculous thing period ... The only other show that pops into mind was "The Greatest Love" .. the 2 lead stars were pretending to date in the publics eye for the benefit of their careers .. i know its not quite the same thing but those 2 negotiated the "breakup terms" and details after that ..

In this case JH may have ran there because it is sort of an emergency. That loser Yeon Ah started the scandal, you have to think about it... she is a very well liked famous actress(from the public's perspective) if the public thinks JH is her man, and then JH is seen or attached/dating/confessing to LSS, the newbie who is building her career as an actress because she is the secret child of beloved top Star Mi Ryung (from the public's perspective) the public opinion will destroy LSS' career before it even starts AND it will end badly, Yeon Ah will come out looking like the victim of JH leaving her for her "younger sister" because LSS stole him away ... JH has to tread carefully if he is going to protect LSS. I think he will handle her correctly ( i hope) although he should have called LSS to let her know what was going on ...


I don't think YA is in this for everlasting love. She rejected him when she thought he was a poor struggling musician. Now she wants him for that big house, an easy-going MIL, and the money he'll inherit as the only son to 'the owner of the most famous face hosp" in Kangnam. And these things can be had by evil scheming and manipulations, as we've seen in just abt every K drama out there.


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I was just being sarcastic in any case. ;-)

Honestly, I'm not sure what her deal is – I guess nabbing him now that he's "good enough" for her might be one thing, but surely there are other guys like that out there? Bigger names, richer individuals? She could get herself an A-list actor and become an acting power couple... Though I guess the CEO of a successful entertainment agency would be useful in terms of her securing roles in the future.

Then again, I do wonder why she's so interested in Junho. She plays the glamorous actress, but Junho doesn't really fit with her image, does he? He's bumbling and awkward, but not exactly the kind of "accessory" I would expect her to have as a husband. In that sense, maybe she is still holding onto that love that she once had, you know, back when she was poor and they did have good times together despite it all.

The other driving factor that I'm seeing is just childish jealousy: feeling threatened by Soon Shin because a) she has talent (meaning Yeonah is insecure about her own talent because NEWSFLASH it's okay if there are several good actresses out there) b) Miryung is now giving her all the attention (Yeonah being too stupid to realise that MR, not SS, is too be blamed for that) and c) Junho caring for Soon Shin because Yeonah has no one that cares for her (unsurprisingly).


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I knew u were being sarcastic. I should have written the reply in like manner. ;)

I think YA is very bumped out that a total 'nobody' squatting on the sidewalk that she pointed at randomly could trump her in the love dept. How could JH want that nobody instead of her, her, HER, a big star! She'll get JH back just to show them (JH, SS and associates) who is the top dog (top bitch). Even if she ends up throwing JH back into the river later.

She yearns for MR's motherly laugh, which makes me LOL, but it goes to SS instead. Oh, the horror of MR fawning over her own daughter instead of her, her, her, the big star.


Oh, I completely forgot that it was Yeonah who chose Soon Shin from the very beginning. The squatting nobody on the sidewalk!

Too bad she hasn't realise yet that there's only one person to blame for everything... herself!


It's not just the current business, but the rich family. Remember she changed her tune when she found out that Jun Ho comes from the family that owns the derma clinic?


Would have been a lot better if they concentrated on quality instead of quantity.


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Dramafever must have read your recap JB. They posted EP 38 and skipped 37 (or didn't have subs done). If I see the Evil Stepsister any more Im going to get sick. What she did to JH mom was totally uncool. Can't figure out why Dr Plastic totally did a 360 about Teacher Song to begin with. Can't wait til ep 39 so I can talk about this episode. The lack of confessions reminds me of Monstar Idol and his lack of courage with the ladies.


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Yay! Finally some payback from sticking with this show for so long. If not for the adorkableness of Jo Jung Suk, I would have dropped this show weeks ago.


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I'm not sure I've ever sat through a show purely for one actor before. The main couple, yes. Because the side story/characters were cute and interesting, definitely. But for one actor? It's kind of impressive, really. I mean on his behalf. On mine it's sort of embarrassing.


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I feel exactly the same. (See #1.3) That guy is just completely magnetic. I'm bowled over.


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"That guy is just completely magnetic. I’m bowled over."

You said it!! I am so bowled over its amazing I am still walking upright!! His facial features are simply toooo MESMERISING!! Hahaha!!! ;)


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JJS is completely magnetic, totally agree with you. Even my mom loves him too :)


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@Nanaki ;)

I cannot agree with you more!! I smile and grin as goofily as JJS whenever he smiles and grins!! It is automatic!! He is just MADE FOR TV!! ;)


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I feel like I do this every week.

But dorky JJS with his adorkable face just screams come back!

It's like we all need to be here to encourage him along in his infinitely slow pace of wooing SS or else it'll never happen.


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I suspect that if it were not for the adorkableness of JJS, JBs might not have bothered w the weecaps at all!

Now I need to go back to K2Hs, just to see more of him.


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@KDaddict ;)

Hehehe!!! Going back to K2Hs to see more of JJS??!
You and me BOTH!! Hahaha!!

And I think you are so right about JB! ;)

She is obviously as enamoured of JJS as most of us here! ;)


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Oh my, and here I was thinking I'm the only one! Lol

Hooray for fangirls!!! Lol


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The more you look at him, the more you want to look at him.
He is my Crack actor.


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Yup! You said it!! ;)


Crack actor indeed! Lol


@thorned sakura ;)

Hooooray for fangirls of JJS!! lol ;)


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I love JJS but I CANNOT sit through K2H. Dropped it after episode 4.


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Thank you so much, Javabeans, for your weecaps! ;)

Your comments especially are what I look forward to every Monday. ;)


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I skipped 37. But thoroughly enjoyed the stranded on an island sequence.. Jun Ho's reaction to all the wink-nudge double meaning lines were hilarious! And of course, the 'bed scene'. UGH what YA did this time can possibly harm the future of the couple... Actually, I have given up on the storyline, just watching for the two couples.

I also liked Bread Man's scene.. since her father is making a comeback, I'm sure she'll see how much/less of a person he is compared to the lovely Bread Man.


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About ep 37: I don't remember what happened. Must be amnesia again.
We had to wait 38 episodes for the cute but it was worth it. I was almost vexed when they jumped awake, all bothered and shy. Those 2 seriously need to talk now. In case of need, the diverse meddlers can give them a hand to clarify the situation. :)


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the sleep snuggle scene. the most cutest ever.


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Can't we just have all the cute moments without a hurricane of angst? Ugh, this drama.


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Can't we just have all the cute moments without a hurricane of angst? Ugh, this drama.


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Ok I LOVED that in those 5min after 38 episodes that as soon as Lee Soon Shin acknowledged her feelings towards Jun ho she SPRANG into action, literally.
I half expected her to recoil or something, but NO, awesome surprise. As soon as she figured out it was a date with someone she has feelings for BOOM forward movement!!!
It almost made me forgive her complete denseness about his feelings which is obvious to everyone else [/including random ahjussi's but her] ...almost.

I wish we could move this drama to the farm/country life 'a la Ojakgyo Bro. No tv broadcasts, no information I could care less about, no directors, no reporters... And there the halmoni's, ahjumma's, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters.. can all duke it out in their backyards all they want!!
And then our OTP can have their hijinks and cuteness away from unnecessary crap **collective SIGH**

And I wish we could live in a world like Bread Man's mind, so perfect. Hye Shin maybe getting there, but Woo Joon pulled a Linda Blair, I sensed evil.. [totally kidding btw!!]


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So is it pretty much a given to skip Saturday episodes, fast forward it all till Sunday eps


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I love how she sprang into action as well! I also love how she isn't a naive little girl - even though she fell prey to Yeon Ah's ploys yet again, by buying drinks for the staff, it dawned upon her immediately when she came back that it was one of Yeon Ah's manipulative tactics again, while the others couldn't quite see it. If In-Sung saw it, for instance, it would have been gratifying for him to confront Yeon Ah again, but this time in front of Jun ho, because I'm sure Jun ho would have saw through Yeon Ah immediately.


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And there the halmoni’s, ahjumma’s, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters.. can all duke it out in their backyards all they want!!

Cage match, ultimate fighting--or, in their case, ultimate screeching.


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I've been fstfwding through almost all the scenes that don't include Jun-ho and Soon Shin for a while now, and I don't feel I'm missing anything.What a waste of a fairly good start this drama has become.


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aaarggh so much angry at Yeon-ah. feed her to hungry lion please hahahaha.

i hope the parental issue (JH's dad and MR) don't stop Jun-ho and Soon-shin loveline. Please. Please. Please!


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I'm still hoping someone does a DNA test and it turns out YA is MR's daughter instead of SS, and her setup to wedge the OTP via the parents bites her in the butt.


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I was skipping through episode 37, wondering if I'd even get to watch any of it, and I got to the last ten or so minutes and thought 'this isn't going where I think it's going, the island thing is so 90s, they're not seriously going to do this, are they? Have they got a list of cliches they're working their way down?' And then I realised they really WERE going to stick our OTP on an island, 'alone', together, and I was grumpy. For about a second. Then I started giggling like a schoolgirl out of pure, unedifying anticipation. Okay, Show, I admit you got me. I hate myself for it. I hope you're happy.


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The island thing was also done in another recent drama, and this sounds exactly like a remake of that one. Don't recall the name, but it even had the same series of events at the minbak house, almost the exact same dialogue.


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Omo omo omo--A bed scene!!! *fans self*

Okay, its not quite a bed scene but I found myself squealing on this scene more than I ever did on any bed/kissing scene I've seen in a while!lol What I love most about it is that despite this plot device being used and abused (like a gazillion times), the execution was really refreshing. I loved how somewhere in the middle of the night they woke up and found themselves cuddled together, but CHOSE to stay in that position. When both of them did wake up, their reaction wasn't because of shock, but rather a reflection of what they think the other person's reaction will be. What made it funnier was that both of them had a hand on how they ended up in each other's arms, but neither was aware of what the other did, so they both felt guilty of taking advantage of the other on their own!lol

This was the first time both of them intentionally did something to make a moment between them last longer--which is both cute and a bit sad. It's sad because when you can only show how much you feel for someone when they aren't aware of it, it proves how afraid one is of being rejected, and isn't that how love usually is. Love makes us vulnerable, especially to the subject of our affection.

I'll save the rest of the raving for when the subs are up (Right now, I can only find chinese subs and my chinese is horrible!huhuhu). I just felt like I needed to vent this inner squeals coz my colleagues have been asking me why I have such a silly grin plastered on my face since this morning!lol

Oh, and one last thing...Yeon Ah, you bitch!!!! I swear if the show won't make you suffer in the end, I will!waaaaa


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I love your last line about Yeon Ah! I feel totally feel the same! After giving us the sweet, squeal-worthy "bed scene" that insecure female dog just had to ruin everything... I swear if only in the drama Soon Shin could record every words and actions of Yeon Ah being a bitch to her, their suffering would decrease somehow and deal with other stuff...

anyway, thanks javabean for giving us the gist! I was watching the drama but got really pissy because of Yeon Ah!


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Ooh, I am soooo looking forward to her retribution! Lol


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sorry but family dramas never makes the bad one suffers.

they will suffer for one episode and then BAM! Everyone will forgive them because they are sorry...


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Yah, must be a family k-drama thing - even murderers, major fraud to the tune of millions, and almost any other major crime seems to end up with the "reformed" evil whatever doing like 3 weeks in jail. Obviously not too realistic, but probably no more so than some of the silly stuff in other countries dramas.


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Oh, I don't think this is limited to family dramas. Most of the time, you get people who try to break up your marriage, then just 1 year later you find them having dinner together *ahem*full house*ahem*, or they just commit suicide and you don't have a choice but forgive them coz then you'd be the bad guy, and he happens to be your father *ahem*may queen*ahem*

I could go on and on, but main point is that its the entire kdramaland (not just a district of it) that's littered with those hooligans you mentioned! Lol


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You're right - in fact in (my most hated show ever) "Feast of the Gods" the bad girl makes at least 3 attempts on the good girl that could be considered attempted murder, yet in the end they end up almost as buddies, and the bad girl actually wins.

After seeing hundreds of k-dramas, I have come to the conclusion that it is in it's own world, one that has little or no relation to the real one. Even most of my favorites, like IHYV, have the horribly portrayed forensics/court stuff.


Oh, luckily I skipped on FOTG! Lol I hate stupid villains that win in the end (coz let's face it! If she attempted to kill someone 3x and failed, she's no genius! Lol)

And you're right about the alternate reality thing, most dramas tend to work in a controlled environment, which is limited to the writer's knowledge of the alternate universe they created. That's why it's always advisable to have a group of writers working on one project, that way they will have different perspectives to consider.


I started FOTGs for LSW, but gave up within a few eps, cos the one mother's behavior in ep 1 just had me completely aghast. Couldn't take anything seriously from there on out. And that daughter she raised! Who's no genius!

I've a feeling GoM might be panning out the same way, with a very indecisive heroine, stringing along a nice guy. Urg!


Yeah, I kinda surmised as much, but I'll settle with her being completely out of their lives. I'm just dreading the thought of her being all close with them and playing the "elder sister" role later on but being a family drama, we'll probably get that kind of ending...

...in which case, I believe my db family will be more than happy to help me exact my evil plans againts her! Mwahaha *insert evil laugh*


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You are so right.

Although I'm fairly certain that our OTP will get their happy ever after, Yeonah will just get away with it all. My worry is that they'll pair her up with the restaurant guy who has been sympathetic towards her more than any sane person would. Though why you'd want to be a in relationship with a woman who talks badly behind people's backs and plots out evil schemes is beyond me. Well, maybe that relationshp won't happen, but I could totally see it...


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no No NO No - I think my Young Hoon oppa - resto mgr - is WAAAAAY to smart on YA!

Better NOT pair up nasty YA with my 2nd FAV in this show after JSS!


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I think YH has too much sense for that....


I am thinking that YA must be good in the sack for all that nastiness in order to equalize for all that.


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@thorned sakura ;)

Thank you for your always detailed and entertaining comment! I always look forward to reading your comments! Thanks for saying so much of what is on everybody's minds! I cannot agree with you more! ;)


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no prob, i'd do anything I can to appease my fellow fangirl's heart!;)


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@thorned sakura ;)

Thank God for kind kindred spirits such as yourself to appease my fangirl heart-on-a-roller-coaster-ride-of-its-life over the UTTERLY MAGNETIC, MESMERISING, ENCHANTING Jo Jung Suk!! Hehehe ;)


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Yeah, he IS all that, isn't he? Ooh, I sure hope he'll have another drama in the waiting after ytblss, but I think his sched might not allow it, especially since he's already signed up for another movie...sad sad fangirl


Just think there's 12 more episodes... okay, so more like four if we cut out the craptacular bits and focus on the cute. I'm too far gone to quit now so I'll be riding the rollercoaster to the end (finger on fast forward)!


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OH. MY. GOD. Seriously, we have to deal with this whole "everyone thinks we're dating, so you have to pretend to date me, so my image isn't ruined" shtick? I am so pissed. Why, Show? WHY? I was fine with all the other crap this show is throwing out, but THIS? I can't even... I'm so mad, I don't know what to say.

So I'll say nothing. Just that Yeon-ah is the most despicable character I've ever encountered in ANY show I've ever watched, American or foreign. I feel nothing for her but disgust and hatred. I am being so serious right now, too. I see nothing redeeming in her at all.

Anyway, I'm just gonna ignore the majority of these characters now. I'm starting to not care for anyone, even Bread Man leaves something to be desired.

All I care about is Soon-shin and Jun-ho. They're so darn cute together, it's just adorable. I really hope they have a happy ending, and Yeon-ah gets off her frigging high horse and learns so frigging compassion. Or she gets a heart to feel up that hollow empty place inside of her.

Thanks for the weecap, Javabeans!


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Honestly, I have seen worse than Yeonah.

The ex-girlfriend in A Thousand Kisses, supported by a whole lot of other women, was awful – forced the guy back into a relationship through all kinds of manipulations (I can't remember the details and don't want to). Worst was that she didn't suffer ANY consequences from her scheming (which included deceit on a personal level, but also extremely unprofessional behaviour at her work to the point where she was willing to ruin a company over her jealousy) AND that the OTP never ended up together. Honestly, in that drama it felt like that all the villains got rewarded in the end, while the OTP was put through hell and punished by not even getting together in the end.

Or Puff Guo's character in Miss Rose, who faked a car accident and pretended to be blind, so that the guy would marry her despite the fact that she didn't actually like him but only wanted him because he was "her" toy that no one else could have.


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And you sat thru those dramas because? If u don't mind my asking out of curiosity. Is there a JJS kind of fella in them? ;)


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I didn't sit through them.

I watched about 20-25 episodes of A Thousand Kisses because I didn't know any better (I had never watched a weekend drama before than and was optimistic) and then I watched the final 5 episodes, still in the hope to get closure (no closure, since karma never gets to all the schemers, and the OTP doesn't end up together).

Miss Rose... well, that was a lot shorter and the first 10 episodes were actually okay. Then the lead's brain cells all died, the guy lost his backbone and the villain became an obnoxious schemer. I'm pretty sure I skipped a few episodes there as well...

Sadly, no JJS fellow in either of the two dramas. Some people stuck with Miss Rose for Roy Qiu though. I originally probably watched for Megan Lai, because her character was refreshing..... until her braincells suddenly died.


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Thx for the answer. You are funny!
Those sound like miserable shows alright.


I thought the whole main plot in Miss Rose was just.. stoopid! I vaguely recall watching 1000 Kisses, but it obviously left little impression.

But to the point... why do the writers of these dramas keep coming up with these totally lame plot devices, over and over? Sometimes it seems like the only time they do something original is when they read a new Japanese Manga :( It is possible to come up with some good shows without all the angst and stoopid stuff (like IHYV and others), but the mainstays, like mean vengeful jealous witches seem to be the most common. (stoopid = 3 degrees worse than stupid).


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The mother in YAB was terrible. I think you'd have to count her. I think she beats Mi Ryeong by a lot. And since Mi Ryeong is worse than Yeon-Ah, in my opinion, that's a large margin.

I can't forget that mother.

Spoiler for YAB (old drama):
She calls TK on his birthday, so he gets his hopes up... and then it turns out it's for a meeting to boost her career for an interview. She didn't even care about his birthday and pretty much said, "So what?" It hurts him so bad he ends up crying by himself. Fans spit rage against that mother. YA is minor league against that.


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I dunno... the mother in YAB was terrible, but I don't think she was crazy...


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I think she qualifies for Narccisstic Personality Disorder far more than Mi Ryeong does. She used TK as a limb far more than Mi Ryeong and did the typical trait of popping in unannounced, wanting everything to revolve around her and pretty much using him. Mi Ryeong doesn't ditch LSS at convenience as much, which unfortunately means more screen time.

Also, people claimed she was far more triggering for her little screen time than I've seen anyone claim with MR.

YA isn't pathological as far as I can tell. She just has a jealousy streak.


She was terrible, but she didn't get anywhere near as much screen time as Miryung or even Yeonah, which is why they are more terrible for me.

I'd almost forgotten her in fact...


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Waaaahhh!!! I don't get to watch all the lovey scenes since just about every site I used to watch this crazy show was shut down! At first I was all 'eh the drama wasn't that interesting anyway, so you know no harm done here, just read the wee-caps'. Then the drama had to go and get the cute back and now I'm all like 'AHHHH!!! Why?! I wanna see some action, some cutesty scenes, some JH and SS being all couplely and cute and awkward like a baby turtle! I stuck it out for this long, I deserve this much!!!'
Ah, but so is life, cie le vie. hehe. I am really happy to read about them being all cute and cuddly. I wish the drama focused more on just those two and less on that wicked witch of the East a.k.a. SS's real mom and her long-lost-never-was-hateful-little-brat Yeon-ah! Girl needs to let go and let flow! But of course, it's a family drama, hence the need for drama of the familia kind. Anywho, I would apologize for my rant but it's within the guidelines and relieves my pent up feeling for 'Your the Best Lee Soon Shin!' :)


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You should try this site : dramaholics.com ;)


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There is not all that much cute, really - maybe 12-15 min out of both episodes combined. I have no objection to drama, but so much of the "drama" in this is just totally contrived for no good reason. In short, you are not missing that much.


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How long will it take In-Sung to report Yeon-Ah behavior back to Jun-Ho. Yeon-Ah is not only making Soon-Shin look bad on set but she's making In-Sung seem incompetent.


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But...But, In-Sung is incompetent.


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I've come to the conclusion that no one in this drama actually works. What they call work is just an excuse to mess with each other or to spend time away from the people messing with them. It clearly has no impact on their own personal integrity or reputation, and I have no idea how any of them manage to pay their rent. That includes you, Jun-ho. I love you, but do your freaking job.


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He's the ceo...I think he's done more than what his job scope requires of him with regards to lss! Lol


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This is how the kdrama world works! 'Work' is just an excuse for 'dramatic meddling'.
At least, I hope it's limited to the kdrama world.


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So true!

I always notice it in the school dramas, where kids sit in classrooms but teachers seem to check in for only 1 second a day. That is if they appear at all.


In Queen of Classroom, the main lead teacher works very hard to torture the kids, w much WTF-ery.


It must be nice to be working in kdramaland, coz most of the time you see them travelling and going around a lot while on work, regardless if they're the ceo or a normal office lady. In real life, we get stuck in chairs and our eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen all day long! Huhuhu


Uhm.. he really IS incompetent... :D


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JIS is a complete idiot! With the worst hair in dramaland!


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well, it's about time they put some romance between these two. I usually watched Kdramas with 16 to 24 episodes only, this is my first time to stick this long for one and I hope it's worth it.


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A sigh of relief for the viewers who are still watching this drama.....and lots of meh as well.....

I am happy just by reading the recaps.....no intention to pick this drama again....


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my couple is doing well so I'm happy hahaha YS and CW fighting!


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Even though I don't understand Korean, I've taken to running the raw version and listening with half an ear while doing other stuff, just to sieve out the JH or/and SS scenes. Then I fast forward to said scenes with the subbed version.

Ep 37 was a total meh so there isn't any need to download the subbed version (Yay!), and Ep 38, the 'bed' scene and the primping-to-meet-up scene — no translations needed! :D

Oh, and I admit I rewound the snuggling scene several times just to enjoy JJS's expressions. This guy is simply amazing.

JB, thanks for continuing with the weecaps for this show. I really appreciate them.


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Ahh the stranded overnight plot device, overdone but always a welcome in my book as long as it gets out couple close together.


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To those who have been watching consistently, is this a drama worth marathoning (with the FF button ;)), or is all the fun in experiencing it as a group in OT fashion?


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Marathoning seems the best choice: Not much to share honestly, unless you consider screaming in frustration at your screen like a social activity. Pre warm the FF button.


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There are better ones to spend your time on. Only reason I keep up with it at all now is because I wasted so much time on the first 26 episodes that I feel like I should at least catch a highlight here and there. I think half the fun in this drama is pointing out all the stupid and just plain wrong things as they happen in (more or less) real time.


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MR and the other ajummas would have made me vomit if I was getting them in large doses, as in a marathon, even w FF.

I'd be quite mad at myself for sticking w this if I was watching alone. 1. Misery loves company. 2. I feel less insane knowing that there r so many others who feel the same way. So my experience is that this is a communal project.


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Yes, the project of testing the boundaries of fiction-induced rage. Or finding out how far you will push those boundaries for a charismatic actor. Or both.


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Love this comment! Gold!


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For me, it would be better to have someone to share this story with, and different people can provide for different takes on it so if you do decide to marathon, try it with someone or a small group at least, then you can rave and rant together! Lol


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Haha, this was how I managed to watch 'Temptation of a Wife' back in the day. I HAD to watch it with someone else because I knew I would rage quit it in the first few episodes so I decided to undertake the task with the sister. We had so much fun just letting go of all our rage and cursing at the television all the while FFW when we needed it. So yes, watching it with someone else does relieve some of the anguish and pain that comes with a series like this.

I really didn't want to drop this drama thinking that it would be a refreshing break but all the mother-daughter angst that dominated was starting to get me upset, so I dropped it on episode 18. Kudos to all those you have watched it consistently, and a big thanks to JB for supplying us with these overviews of the drama :) At least I am able to enjoy the drama at arm's length now, which is a much healthier dose than before.


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That's probably why this is classified as a family drama, coz you need to watch it together with someone or else you'd go crazy! Lol


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At this point not even my love of Yoo Inna and Jo Jung-seok can make me stick it out or visit forums anymore...I'm hanging out in this recap only to see if there is anything I should fast forward and watch.


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Second to you.
I tried watched several episode before 38, but cringed at the 'passion' of K-drama's motherhood.

I think I'll pass and only watching after reading your open-thread recap here + maybe 3 last episodes. Or it won't be that entertain as it supposed to be (I only watch this for entertain purpose only, like certain dramas did, namely 'All About My Romance', 'Wild Romance', 'The Birth of the Rich', etc...).


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Thanks JB. I appreciate you going where we don't want to so we can maximize our viewing pleasure.


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Omgoossh. Been a while since I checked in. Junho be looking good. Hahaha. I would not mind sleepingin his arms. *Giggles.*


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So good things do come to those who wait. Yes, it's been a frustrating wait but worth it. The stranded together overnight scenario has been played numerous times from "Summer Scent"to "Sungunkwan Scandal" but it looks like this is the best. Really looking forward to watching it.

As for YA it is a case of "curses come home to roost" and her backfired plan is of course our gain.

Still 12 episodes more to go? (groan).

This is the first weekend drama we are watching and we are not used to the pace. I am watching for IU and my daughter is watching for JJS. She liked him in "Architecture 101". She says he steals the scenes in which he appears in 101 even though it was not a big part. Here of course we are blessed with more scenes. His expressions are priceless.

Hope (which springs eternal in the human breast) that we can see more cute scenes in the coming episodes and please do not just confine to the last few minutes of last episode.


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I don't think the PD or the writer watches their broadcasts. How can they produce one painful episode after another, sprinkled with traces of cute? Thank goodness for the recaps!


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I've come to the conclusion that the writer is Bipolar.


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Hehehe!!! Or, maybe...she is...just...MAD...cos she got a gigantic whack on her head...or fell hard on her head...or just plain born-like-that?

From the amount of absolutely selfish and evil scheming and machinations, feeling-happy-at-others'-unhappiness-as-a-result-of-one's-actions, narcissistic tendencies of the highest order, and all manner of the-elderly-behaving-badly-and-do-not-deserve-to-be-respected, utterly insane controlling tendencies and power struggles, never-ending one-upmanships, hyena-like-histrionics and out-of-this-world illogical NONSENSE this writer have come up with, I am surprised she ever got the script approved.

Makes me wonder HOW and WHY the script got approved in the first place...


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Believe me when I say this isn't the worst. At least in this show we still get villains who THINK and their devices are pretty much realistic . im saying this coz its more realistic ( though rather immature) to try to destroy someone though backbiting or manipulation, rather than have villains whose immediate response to just about everything is hiring people to kill or arson *ehem*may queen again*ehem* or have villains who are so remarkably stupid, it's a miracle they got through 20 episodes without getting caught *ehem*rooftop prince*ehem*


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Oh, the amt of stupidity that we endure for our addiction!


Hahaha! Guilty as charged! Lol

Especially if you consider the following :

May queen = kim jae won
Rooftop prince = park yuchun

I Lolled at myself!


I'm afraid there is another one shaping up in the same vein:

Goddess of Marriage = Lee Sang Woo

NONE of the side chars r likable!


When you watch Rooftop Prince live you just bear with the ridiculousness of the villains. I happened to watch the re-run a few weeks ago on TV and I couldn't stop rolling my eyes and wondered why it was so popular in the first place and how I lived through watching it. *bangs head on wall*


IKR! They were so stupid, I don't know if the writers intentionally did it to be funny! Lol

After that show, I felt like villains should at least have an above average IQ for them to be effective, but then again studies show that most psycho serial killers have a below average IQ , so maybe that's how the world really works! Lol


I'm draggin myself to finish this bcoz everytime I wanna divorce wif this show then it vomit out those cute scenes ... sigh i jus hope that this can be over soon


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I'll admit, after weeks of not caring about 2nd sister's drama, it was nice to catch a glimpse of her and CW being happy and cute. Even if it's crrrrreeeeeeepy to watch a mom literally jump in between her very much engaged grown up son and his fiancé and BOUNCE on that bed several times.
I just kept wondering 'WTF are you testing it for?!'
Plus ugh just slip her a sedative, leave her in the car with the windows cracked open a bit.

I'm over WJ's brattyness. I gave her leeway before because she was going through a lot but literally she does NOTHING different. She's like one of the most static characters.

But Yay for JH and SS making progress! Even if it was curtailed by YA's presence.

I'll say this though- I watched this raw and just when she tells SS and IS to go get ice cream all I could think was WHY are you listening to her?? And why does SS need to go with when the idiot manager can handle bringing a few bags of ice cream by himself. I mean really! Don't make it easy on her to sabotage you!!


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Your last paragraph:
Bcos LSS is a smart girl, a good judge of char, and she knows from experience that YA has her well-being in mind?


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Last para: I think that is one of the most frustrating things about this drama. LSS started out not really bright & very indecisive, and just seems to get stupider in each episode, yet she is supposed to be the heroine? She is a professional doormat, unable to stand up for herself even when it is totally obvious she is being screwed, does not have the guts to confront those evil witches, etc.

I just don't understand the thought processes of whoever wrote this mess. At least in ISYG the heroine has evolved and is now standing up for herself, but in this disaster she just seems to get dumber each episode. Cutesy is fine, but it won't make up for all the flaws in this series.


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The thing is this is what the production was aiming for. I remember in their presscon the pd mentioned something about the drama showing that you don't have to be smart or pretty or talented to shine, and that everybody can be the best in their own right. They wanted to make a point in korea's competitive society that it's ok not to be the best all the time....or something like that.


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Well, we can't say we haven't been warned! In the first several eps, everyone in LSS's family was putting her down, saying how much of a loser she has always been. Now we know they weren't exaggerating!

Why is she the heroine? Bcos the writer is sb just like that, and she figures spineless nincompoops need a lead char to identify with once in a while?


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What is ISYG?


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I summon you, gold!


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Yea instead of forward progress it's like she never changes. There's no reaction in her to YA's meddling. To the point where I'm sometimes think YA deserves to get the upper hand if her opponent's going to be so easy about it.And that's saying something considering I want YA off my screen.

Professional doormat is right. I get she's the junior so she can't really speak up much. But dang, all you have to do is STAY ON YOUR GUARD.

Honestly when she walked away to be by herself I just wanted to sit her down and tell her to wake up! Because really??

If it wasn't a manufactured ploy to get her stranded on an island with JH I'd have been way more annoyed haha.


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Funny, both SMR and YA can be said to be two peas in a pod, and yet they are so totally different. For one, SMR is confident--too confident. In fact, it's her overconfidence and her very high regard for herself that makes her delusional and made her do so many selfish acts, and because of this, I feel like her character is almost tragic, coz it seems like her character can only be justified as having some narcissistic sociopathic tendencies (look up this psych disorder--she totally fits the bill!lol). Ergo, she is a nutjob. You cannot get mad at a crazy person, you can only pity them, and sometimes envy them for that little safety haven they have created in their minds.

On the other hand, YA is completely normal! Well, okay, maybe not completely normal. It can be said that her insecurities can rival that of SMR's overconfidence. True enough, she is evidently overcompensating by being arrogant ( placing that bet with SJH is a sure sign of arrogance) and being a bully. But no matter how insecured she is, this can still be considered a pyschological issue and not a psychiatric one and I swear, if she just spends some of those hard-earned money to some well-fitted sessions with a psychologist, she will be able to deal with her insecurities better, rather than take it out on her 24-year old hoobae who happens to be the current love interest of her ex-boyfriend, who by the way she dumped because, once again, of her arrogance. Alas though, Asia in general is still very shy when it comes to seeking psychological help so there's really noone she can talk to, especially since she is practically a fake ( I've never actually seen her be sincere towards anyone--not even with SMR or SJH!).

All this being said, SMR is still redeemable in my eyes as compared to YA. I say this because I've always believed that you cannot argue with a crazy person and she is borderline crazy!lol I'm just hoping that LSS has enough positive effect on her to pull her into normalcy, and not have it the other way around. As for YA though, she is an insecured humbug who tries to get in the way of MY JSS's happiness with her manipulative ways. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her!!! ***end of tantrum***

Oh well, these are just some musings on my part while I'm waiting for the subs (and because I am bored and soooo frustrated at YA right now!lol). In the off-chance that there are some YA supporters out there, sorry--NOT!lol


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I agree that with MR the issue is psychiatric, but with YA it's psychological. Although I can see why you'd say you can't argue with a crazy person, I still find MR beyond redeemable – she needs to be out of SS life. Precisely because her issue is something much, much deeper it's just not possible for SS to "pull her into normalcy".

"who happens to be the current love interest of her ex-boyfriend, who by the way she dumped"

--- that!!!! It never stops annoying the hell out of me, these ex-girl/boyfriends who are the ones that BREAK UP / CHEAT / VANISH OFF THE EARTH and then come back after a gazillion years, thinking they have any right to the person they left behind. This kind of character is the one I hate the most in K/J/TW dramas.


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Maybe that's how SMR is gonna redeem herself, by staying out of LSS' s life. Maybe she will later understand that being a mother isn't imposing what you want for your kid, but respecting their own wishes as well, and just maybe, she will have a hand in clearing her and SJH's dad's scandal when she realize later on how it affects her daughter's happiness? I don't know but I'm sure she'll have her redemption, being the mother and all. I'm just hoping it won't be a cheesy redemption, though the options I've mentioned are quite cheesy if you ask me! Lol

As for YA, she's not really a part of any of this, she's nobody's relative and nobody's inlaw. So I'm hoping she'll fade away...away from the limelight and away from our main otp! She can have her own loveline out in the country for all i care so long as she stays clear of SJH and his family!I hated her for breaking our SJH! I hated her more when she tried to destroy LSS. But when she even went out of her way to destroy the family of the one she supposedly loves, just to get what she wants, that's where she crossed the line to the unredeemables! (Oh wait, that's what SMR did too!lol)

Truth is, one of the things I'm anticipating is how all this will boomerang back to her as I'm sure it will, considering how careless she does all her manipulations.


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MR has some of the markers for NPD.

Grandiose Sense of self:
Of course LSS will like her birthday party. Oh, you chose to read the script the same way as I did, then you are correct.

Also tends to exaggerate...
"Best actress in the business, how could they not believe that?" (near the beginning)

Believes that he or she is special or unique... you know that I had to claw through years of people rejecting me, but I had something unique about me and a director finally recognized my talents. (Do you remember this line--it's a rough paraphrase she said to LSS)

Is exploitive towards others. Ummm.... yeah... I don't think we can dispute this one. Too many to count.

Lacks Empathy... uhhh... "I should be the only mother." Birthday party again... etc.

Is often envious of others... (I think she covers for it, but you can see her being envious of Lee Soon Sin's family)

And she is at least 19.

Other things people with Narcissistic Personality disorder do: See their children as kind of a limb to themselves. So of course Lee Soon Sin wants to do acting for her. If Lee Soon Shin disobeys, then it's like her own body has disobeyed. (There is a choice line from this episode right after the Island scene that demonstrates that beautifully)

psychcentral.com/quizzes/narcissistic.htm Take the quiz as MR, and see for yourself. I think she has a high percentage rate...

NPD you can mitigate, but not destroy. And BTW, MR having no friends except for that fakey daughter only confirms the diagnosis more.


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Hahaha...I love what you did there!

And you're right, NS is very hard, if not impossible to cure. For one thing, they don't think there's anything wrong with them and with what they do (SMR, anyone?). Secondly, even if they do go to therapy, they can just lie their way through the treatment coz they're pathological liars (another sociopathic trait)!

Other symptoms that can prove her to have some sociopathic tendencies are:

-superficial charm
-lack of remorse or guilt
-being impulsive
-limited emotional range

Also, grandma was very against her before, describing her to be a really bad girl. Although, grandma might be unreasonable at times, I don't think she'll have such low regard for SMR if she doesn't have any basis to it. So, I'm guessing that she either played around or was known to be a light juvenile, which are also symptoms of being a sociopath. Plus, her choice of being an actress allows her not to become placated in the same routine, which is also another trait.

So yeah, she's whacko...but she does provide to be a very good subject for a thesis! Lol


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NPD is Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While they lack empathy (Some of them), it doesn't mean there is no conscience (Just means that conscience is turned inward, not outward). It differs from antisocial since they don't quite enjoy watching the pain of others. They just lack the ability to feel anything about others. So, for example, they saw the news of the Boston bombing and think something such as, "I don't live in Boston, I never have been to Boston, so I'm not sure why anyone is worked up about it. I wonder if everyone else worked about it means I should be." (Whereas the antisocial person would be into figuring out how many people suffered and from what and why, bigger the number, the better.) Also a large cluster of I's from the person with NPD.

I don't think she qualifies for a sociopath... A sociopath is more like in Min Gook in I Can Hear Your voice. You could argue towards Psychopath, but Psychopaths aren't made, they are born. And Min Gook tends to react more than plan. Antisocial group in general enjoy inflicting pain on others and justify that in odd ways. Someone falls and breaks their arm, they will smile and enjoy that moment. If they manage to do it and not get caught, that's double points in their mind.


I noted when she said to the guys she was meeting in the hotel on the island "When I retire, I'll move and live here with my daughter" (not exact quote, but something along those lines).

And my first thought was, so, again, Soon Shin doesn't get any input? You RETIRE, and poor Soon Shin gets to RETIRE with you to the countryside too? (How old will she be then? 27? 32? In any case, in middle of her career and life, but Mommy will insist that she retire with her to the island.)

Of course, MR was just buttering up to the local business men with her fake politeness and praise, but it just seemed like such a revealing comment of her to make, yet again confirming all her narcissist tendencies.


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Exactly. Though I still think TK's mom in YAB was far worse...

But pretty much the mothers in this seem to have issues with NPD... 'cause when the daughter is "good" they are besties. When the daughter doesn't conform to expectations then they are in the "out" group. Also the inability to understand that everyone has their own wills outside of their parents. You can see both across the board.

They will treat people above them well, while people below them like crap.

(I'd nominate SS's adoptive family for mostly BPD issues though. Golden child, then suddenly without much reason evil child is a mark of borderline, high functioning though (So without the drugs or suicide attempts, which does exist.). Borderline Personality disorder.)

Makes me think that the writer handling the mothers is a non in Cluster B and using this to cope.


Omgaaah that bitch I hate her ! Ewwwwwweeeee
Love the sweeeet , how stupid if me and I thought it would all go to rest with a confession ! Wanna bet theyvare gonna pretend dating for soon shins favor , I totally see your beautiful !!!


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i quote this from the weecap above, "[Bread Man] tells her gently that he knows he’s not good enough for her mother and doesn’t have designs on her, and asks for Woo-joo not to hate him anymore."

Hmm, I watch this in Chinese subs (because it comes out earlier - about an hour after the raw episode is released). However the subs tell me this peculiar thing which I've re-watched just to make sure: at first Bread Man tells Woo-joo that he doesn't have designs on her mother, but then he goes on to say something along the lines of, "You should know that your mum and I like each other, and are in the early stages of dating, so we (as in Bread Man himself and Woo joo) should also get along better."

Then in plain English, "I like you."

...so did he or did he not mention the dating part? I would suppose not, although I've checked the subs again just to make sure :D


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I actually thought the cutest scene was right before the bed scene, where they were watching the stars and Soon Shin scared Jun Ho a second time. JJS must have put some extra oomph in his irked response, because there's no way IU's subsequent giggling was acted, and she has the most adorable laugh.


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Yes - I noticed/heard IU's ajumma laugh (according to her fans) during that scene. It must have been something ad-libbed that caused her to laugh so spontaneously!.


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Why is it ahjumma laugh? I actually find it quite a hearty laugh... LOL.


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According to her fans - ajumma laugh - precisely because it is not girly-feminine laugh.


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well for all you know she's just a damn gd actress :D


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Big yawn except the main ship.

Will be waiting for "Royal Family" instead.

I don't even give a damn anymore if anyone reports this.


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I've always suspected the Chicken Ahjussi was BioDad. He's just way too invested in this while deal and way too fidgety whenever someone stats asking questions. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before as I haven't been following the comments for this show (honestly, I haven't really been watching much at ask either. Just reading the recaps and OTs.


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yup he's way too fidgety and i suspect that too, while strongly hoping he's not, because im not looking forward to the scenes when his wife finds out. i dont think she would be able to get over it at all, looking at how she cant handle the thought of Yoo Shin being with Chan Woo for at least 5 episodes.


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Does anyone know if the reporter guy is the same actor who played the hot head villager guy in Gaksital?


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Yes! It's the same actor and I know it's illogical but I hate him in both roles. He manages to be so annoying in both.


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I have just been keeping up with the OT/Recaps in hopes that the cute would over take the bad. Looks like I will be watching episode 38! I love Their subconscious minds. *Skips off to watch the cute*


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Maybe I'm the only person who is enjoying this show for the annoying bits. It's not that I don't like the sweet parts, I do, it's just that I love a good drama that has me swearing, mocking, deriding and generally commenting out loud. This drama does that for me. My family always knows when I've got LSS on because of my outbursts. I'm watching several dramas right now and none of them get me going like this one. I Summon You Gold comes close ... no, I swear at that one just about the same.

I understand that many of you find parts of this show tedious, but you might be surprised at how satisfying it is to vent your days frustrations at a fictional character or two.


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True that! Lol


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After weeks of watching this horror show, I've learnt that I need this thread to keep me sane; it allows me to commiserate with like minded folks, i.e. those who suffer thru it for glimpses of JJS. Without kay, thorned sakura, Quince, alua, etc. I'd have banged a laugh hole in my wall!

The one in the head has been there for a long time, fr having watched too many KDs.


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You and my mother. I really don't see the point in getting through all this insufferable shit...


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But you seem to be here every week too.

Stella actually makes a good pt abt enjoying the annoying bits along w the cute. Maybe we enjoy ranting abt MR, YA, etc. as much as we like the cute couple.


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Oh no!!!! We're slowly turning into ahjummas!!! Lol

Btw, thanks kdaddict for the shout out! I <3 u!!!!


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Totally agreed that episode 37 was least memorable..What a waste! At last, some romance awakens! I don't know why the writers took forever to finally get some skinship between Jun Ho and Soon Shin.They looked so Cute and natural together, and JJS was at his best! Love his facial expressions..MORE JSS!!!! Forget the battling moms and ajummas! They're boring the crap out of this drama.

Am I the only person creeped out by the obnoxious Chicken Ajumma tagging along with her son and Yu Shin's wedding shopping trip?

There is something very psychologically wrong with Yeon Ah. How can you call Mi Ryung mom? Doesn't she have a real life mom? Since Mi Ryung has her calling her mom and Soon Shin is suppose to be her little sister, why is she SO insecure especially she is an established STAR.She dumped poor struggling musician Jun Ho in a flash, but has been buttering up his mom since she found out that he's from a rich family. She's doing all these hurtful things to Soon Shin, but irregardless if she succeeds in getting Jun Ho (Never in a Million years), Soon Shin is suppose to her sister at the end. Also, didn't like the way she ratted on Dr. Shin to his wife. Can't wait until her sneaky underhanded actions are revealed to everyone and she doesn't get away with it.

Poor Mr. Bread Man..It doesn't look good..will his bread still taste good since he's heartsick?


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That whole "mom" thing with Mi Ryung and Yeon Ah struck me as kind of weird from the very start. From what I recall, Mi Ryung just out of the blue decided that Yeon Ah should be her (fake) daughter, and then all of a sudden Yeon Ah is calling her "mom" all the time.


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Yeon-ah grew up without parents, and bonded with Mi-ryung in a project where they played (I think) mother and daughter. So Mi-ryung offering to treat her as a daughter didn't seem too weird to me.

Now, both ladies have really messed-up ideas of what a mother-daughter relationship entails, but I actually thought it was kind of sweet how they bonded.


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The sad part about this is that i think YA was actually sincere in her interest in SMR (though her approach and everything else about her is fake), but SMR, being a sociopath, probably said it on a whim, and just went along with it since it benefitted her in some way until she found her real daughter and suddenly she has no need for a fake one anymore...


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I still seems weird to me, because it seems like something that should have naturally grown out of that film project they had together...

But as far as we know that project was a while back and that question only suddenly came when Soon Shin appeared on the horizon (i.e. the drama started).

It feels like a somewhat forced plot device (something to drive Yeonah's conflict with Soon Shin), but is also reflective of the twisted understanding that certainly Miryung but also Yeonah have of family and human relationships.


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It seems to me that this just shows how clingy YA can be. It was obvious in the earlier episodes that it was YA who always initiates contact with her. So it could've been going on for some time now and knowing how SMR enjoys being fawned on, she started feeding YA's neediness with just the right amount of flattery for her to keep following SMR like a dog.

Truth is, I thought at first that YA's interest with SMR was only due to her signing up with SJH's company. Even her interest in getting SMR's contract was simply to irk SJH (I felt her reason for dumping him before was her arrogant notion of SJH not matching up to her standards). And though she may have developed some real connection with SMR later on, it was her insecurity towards LSS that escalated things for her, since she did mention about accepting SMR's daughter as her own sister BEFORE she found out it was LSS. I have a feeling that if SMR's daughter hadn't been LSS, she wouldn't have felt so threatened.

Of course, I could be wrong and her affection for SMR could be sincere from the get go. Either way, it will still lead us to this point of her being the bitchiest bitch ever! Grrr


Ugh this drama is so hard to watch these days because Yeon Ah makes me so angry! I just want someone to call her out and put her in her place. Sometimes the "bad" characters in dramas have little shreds of good so they're easy to deal with, but she is just completely unbearable.


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YA must be Korea's number one enemy right now.


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Sqquueeee. So much cute in the first fifteen minutes of episode 38 I can't stand it. I find these so funny:
-JH's changing expression when the ahjusshi asked them if they are dating and SS was saying 'no, no'. Haha.
-'SUITE ROOM' and all the winking and choking and snorting. LOL DORK.
-IS and CM is going to get their own loveline for sure. Perfect gossipy couple.
-JH telling SS her face looks like a bread and she answers she likes to eat bread. Aw.
-JH telling SS to close her mouth because the mosquitos will fly in. OMG so mean hahaha.
-SS scaring JH and that laughter... HAHAHAHA.
-Bed scene. Aigoo it's just so sweet.

IS is such a blabber mouth and he doesn't realise what YA is doing to SS after the first time? So irritating. I bet we are going to get a whole lot of angst next week. :(


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The worst is we all know that every one will have a happy ending and SS & YA will became friend at some point :3

I really wish in K-drama ( family one's) the bad one , the evil , the one who manipulate get what he deserves .. but i know in this case nothing will happen , they all became one big happy family :3 :3

That aside , Freaking loved ep 38 cute cute !!

when SS scared JH for the second time and he was all ' waeee waeeee' god , i love this actor , how can he do those awesome facial expression?!

When they were sleeping and SS woke up and touched his face, i found that so * freaking cute* , it was like she was making sure that he's real ! ahhh dreamy moment !!

The thing i like about SS in this episode is that she didn't go in that overthinking stage , she likes him and that's it !

And i hate the fact when gossip and being a big mouth will help some time , the one who is supposed to gossip don't ! IS i give you my permession to gossip and bad mouth YA all you want!!


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Being a manipulative bitch will not get your man! Did she not learn anything from all the dramas she'd been in? It makes me laugh so hard. Or maybe she's just delusional thinking that she's the "lead" actress in real life as well.


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Can anybody tell why Yeon Ah is being this bitchy? Ugh! She's literally freaking me out. But then, I love how she makes SS and JS situation complicated. That's something ti look forward for the next episode. Atleast it's going to be less parent drama, right? More on; 'Yeon Ah, you're a bitch.' scenes. I think. xD
OMG. Weekends! Come fast! >_<


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YA is this bitchy because she's LSS's rival, so she has to be. Kdrama logic says so. I personally cannot stand that 'logic' and think it's complete BS, because it's totally misogynistic to always have women fighting it out over a man/one woman lying, cheating, and stealing to take out another woman to get a man. Yes, that does happen, but it's also just as likely one of the women will lose interest or get interested in another guy, or if it's clear the guy favors one of the women over another, the less-favored woman will take the hint (because we're not idiots like YA) and go home to scream into our pillow and call our BFF so they can tell us why the guy was totally not good enough for us. ;)


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It's official. I'll watch any drama that has JJS vehemently denying any romance in every other scene. I'm almost glad this is getting dragged out by Yeon Ah because this means more bumbling. Seriously, his discomfort is so consistently satisfying to watch.


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I watch the raw version with a keen ear since I can understand some korean from other dramas. Not much, but enough to get the gist and improve my korean.

I usually watch the raw first then the subbed version when it comes out. For the first time in this drama, I couldn't sit through 10 minutes of ep 37 ('cause we all know that episode was completely useless besides causing angst) and only watched the cute parts in ep 38.

I'm seriously mad about the "cliffhanger" because it's really cliche and I'm afraid of what's going to happen. I really don't want LSS to misunderstand ( it seems like that's going to happen) and completely ignore JH because that's what's "good" for him.Oh damn you noble idiocy.

Nonetheless, I will have to wait another week while reading these comments to entertain me and some other unknown reason.


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If LSS misunderstands this one, I wouldn't blame her. I just hope she gives JH a chance to explain, and if she doesn't, I hope he's able to cut off her protests with a great big kiss. I think that would clear things up, don't you? ;D


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Oh yes! I so approve of this^! Lol


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If there's going to be a kiss, it better be a real kiss, not the lips touching without any movement and the girl staring wide-eyed and looking like a zombie.

I almost hate that more than no kiss at all, though JH interrupting with a kiss would be awesome.

Still scared of the cliche though ( SS doesn't give JH a chance to explain and angst ensues)


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Unfortunately, although I would also like to get a real kiss, the most we'll probably get is a lip smack so I'll take whatever it is I can get. Plus, I think JJS is a good enough actor to pull this off naturally (as compared to others who totally freezes!) so I'll trust him on the delivery.

Still, i can't help but hope to get more...and more...and more! Lol


so much cute when JunHo and SoonShin were left stranded in the island! can't they stay there for another week? playing the song "I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith while watching their sleeping scene in the minbak would add to the romance effect. just a thought.


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I was okay with all the stuff in episode 37 cuz I figured it was bound to happen and needed to happen in order to have developments for all the other mini plotlines and family makjang stuff... LOOOOOOOOVED episode 38 (a large portion of it, not all. I admit), but then they just HAD to give it that kind of ending, and the. My heart just dropped and I can feel the incoming heartbreak Soon Shin is gonna go through from 100000000 miles away T.T And then, there's gonna be all the misunderstanding/frustrating stuff that Jun Ho is gonna need to face in order to get back to Soon Shin..... All of that BEFORE he even makes his official " love confession" to Soon Shin T.T Someone hand me a box of tissues for clean up time for the pile of goo I'll become in the upcoming episodes, please!!!


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I can't even deal with YA anymore...she's just so...*sigh* I don't even have the words for her right now. I can't believe that earlier on in this show I thought she might actually see the evil of her ways and change. What does she think this is going to accomplish?? And that woman who keeps snapping on SS is getting quite annoying. I was waiting for Soon Shin to stand up to YA, I practically rolled my eyes though when it all backfired. I need SOMEONE to call her out. Doesn't IS see that YA is intentionally trying to sabotage SS? On the bright side, JH and SS were extra cute. I loved it! Bring on the cute! But of course YA ruins everything, my face fell when I saw it was YA calling JH at the end, cause I saw what was coming.
Am I the only one who doesn't think an affair will actually happen? I don't know, I just can't see it.
And as much as I dislike Mi Ryung, Reporter Park is annoying and gets on my nerves. I never really liked him from the beginning. I didn't really think he'd come back into the story. Oh well
I feel bad for SS and the situation with her family. I mean, what's gonna happen when they find out the truth? I don't blame SS for not wanting to say anything, because Grandma basically said what she feared. If she wasn't CH's daughter, she wouldn't be involved with SS right now.


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