Beanie level: Errand boy

Castaway Diva Ep 5
I’m so confused?!? It should have made things more clear instead it did the opposite!! XD
I mean, some speculations were likely confirmed, while other stuff, not so much!!
The last 2 minutes had me reconsider everything to be honest!! Ahaha!


    Who am I?? I’ve been sure Bogeol was Kiho since the start, how can I be so unsure now?? It still could be a double twist situation, I really don’t know anymore lol!!
    Though Woohak being Kiho is a fairly weak argument imo, but you never know!!! 😅


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      Like, Bogeol being Kiho is so painfully obvious at this point, it makes me question everything somehow 🤣🤣🤣
      (Still #teambogeol)


      The family photo is a giveaway for me, clearly shows WH is not KH based on facial features of the boy.


        Yes!! Tbh in that moment I didn’t even think about that, but that’s so true!!


    Guess someone has to wave the Woo-hak flag.
    But still think she will go with Bo-geol even if he’s not Ki-ho. 🤔


Last night, after my umpteenth rewatch of Castaway Diva (yes!! I’m still stuck here!! Don’t judge XD) I fell asleep writing this essay lol!!! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, I’ve started to think that the reason for Bogeol’s behavior is to create a purposeful contrast with past Kiho (and not just for the viewers, but for Mokha too**)

Specifically, on one side there is Woohak, who is nice and sweet and has always been on the forefront in regards to helping Mokha.
Meanwhile on the other there is Bogeol, this grumpy, kinda condescending PD, uninterested on the surface..
..but then!! SURPRISE!! He’s actually the one showing up to save Mokha from psycho dad!

EXCEPT!! In my opinion, the “surprise” didn’t work that well because we’re already lead to believe that BG could be Kiho (because of some similarities and things he did for Mokha), and his behavior could be part of him hiding his identity, for example, so the shock value of a reveal is lessened.

Though I have to say, I have now watched it at least 3 times and the last scene of ep4 got me every single one of them 🥺
(I’m kinda scared to see what’s next, because I know he might lie or deflect and I’m dreading that tbh 😅)

**She would never believe Bogeol could be Kiho in the beginning imo.


    I’m on the same page as you! Plus current day Ki-ho – assuming it is BG – has characterisations that are an extension of Ki-ho before he met/befriended Mok-ha; he was a much more pragmatic, almost ‘calculative’ and aloof/uninterested individual. He only seemed to open up more once he met Mok-ha and also saw her struggles, so it makes sense that after everything, grown up Ki-ho has reverted back because he assumes that’s what’s best for everyone – but Mok-ha re-entering the scene means he can’t help but look out for her in his own ways.


      Yes!! I totally agree!
      (Hopefully the writer agrees too ahah)


    Sooo CD is like ‘Reply 2023: Guess Who’s Potato Boy’ edition?


Is that..a smile??? Come on, Kang Bogeol, give us more 🥺

It’s finally Saturday!! Which means Castaway Diva day!!! 😍


Also, speaking of ep1: another thing I noticed was the fact that Mokha and Kiho are the only 2 among students, that were wearing long sleeves shirts/pants, to hide their bruises 😢


I\’m rewatching episode 1 of Castaway Diva and it\’s impossible to not notice the parallels between Kiho (especially in the beginning) and Bogeol!! It\’s to the point that any other option that it\’s not BG being KH would be terrible writing, in my opinion…just saying 👀👀

I have a feeling this mystery won\’t be dragged for much longer…but then again, I don\’t wanna get my hopes up 😅


    To me, it’s been pretty clear that it’s Bo-Geol. kiho as a child was reserved, quiet and very serious. Plus he did promise to buy her new shoes.
    Woo-Hak does not have Kiho’s quiet reserved and serious personality.


      All very true! That’s what I noticed!

      p.s. I find it interesting that in ep2 Mokha tells Woohak that he reminds her of Kiho! Honestly I disagree, but after all I don’t know the guy personally!! ahaha!
      I think at that point it was just the writer trying to deceive us, though! xD


    Just the way he looks at Mokha–with that mixture of awe and admiration and vulnerability–gives it away.


      Really!! That’s another aspect I’m noticing more on second watch!!


    Thank you for this detective work, in spite of some of us going down the Rabbit Hole with speculation, I agree that BG being KH would be the easiest solution (on both our minds and hearts).


      Ahaha! Not that much of a detective really! I still think all the speculations are fun! It’s just that some things are just so obvious imo!! xD
      I was tempted to do like a scene by scene comparison, but with netflix not allowing screenshots (on the app) I just can’t be bothered lol

      Let’s see if in the end the writer decides to do some wild plot twist or something!!


    Completely agree with you!


2 weeks in, I can confidently say it: my slump has been healed by Castaway Diva 😍

It\’s been many months since I\’ve been this excited about an ongoing drama (or any drama really)!


My last fan wall post was about being excited for \”See You In My 19th Life\” after watching the first episode….well, that post aged like milk, I\’m afraid 🙈
I\’m just sad for the missed opportunities, what could have been ~

Also I\’ll probably never read a soon-to-be adapted webtoon ever again, or maybe just read it and then stay away from the drama xD


    That phrase about aged like milk made me smile. I think it’s a tough choice re the read the webtoon watch/don’t watch the drama adaption.

    I think different does not always mean better or worse but it does depend on how much you love the original. I hated the original Yumi’s cells outcome for one character and preferred the drama version even though it still didn’t end well, I felt it was more in character with both of them.


      Yumi’s cell is a good example of great adaptation imo!
      Sure, I read after watching, so I’m biased in that sense.
      But I feel like the essence of the comic was kept in the drama, so it worked out well!

      Sadly syim19l felt different in many ways, and for me, having this mindset, it was not as enjoyable to watch as I would have hoped 😔


Posting on my fan wall again after months!!! Last post was in January!! Last Korean drama was in March (The Glory part 2)!! 😱

Anyways, I’m back again in honor of See You In My 19th Life premiere! I’ve been waiting for a year for this moment! 😁

The best part is Netflix in my region uploading episodes basically in real time!!! It’s a first in my experience and I couldn’t be happier since it’s a drama I was highly anticipating!

As a webtoon reader (albeit one that has forgotten some stuff xD) I enjoyed the first episode and I’m looking forward to what’s coming next!! 😍


Mr Queen fam reunited, 2 years later!! It’s nice to see them together again 🥺❤️

(From “Kokdu: Season of Deity” press-con, earlier today)


DAY 31 – END

To wrap the year one last roundup post with every drama I\’ve watched in 2022.
The last few I\’ve literally finished in the past couple of days! xD
New Kdramas, old Kdramas and Cdramas too! Overall I had a great time!! ^^


Happy New Year everyone!! 🎊
See you again in 2023, hopefully with many more shows to watch and rave (..or rant? xD) about!! 🥰


    Adding a list because that collage is a bit much! ahah
    1. Into The Ring/Memorials
    2. Psychopath Diary
    3. I’m Not A Robot
    4. Snowdrop (2022)
    5. A Piece of Your Mind
    6. Reset (2022 C-drama)
    7. Prison Playbook
    8. Mad for Each Other
    9. Some Day or One Day (T-drama)
    10. TwentyFive TwentyOne (2022)
    11. The Oath Of Love (2022 C-drama)
    12. Semantic Error (2022)
    13. The Sound of Magic (2022)
    14. To My Star
    15. Blueming (2022)
    16. Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022)
    17. Yumi’s Cells
    18. Tomorrow (2022)
    19. Chief Kim
    20. Love All Play (2022) ❤️
    21. The Witch’s Diner
    22. When The Weather is Fine
    23. The School Nurse Files
    24. Yumi’s Cells S2 (2022)
    25. Insider (2022)
    26. Love Between Fairy & Devil (2022 C-drama) ❤️
    27. The Rational Life (C-drama)
    28. Poong Joseon Psychiatrist S1 (2022)
    29. Day of Becoming You (C-drama) <3
    30. Go Ahead (C-drama)
    31. Bad Prosecutor (2022)
    32. Weak Hero Class 1 (2022)
    33. Business Proposal (2022)
    34. Skate Into Love (C-drama)
    35. The Heart Of Genius (2022 C-drama)
    36. The Murder in Kairoutei (2022 C-drama)
    37. Curtain Call (2022)
    38. The Glory (2022)
    39. Bright Future (2022 C-drama)


    Cool! Here’s to even More kdrama love ❤️ in 2023!


DAY 21 – Most stylish drama

It was Tomorrow for me! I’m thinking of both the fancy offices of the Jumadeung (the underworld/afterlife) sets and the characters’ attire. Especially Kim Heesun as Koo Ryeon with her pink hair, I loved it!! Most of the time everyone in the cast looked really good too; not necessarily my style, but definitely stylish. xD


DAY 20 – Best used/subverted trope

The first 6 episodes or so of Love All Play! That sweet sweet time when the leads were getting to know each other and falling for each other was so lovely for me! There was also a hint of childhood friends trope which I found nice in this case.

Now, if only they also managed to subvert the trope of family opposing the relationship and subsequent break-up, it would have been the perfect drama (more or less xD)!!


DAY 19 – Guilty pleasure

Probably Snowdrop. Guilty pleasure because of the controversies surrounding it, but also because it wasted its potential to be a great story by getting lost in that never ending hostage situation and other questionable writing choices I don’t even remember in detail right now.
It was still a pleasure though, Jung Haein was great and so was the majority of the cast. The setting was interesting and I especially loved the soundtrack.


DAY 18 – Non K-drama recommendation

I\’ve talked about this plenty already, but let me reiterate, Love Between Fairy And Devil! Honestly it was my favorite drama of the year. I loved basically everything about it, story, actors, costumes, scenography, music! It\’s not perfect but it\’s still a great work! ^^

Other C-dramas I also really enjoyed:
Day Of Becoming You, fun and sweet rom-com with body swap shenanigans.
The Heart Of Genius, where they travel through time and space and learn about math and the meaning of life…or something like that! xD unexpectedly very enjoyable watch for me (finale could have been better but I have no regrets, tbh).


DAY 17 – Favorite directing

Usually I don\’t really pay attention to the directing when watching a drama, unless it’s so bad I start noticing it!
Having said that, I think Weak Hero Class 1 was my favorite directing from this year. It’s one of the most recent dramas I’ve watched, so it’s still pretty fresh in my memory. Maybe there were other good examples from before, but it’s been a while and honestly I can’t remember! xD


Oh oh!! Just realized I levelled up!! 🔥

I was kinda expecting it with all this posting recently! xD

Let’s see how long I’ll have to keep running from these wrong accusations now 🥲


    Congratulations🎉 like you said keep commenting on the posts and you should see it won’t take long. The frequency of posting really helps so if you only comment a couple of times a week it will take ages. It’s good for all of us when the comments sections are busy and there is a lot going on with the end of year reviews, the rnd of the show reviews and new ones coming out all the time.😊


      I’m very active now thanks to the 2022 roundup and end of year reviews, but whether I’ll be this active in 2023 depends on what the k/cdrama world has to offer!! xD
      Hopefully a lot of very good thing!! ^^






DAY 16 – My 2022 crush

Chae Jonghyeop 😍

Ahn Bohyun 🥰


DAY 15 – Nam Dareum Award
Younger version of main character that impressed me the most

It’s funny because this year I have watched two dramas actually starring Nam Dareum as the younger version of a character, The Sound of Music and A Piece Of Your MindA Piece Of Your Mind, but I still don’t really know him as an actor (nor why he has an award named after him tbh xD) so his performance didn’t really stand out for me in either show.

Aside from this, among the dramas I’ve watched this year, there weren’t many characters that had their younger version play a part, and definitely no one that was memorable, because I literally do not remember them! ahaha!

On the other hand I’m currently watching a Chinese drama called The Heart Of A Genius (aired in summer 2022, starring Zhang Xincheng and Zhang Zifeng) and there’s a big chunk of the first episodes where the younger versions of the main characters are the protagonists. I found these young actors very impressive! There is this one boy especially that is really really good and also very adorable in the way he acts! ^^


DAY 14 – Most unnecessary subplot

Whatever happened with Park Taejoon’s mother and sister on Love All Play.
Yes, some obstacles are to be expected, but that was just too much!

Also I never liked adult Na Heedo’s scenes; I understand what they were trying to do, but I think I would have preferred the drama without them.


DAY 13 – Favorite kiss

This tearful goodbye kiss from Love Between Fairy and Devil!! 😭
Not just a great kiss but a very good (and emotional) scene too!! ❤️
So many great kisses in this drama, tbh! There were two other nice ones in the last episode, I was thinking of just posting the compilation of them all! xD

..and also this one, from Love All Play!
They also had other lovely kiss scenes throughout the drama. I love them 🥺